Sources Calendar Expired EntriesJan 1, 2008 through Dec 31, 2008 << Prior Year Next Year >>
Past Events |
Date, Location |
Event, Organization |
Dec 1/2007 to Mar 2/2008 Toronto, ON |
In Praise of Cities - An exhibition of drawings, paintings and prints by Enid Robbie An exhibition of drawings, paintings and prints by Enid Robbie
Free admission. Opening reception: Saturday, December 1, 1-3 pm Time: Wednesday - Friday: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Saturday: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.,Sunday 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. Venue: The Market Gallery Location: 95 Front St. E., South St. Lawrance Market, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.toronto.ca/cultureFor information contact: The Market Gallery Phone: (416)392-7604 Categories: Arts & Culture |
Dec 25/2007 to Jan 30/2008 Abbotsford, BC |
Breast Cancer Prevention Workshop It's time to take control of your health; learn practical ways to reduce the risks of cancers.
Call to Reserve; $10.00 at the door.
Door Prizes..........Healthy Snacks...........Great Information Time: 2-4 pm Venue: Eileen's Studio for Yoga & Wellness Location: #3-2009 Abbotsford Way, Abbotsford, BC Website: http://www.healthbrights.comFor information contact: Call Eileen or e-mail Anne healthbrights@shaw.ca Phone: 604-504-5331 Categories: Health/Health Care; Women |
Jan 4/2008 Toronto, ON |
Journey to the Subconscious Join us as we celebrate World Hypnotism Day where you will:
Journey to a sacred place in your consciousness where all knowledge is stored
- Experience your infinite power
-Begin to restore emotional balance
-Empower your body & soul for healing
-Ascend to a new spiritual understanding
-Experience extraordinary transformations
-Reverse blockages, negative emotions and beliefs and transform them to successes
Proceeds donated to the Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls. Suggested donation is $20.
Facilitator: Debbie Papadakis is a recipient of multiple awards from the National Guild of Hypnotists, the National Association of Transpersonal Hypnotherapists, and an inductee of the International Hypnosis Hall of Fame and was featured this year in Oprah’s “O” Magazine. Time: 6:30pm - 9:00pm Venue: The Latvian Centre - in the Corsa Room Location: 4 Credit Union Dr, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.hypno-healing.comFor information contact: Dianna Guglietti Phone: 416-760-8996 Categories: Health/Health Care |
Jan 4/2008 to Jan 5/2008 Vaughan, ON |
Make A Film That Matters! -- Green Reel Environmental Film Festival The Green Reel Environmental Film Festival is a two-day event held in Vaughan that serves both as a showcase for environmentally-themed productions and as an awareness forum for community green groups.
Our event is dedicated to promoting environmental causes in our community using film as a medium to share information.
We are now canvassing the world in search of documentaries, feature films, shorts, music videos, commercials, PSA's, works-in-progress, animation - anything that fits the environmental bill. We encourage all green filmmakers and environmentalists wite Venue: The City Playhouse Theatre Location: 1000 New Westminster Drive, Vaughan, ON Website: http://www.cityplayhouse.caFor information contact: Darcy Hoover Phone: 905-326-7469 Categories: Arts & Culture; Environment |
Jan 15/2008 Calgary, AB |
Carbon, Cash and Climate? How Much Change Will we Get? The Canadian Petroleum Institute is organizing a seminar on climate change entitled: "Carbon, Cash & Climate: How much change will we get?". The objective of this Workshop is to bring together experts from various disciplines in climate science and policy to discuss topics related to the effect of greenhouse gases on climate and the strategies and costs of addressing this critical problem. All presenters are world leaders in their areas of expertise and all have contributed to the assessments of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) which provides the basis for international climate policy such as the 1997 Kyoto Protocol. Time: 8a.m. to 4p.m. Venue: Delta Bow Valley Hotel Location: 209-4th Avenue S.E., Calgary, AB Website: http://www.capican.comFor information contact: Alice Fischer Phone: (403) 736-3308 Categories: Environment |
Jan 18/2008 Oakville, ON |
Gait Analysis and Walking Workshop Walking is a skill we use every day and one we hope to keep on using. Participants will explore the basic mechanics of walking, observe various gait patterns and understand what happens as we walk. Discover how to improve your own gait and enjoy walking efficiently for life. This workshop is open to anyone interested in learning more. Registration deadline, Jan. 10.
$70 + GST Time: 1-4 p.m.; Venue: Body-in-Motion Location: 321 Kerr St., Oakville, ON Website: http://body-in-motion.comFor information contact: Dianne L. Woodruff Phone: 905-845-1011 Categories: Health/Health Care; Seniors; Education |
Jan 19/2008
The Power of Women Conference Stand up and claim your power!
Categories: Women
Jan 19/2008 to Jan 20/2008 Toronto, ON |
The Extreme Freedom Seminar Extreme Freedom…free yourself! Based on Dr. John Demartini’s The Breakthrough Experience
Make deep and lasting changes in 2 days!
Transform your life. Empower yourself.
Find out how to manifest your life as you dream it to be!
Extreme Freedom® is an amazing and intensive two-day weekend program designed to help you identify and remove limiting thoughts and beliefs and emotions that are weighing you down and help you create clarity around your vision for your life.
After the weekend you will have more direction, certainty, clarity and you will be inspired and motivated. You will get to the heart of your true self.
You will learn The Demartini Method®, a process that allows you to breakthrough to high levels of inspiration, creativity and performance. Its benefits and results are tailored to your specific issues or concerns.
You will walk away knowing that this was truly one of the most valuable and rewarding experience of your life. Time: 830am-8pm Venue: Eastside Health & Wellness Centre Location: 880 Boradview Ave., Toronto, ON Website: http://www.thevibrantlifecoach.comFor information contact: Diane Andonovski Phone: 416 405 9478 Categories: Skills & Training |
Jan 20/2008 Toronto, ON |
Project Hope - Fundraising Event Together Fundraisers present An Evening of Readings for Project Hope with authors Rawi Hage and Jason Sherman special performance by Roula Said and Maryem Tollar.
Tickets $20 at the door or Women's Book Store, 73 Harbord St. (west of Spadina 416-922-8744)
or through togetherfundraisers@gmail.com.
Time: Doors open at 6 p.m. Event starts at 7 p.m. Lula Lounge will reserve tickets with dinner reservation Venue: Lula Lounge Location: 1585 Dundas Street West, Toronto, ON Categories: Arts & Culture
Jan 20/2008 to Jan 26/2008
National Non-Smoking Week National Non-Smoking Week has been observed for more than twenty years. From its inception in 1977, NNSW activities have been coordinated by the Canadian Council for Tobacco Control (formerly the Canadian Council on Smoking and Health).
National Non-Smoking Week is Canada’s longest lasting, and arguably one of the most important events in Canada’s ongoing public education efforts on controlling tobacco use. Its goals are:
• to educate Canadians about the dangers of smoking;
• to prevent non-smokers from beginning to smoke and becoming addicted to tobacco;
• to help smokers quit;
• to promote the right of individuals to breathe air unpolluted by tobacco smoke;
• to denormalize the tobacco industry, tobacco industry marketing practices, tobacco products, and tobacco use; and
• to assist in the attainment of a smoke-free society in Canada. Website: http://www.nnsw.caCategories: Health/Health Care; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Jan 24/2008 Toronto, ON |
The Ethics of Intelletual Property: Copy Rights? Discussion with Marcus Bornfreud of Creative Commons Canada and Susan Crean of Creator's Rights Alliance.
Time: Noon - 1:00 pm Venue: Arts & Letters Club Location: 14 Elm Street, Toronto, ON Phone: 416-979-5000 x4194 Categories: Arts & Culture
Jan 24/2008 to Jan 27/2008 Guelph, ON |
27th Guelph Organic Conference, Expo & Sampling Fair Environmental conference regarding organic agriculture. Location: Guelph, ON Website: http:www.guelphorganicconf.caFor information contact: organix@georgian.net Phone: 519-824-4120 ext.: 56205 Categories: Environment |
Jan 25/2008 Toronto, ON |
Emergency Picket to End the Siege in Gaza After months of increasingly harsh sanctions, Israel has imposed a total closure on the Gaza Strip's border crossings, even preventing the delivery of humanitarian aid. Meanwhile the Israeli army continues its attacks on the imprisoned Palestinian people of Gaza, demolishing homes, factories and agricultural land and carrying out arrests. In the week of Jan 10-16 alone, the Israeli military killed 26 Palestinians, and wounded 44 others. Fatal bombing raids continue, killing Palestinian men, women and children. Israel is counting on our apathy to see how far they can go on starving the people of Gaza a so we need to act, be loud and clear that the collective punishment of Palestinians is a crime against humanity.
Time: 5:00 pm Venue: Israeli Consulate Location: 180 Bloor Street West, Toronto, ON Categories: Human Rights, Law, Legal; International
Jan 30/2008 Ottawa, ON |
Derrick Jensen on "Civilization as Pathology: Collapse, Resilience and Resistance" Activist, small farmer, teacher, and philosopher Derrick Jensen seamlessly weaves together the threads tthat connect different forms of oppression and domination, from racial and class domination, to ttechnology and surveillance, to domestic violence and abuse, to ecological devastation and global climate change... Venue: Carleton University Location: 301 Azrieli Theatre, Ottawa, ON Website: http://www2.carleton.ca/campusCategories: Environment |
Jan 31/2008 Toronto, ON |
Book Launch: Personal Balance Sheet Career Planning Guide Book Launch and presentation by Randall Craig, Canada's leading authority on career planning
Forty years, 10,000 days, 80,000 hours. Measure it any way you like, but this is about the length of your career. With so much of your life spent working, it is wise to plan your career in an organized and strategic manner.
Personal Balance Sheet - A Practical Career Planning Guide (Available at Chapters/Indigo, Amazon, and other outlets) Time: 7pm -9:30pm Venue: Steamwhistle Brewery at the Roundhouse (Behind the Skydome) Location: 255 Bremner Blvd, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.PersonalBalanceSheet.com/rsvpFor information contact: Randall Craig Phone: 416-256-7773 Categories: Business & Economics; Media, Entertainment, News, Communications; Publishers & Publishing |
Jan 31/2008
Connexions new look Connexions online has a new look and feel. Visit a poll and leave a comment after filling out our survey or short poll. Time: Twenty-four seven Website: http://connexions.org |
Feb 1/2008 to Feb 2/2008 Toronto, ON |
Story Weaving Production: Love Me A story of four runaways through their surreal world built of imagination and longing, looking for a place to belong. Muriel Miguel's direction brings the stage to life with stories bright with laughter and sorrowand with song and dance.
Time: 8 pm, both days Venue: The Theatre Centre Location: 100-1087 Queen Street West, Toronto, ON For information contact: Jeffrey Ross Phone: 416-506-9436 Categories: Arts & Culture
Feb 3/2008 to Feb 9/2008 Toronto |
4th Annual Israeli Apartheid Week Students Against Israeli Apartheid (SAIA) is proud to announce the schedule for the 4th annual Israeli Apartheid Week being held under the banner 60 Years of Nakba: End Israeli Apartheid. This international week, which began in Torontoin 2005, has now spread to Palestine, South Africa, Norway, UK and many cities across the US and Canada. In Toronto events will take place on three campuses: University of Toronto, Ryerson University and York University. Venue: University of Toronto, Ryerson University and York University. Location: Toronto Website: http://www.apartheidweek.orgCategories: Human Rights, Law, Legal; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Feb 4/2008 Toronto, ON |
CENTURY 21 KICKOFF 2008 Kick start your year at KICKOFF 2008!
CENTURY 21 Canada and the CENTURY 21 Ontario Brokers are proud to host one of the largest real estate industry events held in the GTA.
Don't miss out on this opportunity to join fellow real estate professionals at KICKOFF 2008…visit the Supplier EXPO – more than a tradeshow…be the first to learn about the newest technology and products designed for you! Hear from two outstanding speakers.. Mike Ferry and Catriona Le May Doan.
For tickets, please visit: http://www.century21.ca/kickoff/
PromoCode: 2121
For exhibitor opportunities, please email: pinpin.luk@century21.ca Time: 8:30 am - 1:00 pm Venue: Toronto Congress Centre Location: 650 Dixon Road, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.century21.ca/kickoff/Categories: Real Estate |
Feb 4/2008 Toronto, ON |
Introduction to Apartheid Featuring
- Saron Ghebressellassie (SAIA and United Black Students at Ryerson)
- Clayton Thomas Muller (Indigenous Environmental Network)
- Azmi Bishara (Video broadcast of his address to Israeli Apartheid Week in South Africa) Venue: Ryerson University Location: 350 Victoria St Room #: LIB 72, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.apartheidweek.orgCategories: Human Rights, Law, Legal |
Feb 5/2008 Toronto, ON |
A Conference with Doris Brothers, Ph.D: "Traumatic Attachments & the Transformation of Uncertainty" Doris Brothers is an nternationally renowned psychologist and psychoanalytst in helping children affected by communication, trauma and relational difficulties. Presenting from her latest book, now in press, "Toward a Psychology of Uncertainty: Trauma-Centered Psychoanalysis" Time: All day conference, Saturday February 5, 2008 Venue: George Ignatieff Theatre Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://tcpp-capct.caFor information contact: Suzanne Pearen Phone: 416-690-5464 Categories: Children & Youth; Social Services; Health/Health Care |
Feb 5/2008 Toronto, ON |
Apartheid and the Current Context in Palestine Featuring
- Toufic Haddad (Between the Lines)
- Khaled Mouammar (CAF) Time: 7:00 pm Venue: University of Toronto St. George Campus Location: Bahen Centre, 40 St.George Street Room #: 1180, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.apartheidweek.org/toronto.htmlCategories: Human Rights, Law, Legal |
Feb 5/2008 to Feb 10/2008 Toronto, ON |
Toronto Erotic Arts Festical Announcing a new collaboration between Erotic Blender and Come As You Are's Erotic Arts and Craft Fair! These two sexy events and more have been combined into Toronto's first annual Erotic Arts Festival.
We are proud that Erotic Blender continues to be an erotic art show that challenges norms of gender, sexuality and body image. These issues are linked to larger systems of oppression such as class, race and ability. The Toronto Erotic Arts Festival has been created to bring artists from various communities together with this understanding.
Come participate in Toronto's second annual Erotic Arts & Crafts Fair, featuring local artisans and their unique handcrafted pervertables! Venue: Gladstone Hotel Location: 701 Queen Street West, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.torontoeroticartsfestival.comFor information contact: Chris Ablett & Leanne Gillard Phone: 416-504-7934 Categories: Sexuality |
Feb 6/2008 Bridgewater, NS |
Active Transformation Forum A Community Meeting to provide input on your vision of transportation...public transit, walking, biking,carpooling, roads.
Time: 6pm-8 pm Venue: NSCC Lunenburg Campus Location: High Street, Bridgewater, NS For information contact: Peter Mc Cracken Phone: 543-0647 Categories: Transportation & Travel
Feb 6/2008 Toronto, ON |
BDS Movement and Academic Boycott of Israeli Apartheid Panel discussion of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement. Time: 2:30 pm Venue: York University Location: Room: RS 203, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.apartheidweek.org/toronto.htmlCategories: Human Rights, Law, Legal |
Feb 6/2008 Toronto, NU |
LEAF`s (Local Enhancement and Appreciation of Forests) Forum to socialize, celebrate and support LEAF`s important work to protect and preserve Toronto`s urban forest. Venue: The Gladstone Hotel Location: 1214 Queen Street West, Toronto, NU Website: http://www.leaftoronto.orgFor information contact: Liza Badaloo Phone: 416-413-9244 Categories: Environment |
Feb 6/2008 Peterborough, ON |
Tees in the City: The Carbon Offset Connection Talk by Michael Rosen, President of Tree Canada, to discuss Canada's urban forests and their carbon offset connection. Time: 7:00 - 9:00 pm Venue: Peterborough Public Library Location: Peterborough, ON Website: http://www.greenup.on.caFor information contact: Trent Rhode greenupdate@greenup.on.ca Phone: 705-745-3238 Categories: Environment |
Feb 7/2008 Minden, ON |
Awakening the Dreamer, Changing the Dream Symposium Workshop to confront the dream of the North which believes to make a living, pollution is a reasonable trade-off. Video clips of world renowned thinkers, inspiring short films, leading edge information will be included. Venue: Minden Community Centre Location: Minden, ON Website: http://www.gaia centre .orgFor information contact: gaiacentre@sympatico.ca Categories: Environment |
Feb 7/2008 Toronto, ON |
Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Movement Against Israeli Apartheid: Lessons from South Africa Featuring
- Salim Vally (PSC South Africa)
- Katherine Nastovski (CUPE Ontario)
- Heather Kere (Ryerson Students Union) Time: 7:00 pm Venue: University of Toronto St. George Campus Location: Bahen Centre: 40 St. George Room #: 1180, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.apartheidweek.org/toronto.htmlCategories: Human Rights, Law, Legal |
Feb 7/2008 Toronto, ON |
Derrick Jensen--Conversations about Nature, Culture, and Eros Derrick Jensen is the author of The Culture of Make Believe, A Language Older Than Words, Listening to the Land: Conversations about Nature. He writes for New York Magazine, Audobon, and the Sun Magazine. Venue: Church of the Holy Trinity Location: 10 Trinity Square, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.derrickjensen.org/appear.htmlFor information contact: Mike Balkwill at pd2patoronto@gmail.com Categories: Environment |
Feb 7/2008 Toronto, ON |
Film Series on Traditional Domesticity: Film Screenings and Discussion Filipino women in domestic positions vacated by Palestinians, as they react to working and living in Israel.
Time: 7:00 - 9:00 pm Venue: Wilson Hall, New College Location: 20 Willcocks Street, Toronto, ON Categories: Women
Feb 7/2008 Toronto, ON |
Film showing: Occupation 101 Showing of the powerful documentary on Israel's occupation of Palestine. Time: 2:00 pm Venue: York University Location: Nat Taylor Cinema, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.apartheidweek.org/toronto.htmlCategories: Human Rights, Law, Legal |
Feb 8/2008 Toronto, ON |
Nakba and the Right of Return Featuring
- Ward Churchill, former Professor in Ethnic Studies at University of Colorado at Boulder, author of A Little Matter of Genocide, Fantasies of the Master Race, From a Native Son, and many more.
- Mohammad Ali Khalidi, a Palestinian Professor of Philosophy at York University. He has wrote and lectured on Palestinian refugees in Lebanon and the right of return.
- Nagi Farah
Palestinian Refugee and survivor of 1948 Nakba
includes VISUAL DISPLAY Time: 7:00 Venue: Ryerson University Location: 350 Victoria St Room #: LIB 72, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.apartheidweek.org/toronto.htmlCategories: Human Rights, Law, Legal |
Feb 8/2008 to Feb 10/2008 Peterborough, ON |
Community Movements: Building Solidarity for Social Change A participatory gathering of students, social activists, academics, grass roots organizations, representatives of social justice, feminism, labour, indigenous and environmental movements, both local and global.
List of presenters available at conference website. Venue: Trent U Location: Peterborough, ON Website: http://http//buildingsolidarityconference2008.20fr.com/Categories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Feb 9/2008 Toronto, ON |
Demonstration - Break the Silence: End the Siege on Gaza Meet at the The Israeli Consulate - 180 Bloor Street West. We will be marching east along Bloor and south on Yonge up to Dundas Square. Time: 2:00 pm Venue: Israeli Consulate Location: 180 Bloor Street West, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.caiaweb.orgCategories: Human Rights, Law, Legal |
Feb 9/2008 Toronto, ON |
Share Power: a Conference focusing on Business and Human Rights As a participant, you'll hear from two expert panels: leaders in the field of Socially Responsible Investment, and people with direct experience and perspectives on business, human rights, and the environment.
Keynote address from Bruce Cox, Executive Director of Greenpeace Canada.
Time: Full Day Venue: Metro Hall Location: King St. & John St., Toronto, ON For information contact: business@aito.ca Phone: 416-922-8744 Categories: Environment
Feb 9/2008 Toronto, ON |
Voices for Palestine: Resistance to Racism and Apartheid Closing cultural event for Israeli Apartheid Week in Toronto. Time: 8:00 pm Venue: Steelworkers Hall Location: 25 Cecil Street, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.apartheidweek.org/toronto.htmlCategories: Human Rights, Law, Legal; Arts & Culture |
Feb 11/2008 to Apr 7/2008 Toronto, ON |
The B-Side: Exploring Bisexuality - Feb. 11th - April 7th An 8 week group for people in Toronto who are exploring their attraction to more to more than one gender or struggling with what bisexuality means to them and their lives.
Space is limited. Please preregister.
Time: Mondays, 6:30 - 9:00 pm Venue: Sherbourne Health Centre Location: 333 Sherbourne Street, Toronto, ON For information contact: Geoff MacDonald Phone: 416-324-5058 Categories: Sexuality
Feb 12/2008 Toronto, ON |
Dr. Daniel Heath Justice: "Where Are Your Women?" Indigenous Political Traditions and the Intrusions of Euro-Western Patriarchy Free Presentation.
This presentation will examine gendered politics in both historical and current Indigenous contexts, with an eye toward colonization and a reaffirmation of Indigenous kinship values.
The relationship between patriarchy and colonialism in North America is not simply a historical one; it continues to impact the representation and participation of Indigenous women in contemporary politics and scholarship.
Time: 7 pm Venue: OISE Bldg., U of Toronto, Rm.: 5-220 Location: Toronto, ON For information contact: Toronto Women's Bookstore Phone: 416-922-8744 Categories: Native Peoples
Feb 12/2008 Toronto, ON |
The Coalition Against Same Sex Partner Abuse Launch The Coalition Against Same Sex Partner Abuse (CASSPA) is hosting a launch of four new resources for the queer community. This event will bring together community activists and professionals working in the area of same sex domestic violence/intimate partner violence to address domestic violence in the Gay, Lesbian, Bi and Trans community sectors.
Time: 6:30 pm reception, 7 pm presentation Venue: Church Street Community Centre Location: 519 Church Street, Toronto, ON For information contact: Toronto Women's Bookstore Phone: 416-922-8744 Categories: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual
Feb 13/2008 Ottawa, ON |
On The Move to Work--Sustainable Transportation Makes Good Business Workshop:Ottawa on the Move to Work-Makes Good Business Sense
More space in your parking lot? Less traffic on the Road? Want your employees healthier and richer? What's the catch?
Time: 8:30 am - 12:00 am Venue: National Arts Centre Location: Ottawa, ON For information contact: Barbara Wood mailto:businesshealth@ottawa.ca Phone: 613-580-6744 Categories: Environment
Feb 15/2008 Toronto, ON |
What's Up in Pakistan? An Eyewitness Account a talk by Tariq Amin-Khan Mr. Tariq Amin-Khan teaches in Dept. of Politics and Public Administration at Ryerson University. He was in Pakistan in late December, 2007, and witnessed the convulsions following Benazir Bhutto's assassination.
Time: 6:30 - 9:00pm Venue: Oakham House Location: 63 Gould Street(church Street and Gould), Toronto, ON Categories: Politics & Political Organizations
Feb 16/2008 Mississauga, ON |
Faiz Festival in Toronto The famous poet Faiz's 97th birthday celebration (posthumously) will include an address by his daughter, Muneeza Hashmi and show a new film of his life. Poets, dancers, musicians and commentators from south east asia will also contribute to this great tribute to a great poet's.
Venue: Port Credit Secondary School Location: 70 Mineola Road East, Mississauga, ON For information contact: Barrister Hamid Bashani Khan Phone: 416-399-7602 Categories: International
Feb 16/2008 Toronto, ON |
Visionary Farmers and Consumers Conference on organic farming and organic food consumption. Why this is becoming a world-wide phenomenon and challenge.
Keynote speaker will be Helge Hellberg and she will share how a county called Marin Organic is realizing its dream of becoming the first organic county in North America. Venue: Canadian Organic Growers Location: 89 Chestnut Street, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.cog.ca/visionaryfarmersvisionaryconsumers/home.htmCategories: Farming; Environment |
Feb 16/2008 Toronto, ON |
Visionary Farmers and Visionary Consumers: How organic is transforming our world Why are more farmers and consumers choosing to go organic? Join us as we share how organic is making a difference in how we eat and live. You will be stirred with inspiring stories, the difficult challenges and the proven visions that are bringing organic food from the field to the table, creating new careers, markets and a more livable planet. Is there a role for you? Keynote speaker: Helge Hellberg, Executive Director of Marin Organic, an award winning, innovative organization of local farmers realizing a vision for the first all organic county in North America. They have inspired schools, businesses and governments to take a stand for an alternative way of doing business and in doing so show us what a sustainable food system is. Time: 9 am - 5 pm Venue: U of Toronto conference centre Location: 89 Chestnut Street, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.cog.caFor information contact: conference@cog.ca Phone: 1-888-375-7383 Categories: Environment; Farming; Food & Beverage |
Feb 17/2008 Toronto, ON |
Lost River Walk: Lost Meanders and Tributaries of the Channelized Lower Don Community walk to explore the lower Don River. Starts at Broadview Subway Station at 1:00 pm and ends at Riverdale Farm Meeting House, with hot drinks. Time: 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.lostrivers.caFor information contact: Helen Mills Phone: 416-781-7663 Categories: Environment |
Feb 19/2008 to Feb 21/2008 Toronto, ON |
Annual Convention - The Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies Winning slide and photo show followed by Trade Show, Evening Showcase and President's Reception.
Venue: Royal York Hotel Location: Toronto, ON For information contact: conventioncoordinator@ontariofairs.com Categories: Farming
Feb 21/2008 Toronto, ON |
Green Roof Conference The conference will showcase suppliers and professionals in the field of green roof technology, retrofitting and design. Ten speakers are scheduled. City of Toronto representatives will be available to show homeowners how to apply for permits. Regular price: $318 Time: 8:30 am - 6:30 pm Venue: Toronto Botanical Garden Location: 777 Lawrence Ave. East, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.torontobotanicalgarden.ca/greenroofFor information contact: Green Roof Conference Office Phone: 416-593-7744 Categories: Environment |
Feb 22/2008 Ottawa, ON |
The Israel Lobby with Professor John J. Mearsheimer Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME) is pleased to present Prof. Mearsheimer on a speaking tour in Canada. Mearsheimer is the co-author (with Stephen Walt) of The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy, a book that summarizes the cumulative impact of dozens of forces at work to influence U.S. (and thus Western) policy to favour Israeli interests, Prof Mearsheimer is on a three-city speaking tour of Ottawa, Montreal and Toronto. He is the co-director of the Program on International Security Policy at the University of Chicago, where he has taught since1982.
This is the first event in the CJPME 2008 Speaker Series. Time: 7:00 pm Venue: Marion Hall, University of Ottawa Location: Ottawa, ON Website: http://www.cjpme.ca/Phone: 1-888-222-6608 Categories: International |
Feb 23/2008 Toronto, ON |
Challenge Homophobia outside- Part 2 We shall engage in interactive discussions wity the panel, share supportsand exchange views while addressing assumptions and perceptions on same-sex, same gender loving relationships and realities in a safe and respectful space.
Guest speakers for February are:
Doug Stewart, Omo Akintan, & Okwudili "Mandy" Nwafor.
Time: 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm Venue: Church Street Community Centre Location: 519 Church Street, Toronto, ON Phone: 416-760-5956 Categories: Sexuality
Feb 23/2008 Montreal, QC |
The Israel Lobby with Prof. John J. Mearsheimer Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME) is pleased to present Prof. Mearsheimer on a speaking tour in Canada. Mearsheimer is the co-author (with Stephen Walt) of The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy, a book that summarizes the cumulative impact of dozens of forces at work to influence U.S. (and thus Western) policy to favour Israeli interests, Prof Mearsheimer is on a three-city speaking tour of Ottawa, Montreal and Toronto. He is the co-director of the Program on International Security Policy at the University of Chicago, where he has taught since 1982. Time: 7:00 pm Venue: Auditorium Jean Lesage, Salle B-2285, Université de Montréal Location: 3200 Jean Brillant, Montreal, QC Website: http://www.cjpme.caPhone: 1-888-222-6608 Categories: International |
Feb 24/2008 Toronto, ON |
The Israel Lobby with Prof. John J. Mearsheimer Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME) is pleased to present Prof. Mearsheimer on a speaking tour in Canada. Mearsheimer is the co-author (with Stephen Walt) of The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy, a book that summarizes the cumulative impact of dozens of forces at work to influence U.S. (and thus Western) policy to favour Israeli interests, Prof Mearsheimer is on a three-city speaking tour of Ottawa, Montreal and Toronto. He is the co-director of the Program on International Security Policy at the University of Chicago, where he has taught since 1982. Time: 7:00 pm Venue: OISE Auditorium, University of Toronto Location: 252 Bloor Street West, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.cjpme.caPhone: 1-888-222-6608 Categories: International |
Feb 24/2008 to Feb 29/2008 Toronto, ON |
OANHSS 2008 Administrator Certification Program Concise, valuable, progressive information on core competencies in facility and housing management in this 6-day intensive program. Industy leaders discuss, debate and share knowledge that provides participants with critical information and leadership skills required to successfully lead a long term care facility. Venue: Sutton Place Hotel Location: 955 Bay St., Toronto, ON Website: http://www.oanhss.orgFor information contact: Stuart Sweeney Phone: 905-851-8821 Categories: Education; Health/Health Care; Seniors |
Feb 25/2008 Toronto, ON |
Manufacturing Neighbourhoods: Building Sustainability Series ( Panel Discussion) "Manufacturing Neighborhoods" will explore the fundamental building blocks of vibrant, healthy communities through a multi-disciplinary panel discussion and q & a. Notable Panelists include Ken Greenberg, David Hulchanski, and Gillian Booth.
Made possible through a grant from the Ontario Healthy Communities Coalition. Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.architecturefohumanity.caFor information contact: contact@architecturefohumanity.ca Categories: Environment |
Feb 25/2008 Hamilton, ON |
Walking and Bicycling: Creating a Great Healthy City of Hamilton Free Public Talk: Improving Quality of Life through the promotion of Walking and Bicycling as Activities and of Public Spaces, Parks, and Trails as great places.
Featuring Gil Penalosa Time: 7 pm - 9:30 pm Venue: Hamilton Convention Centre Location: Hamilton, ON Website: http://www.cleanair.hamilton.ca/updown/udconf.aspFor information contact: B. Montgomery Phone: 416-546-2424 Ext. 1275 Categories: Urban Issues, Transit, Housing, Public Space; Transportation & Travel |
Feb 25/2008 to Feb 26/2008 Hamilton, ON |
Upwind Downwind 2008 Conference: Climate Change & Healthy Cities Clean Air Hamilton is proud to announce the 5th biannaual Upwind Downwind conference. The four theme areas for this year's 2 day conference are: (1) Air Quality, Climate Change and Public Health (2) Urban and Transportation Planning, (3) The Science of Climate Change, and (4) Climate Change and Local Partnerships.
The Conference provides the latest information on air quality and climate change issues, health impacts of air pollution, environmental best practices and practical information to assist decision makers, public health officials, planners, environmental managers, academics, students and community groups. Venue: Hamilton Convention Center Location: 1 Summers Lane, Hamilton, ON Website: http://www.cleanair.hamilton.ca/updown/udconf.aspFor information contact: B. Montgomery Phone: (905) 546-2424 Ext. 1275 Categories: Environment; Urban Issues, Transit, Housing, Public Space |
Feb 27/2008 Toronto, ON |
Aboriginal Homelessness: Its Uniqueness and Challenges Dr. Peter Menzies
Clinical Head of Aboriginal Services, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
Harvey Manning
Executive Director, Native Men's Residence
Leslie Saunders
Coordinator, St. Christopher House
Barbara Hurford
Therapist, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Aboriginal Services
The above experts will discuss aboriginal homelessness issues. The event will be moderated by
Dr. Eileen Antone, a leader in the Aboriginal Community and professor at U of Toronto. Time: 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm Venue: Ontario Institute for Studies in Education Location: 252 Bloor St. West, Rm. 12-199, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.SOCIALECONOMY.UTORONTO.CAFor information contact: Lisa White, secspeaker@oise.utoronto.ca Categories: Native Peoples |
Feb 27/2008 Calgary, ON |
Dr. David Suzuki in Calgary Dr. Suzuki to address the audience. His latest book is "David Suzuki: The Autobiography is available at the Mount Royal College Bookstore. There will be a signing after the event.
Dr. David Suzuki T. Suzuki PhD, co-founder of the David Suzuki Foundation, is an award-winning scientist, environmentalist and broadcaster. Time: 7:30 pm Venue: Ross Glen Hall- Centre for Continuous Learning Location: Mount Royal College, Calgary, ON Website: http://www.mtroyal.ca/speakerseriesCategories: Environment |
Feb 27/2008 Hamilton, ON |
The Price of Sugar (film screening), Wed Feb 27, 2008, Hamilton, ON Narrated by Paul Newman, this film raises key questions about where the products we consume originate, at what cost they are produced and ultimately, where our responsibilities lie. Time: 7:30 pm Venue: Ewart Angus Lecture Hall 1A6 (McMaster University Medical Centre) Location: Hamilton, ON Website: http://www.opirg.caFor information contact: OPIRG McMaster Phone: 905-525-9140 ext.27289 Categories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Feb 28/2008 to Mar 2/2008 Calgary, AB |
Calgary Home & Garden Show -- Green with Envy Home and garden problems sneaking up on you? It's easier than you think. At the 2008 Calgary Home & Garden Show, all that you want to create your dream home and garden can be found in one place. Discover stylish outdoor living solutions at the Urban Gardens, stroll through the Flower Market for the latest garden accessories and fresh flowers. Swing into Spring Clean action and gather ideas to see how you can effectively organize and freshen up your home. Even if you don't have a green thumb, the amazing lineup of experts will give you tips and advise to help you cultivate your garden know-how.
Green with Envy - new this year, find how to make your home eco-chic. Step int our Green Product Showcase to see how you can help the environment without sacrificing design. Location: Calgary, AB Website: http://www.calgaryhomeshow.comFor information contact: Sonya Lang Phone: Sonya Lang Categories: Environment; Nature & Outdoors |
Feb 28/2008 to Mar 2/2008 Timmins, ON |
Ontario First Nations--5th Annual Youth Symposium on Environment 5th Annual Youth Symposium on the Environment will bring together Aboriginal Youth from across Ontario to discuss Environmental issues that affect their communities. The Symposium is broken up into four categories" Earth, Wind, Water, and Fire. Venue: Northern College Location: Timmins, ON Website: http://www.chiefs-of-ontario.org/youthsymposium.htmlCategories: Environment |
Feb 28/2008 to Mar 4/2008 Toronto, ON |
Toronto Human Rights Watch Film Festival Film Festival Schedule
Feb. 28, Opening Gala, Buddha Collapsed Out of Shame
E. Bader Theatre, 93 Charles St. W.
Buddha Collapsed out of Shame (Iran), 8 pm
Feb. 29, The Law of Profit (Belgiumt), 7:30 pm
Jackman Hall Art Gallery on ON, 317 Dundas St.
March 1, 7:30 pm
These Girls (Egypt)
Jackman Hall, Art Gallery Of ON, 317 Dundas St. W.
March 2, 2008, 2:30 pm
We'll Never Meet Cildhood Again (UK/Bulgaria)
Art Gallery of ON
March 3, 7:30 pm
Taxi to the Dark Side
Art Gallery of ON
March 4, 7:30 pm
Chop Shop (USA)
Art Gallery, ON
March 5, 7:30 pm
A Love During War (Congo /Cameroon)
Closing Night, Art Gal. of ON
Tickets at 416-968-3456
Venue: ON Art Gallery/ see 93 Charles St. also Location: 317 Dundas St. W, Toronto, ON For information contact: 416-968-3456 Categories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
Feb 29/2008 Toronto, ON |
Israel threatens to inflict 'Holocaust" on Gaza Israel's deputy defense minister Matan Vilnai today threatened Palestinians in the surrounded Gaza ghetto with a "holocaust" if they continue to resist Israel's illegal occupation.The word holocaust ("shoah" in Hebrew) is not one that is used lightly in Israel. It means very specifically genocide, and up to now has been used in Israel only to refer to the Nazi genocide during World War II.
This is not an idle threat: in the last two days alone, Israeli shelling has killed 32 Palestinians, nine of them children, with at least 60 others injured. Israel is now threatening to cease its 'restraint' and launch an all-out massive onslaught.
Protest today at the Israeli consulate in Toronto. Time: 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm Venue: Israeli Consulate Location: 180 Bloor Street West, Toronto, ON Website: https://www.connexions.org/CxL-MiddleEastResources.htmCategories: Human Rights, Law, Legal |
Feb 29/2008 Hamilton, ON |
Public Forum and Rally at McMaster University in Defense of Freedom of Speech Two weeks ago, McMaster University announced that student clubs were banned from using the term "Israeli apartheid" to refer to Israeli apartheid. Students at McMaster are holding a public forum to protest this unprecedented attack on the right to academic freedom and the right to organize. They need your support! Free buses will be leaving to McMaster from University of Toronto, Ryerson University and York University to attend this important meeting.
Time: 10:00 am Venue: McMaster University Location: Hamilton, ON Categories: Human Rights, Law, Legal; Education
Feb 29/2008 to Mar 1/2008 Guelph, ON |
Safe Food- Healthy Communities: Building a Food System that Works for People, Animals and the Environment The Conference will feature key note speakers such as: Andrew Nikiforuk, Maxime Laplante, Peter Katona, Dr. Ann Clark and Dr. Jennifer Sumner, and Ted Zettel.
