Winners - Sources 44
Twenty-Second Annual National Magazine Award Winners
One of a Kind Articles:
sponsored by Wolfson Bell Associates
Gold: Patricia Pearson, Saturday Night, "Death
Becomes Her"
Silver: Jim Christy, The Georgia Straight, "Sidewalk
Michel Arseneault, L'actualité, "Dessin-moi
une horreur"
Guy Crittenden, Saturday Night, "Smoke and Errors"
Ross Crockford, Outdoor Canada, "Looking for Mr. Big"
Lorna Crozier, In 2 Print, "Comic Books, Dead
Dogs, Cheerleading-One Poet's Beginnings"
Louise Gendron, L'actualité, "God à toutes
les sauces
sponsored by Imasco Ltd.
Gold: Caitlin Kelly, Elm Street, "Yak Attack"
Silver: Greig Dymon, Toronto Life, "Toller Cranston
vs. Eddie Shack"
Honourable Mentions:
Ian Brown, Outdoor Canada, "Where Pigs Can Fly"
Matthew Hart, Report on Business Magazine, "Future Perfect"
Mark Anthony Jarman, Western Living, "Down Time"
Hal Niedzviecki, THIS Magazine, "Stupid Jobs are Good
to Relax With"
Mike Randolph, Outdoor Canada, "A Case for the Car"
sponsored by Ernst & Young
Gold: Trevor Cole, Report on Business Magazine, "The
Empire Builders"
Silver: René Vézina, Revue Commerce,
"La chute de la maison Marleau Lemire"
Honourable Mentions:
Stephen Brunt, Report on Business Magazine, "A Funny
Thing Happened on the Way to Retirement"
Trevor Cole, Report on Business Magazine, "Ivy-League
Charlotte Gray, Saturday Night, "Just a Heartbeat Away"
David Hayes, Toronto Life, "Fear Itself"
Jean Benoît Nadeau, Revue Commerce, "Les 10 entreprises
les plus secrètes du Québec"
David North, Canadian Business, "Never Cry Wolf"
Jennifer Wells, Report on Business Magazine, "Trading
Jennifer Wells, Report on Business Magazine, "Do I Frighten
Science, Technology Health & Medicine
sponsored by Royal Bank of Canada
Gold: Yanick Villedieu, L'actualité, "Portrait
de famille"
Silver: Terry Glavin, The Georgia Straight, "A
Fish Tale"
Honourable Mentions:
Nancy Baron, The Georgia Straight, "The Straights
of Georgia"
Michael Clugston, Canadian Geographic, "Power Struggle"
Anita Lahey, Saturday Night, "Black Lagoons"
Andrew Nikiforuk, Outdoor Canada, "Where Seldom is Heard
a Conversationist's Word"
Ann Silversides, Elm Street, "Face It, Nice Girls Do
Get Aids"
Yanick Villedieu, L'actualité, "SOS sperme"
Mark Witten, Toronto Life, "Missing Pieces"
David Young, The New Brunswick Reader, "The Hunt for
the Phantom Fish Killer"
Gold: André Lachance, L'actualité,
"Du mauvais côte de la baie James"
Silver: John Lorinc, Toronto Life, "The Making
of the Megacity"
Honourable Mentions:
Gil Courtemanche, L'actualité, "Algérie:
le pays devenu fou"
Jenefer Curtis, Saturday Night, "Captain Crunch"
Gordon Laird, Saturday Night, "Party Crasher"
Mick Lowe, Elm Street, "The Power of One"
Andrew Nikiforuk, Outdoor Canada, "Where Seldom is Heard
a Conversationist's Word"
Andrew Nikiforuk, Saturday Night, "All Devine's Men"
Social Affairs
sponsored by United Steelworkers of America
Gold: Pierre Lacerte, L'actualité, "Rien
ne va plus"
Silver: Don Gillmor, Toronto Life, "Killing Cousins"
Honourable Mentions:
Okey Chigbo, The Next City, "Bum Rap"
Louise Gendron, L'actualité, "Faut-il abolir
le BS?"
