Selected Subject Headings from the Sources® Database:

Religion Category

The following list contains headings from the Sources® Subject Index related to Religion. If you can not print from your browser a text version is available here. For additional assistance please call Sources at (416) 964-5735.

· Aboriginal Myths, Legends & Languages
· Abstinence-only Sex Education
· Adventists
· Afterlife
· Aging/Spiritual Needs
· Agnosticism
· Al Qaeda
· Albigensians
· Anabaptist Studies
· Anabaptists
· Angels
· Anglican Church
· Anglican Studies
· Animal Ethics
· Antichrist
· Anti-Missionaries
· Anti-Religious
· Apocalypse
· Armageddon
· Asian Religions
· Astrological Practices
· Astrological Research
· Astrology
· Atheism
· Audio Tapes/Christian
· Baha'i Faith
· Baptist Church
· Baptist History
· Baptists
· Bar Mitzvahs
· Belief
· Belief Systems
· Belief Systems/Non-reality-based
· Bible, The
· Bible-based organizations
· Bible/Literal interpretations of
· Bible Selling
· Biblical Prophecies
· Biblical Studies
· Blasphemy
· Bonhoeffer, Dietrich
· Born Again
· Buddhism
· Buddist Monasticism
· Calvinism
· Canadian Jews/Attitude to Israel
· Catalogues/Christian
· Catechists
· Catholic Communications Policy
· Catholic Education
· Catholic Non-Governmental Organizations/Developing Countries
· Catholic Philanthropy
· Chakras
· Channelling
· Chaplaincy
· Chaplaincy Services
· Chareidi Judaism
· Children & Religion
· Children's Spirituality
· Chocolate
· Christ
· Christian Apologetics
· Christian Base Communities
· Christian Camping
· Christian Communities
· Christian Education
· Christian Fascism
· Christian Festivals
· Christian Fundamentalism
· Christian Healing
· Christian Humanitarianism
· Christian-Jewish Dialogue
· Christian Literature
· Christian Martyrs
· Christian Media
· Christian Missions to the Jews
· Christian Music
· Christian Organizations
· Christian Perspective
· Christian Post-Secondary Education
· Christian Publishing
· Christian Reformed Church
· Christian Right
· Christian Schools
· Christian Science
· Christian Seminaries
· Christian Social & Political Analysis
· Christian Socialism
· Christian Suppression
· Christian Unity
· Christianity
· Christmas
· Christmas Carols
· Christmas Celebrations
· Christmas Decor
· Christmas Trees
· Church Architecture
· Church Colleges
· Church & Community
· Church Design
· Church Directories
· Church Festivals
· Church History
· Church Law
· Church Marketing
· Church Music
· Church Networking
· Church Non-Governmental Organizations/Developing Countries
· Church Public Relations
· Church Records
· Church Ritual
· Church Weddings
· Churches
· Churches/Aboriginal Issues
· Churches/Black
· Churches/Conflict Resolution
· Churches/Hebrew Christian
· Churches/Jewish
· Clergy
· Clergy/Gay & Lesbian
· Clergy/Lay
· Clergy/Sexual Misconduct
· Clergy/Sexuality
· Colonialism & Religion
· Colour Therapy
· Community Churches
· Comparative Religion
· Confucianism
· Consciousness Studies
· Consultants/Psychics
· Cosmology
· Counselling/Cults and Missionaries
· Counter-Reformation
· Creation
· Creationism
· Crusades
· Cults
· Dead Sea Scrolls
· Deep Ecology
· Demons
· Divinity Colleges
· Dominionism
· Double Mitzvah
· Druze
· Dualism
· East European Jewry
· Easter
· Eastern Philosophies
· Ecclesiology
· Ecocentrism
· Ecology & the Church
· Ecosophy
· Ecospirituality
· Ecotheology
· Ecumenical Coalitions/Organizations
· Ecumenical Decade of Churches in Solidarity with Women
· Ecumenical Issues
· Ecumenism
· Eddy, Mary Baker
· Education/Islamic