The purpose of the conference is to educate people about the present crisis in factory farming methods and to propose remedial, organic technologies. Venue: Norfolk United Church Location: 75 Norfolk St., Guelph, ON Website: http://www.beyondfactoryfarming.orgFor information contact: Jodi Koberinski Phone: 519-568-8688 Categories: Farming; Environment |
Feb 29/2008 to Mar 2/2008 Sidney, BC |
Shades of Green Conference: Certified Organic BC Topics include new meat regulations, poster presentations, interactive workshops covering a wide range of topics, gourmet banquet with entertainment, silent auction containing clothing, books, art, food, wine, tools, seeds etc. Time: 6:00 pm Friday - 8:00 pm Sunday Venue: Mary Winspear Centre Location: Sanscha, 2243 Beacon Ave., Sidney, BC Website: http://www.certifiedorganic.bc.caCategories: Farming; Environment |
Mar 1/2008 Milton, ON |
Halton Environmental Network - Conference & AGM General Meeting followed by film: "Escape from Suburbia" or hiking on the grounds of Kelso Park.
Toronto Renewable Energy Coop presentation re residential solar panel installations followed by panel discussion.
Time: 9:00 am - 2:45 pm Venue: Halton Region Museum Location: Kelso Conservation Area, Milton, ON Categories: Environment
Mar 1/2008 Toronto, ON |
Putting Pedestrians First A one day repeat of Walk 21 2007 in Toronto at which some local presenters will share their breakout presentations with the community.
See: www.toronto.ca/walk21/photos.htm Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.toronto.ca/walk21/Categories: Health/Health Care |
Mar 4/2008 to Mar 5/2008 Halifax, NS |
Atlantic Climate Change Conference The conference will present keynote speakers, presentations, papers, and panel sessions that provide useful, practical and locally applicable insights. Workshops will focus on strategies and actions that can be adopted by local government, infrastructure decision - makers and business. Location: Halifax, NS Website: http://www.esans.ca/eventsCategories: Environment |
Mar 4/2008 to Mar 5/2008 Courtney, BC |
Building Green in a Changing Climate Building Green in a changing climate Conference and Trade Show.
Exhibiting green building technologies available on Vancouver Island Venue: Florence Filberg Centre Location: Courtney, BC Website: http://www.livinggreenbuildinggreen.comFor information contact: Maaike Penn, maaike.pen@livinggreen buildinggreen.com Categories: Environment |
Mar 5/2008 to Mar 6/2008 Toronto, ON |
Air Issues and Commercial Goods and Freight Movement - National Conference The objective of this conference is to communicate to carriers and shippers, the government programs and initiatives that will help them use less fuel, save money and reduce emissions contributing to climate change and air pollution, in addition to showcasing best practices across different transportation modes. Venue: Renaissance Toronto Airport Hotel Location: 416-675-6100, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.pollutionprobe.org/Happening/Index_Today.htmFor information contact: Natasha Lan nlan@pollutionprobe.org Phone: 416-926-1907 ext. 230 Categories: Environment; Transportation & Travel |
Mar 6/2008 Toronto, ON |
Guerrilla Girls Performance The Guerrilla Girls are feminist masked avengers who use facts, humour and outrageous visuals to expose sexism, racism and corruption in politics, art, film, and pop culture.They will talk about their work
concerning their philosophy of activism, and their campaign against the lack of ethics in the art world. Time: 7:00 pm Venue: John Basett Theatre, Metro Convention Centre Location: 255 Front Street West, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.mtcc.comFor information contact: guerrillatix@gmail.com (tickets) Categories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Women |
Mar 6/2008 to Mar 8/2008 Memramcook, NB |
ACORN ---- Atlantic Canadian Organic Regional Network The 8th Organic Conference and Trade Show will feature:
--Dag Falck, from Nature's Path, independent Canadian company, (largest organic cereal producer in the
-- Pat Mooney, ETC group, re: threats of genetic modification and nanotechnology
-- Marc Schurman, organic production methods Venue: Memramcook Resort Location: Memramcook, NB Website: http://www.acornorganic.org/conference.htmlPhone: 1-800-268-2511 Categories: Farming; Environment |
Mar 6/2008 to Mar 8/2008 Mississauga, ON |
International Home & Garden Show -- Green Street Pavilion The International Home & Garden Show is the first Spring Home & Garden Show of the season, with over 450 exhibitors showcasing better living, home & garden, outdoor, landscaping and home improvment products and services. The Show has also created the Green Street Pavilion, a showcase of over 30,000 sq. ft. dedicated strictly to promoting products related sustainability, green building, renewable energy, ecosmart living and more.
The show also takes place along with the Successful Gardening Show, offering visitors the unique "2 Shows for 1 Admission". Visit our website http://www.internationalhomeshow.ca for more information. Time: Thurs/Fri/Sat 10am-8pm, Sun 10am-6pm Location: Mississauga, ON Website: http://www.internationalhomeshow.caFor information contact: Lisa Pascoe Phone: 416-512-1305 Categories: Environment |
Mar 7/2008 Fredericton, NB |
Sustainability Education Alliance of New Brunswick To create a culture of education for sustainable development in the province to support the overall goal of the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development, 2005 - 2014, which is "... to integrate the values inherent in sustainable development into all aspects of learning to encourage changes in behavior that allow for a more sustainable and just society for all." Time: 8:30 am - 3:45 pm Venue: Killarny Lake Lodge, Rotary Room Location: 1600 St. Mary's St./Killarney Lake Park, Fredericton, NB Website: http://www.nben.ca/educatione.htmCategories: Environment |
Mar 7/2008 Toronto, ON |
The Secular Conscience: Why Belief Belongs in Public Life with Austin Dacey Philosopher Austin Dacey says that "secularism has lost its soul." From Washington to the Vatican to Tehran, religion is a public matter as never before, and secular values of personal autonomy, toleration, separation of religion and state, and freedom of conscience are attacked on all sides and defended by few. The godly claim a monopoly on the language of morality in public debate. while for generations, too many have insisted that questions of conscience, religion, ethics, and values, are "private matters" that have no place in public debate. Ironically, this ideology prevents them from subjecting religion to due scrutiny when it encroaches on individual rights,and from advocating their own moral vision in politics. Time: 2:00 pm Venue: University of Toronto Scarborough Campus Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.austindacey.com.Categories: Religious |
Mar 7/2008 Toronto, ON |
The Secular Conscience: Why Belief Belongs in Public Life with Austin Dacey Philosopher Austin Dacey says that "secularism has lost its soul." From Washington to the Vatican to Tehran, religion is a public matter as never before, and secular values of personal autonomy, toleration, separation of religion and state, and freedom of conscience are attacked on all sides and defended by few. The godly claim a monopoly on the language of morality in public debate. while for generations, too many have insisted that questions of conscience, religion, ethics, and values, are "private matters" that have no place in public debate. Ironically, this ideology prevents them from subjecting religion to due scrutiny when it encroaches on individual rights,and from advocating their own moral vision in politics. Time: 6:30 pm Venue: Centre for Inquiry Location: 216 Beverley Street, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.centerforinquiry.net/ontarioCategories: Religious |
Mar 7/2008 Toronto, ON |
Vigil Join this weekly vigil in front of the Israeli consulate from 5 to 6pm every Friday. This is a way to protest Israel's 40 year occupation and the current siege of Gaza which has resulted in an ever-mounting loss of lives of Palestinians including many children, and a humanitarian disaster there.
Time: 5 pm to 6 pm Venue: Israeli consulate Location: 180 Bloor St. West (across from the Royal Ontario Museum), Toronto, ON Categories: Human Rights, Law, Legal
Mar 7/2008 to Mar 8/2008 Winnipeg, MB |
Growing Local Getting Vocal: a Food Security Conference Over two days, hands-on workshops, discussions and displays will cover such topics as food security on a low income, eating in the north, food in schools, food preserving, grower group conservatives, urban agriculture, youth, farm mentorship, mobilisation and strategic planning, and skill development for communities.There will also be a Feast from the Land dinner on the Friday evening and a Local Food Forum on Saturday afternoon. Time: 2 Days Location: Winnipeg, MB Website: http://www.manitobafoodsecurity.caFor information contact: Lise growinglocal@mbfoodcharter.ca Phone: 204-943-0823 Categories: Farming; Environment |
Mar 8/2008 North York, ON |
For the Children of Palestine A cultural event with proceeds going to supporting a program in Nablus for children called Project Hope. This is an educational and arts program for children and youth who experience ongoing trauma from living under occupation. Time: Doors open at 6:30pm and show starts at 7:30pm Venue: Noor Cultural Centre Location: 123 Wynford Drive, (Just east of Don Mills and north of Eglinton Avenue, right off the DVP), North York, ON Website: http://www.arabmosaic.caCategories: Performing Arts; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Children & Youth |
Mar 8/2008 Peterborough, ON |
Our Forests- An Important Piece of our Natural Landscape Owners The conference will feature topics relevant to woodlot owners and managers from all walks of life. Presenters were invited to discuss woodlot tax planning, wetland management, managing for species at risk, forest inventories, and forest help. Time: 8:30 am - 4:00 pm Venue: Evinrude Centre Location: 911 Monaghan Road, Peterborough, ON Website: http://www.ont-woodlot-assoc.orgFor information contact: Rhonda Phone: 1-888-791-1103 Categories: Environment |
Mar 12/2008 to Mar 13/2008 Vancouver, BC |
GLOBE 2008 International Conference and Trade Fair GLOBE 2008 International Conference and Trade Fair
"Accelerating business & sustainable development strategies"
This series of events is dedicated to bringing together professionals from the environment sector. Every two years, corporate executives, government representatives, environmental senior managers, urban planners and financial executives meet to discuss emerging priorities and opportunities in the business of the environment.
The tenth in the series, GLOBE 2008 will host 10,000 participants, 2,000 conference delegates, 400 exhibitors, 200 speakers and dozens of international delegations from over 70 countries.
The Conference will focus on major themes such as Corporate Sustainability, Energy and Environment, Finance and Sustainability, and Building Better Cities. Location: Vancouver, BC Website: http://www.globe2008.caFor information contact: Ms. Carine Vindeirinho Phone: 1 604-775-8027 Categories: Environment; International |
Mar 12/2008 to Mar 14/2008 Vancouver, BC |
Auto FutureTech Summit 2008 You are invited to join us in making history... The first event of its kind, Auto FutureTech Summit 2008 will be an elite global gathering of representatives of the automotive and fuel sector's major stakeholders: OEMs, suppliers, financiers, oil and gas producers, electric utilities, labour unions, maintenance providers, insurance/reinsurance, agribusiness, civil society groups, and policy makers. Their purpose will be to explore together the key issues, challenges and opportunities
that will confront the global automobile industry over the coming decade.
These issues need to be addressed on an international stage among leaders of all relevant industries. Auto FutureTech Summit 2008 will therefore run in conjunction with GLOBE 2008. Venue: VCEC Location: Vancouver, BC Website: http://www.autofuturetech.comPhone: 1-800-274-6097 Categories: Automotive & Cars; Environment; International |
Mar 13/2008 Toronto, ON |
Book Launch: 'Tough Love at the Table' - Allan Bonner What they're saying about 'Tough Love at the Table':
"You can't fight a battle and analyze it all at the same time so this book acts as a wakeup call...an easy and entertaining read."
"I'm honored that you've included a column about me..." - PRESIDENT BILL CLINTON
"I feel very honored to have been part of your latest book. I am anxious to read it and know that I will gain some new insight."
"When our clients want Million-dollar advice on dispute resolution and fascinating stories, we recommend Allan"
- MIKE TAUBLEB - PROMENADE SPEAKER'S BUREAU, NEW YORK,NY Time: Between 5:30 and 7:30pm Venue: Ben McNally's Book Store Location: 366 Bay Street, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.allanbonner.com/index.htmFor information contact: Allan Bonner Phone: (416) 961-3620 |
Mar 13/2008 Toronto, ON |
Erasing the Lines: Women Working Together This milestone event will bring together women from diverse backgrounds and constituencies to discuss the priority issues of women living in Canada and the needs and the processes of women voices on the local, national and international levels.
Keynote Speaker: Dr. Jean Augustine, Ontario Fairness Commissioner
Special Guest: Katerina Cizek, National Film Board of Canada, Filmmaker in Residence
Women From the No Fixed Address Network Time: 11:00 am - 3:00 pm Venue: Gkadstone Hotel Main Ballroom Location: 1214 Queen Street West, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.nac-cca.caFor information contact: Enisone Kadiri Phone: 416-932-1718 Categories: Women |
Mar 14/2008 Montreal, QC |
Sustainable Business Conference The Sustainable Business Conference brings together representatives from the private, public, and non-governmental organizations as well as university faculty, and students from around the world. This year Sustainable Business Conference will highlight the food industry and its renowned leaders who have incorporated sustainable practices in business decisions.
Venue: D. B. Clarke Theatre Location: 1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd., Concordia Univ., Montreal, QC Categories: Environment; Business & Economics
Mar 14/2008 Toronto, ON |
Vigil Join this weekly vigil in front of the Israeli consulate from 5 to 6pm every Friday. This is a way to protest Israel's 40 year occupation and the current siege of Gaza which has resulted in an ever-mounting loss of lives of Palestinians including many children, and a humanitarian disaster there.
Time: 5pm to 6pm Venue: Israeli Consulate Location: 180 Bloor St. West (across from the Royal Ontario Museuem, Toronto, ON Categories: Human Rights, Law, Legal
Mar 14/2008 to Mar 16/2008 Toronto, ON |
Holistic World Expo 2008 Featuring International leaders, speakers, authors, healing music performers, hundred(s) of exhibitors and countless hands-on demonstrations that present a fascinating world view of holistic health benefits. Providing information for individuals who want to enhance their health, de-stress their lives and focus on their spiritual well-being.
Embracing the relationship between traditional medicine and complementary treatment options as it contributes to overall greater health for people today.
Guiding you towards integrating the mind, body and spirit, staying healthy and avoiding illness while living happier, fuller lives. Time: March 14th 5pm-9pm, March 15th 10am-8pm, March 16th 11am- Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.holisticworld.orgFor information contact: Yvette Murray Phone: 416-966-2626 Categories: Health/Health Care; International |
Mar 14/2008 to Mar 16/2008 St. Clements, ON |
New University Cooperative First Annual General Meeting The New University Cooperative is hosting its first AGM.
The New University Cooperative is a grassroots organization of grassroots activists and academics from across Canada who are building the foundations for an innovative university in Canada, based on the principles of ecological sustainability, accessibility and social justice. Location: St. Clements, ON Website: http://www.newuniversity.caFor information contact: Wilma Phone: 250-861-6805 Categories: Environment; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Mar 14/2008 to Mar 17/2008 Monterey |
Community Built Conference (Monterey, California, United States)
The Community Built Association (CBA), a national non-profit network of creative professionals who work to transform community spaces, will be gathering again at the Asilomar Conference Center in Monterey, CA, on March 14th-17th, 2008. This biennial Conference will bring together community builders from coast to coast to share professional expertise and experiences, collaborate on workshops, and get inspired. The CBA Conference will feature special presentations and hands-on workshops that further the practice of uniting professionals with volunteers to develop innovative, community projects that reshape the physical environment. Community-built professionals from around the country will converge as presenters and participants to discuss topics such as participatory design, funding community art, storytelling, community gardens, natural playgrounds, and creating gathering spaces. Lectures, workshops, and less formal gatherings will give plenty of opportunity for sharing stories of Venue: Asilomar Conference Center Location: Monterey Website: http://www.communitybuilt.orgPhone: (360)970-1519 Categories: Environment |
Mar 18/2008 to Mar 19/2008 Thunder Bay, ON |
Green North Eco-Conference 2008 Beginning with adialogue involving leadingalterntive energy experts, city mayors, muninipal managers and economic development practitioners together with businesses from across the North, the Green North Eco-Conference 2008 will emphasize the creation of a healthy and inclusive community that supports new economic opportunities and a high quality of life with minimal impact to the environment.
Three main topics include:
1) Developing Northern Ontario's Alternative Energy Sector
2) Greening Norther Municipalities
3) Greening Northern Business. Venue: Confederation College Location: Thunder Bay, ON Website: http://www.greennorthecoconference.comFor information contact: Dennis Walsh dennis@greenatworkmag.com Phone: 807-625-0212 Categories: Environment; Economic Development |
Mar 20/2008 Toronto, ON |
A Military Occupation is NOT a Charity A free public forum contesting the charitable status of Zionist organizations Time: 7pm Venue: Ontario Institue for Studies in Education Room 5-250 Location: 252 Bloor St. W. (at St. George subway), Toronto, ON Website: http://www.nion.caFor information contact: info@nion.ca Categories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Mar 21/2008 Toronto, ON |
Vigil Join this weekly vigil in front of the Israeli consulate from 5 to 6pm every Friday. This is a way to protest Israel's 40 year occupation and the current siege of Gaza which has resulted in an ever-mounting loss of lives of Palestinians including many children, and a humanitarian disaster there.
Venue: Israeli consulate Location: 180 Bloor St. West, Toronto, ON Categories: Human Rights, Law, Legal
Mar 25/2008 Mississauga, ON |
Half-day sessions on Effective Workplace and and Performing Effective Workplace Intervention ADR Institute of Ontario will be presentingtwo half-day sessions on "Effective Workplace
Evaluations/Assessments" (Daryl Landau, Roger Alton) and "Performing Effective Workplace Intervention," (Dr. Barbara Benoliel).
Please visit www.adrontario.ca/documents/workplace.pdf for a copy of the program.
Location: Mississauga, ON
Mar 26/2008 Toronto, ON |
Ilan Pappe Lecture: The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine "Ilan Pappe is Israel's bravest, most principled, most incisive historian." - John Pilger
Ilan Pappe Lecture & Book Signing
Suggested Donation: $10 (Students/Seniors $5)
Time: 7pm Venue: Health Sciences Auditorium Location: 155 College St., 6th floor, Toronto, ON Categories: International; Human Rights, Law, Legal; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
Mar 27/2008 Toronto, ON |
Iraq: 5 Years of destruction, war and occupation After five years of occupation, the suffering of the Iraqi people continues. More than 5 million have been forced to flee, more than 1.2 million since March, 2003.
Learn more about the realities of life in Iraq from Iraqi voices, and how you can add your voice to resisting the war.
With Dr. Dahlia Wasfi
Prof. Sabah Al Nasseri
Time: 7 pm Venue: Medical Sciences Bldg., Rm. #3153 Location: 1 King's College Circle, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON Categories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Military
Mar 28/2008 Toronto, ON |
30th Annual Toronto Festival of Storytelling Some of Toronto's best story-tellers:
Hildy Stollery, stories from Alice Kane
Lorne Brown, " Camille Caron
Rita Cox, " Augusta Baker
Celia Lottridge " Ray Hicks
Harriet Xanthakos " Italo Calvino
Time: 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm Venue: Buddies in Bad Time Theatre Location: 12 Alexandra Street, Toronto, ON Categories: Journalism, Writing, Literary, Language
Mar 28/2008 Toronto, ON |
Vigil Join this weekly vigil in front of the Israeli consulate from 5 to 6pm every Friday. This is a way to protest Israel's 40 year occupation and the current siege of Gaza which has resulted in an ever-mounting loss of lives of Palestinians including many children, and a humanitarian disaster there.
Venue: Israeli consulate Location: 180 Bloor St. West (across from the Royal Ontario Museum), Toronto, ON Categories: Human Rights, Law, Legal
Mar 28/2008 to Mar 29/2008 Halifax, NS |
Ecoprise 2008 - Green Business for a Sustainable Future This conference will bring together delegates, speakers and moderators from across the country to discuss, debate, dream.
In conjunction with the Ecoprise 2008 sustainable business conference, a parallel post-secondary green business plan competition (Eco-Venture 2008) will be held. Venue: Rowe Management Bldg. Dalhousie University Location: Halifax, NS Website: http://www.ecoprise2008.dal.ca/Categories: Environment; Economic Development |
Mar 29/2008 Ottawa, ON |
End the Arms Fair - marches, teach-in & discussion group Join us when we begin our campaign against the annual CANSEC arms fair.
CANSEC is Canada's largest weapon's fair, to be held at the Ottawa Congress Centre April 9 - 10. More than 200 corporations, including the notorious Blackwater, will promote their weapons, surveillance tools and services there. The event is closed to the public because the buyers of
these 'goods' are governments (Canadian and foreign), police agencies & private security firms; items which restrict the freedom of citizens, while the authorities claim their motives are security.
During CANSEC, NOWAR-PAIX and PGA-Bloc have planned many events to shine a light on these war-profiteers and their links to war, human rights violations, death and suffering. Time: Noon Venue: Corner of York and Sussex Location: Ottawa, ON Website: http://www.nowar-paix.caCategories: Military; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Mar 29/2008 Belleville, ON |
Sustainable Living Symposium (3rd Annual) Featuring a Full Day of Speakers, Demonstrations and Exhibits on Sustainable Living
Topics Include:Renewable Energy, Energy Efficient Homes, Natural Waste Water Treatment, Waste Reduction Venue: Loyalist College Location: Belleville, ON Website: http://www.quintesustainability.caFor information contact: Maya Navrot; mnavrot@quinteconservation.ca Phone: 613-968-3434 Ext 131 Categories: Environment |
Mar 29/2008 to Mar 30/2008 Halifax, NS |
Sustainability Education Symposium: Peacekeeping & Earthbuilding: Building a Culture of Respect for People and the Planet First Annual Sustainability Education Symposium Venue: Saint Mary's University Location: Halifax, NS Website: http://www.nsen.ca/education.phpCategories: Environment; Education; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Mar 30/2008 Toronto, ON |
Erotic Photos Show and Tell Included in the price of any workshop or $15 for non-workshop participants.
Bring photos from past workshops to share and discuss. Network with other photographers. Learn creative ideas to further your photo explorations. This workshop is open to anyone who has taken our courses, as well as models and other erotic photo artists in the community. Time: 5:30 - 8:00 pm Venue: Come As You Are Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.capstudios.comFor information contact: Chris Ablett Photography Phone: 416-953-5637 Categories: Sexuality |
Mar 30/2008 Kingston, ON |
GreenUP! A celebration of earth friendly living GreenUP! is a chance for the public to explore practical, earth-friendly ideas for home, garden, and lifestyle. Topics range from alternative energy and backyard projects to wildlife habitat preservation campaigns. Environmental companies, government agencies, non-profit organizations and volunteer groups will engage visitors with interactive displays. Visitors will also be able to experience ‘green’ initiatives in action with tours of the Living Wall (a wall made up of plants that function to clean the air in a building) and The Tea Room (a café at Queen’s that has incorporated many sustainable aspects in their operations). Delicious organic (and local where possible) food will contribute to the festive spirit! Time: 10:00 am - 4:00 pm Venue: Biosciences Complex Atrium, Queen’s University Location: Kingston, ON Website: http://www.greenupfestival.caFor information contact: Brooke Gilmour Phone: 613.546.9696 Categories: Environment |
Apr 1/2008 to Apr 2/2008 Mississauga, ON |
Energy Matters Summit Energy Matters is Ontario's pre-eminent summit on public sector energy management and environmental sustainability. Each year Energy Matters assembles an extraordinary group of public and private personnel from across Canada, the US and Europe. Over the past four years over 700 delegates from 150 different municipalities and businesses have attended this event. Venue: Delta Meadowvale Resort and Conference Location: Mississauga, ON Website: http://www.peelregion.ca/finance/corp-energy/energy-matters08/Categories: Environment |
Apr 1/2008 to Apr 2/2008 Ville de Quebec, ON |
Salon des technologies environnementales du Quebec Congres au sujet environnementales. Venue: Centre des Congres de Quebec Location: Ville de Quebec, ON Website: http://www.steq.reseau-environnement.comCategories: Environment |
Apr 2/2008 Hamilton, ON |
URANIUM: Anything but Clean and Green Jim Harding, Author of "Canada's Deadly Secret", will discuss the Global Nuclear System and the Saskatchewan Uranium Industry. Details about the dark side of nuclear politics and Canada's role in the expansion of the global nuclear system. Jim Harding was consultant to the National Film Board award-winning film "Uranium".
Time: 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm Venue: First Unitarian Church Location: 170 Dundurn Street South, Hamilton, ON Categories: Environment; Health/Health Care; Science & Technology
Apr 3/2008 to Apr 4/2008 Toronto, ON |
The Green Transition Conference Attend this conference and get the information you need to promote a healthy environment while improving your business practice by discussing strategies to overcome environmental limits to growth.
Following topics are featured:
-growing demand for accountability
-understand laws that once only applied to big business
-reduce environmental footprints while generating profit
-deeper connections with customers, employees
-cut costs, ready to reduce risks and drive revenues
-growing demand for accountability Venue: Toronto Botanical Garden Location: 777 Lawrence Ave. East, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.enlightenedevents.caFor information contact: info@enlightenedevents.ca Phone: 647-723-3693 Categories: Environment |
Apr 3/2008 to Apr 4/2008 Toronto, ON |
The Green Transition Conference There is a call for business to add environmental efforts to their business priorities. Two value-packed days of information and insightful learning with respect to business related environmental issues such as climate change for example.
Industry experts advise re:
-Reduce environmental footprints while generating profit
-Discuss opportunities to cut cost, reduce risk and drive revenues
Venue: Toronto Botanical Garden Location: 777 Lawrence Ave. East, Toronto, ON Categories: Environment; Business & Economics
Apr 3/2008 to Apr 6/2008 Edmonton, AB |
Edmonton Home & Garden Show -- new green hall The Edmonton Home & Garden Show is back and going green! In addition to more than 400 home and garden exhibitors, Edmonton is adding a new green hall showcasing the latest in green friendly products and services, garden trends and ideas and a "little green thumbs" area for the kids. Plus, fall into spring with new ideas, trends and advice for your home inside and out. Location: Edmonton, AB Website: http://www.edmontonhomeshow.comFor information contact: Sonya Lang Phone: 403.209.3570 Categories: Environment |
Apr 4/2008 to Mar 5/2008 Camrose, AB |
Going Organic Alberta 2008 Conference This conference is designed for existing organic producers and those considering transition to organics.
Will explore the economics of organic crop production; experts from Canada and US speak on crop rotation, weed and pest controls, the art of compost making, herd health issues, organics in Cuba. Venue: Norseman Inn Location: Camrose, AB Website: http://www.goingorganic.caFor information contact: organic08@telus.net Categories: Environment; Farming |
Apr 4/2008 Toronto (Etobicoke), ON |
Locavores UnConference Not a traditional conference just an evening with no workshops, no plenaries. Includes locally made
non-processed foods. Commonly excluded are coffeeroasters, chocolate producers and spice importers.
$10 cover charge includes all you can eat baked beans, fresh baked bread, cabbage salad.
Time: 5:30 - 9:30 pm Venue: Montgomery's Inn Location: Southwest corner, Dundas, Islington in Etobicoke, Toronto (Etobicoke), ON Categories: Food & Beverage; Health/Health Care
Apr 4/2008 to Apr 6/2008 Montreal, QC |
An Inconvenient Truth- training for Canadians to present the live version Al Gore will train 200 Canadians from Apr. 4 to Apr. 6, 2008 in Montreal to present the live version of the slide show that is featured in the movie: "An Inconvenient Truth". Location: Montreal, QC Website: http://www.climateprojectcanada.orgFor information contact: Michael Homos Mhomsi@climateprojectcanada.org |
Apr 4/2008 to Apr 6/2008
Canadian Department of Peace Initiative Apr.4, Friday, 7:30 pm Church of the Holy Trinity (Dundas and Bay)
"The Human Right to Peace: Full Time Work"
Presented by the Hon. Douglas Roche
Apr.5, Saturday, 9:00 am to 5:30 pm Friends House, 60 Lowther Ave
"Building a Culture of Peace" - various workshops re: peace
building, abolishing nuclear weapons, voice of women
Apr. 6, Sunday, 10:00 am AGM at OISE, 252 Bloor Street Website: http://www.department of peace.caCategories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Apr 5/2008 Toronto, ON |
Leading Organizations Join Forces to Present Canada's first LGBT Phylantrophy Conference A group of organizations from the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBT) communities have joined under the banner of "LGBT Giving Network" to organize a one-day conference on philantrophy, LGBT community.
Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender consumers in Canada have an estimated annual income of more than $75 billion.
Topics will include: "Philantrophy in Canada", " Making the Case for Support of LGBT Causes" and
many more.
Venue: University College, U. of Toronto Location: Toronto, ON For information contact: Philip Wong info@lgca.ca Phone: 416-920-5422 Categories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
Apr 5/2008 to Apr 6/2008 Toronto, ON |
The Extreme Freedom Seminar Extreme Freedom…free yourself! Based on Dr. John Demartini’s The Breakthrough Experience
Make deep and lasting changes in 2 days!
Transform your life. Empower yourself.
Find out how to manifest your life as you dream it to be!
Extreme Freedom® is an amazing and intensive two-day weekend program designed to help you identify and remove limiting thoughts and beliefs and emotions that are weighing you down and help you create clarity around your vision for your life.
After the weekend you will have more direction, certainty, clarity and you will be inspired and motivated. You will get to the heart of your true self.
You will learn The Demartini Method®, a process that allows you to breakthrough to high levels of inspiration, creativity and performance. Its benefits and results are tailored to your specific issues or concerns.
You will walk away knowing that this was truly one of the most valuable and rewarding experience of your life. Time: 830am-8pm Venue: Eastside Health and Wellness Centre Location: 880 Broadview Ave., Toronto, ON Website: http://www.thevibrantlifecoach.comFor information contact: Diane Andonovski Phone: 416 405 9478 Categories: Skills & Training |
Apr 6/2008 Perth, ON |
Living on Earth as if We Want To Stay: book signing with Mike Nickerson & Donna Dillman Join Mike Nickerson, authorof "Life, Money & Illusion: Living On Earth as if We Want to Stay" and Donna Dillman, who refused food for 68 days last fall to raise public awareness around the uranium issue, for a talk and discussion about the options from whichg we can choose our future. Time: 2 pm - 4 pm Venue: Valley Bookstore Location: 17 Wilson Street, Perth, ON Website: http://www.SustainWellBeing.netFor information contact: Donna Dillman donna54@superaje.ocm Phone: 613-259-9988 Categories: Environment |
Apr 7/2008 Toronto, ON |
LGBTQ Community Health Fair Reception Commencement of 2008, fifth annual, LGBTQ Health Matters Week.
Over 20 services will be available to answer questions with regard to queer and trans health issues. Time: 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm Venue: Sherbourne Health Centre Location: 333 Sherbourne Street, Toronto, ON Website: http://www..lgbtqhealthmatters.comFor information contact: Michele Clarke mclarke@sherbourne.on.ca Phone: 416-324-4177 Categories: Health/Health Care |
Apr 8/2008 Kingston, ON |
URANIUM: Citizens' Inquiry on Impacts of Uranium, Public Forum The Citizens' Inquiry seeks citizen opinions re: any aspect of the uranium cycle.
Participation can be in person in April in Ottawa, Sharbot Lake, Kingston or Peterborough.
Preregistration is required at: www.uraniumcitizensinquiry.com
As well you might wish to send us an e-mail or written submission.
Time: 1 pm - 5:00 pm and 6 pm - 9 pm Venue: Queen St. United Church Location: Queen and Clergy (One block north of Princess St.), Kingston, ON For information contact: info@uraniumcitizensinquiry.com Phone: 613-259-9988 Categories: Environment; Health/Health Care; Mining & Petroleum
Apr 9/2008 Toronto, ON |
Opening the Closet on Aging: Amazing Lives!-519 The conference will have work-shops, panels and presentations appealing to :
-both seniors and service providers: the history of gay rights in Canada
- Nancy Nicol's short films Pride and Resistance: older LGBTT people living
-navigating the system and advocating in it; issues relating to LGBTT seniors
and more
Time: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm Venue: Metro Central YMCA Location: 20 Grosvenor Street, Toronto, ON For information contact: Jack Cunningham Phone: 416-392-6878 ext. 306 Categories: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual; Seniors
Apr 9/2008 Toronto, ON |
Tax Shifting for a Greener Future Tax shifting is about comprehensive tax reform to encourage sustainable development, social well-being and more jobs.
It might work by levying taxes on resource and energy intensive, environmentally damaging activity and lowered on employment, income and investments.
Four experts will address the question of whether tax shifting will work or not, followed by audience Q&A. Venue: St. Lawrence Centre for the Arts Location: 27 Front St. E., Toronto, ON Website: http://www.forum.stlc.comFor information contact: subscribeforum@stlc.com Phone: 416-366-1656 Categories: Environment; Economic Development |
Apr 10/2008
Homosaywhat?-Call for Submissions We want to hear about your trans-cultural experiences, good, bad, awkward, delightful, surprising, banal, romantic.
Both fiction and creative. Black and White photography and artwork.
No poetry.
Manuscripts less than 3,000 words sent in MS Word to: outofplace@homosaywhat.ca
Photos and art to same in high resolution TIFF format (300 dpi and higher).
Apr. 30, 2008 deadline. Website: http://www.homosaywhat.caFor information contact: rebecka@homosaywhat.ca Categories: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual; Arts & Culture |
Apr 10/2008 Kingston, ON |
How Green Is Green? - The Challenge of Calculating and Demonstrating Your Company's Performance Mr. Randal Goodfellow, Senior Vice-President, Corporate Relations for Ensyn Technologies Inc. (Ottawa), will be speaking on the challenge of calculating and demonstrating your company's environmental performance. He will share observations about what it may mean to others, and offer suggestions about the need to work together to reduce the uncertainty that exists around what is needed as well as what will be expected.
Fee: $30 ($15 for full time students), Deadline for registration is Apr. 8, 2008. Time: 7:15 am - 9:00 am Venue: Portsmouth Olympic Harbour Rest. Location: 53 Yonge St., Kingston, ON Website: http://www.elorin.caFor information contact: Julia Bryan info@elorin.ca Phone: 613-533-3300 Categories: Environment; Business & Economics |
Apr 10/2008 to Apr 13/2008 Nordegg, AB |
Many Streams - One River, Global, Environmental, and Outdoor Education Council Conference Keynote speaker will be Karsten Heuer presenting "Finding Farley", a 5000 km cross-Canada voyage by canoe and sailboat to visit renowned author Farley Mowatt. The 5-month epic journey included Karsten's wife, two year old toddler and their dog. Venue: The Goldeye Centre Location: Nordegg, AB Website: http://www.geoec.org/conference/Categories: Environment |
Apr 11/2008 Calgary, AB |
Dr. Jane Goodall: Gombe and Beyond Dr. Goodall will speak about some of the successes and challenges she has experienced as the Jane Goodall Inst. works to protect habitat for endangered chimpanzees and other great apes in Africa in the face of mounting pressures. Location: Calgary, AB Website: http://www.janegoodall.caCategories: Environment; Education |
Apr 11/2008 Toronto, ON |
When Killing is Easy The film and discussion series REEL ACTIVISM presents BBC's call for protection of journalists in Palestine.
Followed by Sandro Contenta (Middle East Bureau Chief for the Toronto Star)
Gracefully accepted: Donations for church expenses.
Time: 7 pm Venue: Bloor St. United Church Location: 300 Bloor St. W., Toronto, ON Phone: 416-966-2815 Categories: Security
Apr 12/2008 Toronto, PE |
Doing Well By Doing Good: Appling Values Driven Leadership The CBBF is a group of professionals who meet monthly to discussvalues dased leadership, ethics, sustainability, corporate social responsibility, equality of women and men in the workplace, a new paradigm of work, and consultation as a decision making tool.
Our speakers and facilitators are of top quality and the discussion is rich, deep, non-religious and inspiring. Venue: Toronto Baha'i Centre Location: Toronto, PE Website: http://www.ebbf.org/cbbfannualconference.htmlFor information contact: David Parker Categories: Human Rights, Law, Legal; Business & Economics |
Apr 12/2008 Toronto, ON |
Trans-Generational Trans Activists Learning Together A basic skills building workshop for committed trans people and allies (older and younger trans people of colour, two spirit and aboriginal trans people) as well as their non-trans allies.
Three parts:
-choosing a focus
-preventing burn-out
-anti-oppression fraternity/getting connected/started Time: 10 am to 4 pm Venue: Sherbourne Health Centre Location: 333 Sherbourne Street, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.lgbtqhealthmatters.comFor information contact: Geoff MacDonald gmacdonald@sherbourne.on.ca Phone: 416-324-4100 ext5058 Categories: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual |
Apr 12/2008 Toronto, ON |
Turtle Island to Palestine: "Free All Political Prisoners" !! Coinciding with Palestine Political Prisoners Day, the Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid is organizing a fund-raiser in support of the Ardoch Algonquin First Nation (AAFN) in their struggle against uranium mining on their land.
AAFN Robert Lovelace was sentenced by Ontario Supreme Court to 6 months incarceration and $25,000 fine for the blockade of uranium exploration started in June, 2007.
