Deutsches Historisches Museum The Deutsches Historisches Museum (DHM, German Historical Museum) was founded in 1987 by the chancellor of Germany, Helmut Kohl, and the mayor of Berlin, Eberhard Diepgen, on the occasion of the...
Marxists Internet Archive Large archive of the writings of Marx and Engels and of others in the Marxist tradition. Searchable.
National Archives of the United States As the nation's record keeper, it is our vision that all Americans will understand the vital role records play in a democracy, and their own personal stake in the National Archives. Our holdings and...
Sources Sources specializes in collecting, indexing and disseminating information to help journalists, editors and researchers quickly reach articulate experts and spokespersons who can provide background...
World Digital Library The World Digital Library (WDL) makes available on the Internet, free of charge and in multilingual format, significant primary materials from countries and cultures around the world.
The principal...
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