Katherine Govier, Toronto Life, "Lost Girls"
Dean Jobb, OHS Canada, "The Westray Conundrum"
Mary O'Connell, Toronto Life, "The Story of Joe"
Jay Teitel, Toronto Life, "True Colours"
Michael Valpy, Elm Street, "Science Friction"
Michael Vlessides, Canadian Geographic, "License to
Investigative Reporting
Gold: Jane O'Hara, Maclean's, "Rape in the Military"
Silver: Don Gillmor, Toronto Life, "Fire Alarm"
Honourable Mentions:
Don Gillmor, Toronto Life, "Killing Cousins"
Paul Kaihla, Canadian Business, "Death of a Self-made
André Lachance, L'actualité, "Du mauvais
coté de la baie James"
Jean Benoît Nadeau, Revue Commerce, "Les 10 entreprises
les plus secrètes du Quebec"
Daniel Sanger, Julien Feldman, Saturday Night, "Life
Before Harrods"
Sid Tafler, Saturday Night, "Who Was Reena Virk?"
Gold: Alice Munro, Saturday Night, "Jakarta"
Silver: Elyse Gasco, Prairie Fire, "Mother: Not
a True Story"
Honourable Mentions:
Shauna Shingh Baldwin, Saturday Night, "Satya"
Lynn Coady, THIS Magazine, "Ice Cream Man"
Elyse Gasco, Prairie Fire, " Mother: Not a True Story"
Don Gillmor, Toronto Life, "Gubermann"
Mark Anthony Jarman, Prism International, "Backhoe"
Alice Munro, Saturday Night, "Jakarta"
Robert Sherrin, The Malahat Review, "Cook Kenny-san"
Gold: Julie Bruck, Carousel, "Drive, Nancy,
First Born"
Silver: Patricia Young, The Malahat Review, "Ruin
and Beauty"
Honourable Mentions:
Clea Ainsworth, Prism International, "Squaw Poems"
Don McKay, Event, "Five Poems"
Don McKay, The Malahat Review, "Four Poems"
Sue Sinclair, The Fiddlehead, "Orange and Red Streak"
Rhea Tregebor, The Malahat Review, "Four Poems"
David Zieroth, Grain, "The True Imagined Life of My
Arts & Entertainment
Gold: Anne Kingston, Saturday Night, "Lolita
Writes Back"
Silver: Luc Chartrand, L'actualité, "Kevin,
rocker malgré lui"
Honourable Mentions:
André Ducharme, enRoute, "Le Monde à
ses pieds"
Brian D. Johnson, Maclean's, "Hungarian Rhapsody"
Brian D. Johnson, Maclean's, "Cirque du Success"
Moira Johnston, Saturday Night, "The Raven's Last Journey"
John Lownsbrough, Toronto Life, "The Ladies Who Lunge"
Sandra Martin, Toronto Life, "Mr. Muscle"
Hal Niedzviecki, Adbusters, "Pop, Product, Person"
Katrina Onstad, Toronto Life, "The Vellekoop Show"
Sports & Recreation
Gold: Ian Brown, Outdoor Canada, "Thirteen Ways
of Learning at a Rapid"
Silver: Pierre de Billy, Chatelaine, "La passion
de l'aventure"
Honourable Mentions:
Ian Brown, Outdoor Canada, "Where Pigs Can Fly"
Louise Gendron, L'actualité, "Les adventuiers
de l'île perdue"
Shane Peacock, Equinox, "Rulers of the Dohyo"
Martine Turenne, L'actualité, "La bombe Mélanie"
Gold: Jean Paré, L'actualité, "Dossier
25506", "Chirurgie à la tronçonneuse",
"50%…C'est trop peu. Et c'est trop!"
