National Newspaper Award Winners
1949 - 2005
Editorial Writing/Éditorial
Spot News Reporting/Nouvelle d'actualitÉ (Renamed Breaking
News in 2002)
Critical Writing/Critique (Renamed Arts and Entertainment in 2002)
Enterprise Reporting/ Grande enquÊte (Renamed Investigations
in 2002)
Feature Writing/Reportage (Renamed Long Features in 2002)
Staff Corresponding
Foreign Reporting/Reportage à l'Étranger
International Reporting/ Reportage à l'Étrange (formerly
Staff Corresponding and Foreign Reporting)
Sports Writing/Sport
Spot News Photography/Photographie d'actualitÉ
Editorial Cartooning/Caricature
Feature Photography/Photographie de reportage
Business Reporting/Économie
Sports Photography/Photographie de sport
Layout and Design/Conception et mise en page (Renamed Presentations
in 2002)
Special Project/Projet spÉcial
Local Reporting / Reportage à caractÈre local
Short Features/Reportage Bref
Explanatory Work/Texte explicatif
Beat Reporting/Journalisme specialisÉ
Editorial Writing/Éditorial
1949--Edgar A. Collard Montreal Gazette
1950--Edgar A. Collard Montreal Gazette
1951--GÉrard Filion Le Devoir
1952--Bruce Hutchison Victoria Times
1953--Thomas E Nichols Hamilton Spectator
1954--Charles R. Pyper Toronto Telegram
1955--C. Mort Fellman North Bay Nugget
1956--AndrÉ Laurendeau Le Devoir
1957--Bruce Hutchison Victoria Times
1958--GÉrard Filion Le Devoir
1959--Edgar A. Collard Montreal Gazette
1960--GÉrard Filion Le Devoir
1961--Lubor Zink Brandon Sun
1962--AndrÉ Laurendeau Le Devoir
1963--Anthony Westell Globe and Mail
1964--Claude Ryan Le Devoir
1965--Eric Wells Winnipeg Tribune
1966--Ralph Hancox Peterborough Examiner
1967--William Gold Hamilton Spectator
1968--Edgar A. Collard Montreal Gazette
1969--Martin Dewey Toronto Star
1970--Jacke Wolfe New Westminster Columbian
1971--Cameron M. Smith Globe and Mail
1972--Peter Worthington Toronto Sun
1973--Gilles Boyer Le Soleil, QuÉbec
1974--Pierce Fenhagen Montreal Gazette
1975--John W. Grace Ottawa Journal
1976--Cameron M. Smith Globe and Mail
1977--David Ablett Vancouver Sun
1978--John Grace Ottawa Journal
1979--Oakland Ross Globe and Mail
1980--George Radwanski Toronto Star
1981--George Radwanski Toronto Star
1982--Joan Fraser Montreal Gazette
1983--Terry Moore Winnipeg Free Press
1984--John Dafoe Winnipeg Free Press
1985--John Dafoe Winnipeg Free Press
1986--William Thorsell Globe and Mail
1987--Raymond Giroux Le Soleil
1988--Norman Webster Globe and Mail
1989--Harvey Schachter Kingston Whig-Standard
1990--David Prosser Kingston Whig-Standard
1991--Joan Fraser Montreal Gazette
1992--Andrew Coyne Globe and Mail
1993--Andrew Coyne Globe and Mail
1994--Linda Goyette Edmonton Journal
1995--Andrew Cohen Globe and Mail
1996--Andrew Cohen Globe and Mail
1997--Carol Goar The Toronto Star
1998--Murdoch Davis Edmonton Journal
1999--Alain Dubuc, La Presse, Montreal
2000--Henry Aubin, The Gazette, Montreal
2001--Marcus Gee, The Globe and Mail
2002--Russell Wangersky, St. John's Telegram
2003--Jonathan Kay, National Post
2004--Iain Hunter, Victoria Times Colonist
2005--Iain Hunter, Victoria Times Colonist
Spot News Reporting/Nouvelle d'actualitÉ (Renamed Breaking
