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Environment Sources
  1. Laundering Carbon and the New Scramble for Africa (August 11, 2024)
    The carbon offset market is an integral part of efforts to prevent effective climate action. Most carbon credits traded today are fictitious and do not result in any real reduction in carbon emissions.
  2. The vanishing: my search for a beloved animal, after millions of them die (February 27, 2024)
    A former biologist returns to the Alberta badlands to search for the species he was captivated by as a child, which has now been decimated across North America. Was he too late?
  3. Forest carbon offsets, supposedly worth billions, have no climate benefit (August 26, 2023)
    REDD projects combine false emission claims, worthless credits and human rights abuses.
  4. 'A Death Sentence For People And Ecosystems': The Climate Emergency, Governments And The Public Enemy (July 19, 2023)
    Media Lens' reporting on the climate crisis, the refusal of governments and corporations to take accountability, and the failure of the established media to address these rising climate issues.
  5. Rooftop turbines aim to capture power in windy cities (January 12, 2023)
    The design of traditional wind turbines doesn't really work in cities, where densely packed buildings tend to black and redirect wind, making it gusty and variable in speed and direction. However, new designs of wind turbines that allow for urban use have the potential to change the ways cities use energy.
  6. Starless Sky (December 22, 2022)
    As humanity conquered the dark with electricity, a new rhythm regulating daily life emerged. Making the night disappear has affected us in many ways, including the disregulation of our hormones, including Melatonin which regulates sleep, lowers cholesterol, boosts the immune system, and more.
  7. The Wild American Chestnut is on its Way Back (December 22, 2022)
    There is a petition in front of the US Department of Agriculture requesting permission to release genetically engineered American chestnut trees into wild forests. However, naturalist Bernd Heinrich finds clear evidence of a natural revival of the nostalgic chestnut tree, and many fear that GE trees would threaten this natural comeback.
  8. The Dawn of the Apocalypse (July 24, 2022)
    We were warned for decades about the death march we are on because of global warming. And yet, the global ruling class continues to frog-march us towards extinction.
  9. The Capitalist Solution to 'Save' the Planet: Make It an Asset Class & Sell it (July 16, 2022)
    Lynn Fries speaks to John Bellamy Foster on a critically important and underreported topic: how investors are trying to use rapidly moving climate crisis as an opportunity to loot even more of the commons.
  10. New research shows 50 year binge on chemical fertilisers must end to address the climate crisis (November 1, 2021)
    New research shows that synthetic nitrogen fertilisers are a major driver of the climate crisis, responsible for 1 out every 40 tonnes of GHGs currently pumped into the atmosphere. Now is the time for the world to kick its addiction to synthetic nitrogen fertilisers and urgently transition to farming without fossil fuels and chemicals.
  11. We demand real zero, not net zero! (October 25, 2021)
    Net zero emissions and other false solutions allow polluters to continue polluting, says this statement adopted by the Oilwatch International Global Gathering in Nigeria in October 2021.
  12. Ecosocialism Not Extinction! (October 24, 2021)
    Ecosocialist Alliance statement on the opening of 2021 UN climate talks in Glasgow.
  13. Stop Deep-Sea Mining (August 23, 2021)
    Advocates for the end of exploitation of mineral resources through deep-sea mining until sufficent scientific information has been obtained on if deep-sea mining can be done without damage to the marine environment.
  14. Climate Change: Why we can't trust mainstream media (July 20, 2021)
    A Q&A on capitalism, media, and climate. Explains How and why mainstream media minimizes climate change.
  15. 'Net zero' emissions is a dangerous hoax (June 10, 2021)
  16. No more plastics in Southeast Asia paradise (May 1, 2021)
    Plastic waste has accumulated in Southeast Asia since China stopped importing it for recycling. The region's governments want western exporters to stop using it as a dumping ground.
