Sources Listing Archive
Archived Listing - Last Updated: June 1996. This information represents a historical archive of listings which appeared in SOURCES, which has been continuously published in print and online since 1977. The information has not been updated since the date indicated. For current information consult the SOURCES website at To be included in the current SOURCES listings, and to take advantage of other tools including unlimited news releases and event calendar postings, fill out the online membership form. For more information, see Frequently Asked Questions or call .

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Foreign Service Exam and Career Counselling Inc.
We provide presentations and personal counselling on international careers across Canada and in Europe:
*Foreign Service Exam Seminar - 2-day prep course and study kit on Foreign Service exam/interview for university students/graduates/professionals
*Paths to International Careers - 1/2-day presentation on overseas volunteer, academic, work opportunities for students, teachers, counsellors from all levels/fields of study
*Targeting International Business Careers - 1/2-day presentation providing strategies, actions, contacts for business students/grads to pursue work abroad
*Personal Counselling for International Careers - Individually tailored counselling on overseas career search for professionals, other university grads, advanced secondary and post-secondary students.
Presentations are sponsored by faculty, counsellors and teachers, independent schools and secondary boards, student groups, and professional development conferences throughout Canada and abroad. The success rate of Foreign Service seminar participants in achieving diplomatic careers is outstanding.

Nous regrettons que toutes les pr#sentations ne deroulent qu'en anglais. Toutefois, la trousse d'information pour le seminaire au Service #tranger est disponible en francais.

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© Sources 1977-2012. The information provided is copyright and may not be reproduced in any form or by any means (whether electronic, mechanical or photographic), or stored in an electronic retrieval system, without written permission of the publisher. The content may not be resold, republished, or redistributed. Indexing and search applications by Ulli Diemer and Chris DeFreitas.