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Transport Action CanadaOttawa, ON K1R 6H5 Transport Action Canada (formerly Transport 2000) is a registered charity and volunteer based non-partisan organization that includes consumer groups and individuals advocating improved rail, air, bus, marine and urban transportation throughout Canada. Activities: research, advocacy, information, bi-monthly newsletter Transport Action, counselling users and communities on transportation issues, and briefing all levels of government. Transport Action Canada (anciennement Transport 2000) est un organisme de bienfaisance enregistré, bénévole et non partisan, qui rassemble des groupes de consommateurs et des individus pour promouvoir les transports ferroviaires, aériens, maritimes, collectifs urbains et collectifs routiers. Nos activités: recherches, défense des droits, renseignements, bulletin bi-mensuel Transport Action, conseils pour usagers et collectivités en matière de transports et soumissions aux divers niveaux gouvernementaux. Website: www.transport-action.ca NATIONAL OFFICE: Phone: (613) 594-3290 FAX: (613) 594-3271 E-mail: info@transport-action.ca Bert Titcomb, Administrative Manager Phone: (613) 594-3290 David Jeanes, National President Phone: (613) 725-9484 Anton Turrittin, Secretary Phone: (416) 653-4002 Klaus Beltzner, Treasurer Phone: (613) 692-2462 Jim Goss, Media Relations Phone: (416) 534-4008 Justin Bur, Vice-President East Phone: (514) 572-4477 Peter Lacey, Vice-President West Phone: (204) 233-0252 REGIONAL OFFICES: Atlantic: Harold Nicholson Phone: (506) 375-6929 Québec: Normand Parisien Transport 2000 Québec 300, rue du Saint-Sacrement, bur G34, Montréal, QC H2Y 1X4 Phone: (514) 932-8008 FAX: (514) 932-2024 Ontario: Natalie Litwin Phone: (416) 498-0612 Prairie Region: Catherine Verrall Phone: (306) 569-7699 British Columbia: Matthew Buchanan Phone: (604) 761-6144 Areas of Expertise:© Sources 1977-2014. The information provided is copyright and may not be reproduced in any form or by any means (whether electronic, mechanical or photographic), or stored in an electronic retrieval system, without written permission of the publisher. The content may not be resold, republished, or redistributed. Indexing and search applications by Ulli Diemer and Chris DeFreitas. |