News in 2002)
1949--Edmond Chase Le Canada, MontrÉal
1950--Ken W. MacTaggart Globe and Mail
1951--Gwyn Thomas Toronto Star
1952--Don Delaplante Globe and Mail
1953--Judith Robinson Toronto Telegram
1954--Gwyn Thomas Toronto Star
1955--Richard Snell Calgary Herald
1956--Bruce Larsen Vancouver Province
1957-- Ted Byfield Winnipeg Free Press
1958--The Canadian Press Halifax Bureau
1959--Andrew MacFarlane Toronto Telegram
1960--Walter McCall Windsor Star
1961--Charles King Southam News Services
1962--Thomas Hazlitt Vancouver Province
1963--Bob Hill Edmonton Journal
1964--Robert Reguly Toronto Star
1965--Warren Gerard Globe and Mail
1966--Robert Reguly and Robert MacKenzie, Toronto Star
1967--Anthony Westell Globe and Mail
1968--Claire Dutrisac La Presse, MontrÉal
1969--Gwyn Thomas Toronto Star
1970--Tom Hazlitt Toronto Star
1971--Ron Haggart Toronto Telegram
1972--John Zaritsky Globe and Mail
1973--Frank Jones Toronto Star
1974--Steve Krueger Canadian Press
1975--Jack Cahill Toronto Star
1976--Richard Cleroux Globe and Mail
1977--Gerald Utting Toronto Star
1978--John Fraser Globe and Mail
1979--Canadian Press Toronto Bureau
1980--Jean Pelletier La Presse, MontrÉal
1981--Canadian Press Ottawa Bureau
1982--Christopher Young Southam News Services
1983--Bob Hepburn Toronto Star
1984--Peter Calamai Southam News Services
1985--Peter Calamai Southam News Services
1986--John Picton Toronto Star
1987--James Ferrabee Southam News Services
1988--Dale Brazao, Kevin Donovan Toronto Star
1989--Winnipeg Free Press team
1990--Ottawa Citizen team
1991--Mike Trickey Southam News
1992--David Staples & Greg Owens Edmonton Journal
1993--Beth Gorham, Michael Johansen Canadian Press
1994--Paul Wells, Geoff Baker Montreal Gazette
1995--Stephen Thorne Canadian Press
1996--Philip Mascoll, Dale Brazao, Donovan Vincent Toronto Star
1997--Le Soleil team/Équipe
1998--Canadian Press Halifax bureau
1999--Canadian Press Montreal bureau
2000--Andrew McIntosh National Post
2001--Chris Purdy, Graham Thompson Edmonton Journal
2002--Kim Bolan, Lindsay Kines The Vancouver Sun
2003--Theresa Boyle, Kevin Donovan Toronto Star
2004--John Duncanson, Tracy Huffman, Nick Pron Toronto Star
2005--Edmonton Journal team
Critical Writing/Critique (Renamed Arts and Entertainment in
1972--David Billington Montreal Gazette
1973--David Billington Montreal Gazette
1974--John Fraser Globe and Mail
1975--Scott Beaven Calgary Albertan
1976--John Fraser Globe and Mail
1977--William French Globe and Mail
1978--William French Globe and Mail
1979--John Hofsess Calgary Albertan
1980--William Littler Toronto Star
1981--Jay Scott Globe and Mail
1982--Peter Goddard Toronto Star
1983--John Bentley Mays Globe and Mail
1984--Jay Scott Globe and Mail
1985--Ken Adachi Toronto Star
1986--Ray Conlogue Globe and Mail
1987--David Prosser Kingston Whig-Standard
1988--David Prosser Kingston Whig-Standard
1989--John Haslett Cuff Globe and Mail
1990--John Haslett Cuff Globe and Mail
1991--Rick Groen Globe and Mail
1992--Val Ross Globe and Mail
1993--Lloyd Dykk Vancouver Sun
1994--Heather Mallick Toronto Sun
