An individual approach to listings
ON OCCASION, individuals are listed in sources. In this edition, for instance, you'll find futurist Frank Feather (see his listing on page L-101). As the listing says, Frank is a busy conference speaker and media guest, provocative and quotable. And a person who offered suggestions for improving our Subject Index. John Bouza & Associates (page L-20) is in fact two individuals who are expert and quotable in fundraising strategies and allied work. And you'll find in this directory other one- or two-person bands possessing rich funds of expertise. People who have done their homework, who stay on top of their fields and who know how to express themselves. In other words, good bets for interviews. sources will be providing more such valuable contacts in future. We'll seek out individuals with a proven ability to perform well on TV and radio. We're impressed, for instance, with the initiative and energy shown by Calgary-based Brian Lee (see Custom Learning Systems on page L-219). A successful businessperson, Calgary alderman and then Alberta MLA, Brian's energy and ideas now find their outlet through his presentations. His enthusiastic approach is welcome, whatever the challenges faced by individuals, a business, a group (such as legislators or public servants), a city or for that matter the country. People like Brian Lee are a national resource. As Brian was told in Australia, he teaches leading edge management strategies unfettered by the American superpower, multinational, jingoistic perspective. So it will be interesting to track his experience as he pursues one of his current goals: to export a syndicated TV talkshow to the USA. We'll ask him about that when he visits sources to provide
a presentation customized to our needs.
Published in Sources, Summer 1992
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