At the same time the issue of usurped land rights by the Isreali government, of Palestinian lands is also hi-lited. Time: 7 pm Venue: Cervejaria Location: 842 College St. (West of Ossington), Toronto, ON Website: http://www.caiaweb.orgFor information contact: endapartheid@riseup.net Categories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Social Policy |
Apr 13/2008 to Apr 19/2008
National Environmental Education Week Fourth National EE Week seeks to enhance the educational impact of Earth Day (Apr.22) Location: USA Website: http://www.EEWeek.orgFor information contact: Karen Schultz Phone: 202-261-6484 Categories: Environment |
Apr 14/2008 to Apr 16/2008 Halifax, NS |
Canadian Waste Resource Symposium 2008 A meeting with other municipal and industry representatives from across Canada.to discover where waste diversion is heading over the next ten years.l Location: Halifax, NS Website: http://www.atcanswana.org/events.htmlCategories: Environment |
Apr 15/2008 Peterborough, ON |
URANIUM: Citizens' Inquiry on Impacts of Uranium, Public Forum The Citizens' Inquiry seeks the opinions of the public with respect to matters pertaining to the uranium cycle. Preregistration is required at www.uraniumcitizensinquiry.com. E-mails or written submissions can also be sent. Time: 1 to 5 pm, 6 to 9 pm Venue: Sadleir House Location: 51 George Street, Peterborough, ON Website: http://www.uraniumcitizensinquiry.comFor information contact: Citizens' Inquiry on Impacts of the Uranium Cycle, info@uraniumcitizensi Phone: 613-259-9988 Categories: Environment; Education |
Apr 17/2008 to Apr 18/2008 White Point Beach, NS |
Atlantic Canada Sustainability Initiative (ACSI) Meeting This Sustainability Summit is intended to celebrate the successes of ACSI Sustainability Partners over the last year; to promote the ASCI as a network and to provide further learning in areas of interest identified by our partners.
Workshops and speakers to be announced later. Venue: White Point Beach Resort Location: White Point Beach, NS Website: http://www.atlanticsustainability.caCategories: Farming; Environment |
Apr 17/2008 to Apr 27/2008 Toronto, ON |
hotDOCS - Outspoken. Outstanding. Celebrating its 15th edition in 2008, Hot Docs will present more than 100 films from over 25 countries during 11 days. It is North America's essential meeting place for the international documentary industry.
All films in official competitions will be receiving their first Toronto showing, with many screenings being world, international, North American or Canadian premieres. For most screenings, directors will be attendant to introduce their films and to participate in post-show Q & A sessions with the audience. Furthermore, there will be market events and services, parties and much more to experience. Venue: HOT DOCS Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.hotdocs.caCategories: Arts & Culture; Media, Entertainment, News, Communications; Awards, Scholarships, Prizes |
Apr 18/2008 Ottawa, ON |
Ottawa Eco-Fair 2009 A local citizen run effort which includes exhibits, energy and transportation innovation, reconnection to nature, ecotourism, healthy eating and living.
Last year 4500 people visited; a successful event. Location: 1-184 Second Ave.,, Ottawa, ON Website: http://www.OttawaEcoFair.caFor information contact: Jill Sturdy ottawaecofair@hotmail.com Phone: 613-321-6193 Categories: Environment; Science & Technology; Food & Beverage Event is recurring |
Apr 18/2008 to Apr 20/2008 Vancouver, ON |
Epic 2008, The Sustainable Living Expo (apr.18-20) Vancouver's largest green consumer show and eco-marketplace: environmentally friendly products. Venue: Vancouver Convention and Exhibition Centre Location: Vancouver, ON Website: http://www.epicvancouver.comFor information contact: Chris Livingstone Phone: 604-775-7300 Categories: Environment |
Apr 18/2008 to Apr 20/2008 Toronto, ON |
Total Health 08 - SLOW: Beyond Organic This, 31st annual convention has the theme SLOW MOVEMENT pertaining to a slowing down of the pace of life in this fast techno-electronic age. It also suggests the eating of regional produce and traditional foods often grown organically.
Other focal points of the show are disease prevention, good nutrition, energy medicin, health effects of magnetic fields, organic gardening and farming and diverse healing modalities. Living with a global conscience and a return to a simpler, calmer way of living are proposed. Venue: Metro Toronto Convention Centre , North Building Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.totalhealthshow.comFor information contact: Helen McLellan Phone: 416-924-9800 Categories: Health/Health Care; Environment |
Apr 19/2008
International Downshifting Week International Downshifting Week is an awareness campaign designed to encourage participants to "slow down and green up". Venue: Worlwide Website: http://www.downshiftingweek.comFor information contact: Tracy Smith tracey@downshiftingweek.com Phone: ++44 7817 156 391 Categories: Education; Health/Health Care; Environment |
Apr 19/2008 Edmonton, ON |
Protest the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) The SPP had been put into place by the government of the USA, Mexico, and Canada but it has been lobbied, consulted for and regulated by wealthy North American corporations with little debate in parliament and no public efforts to inform citizens about its policies.
Questioned are the following:
- involvement in America's War on Terror
- Privatized Health Care System
- sovereignty over water, oil, energy production Time: 12 pm Venue: Alberta Legislature, Edmonton Location: Edmonton, ON Website: http://www.integratethis.caFor information contact: protest.spp@gmail.com Categories: Politics & Political Organizations; Economic Development |
Apr 20/2008 to Apr 21/2008 Oakville, ON |
Halton Eco Festival The Halton Eco Festival is a non-profit public service event dedicated to increasing environmental awareness and involvement through educational presentations and informative displays by environmentally-friendly businesses and organizations.
About the Halton Eco Festival
Each year, educational workshops, hands-on presentations, action campaigns and children's eco fair contribute to this fun, festive event for the whole family. Exhibitors also offer a wide variety of eco-friendly products and services on display. Healthy food and beverages are available in the Eco Cafe located in the Gym. Location: Oakville, ON Website: http://haltonecofest.caFor information contact: Stephen Dankowich Phone: (905) 849-5501 Categories: Environment |
Apr 21/2008 Toronto, ON |
Toxic Trespass - Film Screening In Toxic Trespass, filmmaker Barri Cohen launches an investigation into the detrimental effects of the chemical reality surrounding our lives. There are presentations of toxic horrors which haunt industrialized countries along with passionate activists and dedicated health professionals who see evidence between environmental pollution and health problems.
Green Screens Film Screening
Venue: NFB Mediatheque Location: 150 John Street, Toronto, ON Categories: Environment; Health/Health Care
Apr 21/2008 to Apr 23/2008 Edmonton, AB |
Alberta's Environment Conference This event is focused on environmental and natural resource management and the importance of stewardship by government, agriculture, industry, environmental organizations, aboriginal groups and academic institutions. Venue: Shaw Conference Centre Location: Edmonton, AB Website: http://www.ab.stewardshipcanada.ca/stewardshipcanada/dynamicImages/3459_AlbertaCategories: Environment |
Apr 21/2008 to Apr 25/2008 Toronto, ON |
Lights Out, Toronto's New Acknowledgement Program This program is to encourage architects, developers, building owners and tenants to make a positive difference by helping to ensure the survival of migratory bird populations in the city. Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.toronto.ca/lightsoutFor information contact: Jill Ditner jillditner@gmail.com Categories: Environment |
Apr 22/2008
Earth Day 2008: April 22 More than 6 million Canadians join 500 million people in over 180 countries in staging events and projects to address local environmental issues. Venue: Worldwide Website: http://www.earthday.ca/pub/events/search/shell_form_public.phpCategories: Environment |
Apr 22/2008 Minden, ON |
R.D. Lawrence Place - Grand Opening R.D. Lawrence Place is dedicated to the memory of naturalist, author and field biologist Ron Lawrence and is the latest addition to the Minden Hills Cultural Centre in the village of Minden Ontario.
On Earth Day there will be indoor and outdoor activities, activities and speeches as well as a visit by R.D. Lawrence's widow, Sharon Lawrence.
No admission fee.
Venue: Bobcaygeon Rd. Location: Minden, ON For information contact: Sheryl Loucks, R.D. Lawrennce Place Coordinator Phone: 705-457-7690 Categories: Education; Environment; Nature & Outdoors
Apr 22/2008 Ottawa, ON |
URANIUM: Citizens' Inquiry on Impacts of Uranium, Public Forum Public opinions are sought with regards to the uranium cycle, in this case in the Ottawa area. Venue: Rideau Park United Church Location: 2203 Alta Vista Dr., Ottawa, ON Website: http://www.uraniumcitizensinquiry.comFor information contact: info@uraniumcitizensinquiry.com Phone: 613-259-9988 Categories: Environment; Economic Development |
Apr 22/2008 to Apr 23/2008 Toronto, ON |
Making the Great Lakes The Great Lakes which contains 20% of the world's surface water have associated loss of wetlands and also associated river and shoreline damage.
The objectives are:
- Global perspectives on energy security, competitiveness and renewable energy sources
-The impacts of mercury emissions on Great Lakes communities
-Impact of Climate Change on Great Lakes Water quality and quantity. Venue: MaRS Discovery Centre Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.energy2100.caCategories: Environment |
Apr 22/2008 to Apr 26/2008 San Fransisco |
Ecocity World Summit The International Ecocity Conference Series invites key innovators, decision makers, technologists, businesses and organizations shaping the designs of ecological and sustainable cities, towns, villages as well as tending to their planning and development.
The summit themes are: people (population, health); nature (protecting and restoring); sustainable development (land use, transportation); economies and technologies (supporting markets, businesses), incentives and support structures (government, institutions). Venue: USA Location: San Fransisco Website: http://www.ecocityworldsummit.org/Categories: Environment; Nature & Outdoors; Science & Technology |
Apr 23/2008 Toronto, ON |
TASTES OF HEAVEN Gala Dinner The annual Tastes of Heaven Gala is a fundraising dinner in support of the Canadian missions and missionaries. Since 2001, the outstanding support of the Catholic business community through Meritus and our culinary director and friend Biagio Vinci has raised over $560,000! Time: 6:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. Venue: Sala Caboto at Villa Colombo Centre Location: 40 Playfair Avenue, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.cmic.infoFor information contact: Kathleen Ancker Phone: 416-934-3424 Categories: Religious; Awards, Scholarships, Prizes |
Apr 23/2008 to Apr 25/2008 Vancouver, BC |
15th Annual CAGP-ACPDP National Conference Join us in Vancouver and participate in Canada's foremost conference on gift planning.
Learn from experts in topics ranging from tax law to marketing your charitable giving program.
The Canadian Association of Gift Planners national conference is the ultimate networking experience and the place to discover the latest trends in gift planning from industry leaders. Whether youre new to gift planning or a veteran, the National CAGP-ACPDP Conference has something for everyone.
CAGP - ACPDPs annual conference for gift planners, fundraisers, volunteers, and professional advisors offers the opportunity to exchange information, knowledge, and ideas. Take advantage of this once a year event to upgrade your knowledge with current trends an Venue: Westin Bayshore Location: Vancouver, BC Website: http://www.cagp-acpdp.orgCategories: Investment, Finance, Insurance; Awards, Scholarships, Prizes |
Apr 24/2008 to Apr 26/2008 Toronto, ON |
Historical Materialism - First North American Conference Announcing the first ever North American conference sponsored by Historical Materialism: A Journal of Critical Marxist Research. While HM's annual conference in London has become a major rallying point for hundreds of people working within the traditions of historical materialism, thus far the journal has not had a comparable presence on this side of the Atlantic.
That is about to change with this major conference at York University, sponsored by the Department of Political Science and Founders College.
Venue: York University Location: Toronto, ON Categories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
Apr 24/2008 to Apr 27/2008 King City, ON |
Nature's Kaleidoscope: Native and Heritage Plants of the East Humber River For thousands of years, the explosive natural diversity of the East Humber has been an abundant home to wildlife and people. The rich soils enabled settlers to grow their vegetables, fruits, flowers and medicinal herbs.Opening of Nature's Kaleidoscope is on Apr. 24 . Refreshments, live music.
Exhibits by local artists
Time: Apr. 24, 7pm - 9 pm. Opening Venue: King Township Museum Location: 2920 King Rd., King City, ON For information contact: Anne Love meadowatch@sympatico.ca Phone: 905-833-2331 Categories: Arts & Culture; Environment
Apr 25/2008 Toronto, ON |
Green Toronto Awards 2008 Awards will be presented for excellence in community projects, individual and youth leadership, water efficiency, green design, market transformation, energy conservation, green roofs, and environmental awareness.
The Mayor will give $5000 to winners to contribute to the charity of their choice Time: 7:00 - 8:30 pm Venue: Exhibition Place, Direct Energy Centre Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.toronto.ca/greentorontoawardsFor information contact: Nancy Ruscica greentorontoawards@toronto.ca Phone: 416-392-2984 Categories: Environment |
Apr 25/2008 to Apr 27/2008 London, ON |
London Lesbian Film Festival The 17th London Lesbian Film Festival
"We've Got Legs"
Venue: Rainbow Cinemas Location: Galleria Mall, London, ON Categories: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual
Apr 26/2008 Guelph, ON |
Doors Open Guelph Doors Open Guelph 2008 is a collaborative initiative of Guelph Arts Council, City of Guelph Tourism Services and Heritage Guelph. Time: 10 am to 4 pm, unless otherwise noted Location: Guelph, ON Website: http://guelph.ca/doorsopenguelphFor information contact: Doors Open Geulph Phone: 519-836-3280 Categories: Architecture; Arts & Culture; Tourism & Hospitality Industry |
Apr 26/2008 Peterborough, ON |
Green Expo 2008 Approximately 75 exhibitors of several categories relating to sustainable living.
Workshops on greening your business for young entrepreneurs, wine sampling and fashion show. Time: 10 am - 4 pm Venue: Evinrude Centre Location: 911 Monaghan Road, Peterborough, ON Website: http://www.greenexpo.caFor information contact: Laurie Collette Phone: 705-652-5159 Categories: Environment |
Apr 26/2008 Hockley, PE |
The Independant House: 10th Annual Tour of the House 10th Annual Tour of the House (off the grid, solar & wind powered, grey water, low-impact comfort year-round)
Time: 1:30 pm - 4:30 pm Venue: The Ketchum House Location: Simcoe Rd. #1, Hockley, PE For information contact: anthonyketchum@sympatico.ca Phone: 416-487-2795 Categories: Environment; Science & Technology
Apr 26/2008
Venezuela: Break with Bourgeois Populism! Oral presentation regarding the socialist system of Chavez (21st Century Socialism) and how the communistic forces are not attacking the Venezuelan capitalists.
For information contact: Debby spartan@on.aibn.com Phone: 416-593-4138 Categories: Politics & Political Organizations
Apr 26/2008 to Apr 27/2008 Norfolk County, ON |
Doors Open Norfolk County For a complete list of participating sites and local maps, contact Doors Open Norfolk County. Time: 10 am to 4 pm, unless otherwise noted Location: Norfolk County, ON Website: http://www.norfolktourism.comFor information contact: Doors Open Norfolk County Phone: 1-866-900-1104 Categories: Architecture; Arts & Culture; Tourism & Hospitality Industry |
Apr 27/2008 to Apr 29/2008 Chicago |
ALL THING ORGANIC (tm) Trade Show All Things Organic Conference and Trade Show
More organic companies...more organic products...
At All Things Organic you'll find more organic companies and products than at any other industry trade event in North America--all products on display must be certified organic, made with certified organic ingredients, or approved for use in organic production.
All Things Organic Conference provides the most comprehensive organic education program in the industry. With special retail, foodservice, international, non-food, leadership, manufacturing and ingredient focuses in 2008, you'll stay ahead of the competition by learning about new trends, markets, research, regulations, and more at All Things Organic. Venue: McCormick Place Location: Chicago Website: http://www.organicexpo.comFor information contact: OrganicExpo@divcom.com Categories: Food & Beverage; Fashion, Clothing, Textiles; Cosmetics, Personal Care |
Apr 27/2008 to Apr 30/2008 London, ON |
Only Tap Water Delivers The annual conference and trade show of the Ontario Water Wokrs Association and the Ontario Municipal Water Association brings together the experts in the drinking water industry - university researchers, government regulators, consulting engineers and industry suppliers.
The conference theme is "Only Tap Water Delivers" and with a full list of plenary and technical sessions the focus is on safe drinking water for all Ontario residents. Provincial Environmnent Minister John Gerretsen will deliver the keynote address Monday April 28, 0930 hrs..
Venue: London Convention Centre Location: 300 York Street, London, ON For information contact: Glenn Powell, Director of Communications, OWWA Phone: 905-827-4508 Categories: Environment; Science & Technology; Urban Issues, Transit, Housing, Public Space
Apr 28/2008 to May 3/2008 Gatineau, QC |
Canadian Biodiversity Adaptation in a Changing Climate The objective is to produce an integrated, policy-relevant, science assessment of how biodiversity and ecosystems adapt to a changing climate.
Three subthemes will be planned:
-biodiversity monitoring
-biodiversity and climate change science
-integrated planning and management tools
Participants should focus especially on the gaps in each of these three areas that may constrain meaningful forecasts. Venue: Chateau Cartier Resort Location: Gatineau, QC Website: http://www.eman-rese.ca/eman/reports/meetings/national2008/Categories: Environment |
Apr 29/2008 Toronto, ON |
The Next Generation, with Donna Dillman, uranium activist and Mike Nickerson, Sustainability author Nickerson's latest book, "Life, Money & Illusion: Living on Earth as if we want to stay", one perspective says that we need to preserve and enhance ecosystems and communities. The other perspective, "Money" says we need to continuously expand production and consumption. These two perspectives are significantly different from each other as to dealing with today's most serious problems.
Dillman, the uranium activist outlines what needs changing with uranium exploration and mining. Time: 7:00 pm Venue: Ralph Thornton Centre Location: 765 Queen St. East (Just east of Broadview), Toronto, ON Website: http://www.SustainWellBeing.netFor information contact: Donna Dillman donna54@superaje.ocm Phone: 613-259-9988 Categories: Environment; Economic Development |
May 3/2008 Montréal, QC |
Israel and Palestine: Roots of conflict and prospects for peace Dr. Norman Finkelstein, one of the foremost thinkers and speakers on the Israel-Palestine conflict, will be doing a three-city tour with Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME): Ottawa, Montreal and Toronto. Please join us as Dr. Finkelstein deconstructs the myths of Zionism and forces an honest look at the Israel-Palestine debacle. Time: 1:30 pm Venue: Université de Montréal Location: Pavillon Claire McNicoll, Room Z-110,, Montréal, QC Website: http://www.cjpme.caCategories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Human Rights, Law, Legal; International |
May 3/2008 Ottawa, ON |
Israel and Palestine: Roots of conflict and prospects for peace Dr. Norman Finkelstein, one of the foremost thinkers and speakers on the Israel-Palestine conflict, will be doing a three-city tour with Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME): Ottawa, Montreal and Toronto. Please join us as Dr. Finkelstein deconstructs the myths of Zionism and forces an honest look at the Israel-Palestine debacle. Time: 7:30 om Venue: Marion Hall, Room 130, University of Ottawa Location: 140 Louis Pasteur (corner of Marie-Curie), Ottawa, ON Website: http://www.cjpme.caCategories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Human Rights, Law, Legal; International |
May 3/2008 to May 4/2008 Hamilton, ON |
Doors Open Hamilton Over 50 participating sites! For guidebook and local maps, please contact Doors Open Hamilton. Time: 10 am to 4 pm, unless otherwise noted Location: Hamilton, ON Website: http://www.doorsopenhamilton.caFor information contact: Doors Open Hamilton Phone: 905-528-0136 Categories: Architecture; Arts & Culture; Tourism & Hospitality Industry |
May 3/2008 to May 11/2008 Toronto, ON |
Toronto Jewish Film Festival Comedy, drama, and documentaries are all part of the varied fare at the eleven-day Toronto Jewish Film Festival. Venue: various Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://tjff.comCategories: Arts & Culture; Religious |
May 4/2008 Toronto, ON |
Israel and Palestine: Roots of conflict and prospects for peace Dr. Norman Finkelstein, one of the foremost thinkers and speakers on the Israel-Palestine conflict, will be doing a three-city tour with Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME): Ottawa, Montreal and Toronto. Please join us as Dr. Finkelstein deconstructs the myths of Zionism and forces an honest look at the Israel-Palestine debacle. Time: 7:00 pm Venue: Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE) Location: 252 Bloor Street West, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.cjpme.caCategories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Human Rights, Law, Legal; International |
May 4/2008 Toronto, ON |
Native Plant Sale and Book Launch Native Plant Sale, High Park, Grenadier Cafe, Colborne Lodge Rd. also Book Launch: "Rare Plants of the Endangered Black Oak Savannah". 10:30 am to 12:30 pm
Lorraine Johnson will speak on topics from her new book, "The Natural Treasures of Carolinian Canada: Discovering the Rich Natural Diversity of Ontario's Southwestern Heartland".
Howard Park Tennis Club, 430 Parkside Dr. (South of Bloor from Kipling) 2:30 pm Free Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.highpark.orgFor information contact: vsp@highpark.org Categories: Environment; Nature & Outdoors |
May 5/2008 Ottawa, ON |
Canada's Human Rights Paradox Every year the Delegation focuses on human rights issues while looking for human rights violation.
This year the focus is on UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (DRIP) and what this means for Indigenous Peoples in Canada and around the world. Representatives of First Nations as well as federal government representatives will be present.
Time: 7 pm Venue: Bronson Centre Location: 211 Bronson Ave., Ottawa, ON For information contact: Adam Gassner rightsanddemocracy@gmail.com Categories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Social Policy
May 5/2008 to May 6/2008 Toronto, ON |
5th Annual International Computer Refurbishers Summit (ICRS) 2008 Theme for 2008 will be "Triple Bottom Line" aspects of electronics refurbishing: social, economic, environmental.
There will be presentations on:
-deepening environmental case for reusage
-surprising ways to reuse to benefit low-income families, students, charities
-reuse issues in electronics industry today
-repair, recycling, environment, legislation etc. Venue: Delta Chelsea Hotel Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.crs.memberlodge.org/For information contact: Catherine DaCosta cdacosta@rcto.ca Phone: 905-795-0497 Categories: Computers; Science & Technology |
May 6/2008 Halifax, NS |
Fundamental Principles of Environmental Law Following topics will be presented: environmental rights, the precautionary principle, sustainability, the public trust, the inherent value of the environment, polluter pays principle etc.
Presenter: Jerry DeMarco, Vice-Chair of The Environmental ReviewTribunal.
Time: 7:30 - 9:00 pm Venue: Weldon Law Bldg., Rm. 104, Dalhousie University Location: Halifax, NS For information contact: Tamara Lorincz Phone: 902-454-6846 Categories: Environment; Human Rights, Law, Legal
May 6/2008 to May 8/2008 Cornwall, ON |
St. Lawrence River/ Great Lakes Ecosystem-- International Conference This is the 50th Anniversary of the St. Lawrence Seaway including the Moses-Saunders Dam. At that time the construction of the Seaway was heralded as a marvel of engineering. Since, the Seaway has been impacted by environmental and economic problems.
Venue: NAV Canada Training Inst. and Conf. Centre Location: Cornwall, ON Categories: Environment; Science & Technology
May 6/2008 to May 8/2008 Regina, SK |
The 4 R Conference - Reduce, Reuse, Recyxle & Rethink Waste Manegement The following are featured:
-CEU accredited technical program and tour (Landfill with Gas Collection Facility & Large Scale Composting)
-Trade Show with Networking mixer
-Manager of Landfill course
-Gala event at RCMP Heritage Centre (Guy Lafleur) Location: Regina, SK Website: http://www.swananorthernlights.orgFor information contact: Darci Clark Phone: 204-725-9234 Categories: Science & Technology; Environment |
May 7/2008 Ottawa, ON |
Canadian Companies in Colombia: Oil, Mining, Biofuelsand Human Rights The legal, sociological and environmental aspects of Canadian oil companies operating under the presently negotiated and controversial Free Trade Agreement with Colombia will be discussed.
Time: 7:00 - 9:00 pm Venue: Ottawa Public Library, Rm. B-125 Location: 120 Metcalfe St., Ottawa, ON For information contact: Fiona Meyer Cook Phone: 613-241-7007 ext.333 Categories: Environment; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; International
May 7/2008 Toronto, ON |
Talk by Richard Johnson, Artist & Journalist: One Year in Afghanistan with Canadian Troops National Post artist and journalist Richard Johnson lived alongside Canadian troops in Afghanistan for all of last year. He documented their daily lives in words and sketches.
Time: 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm Venue: Textile Museum of Canada Location: 55 Centre Avenue, Toronto, ON For information contact: info@textilemuseum.ca Phone: 416-599-5321 Categories: Arts & Culture; Education
May 8/2008 Montreal, QC |
Artists Against Apartheid III A cultural event uniting Montreal Artists in the struggle against Israeli apartheid which is being compared to South African apartheid.
Time: 8:30 pm Venue: La Sala Rossa Location: 4848 St. Laurent, Montreal, QC For information contact: tadamon@resist.ca Phone: 514-664-1036 Categories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
May 8/2008 Ottawa, ON |
No New Ipperwash! Support Aboriginal Human Rights This event is to protest the alleged fact that aboriginal people are experiencing increasing repression for peacefully protecting their land from minig and exploitation. Case in point:Bob Lovelace and the KI-6 have been jailed for 6 months. Venue: Westin Ottawa Hotel Location: 11 Colonel By Pkwy., Ottawa, ON Website: http://www.actfortheearth.orgFor information contact: ACT for the Earth Phone: 613-859-6996 Categories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Social Policy |
May 8/2008 Ottawa, ON |
Olives, Fair Trade and Peace in Palestine Robert Massoud, founder of Zatoun, a non-profit organization fair-trading in Palestinian olive oil, will speak about olive cultivation, Palestinian livelihoods, Palestinian-Israeli conflict and peace-building.
Time: 12:30 - 2:00 pm Venue: North-South Inst. Board Rm., 3rd Floor Location: 55 Murray St., Ottawa, ON For information contact: Peter Thornton Phone: 613-241-3535 Categories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
May 8/2008 Toronto, ON |
Sounds Like Justice 4 A VIP reception, Silent Auction and Benefit Concert
Guests of Honour: Steven Truscott and others Venue: The Courthouse Location: 57 Adelaide Str. E., Toronto, ON Website: http://www.aidwyc.orgCategories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Social Policy; Social Services |
May 9/2008 Ottawa, ON |
War Child Canada Benefit Concert This event will feature:
-The strings of the Stellae Boreales ensemble, with special guests Andrew Cash & Doreen Taylor-Claxton
-A very venerable silent auction
-a fair-trade/organic/gourmet intermission cafe
Volunteer staff at the event will include teams of students from Ashbury College (the same school which hosta the annual summer peace camp for Isreali and Palestinian youth.
Time: 7 pm Venue: St. Joseph's Church, Sandy Hill Location: corner Wilbrod/Cumberland, Ottawa, ON Categories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
May 9/2008 to May 11/2008 Winnipeg, MB |
Art Building Community: Art, Dialogue & Community Interventions This interdisciplinary symposium will consist of participatory and critical discussions, screenings, installations, interventions and performances.
Dynamic space will be created for artists, activists, curators and cultural workers to share new work and to discuss the ways art can be, and is being mobilized to build various types of communities.
Time: Various times Venue: Convocation Hall in Wesley Hall, U of Winnipeg Location: 515 Portage Ave., Winnipeg, MB For information contact: Roewan Crowe r.crowe@uwinnipeg.ca Categories: Arts & Culture; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
May 10/2008 Chatham-Kent, ON |
Doors Open Chatham-Kent For a complete list of participating sites and local maps, contact Doors Open Chatham-Kent. Time: 10 am to 4 pm, unless otherwise noted Location: Chatham-Kent, ON Website: http://www.doorsopenchatham-kent.comFor information contact: Doors Open Chatham-Kent Phone: 519-351-2958 Categories: Architecture; Arts & Culture; Tourism & Hospitality Industry |
May 10/2008 Toronto, ON |
From Poverty to Economic Security: A Forum to Reduce Poverty in Ontario The Ontario Coalition for Social Justice Assembly will focus on reducing poverty in Ontario.
Venue: Steelworkers Hall Location: 25 Cecil St., Toronto, ON Categories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Social Policy
May 10/2008 Toronto, ON |
March and Rally for Palestine Political demonstration and march. Time: 1 pm Venue: Queen's Park Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://info@palestinehouse.comPhone: 905-270-3622 Categories: Politics & Political Organizations |
May 10/2008 Toronto, ON |
NAKBA 1948 Rally in Toronto to protest Israeli apartheid type tactics and demand an end to the occupation of historically Palestinian territory by Israel.
Location: Toronto, ON For information contact: info@palestinehouse.com Categories: Politics & Political Organizations
May 10/2008 Markham, ON |
North American Native Plant Society-Wildflower Sale & Expo NANPS hosts this annual fundraising event to support work in studying, conserving, cultivating and restoring North America's native flora.
For sale will be a large selection of wildflowers, shrubs, trees, ferns, vines, grasses and sedges.
Free admission. Free presentations by Todd Irvine and Paul Heydon Venue: Markham Civic Centre, Atrium Location: 101 Town Centre Blvd., (HWY 7 & Warde Ave.), Markham, ON Website: http://www.nanps.orgFor information contact: Plant Sale Coordinator Phone: 416-631-4438 Categories: Environment; Education; Nature & Outdoors |
May 10/2008 Vancouver, ON |
Vancouver Walk for Palestine The walk is Vancouver's Palestine Solidarity month and is in response to Israel's celebration of its 60th year of existence, this May of 2008.
Time: 1:00 pm Venue: Clark Park Location: Commercial Drive at 14th Ave., then Grandview Park, Vancouver, ON For information contact: alnakba2008@gmail.com Categories: Politics & Political Organizations; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
May 11/2008 to May 15/2008 Edmonton, AB |
Waste- The Social Context '08 While many conferences focus on the technical aspects of waste management , this event addresses the environmental, social and economic implications.
This is an international conference on the environmental, social and economic aspects of waste manegement. The theme is urban and solutions. Venue: Shaw Conf. Centre Location: Edmonton, AB Website: http://www.conference.ewmce.com/index.htmlCategories: Environment; Environment |
May 13/2008 to May 15/2008 Toronto, ON |
OANHSS 2008 Annual Meeting & Convention This year's theme, Everyday Heroes, reflects the heroes in our midst. Our heroes are indeed everywhere -- they are the residents, who have lived long and storied lives, the staff who honour them through their care, and the organizations and communities which work to make a positive contribution to one of society's most revered, yet vulnerable, populations. As we take time to enrich our careers through collaboration and learning, we will observe the heroic nature of the people who bring this sector alive. Venue: Westin Harbour Castle Location: 1 Harbour Square, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.oanhss.orgFor information contact: Stuart Sweeney Phone: 905-851-8821 Categories: Health/Health Care; Seniors; Education |
May 14/2008 to Apr 16/2008 Halifax, NS |
Canadian Waste Resource Symposium 2008 Fourth Canadian Waste Resource Symposium "Navigating to 60% Diversion".
Symposium will host municipal and industrial representatives from across Canada. Along with present strategies, the future direction of waste diversion over the next ten years will be ultimately described and discussed. Location: Halifax, NS Website: http://www.atcanswana.org/events.htmlCategories: Science & Technology; Environment |
May 14/2008 Toronto |
Achieving Equity in Education Commemoration, celebration and anticipation of "Achieving Equity in Education"
5:00 pm Reception, Booths
6:00 pm Welcome
6:15 pm Panel Session
7:15 pm Closing Remarks
7:30 pm Dessert and Photo Opportunities
Special Guest- Hon. Kathlene Wynne, Minister of Education
Time: 5:00 - 8:00 pm. Venue: North York Civic Centre Location: 5100 Yonge St., North York Subway St., Toronto For information contact: RVSP to inquire@ameno.ca Categories: Education
May 14/2008 Mississauga, ON |
Project CHIRP: Creating Habitat in Residential Areas and Parkland See the first certified backyard songbird habitat; find out how it has become an important "refueling" station for local and migratory songbirds and how green roofs are a merit to owners etc.
Time: 7:45 pm - 9:00pm Venue: South Common Community Cetre Location: Dundas St. W. and Erin Mills Pky., Mississauga, ON For information contact: projectchirp@rogers.com Phone: 416-236-7234 Categories: Environment; Education; Nature & Outdoors
May 14/2008 Toronto, ON |
Walls of Sorrow/Walls of Hope: BuildingCommunity Through Art in War-Affected Countries: An Evening With Claudia Bernardi An evening with Claudia Bernardi, international artist and Artistic Director,Open Studio of Perquin, El Salvador.
Topics: Claudia will be speaking about her work in El Salvador, Guatemala and USA and her collaboration with youth and artists in Toronto
Suggested Donation: $10-$20
Time: 6:00 to 8:00 pm Venue: OISE Bldg., U of Toronto, Rm.: 5-220 Location: 252 Bloor St. W., Rm. 5-260, Toronto, ON For information contact: Julie Jarvis, Phoenix Community Works, wallsofhopecanada@gmail.com Phone: 416-925-4688 Categories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Arts & Culture
May 15/2008 Toronto, ON |
Ordinary Women, Ordinary Choices Twenty years ago, women in Canada won the historic right to abortion on demand. While the vast majority of Canadians support this right, it is still a choice that often stigmatizes women. These simple portraits show women who have made the choice to have an abortion, to be just what they are: sisters, mothers, neighbors, lovers, friends.These portraits and stories give women voice in a society that so often keeps them silent.
Portraits by Kathryn Palmateer
Dance performance by Elizabeth Dawn Snell
Musical Performance by Laura Repo
Time: 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm Venue: Tinto Location: 89 Roncesvalles Ave., Toronto, ON For information contact: Kathryn Palmateer arts4choice@gmail.com Categories: Women; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
May 15/2008 to May 28/2008 Toronto, ON |
Inside Out - Lesbian & Gay Film Festival Inside - Out hosts one of the largest queer film festivals internationally, highlighting the diversity of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transsexual and transgendered film and video making in documentary, shorts, features and installations. Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.insideout.on.ca/current2007/imdex.htmCategories: Arts & Culture; Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual |
May 16/2008 to May 18/2008 Ottawa, ON |
Canadian Down Syndrome Society Proudly Celebrates 21st Year in Our Nations Capital The Canadian Down Syndrome Society (CDSS), in partnership with the Down Syndrome Association National Capital Region, will celebrate the next 20 years at the 21st anniversary event, the 2008 National Conference in Ottawa, our nation's capital.
The CDSS conference will bring together 400 self-advocates, professionals, parents and family members from across the country. It is an opportunity for Canadians to learn more about the 35,000 people with Down syndrome living in our communities. Venue: Westin Ottawa Location: Ottawa, ON Website: http://www.cdss.caFor information contact: Christy Thompson Phone: 403-669-2832 Categories: Disability Issues; Health/Health Care |
May 17/2008 Edmonton, AB |
ESPA's 5th Annual Fair Trade Fair & Film Festival A marketplace for ethically produced (sweatshop-free, unionized, Fair Trade certified) clothing, fashion accessories, arts & crafts, vegetarian dishes, chocolates, etc.
Time: 12:00 - 6:00 pm Venue: Strathcona Baptist Church Gymnasium Location: 8318 104 th Str., Edmonton, AB For information contact: Lynette Bondarchuk Phone: 780-434-9236 Categories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Social Policy
May 17/2008 Montreal, QC |
Montreal's 9th Anarchist Bookfair The largest anarchist event in North America.
Part of a Month Long Festival of Anarchy (May, 2008)
Followed by a full-day of Anarchist Presentations and Workshops (May 18, 2008)
Kids activities and free childcare on-site. Time: 10 am - 6 pm Venue: CEDA Location: 2515 rue Delisle, Montreal, QC Website: http://www.anarchistbookfair.caFor information contact: info@anarchitbookfair.ca Phone: 514-435-2385 Categories: Politics & Political Organizations; Social Policy |
May 19/2008
In-Between Spaces: Canadian Film &Video production by Aboriginal/Women of Colour for Submissions Submissions are solicited for film or video portions produced by aboriginal and women of color.
For information contact: thirdeyefilm@sympatico.ca or michelle.mohabeer@sheridanc.on.ca Categories: Arts & Culture
May 20/2008 Toronto, ON |
A Doctor's Experience of Life Under Israeli Occupation A presentation by Dr. Asad Khan, Specialist Registrar in Respiratory Medicine, Manchester Region, England.
He is a member of Physicians for Human Rights - Israel, and has written about his visits to Palestinian Occupied Territories for the British Medical Journal.
According to Amnesty International, Israeli restrictions on imports into the Gaza Strip lead to chronic problems with medical equipment, including ICU monitors, mechanical ventilators, and portable X-ray machines to support intensive care units. Time: 7:30 pm Venue: Ontario Institute for Studies in Education - OISE Location: 252 Bloor St. West, Room 8200, Toronto, ON Website: http://scienceforpeace.sa.utoronto.caCategories: Health/Health Care; Human Rights, Law, Legal |
May 20/2008 to May 22/2008 Ottawa, ON |
Indoor Air Quality: Concerns and Solutions (May 20-22) Indoor Air Quality & Waste Management Assoc. will discuss potential regulatory developments, examine old and new air quality problem-causing issues and their impact on human health and performance.
Included will be building material design considerations and green materials of construction. Location: Ottawa, ON Website: http://www.awma.org/go/indoorairquality08For information contact: Kristen Maser kmaser@awma.org Phone: 412-904-6030 Categories: Science & Technology; Health/Health Care; Environment |
May 21/2008 to May 23/2008 Prince George, BC |
The Inland Wet Temperate Rainforest of BC Conference Objectives:
1) Publicize research results regarding the biodiversity of the rain-forest
2) Rain forest activities: tourism, natural disturbance ecology, threatened ecosystem and species.
