VanCity Book Prize Deadline: Entries can be sent anytime between January and June.
Eligibility: Eligible titles (pertaining to women's issues, in any genre, by a British Columbia author) should be published during the preceding calendar year.
Value: A $3,000 award from VanCity to the winner, with an additional $1000 from the provincial Ministry of Women's Services to be donated to the B.C. charitable organization of the winner's choosing. The award is presented in early autumn at the Vancouver Public Library.
Contact: Alan Twigg
c/o B.C. Bookworld 3516 West 13th Ave. (rear) Vancouver, BC V6R 2S3 Phone: 604-736-4011 FAX: 604-736-4011 E-Mail: bookworld@telus.net Website: http://www.abcbookworld.com
Description: This prize is awarded for the best British Columbia book of fiction or non-fiction pertaining to women's issues. Publishers are invited to submit eligible titles. It was founded in 1992 as a joint project by B.C. BookWorld, VanCity and the Vancouver Public Library.
Further Details: There are no entries fees, no entry forms. Just send three copies of an eligible book to VanCity Prize c/o BC BookWorld.
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