600+ new subject index headings
EVEN IF YOU'VE discovered sources only recently, you'll have figured out that the Subject Indexes are its single most important feature. They're the keys to making the directory work for you. We're referring here also to the Parliamentary Names & Numbers Subject Index. Subject Index Editor Brandi Dickman devotes tremendous effort with her excellent mind to researching, assessing, adding, changing, sorting and deleting Subject Index (SI) headings. She manipulates them in our powerful RBase System V database customized by Mention Associates Inc. (see page L-136). More than 600 new heads in this edition bring the total to more than 8,000. The new SI heads reflect our ever changing world and the organizations developing to meet the challenges ahead. You'll find everything from Advertising/Sexism to Aboriginal Linguistics to Community-based Development, Layoff and Closure Planning, Crossborder Shopping, Newspaper Marketing, and Native Myths. You'll find once obscure topics such as Transgenic Plants.
Published in Sources, Summer 1992
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