
Burning Desires Sex in America: A report from the field
Chappele, Steve & Talbot, David Publisher: Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group, Toronto, Canada Year Published: 1989 Pages: 378pp ISBN: 0-385-24412-6 Library of Congress Number: HQ18.U5C47 1989 Dewey: 306.70973 Resource Type: Book
Burning Desires looks at the state of sex in the aftermath of the `sexual counter-revolution' that marked the 1980s.
Abstract: Burning Desires looks at the state of sex in the aftermath of the `sexual counter-revolution' that marked the 1980s. It chronicles the effects of AIDS and the "strong cultural backlash launched by conservatives, radical feminists, and burned-out sexual liberationists." Described by the authors as a "panoramic tour", Burning Desires gives its readers a look at a wide range of sexual behaviours and attitudes, ranging from members of swingers' clubs to Bible Belt Republicans. (The authors take evident delight in chronicling the falls of some of the prominent anti-sex conservatives.) Burning Desire's conclusions are optimistic, and pro-sex. AIDS and the conservative backlack haven't killed sex, they happily report.
Table of Contents
REPRESSION Obsession Grounding Teenagers The Morning After Washington Babylon
SEX WARS The Beast Within The Furies
REBIRTH Pandora's Mirror Dancing in the Dark Home Fires Burning
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