Silver: Catherine Elie, Chatelaine, "Crime et
chàtiment", "Bobbi et ses sept bébés",
"Le raisin qui fait déborder le vase"
Honourable Mentions
James Chatto, Toronto Life, "Feed the Rich",
"Lemongrass Roots", "Tales from the Critic"
Peter Foster, Toronto Life, "Memories of Better Days",
"It Could Be a Long Engagement", "Return of the Phantom"
Gilles Marcotte, L'actualité, "Amérique,
l'angoisse du vide", "Les parcours de trois plumes",
"Vies de femmes, vie d'écriture
Lawrence Solomon, The Next City, "Communism's Continuing
Successes", "Homeless in Paradise", "The End
of Corruption"
Gold: Carole Beaulieu, L'actualité, "Au
pays des superbranchés"
Silver: Janice Kulyk Keefer, Border Crossings, "Speaking
with Sofia"
Honourable Mentions:
Karen Connelly, Outpost, "A Child of Maw Ker"
Deanne Musolf Crouch, The Georgia Straight, "Swimming
with Man-Eaters"
Pierre de Billy, Chatelaine, "Un dîner en Provence"
Laurent Fontaine, Chatelaine, "Andes, Les femmes oubliées"
Mark Kingwell, Saturday Night, "Come on Get Happy"
sponsored by Periodical Marketers of Canada
Gold: Jamie Maw, Vancouver Magazine, "Restaurant
Silver: Diane Forrest, Cottage Life, "Battling
Big Ears"
Honourable Mentions:
James Chatto, Margaret Swaine, Toronto Life, "The Food
and Wine Guide"
Marcia Chen, Toronto Life, "The Real Estate Guide"
Catherine Collins, Cottage Life, "Everything Under the
Ann Dowsett Johnston, Maclean's, "Universities '98"
Janet Forman, Karen Burshtein, Michael McCullough, Madelaine Drohan,
Report on Business Magazine, "A Spy Checks In"
Ariane Krol, Chatelaine, C'est le temps de changer"
Marie Quinty, Affaire PLUS, "DIX conseils pour décrocher
Clive Thompson, Shift, "100 Best Web Sites"
Gold: John Sillaots, Canadian Home Workshop, "The
Ultimate Shop"
Silver: Jake MacDonald, Cottage Life, "Jake and
the Snakes Meet Superfly"
Honourable Mentions:
Allan Britnell, Canadian Home Workshop, "A Drop
of Golden Sun"
Tom Carpenter, Cottage Life, "Enter the Dragon"
Victoria Curran, Canadian Living, "Handle with Care"
Cynthia David, President's Choice Magazine, "Oceans
of Plenty"
Patrick Lima, Gardening Life, "Magnolias"
Steven Maxwell, Canadian Home Workshop, "A Craftsman's
Mike Randolph, Outdoor Canada, "First the Bad News:
You Have to Sleep with a Pee Bottle"
Gary Walchuk, Canadian Home Workshop, "Thoroughbred
Gold: Jay Teitel, Toronto Life, "The Road Not
Silver: Daniel Coleman, The New Quarterly, "The
Babies in the Colonial Washtub"
Honourable Mentions:
Robert Fulford, Azure, "The Lawn"
Rory Leishman, The Next City, "Robed Dictators"
Hal Niedzviecki, THIS Magazine, "Stupid Jobs are Good
to Relax With"
M. Nourbese Philip, FUSE, "Black W/Holes: A History
of Brief Time"
Jay Teitel, Saturday Night, 'Their Glorious Future"
Jay Teitel, Toronto Life, 'True Colours "
Kevin Van Tighem, Outdoor Canada, "The Once and Future