3) Silvicultural systems
4) Various visions for this ecosystem Venue: University of Northern British Columbia Location: Prince George, BC Website: http://www.wetbelt.unbc.ca/docs/ICH-Conference-brochure.pdfCategories: Environment |
May 22/2008 Gatineau, QC |
International Biodiversity Day 2008 This year's theme: agricultural biodiversity.
Biodiversity in agriculture is necessary to support key agro ecosystem functions and structures, as well as help support food production and security. The IBD 2008 theme will reflect the importance of the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity to food security, nutrition, and human well-being, as well as the importance of agriculture to biodiversity.
Venue: World Wide Location: Gatineau, QC For information contact: Leslie Parke Leslie.Parke@ec.gc.ca Phone: 819-934-0268 Categories: Environment
May 23/2008 to May 24/2008 Edmonton, AB |
Pharmacists on the Tightrope - ACP/RxA conference Alberta pharmacists - Don't perform without a safety net! Instead, come to the inaugural ACP/RxA conference, Pharmacists on the Tightrope. We'll explore how to maintain a sense of professionalism (and sanity!) in the ever-changing world of pharmacy.
Featuring keynote speakers Ross Holland, Christine Nimmo, and Bill Zellmer. Venue: Westin Edmonton Location: Edmonton, AB Website: http://pharmacists.ab.caFor information contact: Karen Mills, Communications Leader Phone: 780-990-0321 Categories: Health/Health Care; Pharmaceuticals/Drugs |
May 24/2008 Brockville-Thousand Islands, ON |
Doors Open Brockville - Thousand Islands For more information, contact Brockville and District Tourism. Time: 10 am to 4 pm, unless otherwise noted Location: Brockville-Thousand Islands, ON Website: http://www.brockivlletourism.comFor information contact: Brockville and District Tourism Phone: 1-888-251-7676 Categories: Architecture; Arts & Culture; Tourism & Hospitality Industry |
May 24/2008 to May 25/2008 Toronto, ON |
Doors Open Toronto The theme of the 9th annual Doors Open Toronto is Toronto's Sacred Spaces, Sacred Circles. Diverse venues of spiritual significance throughout the city will be highlighted. As well a special initiative to heighten awareness of National Historic Sites located in Toronto will be launched on the Doors Open Toronto weekend in conjunction with Parks Canada. Time: 10 am to 4 pm, unless otherwise noted Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.toronto.ca/doorsopenCategories: Architecture; Arts & Culture; Tourism & Hospitality Industry |
May 25/2008 Toronto, ON |
Bells on Bloor -- bike for bike lanes Rally for Bike Lanes! 1000 cyclists in Toronto will meet at High Park (at Bloor) at noon and ride on mass east along Bloor, ending at City Hall for a party. We're manifesting bike lanes on Bloor/Danforth. Your presence is required. Venue: High Park to City Hall Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://bellsonbloor.caFor information contact: angela bischoff greenspi@web.ca Phone: 647-723-3693 Categories: Environment; Health/Health Care |
May 26/2008 Ottawa, ON |
THE STORY OF STUFF - An Evening of Consumerism The Story of Stuff exposes the connections between a huge number of environmental and social issues
and calls us to creates more sustainable and just world.
Four panelists are all distinguished.
Free Admission. Time: 7:00 pm - 9:30 pm Venue: National Library and Archives Auditorium Location: 395 Wellington St., Ottawa, ON Website: http://ontario.sierraclub.ca/ottawa/Categories: Environment |
May 26/2008 to Jun 1/2008 Toronto, ON |
Bike Week 2008 Bike Week Venue: Toronto Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.toronto.ca/cycling/bikeweek/Categories: Environment; Health/Health Care; Sports & Games |
May 26/2008 to Jun 29/2008 Toronto, ON |
Your wildest dream Participants will learn to facilitate a workshop designed for personal and group transformation, which they can then take back to their respective communities.
Image Theater is used to investigate a group's vision of their present core struggle, how they came to their present situation, where they want to be in the future, and what steps they need to take to get there.
Time: June 26 (Thursday), June 29 (Sunday) Venue: OISE Bldg. Location: 252 Bloor St. W., Toronto, ON For information contact: Adam Perry and Sara Escott if.theatre@gmail.com Phone: 416-899-3761 Categories: Education; Skills & Training
May 28/2008 to Jun 1/2008 Cortes Island, BC |
Social Change Institute - Building Power for Change Conference consisting of environmental and social change leaders to teach new tools, share strategies and build new partnerships to build a more just and sustainable world.
Some workshops offered will be:
-Organizational Leadership
-Grassroots Mobilization
-Building Effective Coalitions
-Fine Art of Negotiation
-etc. Venue: Cortes Island Location: Cortes Island, BC Website: http://www.hollyhockleadership.orgFor information contact: Rhian Walker info@hollyhockleadership.org Phone: 604-669-4802 Categories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Politics & Political Organizations; Skills & Training |
May 28/2008 to Jun 3/2008 Midland, ON |
The Prphecy Experience 7 DAYS TO SOLIDIFY
This seven day advanced educational program is designed to motivate you to achieve your maximum potential and leadership qualities. It explores the quest for Mental Understanding and Wisdom, Financial Wealth and Prosperity, Familial Love and Intimacy, Vocational Success and Achievement, Social Power and leadership, Physical Health and Wellness, Spiritual Truth and Immortality.
The Prophecy Experience is one of the deepest, most profound, personal exploration and development programs available. The title Prophecy refers to the fact that once you understand the mechanisms that govern your life you can predict the outcome of your actions or inaction. The more efficient you are at aligning your actions with your highest priorities, the more fulfilling your life becomes.
The Prophecy Experience will change or clarify your destiny and take you beyond just personal success. It will destroy many of the myths that are holding you back from unfolding your highest potential.
Call today to book your seat 416 405 9478
Dates: May 28-June 3, 2008
Cost per person: $2100.00+ gst [6%]
Location: Midland, Ontario - Georgian Bay Time: All day events for 7 days Venue: Retreat on Georgian Bay Location: 40 Scott Lane, Midland, ON Website: http://www.thevibrantlifecoach.comFor information contact: Diane Andonovski Phone: 416 405 9478 Categories: Skills & Training |
May 29/2008 Ottawa, ON |
National Day of Action, Assembly of First Nations (AFN) Rally A peaceful march to challenge the government's lack of support for first nation children, especially with respect to education. Venue: Victoria Island to Parliament Hill Location: Ottawa, ON Website: http://www.afn.caPhone: 613-241-6789 Categories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
May 29/2008 to May 30/2008 Sault Ste. Marie, ON |
Community Quality of Life: From Indicators to Action-OHCC Conference The main focus of the conference will be on indicator initiatives which will provide opportunities for sharing information about approaches to measuring community quality of life and ways of making indicator initiatives more effective, systematic and relevant. Venue: Algoma University College/Garden River First Nation Location: Sault Ste. Marie, ON Website: http://www.healthycommunities.on.ca/projects/annualconference/2008_conf/Categories: Health/Health Care |
May 29/2008 to Jun 22/2008 Toronto, ON |
My Name Is Rachel Corrie This is a powerful one-woman show based entirely on the writings that Rachel left behind, telling her story from the time she was a small child, leading up to the days before her death (killed by an Israeli bulldozer). Time: Theatre Panik Venue: Tarragon Extra Space Location: 30 Bridgman Ave. (near Bathurst/Dupont), Toronto, ON Website: http://www.tarragontheatre.comFor information contact: Tarragon Theatre Phone: 416-531-1827 Categories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Arts & Culture |
May 30/2008 Toronto, ON |
Book Launch: Daily Struggles - The Deepening Racialization and Feminization of Poverty in Canada This unique book offers a critical perspective on poverty by highlighting gender and race analyses simultaneously. Unlike previously published Canadian books in this field, this book connects human rights, political economy, and citizenship issues to other areas of social exclusion such as class, sexuality, and disability.
The text also examines other ways in which racialized people - specifically women - are socially constructed to experience their lives as second-class Canadian citizens.
Edited by: Maria A. Wallis and Siu-ming Kwok
Time: 9:30 am - 11:30 am Venue: Steelworkers Hall Location: 25 Cecil St. (near Spadina/Dundas), Toronto, ON Categories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Arts & Culture
May 30/2008 Ottawa, ON |
Mars Phoenix Lander Mission Update Join the Museum rain or shine for dynamic a presentation and opportunity to explore the night sky and learn more about the Mars Phoenix Lander Mission. View the sky through Canada’s largest refracting telescope in the Helen Sawyer Hogg Observatory (weather permitting), or tour the night sky in the Museum’s inflatable planetarium.
Duration: 90 minutes
Reservations required
Sciencetech.technomuses.ca Time: 8:00 p.m. Venue: Canada Science and Technology Museum Location: 1867 St. Laurent Blvd., Ottawa, ON Website: http://www.sciencetech.technomuses.caFor information contact: Visitors Services Phone: 613-991-3053 Categories: Science & Technology; Education |
May 30/2008 to Jun 1/2008 Collingwood, ON |
Landmarks not Landfill: Heritage Preservation & Environmental Sustainability- 2008 Architectural Conservancy Conference Among topics for discussion: sustainable development and heritage conservation; embodied energy; green approaches to conservation. Successful projects and environmentally sound practices will be showcased.
Bookings to: Heritage Conservation Conference, 24 Conlins Rd., Scarborough, ON M1C 1C3 or phone 1-877-264-8937 Location: Collingwood, ON Website: http://www.heritageconference.caFor information contact: Richard Lex richardlex@gmail.com Phone: 705-445-5764 Categories: Environment; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Urban Issues, Transit, Housing, Public Space |
May 31/2008 Loyalist Parkway, ON |
Doors Open Loyalist Parkway For a complete list of participating sites and local maps, contact Doors Open Loyalist Parkway. Time: 10 am to 4 pm, unless otherwise noted Location: Loyalist Parkway, ON Website: http://www.napaneechamber.caFor information contact: Doors Open Loyalist Parkway Phone: 613-354-6601 Categories: Architecture; Arts & Culture; Tourism & Hospitality Industry |
May 31/2008 Port Hope, ON |
Doors Open Port Hope For a complete list of participating sites for Doors Open Port Hope, visit website. Time: 10 am to 4 pm, unless otherwise noted Location: Port Hope, ON Website: http://www.acoporthope.caFor information contact: Doors Open Port Hope Phone: 1-888-767-8467 Categories: Architecture; Arts & Culture; Tourism & Hospitality Industry |
May 31/2008 Toronto, ON |
Fair Vote Canada, AGM Annual general meeting. One panel will feature Olivia Chow (NDP MP), Martha Hall Findlay (Liberal MP) and Carolyn Hall, Green Party exec. member.
Time: 9:15 am-5:15 pm Venue: Ryerson U., Location: 80 Gould Str., Toronto, ON For information contact: info@fairvote.ca Phone: 416-410-4034 Categories: Politics & Political Organizations
May 31/2008 Toronto, ON |
Housing, Not War Concert The fund-raiser is to help the organization address poverty by emphasizing the need for affordable housing.
Time: 9:00 pm Venue: Cecil Street Community Centre Location: 58 Cecil Street (One block south of College/Spadina), Toronto, ON For information contact: housingnotwar@tdrc.net Phone: 416-599-8372 Categories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
May 31/2008 Burnaby, BC |
SFU Open House 2008 A party, an education fair and a campus experience rolled into one. With music, fun, prizes and hundreds of interactive displays. Time: 12noon - 4:30pm Venue: Simon Fraser University Location: 8888 University Drive, Burnaby, BC Website: http://www.sfu.ca/openhouseFor information contact: Fiona Burrows Phone: 778.782.3928 Categories: Education |
Jun 1/2008 Brockville, ON |
World peace bed-in Open-air rock concert, children's activity area, speaker's corners etc.
Time: 8:00 am - 8:00 pm Venue: Hardy Park Location: Water Street, Brockville, ON For information contact: Wren Leigh peace@usff.ca Phone: 613-342-1741 Categories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
Jun 1/2008 to Jun 2/2008 Ottawa, ON |
2008 FITT Annual Conference FITT's 2008 National Conference will focus on Canada's place in the competitive global environment. How are companies adapting to the new currency situation? What does Canada need to do to be more competitive? These questions and many more will be examined and discussed. This is an excellent opportunity to gain new insight and discuss, or even debate, hot topics facing global business professionals. Venue: Crowne Plaza Hotel Ottawa Location: 101 Lyon Street, Ottawa, ON Website: http://www.fitt.ca/english/View.asp?x=1847For information contact: Jennifer Matthews Phone: 613-230-3553 x 108 Categories: International; Skills & Training; Trade |
Jun 2/2008 to Jun 4/2008 Toronto, ON |
2008 MagsUniversity Conference The Magazine & Internet Publishing Conference:
Dozens of seminars and workshops
Free drop-in clinics and exhibit halL
Free parking and TTC subway access Venue: The Old Mill Inn Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.oldmilltoronto.comPhone: 416-236-2641 Categories: Education; Publishers & Publishing |
Jun 3/2008 to Jun 5/2008 Prince George, BC |
BioEnergy 2008 Conference and Exhibition Prince George has long been one of the forest capitals of the world. Its historical place on the cutting edge of technologies of the old economy, and its geographic location within one of the largest expanses of forest on the planet, position Prince George perfectly to lead the dialogue on the new technologies and processes that will bring about a global change in the way we perceive and view energy. Location: Prince George, BC Website: http://www.bioenergyconference.orgCategories: Biotechnology; Environment |
Jun 3/2008 to Jun 6/2008 Vancouver, BC |
Environmental Studies Association of Canada-- Conference 2008 The Congress' theme is "Thinking Beyond Borders - Global ideas; Global values"
ESAC is a learned society formed in 1993 to further research and teaching activities in areas related to environmental studies in Canada. ESAC is a non-profit, federally incorporated, bilingual organization open to members from across Canada and elsewhere. Venue: University of British Columbia Location: Vancouver, BC Website: http://www.esac.caFor information contact: Chris Ling, Tim Quick tim.quick@royalroads.ca Categories: Environment |
Jun 4/2008
Clean Air Day Clean Air Day is a celebration of environmentally friendly activities that promote clean air and good health across Canada. Local programs are encouraged. Venue: Canada Website: http://www.cleanairday.comCategories: Environment |
Jun 4/2008 Calgary, AB |
Scott Ritter Speaks Scott Ritter is a former US weapons inspector and an outspoken critic of US Mid-East foreign policy and will speak on the current situation in Iraq and Iran, entitled: "Surging towards Tehran: America's Iraq debacle and the Danger of War with Iran".
Time: 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm Venue: Knox Centre Location: 506 4th Ave., SW, Calgary, AB For information contact: Paul Armstrong tourab1@telus.net Phone: 403-246-9586 Categories: Politics & Political Organizations
Jun 5/2008 Toronto, ON |
Book launch for "Branding Miss G___: Third Wave Feminists & the Media" Musical Guests.
Panel Discussion featuring third wave feminists, media and activists.
Reading by the author and refreshments.
Time: 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm Venue: The FreeTimes Cafe Location: 320 College Str., Toronto, ON For information contact: Lois Pike info@sumachpress.com Phone: 416-531-6250 Categories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
Jun 5/2008 Halifax, NS |
Lunch and Learn with Jeanne Fay: Women and Poverty Jeanne Fay has worked for twenty years (1985-2005) at the Dalhousie Legal Aid Service advocating for women on social assisstance, battered women and persons with disabilities. She has been teaching community practice and social policy at the School of Social Work, Dalhousie University since 1999. She won the "Rebel With A Cause Award" from the Elizabeth Fry Society.
Time: 12 pm - 2 pm Venue: Women's Community Space -YWCA Halifax Location: 1233 Barrington St., Halifax, NS For information contact: Amanda Barfitt WCS@YWCAHalifax.com Phone: 902-423-8105 Categories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
Jun 5/2008 Toronto, ON |
Regenesis Launch Party Regenesis is an environmental organization that promotes sustainable lifestyles and is having its launch party on June 5, 2008, Thursday. Time: 7 pm - 1 am Venue: Boulevard Room Location: 81 Peter St. (just north of King St. W.), Toronto, ON Website: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=13501538164For information contact: Michael K., theregenesisproject@gmail.com Categories: Environment |
Jun 5/2008 to Jun 6/2008 Halifax, NS |
Canadian Colleges Environmental Network (CCEN) CCEN Sixth Annual Conference: "Sustainable Environmental Education"
Keynote Speaker: Bill Friedman, Dalhousie University Venue: Nova Scotia Community College Location: Halifax, NS Website: http://www.eco.ca/ccen/events.htmlFor information contact: Kathryn Amero Kathryn.Amero@nscc.ca Categories: Environment; Education |
Jun 5/2008 to Jun 6/2008 Halifax, NS |
Canadian Colleges Environmental Network (CCEN) CCEN Sixth Annual Conference,
"Sustainable Environmental Education"
Keynote Speaker: Bill Friedman, Dalhousie University Venue: Nova Scotia Community College Location: Halifax, NS Website: http://www.eco.ca/ccen/events.htmlFor information contact: Kathryn Amero Kathryn.Amero@nscc.ca Categories: Environment; Education |
Jun 5/2008 to Jun 6/2008
World Environment Day |
Jun 6/2008 Vancouver, BC |
Golden Gag Award Ceremony Mark Edge, David Rovics, Mordecai Briemberg (all social activists for free speech, authors and/or musicians) honor Canwest's action to suppress free speech, in this special ceremony.
Time: 12:00 am (noon) Venue: The Vancouver Sun Bldg. Location: 200 Granville Str., Vancouver, BC Categories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
Jun 6/2008 to Jun 12/2008 Halifax, NS |
Ocean Week in Atlantic Canada The Ecology Action Centre (EAC), partnering with local businesses, conservation organizations, universities and libraries presents a diverse mix of sea related activities. Venue: Halifax Waterfront Location: Halifax, NS Website: http://www.eacstichinfish.blogspot.comFor information contact: Sadie Beaton and/or Anna Magera, sadie@ecologyaction.ca Phone: 902-442-0999 Categories: Environment |
Jun 7/2008 Mississauga, ON, ON |
2008 Walk for Peace The objective is to raise funds for Reachout's upcoming Youth Scholarship Awards as well as to bring awareness to the constant violence that is plaguing our community.
After the walk there will be a free barbecue and games; this will be an all-day fun and family event in order to address the problems of youth in the community, to promote positive relationships between youth, to work with parents, members of the community and other organizations
Time: 1:00 pm - 9:00 pm Venue: Lakefront Promenade Park Location: 800 Lakefront Promenade, off Lakeshore Rd.E., east of Cawthra, Mississauga, ON, ON For information contact: Angela Thorpe reachout-committee@sympatico.ca Phone: 416-571-9337 Categories: Children & Youth; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
Jun 7/2008 Toronto, ON |
Bad Books Club: Oil! by Upton Sinclair Bribery of public officials, class warfare, and international rivalry over oil production are the context for Sinclair's story.
Senators, small investors, oil magnates, a Hollywood film star, and a crusading evangelist people the pages of this lively novel.
Time: 4 pm - 6 pm (First Saturday of every month) Venue: The Concord Cafe Location: 937 Bloor St. W., Toronto, ON For information contact: Mick, ontarioac@gmail.com Categories: Politics & Political Organizations; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Economic Development
Jun 7/2008 Lanark Highlands, ON |
Doors Open Lanark Highlands For a complete list of participating sites and local maps, contact Beth Peterkin, Community Services Coordinator. Time: 10 am to 4 pm, unless otherwise noted Location: Lanark Highlands, ON Website: http://www.lanarkhighlands.caFor information contact: Beth Peterkin, Community Services Coordinator Phone: 613-259-2398, ext. 227 Categories: Architecture; Arts & Culture; Tourism & Hospitality Industry |
Jun 7/2008 Whitchourch-Stouffwille, ON |
Doors Open Whitchurch-Stouffville For a complete list of participating sites and local maps, contact the Whitchurch-Stouffwille Museum or Doors Open Whichurch-Stouffwille. Time: 10 am to 4 pm, unles otherwise noted Location: Whitchourch-Stouffwille, ON Website: http://www.doorsopenws.caFor information contact: Doors Open Witchurch-Stouffille Phone: 905-727-8954 Categories: Architecture; Arts & Culture; Tourism & Hospitality Industry |
Jun 7/2008 Newmarket, ON |
Green Ideas Confrence A part of the Windfall Ecology Festival, this conference focuses on environmental and health related issues presented by leading professionals in the relevant field. Topics range from the latest healthy eating to green business options to greening your roof. Time: 9:30 am - 4:30 pm Venue: New Market Municipal Offices Conf. Centre Location: 395 Mulock Dr., Newmarket, ON Website: http://www.windfallfestival.caCategories: Environment |
Jun 7/2008 Vancouver, ON |
Haiti and the Politics of Containment Launch of Peter Hallward's new book: "Damning the Flood: Aristde, Haiti, and the Politics of Containment".
"Damning the Flood" is an excellent book, the best of its kind. It offers the first accurate analysis of recent Haitian history, and of its history in the making." -Paul Farmer, Director of Partners in Health
Time: 7pm Venue: Vancouver Public Library Location: 350 W Georgia St., Vancouver, ON For information contact: necessaryvoices@gmail.com Categories: Politics & Political Organizations; Education
Jun 7/2008 Toronto, ON |
Toronto Small Press Book Fair This fair features Toronto's best micro and medium sized publishers, publications and presses.
There will be readings by Toronto's finest writers. Time: 12:00 to 5:00 pm Venue: Miles Nadal Jewish Community Centre Location: 750 Spadina Ave., Toronto, ON Website: http://torontosmallFor information contact: torontosmallpressbookfair@yahoo.ca Categories: Publishers & Publishing |
Jun 7/2008 to Jun 8/2008 Huronia, ON |
Doors Open Huronia For more information contact Doors Open Huronia. Time: 10 am to 4 pm, unless otherwise noted Location: Huronia, ON Website: http://www.tay.township.on.caFor information contact: Doors Open Huronia Phone: 705-534-7248 Categories: Architecture; Arts & Culture; Tourism & Hospitality Industry |
Jun 7/2008 to Jun 8/2008 Ottawa, ON |
Doors Open Ottawa Doors Open Ottawa is going green in 2008! This year's event will showcase the growing number of new and retrofit green, sustainable buildings in Ottawa. Green buildings are becoming an important part of our cityscape. Take a look inside buildings throughout the city that have made a conscious choice to be environmentally efficient. Time: 10 am to 4 pm, unless otherwise noted Location: Ottawa, ON Website: http://ottawa.ca/doorsopenFor information contact: Doors Open Ottawa Categories: Architecture; Arts & Culture; Tourism & Hospitality Industry |
Jun 7/2008 to Jun 8/2008 Owen Sound, ON |
Doors Open Owen Sound For a complete list of participating sites and local maps, contact Doors Open Owen Sound. Time: 10 am to 4 pm, unless otherwise noted Location: Owen Sound, ON Website: http://www.e-owensound.comFor information contact: Doors Open Owen Sound Phone: 519-376-4440, ext. 256 Categories: Architecture; Arts & Culture; Tourism & Hospitality Industry |
Jun 8/2008 Smiths Falls, ON |
Doors Open Smiths Falls For a complete list of participating sites and local maps, contact Doors Open Smiths Falls. Time: 10 am to 4 pm, unless otherwise noted Location: Smiths Falls, ON Website: http://www.smithsfalls.caFor information contact: Doors Open Smiths Falls Phone: 613-283-4124 Categories: Architecture; Arts & Culture; Tourism & Hospitality Industry |
Jun 8/2008 Toronto, ON |
Luminato - the political graphic novel Spain Rodriguez launches his new book: "Che: A Graphic Biography" in company with Bernice Eisenstein, award winning author and illustrator.
Anthony Lappe and Dan Goldman present the Canadian premiere of "Shooting War", an exploration of the war in Iraq and the influence of alternative news media.
Time: 7:00 pm- 8:30 pm Venue: Al Green Theatre Location: 750 Spadina Ave. (Bloor & Spadina), Toronto, ON For information contact: D. Saltzman Phone: 416-368-3100 ext. 233 Categories: Politics & Political Organizations
Jun 8/2008 to Jun 9/2008 Kingston, ON |
Biomass for Energy and the Great Lakes Economy: Conference Queen's University will host Cabinet Ministers, Deputy Ministers, government and academic researchers and industry and business leaders meeting to consider critical issues facing the Great Lakes region as it transforms from a fossil fuel driven economy to one based on the development of vast and sustainable biological resources.
Venue: Ban Righ Hall, Queen's U. Location: Kingston, ON For information contact: Tom Carpenter, tom.carpenter@queensu.ca Phone: 613-533-6000 Categories: Environment
Jun 9/2008 Ottawa, ON |
Citizens for Public Justice General Annual Meeting Time: 6:30 pm Venue: Dominion Chalmers United Church Location: 355 Cooper St., Ottawa, ON Website: http://www.cpj.caCategories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Social Policy |
Jun 9/2008
International Accreditation Day June 9th 2008 has been designated as the first International Accreditation Day by the International Accreditation Forum (IAF) and the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC). World-wide membership in ILAC includes 128 organizations in 78 countries, and its accrediting body members have accredited almost 30,000 laboratories. Through ILAC and its regional arms around the world, accrediting bodies in each country are evaluated by international teams to ensure that they are operating to international standards. Website: http://www.caeal.caFor information contact: Mr. Andrew Morris Phone: 613-233-5300 Categories: Science & Technology; Health/Health Care; Environment |
Jun 10/2008 Halifax, NS |
Free film screening: "Stealing A Nation" and "Breaking Ranks" "Stealing A Nation" is a shocking film about the US military base on Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean.
"Breaking Ranks" is a documentary concerning the plight of US soldiers seeking refuge in Canada from the Iraq war.
Time: 7 pm - 8:45 pm Venue: Dalhousie SUB Location: 6136 University Ave., Rm. 303, Halifax, NS For information contact: Heidi Verheul hfxpeace@chebucto.ca Categories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Education
Jun 10/2008 Toronto, ON |
Low-Income Energy Network (LIEN) Annual Conference This is a gathering for antipoverty, affordable housing and environmental advocates to share experiences and engage in an action agenda on low-income energy issues. One main theme will be how Ontario's poverty reduction plan and its long term affordable housing strategy must both address energy poverty.
Time: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Venue: Oakham House, Ryerson University Location: Toronto, ON For information contact: Zee Bhanji, bhanjiz@lao.on.ca Phone: 416-597-5855 ext.5167 Categories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
Jun 10/2008 Ottawa, ON |
Screening of Documentary: Mohawk Girls Documentary screening and talks by Tracey Deer, film maker, and by President of the Native Women's Association of Canada: Beverly Jacobs.
Time: 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm Venue: St. Paul's University, Pavillon Guigues Hall Location: 223 Main Str., Ottawa, ON Categories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Social Policy
Jun 11/2008 to Jun 12/2008 Edmonton, AB |
Canadian Pollution Prevention Roundtable The Canadian Pollution Prevention Roundtable (CPPR) is recognized as a unique opportunity to stimulate further action on global issues at a local level across Canada. As environmental leaders, it is vital that we share our ideas and perspectives with peers and colleagues. This conference will allow such sharing of professional experiences and challenges. Location: Edmonton, AB Website: http://www.c2p2online.com/Categories: Environment |
Jun 11/2008 to Jun 12/2008 Toronto, ON |
Green Building: Shifting into the Mainstream The conference will showcase the best of Canadian solutions for achieving high performance buildings, including measurable reductions in energy use and greenhouse gas emissions. Scalable and sector-specific programs will demonstrate the role of buildings in meeting the objectives of local and national climate change strategies. Venue: Metro Toronto Convention Centre Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.shiftingintothemainstream.caCategories: Building & Construction; Environment |
Jun 11/2008 to Jun 15/2008 Boston, USA |
Cohousing Conference - Massachussetts Presentations will address everything from the basics of cohousing and designing and building communities, to living in community and sustaining the cohousing movement throughout the country and more.
There will be great speakers, tours of completed communities and a chance to meet fellow cohousers and have fun. Venue: Bently College Location: near Boston, Massachusetts, Boston, USA Website: http://www.cohousing.org/2008/overviewCategories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Social Services |
Jun 12/2008 Halifax, NS |
A Woman's Struggle for Justice An evening with Dr. Monia Mazigh, wife of Maher Arar, hosted by MP Alexa McDonough and Tamara Lorincz.
This is Monia's incredible struggle to find her husband Maher Arar and what the federal government must do to protect the human rights of its citizens
Time: 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm Venue: Halifax Women's Council House Location: 989 Young Ave., Halifax, NS For information contact: Carol Buchanan tamaralorincz@ndp.ca Phone: 902-443-5381 Categories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
Jun 12/2008 Toronto, ON |
Book Launch: "Economics for Everyone" This event is the book launch of Jim Stanford's "Economics For Everyone: A Short Guide To The Economics of Capitalism".
Time: 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm Venue: Sheraton Centre Hotel, conference rooms B&C Location: 123 Queen St. W., Toronto, ON Categories: Economic Development; Education
Jun 12/2008 Toronto, ON |
Canada China Environmental Forum This conference is to address the following questions:
1) What are the specific needs in China for Canadian technology and expertise?
2) What are the roles of government?
3) What are successful market entry strategies? Time: 9:00 am - 4:30 pm Venue: CNIB (Can. National Inst. for the Blind) Location: 1929 Bayview Ave., Toronto, ON Website: http://www.canadachinagreen.comFor information contact: Carla Kearns carla@canadachinagreen.com Phone: 416-581-8868 Categories: Environment; Economic Development |
Jun 12/2008 Victoria, BC |
Street Reclaiming Workshop Creative projects for the use of paved urban areas (mostly streets) for activities (especially community oriented) other than vehicle use. Time: 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm Venue: Fairfield Communuity Place Location: 1330 Fairfield Rd., Victoria, BC Website: http://www.localsolutionsplanning.comFor information contact: Angela Evans angevans@islandnet.com Phone: 250-598-9399 Categories: Social Policy; Social Services |
Jun 13/2008 to Jun 14/2008 Guelph, ON |
From Nature to Ecology, Landscape to Ecosystems: An Historical View of Ontario Environments This event is presented together with the Guelph Historical Society, Guelph Museums and the History Dept., U. of Guelph. Venue: University ofGuelph Location: Guelph, ON Website: http://www.ontariohistoricalsociety.caPhone: 416-226-9011 Categories: Environment; Education |
Jun 13/2008 to Jun 15/2008
Democracy Theatre Community Organizing The Democracy Theatre Community Organizing Course is an experiential program that teaches students how theatre techniques can be used for meaningful social change. Various theatre techniques will be rehearsed, case studies reviewed and ethical issues discussed.
Cost: $150 - 175 Time: Starts Friday at 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm, Sat. & Sun. 10:00 am - 5:30 pm Venue: OISE Bldg. Location: 252 Bloor St. W. Website: http://www.oise.utoronto.caFor information contact: Jessica Bleuer Jessica,bleuer@gmail.com Phone: 647-380-6178 Categories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Arts & Culture |
Jun 13/2008 to Jun 22/2008 Toronto, ON |
Queer West Fest The third annual Queer West Fest is ten days of performing arts, art shows, public forums, discussions, art crawls, films, videos etc. It is to celebrate, empower, and support the queer/gay community.
Venue: Establishments along Roncesvalles Location: Roncesvalles Ave., Toronto, ON For information contact: Bryen Dunn info@bryendunn.com Phone: 416-551-1709 Categories: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual; Education
Jun 14/2008 Whitby, ON |
Better Child Care Rally Rally is outside of federal financial Minister Jim Flaherty's Whitby-Oshawa constituency office in Whitby. Time: 11:00 am - 2:00 pm Venue: J. Flaherty's Office Location: 701 Rossland Rd. E. #204, Whitby, ON Website: http://www.onceandforall.caFor information contact: Christina Gilligan Phone: 416-538-0628 ext. 6 or 1-800- Categories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Jun 14/2008 Guelph, ON |
Communities in Action Across Ontario, groups like the Guelph Civic League, Imagine London and the Wellington Water Watchers are building progressive grassroots movements that impact the environment, heritage, social justice, growth and economy of their cities through effective citizen engagement.
A day of dynamic workshops where you can learn all the facets of starting and growing citizen organizations, successful fundraising and conducting effective community campaigns. Take part in the "Ideas Gallery" where citizen groups can share ideas, experiences and successes, as well as swap the tools and tips that turn ideas into action Venue: Rozanski Hall, University of Guelph Location: Guelph, ON Website: http://www.guelphcivicleague.caCategories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Jun 14/2008 Muskoka, ON |
Doors Open Muskoka For a complete list of participating sites and local maps, contact Doors Open Muskoka. Time: 10 am to 4 pm, unless otherwise noted Location: Muskoka, ON Website: http://www.muskokalakeschamber.comFor information contact: Doors Open Muskoka Phone: 705-762-5876 Categories: Architecture; Arts & Culture; Tourism & Hospitality Industry |
Jun 14/2008 Shelburne, ON |
Doors Open Shelburne For a complete list of participating sites and local maps, contact Doors Open Shelburne. Time: 10 am to 4 pm, unless otherwise noted Location: Shelburne, ON Website: http://www.townofsheluburne.on.caFor information contact: Doors Open Shelburne Phone: 519-925-2600 Categories: Architecture; Arts & Culture; Tourism & Hospitality Industry |
Jun 14/2008 Hamilton, ON |
Hamilton's Anarchist Book Fair Several selections of new and used books on the subject of anarchism. Time: 10 am- 4 pm Venue: Westdale High School Location: 700 Main Street W., Hamilton, ON Website: http://www.linchpin.caCategories: Education; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Jun 14/2008 Cambridge, ON, ON |
Ontario Farmland Trust - Annual General Meeting This AGM includes info re: current projects and campaigns and launch of the new Places to Grow Food campaign. Ends with a pot luck BBQ. Time: 2:00 pm - 5 pm Venue: Rick DeGraaf Farm Location: 144 Main St. E., Cambridge, ON, ON Website: http://www.ontariofarmlandtrust.caFor information contact: bruce@ontariofarmlandtrust.ca Phone: 519-824-4120 ext.58382 Categories: Farming; Environment |
Jun 14/2008 to Jun 15/2008 Newmarket, ON |
The 7th Annual Windfall Ecology Festival Festival features 25 interactive workshops and seminars with topics including: Active Transportation, Water Issues, Food and Organics, Home Energy, Community Energy and controversial environmental issues.
Time: 14 June 08 (10 am - 5pm), 15 June 08 (10am - 5pm) Venue: Fairy Lake Park Location: Eagle Street and Main Street, Newmarket, ON For information contact: Alec Simpson festival@windfallcentre.ca Categories: Environment
Jun 14/2008 to Jun 15/2008 Toronto, ON |
Through the Garden Gate This is 21st annual self-guided walking tour of private gardens of Riverdale. Includes access to over 20 private gardens and complinentary shuttle service.
Fee: $40, members $35 Time: 11:00 am - 4:00 pm Venue: Riverdale Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.torontobotanicalgarden.caFor information contact: Jenny Rhodenizer info@torontobotanicalgarden.ca Phone: 416-397-1341 Categories: Hobbies; Nature & Outdoors |
Jun 15/2008 Toronto, ON |
Guided Tour of the Ward The Ward was one of Toronto's first poor neighbourhoods, and became a lively, diverse home to successive waves of immigrants — Jewish, Italian, Chinese and Eastern European. The Ward was filled with densely populated houses, families and a tangle of bustling streets and alleys. However, the neighbourhood was declared a slum and demolished to make way for government buildings, high-rise towers and hospitals. Most of the communities that lived in the Ward drifted west
towards Spadina Avenue and Kensington Market. This walking tour will cover the struggles of those communities and the battles they faced. Among other topics, it will focus on labour strikes, slum clearance, religious riots, the great fire of 1904, the Underground Railroad, etc. Time: 2:00 pm Venue: Starting outside of the Church of The Holy Trinity Location: the church behind the Eaton Centre, Toronto, ON Website: http://missingplaque [at] gmail.comCategories: Urban Issues, Transit, Housing, Public Space; Architecture |
Jun 15/2008 Sharbot Lake, ON |
Non-Native Show of Solidarity With Ardoch Algonquin First Nations A non-native show of solidarity with Ardoch Algonquin Nation to stop Frontenac Ventures from ongoing work to explore mining uranium.
Time: 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm Venue: Robertsville Gate Location: HWY #509, north of Sharbot Lake, Sharbot Lake, ON Categories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
Jun 15/2008 to Jun 18/2008 Niagara on the Lake, ON |
Collective Strength: commissions to communities and back This event is the annual conference of the Canadian Association of Statutory Human Rights Agencies (CASHRA), 2008.
How Communities and Commissions can better work together will be examined with the intent of advancing human rights both at the provincial and national level. Treated with dignity and respect we all need to accept responsibility for Human Rights.
Time: 2 pm Venue: Niagara College Location: 135 Taylor Road, Niagara on the Lake, ON For information contact: Kevin Carr kevin.carr@ohrc.on.ca Phone: 416-314-4491 Categories: Human Rights, Law, Legal; Government & Public Sector
Jun 16/2008 to Jun 19/2008 Gimli, MB |
Canadian Water Resources Association -- Annual Conference The theme of Managing the Health of Canada's Lakes and Rivers through an improved understanding of watershed influences has been chosen for the 61st annual Conference of the Water Resources Association (CWRA).
