Monthly Review Magazine
Left-wing magazine.
Founded in 1949, Monthly Review has promoted a critical but spirited socialism, independent of any political organization. In an era of Cold War repression, the magazine published pioneering analyses of political economy, imperialism, and Third World struggles, drawing on the rich legacy of Marxist thought without being bound to any narrow view or party line.
Under the current editorial committee, led by John Bellamy Foster, the magazine continues its long tradition of analyzing what is new together with the equally vital task of seeing the longer process. That tradition, as summarized by Paul Sweezy, is to see "the present as history."
In addition to the magazine, Monthly Review Press has published more than 300 books.
146 W. 29th Street, #6W
New York NY 10001 USA,
Phone: 212-691-2555 800-670-9499
FAX: 212-727-3676
Website: http://www.monthlyreview.orgOwner: Monthly Review Foundation
Frequency: 12/year
Extra Data: A physical collection of copies of Monthly Review is housed in the Connexions Archive in Toronto.
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