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Molson Breweries
Molson Breweries was founded in 1786 by John Molson and is the oldest continuously operational brewery in North America.
With its roots in Canada, Molson Breweries has successfully become an international player through its merger in 1989 with Carling O'Keefe Breweries (owned by the Foster's Brewing Group), and the subsequent alliance in 1993 with the Miller Brewing Company. With this new alliance, Molson Breweries ownership became a partnership of The Molson Companies Limited (40 per cent), Foster's Brewing Group (40 per cent), and the Miller Brewing Company (20 per cent).
Today, Molson Breweries owns and operates eight breweries in seven provinces throughout Canada. They are located in St. John's, Newfoundland; Montreal, Quebec; Etobicoke, Ontario; Barrie, Ontario; Winnipeg, Manitoba; Regina, Saskatchewan; Edmonton, Alberta; Vancouver, British Columbia.
Molson Breweries offers over 40 brands of beer including Molson Canadian, Ontario's top-selling beer; Molson Special Dry, Canada's leading Dry beer; Molson Export, the country's number one ale; Coors Light, Canada's most popular light beer; Miller Genuine Draft, the number one packaged draft in North America; and, Molson Ice, Molson Canadian Ice, Carling Ice and Black Ice, the Molson-brewed Ice beers.

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