  17. Biden’s Climate Plan: It’s Too Late for Gradualism (April 24, 2021)
    The climate emergency demands a radical and rapid decarbonization of the economy with numerical goals and timetables to transform all productive sectors, not only power production (27% of carbon emissions), but also transportation (28%), manufacturing (22%), buildings (12%), and agriculture (10%). That emergency transformation can only be met by an ecosocialist approach using public enterprise and planning. Instead, Biden's plan emphasizes corporate welfare: subsidies and tax incentives for clean energy that will take uncertain effect at a leisurely pace in the markets. Moreover, it does nothing to stop more oil and gas fracking and pipelines for more gas-fired power plants, or to shut down coal-fired power plants. Without out directly saying so, it is a plan to burn fossil fuels for decades to come.
  18. Climate Scientists: 'Net Zero' is a dangerous trap (April 22, 2021)
    The only way to keep humanity safe is by immediately and radically cutting emissions in a socially just way.
  19. Antidote For Rural Sprawl: Land Use Zoning (April 5, 2021)
    There will always be people who will argue that zoning is an infringement upon their freedom to build a home where they choose. Speed limits and traffic lights are an infringement of our freedom to drive at any speed we want, but society recognizes that we would have chaos without such limits. The same principles apply to land use. Most of us recognize that zoning has value. Who doesn’t believe keeping structures out of a river's flood plain or keeping a pig farm out of a residential neighborhood isn’t reasonable? We need to extend that idea to the entire landscape, or we will lose much of what we consider valuable.
  20. How the Saami Indigenous People Fended Off Gates-funded Geoengineering Experiment (April 5, 2021)
    The first ever stratospheric test of geoengineering technology, funded by Bill Gates, has been suspended under pressure from the indigenous people over whose heads it would take place, the Saami of northern Scandinavia.
  21. Seaspiracy (April 1, 2021)
    A review of Seaspiracy; the film lifts the lid on the fishing industry, described as secretive and corrupt. Seaspiracy scrutinizes ocean conservation groups like Marine Stewardship Council and the Earth Island Institute are complicit in the fishing industry, and educates viewers on the complex relationships found in ocean food chains.
  22. Threat to Africa's parks (April 1, 2021)
    Powerful oil companies have set their sights on the huge potential reserves under Sub-Saharan Africa's wildlife sanctuaries, which will be far cheaper to exploit than deep ofshore desposits.
  23. The Amazon Chernobyl is a Warning for Us All (March 19, 2021)
    From the Athabasca to the Niger Delta to the Ecuadorian Amazon, the fossil fuel industry, along with other extractive industries, are drenched in the blood of countless innocent people and responsible for ecological annihilation on a scale that is unimaginable.
  24. Plutonium in Space: What Are the Odds of a Catastrophe? (February 23, 2021)
  25. Humans Nature and the Illusion of Separateness (2021)
    One of the biggest lies that people in the global north were sold and have largely internalized is that we are separate from the biosphere from which we evolved and on which we depend upon for our very survival. Even as we stand on the precipice of ecological collapse, human supremacy over nature has been the unchallenged narrative.
  26. We The Power - The Future of Energy is Community Owned (2021)
    A journey into the citizen-led community-energy movement in Europe. An exploration of divesting power from large energy companies and placing that power of electricity in the hands of local communities. How can local activists create more financially empowering, environmentally beneficial, and healthier communities?
  27. Adding up to Zero (December 6, 2020)
    I just learned that Canada's biggest meat company is now proclaiming itself both "carbon neutral" and "carbon zero."
  28. The Dead And Those About To Die - Climate Protests And The Corporate Media (November 17, 2020)
    On the climate protest demonstration on Remembrance Day, 2020.
  29. Exxon Touts Carbon Capture as a Climate Fix, but Uses It to Maximize Profit and Keep Oil Flowing (September 27, 2020)
    A discussion of ExxonMobil's promotion of carbon capture.