Jennifer Wells, Report on Business Magazine, "Waiting
for the Big One"
Personal Journalism
sponsored by Canada Post Corporation
Gold: Moira Johnston, Saturday Night, "The Raven's
Last Journey"
Silver: Leigh Cummings, Toronto Life, "No Way
Honourable Mentions;
Ian Brown, Outdoor Canada, "Thirteen Ways of Learning
at a Rapid"
Bonnie Buxton, Elm Street, "Society's Child"
Andrea Curtis, Toronto Life, "Excuse Me While I Screef
the Duff"
Pat Krause, Event, "Acts of Love"
Jake Richler, Saturday Night, "Nick's Place"
sponsored by St. Joseph Printing
Gold: Sarah Hampson, Saturday Night, "Foth He
Went a Courtin'"
Silver: Ian Brown, Saturday Night, "The Defence
of Gillian Guess"
Honourable Mentions:
Luc Chartrand, L'actualité, "Kevin, rocker
malgré lui"
Sylvia Fraser, Toronto Life, "Leader of the Opposition"
Sarah Hampson, Elm Street, "Landmarks"
Gerald Hannon, Canadian Art, "Secrets and Lies"
Micheline Lachance, L'actualité, "Bureau-Durivage:
la guere en direct"
Danielle Laurin, Chatelaine, "Le désarroi de
Marie Cardinal"
Guy Lawson, Toronto Life, "The Zen Master of Maple Leaf
David Macfarlane, ElmStreet , "The Provocative Linda
Editorial Package
sponsored by Indas Limited
Gold: Ann Dowsett Johnston & the Maclean's Staff, Maclean's,
"Measuring Excellence"
Silver: Karen Mulhallen, Descant, "The Anatomy
Theatre and the Theatre of the Body"
Honourable Mentions:
Pierre Duhamel, Revue Commerce, "Commerce a 100
Elizabeth Kelly, Jacqueline Lealess, Bobbie Robinson, Anna Sonser,
Hamilton Magazine, "An Unexpected Song"
Chris Loudon and the Editorial Staff, TV Guide, "So
Long Jerry"
Ian McGugan, Margaret Craig-Bourdin, Rebecca Carpenter, David Berman,
Canadian Business, "School of Higher Earning"
Rick Spence and the Editorial Staff, Profit, "Profit
Mark Tunney, Maria Kubacki, The New Brunswick Reader, "A
Toast to Alden Nowlan"
Martine Turenne, Monique Roy, Marié-José Desmarais,
Chatelaine, "La dictature de la beauté"
Bob Levin, Bruce Wallace, James Deacon, Macleans, "Gold
Words and Pictures
Gold: Harvey Chan, Ken Hewitt-White, Cottage Life Staff,
Cottage Life, "Legends in the Sky"
Silver: Margaret Williamson, Elizabeth Shilts, Rick Boychuk,
Steven Fick, Andrew Murray, Janice McLean, Richard Hartmier, John
Dann, B&C Alexander, J.A. Kraulis, Brian Milne, Canadian
Geographic, "Rivers of Ice"
Honourable Mentions:
Wanita Bates, Border Crossings, "Travellers' First
Nancy Bonnell-Kanagas, Sam Sisco, OWL Magazine, "The
Big Stink"
Sa Boothroyd, Suzanne McCormick, Patricia Maitland, Carol Anne Campbell,
Ron Devries, Jeffrey Canton, Gord Archibald, Cottage Life Staff,
Cottage Life, "There's Nothing to Dooo……"
Drew Cunningham, Peter Sibbald, Dita De Boni, Trish Snyder, Vickie
Rowden, Canadian Inflight Magazine, "All Work and Some
Tim Davin, Kat Mototsune, Jim Steck, Chickadee, "How
Do You Make Chickadee Magazine?"