The CWRA wishes to explore and examine how we can manage the health of lakes and rivers for the benefit of present and future generations. Location: Gimli, MB Website: http://www.conference.cwraCategories: Environment; Health/Health Care |
Jun 17/2008 Halifax, NS |
"Aristide and the Endless Revolution" free film screening This is an important film about the US, French and Canadian involvement in Haiti and their role in overthrowing democratically elected President Aristide.
Time: 7:00 pm - 8:45 pm Venue: Dalhousie SUB, DalhousieUniversity Location: 6136 University Ave., Halifax, NS For information contact: Heidi Verheul hfxpeace@chebucto.ca Categories: Politics & Political Organizations; Human Rights, Law, Legal
Jun 17/2008
"Iraq for Sale: The War Profiteers" - free film screening Shocking film about corporations who profit from this war. Portluck just before movie at 6 -7 pm.
Time: 6:00 pm - 8:45 pm Venue: Dalhousie SUB, Dalhousie Univ. Location: 6136 University Ave., Rm. 303 For information contact: Heidi Verheul hfxpeace@chebucto.ca Categories: Military; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
Jun 17/2008 Toronto, ON |
Metallica Resources Annual General Meeting: Picket and Street Theatre Since 1997, residents of the Mexican village of Cerro de San Pedro and the surrounding area have been fighting a large-scale open-pit gold and silver mine. Canadian corporation Metallica Resources Inc. has backed the project since its inception. Mining operations began in 2006 without required environmental permits and despite the repression of dissent, a political assassination, and widespread allegations of corruption. In July 2008, Metallica Resources will merge with two other junior mining firms to form New Gold Inc. Join Mexican anti-mine activists at the site of Metallica Resource's last shareholder meeting as they bring the resistance to Canada and give future New Gold shareholders a preview of the battle ahead. Time: 10:00 am Venue: Sutton Place Hotel Location: 955 Bay Street, Toronto, ON Website: http://cerrodesanpedro.orgFor information contact: cerrodesanpedr [at] gmail.com Categories: Mining & Petroleum; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; International |
Jun 17/2008 London, ON |
OPEN HOUSE With rising gas and food prices adding unforgiving pressure on family debt, here's your opportunity to learn how Debt Freedom Canada provides two important answers: how tosave money and how to make money. Currently client families are saving between $500 and $1,000 a month in unecessary interest payments. Venue: Best Western Lamplighter Inn Location: 591 Wellington Road S., London, ON Website: http://www.debtfreedom.caFor information contact: Harold Kendrick Phone: 519-963-7112 Categories: Education; Business & Economics |
Jun 17/2008 Toronto, ON |
OPP Escalation and Weaponry at Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory Speakers from:
** Representative from Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory
** Representative from CUPE Ontario, to speak on the recent passing of CUPE Ontario's Resolution 38, in support of indigenous struggle for the land, against the criminalization of indigenous resistance, and in support of the Mohawks of Tyendinaga, and spokesperson Shawn Brant, and how we can build on this important step forward.
** Jackie Esmonde, Lawyer, counsel at the Ipperwash inquiry and has worked at Aboriginal Legal Services.
Also featuring Slide-Show / Audio from Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory and short films.
PWYC - Donations appreciated (all proceeds go to the Tyendinaga Legal Defence Fund)
Time: Doors open at 6pm / Event begins at 7pm Venue: Cervecer Location: 842 College Street West (just west of Ossington), Toronto, ON Categories: Native Peoples
Jun 18/2008 Toronto, ON |
Curator's Tour The "war carpets" made by Afghan weavers contain pictorially the disasters of both the USSR
initiated and the present war in Afghanistan.
Time: 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm Venue: Textile Museum of Canada Location: 55 Centre Avenue, Toronto, ON For information contact: Textile Museum of Can. info@textilemuseum.ca Phone: 416-599-5321 Categories: Military; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
Jun 19/2008 Toronto, ON |
Educators for Peace and Justice Fundraiser Dylan Penner, of Act of the Earth, explains Canada's military strategy and what we can do to build a movement for war free schools. This is to counter the Canadian military's increase in recruitment in the various schools.
Entertainment and dinner are also available.
Time: 7:00 pm Venue: Magic Oven Location: 798 Danforth Ave. (just east of Pape), Toronto, ON For information contact: Educators for Peace and Justice, epj.elementary.secondary@lists.riseup.n Categories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Military
Jun 19/2008 Calgary, ON |
Oil Sands Reclamation: Why so little so late? Town Hall Meeting with MLA Dr. David Swan Presentation by author Jennifer Grant (policy analyst, Pembina Inst.) as to why after 41 years of Alberta Tar Sands development there is such dismally low percentage of worked land (0.20%) certified as reclaimed.
Andrew Nikiforuk (journalist) and David Lavall (Documentary film-maker) will also join the list of presenters. Time: 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm Venue: West Hillhurst Community Centre Location: 1940-6 Ave. NW, Calgary, ON Website: http://www.davidswann.caFor information contact: Dr. David Swann - MLA calgary.mountainview@assembly.ab.ca Phone: 403-216-5445 Categories: Environment |
Jun 20/2008 Toronto, ON |
A Solstice Conversation with Gustavo Esteva : GROWING GLOBAL HUNGER Discussion relating to growing global hunger; digging for the roots of the food crisis.
Gustavo Esteva is a grass roots activist who works in Oaxaca, Mexico and has worked with hundreds of grassroots organizations, including the Zapatistas in Mexico.
Time: 7:00 pm Venue: Carrot Common Roof rooftop Location: 348 Danforth Ave., Suite 212 (second floor entrance by Food City), Toronto, ON Categories: Environment; Food & Beverage; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
Jun 20/2008 Ottawa, ON |
Be the Change: International Film Premiere "Be the Change" explores the motivations for, and the challenges and rewards of, trying to live more lightly. It is a "100- kilometre film" made entirely in the Ottawa region. You are certain to know people in this film. Time: 7 pm Venue: Bell Theatre, Minto Centre, Carlton University Location: Ottawa, ON Website: http://www.livinglightly.caPhone: 613-730-0870 Categories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Environment |
Jun 20/2008 Toronto, ON |
Pumped up prices: Can we combat climate change by raising the cost of energy Canada seems finally to be on the verge of raising costs to decrease our consumption of oil, gas, coal etc. Join a debate of whether this is a good idea and if so what financial systems would be best, i.e. carbon tax, cap and trade etc.
At least six expert panelists will debate the issues relating to this aspect of the environmental focus. Time: 7:00 pm Venue: Hart House, University of Toronto Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.sej.orgFor information contact: d.workman@utoronto.ca Categories: Environment; Economic Development |
Jun 20/2008 Toronto, ON |
Refugee Pride! A Celebration of World Refugee Day Various events with guests: El-Farouk Khaki, Evana Ortigoza, Carlos Rivas, Jean Marie Vecina, Leo Zuniga with info on bill C-50 with Helen Kennedy.
Time: 6:30 - 8:30 pm Venue: 519 Community Centre Location: 519 Church Street, Toronto, ON Categories: Human Rights, Law, Legal; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
Jun 20/2008 to Jun 29/2008 Toronto, ON |
PRIDE - TORONTO Pride Week in Toronto is one of Canada's premier arts and cultural festivals.
It features 10 days of world class arts and cultural programming, community activities, one of the world's largest street festivals, Pride Parade and Dyke March, Family Programming and much more. Venue: Various locales Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.pridetoronto.comCategories: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual; Arts & Culture; Human Rights, Law, Legal |
Jun 21/2008 Ottawa, ON |
11th Hour - free Outdoor Movie Produced and narrated by Leonardo DiCaprio
90 mins., weather permitting Time: 9:00 pm Venue: Parking Lot Location: Slater and Lyon, downtown, Ottawa, ON Website: http://www.mintosuitehotel.comFor information contact: swilliamson@minto.com Phone: 613-782-3155 Categories: Environment |
Jun 21/2008 Brighton and Cramahe Township, ON |
Doors Open Brighton and Cramahe Township For a complete list of participating sites and local maps, contact Doors Open Brighton and Cramahe Township Time: 10 am to 4 pm, unless otherwise noted Location: Brighton and Cramahe Township, ON Website: http://www.visitcramahe.ca, www.brighton.caFor information contact: Doors Open Brighton and Cramahe Township Phone: 905-355-2821,ext.233 Categories: Architecture; Arts & Culture; Tourism & Hospitality Industry |
Jun 21/2008 Toronto, ON |
Hands off poorpeople: Park take-over Allan Gardens will be taken over and made a safe place for people to sleep and eat. This is to protest ticketing of homeless sleeping in parks, loss of 200 shelter beds in last two years and loss of thousands of meals.
Time: 4:00 pm Venue: Allan Gardens Location: Corner of Jarvis and Carlton Streets, Toronto, ON For information contact: Ontario Coalition Against Poverty, ocap@tao.ca Phone: 416-925-6939 Categories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Social Policy
Jun 21/2008 Ottawa, ON |
National Aboriginal Day Celebrate Canada and the communities that make up our diverse nation. Discover the games, music, and technologies of various cultures. Hear traditional legends in the Canada Science and Technology Museum's inflatable planetarium, enjoy a drumming and throat singing performance, or mingle with some of the new Canadians who will take their oath of citizenship at the Museum Time: 9:00 to 5:00 p.m. Venue: Canada Science and Technology Museum Location: 1867 St. Laurent Blvd., Ottawa, ON Website: http://sciencetech.technomuses.caFor information contact: Visitors Services Phone: 613-991-3044 Categories: Museums; Science & Technology |
Jun 21/2008 Bloomfield, ON |
PEAK OIL...Our Energy Future Two presentations related to the decline of fossil fuel energy sources and how Canadians should embrace the issue of energy sustainability and environmental responsibility. Dr. Helmut Berkhardt, Prof. of Physics, Ryerson U, past president, Science for Peace Canada, Randy Park, MA Physics, Chair of Post Carbon Toronto. Time: 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm Venue: Bloomfield Town Hall Location: Prince Edward County, Bloomfield, ON Website: http://www.countysustainabilityPhone: 613-476-1700 Categories: Environment |
Jun 21/2008 Toronto, ON |
REEL GLAD IMAGES: reclaiming FACES - reclaiming SPACES Free Art Show - City Hall, Member's Lounge
Artwork by Gays, Lesbians of African Descent
Dinner, after party, 6:30 - 8:30, at 636 College St. @Grace
Time: 1:00 - 6:00 pm Venue: City Hall Location: Toronto, ON Phone: 416-760-5956 Categories: Arts & Culture; Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual
Jun 21/2008 Kawarthas, ON |
Summer Lakeshore Festival Music, food and nature take centre stage as the Summer Lakeshore Festival just keeps growing.
Celebrating its seventh year, the Gamiing Summer Lakeshore Festival (previously Summer Solstice) has grown into a full-fledged festival of music, nature and the best local, organic food and drink of the Kawartha region. The Summer Lakeshore Festival will offer a full slate of performers headlined by SwingBridge, fast making a name for itself as the Kawartha's most eclectic swing, western swing and roots music dance band (http://www.myspace.com/swingbridge).
Gamiing is proud to showcase the best of the Kawarthas. Venue: The Gamiing Centre for Sustainable Lakeshore Living Location: 1884 Pigeon Lake Road, 12 km south of Bobcaygeon, Kawarthas, ON Website: http://www.gamiing.orgFor information contact: Mieke Schipper Phone: 705-799-7083 Categories: Environment |
Jun 21/2008 Vancouver, BC |
Walk For Tears Walk will begin June 21, 2008 (National Aboroginal Day) in Vancouver and proceed to Ottawa by mid-September. It is being organized to remember missing and murdered women across Canada, particularly Aboriginal Women and Girls. Venue: Vancouver to Ottawa Location: Vancouver, BC Website: http://www.walk4justice.piczo.comCategories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Native Peoples; Women |
Jun 23/2008 Toronto, ON |
Visions of Toronto: Margie Zeidler and Joe Lobko at the Gardiner: Free Lecture Conversation between award winning developer Margie Zeidler and acclaimed architect Joe Lobko.Together, they will explore the social, as well as environmental benefits of restoration and adaptive re-use in Toronto and discuss possible ways in which these practices can be used to help develop vibrant, sustainable communities. Time: 6:30 pm Venue: Terrace Room, Gardiner Museum of Ceramic Arts Location: 111 Queen's Park, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.architectureforhumanity.caFor information contact: Mae Shaban mae@architectureforhumanity.ca Categories: Environment; Urban Issues, Transit, Housing, Public Space; Arts & Culture |
Jun 23/2008 to Jun 25/2008 Toronto, ON |
EnviroAnalysis 2008 7th Biennial Conference on Monitoring and Measurement of the Environment.
Delegates to this conference will have access to up to data results from every part of the analytical environmental community.
Special attention to recent developments in speciation, microwave digestion, chromatography and mass spectrometry. Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.enviroanalysis.caCategories: Environment |
Jun 24/2008 Halifax, NS |
"Iraq for Sale: The War Profiteers" - free film screening Shocking film about the corporations who profit from war. Potluck before film at 6:00 - 7:00 pm.
Time: 6:00 pm - 8:45 pm Venue: Dalhousie SUB, Rm. 303 Location: 6136 University Ave, Halifax, NS For information contact: Heidi Verheul hfxpeace@chebucto.ca Categories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Military
Jun 24/2008 Toronto, ON |
Benefit concert for the Canadian-Palestinian Educational Exchange Come out to hear some great tunes and support Palestinian solidarity work. Benefit concert featuring lal, tom macgee, farheen beg, john mcintosh and celestialagriculture. Time: 7:00 pm Venue: Lula Lounge Location: 1585 Dundas Street West, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.cepal.caCategories: International; Human Rights, Law, Legal |
Jun 24/2008
Call for Submissions: First Person Narrative National Essay Contest: Canadian Lesbian and Gay Archives This Year's Topic: Once I Was a Child, Essay Length: 2000 - 2500 words
Three prizes ranging from $200 - $500 plus $100 for best under 19 yr. old
Submissions due date: Sept. 1, 2008. Prizes announced: Dec. 15, 2008.
For information contact: Managing Editor, The Archivist jacoffey@rogers.com Categories: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual; Journalism, Writing, Literary, Language; Wineries, Breweries & Distilleries
Jun 24/2008 Windsor, ON |
Weenie and Enviro-Achiever Awards Show The Weenie Awards winners are persons, corporations or agencies which have done simply not enough for the cause of environmental improvement whereas the Enviro-Achiever Awards
go to those who have excelled in the area of increased environmental awareness and activity. Time: 7:00 pm Venue: Rock Bottom Bar & Grill, Location: 3236 Sandwich Str., Windsor, ON Website: http://www.citizensenvironmentalalliance.orgFor information contact: dcoronado@cogeco.net Phone: 519-973-1116 Categories: Environment |
Jun 24/2008 Kingston, ON |
World Wind Energy Conference and Exhibition Keynote Speakers for the Conference will be Dr. Hermann Scheer, global leader in the field of renewable energy and winner of the Alternative Nobel Prize, and Dr. David Suzuki, award winning scientist, environmentalist and broadcaster.
The special topic of Community Power will be emphasized and will involve sustainable alternative energy development for local communities such as farmers, landowners, cooperatives, aboriginal groups, municipalities, utilities in a global setting. Location: Kingston, ON Website: http://www.wwindea.orgCategories: Environment; Environment; Environment |
Jun 25/2008 Toronto, ON |
From the Warsaw Ghetto to the Gaza Ghetto The Warsaw Ghetto was the largest of the Jewish ghettos established under Germany's Nazi regime, in the capital city of occupied Poland. Between 1941 and 1943, starvation, disease and extermination reduced the population from 450,000 to 71,000. During the Warsaw Ghetto uprising of January 1943, Jewish fighters organized an armed rebellion that held control of the Ghetto for three months.
Today, Palestinian residents of Gaza, in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, are facing conditions similar to the Jews of the Warsaw Ghetto.
Hear Hammam Farah and Suzanne Weiss discuss the lessons of their common experiences of repression, resistance and solidarity. Time: 7:00 pm Venue: OISE, University of Toronto Location: 252 Bloor Street West, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.nion.caFor information contact: info [at] nion.ca Categories: International; Human Rights, Law, Legal |
Jun 25/2008 Ottawa, ON |
Noth America 2030: An Environmental Outlook Forecasts show that North America in 2030 will have more people, more energy consumed, bigger cities, more cars and trucks. To study the environmental impact of this growth in North America is the responsibility of the Commission for Environmental Cooperation.
Discussion re: topics such as urbanization, population growth, climate change will be undertaken. Venue: Government Conference Centre Location: Ottawa, ON Website: http://www.cec.org/outlookFor information contact: info.cec.org/outlook Categories: Environment |
Jun 26/2008 Halifax, NS |
Peace Book Club: War is a Racket Halifax Peace Coalition will have its first book club meeting discussing the anti-war book, "War is a Racket" by US General Smedley Butler. Learn about war profiteering in World War I or about the Business Plot to overthrow President Roosevelt.
Time: 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm Venue: YWCA Women's Centre Location: 1233 Barrington Street, Halifax, NS For information contact: Heidi Verheul hfxpeace@chebucto.ca Phone: 902-422-3544 Categories: Military; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
Jun 26/2008 to Jun 27/2008 Toronto |
Women's Human Rights and Development Workshop with Alda Facio This 2 day intensive workshop facilitated by Alda Facio presents a unique opportunity for local and international community leaders, development and human rights practitioners and students to come together to further their understanding and reflect upon what it means to apply a rights-based framework in women's empowerment projects, programmes and movement work. Time: 10:00 am - 4:00 pm Venue: OISE/UT Location: 252 Bloor St. W., Toronto Website: http://www.oise.utoronto.ca/cwseFor information contact: Aniska Ali cwse@oise.utoronto.ca Phone: 416-978-2080 Categories: Women; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Jun 26/2008 to Jun 29/2008 Toronto, ON |
Your wildest dream This workshop uses Image Theatre to investigate a group's vision of their present core struggle, how they came to their present situation, where they want to be in the future, and what steps they need to take in order to get there.
Venue: Ontario Institute for Studies in Education Location: 252 Bloor Street West, Toronto, ON For information contact: Adam Perry/Sara Escott if.theatre@gmail.com Phone: 416-899-3761 Categories: Performing Arts; Education; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
Jun 27/2008 Toronto, ON |
Seniors' Pride on the Island Sunshine Centres welcomes all LGBTTQQ@S seniors (50+) and their families and friends for a fabulous afternoon on Ward's Island. BBQ lunch available at $7. Time: 10:45 am - 3:00 pm Venue: The Parsonage Location: 60 LakeshoreAve., Ward's Island, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.sunshinecentres.comFor information contact: sunshinecentres@on.aibn.com Phone: 416-924-3979 Categories: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual |
Jun 27/2008 to Jun 29/2008 Mississauga, ON |
AMJ 32nd Annual Convention By the Grace of Allah Almighty, the 32nd Jalsa Salana (Annual Convention) of Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama`at Canada will be held on June 27, 28 & 29, 2008 at the International Centre in Mississauga, Ontario.
This blessed event will start with Salat Jum`a on June 27, 2008. Time: All Day Event Venue: International Centre, Hall 5 Location: 6900 Airport Road, Mississauga, ON Website: http://www.ahmadiyya.caFor information contact: Mumtaz Butt Phone: 647-723-6425 Categories: Religious |
Jun 28/2008 Fergus, ON |
Doors Open Fergus Scheduled events on June 28 include Summer Sensations - a street party celebration of art, music and food, including a downtown art walk, guided historic walking tours and live entertainment. Time: 10 am to 4 pm, unless otherwise noted Location: Fergus, ON Website: http://www.fergus175.caFor information contact: Doors Open Fergus Phone: 1-877-242-6353 Categories: Architecture; Arts & Culture; Tourism & Hospitality Industry |
Jun 28/2008 Kingston |
Doors Open Kingston For more information, contact Door Open Kingston. Time: 10 am to 4 pm, unless otherwise noted Location: Kingston Website: http://www.firstcapitaldays.caFor information contact: Doors Open Kingston Phone: 613-548-4415 Categories: Architecture; Arts & Culture; Tourism & Hospitality Industry |
Jun 30/2008 to Jul 3/2008 Edmonton, AB |
International Conference on the Environment The Interdisciplinary Environmental Association's Conference is motivated by the need to combine ideas and research findings from different disciplines to enhance our understanding the interactions between the natural environment and human institutions.
Conference will focus on possible environmental solutions that are available and the implications of globalization and environmental concerns. Location: Edmonton, AB Website: http://www.ieaonline.org/conference.htCategories: Environment |
Jun 30/2008 to Jul 3/2008 Edmonton, AB |
International Conference on the Environment The Conference is motivated by the increasing need to combine ideas and research findings from different disciplines to enhance our understanding of the interactions between the natural environment and human institutions.
Focus will be on:
-What various disciplines have to offer in understanding environmental and resource problems.
-Possible solutions that are available.
-The implications of the globalization of environmental concerns Venue: Delta Edmonton South Hotel Location: Edmonton, AB Website: http://www.ieaonline.org/conference.htmCategories: Environment |
Jul 3/2008 to Jul 6/2008 Edmonton, AB |
CanWrite! 2008 National conference, with many seminars and other events of interest to writers. There will be a banquet when National Literary Awards will be presented.
Full conference information is at www.canauthorsalberta.ca/CanWrite.
Time: All day Venue: University of Alberta Location: Edmonton, AB For information contact: Alec McEachern Phone: 705-653-0323
Jul 4/2008 to Jul 6/2008 Edmonton, AB |
Let's Invite the Elephant into the Room: Canadian Youth Climate Coalition (CYCC), National Summit This is a call to build a national youth movement to confront the huge issue of climate change.
Alberta's Tar Sands is the Big Elephant in the room, since the government is acting as if the Tar Sands had no effect on climate change. A lot can be learned by how the tar sands is viewed: whether as a liability or an asset. Venue: University of Alberta Location: Edmonton, AB Website: http://www.ourclimate.caCategories: Environment |
Jul 5/2008 to Jul 6/2008 Victoria, BC |
Organic Islands Festival and Sustainability Expo This Vancouver Island event is Canada's largest outdoor green festival. Over 100 exhibits, natural food demos, entertainment. Time: 10:00 am - 5:00 pm Venue: Glendale GardensandWoodland Location: 505 Quayle Rd., Victoria, BC Website: http://www.organicislands.caFor information contact: info@organicislands.ca Phone: 250-658-8148 Categories: Environment; Food & Beverage |
Jul 6/2008 to Jul 10/2008 Prince George, BC |
Canadian Society of Soil Science 2008 Annual Meeting Venue: University of Northern British Columbia Location: Prince George, BC Website: http://www.resweb.res.unbc.ca/csss2008/Categories: Science & Technology |
Jul 6/2008 to Jul 10/2008 Prince George, BC |
Canadian Society of Soil Science- Annual Meeting, 2008 Annual Meeting, 2008 Venue: University of Northern British Columbia Location: Prince George, BC Website: http://wwwresweb.resunbc/csssCategories: Science & Technology; Environment |
Jul 11/2008 Ingersoll, ON |
Canterbury Folk Festival - Ingersoll Free family folk festival: beer garden, food vendors, five stages for local, national and international music group performances. Location: 122 Innes, Ingersoll, ON Website: http://www.canterburyfolkfestival.on.caFor information contact: ejc@rogers.com Phone: 519-485-6337 Categories: Arts & Culture |
Jul 12/2008 Toronto, ON |
Metis Arts Festival A celebration of aboriginal music, dance and arts. Venue: Black Creek Pioneer Village Location: 1000 murray Ross Parkway, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.blackcreek.caFor information contact: bcpvinfo@trca.on.ca Phone: 416-736-1733 Categories: Arts & Culture |
Jul 12/2008 to Jul 13/2008 Lanark, ON |
Art of Being Green (Sat & Sun) Art of Being Green 2008 will remain an essential resource for information about renewable energy, adaptation and green lifestyle choices. 5000 visitors expected. Venue: Clyde Memorial Ball Park Location: Lanark, ON Website: http://www.artofbeinggreen.caCategories: Environment |
Jul 14/2008 Toronto, ON |
The "War on Terror" is a Fraud; the "Toronto 18" were Framed An Evening With Dr. Bob Bowman and Prof. Michael Kefer. Dr. Bowman's topic is IRAQ, IRAN, IMPEACHMENT. He is a retired USAF Lt. Col., decorated Vietnam Veteran, former Star Wars director under presidents Ford and Carter, recipient of President's Award, Veterans for Peace (see www.ThePatriots.us). Prof. Keefer is a professor of English at University of Guelph and a graduate of Royal Military College of Canada. His topic is THE "TORONTO 18" FRAME-UP. Time: 7:30 PM Venue: Bloor Street United Church Location: Bloor Street West and Huron Street, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.911inquiry.orgFor information contact: Terry Burrows, Project Co-ordinator, PHONE 416.784-9114 Phone: 416.784-9114 Categories: Politics & Political Organizations; Human Rights, Law, Legal; Security |
Jul 14/2008 to Jul 15/2008 Hollywood CA |
AVN Novelty Expo 2008 The industry's premier B2B event bringing together qualified volume Buyers with Manufacturers of Novelty Products. This event features over one hundred exhibiting companies and draws hundreds of buyers from across the U.S. and all over the world. Venue: Universal City Location: Hollywood CA Website: http://www.avnnoveltyexpo.com/Categories: Sexuality; Retail |
Jul 16/2008 to Aug 2/2008
As You Like It Shakespeare's whimsical pastoral comdoy is staged at a unique outdoor theatrical venue. BYOB: Bring Your Own Blanket. Tickets $10 ($8 for students/seniors). PWYC Wednesdays. Time: Wednesdays through Saturdays, 8:00 pm Venue: Philosopher's Starge at Philospher's Walk Location: 80 Queen's Park Website: http://www.canopytheatre.caPhone: 416-978-8849 Categories: Arts & Culture |
Jul 17/2008 Toronto, ON |
Movements, debates and struggles in Latin America A Report by Professor Leo Panitch on an International Seminar organized by the Brazilian Landless People's Movement (MST) in honour of Che Guevara's 80th Birthday. Time: 7 p.m. Venue: Ryerson University, Jorgenson Hall, POD 250 Location: 380 Victoria Street, Toronto, ON Website: http://cvec-tor@yahoogroups.comFor information contact: Suzanne Weiss Phone: 416-686-7607 Categories: Politics & Political Organizations; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Jul 17/2008 to Jul 19/2008 Ottawa, ON |
Festival of Technology Enjoy demonstrations of working treasures from the Canada Science and Technology Museum collection. Take a behind-the-scenes tour of the reserve collection. Try your hand at print making and solar observing (weather permitting). The whole family will appreciate these indoor and outdoor activities with motorcycles, engines, telescopes, and more. Time: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Venue: Canada Science and Technology Museum Location: 1867 St. Laurent Blvd., Ottawa, ON Website: http://sciencetech.technomuses.caFor information contact: Visitors Services Phone: 613-991-3044 Categories: Museums; Science & Technology |
Jul 17/2008 to Jul 20/2008 Moose Jaw, SK |
Saskatchewan Festival of Words Headlining the 12th annual Festival of Words are Elizabeth Hay, recipient of the 2007 Giller Prize for Late Nights on Air (McClelland & Steward, 2007) and Don Domanski, whose collection All Our Wonder Unavenged (Brick Books, 2007) won the Governor General's Award for Poetry and the Atlantic Poetry Prize. Other elements of the festival include workshops, film screenings and intimate events with authors.
Venue: Various locations in downtown Moose Jaw Location: Moose Jaw, SK Phone: 306-691-0557 Categories: Arts & Culture; Journalism, Writing, Literary, Language
Jul 17/2008 to Jul 20/2008 Toronto, ON |
Tirgan: exploring diversity Through this festival, we share a sample of Iranian contribution to cultural and artistic diversity by showcasing world class performances and presentations in music, dance, theatre, film, visual arts and literature. Eat and shop as well.
Venue: Harbourfront Centre Location: 235 Queens Quay West, Toronto, ON For information contact: Maria Sabaye Moghaddam msabaye@yahoo.ca Phone: 416-824-4511 Categories: Arts & Culture
Jul 18/2008 Toronto, ON |
Island Airport Protest Demo Island Airport Protest Demo with music, drumming, singing and some dancing. Time: 5:30 - 7:30 Venue: Foot of Bathurst Street Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://communityair.orgCategories: Aviation & Aerospace; Urban Issues, Transit, Housing, Public Space |
Jul 18/2008 to Jul 19/2008 Greater Sudbury, ON |
Doors Open Greater Sudbury Celebrating the 125th anniversary of the railway reaching Sudbury! Time: 10 am to 4 pm, unless otherwise noted Location: Greater Sudbury, ON Website: http://www.sudburymuseum.caFor information contact: Doors Open Greater Sudbury Phone: 705-692-4448 Categories: Architecture; Arts & Culture; Tourism & Hospitality Industry |
Jul 18/2008 to Jul 20/2008 Penetanguishene, ON |
Festival Du Loup This is a celebration of Francophone arts, culture and heritage. Includes concerts, games, arts and crafts. Location: 343-B, rue Lafontaine Ouest, RR3, Penetanguishene, ON Website: http://www.festivalduloup.on.caFor information contact: leloup@csolve.net Phone: 705-533-3361 Categories: Arts & Culture |
Jul 18/2008 to Jul 20/2008 London, ON |
Home County Folk Festival Thisis a free, three day music, dance and craft festival in downtown London, ON. Venue: Home County Folk League Location: 652 Elizabeth Str., London, ON Website: http://www.homecounty.caFor information contact: info@homecounty.ca Phone: 519-432-4310 Categories: Arts & Culture |
Jul 18/2008 to Jul 20/2008 Perth, ON |
Stewart Park Festival - Perth This festival offers 30 live, free outdoor concerts, many workshops, children's events and food and artisan's market. Location: 34 Herriott Str., Perth, ON Website: http://www.stewartparkfestival.caFor information contact: dhpbia@superaje.com Phone: 613-267-6797 Categories: Arts & Culture |
Jul 18/2008 to Jul 20/2008 Vancouver, ON |
Vancouver Folk Music Festival Folk, World, Blues, Reggae, Hip-Hop, Bluegrass and More
You are the Folk; this is your Festival. Little Folks admitted free. Location: Vancouver, ON Website: http://www.thefestival.bc.caPhone: 800-883-3655 Categories: Music |
Jul 19/2008
Canada's Park Day This event showcases Canada's parks and historical sites through numerous events taking part throughout the country. Venue: various places in Canada Website: http://www.parksday.ca/eng/For information contact: Laurie Collette, Canadian Parks Council Phone: 705-652-5159 Categories: Arts & Culture; Nature & Outdoors |
Jul 19/2008 Burlington, ON |
Check Your Watershed Day Stream Team volunteers check the flow of water in small streams of Bronte Creek. Time: 11:30 am - 4:00 pm Location: Burlington, ON Website: http://www.monitoringthemoraine.caFor information contact: Laura Read Phone: 647-258-3280 ext.2004 Categories: Environment |
Jul 19/2008 Toronto, ON |
Radiant City Screening of a mockumentary that explores the loss of nature and community in the suburbs. Discussion follows screening. Time: 10:00 am - noon Venue: Brickworks Location: 550 Bayview Avenue, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.evergreen.caCategories: Urban Issues, Transit, Housing, Public Space; Environment |
Jul 19/2008 Toronto, ON |
Yonge Street Pub Crawl Drop in at pubs on the world's longest street and help support projects for children in Africa. Venue: Various pubs Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://righttoplay.caCategories: International; Children & Youth |
Jul 20/2008 Toronto, ON |
Malca Litovitz Guernica Editions invites you to celebrate the work of Malca Litovitz with the 2008 launch of two new books: 'First Day' (Essential Poets Series # 145) by Malca Litovitz and 'Slow Dancing, Creativity and Illness' (Duologue and Rengas) by Malca Litovitz and Elana Wolff.
Other readers include Adam Litovitz, Susan Helwig, Jim Streeter, Karen Shenfeld, Lil Blume, and Elana Wolff.
Time: 2-4 p.m. Venue: Bar Italia Location: 582 College St., Toronto, ON For information contact: Karen Shenfeld Phone: 416-534-7297 Categories: Arts & Culture; Journalism, Writing, Literary, Language
Jul 20/2008 Toronto, ON |
Peace Reel Film Festival 8:30 pm, short film: "Unfair Dealings"
9:00 pm, feature film" "Sir, No Sir" : the story of the GI movement and their struggle to end the war in Vietnam.
Time: 8:30 pm Venue: Christie Pits Location: Bloor and Christie Sts., Toronto, ON For information contact: Sarah Shuja sarahshujah@gmail.com Phone: 416-820-7076 Categories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
Jul 22/2008 Toronto, ON |
5th Annual Disability Celebration Performances by Christina Doyle (country singer), humourist Libby Thaw, comedian Nick Reynoldson, Shel-B (R&B singer) etc. Time: 5:30 pm - 9:00 pm Venue: Nathan Plillips Square Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.canwapps.comFor information contact: simplypeople@canwapps.com Categories: Disability Issues; Music |
Jul 22/2008 to Jul 24/2008 Dresden, ON |
Dresden Exhibition (Dresden Agricultural Society) Highlights: Friday - Parade, Tractor Pull, Ambassador Competition Saturday - Pet Show, Livestock Competitions, Arena Displays, Children's Entertainment, Saturday Evening: Beverly Mahood, Charlie Major Show, Sheep Show, Light Horse Show Midway All 3 Days!
Admission Charged for Grandstand shows only. Venue: Hwy 21 North Location: P.O. Box 790, N0P 1M0, Dresden, ON Website: http://www.dresdenex.comPhone: 519-683-1116 Categories: Farming |
Jul 23/2008 Toronto, ON |
5 Things You Can Do For Your River Workshop - Naturalize! Join RiverSides for a workshop exploring urban stormwater issues. Learn how to naturalize your yards to reduce stormwater pollution and protect our urban creeks and rivers.
Demonstrations by special guest speakers:
Native Plants - learn how to naturalize your yard using native plant species to stop stormwater runoff and attract wildlife (Green Gardeners Community Collaborative)
Urban Forest - learn about trees in your area and how to maintain them (Local Enhancement and Appreciation of Forests - LEAF) Time: 6 p.m.- 8:30 p.m. Venue: Trinity St. Paul Centre Location: 427 Bloor Street West, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.riversides.orgPhone: 416-868-1983 Categories: Environment |
Jul 23/2008 Halifax, NS |
War Made Easy: How Pundits & Politicians Keep Spinning Us to Death This film is looks at a 50 year history of how American media have uncritically disseminated the pro-war messages of successive presidential administrations. Time: 6:00 - 8:45 pm Venue: Student Union Bldg., Dalhousie U., Rm. 307 Location: 6136 University Ave, Halifax, NS Website: http://www.hfxpeace.chebucto.org/For information contact: hfxpeace@chebucto.ca Categories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Military |
Jul 24/2008 Toronto, ON |
"I ain't marching anymore" An evening with Phil Ochs featuring Zachary Stevenson.
During the intermission: a speaker from the War Resisters' Campaign.
Tickets at the door: $20 waged / $ 10 non- waged
Time: 8 p.m. Venue: Ontario Institute for Studies in Education Location: 252 Bloor Street West, Toronto, ON Phone: 416-535-8779 Categories: Politics & Political Organizations; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
Jul 24/2008 to Jul 27/2008 Delta, ON |
Delta Fair (Delta Agricultural Society) Beef, Sheep, Goats, Horse Show (Family & Western), 4-H Achievement Programme, Horse Draw, Homecraft Displays, Beef BBQ, Children's Activities, Nightly Entertainment, Tractor Pull, Parade Venue: 110 Mill Creek Drive, Cty. Rd. 42 Location: P.O. Box 220, Mill Creek Drive., K0E 1G0, Delta, ON Website: http://www.deltafair.comPhone: 613-928-2800 Categories: Farming |
Jul 24/2008 to Jul 27/2008 Toronto, ON |
Tyndale hosts a "Meaning Conference" to explore how to live well and die well What is a good death? This is one of the big questions to be addressed by the world's leading experts on death and dying at the 5th Biennial International Meaning Conference on July 24-27, in Toronto.