  30. Planet of the Censoring Humans (May 29, 2020)
    The campaign to remove Michael Moore’s new documentary from the Internet -- led by Moore's erstwhile progressive "allies" -- is a significant advance in the censorship revolution.
  31. Humans are not the problem: Reflections on a "useless" documentary (April 30, 2020)
    With nearly everyone trapped at home for the fiftieth anniversary of the first Earth Day, Michael Moore released a film that picks apart the US environmental movement as it may have looked ten years ago, and then misleadingly presents it as breaking news.
  32. The Climate Movement Doesn’t Know How to Talk With Union Members About Green Jobs (March 9, 2020)
    Throughout the Democratic primary, the potential loss of good construction and fossil fuel industry jobs has helped prevent moderate Democratic candidates, including frontrunner Joe Biden, from taking policy positions that would aggressively confront the fossil fuel industry and the climate crisis. Whoever opposes Donald Trump in the general election will face a politics of climate denial built on an empty but alluring promise of job security in the oil, gas, and coal industries.
  33. Cajamarca - curing gold fever (March 3, 2020)
    Farmers, youth and other environmental defenders from Cajamarca, deep in the embrace of the Colombian Andes Mountains, have stopped a vast gold mine, re-valued the ‘true treasures’ in their territory and begun to develop regenerative alternatives to mining 'development'.
  34. In northeastern BC, over 10% of oil and gas wells are leaking methane (March 3, 2020)
    Northeastern British Columbia has been a major centre of conventional oil and gas production since the 1960s. More recently, the shale gas sector has also targeted the region.
  35. To Save Our Climate We Need Taller Trees Not Taller Wooden Buildings (March 3, 2020)
    To many of us working at the intersection of forest conservation and climate stability recent opinions and news coverage of proposals to fill our cities with tall wooden buildings presents not a stirring vision of sustainability but a nightmarish scenario of a land base increasingly scarred by clearcuts, logging roads and small diameter tree plantations at a time when climate science insists that reestablishing natural forests and letting them grow much bigger and older is one of humanity's last best hopes to keep climate change from accelerating out of control. To save our climate we need taller trees not taller wooden buildings.
  36. New Deal for Nature: Paying the Emperor to Fence the Wind (February 24, 2020)
    The latest idea to be heavily promoted by big conservation NGOs is doubling the world's so-called "Protected Areas" (PAs) so that they cover thirty percent of the globe's lands and oceans. This is now their main rallying cry and response to two of the world's biggest problems -- climate chaos and loss of biodiversity. It sounds good: It's easy to grasp and has numbers that are supposed to be measurable, and advertisers do love numbers. What better answer to climate change and biodiversity loss than to ban human "interference" over huge areas? If, that is, you think "everybody" is guilty of causing both crises and that everything's solved by keeping them away. The idea's been around for years, but now governments and industries are promoting it to the tune of billions of dollars, so it'll be difficult to oppose. But it's actually dangerous nonsense which would have exactly the reverse effect to what we're told, and if we want to save our world, it must be stopped.
  37. Capitalist roots of the environment crisis (February 18, 2020)
    Here we are, heading into the middle decades of the 21st century, with all the accumulated wisdom and knowledge of millennia of human endeavour literally at our fingertips, staring down the barrel of a catastrophic, and possibly terminal, breakdown of the relationship between human society and the natural world on which we depend.
  38. Colonial conservation - a 'cycle of impunity' (February 14, 2020)
    A UN investigation has suggested that rangers funded by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) have beaten up, abused and murdered people in the forests of Congo. These atrocities were committed in the name of conservation.

  39. Wall Street Invading Wet’suwet’en Territory (February 12, 2020)
    While protesters have rightly condemned the RCMP actions in arresting Wet’suwet’en First Nation land defenders, they (and the corporate media) have largely overlooked the role of a major player in this whole debacle: Wall Street titan Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co., better known as KKR.
