
675 Belleville St. Victoria, BC V8W 9W2 As the provincial museum and archives, the Royal BC Museum preserves and shares the stories of British Columbia — on-site, off-site and online — through its research, collections, exhibitions and educational programs. Its two-hectare cultural precinct also includes a number of historically significant buildings and First Nations sites. Website: www.royalbcmuseum.bc.caDavid Alexander, Communications Manager Phone: (250) 387-2101FAX: (250) 387-0102E-mail: dalexander@royalbcmuseum.bc.caKelly Sendall, Manager, Natural History Phone: (250) 387-3544FAX: (250) 387-0534E-mail: ksendall@royalbcmuseum.bc.caDr. Rob Cannings, Curator, Entomology Phone: (250) 356-8242FAX: (250) 356-8197E-mail: rcannings@royalbcmuseum.bc.caDr. Gavin Hanke, Curator, Vertebrate Zoology Phone: (250) 952-0479FAX: (250) 387-0534E-mail: ghanke@royalbcmuseum.bc.caDr. Richard Hebda, Curator, Botany and Earth History Phone: (250) 387-5493FAX: (250) 387-0534E-mail: rhebda@royalbcmuseum.bc.caDr. Ken Marr, Curator, Botany Phone: (250) 356-8176FAX: (250) 387-0534E-mail: kmarr@royalbcmuseum.bc.caClaudia Copley, Senior Collections Manager, Entomology Phone: (250) 952-0696FAX: (250) 387-0534E-mail: ccopley@royalbcmuseum.bc.caLesley Kennes, Registrar, Mammal and Comparative Faunal Collections Manager Phone: (250) 387-1216FAX: (250) 387-0534E-mail: lkennes@royalbcmuseum.bc.caDr. Bob Griffin, Manager, Human History Phone: (250) 387-2485FAX: (250) 387-0533E-mail: bgriffin@royalbcmuseum.bc.caDr. Martha Black, Curator, Ethnology Phone: (250) 387-2457FAX: (250) 387-0533E-mail: mblack@royalbcmuseum.bc.caDr. Lorne Hammond, Curator, Human History Phone: (250) 387-2486FAX: (250) 387-0533E-mail: lhammond@royalbcmuseum.bc.caGrant Keddie, Curator, Archaeology Phone: (250) 387-2416FAX: (250) 387-0533E-mail: gkeddie@royalbcmuseum.bc.caDr. Melissa Frey, Curator, Invertebrates Phone: (250) 357-6513FAX: (250) 356-8197E-mail: mefrey@royalbcmuseum.bc.caMarji Johns, Curator, Paleontology Phone: (250) 387-2924FAX: (250) 356-8197E-mail: mjohns@royalbcmuseum.bc.caGary Mitchell, Director, Collections, Research and Access Services/Provincial Archivist Phone: (250) 387-2992FAX: (250) 953-4336E-mail: gmitchell@royalbcmuseum.bc.caKasey Lee, Conservation Services Manager Phone: (250) 387-5518FAX: (250) 356-8197E-mail: klee@royalbcmuseum.bc.ca
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