- C Kirkness Press
- C.A.R.P. News
- CAAR Communicator
- Cabal
- Cabano Temis-Nouvelles
- Cabbagetown Riverdale News
- Cabbagetown Youth Centre Newsletter
- La Cable De Riviere du Loup
- Cable Télé Plus Quebec Inc.
- Cablevision La Sarre
- Cablodistribution Le Rocher
- Caledon Weekly
- Calendher
- Calgary Business
- Calgary Families
- Calgary Herald Neighbors
- Calgary Inc.
- Call Of The Loon
- Call Us
- Calumet
- The Cambridge Reporter
- Caminando
- Camp Solelim
- The Campaigner
- Campbellford Herald
- Campbellville Nassagaweya News
- Campus Ministry Women Newsletter
- Campus Reel
- CAN Calendar
- Canada Asia Currents
- Canada Journal Online
- The Canada News
- Canada ReNews
- Canada Times
- Canada Trust Tenant's Union Newsletter
- Canada Ukraine Monitor
- Canada Update
- Canada West Magazine
- Canada-Svensken
- Canada's Healthy Living Guide
- Canada's The Latin Trade Report
- Canadian Adventist Messenger
- Canadian Almanac & Directory Publishing Co.
- Canadian Association in Support of the Native Peoples Bulletin
- Canadian Association of Journalists - Member Freelancers
- Canadian Association of Radiologists Journal
- Canadian Authors Association - Member Freelancers
- Canadian Banker
- Canadian Baptist
- Canadian Biodiversity
- Canadian Boating Magazine
- Canadian Business Economics
- Canadian Cable Television Association
- Canadian Catholic Review
- The Canadian Centre International P.E.N.
- Canadian Ceramic Quarterly
- Canadian Churchman
- Canadian Communication Researcg Information Centre
- Canadian Computer Reseller
- Canadian Concil of Christians and Jews
- Canadian Construction Association National Newsletter
- Canadian Consumer
- Canadian Corporate Counsel
- Canadian Cowboys Association Rodeo News
- Canadian Daily Newspaper Association Newsletter
- Canadian Datasystems
- Canadian Defense Quarterly
- Canadian Disciple
- Canadian Earth Summit Update
- Canadian Ecology
- Canadian Ecumenical News
- Canadian Environmental Defence Fund
- Canadian Environmental Mediation Newsletter
- Canadian Environmental Network News
- Canadian Families and Reproduction Society
- Canadian Far Eastern Newsletter
- Canadian Film Centre
- Canadian Flight
- Canadian Forum
- Canadian Friend
- Canadian General Electric Company Limited News
- Canadian Golf Course Atlas
- The Canadian Guide
- Canadian Healthstyle Magazine
- Canadian Home Style Magazine
- Canadian Human Rights Advocate
- Canadian Human Rights Advocate
- Canadian Human Rights Foundation Newsletter
- Canadian Hunting & Shooting Magazine
- The Canadian India Star
- Canadian Injured Workers Alliance
- Canadian Internet Directory & Research Guide
- Canadian Jewish News (Ontario)
- Canadian Jewish Outlook
- Canadian Journal of Allergy & Clinical Immunology
- The Canadian Journalists' Calendar
- Canadian Liberation Movement Newsletter
- Canadian Life
- Canadian Magazine Publishers Association
- Canadian Mathematical Bulletin
- Canadian Merger
- Canadian Motorist
- Canadian Music Educator Newsletter
- Canadian Network for Ethical Investment
- Canadian Network News
- Canadian News Synthesis Project / Synthesis
- Canada's Newsletter on Refugees Refuge
- Canadian Not-For-Profit News
- Canadian Orthodox Messenger
- Canadian Paperbacks Publishing Limited
- Canadian Peace Alliance
- Canadian Peace Research News Report
- Canadian Pensioners Concerned
- Canadian Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War
- Canadian Premium Incentive Newsletter
- The Canadian Press and the Events in Southern Africa
- The Canadian Press and the Events in Southern Africa
- Canadian Realtor News
- The Canadian Recycling Newsletter
- Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement of Women
- Canadian Resource News
- Canadian Review of American Studies
- Canadian Revolution
- Canadian Revolution: An Independent Journal of Marxist-Leninism
- Canadian School Executive
- Canadian Science Writers' Association - Member Freelancers
- Canadian Secretary
- Canadian Service Employee
- Canadian Social Trends
- Canadian Special Events and Meetings Expo
- Canadian Taxpayers Federation - Taxfax
- Canadian Tribune
- The Canadian Unitarian
- Canadian University Press News Service
- Canadian Water Well
- Canadian Weekly
- Canadian Women's Studies
- Canadian Worker
- Canadian Worker
- Canadian World Federalist
- Canadians Concerned About Southern Africa News Bulletin
- Canarie
- Canbook Distribution Services
- Cancopy News
- The Candle
- Canimsi Media Inc.
