Saskatchewan Book Awards Deadline: July and September, annually
Eligibility: Open to any Saskatchewan author.
Value: Prizes vary. See Web site for details.
Contact: Jackie Lay
205B-2314 11th Ave. Regina, SK S4P 0K1 Phone: 306-569-1585 FAX: 306-569-4187 E-Mail: director@bookawards.sk.ca Website: http://www.bookawards.sk.ca
Description: Children's Literature Award: Best published book of children's or youth literature.
Fiction Award: Best published novel or work of short fiction.
Brenda MacDonald Riches First Book Award: Best first book published in the categories of children's, drama, fiction, non-fiction, and poetry.
Non-Fiction Award : Best published work of non-fiction.
Anne Szumigalski Poetry Award: Best published work of poetry.
First People's Award: Presented to the Saskatchewan publisher of the best printed book authored or edited by a person of Aboriginal descent, or a book of Aboriginal content published by an Aboriginal publisher and authored or edited by a Saskatchewan author.
Regina Book Award: In recognition of the literary community of Regina, presented to the Regina writer of the best book.
Saskatchewan Book of The Year Award: Given to the Saskatchewan author for the best published book.
Saskatoon Book Award: In recognition of the literary community of Saskatoon, presented to the Saskatoon writer of the best book.
Scholarly Writing Award: Presented to an author whose work is considered a great contribution to academic writing, drawing on specific theoretical work within a community of scholars. The work must participate in the transmission of knowledge so that it has potential readability by a wider audience than just those within academic circles.
Prix du Livre Français: Ce prix bisannuel est décerné à l'auteur de la Saskatchewan du meilleur livre en langue française, ou au traducteur d'une oeuvre d'un auteur de la Saskatchewan traduite en français.
Reader's Choice Award: This prize is chosen by those attending the Book Awards Gala each year.
Further Details: $20 Entry fee per title, per category. Four copies of each submission required.
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