Canadian Business Women Challenge Mayors acoss Canada to Proclaim March 18th, 2012 Equal Pay Day2012-02-21
The Canadian Federation of Business and Professional Women
Canadian Business Leaders use credible research to build the business case for why "Women Mean Business in the 21st Century. Community and Business Leaders are invited to show their support by Proclai...
International Women's Day Centenary sees largest ever activity2011-03-07
March 8 sees the highest level of global women's activity ever witnessed as groups celebrate the International Women's Day centenary.
Miss RepresentationNewsom, Jennifer and Acquaro, Kimberlee
Explores the under-representation of women in positions of power and influence in America, and challenges the media's limited portrayal of what it means to be a powerful woman.
Canadian Human Rights CommissionAdministers the Canadian Human Rights Act and is responsible for ensuring compliance with the Employment Equity Act. Both laws ensure that the principles of equal opportunity and non-discrimination ar...
Status of Women CanadaA federal government organization that promotes the full participation of women in the economic, social and democratic life of Canada.