- Cannabis Canada
- Canola Guide
- Canscene - Canada's Multicultural Scene
- CanWEA Bulletin
- The Cape Bretoner
- Cape Breton's Magazine
- Capilano College - Magazine Program
- Capital Magazine
- The Capital Siftings
- Capitalism Nature Socialsim
- Car & Truck Digest
- Car News: Canadian Artists' Representation
- Caravan
- Carbohydrate News
- Cariad Ltd.
- The Caribbean Camera
- CariboGram Newsletter
- Carillon
- Carleton Journalism Review
- Carleton University - School of Journalism
- Carraig Books Reg'd
- Cartographica - International Publications on Cartography
- Case Study
- CASE: Committee for a Sustainable Economy Newsletter
- CASNP Bulletin
- Catalog Age
- Catalogue of Catalogues
- Catalyst
- Catalyst
- Catalyst: Economics for the Living Earth
- Catch da Flava
- Catholic Crosswinds
- Catholic Health Association of Canada Review
- CHAC Review/Revue ACCS
- Catholic New Times
- The Catholic Peace Fellowship Bulletin
- The Catholic Register
- La Causa
- Cayenne
- CBFM (Toronto)
- CCIC Ontario News
- CCN Matthews Media Directories
- The CCPA Monitor
- CCRS Student Administrative Council (Sudbury)
- CCU Bulletin
- Cecil Community Centre
- The CELA Newsletter
- Celadec en Contacto
- Celtstone Creations
- CEN News
- Censored Alert!
- Censorship News
- Center for Peace and Conflict Studies
- Central America Update
- The Central Courier
- Central News
- Centre canadien d'information sur la recherche en communications
- The Centre for Investigative Journalism Bulletin
- Centre for Women
- Centre Piece
- CFB Ottawa Falcon
- CFCL-TV (Channel 6, Cable 8)
- CFPL FM 96 (London)
- CFPL-AM, 980 kHz (London)
- CGPA Viewpoint
- Coalition for Gay Rights in Ontario Newsletter
- CH Red Deer (CHCA) (Channel 6, Cable 9)
- CHA Press
- Challenge: The Revolutionary Communist Newspaper
- Challenging for Change Newsletter
- Challenging the Barriers
- Changing Men
- Changing Working
- Channels
- Chaos Review
- Chapters Inc.
- Charasee Press
- The Chatt
- Che-Mun
- Cheap Thrills
- Cherev Canada Inc.
- Chessnut Press
- Chester Village News
- The Chevron
- Child's Play
- Children First
- Children's Book Store
- Chile Today
- Chimo
- Chinada News
- Chinatown News
- Chinese Canadian News
- Chinese Economic Times
- Chinese Herald
- Chinese News
- The Chinese News
- Chinese Senior News
- Choices
- Choices Magazine
- CHOP Magazine
- Christian Blind Mission International: LIGHT
- Christian Contender
- Christian Current
- The Christian Farmer
- Christian Info
- The Christian Socratic
- Christian Task Force on Central America
- Christianity and Crisis
- Christie and Christie Associates
- The Chronicle: Newsletter of the Canadian Chronic Pain Association
- Chrysalis
- Church Business
- The Church Farm and Town
- Church of God Beacon
- The Churchmouse
- CIC News
- Ciel Info
- CIMN Student Radio Inc. (Charlottetown)
- Cincinnati Post
- Cineaste
- Cineaste
- Cinematheque Ontario
- Cinematic Group X
- CineNova
- CIP Forthcoming Books
- CIP Livres Aparaitre
- The Circuit
- CIRPA Review
- CIS Report
- CISD-FM, 107.7 mHz (Iroquois)
- Cite Libre
- Cité Libre
- The Citizen
- The Citizen (Bulletin for the Confederation of Municipal Greens)
- Citizens Plan Toronto
- Citizens Publishing Digest
- Citizens' Bulletin
- Le Citoyen
- The City
- The City Cyclist
- City Dweller
- City Hall
- City Hall
- City Life
- City Limits
- City Magazine
- City Planning
- CivilRights
- CJFB-TV (Channel 5, Cable 9)
- CJFE Reporter
- CJFX-AM, 580 kHz (Antigonish)
- CJIC-TV (Channel 5, Cable 6)
- CJLB-FM, 105.3 mHz (Thunder Bay)
- CJLC (Sarnia)
- CJOS-FM, 92.7 mHz (Caronport)
- CJUT Programme Guide
- CKBI-TV (Channel 5, Cable 6)
- CKCC (Scarborough)
- CKCK-AM, 620 kHz (Regina)
- CKEP Seaside Broadcasting Organization (Eastern Passage)
- CKGM-AM, 990 kHz (Montréal)
- CKLN-FM, 88.1 mHz (Toronto)
- CKUN (Beausoleil First Nation)
- CKX-TV (Channel 5, Cable 6)
- Class Act Magazine
- Class Against Class
- Claudette Martin & Associates Inc.
