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Sources Bookshelf

International Directory of Little Magazines & Small Presses

Publisher:  Dustbooks, USA

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A directory of hidden treasures. Detailed listings for thousands of small publishers and publications, including addresses, editors, phone numbers, publishing schedules, editorial descriptions. Includes a subject index and a regional index. A worthwhile resource for libraries, for writers looking for places to publish, and for readers seeking voices outside the commercial mainstream.
The design could use some improvement. The column width in the listings section is too wide to be easily readable (why not two columns per page?). The subject index is a good idea poorly executed. It lacks page headers and the actual headings are hard to spot. Open the book at random in the index section, and you can't always even be sure if you're in the regional index or the subject index. Wihtin the subject index, it's hard to know where you are because many of the topics are so general that the entries under them go on page after page.

Subject Headings

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