Invited speakers include psychologists, death educators, chaplains, medical doctors in palliative care. They will tackle the biggest challenge facing all of us: How to be prepared for the end of life's journey and to die a good death. Time: various Venue: Marriot Courtyard Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.meaning.caFor information contact: Paul & Lilian Wong Phone: 416-226-6620 Categories: Health/Health Care; Information, Libraries, Research |
Jul 25/2008 to Jul 26/2008 London, ON |
Kala Manjari's Indiafest - London Included are Indian delicacies, exotic handcrafts, arts, culture music and dance of the far East. Location: 47 Doncaster Avenue, London, ON Website: http://www.kalamanjari.orgFor information contact: Dev@KalaManjari.org Phone: 519-473-1642 Categories: Arts & Culture |
Jul 25/2008 to Jul 26/2008 Zurich, ON |
Zurich Fair (Zurich Agricultural Society) Highlights: Friday - Local Entertainment (27), Elimination Draw & Saturday - Homecraft Exhibits, Parade, Baby Show, Livestock Shows, Horse Show, Youth Games & Exhibits, Horse Shows, Dance (28)
Venue: Cty Rd 84, Zurich Arena & Park Location: R.R.#1, N0M 2T0, Zurich, ON Phone: 519-236-4130/519-236-4969 Fair Categories: Farming
Jul 25/2008 to Jul 27/2008 Beachburg, ON |
Beachburg Fair (Beachburg Agricultural Society) Highlights: Experience the Dairy and Beef 4-H shows, Cattle penning, Demolition derby, Exhibit hall, Talent Show and much more for Fun and Excitement
Venue: 7 Stewart Street Location: Box 157, K0J 1C0, Beachburg, ON Phone: 613-582-3841 Categories: Farming
Jul 25/2008 to Jul 27/2008 Chesterville, ON |
Chesterville Fair (Chesterville & District Agricultural Society) Highlights: Demo Derby, Friday night 7p.m. Venue: Queen Street Location: Box 571, R.R.#2, K0C 1H0, Chesterville, ON Website: http://www.chestervillefair.comPhone: 613-448-1478 Categories: Farming |
Jul 25/2008 to Jul 27/2008 Guelph, ON |
Hillside Festival - Guelph Lake Island A three day, community based celebration of music and workshops on five stages. There is an Environmental Expo, Community tent and Women's tent as well as an Aboriginal Circle; also present are an artisan market and an international food pavilion. Venue: Guelph Lake Island Location: 123 Woolwhich St., Guelph, ON Website: http://www.hillside.on.caFor information contact: hillside@hillside.on.ca Phone: 519-763-6396 Categories: Arts & Culture |
Jul 25/2008 to Jul 27/2008 Lakefield, ON |
Lakefield Fair (Lakefield Agricultural Society) Highlights: Truck & Tractor Pulls, Car Demolition, Petting Farm, Livestock Competitions, 4H Actitivities Venue: 25 William Street Location: P.O. Box 1444, K0L 2H0, Lakefield, ON Website: http://www.lakefieldfair.comPhone: 705-6528123/705652-0800 fair Categories: Farming |
Jul 26/2008 Toronto, ON |
As Long As The Sun Shines And The Rivers Flow - Fundraiser to set up computer labs in Attawapiskat and Pic Mobert First Nations "As Long As The Sun Shines and The Rivers Flow" is an event to help raise funds to set up computer labs in Attawapiskat and Pic Mobert First Nations.
All donations raised for the event will go towards procuring new/refurbished computers, computer-based learning and educational software, etc.
Guests are encouraged to secure pledges from friends, family members, and others prior to the event. Pledges will be collected at the event. There will also be an auction of artwork donated by local Toronto artists as well as autographed books such as Micheal Ondaatje's "Divisadero" at the event.
You can receive a pledge form by e-mailing Casey at casey.sabawi@gmail.com
Feel free to invite close friends, family and colleagues.
Time: 6:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. Venue: Gzowski House/Frontier College (Wheelchair Accesible) Location: 33 Jackes Avenue, Toronto, ON Phone: 416-617-9176 Categories: Performing Arts; Native Peoples
Jul 27/2008 Delta, BC |
17th Annual International Bog Day Free community event to increase awareness about the ecological importance of Burns Bog and bogs around the world. Bog tours, activities for kids, local exhibits, music etc. Time: 10:00 am - 4:00 pm Venue: Planet Ice Location: 10388 Nordel Crt., Delta, BC Website: http://www.burnsbog.orgFor information contact: Charles Konopski Phone: 604-572-0373 Categories: Environment |
Jul 27/2008 to Jul 28/2008 Birmingham UK |
ETO Show 2008 The ETO Show is the UK's only dedicated adult industry event. Bringing together manufacturers and distributors from all sides of the industry - including film, lingerie, toys and consumables - with all the key trade buyers, the ETO Show is free to attend for trade professionals.
The ETO Show is a dedicated trade event for the adult industry. The show will bring together around 80 of the biggest names in the industry under one roof, allowing trade visitors to meet up with a large number of both existing and new suppliers.
The show will be trade only, with no consumer element to distract visitors and exhibitors from their primary purpose – doing business with each other. Admittance to the show will be entirely free of charge. Venue: NEC Location: Birmingham UK Website: http://www.etoshow.com/Categories: Sexuality; Retail |
Jul 29/2008 Toronto, ON |
Public dialogue about global food security Join us for a public dialogue bringing together youth, senior and local community members, as well as representatives from business, government, and NGOs, as we discuss such factors as soaring food prices, climate change, and rising populations. These factors have recently prompted the United Nations to declare a world food "crisis".
To register for this FREE event, please e-mail haga.james@gmail.com and include your full name, phone number and dietary restrictions.
Time: 9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Venue: University of Toronto, Great Hall Location: 7 Hart House Circle, Toronto, ON For information contact: Food for Talk: Our Role in the International Food Chain Phone: 416-6429145 x 237 Categories: Environment
Jul 31/2008 to Aug 2/2008 Kenora, ON |
Kenora Exhibition (Kenora Agricultural Society) Highlights: Farmer's Olympics - Children & Adults Horseshoe Pitching, Petting Zoo, Local Bands, Antique Tractor Display, Kenora in Bloom Display, Atlantic Pumpkin Contest
Venue: Kenora Recreation Centre Location: P.O. Box 346, P9N 3X4, Kenora, ON Phone: 807-548-5612/807-468-9745 Fair Categories: Farming
Jul 31/2008 to Aug 3/2008 Peterborough, ON |
Peterborough Exhibition (Peterborough Agricultural Society) Venue: Morrow Park Lansdowne St. West Location: Morrow Park, Lansdowne St. West, K9J 1Y5, Peterborough, ON Website: http://www.peterboroughex.caPhone: 705-742-5781 Categories: Farming |
Jul 31/2008 to Aug 3/2008 Toronto, ON |
Seventh Biennial Conference on Iranian Studies The conference includes a book exhibit by publishers pertaining to various areas of Iranian activities such as literature, arts, religions and civilizations.
Time: 9:00 am - 6:00 pm Venue: Park Hyatt of Toronto Location: 4 Avenue Rd., Toronto, ON For information contact: Dr. Victoria Tahmasebi v.birgani@utoronto.ca Categories: Arts & Culture
Jul 31/2008 to Aug 3/2008 Hollywood Florida |
SwingFest 2008 SwingFest 2008 is a 4 day Lifestyle / Swingers Convention. Thousands of sexually liberated adults from around the globe will converge in Hollywood, Florida USA to attend the World's Largest Swinger Party and Lifestyle Convention. Featuring over 20+ swingers lifestyle parties, a massive 50,000 square foot vendor area with everything from adult novelties to adult video stars, 15+ sexy seminars on varying erotic topics, exciting contests with prizes such as a BMW 328i, shuttle service to one of the top 10 nude beaches in the world, countless giveaways, wild entertainment, goody bags, and even a golf tournament! Venue: Westin Diplomat Resort Location: Hollywood Florida Website: http://www.swingfest.comCategories: Sexuality |
Aug 1/2008 Toronto, ON |
Political Prisoners of Iran: Narrating Insubordination Desiring Truth POLITICAL PRISONERS OF IRAN: NARRATING INSUBORDINATION, DESIRING TRUTH
Chair: Shahrzad Mojab, University of Toronto
Discussant: Payam Akhavan, University of Montreal
Shahla Talebi, Arizona State University
A Story of an Archive: Love and Death in Prison Letters
Kaveh Sharooz, New York-based Attorney
Remembering 1988: A Legal and Political Analysis of the Demand for Accountability
Shokoufeh Sakhi, York University
The Arrival of A New Regime: Torture and the Aesthetics of Resistance
Saeed Yousef, University of Chicago
Poetics of Horror: Iranian Poets and 1988 Mass Executions Time: 11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Venue: Park Hyatt Hotel, ISIS conference Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.iranian-studies.comCategories: Human Rights, Law, Legal; Politics & Political Organizations |
Aug 1/2008 to Aug 3/2008 Clarendon, ON |
Blue Skies Festival - Clarendon Festival features daytime music and holistic workshops, children's area and night time concerts.
Location: Clarendon, ON Phone: 613-279-2610 Categories: Arts & Culture
Aug 1/2008 to Aug 3/2008 Cambridge, ON |
Mill Race Festival of Traditional Folk Music - Cambridge This festival features traditional folk music from various cultures set amidst 19th century heritage architecture.The main stage overlooks the Grand River. Location: Cambridge, ON Website: http://www.millracefolksociety.comFor information contact: mill race@yahoo.com Phone: 519-621-7135 Categories: Arts & Culture |
Aug 1/2008 to Aug 3/2008 Red Rock, ON |
The Rock Folk Festival - Red Rock There are campsites, camp ground jam sessions, four workshop stages, food booths, artisan's village and a family area. Location: Red Rock, ON Website: http://www.livefromtherock.comFor information contact: info@livefromtherock.com Phone: 807-344-0654 Categories: Arts & Culture |
Aug 1/2008 to Aug 4/2008 Smiths Falls, ON |
Lombardy Fair (Lombardy Agricultural Society) Highlights: Agricultural Showcase, Draft Horse Demomstrations, Conklin, Midway, Homecraft Demonstrations, 141st Anniversary. Venue: Smiths Falls Location: P.O. Box 542, K7A 4T6, Smiths Falls, ON Website: http://www.lasfair.caPhone: 613-284-2640/613-283-2065 fair Categories: Farming |
Aug 1/2008 to Aug 4/2008 Napanee, ON |
Napanee Fair (Lennox Agricultural Society) Highlights: Tractor Pull, Demo Derby, Full Agricultural Exhibits & Classes, Midway, Local Entertainment
Venue: York St. Location: P.O. Box 176, K7R 3M3, Napanee, ON Phone: 613-354-1471 Categories: Farming
Aug 2/2008 to Aug 3/2008 Cumberland, ON |
Cumberland Environmental Fair Variety of events centred around natural heritage conservation, green technologies, eco products and energy and waste reduction.
Time: 10:00 am - 5:00 pm Venue: Historical Village Museum (25 mins. from Ottawa) Location: Cumberland, ON For information contact: Suzanne Lavoie Suzanne.lavoie@Ottawa.ca Phone: 613-833-3059 ext. 224 Categories: Environment
Aug 2/2008 to Aug 4/2008 Ottawa, ON |
Project Ecosphere - Environmental Fair Participants will be companies involved with green building, new technologies, organic farming, alternative medicines as well as speakers and community organizations. Time: 10:00 am - 4:00 pm Venue: Confederation Park Location: Elgin & Laurier, Ottawa, ON Website: http://www.projetecosphere.orgFor information contact: EricFerland e.ferland@projetecosphere.org Phone: 450-298-1441 Categories: Environment |
Aug 5/2008 Etobicoke, ON |
Party in the Park Party in the Park, presented by Mimico Baptist Church and Mimico Resident's Association, is an opportunity for authors and illustrators to promote their works at "Books in the Park". This inclusive celebration is a way for residents of the neighbourhood to meet one another and to sample various foods and partake of local entertainments. In harmony with our Growing Greener theme this year, we would also like to introduce local literary talent to the many avid readers of Mimico. Time: 5:30 p.m - 8:30 p.m. Venue: Mimico Memorial Park Location: Mimico Memorial Park is bordered by Hillside, Central, and George Streets, Etobicoke, ON Website: http://www.mimicobaptistchurch.org *or* www.mimicoresidents.ca |
Aug 5/2008 to Aug 26/2008 Toronto, ON |
The Truth Will Set You Free: Autobiographical Writing for Women of Colour, Aboriginal Women & TransPeople with Diana Smith People of colour and Aboriginal people have had our histories denied and our cultures appropriated by the dominant culture. Through exploring our lives and telling our stories we will begin to reclaim our histories, cultures and voices.
Week 1, Who Am I?
Week 2, Where Are You From?
Week 3, Emotional Journeys?
Week 4, Turning Points?
Time: Aug. 5, 12, 19, 26; 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm Venue: Toronto Women's Bookstore Location: Toronto, ON Categories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Women; Native Peoples
Aug 6/2008 to Aug 10/2008 Thunder Bay, ON |
Canadian Lakehead Exhibition Select Shows Midway, Agriculture, Entertainment, Commercial Exhibitors, Creative Arts, Livestock, Petting Zoo, Horticulture etc. Location: 425 Northern Ave., Thunder Bay, ON Website: http://www.cle.on.caFor information contact: clex@tbaytel.net Phone: 807-622-6473 Categories: Farming; Arts & Culture |
Aug 6/2008 to Aug 11/2008 Toronto, ON |
Hiroshima - Nagasaki Photo Exhibit The Hiroshima & Nagasaki Photo Exhibit features before and after a-bombing photos, details about the proliferation of nuclear weapons, and the story of human suffering including the health consequences caused by the devastation of nuclear war. The exhibit also displays emotional drawings and paintings from dozens of Hibakusha survivors with the message, never again.
Time: Opening 5:30 pm, August 6 Venue: Toronto City Hall Rotunda Location: Toronto, ON For information contact: Helen Chilas h-chilas [at] rogers.com Categories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
Aug 7/2008
Engaging the business sector in social change efforts Garry Lowen's latest publication, 'Collaborating with the Business Sector', identifies how collaborating with businesses can social change outcomes and provide tips om meeting the challenge such collaboration creates, and in August he will join John Weiser, co-author of 'Conversations with Disbelievers' and the lead author of the Ford Foundation's groundbreaking report, 'Part of the Solution: Low-Income People' in a conversation on engaging the business sector in social change efforts. Register for free today to be part of the conversation.
To register, visit Tamarack Community.
Time: 12-1 p.m. Venue: via Telephone Anywhere For information contact: Tamarack Institute for Community Engagement Phone: 519-885-5155 Categories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Business & Economics
Aug 7/2008 Sutton West, ON |
Sutton Fair & Horse Show Horse and Livestock Competitions, Homecraft Exhibits, ATV PULL, Horse Pull, Demo Derby etc.
Location: Fairpark Lane, HWY 48 & High St., Sutton West, ON For information contact: fair@ils.net Phone: 905-722-3165 Categories: Farming; Arts & Culture
Aug 7/2008 to Aug 10/2008 Aylmer, ON |
Aylmer Fair Holstein Show, Demo derbies, Amusements Midway, Petting zoo, Agricultural and Homecraft exhibits. Location: 139 Pine Street, Aylmer, ON Website: http://www.aylmerfair.caPhone: 519-773-3445 Categories: Farming; Arts & Culture |
Aug 7/2008 to Aug 10/2008 Navan, ON |
Navan Fair Demo derbies, Tractor pull, Livestock Competition, Rock & Blues Concerts etc. Location: 1279 Colonial Road, Navan, ON Website: http://www.navanfair.comFor information contact: navanfair@cyberus.ca Phone: 613-835-4008 Categories: Farming; Arts & Culture; Music |
Aug 7/2008 to Aug 11/2008 Mississauga, ON |
Fluoride Research (ISFR) 28th Conference There is interest by a new group of scientists in the growing area of the importance of the role of excess fluoride in the environment for the etiology of some human metabolic disorders and ecosystem health.
Many expert speakers on the issue of fluoridation of drinking water. Location: Mississauga, ON Website: http://www.fluorideresearch.orgFor information contact: Carole Clinch - People for Safe Drinking Water - caclinch@gmail.com Phone: 519-884-8184 Categories: Health/Health Care; Science & Technology; Environment |
Aug 8/2008 to Aug 9/2008 Fergus, ON |
Fergus Scottish Festival Interactive family celebration of Scottish culture featuring Friday Night Tattoo, pipebands, highland dancing, heavy events, Heritage tent, Celtic music etc. Location: 398 St. Andrew Str., Fergus, ON Website: http://www.fergusscottishfestival.comFor information contact: info@fergusscottishfestival.com Phone: 866-871-9442 Categories: Arts & Culture |
Aug 8/2008 to Aug 9/2008 Vancouver, BC |
Super Patriots and Morons Super Patriots and Morons is a political satire about a ruling government political party and its despotic leader, and is set in a country suffering from severe food shortages, fuel and food queues coupled with a repressive government infamous for using state security to silence dissenting voices.
After several performances in Zimbabwe it was banned in that country, but has toured other countries in Africa and throughout Europe.
Tickets are $15 in advance for general admission, $10 for students, seniors, and underemployed persons, and may be reserved by calling 604-294-5160 or by e-mail to pro@amnesty.ca. Both performances will be followed by a talkback session featuring members of the cast and other guest speakers.
Venue: UBC Frederic Wood Theatre Location: 6354 Crescent Road, Vancouver, BC For information contact: Don Wright Phone: 604-294-5160 Categories: Arts & Culture; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
Aug 8/2008 to Aug 9/2008
Wilberforce Fair Family agricultural fair. Website: http://www.wilberforcefair.comFor information contact: info@wilberforcefair.com Phone: 705-448-2683 Categories: Farming; Arts & Culture |
Aug 8/2008 to Aug 10/2008 Ear Falls, ON |
13th Trout Forest Music Festival - Ear Falls Camping on the shores of the English River; late night jams around the bonfire; workshops, swimming, artisans. Location: Ear Falls, ON Website: http://www.troutfest.comFor information contact: trout@troutfest.com Phone: 807-222-2404 Categories: Arts & Culture |
Aug 8/2008 to Aug 10/2008 Goderich, ON |
The Goderich Celtic Roots Festival The Goderich Celtic Roots Festival celebrates the folk music, dance and craft art traditions of Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Canada. Location: Goderich, ON Website: http://www.celticfestival.caFor information contact: celticfestival@cabletv.on.ca Phone: 519-524-8221 Categories: Arts & Culture |
Aug 9/2008 Toronto, ON |
Hiroshima / Nagasaki Peace Commemorations and Lantern Ceremony Toronto remembers the citizens of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombings.
Speakers to include ICAN, the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, Physicians for Global Survival, and the Canadian Department of Peace Initiative.
Performances to include Japanese drummers, the Raging Grannies, flautist Debbie Danbrook, and the silent story performance of ³Sadako², the young Japanese girl who survived the Hiroshima a-bombing when she was only two-years-old.
The reflecting Lantern Ceremony concludes the evening with hundreds of paper lanterns launched into the pool at Nathan Phillips Square.
Time: 4:30 pm - 9:00 pm Venue: Toronto Peace Garden, Nathan Phillips Square Location: City Hall, Toronto, ON Categories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
Aug 9/2008 to Aug 10/2008 Ottawa, ON |
Lighthouse Days: 100th Anniversary Celebration Join the Canada Science and Technology Museum for a celebration of lighthouses and all things nautical! Tour the Museumâs landmark Cape North lighthouse (weather permitting), enjoy lively Celtic music, and try out activities related to the science of boating and navigation. Time: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Venue: Canada Science and Technology Museum Location: 1867 St. Laurent Blvd., Ottawa, ON Website: http://sciencetech.technomuses.caFor information contact: Visitors Services Phone: 613-991-3044 Categories: Museums; Science & Technology |
Aug 10/2008 Toronto |
Prisoners Justice Day 2008, Speakers, Performers and a Candlelight Vigil 33rd annual celebration commemorating the deaths of Edward Nalon and Robert Landers who died in Millhaven solitary confinement on Aug. 10, 1974 and May 21, 1976 respectively and in remembrance of other prisoners who died due to the careless attitude of the prison system.
Speakers and performers TBA.
Time: 6:30 - 9:00 pm Venue: Outside Toronto Don Jail Location: 550 Gerrard St. E., Toronto For information contact: pjac_committee@yahoo.com Categories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Law Enforcement & Corrections
Aug 10/2008 to Aug 14/2008 San Diego USA |
Solar Energy + Applications 2008 This is a focused program of technical presentations and courses on photovoltaic cell technologies plus R&D of solar concentrators, solar hydrogen and other illumination systems. Leaders in the field will address barriers and solutions for commercialization of solar-generated products. Venue: San Diego Convention Centre Location: San Diego USA Website: http://www.spie.org/solar-energyFor information contact: customer service@spie.org Phone: 360-676-3290 Categories: Science & Technology; Environment |
Aug 11/2008 Toronto, ON |
Toronto's First Trans Job Fair Certain employers welcome trans people into the workplace.
Time: 1:30 - 4:30 pm Venue: Fred Victor Employment Resource Centre Location: 100 Lombard St., Suite 102 (Church & Richmond), Toronto, ON For information contact: Holden, holden@fredvictor.org Phone: 416-364-8228 ext. 320 Categories: Labour, Workplace, Unions; Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual
Aug 11/2008 to Aug 22/2008 Toronto, ON |
Youth, Camera, Action 2-week enviro-video production camp for 14 - 18 year olds Youth Camera Action is an environmental video production camp specifically designed for youth 14 - 18 yrs. old. Completed projects premiere as part of the Green Sprouts Youth Filmmakers Showcase at the Planet in Focus International Environmental Film & Video Festival each fall.
Location: www.planetinfocus.org/yca, Toronto, ON For information contact: Eva, eva@planetinfocus.org Phone: 416-531-1769 Categories: Environment; Skills & Training
Aug 12/2008 London, ON |
A Wild Weed Walk and Forage This herb walk series gives you an opportunity to experience the array of learning opportunities
of edible herbs and plant medicine through the various seasons.
There are thousasands of edible plants in the world yet fewer than 20 species now provide 90% of our food. However there are hundreds of less well known edible plants that grow all around us many of which are both delicious and nutritious.
Also on Aug. 19 & 26 Time: 7 - 9 pm Venue: Spirit of the Earth, The Living Centre Location: 5871 Bells Road, London, ON Website: http://www.thelivingcentre.comFor information contact: info@thelivingcentre.com Phone: 519-652-9109 Categories: Nature & Outdoors; Health/Health Care |
Aug 13/2008 to Aug 14/2008 Trenton, ON |
Biofibres and Building: Sustainable Communities, How Can We Afford Not To? This year the conference will explore biofibres opportunities and the green building industry with speakers from Canada and Europe. Venue: Holiday Inn Location: Trenton, ON Website: http://www.elorin.caFor information contact: Julia Bryan info@elorin.ca Phone: 613-533-3300 ext.3 Categories: Environment; Building & Construction |
Aug 13/2008 to Aug 17/2008 Toronto, ON |
Can-Fit-Pro International Fitness and Club Business Conference and Trade Show On our 15th anniversary, Can-Fit-Pro proudly continues to express our philosophy of enriching our lifestyles with superior education through our courses, exams, workshops, lectures, and demonstrations.
With over 200 presenters and over 500 sessions, this year’s conference and trade show promises dynamic workshops, amazing workouts and lectures, and worthwhile information!
There are many exciting features this year such as fitness icon and keynote speaker, Kathy Smith and the Zumba Dance Party! Venue: Metro Toronto Convention Centre Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.canfitpro.comFor information contact: conferences@canfitpro.com Phone: 416-493-3515 Categories: Health/Health Care; Education |
Aug 13/2008 to Aug 17/2008 , BC |
Natural Building --- Building as if People Mattered A week of discussion and hands-on practice of natural house building techniques. Each day
will contain presentations, discussion and some real physical work to help digest the information.
The course is directed at anyone involved with building and it would be beneficial to read "The Art of Natural Building" or "The Handsculpted House". Venue: Ecovillage Location: near Shawinigan Lake, Vancouver Island, BC Website: http://www.ourecovillage.orgFor information contact: Elke Cole info@ourecovillage.org Categories: Skills & Training; Environment |
Aug 14/2008 various, ON |
Blackout Day, Ontario This is to celebrate the 2003 blackout by "powering down" for the day. The aim is to use less than about 20% power (both privately and commercially) as compared to a normal day. Venue: across Ontario Location: various, ON Website: http://www.blackoutday.caCategories: Environment |
Aug 14/2008 Toronto, ON |
Citizen's Income Toronto Public Forum The topic is Citizen's Income, Basic Income, or Guaranteed Annual Income, and the federal political parties, the newsmedia, and the public, are invited to attend.
A citizen's income is defined as "a just income paid to everyone without condition and as a right of citizenship".
Time: 7:00 - 9:00 pm Venue: Woodsworth College, Rm. 123 Location: 119 St. George Str., Toronto, ON For information contact: Tim Rourke hello@citizensincome.ca Phone: 416-760-6622 Categories: Human Rights, Law, Legal; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Economic Development
Aug 14/2008 to Aug 16/2008 Toronto, ON |
The First Movement: How We Forgot Here The Movement Project invites you to board Ojibway Airlines. While on board, you will be immersed in pulsating multi-artistic memories - a series of arresting multi-media stories that reveal the depths of migration and settlement in Toronto.
Visual projections, taiko drumming etc. Time: 8:00 pm, Aug.17 : 3:00 pm Venue: Walnut Studio Loft Location: 83 Walnut Str., Toronto, ON Website: http://www.themovement project.caFor information contact: wemove@themovementproject.ca Categories: Arts & Culture; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Aug 14/2008 to Aug 17/2008 Ottawa, ON |
Ottawa Folk Festival The Ottawa Folk Festival offers an exciting lineup of artists from rising stars to national and international headliners at Britannia Park on the Ottawa River. Venue: Britannia Park Location: Ottawa, ON Website: http://www.ottawafolk.orgFor information contact: festival@ottawafolk.org Phone: 613-230-8234 Categories: Arts & Culture |
Aug 15/2008 to Aug 17/2008
Intentional Communities Conference The Intentional Communities Conference is a networking and learning opportunity for anyone interested or involved in cooperative or communal lifestyles.
Many workshops and events are planned from collective child raising to community economics to campfires etc.
Camping gear is required. Location: between Charlottsville and Richmond, USA Website: http://www.communitiesconference.org/?q=node/4Phone: 540-894-5126 Categories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Aug 15/2008 to Aug 17/2008 Owen Sound, ON |
Summerfolk Music and Crafts Festival - Owen Sound Festival features Artisan Village, Food Village, First Nations Village, Children's Village plus Folk/Roots/Traditional music on three evening stages. Location: Owen Sound, ON Website: http://www.summerfolk.orgFor information contact: gbfs@bmts.com Phone: 519-371-2973 Categories: Arts & Culture |
Aug 16/2008 Amherst Island, ON |
Amherst Island Folk Festival - Stella This island, south of Kingston, ON, has been a mecca for visual artists for years and has become a welcome point for musicians both from Toronto and Montreal. Location: Amherst Island, ON Website: http://www.amherstislandfolkfestival.caFor information contact: info@amherstislandfolkfestival.ca Categories: Arts & Culture |
Aug 16/2008 Maberly, ON |
Ardoch Algonquin First Nations & Allies Invite You to the Community Men's Drum Awakening & Potluck Dinner at Maberly Town Hall Drum Workshop starts at 10 am
Dinner and Ceremony starts at 6 pm
Time: 6 pm - 8 pm Venue: Town Hall Location: Maberly, ON For information contact: Mitchell Shewell Phone: 613-548-1500 Categories: Arts & Culture; Native Peoples
Aug 16/2008 Bradford, NU |
Carrot Fest 2008 A celebration of Bradford's agricultural heritage. The "Mighty Carrot" is honored and its central role in the area's history as Canada's largest carrot producing region. Venue: "The Four Corners"- downtown Bradford Location: Hwy. 11 & County Rd. 88 (50 km north of Toronto), Bradford, NU Website: http://www.town.bradfordwestgwillimbury.on.caFor information contact: Cathy Nesbitt cathy@cathyscomposters.com Phone: 905-775-9495 Categories: Farming; Environment |
Aug 16/2008 Aurora, ON |
Doors Open Aurora 2008 is the 3rd year of Doors Open Aurora, which showcases the 2008 Aurora Year of Arts, Culture and Heritage.
For a complete list of participating sites and local maps, contact Doors Open Aurora. Time: 10 am to 4 pm unless otherwise noted Location: Aurora, ON Website: http://www.town.aurora.on.caPhone: 905-727-3123 x4762 Categories: Architecture; Arts & Culture; Tourism & Hospitality Industry |
Aug 16/2008 Toronto, ON |
Eco Savvy Festival This festival celebrates and recognizes local businesses and community groups that promote eco-friendly practices. Time: 11 am - 9 pm Venue: Mel Lastman Square Location: 5100 Yonge Street, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.cathyscomposters.comFor information contact: cathy nesbitt cathy@cathycomposters.com Phone: 905-775-9495 Categories: Environment |
Aug 16/2008 Toronto, ON |
Toronto Poetry Slam @ Drake Hotel Spoken Word Competition Featuring Cassie Poe and Phoenix from Detroit Time: 7:30 pm Venue: Drake Hotel Underground Location: 1150 Queen St. W., Toronto, ON Website: http://www.torontopoetryslam.comPhone: 416-312-3865 Categories: Arts & Culture |
Aug 16/2008 Caledon, ON |
Whole Village Ecovillage: Orientation/Tour Whole Village Orientation meetings are held monthly at Whole Village farm, near Orangeville.
This is an opportunity to meet members of this intentional community, tour the farm and Greenhaven, an ecoresidence. Time: 1:00 - 4 pm Venue: Whole Village farm Location: Caledon, ON Website: http://www.wholevillage.orgFor information contact: info@wholevillage.org Phone: 519-941-1099 Categories: Environment; Farming |
Aug 16/2008 to Aug 17/2008 Hills of Headwaters, ON |
Doors Open Hills of Headwaters For a complete list of participating sites and local maps, contact Door Open Hills of Headwaters. Time: 10 am to 4 pm, unless otherwise noted Location: Hills of Headwaters, ON Website: http://www.doorsopeninthehills.caFor information contact: Doors Open Hills of Headwaters Phone: 1-866-390-9383 Categories: Architecture; Arts & Culture; Tourism & Hospitality Industry |
Aug 17/2008 Toronto, ON |
Kensington's Fifth Anniversary of the Blackout Edition Kensington Market marks the fifth annual blackout with all-acoustic music, kid-powered fun and community meals. Time: 1:00 - 10:00 pm Location: Augusta St., south of College, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.pskensington.caPhone: 416-929-4900 Categories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Aug 18/2008 to Aug 20/2008 Oakville, ON |
ACER Summer Institute: Environmental Monitoring on your Schoolyard At our "Our Schoolyard Summer Institute", we teach Teachers how to do environmental monitoring on their schoolyards. It's cross-curricular, hands-on, and important data collection for the international monitoring community. Location: Oakville, ON Website: http://www.measureup.ca/programs.htmlFor information contact: Leslie Cauchi ourschoolyard@acer-acre.org Phone: 905-275-7685 Categories: Environment |
Aug 18/2008 to Aug 20/2008 Kingston, ON |
The New Poverty Agenda: Reshaping policies in the 21st century This annual summer institute brings together senior policymakers and leading researchers to review recent findings and to discuss major directions in social policy.
The program explores the new patterns of poverty for key social programs and explores changes which may be required.
Venue: School of Policy Studies Location: 138 Union Street, Queen's U., Kingston, ON For information contact: Mario Gillis Phone: 613-533-6217 Categories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Social Policy
Aug 18/2008 to Aug 21/2008 Toronto, ON |
Engage, educate, empower - Drama as a tool for social change This theatre training workshop, offered by Mixed Company Theatre, helps participants gain a fresh perspective on improvisation, workplace challenges, trust and team building, lobbying for change and dealing with social and personal issues. Time: 10:00 am - 5:00 pm Venue: Mixed Company Theatre Location: 157 Carlton Str., Suite 201, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.mixedcompanytheatre.comFor information contact: info@mixedcompanytheatre.com Phone: 416-515-8080 Categories: Health/Health Care; Arts & Culture |
Aug 18/2008 to Aug 24/2008 Toronto, ON |
Computation Computer Recycling Event Environmentally friendly way to dispose of unwanted computer equipment. The event is free with some exceptions. Time: 10:00 am - 6:00 pm Venue: Computation Ltd Location: 280 Jane St., Toronto, ON Website: http://www.computation.toFor information contact: Dennis Maslo dmaslo@computation.to Phone: 416-629-5667 Categories: Environment |
Aug 20/2008 to Aug 24/2008 Frederickton, NB |
Solar Energy Society of Canada & Canadian Solar Buildings Research Network Conference 33rd Annual Conference of the Solar Energy Society of Canada & 3rd Canadian Solar Buildings Research Conference Aug. 20 - 22, 2008
Network Research Meeting:
Aug.23 - 24, 2008 Location: Frederickton, NB Website: http://www.sesci.ca/conference.html www. solarbuildings ca/en/cCategories: Environment |
Aug 21/2008 to Aug 23/2008 Peterborough, ON |
Peterborough Folk Festival Music, food, crafts, Children's Village, community groups and more. Location: Peterborough, ON Website: http://www.ptbofolkfest.caFor information contact: ptbofolkfest.ca Phone: 705-749-3220 Categories: Arts & Culture |
Aug 21/2008 to Aug 24/2008 , ON |
2008 Social Justice Summer Retreat This years's theme is: "From Poverty to Power" ; based on last year's program the Retreat Working Group will be offering a popular educational program for those 12 - 17 years of age. Venue: Camp Arowhon Location: Algonquin Park, ON Website: http://www.socialjustice.orgFor information contact: rachel@socialjustice.org Categories: Education; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Aug 21/2008 to Aug 25/2008 Vancouver, BC |
Youth Summit on Sustainable Urban Transportation The Youth Summit creates an opportunity for delegates to:
-discover the role of transit, walking and cycling in fostering urban sustainability
-learn about best pesticides to use in an urban setting
-initiate a mentor assisted project relating to sustainable transportation
-build a network of contacts and have fun
Location: Vancouver, BC Categories: Environment; Transportation & Travel
Aug 22/2008 Toronto, ON |
The World According to Monsanto - now in theatres - plus related news, resources & organizations Monsanto is the world leader in genetically modified organisms (GMO's) as well as one of the most controversial corporations in industrial history, having created some very toxic products. Presently it is trying to attain market supremacy with genetically modified seeds that resist its latest pesticide: Roundup. Showings at the Royal, Toronto and at the Vancity, Vancouver.
Venue: Royal Theatre Location: 608 College Str., Toronto, ON Phone: 416-534-5252 Categories: Environment
Aug 22/2008 to Aug 23/2008 Brampton, ON |
Project CHIRP: Creating Habitat in Residential Areas and Parkland This event includes:
-Tour of the first Canadian Wildlife Association certified backyard songbird habitat
- Also refueling station for migratory birds
-Songbird pond and plant species which attract songbirds
-Merits of green roofs
Time: 1 pm - 2 pm Venue: Sheridan College Location: Brampton, ON For information contact: projectchirp@rogers.com Phone: 416-236-7234 Categories: Environment; Nature & Outdoors
Aug 22/2008 to Aug 24/2008 Pefferlaw |
Eaglewood Folk Festival This small and intimate festival boasts a 19-year tradition of presenting the best Canadian songwriters and has a long history of great campfire jams. Venue: Eaglewood Resort Location: Pefferlaw Website: http://www.eaglewoodfolk.comPhone: 705-437-4347 Categories: Arts & Culture |
Aug 22/2008 to Aug 24/2008 Oshweken, ON |
Peace and Friendship Gathering, Oshweken, Six Nations Territory The primary focus of the festival will be a series of workshops, talks and presentations related to indigenous sovereignty, environmental politics and issues of anti-racism and social justice.
Location: Oshweken, ON For information contact: Ken Hill peaceandfriendshipgathering@gmail.com Phone: 519-445-2403 Categories: Native Peoples; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
Aug 22/2008 to Aug 24/2008 Saskatoon |
We Are Many: A Festival This Festival uses the energy and spirit of the arts - music, theater, dance, literature, and visual art - to enrich and strengthen commitment to, and understanding of, environmentally sustainable living. The following will be featured: arts exhibits and performances, hands- on workshops and symposia on the whats, hows and whys of sustainability. Venue: Diefenbaker Park and Prairieland Exhibition Centre Location: Saskatoon Website: http://www.wearemanyfestival.com/For information contact: Ellen Quigley ellen@wearemanyfestival.com Categories: Environment; Arts & Culture |
Aug 23/2008 Toronto, ON |
Farm to Fork Festival Local producers will bring their fare, local chefs will be working their magic and you and yours can pitch in to make a wide range of tasty treats from scratch. Time: 10 am - 2 pm Venue: Evergreen Brick Works Location: Don Valley, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.evergreen.ca/rethinkspace/?p=285Categories: Food & Beverage; Farming |
Aug 23/2008 Toronto, ON |
Kapisanan Philippine Centre's 3rd Annual Filipino Arts Festival: KULTRA Spoken word/music performances in the park, arts & crafts, Pinoy street food?! fishballs. Play Filipino playwrights & actors, short films by Filipino filmmakers.
Time: 1:00 pm Venue: KPC at Bellevue Square Park Location: Toronto, ON For information contact: Caroline Mangosing Phone: 416-708-2796 Categories: Arts & Culture
Aug 23/2008 Vancouver, BC |
Sustainable Lighting: Sustainable Building Centre Guest Lecture Green energy lighting products will be on hand to show what they look like, what type of light they produce and energy saved. Professional speakers give presentations with respect to latest trends.
Venue: Light House Sustainable Building Centre Location: 1575 Johnston St., Granville Island, Vancouver, BC For information contact: info@sustainablebuildingcentre.com Phone: 604-682-5960 Categories: Environment; Science & Technology
Aug 23/2008 Toronto, ON |
Toronto Women's Bookstore Celebrates 35 years Celebration includes all the store's present and past employees, dj's Nik Rice and No Capitalista, tribute to past employees, fun prizes and give-aways and a silent auction.
