News ReleasesSources welcome The Career Council2009-01-30 The Career Council The Career Council creates Key Candidates through confidence building techniques and skills of resume building, role-playing, counselling and advice. Sources Select ResourcesAfter the interviewRothstein, Al Article 1999 Sources What to do after being interviewed by a reporter. Backing it UpRothstein, Al Article 1999 Sources If you say something in a media interview, make sure you can back it up. Content Magazine - Number 17March 1972 Serial Publication (Periodical) 1972 Content Magazine Getting the Most from InterviewsHilder, Yvonne Article 1997 Sources Tips from a pro for getting the most from media interviews. How to Handle Phone InterviewsRobicheau, Colette Article 2010 Sources HotLink For some people, doing a phone interview - whether for a job or with the press - can be more unnerving than face-to-face. Being unable to read someone's expressions, or look them in the eye, can throw... Involve Your Audience During TV InterviewsRothstein, Al Article 2000 Sources People who are watching the news are usually doing something else as well, like washing clothes, eating dinner or helping the kids with homework. It's up to you to get their attention. Making the Most of Your Media InterviewRobicheau, Colette Article 2010 Sources HotLink Being prepared for an interview will make you less nervous and more confident, and with confidence comes increased credibility. Meeting the Media Face-to-FaceBonner, Allan Article 2004 Sources What to do when a reporter calls or when meeting the media face to face. Off the RecordRothstein, Al Article Sources The reporter always has the upper hand when you make an 'off-the-record' statement. Oh, the Mistakes Spokespeople Make: Ten Sure-Fire Ways to Blow an InterviewBennett, Steve Article 2000 Sources Mistakes to avoid when being interviewed by the media. Sources gives you powerful tools to help you stand out from the crowdArticle 2009 Sources An overview of how you can use SOURCES to amplify your message.
SOURCES is a media service that connects journalists, editors, writers, producers and researchers with the sources they need for their ... Sources media trainingArticle 2009 Sources Media training to ensure that you are ready to handle media interviews. Topics include Message making, Staying newsworthy, Safe spokesperson techniques, Preparation and relaxation techniques, Media et... Speaking to the MediaA special report from Sources with articles from The Sources HotLink Diemer, Ulli (ed.) Article 2005 Sources Being seen, heard, and quoted in the media is perhaps the quickest, best, and most lasting way for a speaker to become better known and more sought after. This booklet offers advice on handling media ... When Bad Things Happen to Good Spokespeople: Handling Tough InterviewsBennett, Steve Article 2000 Sources How to handle problems that arise in a media interview. Sources BookshelfThe Canadian Guide to Managing the MediaRevised Edition Shiller, Ed Book 1994 Every aspect of media relations is covered including crisis management, handling an interview, planting a story and mastering the tools of the trade (media kits, releases, videos, conferences). Content Magazine - Number 17March 1972 Serial Publication (Periodical) 1972 How to InterviewThe Art of the Media Interview McLaughlin, Paul Book 1986 A guide to good interviewing. In The NewsThe Practice of Media Relations in Canada Carney, William Wray Book 2002 Carney gives everyone, from student to seasoned practitioner, a thorough understanding of who the media are, how they work and how to approach them with stories. Media RelationsThe Bonner Communications Series Bonner, Allan Book 2004 A primer on attaining media preparedness. Personal Balance SheetA Practical Career Planning Guide Craig, Randall M. Book 2004 Speaking to the MediaA special report from Sources with articles from The Sources HotLink Diemer, Ulli (ed.) Article 2005 Being seen, heard, and quoted in the media is perhaps the quickest, best, and most lasting way for a speaker to become better known and more sought after. This booklet offers advice on handling media ...
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