1995--Mark Abley Montreal Gazette
1996--Antonia Zerbisias Toronto Star
1997--David Macfarlane, Globe and Mail
1998--Doug Saunders Globe and Mail
1999--Doug Saunders Globe and Mail
2000--Doug Saunders Globe and Mail
2001--Jonathan Kay National Post
2002--Alison Rose National Post
2003--Rick Groen Globe and Mail
2004--Maria Cook Ottawa Citize
2005--Lisa Rochon Globe and Mail
Enterprise Reporting/ Grande enquÊte (Renamed Investigations
in 2002)
1972--David Crane Toronto Star
1973--Henry Aubin Montreal Gazette
1974--Robert Nielsen Toronto Star
1975--Lysiane Gagnon La Presse, MontrÉal
1976--Henry Aubin Montreal Gazette
1977--Gerald Utting Toronto Star
1978--Peter Worthington Toronto Sun
1979--Bill Dampier Toronto Star
1980--Tim Padmore, Chris Gaynor Vancouver Sun
1981--Mary Janigan Montreal Gazette
1982--Reporting Team Vancouver Sun
1983--John R. Walker Southam News Service
1984--Dan Turner Ottawa Citizen
1985--Roger Clavet Le Droit, Ottawa
1986--Paul McKay Kingston Whig-Standard
1987--Claude Arpin Montreal Gazette
1988--Robert Lee Ottawa Citizen
1989--Linda McQuaig Globe and Mail
1990--Greg Weston and Jack Aubry Ottawa Citizen
1991--Mark Kennedy Ottawa Citizen
1992--Paulette Peirol & Michael Den Tandt Kingston Whig-Standard
1993--Carolyn Adolph, William Marsden, Andrew McIntosh Montreal
1994--Peter Cheney, Paul Watson, Darcy Henton Toronto Star
1995--Philip Mathias Financial Post
1996--Brad Evenson, Andrew Duffy Southam News
1997--Moira Welsh, Kevin Donovan Toronto Star
1998--Peter Cheney Toronto Star
1999--William Marsden Montreal Gazette
2000--Leslie Papp Toronto Star
2001--Paul McKay Ottawa Citizen
2002--Jim Rankin, Scott Simmie, John Duncanson, Michelle Shephard,
Jennifer Quinn Toronto Star
2003--Dan Lett Winnipeg Free Press
2004--Fred Vallance-Jones, Steve Buist The Hamilton Spectator
2005--Steve Buist, Luma Muhtadi, Joan Walters The Hamilton Spectator
Feature Writing/Reportage (Renamed Long Features in 2002)
1949--Dorothy Howarth Toronto Telegram
1950--Laurie M. McKechnie Toronto Telegram
1951--Bill Boss Canadian Press/Presse canadienne
1952--Wilfred List Globe and Mail
1953--Gerald Clark Canada Wide Features
1954--Mac Reynolds Vancouver Sun
1955--Frank Lowe Montreal Star
1956--Ralph Hicklin Chatham News
1957--William Kinmond Globe and Mail
1958--G. E. Mortimore Victoria Colonist
1959--Gene Telpner Winnipeg Free Press
1960--Pierre Berton Toronto Star
1961--Guy Lamarche Le Devoir
1962--Peter Worthington Toronto Telegram
1963--Robert Turnbull Globe and Mail
1964--Peter Newman Toronto Star
1965--Arnie Myers Vancouver Sun
1966--Betty Lee Globe and Mail
1967--Ray Guy St. John's Telegram
1968--Sheila Arnopoulos Montreal Star
1969--Brian Stewart Montreal Gazette
1970--Michael Popovich Toronto Telegram
1971--Claire Dutrisac La Presse, MontrÉal
1972--George Hutchison London Free Press
1973--Del Bell London Free Press
1974--Carol Hogg Calgary Herald
1975--Nigel Gibson Montreal Gazette
1976--Joe Hall Toronto Star
1977--Brenda Zosky Toronto Star
1978--Josh Freed Montreal Star
1979--Val Sears Toronto Star
1980--Richard Gwyn Toronto Star
1981--Peter Calamai Southam News and Michelle Landsberg Toronto