· Education/Jewish
· End Times Movement
· Esoteric
· Eternal Life
· Ethiopian Jewry
· Evangelism
· Extra-sensory Perception (ESP)
· Extremism
· Faith
· Faith-based Organizations
· Faith Healing
· Faith & Media
· Family Values/Education
· Fatwa
· Feminine Spirituality
· Feminism & Religion
· Feminist Theology
· Feng Shui
· Food/Kosher
· Fortune Tellers
· Freedom from Religion
· Freedom of Religion
· Fundamentalism
· Garden of Eden
· Genesis, Book of
· German Philosophy
· Ghosts
· Gnosticism
· God
· Golden Rule
· Gospel Ministry
· Gospel of Prosperity
· Greek Gods
· Greek Myths
· Greek Orthodox Church
· Greek Philosophy
· Haj
· Hamas
· Heaven
· Hebrew
· Hebrew Christianity
· Hell
· Hezbollah
· Hijab
· Hindu Gods
· Hinduism/Hindu Studies
· History of Philosophy
· Holism
· Holistic Experiential Psychotherapy
· Holistic Leadership
· Holistic Lifestyles
· Holistic Work
· Holy Spirit
· Homosexuality & the church
· Hopedale Mission, NF
· Horoscopes
· Hospitals/Roman Catholic
· Huguenots
· Human Values
· Humanism
· Humanistic Funerals
· Hymns
· Inquisition, The
· Intelligent Design
· Inter-Church Affairs
· Inter-Faith Organizations
· Inter-Faith Relations
· Inter-Faith Services
· International Islamic Affairs
· Islam
· Islamic Activities
· Islamic Broadcasting Services
· Islamic Dawah
· Islamic Fundamentalism
· Islamic Information
· Islamic Law
· Islamic Marriage Conflict Resolution
· Islamic Marriage Services
· Islamic Media
· Islamic Religious Matters
· Islamic Rulings
· Islamic Studies
· Islamophobia
· Jehovah
· Jehovah's Witnesses
· Jesuit Studies
· Jesuits
· Jesus
· Jewish Affairs
· Jewish-Christian Relations
· Jewish Community
· Jewish Culture
· Jewish Evangelism
· Jewish Heritage
· Jewish Holidays
· Jewish Immigration
· Jewish Organizations
· Jews
· Jews for Jesus
· Jews in Arab Lands
· Jews in Canada
· Jihad
· Judaica
· Judaism
· Junk Science
· Kabbalah
· Karma
· Kinship Systems
· Kirpan
· Koran
· Kosher
· Kundalini Experiences
· Labour Churches
· Lay Ministries
· Liberation Theology
· Light Therapy
· Liturgy
· Luther, Martin
· Lutheran Church
· Lutheranism
· Lutherans
· Meaning of Life
· Media/Muslim
· Medical Miracles
· Meditation
· Meditation Centres
· Meditation Devices
· Meditation Therapy
· Meditation Training
· Mediumship
· Megachurches
· Memorial Services
· Mennonite Studies
· Mennonite World Conference
· Mennonites
· Messiah
· Messianic Jews
· Messianic Judaism
· Methodist Church
· Mind Control
· Mindful Reflection
· Ministry
· Miracles
· Mission Animation
· Mission Education
· Mission Magazines
· Mission Studies
· Missionaries
· Missions
· Mohammed
· Monks
· Monotheism
· Moral Certitude
· Mormons
· Mosques/Islamic Centres
· Mujahideen
· Mullahs
· Multi-Faith Education
· Multi-Faith Television
· Muslim Broadcasting
· Muslim Brotherhood
· Muslim Communities
· Muslim Cultures
· Muslims
· Mysticism
· Myths/Mythology
· Native Ministries
· Near Death Experience
· New Age
· New Religious Movements
· New Testament
· Norse Gods
· Numerology
· Occult
· Occult Folklore
· Old Testament
· Ordination of Women
· Orthodox Judaism
· Overseas Missions
· Pagan Gods
· Paganism
· Papal Visits
· Paranormal Phenomena
· Parapsychology
· Parish Ministry
· Past-Life Regression
· Pastoral Care
· Pastoral Counselling
· Pastoral Education
· Pastoral Health Care
· Pastoral Health Care/Psychiatric
· Pastoral Projects
· Pastoral Studies
· Patristic Studies
· Pentecostal Church
· Persecution/Rhetoric of
· Personal Ethics
· Philosophy
· Philosophy of Technology
· Pilgrims/Pilgrimage
