Sources Experts & SpokespersonsNews ReleasesDynamic downtown Toronto venue to celebrate one year of arts and culture for peace and justice2011-01-25 Beit Zatoun Beit Zatoun ( House of Olive), an art gallery and culture space in downtown Toronto, is celebrating its first anniversary! Already, Beit Zatoun has made its mark on the landscape, having been adopted ... Sources Select ResourcesYoung Iraqis hope the Written Word can Reinvigorate a New GenerationArraf, Jane Article 2014 The Guardian An informal lending library uses literary heritage to remind young Baghdadis they don't need to emigrate to escape daily travails. Border CrossingsCovers the range of contemporary arts in North America, including architecture, dance, theatre, poetry, fiction, photography, painting and film. Cottage LifeLike many successful Canadian brands, Cottage Life was created from humble beginnings. As new cottage owners, Al Zikovitz and Wendela Roberts were in need of help with the many unique challenges of th... Government Ministries & AgenciesCanadian Broadcasting CorporationThe 1991 Broadcasting Act states that...
"...the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, as the national public broadcaster, should provide radio and television services incorporating a wide range of prog... Department of Canadian HeritageAmalgamation of certain programs from former Department of the Secretary of State, Parks Canada, Multiculturalism and Citizenship, Amateur Sport, and Communications Canada. Mandate is to ensure a stro... National Arts Centre CorporationNAC works with artists, both emerging and established, from across Canada and around the world. Canada's foremost showcase for the performing arts. National Film BoardCanada#s public film producer and distributor. National Gallery of CanadaMandated to develop, maintain, and make known, throughout Canada and internationally, a collection of works of art, both historic and contemporary, with special, but not exclusive, reference to Canada... Telefilm CanadaDedicated to the development and promotion of the Canadian audiovisual industry. Newfoundland & Labrador Ministry of Tourism, Culture and RecreationThis Department of the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador is responsible for the planning, analysis, research, development, and promotion activity related to all aspects of the province's tourism...
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