Star (tie)
1982--Glen Allen Montreal Gazette
1983--Bill McGuire London Free Press
1984--Ian Brown Globe and Mail
1985--Adele Freedman Globe and Mail
1986--Lucinda Chodan Montreal Gazette
1987--Marilyn Dunlop Toronto Star
1988--Kelly Toughill Toronto Star
1989--Catherine Dunphy Toronto Star
1990--John Gray Globe and Mail
1991--John Gray Globe and Mail
1992--Pierre Foglia La Presse, MontrÉal
1993--Michael Valpy Globe and Mail
1994--John Stackhouse Globe and Mail
1995--Kirk Makin Globe and Mail
1996--Heather Mallick Toronto Sun
1997--Buzz Currie, Kim Guttormson, Bill Redekop, Gord Sinclair,
Bruce Owen, Winnipeg Free Press
1998--Shelley Page Ottawa Citizen
1999--John Stackhouse Globe and Mail
2000--Jill Mahoney, Erin Anderssen, Kim Lunman Globe and Mail
2001--Margaret Philp Globe and Mail
2002--Dan Gardner Ottawa Citizen
2003--Oakland Ross Toronto Star
2004--Douglas Todd The Vancouver Sun
2005--Ian Brown Globe and Mail
Staff Corresponding
1949--Stuart Underhill Canadian Press
1950--Peter Inglis Southam News Service
1951--John Bird Southam News Service
1952--William Stevenson Toronto Star
1953--Jack Scott Vancouver Sun
1954--Bill Boss Canadian Press
1955--I. Norman Smith Ottawa Journal
1956--Ken W. MacTaggart Toronto Telegram
1957--Jean-Marc Leger Le Devoir
1958--Andrew MacFarlane Toronto Telegram
1959--Bruce Hutchison Victoria Times
1960--Pierre Berton Toronto Star
1961--Bruce Phillips Southam News Services
1962--Michael Barkway Southam News Services
1963--Alexander Ross Vancouver Sun
1964--Charles Lynch Southam News Services
1965--Jean-Pierre Fournier Le Devoir
1966--David Oancia Globe and Mail
1967--Timothy Traynor FP Publications, London
1968--Robert Reguly Toronto Star
1969--Peter Worthington Toronto Telegram
1970--Anthony Westell Toronto Star
1971--Norman Webster Globe and Mail
Foreign Reporting/Reportage à l'Étranger
1985--Michael Valpy Globe and Mail
1986--Michael Valpy Globe and Mail
1987--Thomas Walkom Globe and Mail
1988--Christopher Young Southam News
1989--Gilles Blanchard La Presse, MontrÉal
International Reporting/ Reportage à l'Étrange
1990--Bill Schiller Toronto Star
1991--Peter Cheney Toronto Star
1992--Jan Wong Globe and Mail
1993--Paul Watson Toronto Star
1994--John Gray Globe and Mail
1995--Olivia Ward Toronto Star
1996--Paul Watson Toronto Star
1997--John Stackhouse Globe and Mail
1998--Christina Spencer Ottawa Citizen
1999--John Stackhouse Globe and Mail
2000--Linda Diebel Toronto Star
2001--Miro Cernetig Globe and Mail
2002--Stephen Thorne Canadian Press
2003--Stephanie Nolen Globe and Mail
2004--Stephanie Nolen Globe and Mail
2005--Pascale Breton La Presse, Montreal
Sports Writing/Sport
1957--Robert Hesketh Toronto Telegram
1958--Scott Young Globe and Mail
1959--Dick Beddoes Vancouver Sun
1960--Jacques Revelin L'Action Catholique, QuÉbec
1961--Ted Reeve Toronto Telegram
1962--Mike Cramond Vancouver Province
1963--Gary Lautens Hamilton Spectator
1964--Bob Hanley Hamilton Spectator
1965--Bob Pennington Toronto Telegram
1966--James Kearney Vancouver Sun
1967--Al Sokol Toronto Telegram
1968--Bob Hanley Hamilton Spectator