  40. Saugeen Ojibway Nation Has Saved Lake Huron From a Nuclear Waste Dump (February 4, 2020)
    A major victory for Canada's First Nations has just been won in Ontario. On January 31, 2020, the Saugeen Ojibway Nation (SON) overwhelmingly voted down the proposed deep geological repository (DGR) for storage of low- and intermediate-level radioactive nuclear waste next to Lake Huron.
  41. The military's carbon bootprint (January 30, 2020)
    As the biggest single user of fossil fuels, why is the military exempt from the climate discussion?
  42. The Trans Mountain Expansion Project (TMX): Alberta Premier Jason Kenney and the Russians (January 29, 2020)
    There has long been fierce opposition to the TMX project (owned at the time by Texas-based Kinder Morgan), which will nearly triple the pipeline’s capacity to bring Alberta diluted bitumen (dilbit) to the West Coast.
  43. The privatization of rivers in Chile (January 22, 2020)
    The Chilean government has continued with the mercantile treatment of common goods, putting several rivers in the Bio Bio Region up for auction, despite ongoing social unrest.
  44. Kiss the Ground (2020)
    Delving into the impact of regenerating the Earth's soil quality and its impact on climate, ecosystems, and food sustainability. Featuring environmental activists, scientists, and celebrities.
  45. Life on Our Planet (2020)
    David Attenborough shares his predictions for the planet's future, and methods to prevent the worst outcomes.
  46. Saving the Nile (2020)
    For the 280 million people from 11 countries who live along the banks of the Nile, it symbolises life. For Ethiopia, a new dam holds the promise of much-needed electricity; for Egypt, the fear of a devastating water crisis.
  47. The Grand Illusion (November 29, 2019)
    As the ecological crisis deepens, nearing the infamous Tipping Point – taking us closer to planetary catastrophe – we are being led to believe that an imminent "greening" of the world economy will deliver us from a very dark future. Somehow, against all logic, we have adopted a collective faith in the willingness of ruling governments and corporations to do the right thing.
  48. A Collective Ignorance of Ecosystems (November 28, 2019)
    Loss of genetic diversity is one consequence of the Industrial Forestry Paradigm that dominates the U.S. timber industry and all public agencies from the state forestry agencies to the federal agencies like the Forest Service.
  49. Stanford Study Says Renewable Power Eliminates Argument for Using Carbon Capture with Fossil Fuels (November 21, 2019)
    A study in the peer-reviewed journal Energy and Environmental Science, concludes that carbon capture technologies are inefficient at pulling out carbon, from a climate perspective, and often increase local air pollution from the power required to run them, which exacerbates public health issues. Replacing a coal plant with wind turbines, on the other hand, always decreases local air pollution and doesn't come with the associated cost of running a carbon capture system, says Jacobson.
  50. Dams and the Green New Deal: Why the Silence? (November 6, 2019)
    Hydroelectric power from dams might be the thorniest question that proponents of the Green New Deal (GND) have to grapple with. Providing more energy than solar and wind combined, dams could well become the backup for energy if it proves impossible to get off of fossil fuels fast enough.
  51. Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - October 27, 2019 (October 27, 2019)
    Millions of us, in many different countries, came out in late September to demand action on the climate crisis. Around the world, in diverse ways, we are working to keep up the pressure. Time is short, and the tasks are huge. In the midst of our activism and organizing, we need to keep asking ourselves some important questions: What are our goals? And what should we do to reach our goals?
  52. Impeachment, Brought to You by the CIA (October 4, 2019)
    Despite occasional warm gas passed in a leftish direction, establishment Democrats never had any intention of allowing a left political program to move forward. After four decades of asserting that they 'believe' climate science, the moment has arrived when the only political path forward is to take on their donors.
  53. Making Money Off of Green Debt: Cory Morningstar Finds Corporate Wolves Behind Environmental Sheep (October 4, 2019)
    Building through the privatization-friendly Reagan-Bush era of the 1980s, ramping up significantly with Bill Clinton's signing of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) in the 1990s, and solidified through the de facto repeal of the post-Great Depression separation between investment and commercial banks at the end of Clinton’s scandal-plagued final term in office at the turn of the millenium, the United States went through a very noticeable shift in how its economy functioned.
