Other Voices - The Connexions Newsletter - Ecosocialism, environment, and urban gardening
December 8, 2015
The December 5 issue of Other Voices is now out.
This issue of Other Voices covers a wide range of issues, from the climate crisis and the ecosocialist response, to terrorism and the struggle against religious fundamentalism, as well as items on urban gardening, the destruction of olive trees, and how the police are able to use Google's timeline feature to track you every move, now and years into the past. Another article challenges the role of big NGOs in legitimizing the status quo and blocking working-class and grassroots self-organizing
If youre not on the email list, you can find it online on the Connexions website at www.connexions.org/Media/CXNL-2015-12-05.htm
For more information contact:
Ulli Diemer
Phone: 416-964-5735
Website: www.connexions.org/Media/CXNL-2015-12-05.htm
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