1969--Bob Pennington Toronto Telegram
1970--Bob Hanley Hamilton Spectator
1971--Red Fisher Montreal Star
1972--Tim Burke Montreal Gazette
1973--John Robertson Montreal Star
1974--George Gross Toronto Sun
1975--Trent Frayne Toronto Sun
1976--Al Strachan Montreal Gazette
1977--Brodie Snyder and Dick Bacon Montreal Gazette
1978--Doug Gilbert Edmonton Sun
1979--Allen Abel Globe and Mail
1980--Archie McDonald Vancouver Sun
1981--Barbara Huck Winnipeg Free Press
1982--Michael Farber Montreal Gazette
1983--Robert Martin Globe and Mail
1984--Wayne Parrish Toronto Star
1985--Wayne Parrish Toronto Star
1986--Jean Sonmor Toronto Sun
1987--Jim Proudfoot Toronto Star
1988--Michael Clarkson St. Catharines Standard
1989--Lisa Fitterman Montreal Gazette
1990--Michael Farber Montreal Gazette
1991--Red Fisher Montreal Gazette
1992--Michael Clarkson Calgary Herald
1993--Randy Starkman Toronto Star
1994--Randy Starkman Toronto Star
1995--Roy MacGregor Ottawa Citizen
1996--Erin Anderssen New Brunswick Telegraph Journal and Saint John
Times Globe
1997--Geoff Baker Montreal Gazette
1998--Damien Cox Toronto Star
1999--Jack Todd Montreal Gazette
2000--Gary Mason Vancouver Sun
2001--Ron Corbett Ottawa Citizen
2002--Gary Mason Vancouver Sun
2003--Morgan Campbell Toronto Star
2004--Randy Turner Winnipeg Free Press
2005--Geoff Baker Toronto Star
Spot News Photography/Photographie d'actualitÉ
1949--Jack DeLorme Calgary Herald
1950--Harry Befus Calgary Herald
1951--David Bier Montreal Herald
1952--Russell Cooper Toronto Telegram
1953--Orval Brunelle Lethbridge Herald
1954--Ted Dinsmore Toronto Telegram
1955--Roger St-Jean La Presse, MontrÉal
1956--Ted Jolly Amherst News
1957--Jerry Ormond Calgary Herald
1958--Robertson Cochrane London Free Press
1959--George Diack Vancouver Sun
1960--Jack Bowman Brantford Expositor
1961--Gordon Karam UPI, Ottawa Bureau
1962--Daniel Scott Vancouver Sun
1963--Kent Stevenson Calgary Herald
1964--Peter Geddes Toronto Telegram
1965--Clifford Knapp Kingston Whig-Standard
1966--Norman James Toronto Star
1967--Sean Browne Toronto Telegram
1968--Ernie Lee London Free Press
1969--Tibor Kolley Globe and Mail
1970--Franz Maier Globe and Mail
1971--Doug Griffin Toronto Star
1972--Frank Lennon Toronto Star
1973--Kerry McIntyre Canadian Press and Don Dutton Toronto Star
1974--Don Dutton Toronto Star
1975--Stephen Liard Toronto Star
1976--Russell Mant Canadian Press
1977--Douglas Ball Canadian Press
1978--John Colville Calgary Herald
1979--Bill Sandford Toronto Sun
1980--Dick Wallace London Free Press
1981--Larry MacDougal Ottawa Citizen
1982--Robert Taylor Edmonton Sun
1983--Chris Mikula Ottawa Citizen
1984--Gary Shulhan Calgary Herald
1985--Ralph Bower Vancouver Sun
1986--Michael Peake Toronto Sun
1987--Les Bazso Vancouver Province
1988--Rick MacWilliam Edmonton Journal
1989--Allen McInnis Montreal Gazette
1990--Tim McKenna Toronto Sun
1991--Nick Brancaccio Windsor Star
1992--Pat McGrath Ottawa Citizen
1993--Paul Watson Toronto Star
1994--Jon Murray Vancouver Province
1995--Patrick McConnell Toronto Sun
1996--Fred Sherwin Ottawa Sun
1997--Bruno Schlumberger Ottawa Citizen
1998--Ryan Remiorz Canadian Press