  54. "Zone Defense:" a New Way To Stop ATV’s in Wilderness Areas (October 4, 2019)
    In 2002, a new method of organizing was used by 20 organizations in a rural area of southwest Oregon to successfully confront an ATV threat in an area where no national, regional or local group had enough members to do much by itself. The nature of the campaign required numbers of people to turn out on short notice to meetings in sparsely populated areas for which little advance notice could be expected.
  55. Climate Change: A Socialist Solution (September 30, 2019)
    A lot has been written, including by myself, on why capitalism, by its very nature, cannot tackle or stop climate change. The purpose of this article is not to repeat those arguments but to make the positive case for socialism as necessary to deal with this existential crisis for humanity.
  56. Rivers of Dust: The Future of Water and the Middle East (August 19, 2019)
    Syria and Iraq are at odds with Turkey over the Tigris-Euphrates. Egypt's relations with Sudan and Ethiopia over the Nile are tense. Jordan and the Palestinians accuse Israel of plundering river water to irrigate the Negev Desert and hogging most of the three aquifers that underlie the occupied West Bank. According to satellites that monitor climate, the Tigris-Euphrates basin, embracing Turkey, Syria, Iraq and western Iran, is losing water faster than any other area in the world, with the exception of Northern India.
  57. The 9% Lie: Industrial Food and Climate Change (August 8, 2019)
    They now warn us that we have to drastically reduce global emissions – by at least 45 percent – over the next decade. Otherwise, we'll pass the point of no return – defined as reaching 450 ppm or more of CO2 in the atmosphere sometime between 2030 and 2050 – when our climate crisis will morph into a climate catastrophe.
  58. What kind of rebellion will save humanity from extinction? (August 2, 2019)
    Despite overwhelming evidence that the world has already passed certain tipping points, setting off large and unpredictable changes in the climate, why are governments still refusing to act on the scale and pace required?
  59. The Discovery and Rediscovery of Metabolic Rift (July 28, 2019)
    Ian Angus discusses the scientific developments that led Marx to develop metabolic rift theory, and a new generation to rediscover it in our time.
  60. The Plastic Industry's Fight to Keep Polluting the World (July 20, 2019)
    An in-depth look at the failure of recycling intiatives and the plastics industry's PR efforts that put the onus on small scale efforts to reduce waste while they fight any initiatives that curb production at the industry level.
  61. The World Needs a Water Treaty (July 16, 2019)
    Climate change is making water into as valuable a commodity as oil with similar national tensions resulting.
  62. It's Raining Sand in Rayalaseema (July 12, 2019)
    In the Rayalaseema region in India, changing agriculture has reduced biodiversity, depleting the soil and leading to aridity and sandstorms.
  63. Doubling Down: The Military, Big Bankers and Big Oil Are Not In Climate Denial, They Are in Control and Plan to Keep It That Way (July 5, 2019)
    The two most important narratives imposed on us are climate change as a "threat to national security" and as a "business opportunity" - the twin rationales for military and corporate power. They want to focus us on how to manage the crisis, profit from it, or adapt to it, instead of opposing it.
  64. From the Green Revolution to GMOs: Toxic Agriculture Is the Problem Not the Solution (July 5, 2019)
    The pesticide industry lobbies governments to allow chemicals that have long been known to be harmful.
  65. Mark Field and the Danger of Getting Sidetracked (June 22, 2019)
    The media's focus on British government minister Mark Field's assault on a climate change activist, is a smokescreen to draw attention away from people with money and power that effect real issues such as climate change.
  66. 'We Need to Ban Fracking': New Analysis of 1,500 Scientific Studies Details Threat to Health and Climate (June 19, 2019)
    The latest analysis of studies on the effects of fracking confirms that it poses an extreme threat to the environment and local people's healt.