· Plain People
· Politicization of Churches
· Politics & Religion
· Pontifical Missions
· Prayer
· Prayer Books
· Prayer/School
· Presbyterianism
· Prison Dawah
· Prison Ministry
· Prognostication
· Protestant Churches
· Pseudoscience
· Psychics
· Psychology of Religion
· Puritans
· Quakers
· Qur'anic Instruction
· Rabbi
· Radical Religious Right
· Radio/Christian
· Rapture, The
· Rastafarians
· Redemption
· Redemptive Transformation
· Reformation
· Reiki
· Reincarnation
· Religion
· Religion & Law
· Religion & Arts
· Religion/East Asian
· Religion in Education
· Religion/The New Age
· Religion & Sexual Oppression
· Religion & Social Justice
· Religion & Society
· Religions of the World
· Religious Activities
· Religious Articles of Faith
· Religious Broadcasting
· Religious Communities
· Religious Congregations
· Religious Conversion
· Religious Criticism
· Religious Diversity
· Religious Education
· Religious Fundamentalism
· Religious Hatred
· Religious History
· Religious History of Canada
· Religious Issues
· Religious Leaders
· Religious Liberty
· Religious Life
· Religious Media
· Religious Myths
· Religious Persecution
· Religious Products
· Religious Publications
· Religious Radicalism
· Religious Records
· Religious Rights
· Religious Services for the Blind
· Religious Services for the Deaf
· Religious Studies
· Religious Tolerance
· Religious Video Productions
· Religious Violence
· Resurrection
· Ritual
· Roman Catholic Church
· Roman Catholic Schools
· Roman Gods
· Russian Orthodox Church
· Sabbath Observance
· Sacred
· Salvation
· Same-Sex Marriage/Union
· Satan
· Satanism
· Scriptures
· Second Coming
· Sectarianism
· Sects
· Secularism
· Separate Schools
· Separation of Church and State
· Sermons
· Seventh-day Adventist Church
· Shamanism
· Shari'a Law
· Sharia Socialists
· Shia Islam
· Sikhism
· Sikhs
· Sikhs in Canada/History
· Sin
· Sisters/Religious
· Social Gospel
· Soul
· Soviet Jews
· Spirit Messages
· Spiritual Care
· Spiritual Disciplines
· Spiritual Ecology
· Spiritual Education
· Spiritual Healing
· Spiritual Needs
· Spiritual Renewal
· Spirituality
· Spirituality in the Workplace
· Spoken Word/Christian
· Sufi
· Sunni Islam
· Supernatural
· Superstition
· Synagogue
· Taboos
· Talmud
· Tantra
· Tantric Buddism
· Taoism
· Tarot Readers
· Telepreachers
· Televangelists
· Temples
· Theocracy
· Theological Reflection
· Theology
· Third World Theology
· Tibetan Mysticism
· Torah
· Totem Poles
· Totems
· Trances
· Trinity
· Turbans
· UFO Studies
· Ukrainian Catholic Church
· Unitarianism
· United Church
· Urban Myths
· Video Tapes/Christian
· Witchcraft
· Women & the Bible
· Women & Churches
· Women & Islam
· Women & Religion
· Women in the Roman Catholic Church
· Women's Spirituality
· Worker Priests
· World Day of Prayer
· Worship
· Yin-Yang
· Youth Ministry
· Youth & Religion
· Zen
· Zionism

Current Subject Index (Topics for which experts are currently listed in Sources)  (Does not include subjects for which no expert is currently listed)

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© Sources 1977-2019. The information in the Sources® Subject Index database is for the sole use of Sources subscribers and may not be reproduced in any form or by any means (whether electronic, mechanical or photographic), or stored in an electronic retrieval system, without written permission of the publisher. The contents may not be resold, republished, or redistributed. Indexing and search applications by Ulli Diemer and Chris DeFreitas.

Phone: (416) 964-5735