Canadian Jewish Book Awards Deadline: February 14, annually
Eligibility: Canadian authors published in Canada within the previous two years. Writing must be on subjects of Jewish interest. Awards categories have included Fiction, Scholarship, Biography/Memoir, Youth Literature, Poetry, Holocaust, Jewish Thought and Culture, and Yiddish..
Value: Awards vary according to donations
Contact: Natalie Kertes
Koffler Gallery and Administrative Offices at Artscape Youngplace 180 Shaw St., Suite 104-105 Toronto, ON M6J 2W5 Phone: 647-925-0643 x227 E-Mail: nkertes@kofflerarts.org Website: http://www.kofflerarts.org
Description: The Helen and Stan Vine Canadian Jewish Book Awards have been presented annually since 1988, celebrating excellence in Canadian writing on Jewish themes and subjects. The Awards aim to bring awareness of the Jewish Canadian canon as well as to promote and support Canadian writers.
Further Details: TWO copies of each book should be submitted. Please include complete mailing addresses for both publishers and authors.
Subject Headings:
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