  67. How Much Do Humans Pollute? A Breakdown of Industrial, Vehicular and Household C02 Emissions (June 14, 2019)
    Modified excerpt from author's new book, Privatized Planet: "Free Trade" as a Weapon Against Democracy, Healthcare and the Environment.
  68. Rooting rebellion in nature (May 24, 2019)
    Reflections on the legacy of philosopher and ‘geologian’ Thomas Berry, ten years after his death.
  69. An (Even More) Inconvenient Truth (May 22, 2019)
    Article exploring of limitations of carbon credits
  70. Moving past climate denial (May 20, 2019)
    Katharine Hayhoe, a climate researcher and political science professor argues that it's more productive to show climate change skeptics that solutions are beneficial to them rather than trying to make them believe in the science of climate change.
  71. Updated flood plain maps will send the housing market underwater (May 14, 2019)
    The federal government will soon be posting maps of places at risk of flooding. This will have serious consequences for the housing markets in those areas.
  72. Dam it all: More than half of the world's long rivers are blocked by infrastucture (May 9, 2019)
    But with the increasing demand for more water, energy generation, and flood management, the construction of dams, levees, reservoirs, and other river-obstructive infrastructures is becoming ubiquitous.
  73. The London Climate Protests - Raising The Alarm (May 9, 2019)
    Analysis of media coverage of the climate crisis looks at how many outlets try to discredit 'alarmist' activists. However a sense of panics is rational and needed to avoid catastrophe.
  74. A million species 'threatened with extinction' (May 6, 2019)
    A summary of a dire climate report on the decline in global biodiversity.
  75. On the Coast of Oaxaca, Afro and Indigenous Tribes Fight for Water Autonomy (May 6, 2019)
    In southern Mexico, a multi-ethnic network of towns has halted the construction of a mega-dam. Now they are organizing to manage their own natural resources and revitalize their culture as native water protectors.
  76. Gray Whales Are Dying: Starving to Death Because of Climate Change (May 5, 2019)
    A look at the plight of sea mammals and the state of marine science education.
  77. Wildly Underestimated Oilsands Emissions Latest Blow to Alberta's Dubious Climate Claims (May 3, 2019)
    The oilsand industry's own measurements of their carbon output fall far short of that reported by Environment Canada's and others' research. This could deal a blow to the industry's PR efforts.
  78. A Lethal Industrial Farm Fungus is Spreading Among Us (April 26, 2019)
    Agricultural fungicides are creating strains of drug-resistant fungi.
  79. Nitrogen Crisis: A neglected threat to Earth's life support systems (April 18, 2019)
    The rift in the nitrogen cycle is a major threat to the stability of the Earth System. This and subsequent articles will discuss how the natural cycle works and how it has been disrupted in the Anthropocene.
  80. Talking Trash: Unfortunate Truths About Recycling (April 16, 2019)
    A deep dive into the mechanics of recycling and why it isn't a panacea for our environmental problems.
  81. Dung beetles 'reduce human pathogens risk' (March 28, 2019)
    Farmers remove habitats that encourage natural wildlife for food-safety reasons, however, these habitats encourage biodiversity which could reduce the risk of pathogens in food.
  82. How would a revolutionary government protect the environment? (March 25, 2019)
    A look at how a revolutionary government would combat climate change. Includes a lengthy excerpt from the pamphlet The Green Tax Fraud by Dick Nichols.
  83. In Brazil, thousands of people are still living under the threat of bursting mining dams (March 25, 2019)
    The Brazilian state of Minas Gerais is home to several large dams many of which have burst causing death and environment damage. There is evidence that some of these disasters were predictable.
  84. Rethinking Dominant Approaches to Climate change (March 24, 2019)
    Market-based attempts to curb climate change are inadequate since they further enable its root cause, capitalism.