- CLC Today
- Clean Water News
- Clearinghouse Bulletin
- Clearinghouse for Feminist Media
- Clearinghouse for Feminist Media
- The Clerical Voice
- CLGRO Bike-A-Thon
- Click: Smart Living
- The Cliffhanger
- Clifford News
- Clinical and Investigative Medicine
- Clips on Sugar
- Clips sur Les Sucres
- Clique Magazine
- Clothed with the Sun
- Club 55
- Club International
- cmg.ca Magazine/laguilde.ca Magazine
- CMRC-FM, 107.5 mHz (Calgary)
- Canadian Abortion Rights Action League (Caral) Newsletter
- CNCR (Kirkland Lake)
- CNRJ (Dieppe)
- Co-Opservations - Publisher: Co-operative Housing Foundation of Canada
- Coalescence
- Coalition Against Neighbourhoodism
- Coalition for Peace and Reconciliation
- Coalition pour les droits des personnes gaies en Ontario
- Coevolution Quartery
- Coffee and Beverage Magazine
- Colheita News
- Collectibles Canada
- Collections
- Colours Magazine
- Columbia Journalism Review
- Combat Breton
- Comcarid Link
- Commerce Magazine
- Commerce Publications
- Commerical Hemp
- Commies from Wars
- Committee for Racial Justice Newsletter
- Common Cause Magazine
- Common Good
- Common Ground
- Common Ground
- Common Ground Magazine
- Common Sense
- Commonwealth Publications Inc.
- Communcations and Networking
- Communication
- Communications
- Communications Bi Monthly
- Communications Unplugged
- Communicator
- Communiqe'elle
- Communique
- Communique
- communiquelles
- Communism
- Communities
- Communities: Joutnal of Cooperation
- Community
- Community
- Community Action
- Community Advisory Board Newsletter
- Community Advocate
- Community Affairs
- Community Bulletin
- Community Economics
- Community Forum
- Community Life
- Community Memory News
- Community Schools
- Companion Magazine
- Compass
- The Compass
- Compass - Journal of the Communist League
- Compass: A Jesuit Journal
- The Compendium Newsletter
- Computer Freelancer
- The Computer Paper
- Computer Paper (Greater Toronto)
- Computer Player
- Computer Tracker
- Concordia University - Journalism Program
- Conestoga College - Journalism Program
- Carfax Publishing
- Confidante
- Connections
- Connexions Digest
- Connexions Weekly
- Conscience Canada
- Consommation
- Constructive Citizen Participation
- Contact
- Contact
- The Contact
- Le Contact Laval
- Contact Laval Ouest
- El Contacto Directo
- Content
- Continental Nudist
- Cook Communications ltd.
- Coop de services d'antenne TV de Ste-Rose du Nord
- Coopérative Cablevision Langelier
- Coopérative de càblo-distribution St-Just-de-Bretenières
- Coopérative de Câblodistribution de l'Arrière-Pays
- Coopérative de Câblodistribution Ste-Agathe
- Coopérative Régionale de Câblodistribution de la Côte-Nord
- Co-opservations
- Copywrite Ink
- Cornerstone
- Cornerstones
- Corporation Notre Dame de Montauban
- Corporal
- Corporate Executive News Atlantic
- Corriere Canadese
- Corriere Illustrato
- CORS Radio Sheridan (Oakville)
- The County Review
- Courants
- Courrier Deux-Montagnes
- Le Courrier Parliamentaire
- Coutts Library Services Ltd.
- Covenant Messenger
- Coyote Books
- CPPNW Quarterly
- CPPNW Quarterly: Canadian Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War
- CQBU (Brandon)
- CraftNews
- Crane Editions
- Creative Source 22
- Credit Union Way Magazine
- Creemore Angus Star
- Creemore/Stayner Clearview Star
- CRFM-FM, 89.9 mHz (North Bay)
- Critical Condition
- The Critical List
- Critical Public Health
- Critique
- Croatian Voice
- Cross Cultural Communication Centre Newsletter
- CRS Newsletter
- The Cruiser
- The Cruiser
- Crux
- Le CSI Informe
- Cubasource: An Information Clearinghouse on Cuba
- Cuesta
- Cultural Correspondence
- Cultural Survival Quaterly
- Culture and Rural Development
- Cumberland Magazine
- CUP News Exchange
- CUPE Facts
- Curious Man
- Curling News
- Currents
- Currents
- Currents
- Currents: New Scholarship in the Human Services
- CUSO Journal
- Custom Communications
- Customer Interface
- Cutback Report
- CxO
- Cybersciences.com
- Cybersciences-junior.org
- Cyberspace Publications
- Cyclometer
Media Names & Numbers is a comprehensive Canadian media directory
including television and radio networks, stations, digital and specialty broadcasters,
programs, cable TV; daily, weekly, and community newspapers; ethnic
publications and broadcasters; student and campus media; consumer and
trade magazines, academic/scholarly journals, newsletters, directories, and
electronic publications from across Canada. Media Names & Numbers is indexed
geographically and by subject, owner/publisher, language. © Sources 2025. The information provided in Media Names & Numbers
is for the sole use of subscribers and may not be reproduced in any
form or by any means (whether electronic, mechanical or photographic),
or stored in an electronic retrieval system, without written permission
of the publisher. The contents may not be resold, republished, or redistributed. Indexing and search applications by Ulli Diemer and Chris DeFreitas.