Time: 8:00 pm Venue: Gladstone Hotel Location: 1214 Queen St. West, Toronto, ON For information contact: Janet info@womensbookstore.com Categories: Journalism, Writing, Literary, Language; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
Aug 23/2008 to Aug 24/2008 Markham, ON |
Doors Open Markham Celebrating Markham's historic villages! Time: 10 am to 4 pm, unless otherwise noted Location: Markham, ON Website: http://www.doorsopenmarkham.caPhone: 905-477-0117 Categories: Architecture; Arts & Culture; Tourism & Hospitality Industry |
Aug 24/2008 Toronto, ON |
Green Energy Introductory Seminar The Green Energy Introductory Seminar (GEI) is a one day workshop that gives an overview of general concepts, resources, technologies and practices of Green Energy for domestic use. Domestic solar hot water, pool heating and wind power will be discussed. $75 per session. Time: 10 am - 4pm Venue: Kortright Centre for Conservation Location: 9550 Pine Valley Dr., Woodbridge, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.kortright.orgFor information contact: cmacgillivray@trca.on.ca Phone: 416-667-6295 Categories: Environment |
Aug 24/2008 Toronto, ON |
Writing Outside The Margins Church and Wellesley streets will be taken over by queer literary arts. Last year, 7000 visitors flocked to this site to hear some of Canada's and the world's best queer writers.
Venue: Church & Wellesley Streets Location: Toronto, ON For information contact: Brandon Sawh brandon.sawh@xtra.ca Phone: 416-644-5204 Categories: Arts & Culture; Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual
Aug 24/2008 to Aug 27/2008 Las Vegas |
StorErotica Convention and Tradeshow The intimate apparel and products expo. Venue: Mandalay Bay Location: Las Vegas Website: http://www.storerotica.comCategories: Retail; Sexuality; Marketing, Advertising, Public Relations |
Aug 25/2008 to Aug 28/2008 , NS |
Ecotopia: Environmental Action for Youth ages 14 - 18 Ecotopia is a 4 day event of environmental gathering for Atlantic youth to take part in skill building workshops on leadership, ecological footprint, climate change, traditional knowledge, etc. Venue: St. Margaret's Bay Location: NS Website: http://www.sierraclub.ca/atlanticFor information contact: Maryam Adrangi maryama@sierra club.ca Phone: 902-444-3113 Categories: Environment; Education |
Aug 26/2008 Halifax, NS |
Benefit concert for peace: Errol Lee Errol's music and his positive messages are about honesty, empathy, respect and optimism. All proceeds will go to the Centre for Development and Peace Education in Sierra Leone and West Africa.
Time: 6:30 pm Venue: Citadel High School Cafeteria Location: 1855 Trollope St., Halifax, NS For information contact: info@peacefulschoolsinternational Phone: 1-866--532-0228 Categories: Arts & Culture; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
Aug 26/2008 to Sep 1/2008 Toronto, ON |
Ashkenaz Festival This biannual event is the world's largest celebration of Klezmer music and Yiddish/Jewish culture. The show will include a wide range of Yiddish culture, from the most traditional to the
cutting edge contemporary. Venue: Harbourfront Centre Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.ashkenazfestival.comFor information contact: sam@ashkenazfestival.com Phone: 416-979-9901 Categories: Arts & Culture |
Aug 27/2008 Toronto, ON |
Planning meetings for Take Back The Night 28th annual Take Back the Night happening. This year's theme is: "Surviving Our HerStories";
every woman's daily survivorship experience needs to be recognized.
Planning meeting dates to be provided.
Venue: Queen West Community Centre at Grange Park Location: 98 McCaul Street, Toronto, ON For information contact: Deb Phone: 416-597-1171 ext.230 Categories: Women; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
Aug 29/2008 to Aug 31/2008 Grafton, ON |
ShelterValley Folk Festival - Grafton A grassroots family weekend of art, wellness, sustainable living, harvest foods and the finest
in Folk, Roots and Blues music. Location: Grafton, ON Website: http://www.sheltervalley.comFor information contact: info@sheltervalley.com Phone: 905-377-9556 Categories: Arts & Culture |
Aug 29/2008 to Sep 2/2008 Ottawa, ON |
The Walk4Justice Over the past 40 years, hundreds and hundreds of indigenous women have gone missing or been murdered in Turtle Island. Walk4Justice is a group of native women who left Vancouver, BC on June 21, 2008 and are marching to Ottawa to demand a response versus violence against indigenous women.
Venue: Vancouver to Ottawa Location: Ottawa, ON For information contact: nomoresilence@riseup.net Categories: Native Peoples; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Women
Aug 29/2008 to Sep 21/2008 Vancouver, BC |
Bard on the Beach - Shakespeare Festival In Vanier Park, on the beach, against a backdrop of mountains, ocean and sky, are four of Shakespear's plays presented. The stages are set out of the back of open tents and thus the theatrical plays: Twelfth Night, The Tempest, King Lear and Titus Andronicus will be enjoyed by many on this, the 19th year of the Bard on the Beach Skakespeare Festival.
Time: Evening and matinea performances Venue: Vanier Park, on thebeach Location: Kitsilano, Vancouver, BC Phone: 1-877-739-0559 Categories: Arts & Culture
Aug 30/2008 to Sep 1/2008 Toronto, ON |
3-day novel contest The 3-Day Novel Contest is a thrill, a grind, and an awesome creative experience. It has inspired thousands of first drafts and countless good ideas. How many crazed plotlines, coffee-stained pages, pangs of doubt and moments of genius will this year’s contest bring ? And whforthat will you think up under pressure.
First prize: publication, 2nd prize: $500 Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.3daynovel.comCategories: Arts & Culture |
Aug 30/2008 to Sep 1/2008 Clairville, NB |
The Green Festival - NewBrunswick The event will include booths manned by environmental groups, selling of green products, energy and water saving, crafts, antiques, hay rides, etc. This family oriented tradeshow is in aid of Totem Wildlife & Children's Charity. Venue: Clairville Location: Clairville, NB Website: http://thegreenfestival.googlepages.com/For information contact: Peter and Rachel James pgajames@nb.sympatico.ca Phone: 1-506-785-6685 Categories: Arts & Culture; Environment |
Sep 1/2008 to Sep 5/2008 Valencia |
European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference This is the twenty third European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference & Exhibition which brings together research and development experts, industry, utilities, political actors, architects and end-users. This global forum is important to foster the sustainable future of solar, photovoltaic technology Venue: Convention and Exhibition Centre Location: Spain, Valencia Website: http://www.photovoltaic-conference.comFor information contact: pv.conference@wip-munich.de Phone: +49-89 720 12 735 Categories: Environment; Science & Technology |
Sep 1/2008 to Oct 31/2008
Women's History Month Since 1992, Women's History Month highlights the contributions of women to Canadian society and recognizes the achievements of women as a vital part of the Canadian Heritage.
Venue: across Canada For information contact: information@swc-cfc.gc.ca Phone: 613-995-7835 Categories: Women
Sep 1/2008 to Nov 30/2008 , ON |
Celebration of Trail Trail events, eastern Ontario, promote healthy lifestyles, healthy economies and opportunities to explore Ontario's wonderful trails. Location: ON Website: http://www.celebrationoftrails.caFor information contact: Barrie Martin barrie.martin@sympatico.ca Phone: 705-754-3436 Categories: Health/Health Care; Nature & Outdoors; Tourism & Hospitality Industry |
Sep 3/2008 Toronto, ON |
Rising energy prices, energy efficiency and your home Making homes more energy efficient to save money: have any questions answered by Village Technologies and Energuy experts. Time: 7:00 pm Venue: Ralph Thornton Centre Location: 756 Queen St. E., Toronto, ON Website: http://www.villagetechnologies.caFor information contact: Gabriel Draven gabriel@villagetechnologies.ca Phone: 416-465-0729 Categories: Environment |
Sep 3/2008 to Nov 4/2008 Toronto, ON |
Course on Globalization & World Inequality Includes the following topics: The origins of global equality: from Columbus to the World Bank;
Imperialism: How the US maintains its Empire; Rebels and Guerrillas..., Child labour and extreme poverty... and more. Time: Wed. nights, 7 - 10 pm Venue: OISE, U of Toronto Location: St. George Subway, Bloor/Bedtord Rd., Toronto, ON Website: http://www.workereducation01@yahoo.caCategories: Education; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Sep 4/2008 to Sep 13/2008 Toronto, ON |
Toronto International Film Festival Screenings of international films of note. Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.tiff08.caPhone: 416-967-7371 Categories: Arts & Culture; International |
Sep 5/2008 Hamilton, ON |
The politics of health in the occupied Palestinian Territories Dr. Rita Giacaman, Professor of Public Health, Institute of Community and Public Health, Birzeit University will speak on the politics of health in occupied Palestine. Her talk will focus on the way in which health conditions in the occupied territories were shaped and modified by the extraordinary conditions of 60 years of conflict with Israel, extreme dependence on international and humanitarian aid, and, more recently, inter-Palestinian fighting. As judged by the available data, population health has been deteriorating since the mid-1990s.
Time: 12:45 - 1:45 Venue: McMaster University Location: MDCL 3020, Hamilton, ON Categories: Health/Health Care; International; Human Rights, Law, Legal
Sep 5/2008 to Sep 7/2008 Toronto, ON |
Annual Vegetarian Food Fair @ Harbourfront Centre This is the Toronto Vegetarian Association's 24th Vegetarian Food Fair which includes 100 exhibitors, a wide variety of presentations and demos and finally a plethora of new and old dishes and products prepared according to vegetarian guidelines. Venue: Harbourfront Centre Location: 235 Queen's Quay West (at Lower Simcoe), Toronto, ON Website: http://www.veg.ca/content/view/52/83/Categories: Food & Beverage; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Sep 5/2008 to Sep 7/2008 Ottawa, ON |
SimplyRaw Festival & Raw Lifestyles Film Festival This festival includes:
-Raw speakers Matt Monarch, Angela Stokes, etc.
-Raw food prep demos & workshops; raw food exhibitors, raw vegan pie contest Venue: Central Park Location: Ottawa, ON Website: http://www.simplyraw.ca/festival08/For information contact: festival@simplyraw.ca Phone: 613-234-0806 Categories: Food & Beverage; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Sep 6/2008 Vancouver, BC |
Neighbourhood Day A free family gathering with children's rides, barbeque, local firms manning donation booths and a much more.
Time: 11:30 am - 3:00 pm Venue: West End Community Centre Location: Vancouver, BC For information contact: CatherineCrough Phone: 604-257-8349 Categories: Social Services; Arts & Culture
Sep 6/2008 to Sep 7/2008 Cornwall-Seaway Valley, ON |
Doors Open Cornwall-Seaway Valley For a complete list of participating sites and local maps, contact Cornwall and Seaway Valley Tourism Time: 10 am to 4 pm, unless otherwise noted Location: Cornwall-Seaway Valley, ON Website: http://www.cornwalltourism.comFor information contact: Cornwall and Seaway Valley Tourism Phone: 1-800-937-4748 Categories: Architecture; Arts & Culture; Tourism & Hospitality Industry |
Sep 6/2008 to Sep 7/2008 Oxford, ON |
Doors Open Oxford For a complete list of participating sites and local maps, contact Doors Open Oxford. Time: 10 am to 4 pm, unless otherwise noted Location: Oxford, ON Website: http://www.doorsopenoxford.ca,www.tourismoxford.caFor information contact: Doors Open Oxford Phone: 519-539-9800, ext. 3355 |
Sep 7/2008 Toronto, ON |
Book Sale at The Cabbagetown Festival Each year, thousands of new books are donated by local Canadian Publishers and sold at significantly discounted prices to book lovers and supporters of WLC in order to further the cause of world literacy. Time: 10:00 am - 5:00 pm Venue: Cabbagetown Location: Parliament & Carlton Streets, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.worldlit.ca.booksalesandfestivalsFor information contact: Shawna Rathburn shawna@worldlit.ca Phone: 416-977-0008 Categories: Journalism, Writing, Literary, Language; Education; Social Services |
Sep 7/2008 Kawartha Lakes, ON |
Doors Open Kawartha Lakes For o complete list of participating sites and local maps, contact the Lindsay and District Chamber of Commerce. Time: 10 am to 4 pm, unless otherwise noted Location: Kawartha Lakes, ON Website: http://www.city.kawarthalakes.on.caFor information contact: The Linsday and District Chamber of Commerce Phone: 705-324-2393 Categories: Architecture; Arts & Culture; Tourism & Hospitality Industry |
Sep 8/2008
International Literacy Day This event celebrates and promotes an increase in reading and writing skills among Canadians. Venue: across Canada Website: http://www.cfs.nrcan.gc.caFor information contact: Kelly Morrison, Office, Office of Literacy and Essential Skills, kelly.m Phone: 819-953-6967 Categories: Education; Skills & Training |
Sep 9/2008 to Sep 10/2008 Toronto, ON |
Green Building Festival & Conference (4th Annual) This trade show features the best green building projects, practitioners and products in Canada. Venue: Toronto Congress Centre Location: 650 Dixon Rd. (Hwy 401/Hwy 27), Toronto, ON Website: http://www.greenbuildingfest.comFor information contact: Jeff Ranson jeff@innovolve.com Phone: 416-364-0050 ext. 303 Categories: Environment; Building & Construction |
Sep 10/2008 Toronto, ON |
Public Event: Venezuela and Bolivia: People Against Empire An open forum on the achievements of popular movements in Latin America.
Guest speakers:
Dr. Maria Paez Victor, Venezuelan sociologist
Cynthia Cisneros Fajardo, Indigenous journalist, activist and participant in the Aug. 10 referendum in Bolivia
Time: 7 pm Venue: Center for Social Justice Location: 489 College Street, one block west of Bathurst, Toronto, ON For information contact: suzanneweiss63@yahoo.com Categories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Social Policy
Sep 10/2008 Vancouver, BC |
Ronald Wright Award winning author Ronald Wright presents his thought provoking new book: "What Is America? A Short History of the New World Order".
A passionate look at the world's most influential nation; also Wright asks some critical questions about a superpower whose fate now seems to be in the balance.
Time: 7:30 - 9:00 pm Venue: Vancouver Public Library, Central Branch Location: 350 W. Georgia Str., Vancouver, BC For information contact: Community Relations Office Phone: 604-331-4044 Categories: Politics & Political Organizations; Journalism, Writing, Literary, Language
Sep 11/2008 Toronto, ON |
Centre for Women's Studies in Education (CWSE)OISE/UT Open House Open House for CWSE at OISE of University of Toronto
Time: 4:30 - 6:30 pm Venue: OISE, Room 2-225 Location: 252 Bloor St. West, Toronto, ON Categories: Women; Education
Sep 11/2008 Vancouver, BC |
Jonathan Harrington The author (Jonathan Harrington) presents eco-change concepts in such a way that they are easily understood.
Time: 7:30 - 9:00 pm Venue: Public Library, Central Branch, Alma VanDusan Room Location: 350 W. Georgia Str., Vancouver, BC For information contact: Community Relations Office Phone: 604-331-4044 Categories: Environment; Journalism, Writing, Literary, Language
Sep 11/2008 to Sep 20/2008 Halifax, NS |
Atlantic Film Festival (AFF) In addition to screening films from around the world and across Canada, and providing a platform for showcasing the finest Atlantic Canadian films, AFF programmers scour the world for unique films for an AFF audience. Whether it’s inspiring documentaries, offbeat film noir, the latest Hollywood has to offer or beautifully crafted animation, there will be a favourite film for everyone Location: Halifax, NS Website: http://www.atlanticfilm.comPhone: 902-422-3456 Categories: Arts & Culture |
Sep 12/2008 Toronto, ON |
9/11 "Truther" Conspiracy Theory Debate & Discussion Debate and Discussion about whether the 9/11 catastrophe was an "inside job" (conspiracy) or not. The debate will be between William Mount and John Ray representing the conventional side and Doug Plumb and Michael Keefer, as "truthers" or believers in the conspiracy theory.
Time: 7:00 - 9:00 pm Venue: Centre for Inquiry Ontario Location: 216 Beverly Street (Continuation of St. George), Toronto, ON For information contact: jtrottier@centerforinquiry.net Phone: 416-402-8856 Categories: International; Media, Entertainment, News, Communications
Sep 12/2008 to Sep 13/2008 Montreal, QC |
35th Annual Meeting Two day conference open to plastic surgeons focusing on cosmetic surgery. Time: 0800 - 1700 Venue: Hyatt Regency Location: Montreal, QC Website: http://csaps.caFor information contact: Pat Hewitt Phone: 905-831-7750 Categories: Health/Health Care |
Sep 12/2008 to Sep 13/2008 Kenora, ON |
Doors Open Kenora For a complete list of participating sites and local maps, contact Door Open Kenora. Time: 10 am to 4 pm, unless otherwise noted Location: Kenora, ON Website: http://www.lakeofthewoodsmuseum.caFor information contact: Doors Open Kenora Phone: 807-467-2105 Categories: Architecture; Arts & Culture; Tourism & Hospitality Industry |
Sep 12/2008 to Sep 14/2008 Halifax, NS |
Strategic Partners September 12 – 14, 2008, we will celebrate the Strategic Partners 11th international co-production market. Focusing on film and television, SP annually selects 200 producers, investors, sales agents, agencies, broadcasters and distributors from around the world to participate, with specific delegations from our featured spotlight countries, Argentina, Brazil and Mexico along with delegations from our anchor countries of the US, UK and Canada Location: Halifax, NS Website: http://www.atlanticfilm.comPhone: 902-420-4571 Categories: Arts & Culture; Business & Economics |
Sep 13/2008 North Bay, ON |
Can-Change Festival North Bay's second environmental festival. Local vendors selling environmentally friendly products. Live music and various events. Free information for the public. Time: noon - midnight Venue: Noth Bay Waterfront Location: North Bay, ON Website: http://www.canchangefestival.tk/For information contact: Christina Vardy can.change@hotmail.com Categories: Environment |
Sep 13/2008 St. John's, NL |
CFA Franchise Discovery Day - St. John's, NL Meet with successful franchisors that are actively seeking franchisees in your community!
CFA Franchise Discovery Days are shows that showcase a group of franchisors looking to expand into a targeted community. These events give potential franchisees the opportunity to ask questions of experienced franchise systems and attend free seminars by industry experts.
If you have considered going into business for yourself, this is an event you wont want to miss. Discover your future in franchising at CFA Franchise Discovery Days. Time: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Location: St. John's, NL Website: http://www.cfa.ca/page.aspx?url=FDD.htmlPhone: 1-800-665-4232 Categories: Economic Development; Business & Economics |
Sep 13/2008 Haldimand County, ON |
Doors Open Haldimand County For a complete list of participating sites and local maps, contact Doors Open Haldimand County.
Time: 10 am to 4 pm, unless otherwise noted Location: Haldimand County, ON For information contact: Doors Open Haldimand County Phone: 905-772-3790 Categories: Architecture; Arts & Culture; Tourism & Hospitality Industry
Sep 13/2008 Thunder Bay, ON |
Doors Open Thunder Bay Thunder Bay's 5th year in Doors Open Ontario! Time: 10 am to 4 pm, unless otherwise noted Location: Thunder Bay, ON Website: http://thunderbay.ca/index.cfm?use=html&pg=2926For information contact: Door Open Thunder Bay Phone: 807-625-2230 Categories: Architecture; Arts & Culture; Tourism & Hospitality Industry |
Sep 13/2008 Timmins, ON |
Doors Open Timmins For a complete list of participating sites and local maps, contact Doors Open Timmins.
Time: 10 am to 4 pm, unless otherwise noted Location: Timmins, ON For information contact: Doors Open Timmins Phone: 705-235-5066 Categories: Architecture; Arts & Culture; Tourism & Hospitality Industry
Sep 13/2008 Whitby, ON |
Doors Open Whitby Celebrating the 30th anniversary of the Withby LACAC and the 40th anniversary of the Whitby Archives! Time: 10 am to 4 pm, unless otherwise noted Location: Whitby, ON Website: http://www.whitby.on.caFor information contact: Doors Open Whitby Phone: 905-430-4306, ext. 2275 |
Sep 13/2008 to Sep 14/2008 Belleville, ON |
Doors Open Belleville and District For more information, contact Belleville and District Chamber of Commerce. Time: 10 am to 4 pm unless otherwise noted Location: Belleville, ON Website: http://www.dooropenbelleville.caFor information contact: Bellville and District Chamber of Commerce Phone: 613-962-4597 Categories: Architecture; Arts & Culture; Tourism & Hospitality Industry |
Sep 13/2008 to Sep 14/2008 Orangeville, ON |
EcoEnergy Expo (Sat & Sun) This expo will feature alternative energy, energy conservation and environmental options for consumers. Venue: Orangeville Location: Orangeville, ON Website: http://www.ecoexpo.ca/ www.aramanthlionsclub.comCategories: Environment |
Sep 13/2008 to Sep 14/2008 Mississauga, ON |
Fall Folk Festival & Environmental Fair Time: 11:00 am - 4:00 pm Venue: Bradley Museum Location: 1620 Orr Rd., Mississauga, ON For information contact: Kelly Kubik kelly.kubik@mississauga.ca Phone: 905-615-4860 ext. 2111 Categories: Arts & Culture; Environment
Sep 13/2008 to Sep 14/2008 Mississauga, ON |
Fall Folk Festival & Environmental Fair Family weekend of folk music and hands-on environmental exploration
Time: 11:00 am - 4:00 pm Venue: Bradley Museum Location: 1620 Orr Road, Mississauga, ON For information contact: Kelly Kubik kelly.kubik@mississauga.ca Phone: 905-615-4860 ext.2111 Categories: Environment; Music
Sep 13/2008 to Sep 14/2008 Toronto, ON |
The Extreme Freedom Seminar Extreme Freedom…free yourself! Based on Dr. John Demartini’s The Breakthrough Experience
Make deep and lasting changes in 2 days!
Transform your life. Empower yourself.
Find out how to manifest your life as you dream it to be!
Extreme Freedom® is an amazing and intensive two-day weekend program designed to help you identify and remove limiting thoughts and beliefs and emotions that are weighing you down and help you create clarity around your vision for your life.
After the weekend you will have more direction, certainty, clarity and you will be inspired and motivated. You will get to the heart of your true self.
You will learn The Demartini Method®, a process that allows you to breakthrough to high levels of inspiration, creativity and performance. Its benefits and results are tailored to your specific issues or concerns.
You will walk away knowing that this was truly one of the most valuable and rewarding experience of your life. Time: 830am-8pm Venue: Eastside Health and Wellness Centre Location: 880 Broadview Ave, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.thevibrantlifecoach.comFor information contact: Diane Andonovski Phone: 416 405 9478 Categories: Skills & Training |
Sep 14/2008
Terry Fox Run First held in 1981, the Terry Fox run is an annual fundraising event. Venue: various cities in Canada Website: http://www.terryfoxrun.org/english/home/default.asp?s=1For information contact: national@terrifoxrun.org Phone: 604-701-0246 Categories: Health/Health Care |
Sep 14/2008 to Sep 17/2008 Mississauga, ON |
69th Annual Educational Conference of the CIPHI ON Branch This event is for public health professionals.
Two keynote speakers are: Michael "Pinball" Clemons (Toronto Argonanauts Football)
Gord Miller (Environmental Commissioner of Ontario) Venue: Delta Meadowvale Resort & Conference Centre Location: Mississauga, ON Website: http://www.peelregion.ca/health/ciphiPhone: 905-791-7800 Categories: Health/Health Care |
Sep 15/2008 Vancouver, BC |
Stephen Hammond: Is Human Rights History? Stephen Hammond will discuss exerpts from his new book: "Steps in the Rights Direction:365 Human Rights Celebrations and Tragedies that Inspired Canada and the World".
Time: 7:30 - 9:00 pm Venue: The Vancouver Public Library, Central Branch, Alice MacKay Room Location: 350 W. Georgia Str., Vancouver, BC For information contact: Community Relations Office Phone: 604-331-4044 Categories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Journalism, Writing, Literary, Language
Sep 17/2008 Calgary, AB |
WordFest: Banff-Calgary International Writers Festival presents Miriam Toews Featured is Miriam Toew's new book: The Flying Troutman which is about the redemption of a family out of kilter trhrough a road trip. She has won the Governer General's Literary Award for Fiction, the John Hirsch Award and other prestigious awards
Time: 7:30 pm Venue: John Dutton Theatre, Central Library Location: 616 Macleod Trail SE, Calgary, AB For information contact: Banff-Calgary International Writer's Festival Categories: Journalism, Writing, Literary, Language
Sep 17/2008 to Sep 19/2008 Beaupre, near Quebec City, QC |
Composting 2008 Annual National Conference 2008 Venue: Chateau Mont-Sainte-Anne Location: 500 Boul. Du Beau Pre, Beaupre, near Quebec City, QC Website: http://www.compost.orgCategories: Farming; Environment |
Sep 17/2008 to Sep 21/2008 Ottawa, ON |
Ottawa International Animation Festival This event will include:
- film screenings
- workshops and panels
- animation school fair
- animators for hire
- special events Location: Ottawa, ON Website: http://www.ottawa.awn.comCategories: Arts & Culture |
Sep 18/2008 Montreal, QC |
Anti-colonial films - under the stars! Join us under the moon in downtown Montreal for a triple-bill of documentary films, depicting communities engaged in struggles against land theft and colonialism in Palestine and Canada.
bring your own: blankets, lawn-chairs, cushy seats
featuring the screenings of
1) Blockade! Algonquins Defend the Forest, 1990, 26 mins. Directed by Boyce Richardson
2) Against All Odds: the Algonquins of Barriere Lake, 2008, 40 min. Directed by Peter Vicaire & others
3) Palestine Blues, 2006, 72 min. Directed by Nida Sinnokrot
free, but donation encouraged Time: 7:30 (rain-date, same time Sunday) Venue: In the lot beside la Insoumise Location: 2035 St-Laurent. between Ontario and Sherbrooke metro St-Laurent, Montreal, QC Website: http://tadamon.resist.caCategories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; International; Native Peoples |
Sep 18/2008 Toronto, ON |
Banned Book Day (Part of CFI's Ongoing Campaign for Free Expression) Vibrant discussion on censorship and free speech in Canada based on readings from banned books such as: To Kill A Mockingbird, The Golden Compass, The King's Daughter, The Turner Diaries and others.
Time: 7 pm - 9 pm Venue: Centre for Inquiry Location: 216 Beverly Str. (Contin. of St. George), Toronto, ON For information contact: jtrottier@centerforinquiry.net Phone: 416-402-8856 Categories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Journalism, Writing, Literary, Language
Sep 18/2008 Toronto, ON |
Film Screening, The Enemies of Reason This film probes and questions the validity of so called "spirit communication" between the living and the dead, bending of metral objects with mind power alone, acupuncture, etc.
It presents some of the victims of hoaxes and interviews Steve Fuller, Deepak Chopra, Satish Kumar and Derren Brown
Time: 7 pm - 9 pm Venue: Centre for Inquiry Location: 216 Beverly Street (Contin. of St. George), Toronto, ON For information contact: jtrottier@centerforinquiry.net Phone: 416-402-8856 Categories: Media, Entertainment, News, Communications; International
Sep 18/2008 Toronto, ON |
Idealist Toronto Grad Fair Mid-career, new and aspiring social change professionals, that is those seeking a carreer in social change organizations are invited to this career fair. Time: 5:00 - 8:00 pm Venue: Hart House, The Great Hall, Main Floor Location: 7 Hart House Circle, U of Toronto campus, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.snipurul.com/to08gfFor information contact: jung@idealist.org Categories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Sep 18/2008 to Sep 20/2008 Quebec City, QC |
Sustainable Production and Consumption: From Corporate Governance to Citizen-Consumers An international conference to examine how locally and globally public authorities can encourage especially small and medium sized businesses, to incorporate sustainable production and consumption technologies into their activities.
The conference also wishes to consider whether current laws and regulations adequately protect consumers against deceptive information regarding the "sustainable" qualities and characteristics of the products they consume.
Many other matters are also included. Venue: Alphonse-Desjardins Pavilion, Laval University Location: Quebec City, QC Website: http://www.colloque2008cede.fd.ulaval.caCategories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Sep 18/2008 to Sep 20/2008 Ottawa, ON |
T2M: Mobility and the Environment The Museum is hosting an international conference on Mobility and the Environment organized by the International Association for the History of Transport, Traffic and Mobility (T2M). For more information or to register, visit www.t2m.org. Venue: Canada Science and Technology Museum Location: 1867 St. Laurent Blvd., Ottawa, ON Website: http://www.sciencetech.technomuses.caFor information contact: Kelly Ray Phone: 613-949-5732 Categories: Automotive & Cars; Environment; Science & Technology |
Sep 18/2008 to Sep 21/2008 Barrie, ON |
Conference: The Association of Central Canada Broadcast Engineers, Technologists and Technicians Inc.(CCBE) Topics of interest to members. Venue: Horseshoe Resort Location: Barrie, Barrie, ON Website: http://www.ccbe.caFor information contact: Joanne Firminger information@ccbe.ca Phone: 800-481-4649 Categories: Communications Industry & Technology |
Sep 18/2008 to Sep 21/2008 Edmonton, AB |
Refugee Camp in the Heart of Edmonton This is an exhibit, an actual reconstruction of a refugee camp, where MSF professionals (doctors, nurses, logisticians) guide the public through the authentic exhibit and thus foster awareness of a refugee's (internally displaced person) plight in securing shelter, food, water, medical care. Venue: downtown Location: Edmonton, AB Website: http://www.eventbrite.com/eventPhone: 1-800-982-7903 Categories: Health/Health Care; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Sep 19/2008 Toronto, ON |
Harvest Moon Gala Fund Raiser
Games of chance...Dance...Cash bar...Silent Auction...Prizes...Savoury & Sweet Delicacies...and Much More!
Tickets: $150.00 per person
Your support is so important
Time: Starting at 8:00 P.M. Venue: Toronto Hunt Club Location: 1355 Kingston Road, Toronto, ON Phone: 416-691-7407 ext. 676
Sep 19/2008 Toronto, ON |
Harvest Moon Gala Games of Chance... Dance...Cash Bar...Silent Auction...Prizes and Much More!
A donation may be made to the Senior Link Foundation.
Time: 8:00 pm Venue: Toronto Hunt Club Location: 1355 Kingston Rd., Toronto, ON Phone: 416-691-7407 ext. 676 Categories: Seniors; Health/Health Care
Sep 19/2008 to Sep 21/2008 Ancaster, ON |
The Geography of Hope - KAIROS Regional Meeting, with Chris Turner (Sept 19 - 21) Workshops and sessions on fair trade, ecology, and welcoming new members will accompany worship and lots of opportunity for networking. Venue: Mount Mary Immaculate Retreat Centre Location: Ancaster, Ancaster, ON Website: http://www.kairoscanada.orgCategories: Religious; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Sep 20/2008 Calgary, AB |
CFA Franchise Discovery Day - Calgary, AB Meet with successful franchisors that are actively seeking franchisees in your community!
CFA Franchise Discovery Days are shows that showcase a group of franchisors looking to expand into a targeted community. These events give potential franchisees the opportunity to ask questions of experienced franchise systems and attend free seminars by industry experts.
If you have considered going into business for yourself, this is an event you wont want to miss. Discover your future in franchising at CFA Franchise Discovery Days. Time: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Location: Calgary, AB Website: http://www.cfa.ca/page.aspx?url=FDD.htmlPhone: 1-800-665-4232 Categories: Economic Development; Business & Economics |
Sep 20/2008 King Township, ON |
Doors Open King Township For a complete list of participating sites and local maps, contact the King Township Museum. Time: 10 am to 4 pm, unless otherwise noted Location: King Township, ON Website: http://www.king.caFor information contact: King Township Museum Phone: 905-833-2331 Categories: Architecture; Arts & Culture; Tourism & Hospitality Industry |
Sep 20/2008 Newmarket, ON |
Doors Open Newmarket For a complete list of participating sites and local maps, contact Doors Open Newmarket. Time: 10 am to 4 pm, unless otherwise noted Location: Newmarket, ON Website: http://www.newmarket.caFor information contact: Doors Open Newmarket Phone: 905-953-5314 Categories: Architecture; Arts & Culture; Tourism & Hospitality Industry |
Sep 20/2008 Oil Heritage District, ON |
Doors Open Oil Heritage District 2008 Celebrate - Oil Heritage District Driving Tour. This year marks the 150 th anniversary of the first commercial il will in North America, located in Oil Springs - the birthplace of the modern oil industry. The people, skills and technology developed in Oil Springs and elsewhere in Lambton County contributed to most of the world's major oil fields in over 80 countries. "2008 Celebrate" is a year-long celebration with numerous events commemorating this anniversary. Time: 10 am to 4 pm, unless otherwise noted Location: Oil Heritage District, ON Website: http://www.2008celebrate.comCategories: Architecture; Arts & Culture; Tourism & Hospitality Industry |
Sep 20/2008 Waterloo Region, ON |
Doors Open Waterloo Region For a complete list of participating sites and local maps, see contact .
Time: 10 am to 4 pm, unles otherwise noted Location: Waterloo Region, ON Phone: 519-747-5139 Categories: Architecture; Arts & Culture; Tourism & Hospitality Industry
Sep 20/2008 to Sep 21/2008 London, ON |
Doors Open London For more information, contact Tourism London or visit thee Door Open London. Time: 10 am to 4 pm, unless otherwise noted Location: London, ON Website: http://www.doorsopenlondon.ca,www.londontourism.caFor information contact: Doors Open London Phone: 519-645-2845, ext. 35 Categories: Architecture; Arts & Culture; Tourism & Hospitality Industry |
Sep 20/2008 to Sep 21/2008 Oshawa, ON |
Doors Open Oshawa For a complete list of participating sites and local maps, contact Doors Open Oshawa. Time: 10 am to 4 pm, unless otherwise noted Location: Oshawa, ON Website: http://www.heritageoshawa.caFor information contact: Doors Open Oshawa Phone: 905-436-5636, ext. 2108 Categories: Architecture; Arts & Culture; Tourism & Hospitality Industry |
Sep 20/2008 to Sep 28/2008
TD Canadian Shoreline Cleanup An invitation for all Canadians to clean up shorelines of rivers, lakes, streams, ocean shorelines.
It has become one of the largest direct action environmental events in Canada.
Coordinators will be suppllied with free cleanup kits. Venue: across Canada Website: http://www.vanaqua.org/cleanupFor information contact: shorelinecleanup@vanaqua.org Phone: 1-877-427-2422 Categories: Environment |
Sep 21/2008 to Sep 22/2008 Toronto, ON |
Car-Free Day (Toronto, Mississauga and other cities Worldwide) For Mississauga the Car-Free Day is : Sept. 21, 2008
For Toronto the Car-Free Day is: Sept. 22, 2008
There will be displays, performances, live music on a car-free Yonge street in order to raise awareness concerning cars polluting the air. Time: 10 am - 4 pm Venue: Cities around the World Location: Toronto & Mississauga, Toronto, ON Website: http://wwwontariosierraclub.ca/events/index.php?id=1288 or 1287Categories: Environment |
Sep 21/2008 to Sep 23/2008 St. John's, NL |
26th Annual Conference and Trade Show for Teasury and Finance Professionals This event has six well-known keynote speakers and numerous presentations relating to financial matters, local, North American and global in scope. Venue: Delta St. John's Hotel & Conference Centre Location: St. John's, NL Website: http://www.tmac.ca/conferenceCategories: Investment, Finance, Insurance; Business & Economics |
Sep 21/2008 to Sep 27/2008
National Forest Week The purpose is to raise the awareness of Canadians of their country's rich forest heritage.
Venue: across Canada For information contact: Sylvie Provenzano, NRCan Phone: 613-992-5285 Categories: Education; Nature & Outdoors
Sep 22/2008 Charlottetown, PE |
Living on Earth International Book Tour, with Mike Nickerson Human activity cannot grow forever on a finite planet. When enough people realize this, the conventional wisdom will shift.
Mike Nickerson, sustainability educator and author of "Life, Money and Illusion" is on an international tour to spread his message. Time: 11:30 am, ES Course Venue: University of Prince Edward Island Location: Charlottetown, Charlottetown, PE Website: http://www.SustainWellBeing.caFor information contact: Donna Dillman dillman54@sympatico.ca Phone: 613-259-9988 Categories: Environment; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Sep 23/2008 Truro, NS |
If Women Counted _ Film Screening & Discussion The powerful documentary: "Who's Counting: Marilyn Waring on Sex, Lies and Global Economics" (1995) penetrates to the heart of the global, ecological and social crisis that afflicts the world. Discussion about women's role in society, in business and in politics will be led by Tamara Lorincz, Executive Director of the Nova Scotia Environmental Network. Time: 7:00 - 9:30 pm Venue: Nova Scotia Community College Location: Arthur Street, Truro, NS Website: http://www.nsen.caFor information contact: nsen@cen-rce.org Phone: 902-454-6846 Categories: Women; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Sep 23/2008 Toronto, ON |
Working Together to Create a Sustainable World: The Necessary Revolution It is imperative that a corporate world emerge whereby excess energy is shared, buildings that produce more enegy than they use be designed and built, and that for example companies such as Costco, Nike, BP etc. form partnerships with environmental and social organizations to ensure better stewardship of earth's resources.
It is this theme that Peter Senge and Bryan Smith reveal in their book: "The Necessary Revolution".
