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Popular small business book now available as downloadable e-book

October 8, 2009

In her experience, author Wendy Moore-MacQueen has found most small businesses fly by the seat of their pants when marketing their goods and services. And in the process, she says, they waste too much of their marketing budgets.

Muddled, meager and messy - Marketing performance repair manual is her answer to small business to help them make the most of their budgets and manpower.

"I made a point of writing this book in a style that anyone can learn from it," she adds. "You don't have to have any marketing background to understand the concepts and implement them successfully in your business."

Moore-MacQueen is a 25-year veteran of marketing communications and owner of Mormac Brand Re-engineering, a marketing consultancy firm that focuses on small and rural business. She is also a popular keynote speaker on marketing, sales and interpersonal communication.

The book covers important information that includes knowing your customer, the truth about media effectiveness, alternative methods to reach your audience and a chapter dedicated to building an effective marketing plan. Even budding entrepreneurs would benefit from the information contained in the book.

One reviewer insists the book is a must-have for all small businesses. "Wherever they are, readers will come away from this book with a clear idea about where to look for their next stages or to locate accessible information or creative skills to help drive their marketing forward,' says Neil McPherson, ex-broadcaster, public relations guru and now owner of Professional Word. "The strength of her live experience backs her up well, for Wendy Moore-MacQueen is a genuinely no-nonsense advisor and a great antidote to guru-claptrap merchants."

Jim Sylvestre, owner of a small landscape company, made this comment after reading Moore-MacQueen's book, "This was just great. Now every time I make decisions about my marketing, I think: what would Wendy do?"

The book is available online both in soft-cover and as a downloadable e-book. For more information visit .

For more information contact:
Wendy Moore-MacQueen
author, keynote speaker, consultant
Mormac Brand Re-engineering
Phone: 519-898-2997
Cell: 519-636-3613

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