1999--Leonard LePage St. Catharines Standard
2000--Paul Chiasson Canadian Press
2001--Ian Smith The Vancouver Sun
2002--Jim Young Reuters
2003--Stephen MacGillivray Fredericton Daily Gleaner
2004--Lucas Oleniuk Toronto Star
2005--Larry MacDougal Canadian Press
Editorial Cartooning/Caricature
1949--Jack Boothe Globe and Mail
1950--James G. Reidford Montreal Star
1951--Leonard Norris Vancouver Sun
1952--Robert La Palme Le Devoir
1953--Robert W. Chambers Halifax Chronicle-Herald
1954--John Collins Montreal Gazette
1955--Merle R. Tingley London Free Press
1956--James G. Reidford Globe and Mail
1957--James G. Reidford Globe and Mail
1958--Raoul Hunter Le Soleil
1959--Duncan Macpherson Toronto Star
1960--Duncan Macpherson Toronto Star
1961--Ed McNally Montreal Star
1962--Duncan Macpherson Toronto Star
1963--Jan Kamienski Winnipeg Tribune
1964--Ed McNally Montreal Star
1965--Duncan Macpherson Toronto Star
1966--Robert W. Chambers Halifax Chronicle-Herald
1967--Raoul Hunter Le Soleil
1968--Roy Peterson Vancouver Sun
1969--Edd Uluschak Edmonton Journal
1970--Duncan Macpherson Toronto Star
1971--Yardley Jones Toronto Sun
1972--Duncan Macpherson Toronto Star
1973--John Collins Montreal Gazette
1974--Blaine Hamilton Spectator
1975--Roy Peterson Vancouver Sun
1976--Andy Donato Toronto Sun
1977--Terry Mosher (Aislin) Montreal Gazette
1978--Terry Mosher (Aislin) Montreal Gazette
1979--Edd Uluschak Edmonton Journal
1980--Victor Roschkov Toronto Star
1981--Tom Innes Calgary Herald
1982--Blaine Hamilton Spectator
1983--Dale Cummings Winnipeg Free Press
1984--Roy Peterson Vancouver Sun
1985--Ed Franklin Globe and Mail
1986--Brian Gable Regina Leader-Post
1987--Raffi Anderian Ottawa Citizen
1988--Vance Rodewalt Calgary Herald
1989--Cameron Cardow Regina Leader-Post
1990--Roy Peterson Vancouver Sun
1991--Guy Badeaux Ottawa LeDroit
1992--Bruce MacKinnon Halifax Herald
1993--Bruce MacKinnon Halifax Herald
1994--Roy Peterson Vancouver Sun
1995--Brian Gable Globe and Mail
1996--Roy Peterson Vancouver Sun
1997--Serge Chapleau La Presse, MontrÉal
1998--Roy Peterson Vancouver Sun
1999--Serge Chapleau La Presse, MontrÉal
2000--Serge Chapleau La Presse, MontrÉal
2001--Brian Gable Globe and Mail
2002--Serge Chapleau La Presse, MontrÉal
2003--Serge Chapleau La Presse, MontrÉal
2004--Theo Moudakis Toronto Star
2005--Brian Gable Globe and Mail
Feature Photography/Photographie de reportage
1950--John Maclean Toronto Telegram
1951--Peter Dunlop Toronto Telegram
1952--Harry Befus Calgary Herald
1953--Bill Dennett Vancouver Sun
1954--Ray Munro Vancouver Province
1955--Jack Marshall Toronto Star
1956--Gordon Sedawie Vancouver Province
1957--Villy Svarre Vancouver Province
1958--Ron Laytner Toronto Telegram
1959--Bob Olsen Vancouver Province
1960--Don McLeod Vancouver Province
1961--Jack Jarvie Brantford Expositor
1962--Boris Spremo Globe and Mail
1963--Boris Spremo Globe and Mail
1964--Bob Olsen Vancouver Times
1965--Ken Oakes Vancouver Sun
1966--David Paterson Vancouver Province
1967--Reg Innell Toronto Star
1968--Boris Spremo Toronto Star
1969--Peter Bregg Canadian Press
1970--Glenn Baglo Vancouver Sun
