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Climate Change & Adaptation: Experts and Sources
Sources Directory - Subject Index

News Releases

Academics Urge Government Climate Action
Science for Peace
More than 500 university faculty members from universities across Canada signed a letter to the Canadian Government calling for immediate drastic reductions in greenhouse gas emissions. The letter poi...
Sources welcomes Chris Chopik, Professional Speaker, Writer, and Founder of
Chris Chopik, Professional Speaker, Writer, and Founder of www.EvolutionGre
Sources welcomes Chris Chopik, Professional Speaker, Writer, and Founder of
Take Action for Climate Justice: Mobilize November 30, 2009
A broad coalition of organizations working for social, ecological, racial and economic justice has come together under the banner of the Mobilization for Climate Justice. Join us as we organize mass a...

Sources Select Resources

Academics Urge Government Climate Action
Sources News Release
Science for Peace
More than 500 university faculty members from universities across Canada signed a letter to the Canadian Government calling for immediate drastic reductions in greenhouse gas emissions. The letter poi...
Climate change mitigation
Wikipedia Article
Wikipedia Article
Climate change mitigation consists of actions to limit the magnitude or rate of long-term climate change.Climate change mitigation generally involves reductions in human (anthropogenic) emissions of g...
Connexions Library: Economy, Poverty, Work Focus
Connexions Information Sharing Services
Selected articles, books, websites and other resources on the economy and economics.
Costa Rican Farmers Become Climate Change Acrobats
Ortiz, Deigo Arguedas
Inter Press Service
José Alberto Chacón traverses the winding path across his small farm on the slopes of the Irazú volcano, in Costa Rica, which meanders because he has designed it to prevent rain from washing away nutr...
Web portal with information about environmental issues and resources, with articles, documents, books, websites, and experts and spokespersons. The home page features a selection of recent and importa...
Fantasy technology won't stop climate change
Angus, Ian
Climate & Capitalism
Climate negotiators are promising 'negative emissions' using a risky and unproven technology called BECSS. It's the wrong way to go.
A Fossil Fuel Exit Program
Ekeland, Anders
Against the Current
A complete transition away from fossil fuels is necessary within a few decades. The question is how to construct an exit strategy that will accomplish this. James Hansen has provided a starting point ...
Helping drought-stricken farmers requires recognising global warming and planning
Garcia, Elena
Green Left
All of NSW has now officially been declared to be in drought, and 57% of Queensland has officially entered its sixth year of the current drought (though there has been little real change from when 88%...
The Leap Manifesto
A Call for a Canada Based on Caring for the Earth and One Another
We start from the premise that Canada is facing the deepest crisis in recent memory. so we need to Leap.
Negative carbon dioxide emission
Wikipedia Article
Wikipedia Article
A negative carbon dioxide emission or negative emission or a process that is carbon negative gives a permanent removal of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide from Earth's atmosphere. It is considered th...
Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - February 20, 2016
Connexions Enters Its Fifth Decade
Diemer, Ulli (ed.)
Serial Publication (Periodical)
This issue of Connexions Other Voices falls on the 40th anniversary of the publication of the very first Connexions newsletter, which was published in February 1976. That first issue carried the title...
Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - July 23, 2016
Workers and Climate Change
Diemer, Ulli (ed.)
Serial Publication (Periodical)
Working people -- and most of us are workers -- are affected by climate change in every aspect of our lives. As climate change worsens, our lives will worsen. If we are successful in bringing about th...
This Changes Everything
Lewis, Avi (director); Klein, Naomi (narrator)
Directed by Avi Lewis, and inspired by Naomi Klein’s book This Changes Everything, the film presents portraits of communities on the front lines, from Montana’s Powder River Basin to the Alberta Tar S...

Sources Bookshelf

The Heat Is On
The Climate Crisis, The Cover-up, The Prescription
Gelbspan, Ross
A book discussing the ever-worsening threat of global climate change.

Sources is an online portal and directory for journalists, writers, news editors, researchers. Use Sources to find experts, media contacts, spokespersons, scientists, lobbyists, officials, speakers, university professors, researchers, newsmakers, CEOs, executive directors, media relations contacts, spokespeople, talk show guests, PR representatives, Canadian sources, story ideas, research studies, databases, universities, colleges, associations, businesses, government, research institutions, lobby groups, non-government organizations (NGOs), in Canada and internationally.
© Sources 1977-2021. The information provided is copyright and may not be reproduced in any form or by any means (whether electronic, mechanical or photographic), or stored in an electronic retrieval system, without written permission of the publisher. The content may not be resold, republished, or redistributed. Indexing and search applications by Ulli Diemer and Chris DeFreitas.