
The Joy of Sex A Cordon Bleu Guide to Love Making
Comfort, Alex Publisher: Fireside, New York, USA Year Published: 1972 Pages: 256pp Book Type: Handbooks/Manuals
Resource Type: Book
A gourmet guide to love-making.
Abstract: -
Table of Contents
On Advanced Lovemaking
The Art of Making Love
Starters beds birdsong at morning birth control clothes come again deodorant foreskin frequency love men (by him for her) naked apes nakedness normal penis playtime pubic hair real sex relaxation semen size tenderness variety virginity vulva waking women (by her for him)
Main Courses bidet breasts buttocks cassolette croupade cuissade earlobes equipment feet flanquette food frontal hair handwork kisses little death lubrication matrimonial menstruation missionary position mons pubis mouth music navel negresse postures quickies rear entry scrotum showerbath skin standing positions tongue bath upper hands x position
Sauces & Pickles anal intercourse armpit bathing big toe bites blowing bondage boots buttered bun chains chastity belt chinese style clothed intercourse corsets dancing discipline exercises feathers femoral intercourse feuille de rose florentine foursomes and moresomes friction rub g-string gadgets and gimmicks gamahuche goldfish grope suit harness horse horseback ice indian style inversion japanese styles jokes and follies karezza leather masks mirrors motor cars motor cycle open air pattes d'araignee pompoir pornography postillionage railways remote control rocking chair rubber saxonus shoes slow masturbation south slav style stockings substitutes swings turkish style vibrators viennese oyster voyeurs wetlook
Problems age bisexuality children climacteric defloration depilation doctors excesses exhibitionism fetish fidelity fighting frigidity hairtrigger trouble hazards health impotence infertility obesity pain perversion priapism prostitution rape smoking termination transvestitism vasectomy veneral diseases waterworks
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