1971--Glenn Baglo Vancouver Sun
1972--Jack Burnett London Free Press
1973--Rod C. MacIvor United Press International
1974--Douglas Ball Canadian Press
1975--Tedd Church Montreal Gazette
1976--AllanLeishman Montreal Star
1977--Boris Spremo Toronto Star
1978--Hugh MacKenzie Ottawa Citizen
1979--Bill Keay Vancouver Sun
1980--Peter Martin United Press Canada
1981--Tedd Church Montreal Gazette
1982--Bruno Schlumberger Ottawa Citizen
1983--Veronica Milne Toronto Sun
1984--David Lazarowych Calgary Herald
1985--Gerry Bookhout Kitchener-Waterloo Record
1986--Keith Beaty Toronto Star
1987--Bruno Schlumberger Ottawa Citizen
1988--Rick Eglinton Toronto Star
1989--Fred Thornhill Toronto Sun
1990--Craig Robertson Toronto Sun
1991--John Lucas Edmonton Journal
1992--Andrew Stawicki Toronto Star
1993--Diana Nethercott Hamilton Spectator
1994--Patti Gower Toronto Star
1995--Debra Brash Victoria Times-Colonist
1996--Peter Power Toronto Star
1997--David Chidley Calgary Sun
1998--Julie Oliver Ottawa Citizen
1999--Chris Schwarz Edmonton Journal
2000--Andrew Stawicki Toronto Star
2001--Peter Power Toronto Star
2002--Dave Chan The Globe and Mail
2003--Greg Southam Edmonton Journal
2004--Frank Gunn The Canadian Press
2005--Mike Carroccetto Ottawa Citizen
1980--Michele Landsberg Toronto Star
1981--Lysiane Gagnon La Presse, MontrÉal
1982--John Slinger Toronto Star
1983--Allan Fotheringham Southam News Service
1984--Richard Gwyn Toronto Star
1985--Harvey Schachter Kingston Whig-Standard
1986--Carol Goar Toronto Star
1987--William Johnson Montreal Gazette
1988--Gordon Sinclair Winnipeg Free Press
1989--Jeffrey Simpson Globe and Mail
1990--Richard Wagamese Calgary Herald
1991--Linda Goyette Edmonton Journal
1992--Dave Brown Ottawa Citizen
1993--Rick Salutin Globe and Mail
1994--Pierre Foglia La Presse, MontrÉal
1995--Joe Fiorito Montreal Gazette
1996--Thomas Walkom Toronto Star
1997--Josh Freed Montreal Gazette
1998--Marcus Gee Globe and Mail
1999--Christie Blatchford National Post
2000--Margaret Wente Globe and Mail
2001--Margaret Wente Globe and Mail
2002--Josh Freed Montreal Gazette
2003--Denis Gratton Le Droit, Ottawa
2004--Daphne Bramham The Vancouver Sun
2005--Doug Saunders Globe and Mail
Business Reporting/Économie
1987--Christopher Waddell Globe and Mail
1988--Christopher Waddell, Jennifer Lewington Globe and Mail
1989--David Baines Vancouver Sun
1990--Kimberley Noble Globe and Mail
1991--Kimberley Noble Globe and Mail
1992--Jacquie McNish Globe and Mail
1993--Lawrence Surtees Globe and Mail
1994--Jonathan Ferguson & James Daw Toronto Star
1995--Andrew McIntosh Montreal Gazette
1996--Jonathan Ferguson Toronto Star
1997--John Stackhouse, Janet McFarland, Paul Waldie Globe and Mail
1998--David Baines, Adrian duPlessis Vancouver Sun
1999--Susanne Craig, Richard Blackwell, Karen Howlett, Dawn Walton,
Mark MacKinnon Globe and Mail
2000--David Baines Vancouver Sun
2001--Ed Struzik Edmonton Journal
2002--Jacquie McNish, John Partridge, Brian Laghi, Simon Tuck, The
Globe and Mail
2003--Tony Van Alphen Toronto Star
2004--Grant Robertson Calgary Herald
2005-- David Baines Vancouver Sun