Eric Harris, Steven Fick, Margaret Williamson, Elizabeth Shilts,
Pauline Comeau, Mary Vincent, Rick Boychuk, Benoit Aquin, Dave Sidaway,
Gills Delisle, Martin Paquette, Brandi Cramer, Jean Terroux, Bruno
Schlumberger, Rod MacIvor, Dave Chan, Petere Cooney, Robert Goldbraith,
Gordon Beck, John Mahoney, Phil Norton, Ryan Remiovz, Canadian
Geographic, "Blackout/Storm Report"
sponsored by Yves Saint Laurent Parfums
Gold: Denis Desro (art director)
Raphael Mazzucco (photographer)
Isabelle Long (stylist)
Elle Québec, "Impact"
Silver: Martha Weaver (art director)
Chris Wahl (photograpaher)
David Livingston (fashion editor)
Dominique Vien (stylist)
Elm Street, "The Leisure Class"
Honourable Mentions:
Brad MacIver (art director), Gabor Jurina (photographer), Susie
Sheffman (stylist), Toronto Life Fashion, "Days of Heaven"
Brad MacIver (art director), Chris Nicholls (photographer), Fernando
Resende (designer), Susie Sheffman (stylist), Toronto Life Fashion,
"Confidence Game "
Lina McPhee (art director), Chris Nicholls (photographer), Images,
Lina McPhee (art director), chris Chapman (photographer), Pepper
Palmer (stylist), Images, "Fantasy Island"
Lina McPhee (art director), Christoph Strube (photographer), Alexa
Forsyth (stylist), Images, "Black Again"
sponsored by The Interprovincial Group
Gold: Alain Pilon, Vancouver Magazine, "The
Last Radical"
Silver: Amanda Duffy, Elm Street, "The Dress
Honourable Mentions:
Gary Clement, CAmagazine, "The Bottom Line on Stress"
Jacques Cournoyer, Chatelaine, "La Peur de Sexe"
Murray Kimber, Outdoor Canada, "A Case for the Car"
Joe Morse, enRoute, "Classic Black"
Simon Ng, Outdoor Canada, "As I Dropped Out One Bright
Summer Morning"
Alain Pilon, The Financial Post Magazine, "Knocking
Off the Knockoffs"
Alain Pilon, Saturday Night, "All Devine's Men"
Alain Pilon, Saturday Night, "Come On Get Happy "
Magazine Covers
sponsored by Transcontinental Printing
Gold: Carmen Dunjko, Malcolm Brown, Shift, "Bran
Man 3000"
Silver: Carol Young, James Ireland, Health Digest,
"Arthritis - Joint Efforts for a Pain-Free Future"
Honourable Mentions:
Tim Davin, OWL Magazine, "Ask Owl"
David Heath, James Ireland, Advisor's Edge, "Growing
Sandra Latini, Toronto Life, "Megawife"
Sandra Latini, Toronto Life, "Why Does This Man Hate
Danielle Le Bel, enRoute, "Beauty and the Beasts"
Barbara Solowan, Saturday Night, "The Other Swing Revival"
Alice Unger, Gardening Life, "Spring Fever"
Spot Illustration
Gold: Barbara Klunder, Shift, "Guide to World
Silver: Mike Constable, Toronto Life, "The Personal
Finance Guide"
Honourable Mentions:
Jamie Bennett, Saturday Night, "Death Becomes Her"
Gary Clement, Report on Business Magazine, "Spectrum"
Genevieve Coté, Saturday Night, "Hoar Frost"
Tony Jenkins, Report on Business Magazine, "The Public
Relations Industry Has a P.R. Problem"
Jason Logan, Toronto Life Fashion, "A Friend, Indeed"
Ross MacDonald, Canadian Business, "Series of Columns"
Jason Schneider, Canadian Lawyer, "Surviving the Audit"
Still-life Photography
Gold: George Whiteside, President's Choice Magazine,
"Precious Metals"
Silver: Shun Sasabuchi, Gardening Life, "Test
Honourable Mentions:
Susan Ashukian, Gusto!, "Small Fry"
