Article 19 ARTICLE 19, a human rights pioneer, defends and promotes freedom of expression and freedom of information all over the world.
Censorship Kills. It starves and it represses. It denies people access...
Canadian Encyclopedia The full text of The Canadian Encyclopedia and its related resources has been made available online by the Historica Foundation as a public service since 1999. Since its publication in book form in...
Fame & Fortune Fame & Fortune, published by Sources, features awards, fellowships and scholarships available to Canadian journalists. For each award, information is provided about the eligibility...
Friends of Canadian Broadcasting Friends of Canadian Broadcasting is an independent media watchdog supported by 360,000 Canadians who share a commitment to expanding the quality and quantity of Canadian radio, television and online...
Media Names & Numbers Published by Sources, Media Names & Numbers is a comprehensive Canadian media directory including television and radio networks, stations, digital and specialty broadcasters, programs, cable...
Sources Sources specializes in collecting, indexing and disseminating information to help journalists, editors and researchers quickly reach articulate experts and spokespersons who can provide background...
World Intellectual Property Organization The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations. It is dedicated to developing a balanced and accessible international intellectual property (IP...
Related Terms: TV, Television.
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