Sports Photography/Photographie de sport
1988--Stan Behal Toronto Sun
1989--Larry MacDougal Calgary Herald
1990--Wayne Roper Brantford Expositor
1991--Barry Gray Hamilton Spectator, Fred Thornhill Toronto Sun
1992--Mike Cassese Toronto Sun
1993--Rick Eglinton Toronto Star
1994--Frank Gunn Canadian Press
1995--Larry MacDougal Calgary Herald
1996--Bernard Weil Toronto Star
1997--Andrew Vaughan Canadian Press
1998--Jeff McIntosh Calgary Herald
1999--Fred Chartrand National Post
2000--Ryan Remiorz Canadian Press
2001--Andrew Wallace Reuters
2002--Peter Power Toronto Star
2003--Hans Deryk Toronto Star
2004--Ken Faught Toronto Star
2005--Frank Gunn Canadian Press
Layout and Design/Conception et mise en page
1989--Jim Emerson Vancouver Sun
1990--Paul Gilligan Ottawa Citizen
1991--Roger B. White Victoria Times-Colonist
1992--Eric Nelson Globe and Mail
1993--Lucie Lacava Le Devoir
1994--Lucie Lacava Le Devoir
1995--Catherine Pike Toronto Star
1996--Evelyn Stoynoff Toronto Star
1997--Gayle Grin Montreal Gazette
1998--Richard Hoffman, Susan Batsford London Free Press
1999--Marc Duplain Le Soleil
2000--Roger Watanabe Vancouver Sun
2001--David Woodside Globe and Mail
2002--GeneviÈve Dinel, La Presse, MontrÉal
2003--Jocelyn Potelle La Presse, MontrÉal
2004--GeneviÈve Dinel La Presse, MontrÉal
2005--Catherine Bernard La Presse, MontrÉal
Special Project/Projet spÉcial
1989--Kingston Whig- Standard
1990--Windsor Star
1991--Southam News
1992--Calgary Herald
1993--Edmonton Journal
1994--Toronto Star
1995--Saint John Telegraph Journal & Evening Times Globe
1996--Toronto Star
1997--Windsor Star
1998--The Vancouver Sun
1999--Montreal Gazette
2000--National Post
2001--La Presse Montreal
2002--The Vancouver Sun
2003--The Hamilton Spectator
2004--La Presse Montreal
2005--Ottawa Citizen
Local Reporting / Reportage à caractÈre local
1997--Tracy Huffman, Ian Elliot, Katherine Sedgwick Port Hope Evening
1998--New Brunswick Telegraph Journal
1999--Elaine Smith Simcoe Reformer
2000--Rob Tripp Kingston Whig-Standard
2001--Penny Laughren, Meredith MacLeod Simcoe Reformer
2002--Chris Lambie Halifax Daily News
2003--Jennifer Pritchett Kingston Whig-Standard
2004--Ann Lukits Kingston Whig-Standard
2005--Scott Dunn Owen Sound Sun Times
Short Features/Reportage Bref
2002--Anthony Reinhart The Record of Waterloo Region
2003--Mark MacKinnon The Globe and Mail
2004--Yves Boisvert La Presse, MontrÉal
2005--Laura-Julie Perreault La Presse, MontrÉal
Explanatory Work/Texte explicatif
2002--Gary Dimmock, Lee Greenberg Ottawa Citizen
2003--Ian Brown The Globe and Mail
2004--Erin Anderssen The Globe and Mail
2005--Catherine Porter Toronto Star
2002--Jeffrey Simpson The Globe and Mail
2003--Louise Elliott Canadian Press
2004--Shelley Page Ottawa Citizen
2005--Colette Derworiz, Suzanne Wilton Calgary Herald
Beat Reporting/Journalisme specialisÉ
2002--David Pugliese Ottawa Citizen
2003--Marina JimÉnez The Globe and Mail
2004--Sharon Kirkey CanWest News Service
2005--Gordon Hamilton The Vancouver Sun
Sources, 489 College
Street, Suite 305, Toronto, ON M6G 1A5.
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