Douglas Bradshaw, Elm Street, "Shoal Food"
Douglas Bradshaw, Elm Street, "Please, Please Me"
Colin Faulkner, President' Choice Magazine, "Tuscan
Kevin Hewitt, Food & Drink, "Melon Mania"
Christian Lacroix, Mariage Québec, "De terre
et de metal"
Shun Sasabuchi, President's Choice Magazine, "Salad
Tim Saunders, Elm Street, "Party Tricks"
Gold: George Whiteside, Canadian House & Home,
"Objects of Desire"
Silver: Paul Orenstein, Cottage Life, "The Artful
Honourable Mentions:
Chris Chapman, Canadian House & Home, "The Writing's
on the Wallpaper"
Dan Lin, Toronto Life Fashion, "Suburban Renewal"
Ted Yarwood, Style at Home, "Naturally Sophisticated"
Dan Heringa, Style at Home, "Paradise on Pender"
Portrait Photography
Gold: Tom Feiler, Shift, "Picture Perfect"
Silver: Eden Robbins, Toronto Life, "The Vellekoop
Honourable Mentions:
Nigel Dickson, Toronto Life, "Fear Itself"
Jean François Graton, Brian Smale, Chris Wahl, Floria Sigismondi,
Bryce Duffy, Gina Rea Horvath, Shift, "The 25 Most Important
People in New Music"
Andrew MacNaughton, Confidante, "Queen Cole"
Keith Moulding, Saturday Night, "Saturday Nights"
Greg Pacek, Elm Street, "Society's Child"
Chris Wahl, Elm Street, "Blood on the Tracks"
Chris Wahl, Report on Business Magazine, "Do I Frighten
sponsored by Kodak Canada Inc.
Gold: William DeKay, Canadian Geographic, "Double
Silver: Russell Monk, Shift, "Garbage"
Honourable Mentions:
Benoit Aquin, Canadian Geographic, "Lethal Beauty"
Wanita Bates, Border Crossings, "Travellers' First Communion"
John Dunn, Canadian Geographic, "Dunn's Crossing"
David McMillan, Border Crossings, "The Zone"
Bruce Obec, Thomas Kitchin, Victoria Hurst, Beautiful British
Columbia, "Goodbye Mortgage, Hello Wolves"
Art Direction for a Single Magazine Article
Gold: Carmen Dunjko, Malcolm Brown, Shift, "Picture
Silver: Danielle Le Bel, enRoute, "Muscovites
Are Tough Cookies"
Honourable Mentions:
Carmen Dunjko, Malcolm Brown, Shift, "Boogie Knight"
Carmen Dunjko, Malcolm Brown, Shift, "Fear"
Carmen Dunjko, Malcolm Brown, Shift, "Vincent D'Onofrio"
Carmen Dunjko, Malcolm Brown, Shift, "Freak Show"
Carmen Dunjko, Malcolm Brown, Shift, "Enter the Bran
Danielle Le Bel, enRoute, "Wrestling the Muse"
Lina McPhee, Images, "Reds"
Carol Moskot, President's Choice Magazine, "Precious
Art Direction for an Entire Issue
sponsored by Quebecor Inc.
Gold: Carmen Dunjko, Malcolm Brown, Shift, "Fight
the Power, Etc."
Silver: Chris Dixon, Adbusters, "Autumn 1998"
Honourable Mentions:
Heather Cooper, Food & Drink, "Holiday 1998"
Danielle Le Bel, enRoute, "May 1998"
Janice McLean, i, "Through the Lens"
Barbara Solowan, Canadian Art, "The Director"
Best New Magazine: Gardening Life
The Alexander Ross Award for Best New Magazine Writer: Hal Niedzviecki
The President's Medal Sponsored by the University of Western Ontario:
Jane O'Hara, Maclean's
Magazine of the Year: Adbusters
The Foundation Award for Outstanding Achievement: Lynn Cunningham
For information about awards see:
& Fortune: Comprehensive Listing of Awards and Prizes available
to Canadian journalists
Calendar: Current Award Application Deadlines
Copyright © Sources, All rights reserved.