  85. 10 Failed Levees In Midwest Flood Zone Were Not Inspected By Federal Government (March 24, 2019)
    Many of the levees that failed during flooding of the Missouri River had not been inspected since the early 2010s. Some people say the Army Corps of Engineers has mismanaged levees under their responsibility.
  86. Recording Reveals Oil Industry Execs Laughing at Trump Access (March 23, 2019)
    A 2017 recording of Independent Petroleum Association of America executives reveals them revelling in their access to high levels of government. Since then many environmental protections have been rescinded.
  87. Undermining the watercycle (March 22, 2019)
    The mining industry is often overlooked as a cause of the global water crisis. This article examines recent history of mining disasters and how the industry PR greenwashes its image.
  88. Green construction and worker safety (March 19, 2019)
    Eco-friendly construction exposes workers to new methods and materials which do not have the standard safety practices of those that are more established.
  89. US Government Knew Climate Risks in 1970s, National Petroleum Council Documents Show (March 19, 2019)
    Newly discovered documents show that the fossil fuel industry has know since the 1970s the effect that CO2 emissions would have on the environment.
  90. Why climate action is the antithesis of white supremacy (March 19, 2019)
    Climate action and climate change denial are antithetical to each other as the former is based on interconnectivity and collective action while the latter seeks exclusion and separation.
  91. Brazilian dam disaster 'is part of a pattern' (March 14, 2019)
    A team of Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) academics is marking the international day of action for rivers by hanging out the dirty laundry of a very dirty company.
  92. Shout out for peace and quiet (March 7, 2019)
    Noise is a cause of stress with physical and psychological effects on people and also harms the environment. Noise reductions needs to be made part of solutions such as industry standards and urban planning.
  93. Guiding principles for an Ecosocialist Green New Deal (March 1, 2019)
    Statement of the Ecosocialist Working Group of the DSA on their demands for a Green New Deal that combats climate change and inequality.
  94. Hitting nature where it hurts: Iran feels the pernicious effects of US sanctions on biodiversity conservation (February 27, 2019)
    Iran is home to a rich and complex array of biodiversity. Efforts to protect its biodiversity have been challenged by decades of economic sanctions and political isolation.
  95. Illusion or Advance? Ecosocialists debate the 'Green New Deal' (February 27, 2019)
    Activists from 'System Change Not Climate Change' discuss the strengths and weaknesses of 'Green New Deal' proposals, and how the left should respond.
  96. 'Making this up': Study says oilsands assessments marred by weak science (February 18, 2019)
    The environmental impact assessments required by oil companies use such inconsistent criteria that their reports say have little reliable information about one of the most heavily industrialized landscapes in Canada.
  97. A Tale of Two Citations: Rachel Carson's "Silent Spring" and Michael Harrington's "The Other America" (February 18, 2019)
    Looking at the forgotten, more radical aspects of Carson's "Silent Spring." Compares it with other, less radical works that were more easily co-opted by governments looking to appease new social and environmental movements.
  98. Court Throws out Energy Transfer's 'Racketeering' Claims Against Dakota Access Pipeline Opponents (February 14, 2019)
    An energy company that tried to bring RICO charges against Greenpeace and other people opposing their pipeline have had their case thrown out.
  99. Greenwashing the Climate Catastrophe (February 8, 2019)
    Many solutions to climate change such as the Green New Deal do not address the real threat to the planet: capitalism. They in fact are a smokescreen under which to conduct business as usual.
  100. On the Front Lines of the Climate Change Movement: Mike Roselle Draws a Line (February 8, 2019)
    An excerpt from the book The Big Heat: Earth on the Brink by Jeffrey St. Clair and Joshua Frank. An account of environmental activists fighting massive industries to save the environment.

Related topics in the Sources Subject Index

Climate Change  –  Climate Change Denial  –  Environment  –  Environmental Crime  –  Environmental Impacts  –  Environmental Sciences  –  Global Warming  –  Marine Environment  –  Tar Sands

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