Canadian Encyclopedia The full text of The Canadian Encyclopedia and its related resources has been made available online by the Historica Foundation as a public service since 1999. Since its publication in book form in...
Fair Vote Canada Representing over 55,000 Canadians, Fair Vote Canada is a grassroots, multi-partisan citizens' campaign for voting reform. We promote the introduction of an element of proportional representation...
International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance The International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA) is an intergovernmental organization that supports sustainable democracy worldwide. Its objective is to...
Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe With 56 States drawn from Europe, Central Asia and America, the OSCE is the world's largest regional security organization, bringing comprehensive and co-operative security to a region that stretches...
Organization of American States The Organization of American States (OAS) brings together the nations of the Western Hemisphere to strengthen cooperation on democratic values, defend common interests and debate the major issues...
Parliamentary Names & Numbers Parliamentary Names & Numbers is your guide to governments in Canada. It's an invaluable resource, available online, for anyone who needs information about Canada's politicians, senior...
Related Terms: Voters, Voting, Electoral.
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