Time: 11:30 am - 1:00 pm Venue: York University, N201 SSB Location: Toronto, Toronto, ON For information contact: Mary Amati mamati@schulich.yorku.ca Phone: 416-736-5268 Categories: Environment; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
Sep 23/2008 to Sep 26/2008 Sherwood Park, AB |
Canadian Urban Forest Conference (Sept 23 -26) Urban forests are benefiting our communities. "People who will not sustain trees will soon live in a world which cannot sustain people" - Bryce Nelson
Conference highlights: carbon neutral event; world class speakers; children's tree conference; networking with fellow professionals. Venue: Sherwood Park Location: Sherwood Park, AB Website: http://www.cufc8.caCategories: Environment |
Sep 24/2008 Oakville, ON |
Bears and Doves: Peace Public Forum on the Struggle for Peace and Democracy in Russia Ms. Metta Spencer will talk about her soon to be published new book titled "Bears and Doves" which shows the impact of the international peace movement on Soviet military policies Time: 7 pm 9 pm Venue: St. Jude's Anglican Church Location: 160 William Str., Oakville, ON Website: http://www.oakvillepeacecentre.orgFor information contact: info@oakvillepeacecentre.org Phone: 905-849-5501 Categories: International; Military; Politics & Political Organizations |
Sep 24/2008 Toronto, ON |
No One Is Illegal Presents Speakings and Film Screening of "Crossing Arizona" This film describes the desperate plight of those crossing the treacherous Arizona Desert looking for work or searching for relatives. The rising death toll has resulted in sometimes compromised feelings about human rights, culture, class, labor and national security Time: 6:30 pm Venue: Bahen Centre, Rm. 1180 Location: 40 St. George Street, Toronto, ON Website: http://toronto.nooneisillegal.orgFor information contact: nooneisillegal@riseup.net Categories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Sep 24/2008 Calgary, AB |
Recognition of BIlly Graham and David Mainse for their lifetimes of integrity Recognition of an itinerant evangelist (Billy Graham) and a Canadian televangelist (David Mainse) for their lifetimes of personal and organizational integrity. Short audio-video overview of their careers, an interview with Will Graham (representing his grandfather Billy Graham) and David Mainse, presentation and acceptance of the one-time awards. A short speech will summarize what these leaders have in common that should inspire other ministry leaders. Time: Recognition event 8:00pm to 9:00pm; evening starts with dinner at 6:30pm and ends at 9:00pm Venue: Coast Plaza Hotel Location: 1316-33rd St NE, Calgary, AB Website: http://www.cccc.org/conferenceFor information contact: Heather Card Phone: 519-669-5137 Categories: Religious; Awards, Scholarships, Prizes; Management |
Sep 24/2008 Toronto, ON |
The Bond Between Us Evening of readings, discussion, visual imagery and celebration with authors Rob Laidlaw, Elizabeth Abbot, Else Poulsen.
Official release of Rob Laidlaw's new book: " Wild Animals in Captivity". Time: 7:00 pm Venue: George Ignatieff Location: 15 Devonshire Place, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.zoocheck.comPhone: 416-285-1744 Categories: Journalism, Writing, Literary, Language; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Sep 24/2008 Musquodoboit Harbour, NS |
The Story of Stuff: Toward Sustainable Consumption and Production - Film and Discussion The Story of Stulff is a fast paced look at our production/consumption patterns. A huge number of environmental and social issues are exposed and the ensuing discussion is to address sustainability in our lifestyles.
Time: 6:30 - 8:00 pm Venue: Musquodoboit Harbour Public Library Location: Village Plaza, 7900 #7 Highway, Musquodoboit Harbour, NS For information contact: nsen@cen-rce.org Phone: 902-454-6846 Categories: Environment; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
Sep 24/2008 to Sep 27/2008 Vancouver, BC |
Vancouver Film and Television Forum The Forum's program content continues to provide smart, serious, challenging and timely discussions ranging from the ever-prevalent issue of viral marketing and digital distribution to finding that elusive co-production partner. The 2008 Vancouver Film and Television Forum will continue to host an unprecedented line-up of multiple award-winning speakers from some of the most celebrated, successful and critically acclaimed films and TV shows of this millennium Location: Vancouver, BC Website: http://www.viff.org/forumPhone: 604-685-3547 Categories: Arts & Culture; Business & Economics |
Sep 25/2008 Halifax, NS |
How Nuclear Energy and Global Warming Affect Your Health - with Dr. Helen Caldicott Dr. Helen Caldicott, internationally acclaimed nuclear activist, author and nobel Prize nominee will be speaking on the above issues in Halifax. Time: 7:00 - 9:00 pm Venue: McNally Theatre, St. Mary's University Location: 923 Robie Street, Halifax, NS Website: http://www.pgs.caFor information contact: pgsadmin@web.ca Phone: 613-233-1982 Categories: Environment; Health/Health Care |
Sep 25/2008 Toronto, ON |
Israeli Occupation on Trial For over 3 years, the residents of Bil'in Village have resisted Israeli confiscation of their land. In July, 2008, the Palestinian Village of Bil'in launched a lawsuit in Quebec Superior Court against two Montreal companies: Green Mount International Inc. and Green Park International Inc. The two companies are accused of building condominiums on Palestinian land under Israeli military occupation: actions that are strictly illegal under international, Canadian and Quebec law. The lawsuit launched in Canada is an important new element to this remarkable campaign.
Lawyer Mark Arnold will explain the details of this important legal action. Time: 7:30pm Venue: Steelworkers Hall Location: 25 Cecil St., Toronto, ON Website: http://www.cjpme.caFor information contact: mailto:cjpme@sympatico.ca Categories: Human Rights, Law, Legal |
Sep 25/2008 Ottawa, ON |
Ottawa Clean Air Summit Energetic panel discussion by area doctors and councillers regarding Ottawa's air quality and related concerns especially as regards to effects on asthma.
Time: 7 pm - 9 pm Venue: Irving Greenberg Theatre Location: 1233 Wellington Street W., Ottawa, ON For information contact: catherine.henry (at) ottawa.ca Categories: Environment; Health/Health Care
Sep 25/2008 Ajax, ON |
Transforming Transportation Conference & Exhibition This event is designed to showcase cutting edge innovations and concepts in energy and transportation.
Speakers will include provincial and federal ministers of Research and Innovation and top consultants and experts in the areas of transportation and alternative fuels policy and future use. An announcement from Ont. Power Generation will be made. Venue: Ajax Convention Centre Location: Ajax, Ajax, ON Website: http://www.dsea.caFor information contact: Kathleen Pierce kpearce@dsea.ca Phone: 905-666-6259 Categories: Environment; Science & Technology; Transportation & Travel |
Sep 25/2008 to Sep 26/2008 Red Lake, ON |
A Sustainable Economic North: Red Lake Eco Conference Conference to address how a northern community like Red Lake can become "sustainably green".
Experts in recycling, building materials, climate change, building practices etc. will give presentations.
Venue: Red Lake District High Location: Red Lake, Red Lake, ON For information contact: Katherine Mochrie imochrie@sympatico.ca Phone: 807-662-1149 Categories: Environment; Science & Technology
Sep 25/2008 to Sep 27/2008 Halifax, NS |
The Prescription for Survival: The Physician in the Global Village Conference examines health effects of human rights violations: chemical waste, war, energy resource depletion etc.
Dr. Helen Caldicott (anti-nuclear activist) and Gil Penalosa (Walk and Bike for Life) are keynote speakers. Location: Halifax, NS Website: http://www.pgs.caCategories: Environment; Health/Health Care; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Sep 25/2008 to Sep 28/2008 , NL |
EEcom08: An Environmental Learning Gathering in Gros Morne National Park Hands-on, participatory, multi-sensory sessions and workshops (indoors or out, rain or shine) related to environmental issues. Venue: Gros Morne National Park Location: NL Website: http://www.eecom.org or www.gosemornegatherings.comCategories: Environment |
Sep 25/2008 to Oct 10/2008 Vancouver, BC |
Vancouver International Film Festival VIFF is among the five largest film festivals in North America. We screen about 350 films, most of them twice, on 10 screens over 16 days. The international line-up includes, in addition to many undiscovered gems, the pick of the world's top film fests. Location: Vancouver, BC Website: http://www.viff.orgPhone: 604-685-0262 Categories: Arts & Culture |
Sep 26/2008 Vancouver, ON |
The state of the media today: A discussion on creating alternative media sources This is an evening of discussion with local and international independent journalists to talk about the state of the media in Vancouver and internationally today.
Time: 7 pm Venue: Centre for Socialist Education Location: 706 Clarke Drive (at Georgia Street), Vancouver, ON For information contact: bclac1998@gmail.com Categories: Media, Entertainment, News, Communications; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
Sep 26/2008 to Sep 28/2008 , ON |
Council of Outdoor Educators of Ontario Annual Conference (COEO) COEO Conference 2008 Venue: near Algonquin Park Location: ON Website: http://www.coeo.orgCategories: Education |
Sep 26/2008 to Sep 28/2008 Vancouver, BC |
Earthsave Canada Taste of Health Food & Lifestyle Festival This festival includes exhibits, workshops, presentations, veggie food court, cooking demos all designed to showcase plant-based products.
Discover a wholesome, sustainable, vegetarian lifestyle.
Time: 10:30 am - 6:00 pm; Friday 6 pm - 9 pm Venue: Croatian Cultural centre Location: 3250 Commercial Dr., Vancouver, BC For information contact: tasteofhealth@earthsave.ca Phone: 604-731-5885 Categories: Food & Beverage; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
Sep 27/2008 Oshawa, ON |
2nd Annual Stellar Literaray Festival Poetry contest winners will receive small monetary prizes and certificate. This is a celebration of writers, poets, story tellers, illustrators, playwrites and songwriters. Live readings and storytellings. Time: 11 am - 6 pm Venue: Oshawa Valley Botanical Garden Location: 155 Arena St., Oshawa, ON Website: http://www.stellarliteraryfestival.comFor information contact: Stella Ducker Phone: 905-721-2232 Categories: Journalism, Writing, Literary, Language; Arts & Culture |
Sep 27/2008 Brant, ON |
Doors Open Brant For o complete list of participating sites and local maps, contact Door Open Brant. Time: 10 am to 4 pm, unless otherwise noted Location: Brant, ON Website: http://www.doorsopenbrant.caFor information contact: 6th annual Doors Open Brant Phone: 1-800-265-6299 Categories: Architecture; Arts & Culture; Tourism & Hospitality Industry |
Sep 27/2008 Carleton Place, ON |
Doors Open Carleton Place For a complete list of participating sites and local maps, contact Doors Open Carleton Place. Time: 10 am to 4 pm, unless otherwise noted Location: Carleton Place, ON Website: http://www.carletonplace.caFor information contact: Doors Open Carleton Place Phone: 613-257-3822 Categories: Architecture; Arts & Culture; Tourism & Hospitality Industry |
Sep 27/2008 Mississauga-Meadowvale, ON |
Doors Open Mississauga-Meadowvale For more information, contact doors Open Mississauga-Meadowvale. Time: 10 am to 4 pm, unless otherwise noted Location: Mississauga-Meadowvale, ON Website: http://www.mississauga.ca/doorsopenFor information contact: Doors Open Mississauga-Meadowvale Phone: 905-896-5314 Categories: Architecture; Arts & Culture; Tourism & Hospitality Industry |
Sep 27/2008 Mississippi Mills, ON |
Doors Open Mississippi Mills For a complete list of participating sites and local maps, contact Doors Open Mississippi Mills. Time: 10 am to 4 pm, unless otherwise noted Location: Mississippi Mills, ON Website: http://www.mississippimills.caFor information contact: Doors Open Mississippi Mills Phone: 613-256-2064, ext. 222 Categories: Architecture; Arts & Culture; Tourism & Hospitality Industry |
Sep 27/2008 Stratford, North Perth and Perth Co, ON |
Doors Open Stratford, North Perth and Perth County For a complete list of participating sites and local maps, contact the Stratford Tourism Alliance. Time: 10 am to 4 pm, unless otherwise noted Location: Stratford, North Perth and Perth Co, ON Website: http://www.WelcometoStratford.comFor information contact: Stratford Tourism Alliance Phone: 519-271-5140 Categories: Architecture; Arts & Culture; Tourism & Hospitality Industry |
Sep 27/2008 Calgary, ON |
EcoLiving Fair & Speaker Series New green technologies, new products and services are offered at the fair; display booths and presentations are offered to communicate the new environmentally friendly message and technology. Time: 9:00 am - 7:00 pm Venue: Centre for Continuous Learning, Mount Royal college Location: 4825 Mount Royal Gate SW, Calgary, ON Website: http://www.ecolivingfair.caFor information contact: Judi Vandenbrink info@ecolivingfair.ca Phone: 403-288-6046 Categories: Environment; Science & Technology |
Sep 27/2008 Hamilton, ON |
Fix Our Wold Festival - First Annual This event is to bring together organizations, groups, clubs, youth social justice groups, bands etc. to motivate and mobilize the community in areas of peace/conflict, poverty, environment, climate change, HIV etc. both locally and globally. Venue: Gage Park Location: Hamilton, ON Website: http://www.fixourworld.caFor information contact: llanigan@gmail.com Categories: Environment; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Media, Entertainment, News, Communications |
Sep 27/2008 Toronto, ON |
Mass protests supporting public health care To protest lack of progress relating to health issues such as minimum standards for nursing homes, serious hospital cuts, more privatized P3 hospitals despite extraordinary costs etc.
Time: 11 am - 3 pm Venue: Metro Hall Square Location: near Wellington and John Streets, Toronto, ON For information contact: ohc@sympatico.ca Phone: 416-441-2502 Categories: Health/Health Care; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
Sep 27/2008 Toronto, Windsor, Kingston, Sudbury, ON |
Mass protests supporting public health care Protests in Toronto, Windsor, Kingston, Sudbury and Thunder Bay
The OHC protests are due to the following issues:
-closed door meetings of McGuinty governement with private interests relating to the future of homecare; lack of public consultations
-minimum standards in long term care homes have not been addressed by the government
-more privatized P3 hospitals despite extraordinary costs
-serious hospital cuts and movementsof services out of local communities
Time: 11 am - 3 pm Venue: Toronto, Windsor, Kingston, Sudbury, Thunder Bay Location: Toronto- Metro Hall, Windsor- Dieppe Park, Kingston- McBurney Park, Sudbury- Tom Davies Square, Thunder Bay- Paterson Park, Toronto, Windsor, Kingston, Sudbury, ON For information contact: Ontario Health Coalition ohc@sympatico.ca Phone: 416-441-2502 Categories: Health/Health Care; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
Sep 27/2008 Windsor, ON |
Mass protests supporting public health care Mass protests over the following health related issues:
-closed door meetings with private interests on the future of health care; no public consultations
-government promised minimum standards for long term care homes still lacking
-more P3 privatized hospitals despite extraordinary costs
-serious hospital cuts and movements of services out of local communities
Time: 11 am - 3 pm Venue: Dieppe Park Location: Riverside Dr. and Ferry St. (culminates at DwightDuncan's Office), Windsor, ON For information contact: ohc@sympatico.ca Phone: 416-441-2502 Categories: Health/Health Care; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
Sep 27/2008 Sudbury, ON |
Mass protests supporting public health care Mass protests due to the following health issues:
-closed door government meetings with private parties relating to the future of homecare; no public consultations
-government promised minimum long term care standards still lacking
-more privatized P3 hospitals despite extraordinary costs
-serious hospital cuts and movements of services out of local communities Time: 11 am - 3 pm Venue: Tom Davies Square Location: Brady and Minto Sts., Sudbury, ON Website: http://www.ontariohealthcoalition.caFor information contact: ohc@sympatico.ca Phone: 416-441-2502 Categories: Health/Health Care; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Sep 27/2008 Thunder Bay, ON |
Mass protests supporting public health care Mass protests due to following health related issues:
-closed door meetings between government and private interests relating to the future of homecare; lack of public consultations
- government promised minimum care standards for long term care homes is still lacking
- more privatized P3 hospitals despite extraordinary costs
- serious hospital cuts and movements of services out of local communities Time: 11 am - 3 pm Venue: Paterson Park Location: May and Myles Sts., Thunder Bay, ON Website: http://www.ontariohealthcoalition.caFor information contact: ohc@sympatico.ca Phone: 416-441-2502 Categories: Health/Health Care; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Sep 27/2008 Kingston, ON |
Mass protests suppoting public health care Mass protests over the following health related issues:
- closed door meetings with private interests on the future of homecare; no public consultations
-government promised minimum care standards in long term care homes, still lacking
-more privatized P3 hospitals despite extraordinary costs
-serious hospital cuts and movements of services out of local communities Time: 11 am - 3 pm Venue: McBurney Park Location: Ordinance and Alma Sts., Kingston, ON Website: http://www.ontariohealthcoalition.caFor information contact: ohc@sympatico.ca Phone: 416-441-2502 Categories: Health/Health Care; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Sep 27/2008 to Sep 28/2008 Meaford, ON |
Doors Open Meaford For a complete list of participating sites an local maps, contact Meaford and District Chamber of Commerce. Time: 10 am to 4 pm, unless otherwise noted Location: Meaford, ON Website: http://www.visitmeaford.caFor information contact: Meaford and District Chamber of Commerce Phone: 519-538-1640 Categories: Architecture; Arts & Culture; Tourism & Hospitality Industry |
Sep 27/2008 to Sep 28/2008 Oakville, ON |
Doors Open Oakville For a complete list of participating sites and local maps, contact Doors Open Oakville. Time: 10 am to 4 pm, unless otherwise noted Location: Oakville, ON Website: http://www.oakvillehistory.orgFor information contact: Doors Open Oakville Phone: 905-845-6601, ext. 5019 Categories: Architecture; Arts & Culture; Tourism & Hospitality Industry |
Sep 27/2008 to Sep 28/2008 Brome, QC |
Project Eccosphere / Projet Ecosphere - Environmental Fair The event includes:
-companies operating in green building, new technologies, organic farming and alternativemedicines
-speakers and community organizations to motivate green way of living Time: 10:00 am - 5:00 pm Venue: Brome Location: Brome, QC Website: http://www.projetecosphere.orgCategories: Environment |
Sep 27/2008 to Sep 28/2008 Vancouver, BC |
The Franchise Show The Franchise Show is Canada's largest franchise-only exhibition, bringing together the largest number of brand name franchises under one roof with investments at all levels!
Not all shows are the same. Many, while claiming to be franchise shows, have few franchise exhibitors and in many cases showcase low-investment business opportunities. This 2-day show is designed to let you meet the industry's most accomplished franchisors face-to-face!
Come and learn more about specific companies and the industry as a whole. Franchises offer the support, the systems, and the brand name recognition to help you succeed from the start!
Make invaluable connections with credible franchisors and learn from free informative seminars. Time: 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Venue: Sheraton Vancouver Wall Centre Location: 1088 Burrard Street, Vancouver, BC Website: http://www.cfa.ca/page.aspx?url=TheFranchiseShow.htmlPhone: 1-800-665-4232 Categories: Business & Economics |
Sep 28/2008 Barrie, ON |
Doors Open Barrie Pre-registration is required for free waterfront, downtown and Union Cemetery walking tours. Time: 10 am to 4 pm unless otherwise noted Location: Barrie, ON Website: http://www.doorsopenbarrie.caFor information contact: Tourism Barrie Phone: 705-739-9444 Categories: Architecture; Tourism & Hospitality Industry; Arts & Culture |
Sep 28/2008 Windsor, ON |
Doors Open Windsor For a complete list of participating sites and local maps, contact the Convention and Visitor's Bureau of Windsor, Essex County and Pelle Island.
Time: 10 am to 4 pm, unless otherwise noted Location: Windsor, ON For information contact: Convention and Visitor's Bureau of Windsor, Essex County and Pelle Island Phone: 519-255-6530 Categories: Architecture; Arts & Culture; Tourism & Hospitality Industry
Sep 28/2008 Edmonton, AB |
Edmonton Pop Culture Fair Records, toys, comics and more.
Time: 10:00 am - 4:30 pm Venue: Mayfield Inn Trade Centre Location: 16615-109 Ave., Edmonton, AB Phone: 1-780-932-0221 Categories: Arts & Culture
Sep 28/2008 New York City |
New York City Ecofest 2008 This is New York City's (USA) largest environmental festival and features an environmental conference plus a plethora of exhibits, products, information with regards to environmentally conscious living, working, travelling, eating, health, entertainment etc. Venue: Lincoln Center Plaza and Damrosch Park Location: USA, New York City Website: http://www.ecofest.comFor information contact: Nanci Callahan Ncallahan@ecofest.com Phone: 212-496-2030 Categories: Environment; Science & Technology; Media, Entertainment, News, Communications |
Sep 28/2008
World Rabies Day The mission of World Rabies Day (organized by the Alliance for Rabies Control) is to raise awareness about the impact of human and animal rabies, how easy it is to prevent it, and how to eliminate the main global sources. The tools and technology for human rabies prevention and dog rabies elimination are available. The Canadian Veterinary Medical Association strongly encourages pet owners to vaccinate their pets against rabies. Visit www.animalhealthcare.ca for more information.
For information contact: Kristin Wood Phone: 613-236-1162 Categories: Animals & Pets
Sep 29/2008 Toronto, ON |
OPIRG Toronto presents: Naomi Klein on the Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism In the film "The Shock Doctrine", Naomi Klein dismisses the myth that global free market triumphed democratically, in fact she claims that during the wars of the last four decades the US came to dominate the world, through so-called "free market" policies. Time: 6:30 pm Venue: Bloor Cinema Location: 506 Bloor Street W., Toronto, ON Website: http://www.opirguoft.orgFor information contact: opirg.toronto@utoronto.ca Phone: 416-978-7770 Categories: Media, Entertainment, News, Communications; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Sep 29/2008 to Oct 1/2008 Toronto, ON |
Time for Action: Tackling energy poverty through energy efficiency National Conference Venue: Courtyard Marriott Toronto Location: Toronto downtown, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.gca.caindexcms/index.php?newsCategories: Science & Technology; Environment |
Sep 30/2008 Ottawa, ON |
Cafe Scientifique Cafe Scientifique is a forum where, for the price of a coffee or glass of wine, adults can get together and talk about recent and - sometimes controversial - issues in science, technology and the environment. The Canadian Museum of Nature and the Canada Science and Technology Museum serve as moderators to the discussion between invited experts and the general public. Lively discussions guaranteed! For details, consult our calendar of What's On during the month in which a Cafe Scientifique is scheduled. Time: Cafe Scientifique: Should Doping Be Tolerated in Competitive Sports? Venue: Fox and Feather Pub Location: 283 Elgin Street, Ottawa, ON Website: http://www.sciencetech.technomuses.caFor information contact: Kelly Ray Phone: 613-949-5732 Categories: Human Rights, Law, Legal; Sports & Games; Museums |
Sep 30/2008 to Oct 1/2008 Ottawa, ON |
The Coalition to Oppose the Arms Trade (COAT) - Lansdown Park The US Embassy has scheduled an arms bazaar at Lansdowne Park. COAT is pressuring the city of Ottawa to live up to its 1989 ban of the use of municipal property for all future military trade shows. Venue: Lansdown Park Location: Ottawa, ON Website: http://www.coat.ncf.caCategories: Military; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Sep 30/2008 to Oct 7/2008
Mental Illness Awareness The week was established in 1992 by the Canadian Psychiatric Association, and is now coordinated by the Canadian Alliance on Mental Illness and Mental Health (CAMIMH) in cooperation with all its member organizations and many other supporters across Canada.
Campaign elements include: a grassroots public education initiative; a nationally-distributed poster and bookmark series; the 5th Annual Champions of Mental Health Awards luncheon in Ottawa and an education initiative with federal Members of Parliament, both in their home ridings and on Parliament Hill. Venue: across Canada Website: http://www.miaw.caCategories: Health/Health Care |
Oct 1/2008 Toronto, ON |
Homelessness-panel and art-based research projects on display & policy recommendations Launch of Joint Exhibit & Policy Report/Speakers (Collaborative initiative based on research)
Some of the Projects to be presented:
*A Day in the Life: Stories and Photographs of Health and Homelessness in Toronto
*asleep in Toronto
*Coming Together:Homeless Women, Housing and Social Support. Many others.
Time: 9:30 am - 12:30 pm Venue: Toronto Metro Hall (Rotunda) Location: 55 John Street, Toronto, ON Categories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Social Policy
Oct 1/2008
International Day of Older Persons This event aims to foster international public awareness of the important social role of seniors in society and the benefits of intergenerational respect and support. Venue: across Canada Website: http://www.phac-aspc.gc.ca/seniors-aines/idop/intro_e.htmCategories: Seniors |
Oct 1/2008
International Day of Older Persons This event aims to foster international public awareness of the important social role of seniors in society and the benefits of intergenerational respect and support. Venue: across Canada Website: http://www.phac-aspc.gc.ca/seniors-aines/idop/intro_e.htmFor information contact: Suzanne Madore Public Health Agency of Can. seniors@phac-aspc.gc.ca Phone: 613-957-2881 Categories: Seniors |
Oct 1/2008 to Oct 2/2008 Orangeville, ON |
Niagara Escarpment Biosphere Conference: Leading Edge 2008 Hi-lites include:
-Guest speakers Roy MacGregor and Margaret Wente
-Five award winning research presentations
-Guests from Canadian Biosphere Reserves
-New insights into adaptation to climate change at the local level
Venue: Monora Park Pavilion Location: HWY 10/124, Orangeville, ON Categories: Environment
Oct 1/2008 to Oct 2/2008 Toronto, ON |
Same Roads - New Challenges Transportation industry professionals explore and offer practical solutions to managing energy efficiency on road and commercial and institutional fleets. Venue: Toronto Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.fleetsmart.nrcan.gc.caCategories: Environment; Science & Technology |
Oct 1/2008 to Oct 7/2008
World Breastfeeding Week This year's theme focuses on breastfeeding support from all facets of society, and the re-establishment of breast-feeding culture.
Industry must put an end to the commercial pressure to bottle-feed. Venue: Worldwide Website: http://www.infactcanada.caCategories: Health/Health Care; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Oct 1/2008 to Oct 31/2008
Stamp Collecting Month Stamp Collecting Month promotes stamp collecting and encourages young Canadians to adopt this hobby. Venue: across Canada Website: http://www.swc-cfc.gc.ca/dates/whm/index_e.htmlFor information contact: National Philatelic Centre information@swc-cfc.gc.ca Phone: 613-995-7835 Categories: Education; Hobbies |
Oct 1/2008 to Oct 31/2008 Toronto, ON |
Toronto walking Festival 2008 The Toronto Walking Festival promotes the various benefits of walking by offering many programs that render walking enjoyable in the Toronto area.There are lots of community events and programs that feature walking as well.
Walking is a great way to stay healthy as well as get around. Venue: Toronto area Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.toronto.ca/walkingCategories: Health/Health Care; Environment |
Oct 2/2008 Marystown, NL |
Estuaries Day This event is to promote awareness and education about these (estuaries) important coastal ecosystems. Live sea animals, scientific demos such as viewing plankton under microscopes,
touring a DFO Fast Rescue Craft, talking to scientists, are all part of the activities. Venue: Sacred Heart Academy Location: Marystown, Marystown, NL Website: http://www.greenburin.caFor information contact: Kimberley Armstrong kim.armstrong@greenburin.ca Phone: 709-891-2230 Categories: Environment; Nature & Outdoors; Education |
Oct 2/2008 to Oct 3/2008 Toronto, ON |
Annual General Meeting Annual General Meeting - Plenary by Dr. Mate Gabor. Hon. David Caplan invited to speak Venue: Radisson Hotel Location: 55 Hallcrown Place, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.ofcmhap.on.caFor information contact: Rene Calder/Jenny Ramkissoon Phone: 416-490-8900 Categories: Health/Health Care |
Oct 2/2008 to Oct 5/2008 Regina, SK |
Canadian Comedy Awards and Festival Various top level comic films including awards. Location: Regina, SK Website: http://www.canadiancomedyawards.caFor information contact: cass@barleygroup.com Categories: Arts & Culture |
Oct 3/2008 Toronto, ON |
Latin American Studies: "Spain and Latin America: The Birthplace of Liberalism" "Spain and Latin America: the Birthplace of Liberalism?"
A Symposium co-sponsored by LAS, The Embassy of Spain, etc.
Four presenting professors are featured.
Time: 2 pm - 6 pm Venue: Alumni Hall (Victoria College) Location: 81 Charles Street West, Toronto, ON Categories: Education; Politics & Political Organizations
Oct 3/2008 Toronto, ON |
Talking about liberation: Free speech and political freedom This is an interactive public meeting to discuss recent attacks on free speech of social justice activists and to strategize how to protect our rights to free speech and political organizing in an increasingly repressive context.
Time: 7:00 - 9:00 pm Venue: Regal Beagle (Back Room) Location: 335 Bloor St. West, Toronto, ON For information contact: toronto@newsocialist.org Phone: 416-276-6208 Categories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Social Policy
Oct 3/2008 Toronto, ON |
The Other Side of Israel: Susan Nathan Crosses the Divide Susan Nathan, a noted speaker on Israel and acclaimed author of the book The Other Side Of Israel: My Journey Across The Jewish-Arab Divide will discuss the situation in Israel.
Susan Nathan describes herself as "breastfed on Zionism." The daughter of Latvian and Lithuanian emigres Nathan grew up in England following her family's move from South Africa, where she encountered the social and political realities of apartheid when visiting relatives and friends there.
As an adult, Nathan used the Jewish Law of Return to move to Israel. In her book The Other Side Of Israel: My Journey Across The Jewish-Arab Divide, Nathan presents a vivid portrait of herself, a Zionist woman, who encounters another apartheid in her adopted country. Time: 7 pm / P.W.C. or $10 donation Venue: Steelworkers Hall Location: 25 Cecil St., Toronto, ON Website: http://www.nion.caFor information contact: info@nion.ca Categories: Human Rights, Law, Legal |
Oct 3/2008 to Oct 4/2008 Edmonton, AB |
Four Ways to Beat the Oil Boom Blues Reconnecting with ourselves, each other and the natural wold through a variety of experiential, "deep ecology" activities through nature based workshops according to the work of Joanna Macy. (www.joannamacy.net) Location: Edmonton, AB Website: http://www.ghostriverrediscovery.comFor information contact: Teresa Chilkowich Phone: 403-270--9351 Categories: Environment; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Oct 3/2008 to Oct 5/2008 Midland, ON |
Three Days of Silence and Wisdom Would you love to get more insight as to where your life “should” be going and feel more connected to your beautiful VIBRANT SPIRIT?
If you want to experience transformation in a relaxed, tranquil environment, without any pressure take this opportunity to create this special time just for you.
Come and join us on a spiritual adventure, where you will spend 3 days in complete silence. Held in a beautiful cottage setting on Georgian Bay, this amazing retreat takes you on a deep, fulfilling journey to explore your inner self.
Each morning begins with yoga. The rest of the day is spent doing different meditation, visualization and written exercises, including learning The Demartini Method® , a process that allows you to breakthrough to high levels of inspiration, creativity and performance.
The insights gained in this manner are powerful, transformative, full of serendipity, and will change your life forever. There is a calm and an inner peace that gradually takes over you and sheds the every day stresses of life.
“Three days of Silence gave me insight into the dynamics of human nature and the laws of the universe that govern us. This insight us more powerful than anything I've felt before. “
Shannon Skinner, President Comfy Chair Productions
Call today to book your seat 416 405 9478
Retreat Dates: Oct. 3 - 5, 2008
Cost per person: $495 + gst [6%]
Location: Midland, Ontario - Georgian Bay
Alternatively, you can book a room at the local B&B. Each participant will be responsible for preparing one meal for the group - lunch or dinner or bringing breakfast food or snacks. Please let us know of any food restrictions or allergies. Transportation to the cottage is not included. Maximum Group of 12.
Special Offers!!!
The first 4 people to register stay for FREE!
Receive a 30mins NET session when your friend or spouse registers Time: All day events for 3 days Venue: Retreat on Georgian Bay Location: 40 Scott Lane, Midland, ON Website: http://www.thevibrantlifecoach.comFor information contact: Diane Andonovski Phone: 416 405 9478 Categories: Skills & Training |
Oct 4/2008 Victoria, BC |
CFA Franchise Discovery Day - Victoria, BC Meet with successful franchisors that are actively seeking franchisees in your community!
CFA Franchise Discovery Days are shows that showcase a group of franchisors looking to expand into a targeted community. These events give potential franchisees the opportunity to ask questions of experienced franchise systems and attend free seminars by industry experts.
If you have considered going into business for yourself, this is an event you wont want to miss. Discover your future in franchising at CFA Franchise Discovery Days. Time: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Location: Victoria, BC Website: http://www.cfa.ca/page.aspx?url=FDD.htmlPhone: 1-800-665-4232 Categories: Economic Development; Business & Economics |
Oct 4/2008 Toronto, ON |
Climate Catastrophe and Social Justice: Analysis and Action An event of speakers and interactive workshops co-sponsored by Science for Peace and the
U of T Students Union during environment week at U of T
free admission Time: 9am to 6pm Venue: Earth Sciences Centre Auditorium Location: 22 Russell St. Room 1050 (off Bancroft), Toronto, ON Website: http://www.utern.orgFor information contact: R.S.V.P by facebook Categories: Environment; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Oct 4/2008 Toronto, NB |
Climate Change Conference at University of Toronto 11 Speakers
Themes: water justice, agro-business and food, enrgy issues: renewables, oil sands, nuclear, conservation, etc. Part of the University of Toronto Environment Week: "Climate Catastrophe and Social Justice: Analysis and Action". Time: 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Venue: Earth Science Centre Auditorium, Rm. 1050, U of Toronto Location: 22 Russell St., Toronto, NB Website: http://www.utern.sa.utoronto.caFor information contact: Paul York pyork_2002@hotmail.com Phone: 647-342-7995 Categories: Education; Environment |
Oct 4/2008 Peteborought, ON |
Doors Open Peterborough For a complete list of participating sites and local maps, and our hop-on, hop-off Doors Open bus tour, please contact Doors Peterborough.
Time: 10 am to 4 pm, unless otherwise noted Location: Peteborought, ON For information contact: Doors Open Peterborough Phone: 705-742-777, ext. 1491 Categories: Architecture; Arts & Culture; Tourism & Hospitality Industry
Oct 4/2008 Port Perry-Lake Scugog, ON |
Doors Open Port Perry - Lake Scugog For a complete list of participating sites and local maps, contact Doors Open Port Perry-Lake Scugog. Time: 10 am to 4 pm, unless otherwise noted Location: Port Perry-Lake Scugog, ON Website: http://www.township.scugog.on.caFor information contact: Doors Open Port Perry-Lake Scugog Phone: 905-985-7346 Categories: Architecture; Arts & Culture; Tourism & Hospitality Industry |
Oct 4/2008 Woodbridge, ON |
Green Energy Introductory Seminar This is a one day seminar that provides a basic overview of household green applications such as solar (photovoltaic), wind electric, domestic solar hot water and pool heating systems. Participants will tour the on-site green systems that help power the Kortright Centre. Time: 10 am - 4 pm Venue: Kortright Centre for Conservation Location: 9550 Pine Valley Drive, Woodbridge, ON Website: http://www.kortright.orgFor information contact: Shon Sorensen sorensen_shon@yahoo.ca Phone: 416-237-0329 Categories: Environment; Education |
Oct 4/2008 Hamilton, ON |
Mahatma Ghandi Peace Festival - Living Ghandi and King Today 9:30 - 10:30 Refreshment, Table Displays
10:30 - 12:00 Welcome and Greetings, Guest Speaker: Mayor Fred Eisenberger
Keynote Speaker: Dr. David Adams, Peace Activist
7:00 pm Speaker, Rev. Samuel Billy Kyles, witness to King's Assassination, "The Power of a Dream" Time: 9:30 am Venue: Commonwealth Square, across from Hamilton City Hall Location: 1 Summer Lane, Hamilton, ON Website: http://www.humanities.mcmaster.ca/gandhiFor information contact: Joy Warner jw4peace@cogeco.ca Phone: 905-521-0017 Categories: Education; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Oct 4/2008 to Oct 5/2008 Parksville, BC |
Conference: B C For Sale This conference points to the abandoning of the common good through embracing privatization and hence lessening the ability of the government, representing the common good, to be able to conserve the environmental and cultural heritage. Time: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm (Saturday), 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm (Sunday) Venue: Parksville Community and Conference Centre Location: 132 E Jensen Ave., Parksville, BC Website: http://www.oceansidecoalition.orgCategories: Social Policy; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Oct 4/2008 to Oct 5/2008 Collingwood, ON |
Doors Open Collingwood Celebrate Collingwood's Sesquicentennial in 2008. 150 years of history ... a full year of celebration! Time: 10 am to 4 pm, unless otherwise noted Location: Collingwood, ON Website: http://www.doorsopencollingwood.caFor information contact: Doors Open Collingwood Phone: 1-800-444-1162 Categories: Architecture; Arts & Culture; Tourism & Hospitality Industry |
Oct 4/2008 to Oct 5/2008 Gananoque, ON |
Doors Open Gananoque For a complete listing of participants in Doors Open Gananoque please see the website. Time: 10 am to 4 pm, unless otherwise noted Location: Gananoque, ON Website: http://www.townofgananoque.caFor information contact: Doors Open Gananoque Phone: 613-382-2149 Categories: Architecture; Arts & Culture; Tourism & Hospitality Industry |
Oct 4/2008 to Oct 5/2008 , ON |
Gates Open - Savour Durham Tour This public, two day self-guided tour of Durham Region offers agriculture education (Durham wide farm tour) and an opportunity to sample local foods at various restaurants and the local farmers' markets. Venue: Durham wide Location: ON Website: http://www.gatesopen.caFor information contact: Chloe McPherson chloe.mcpherson@region.durham.on.ca Phone: 905-668-7711 ext.2612 Categories: Farming; Food & Beverage |
Oct 4/2008 to Oct 5/2008 Vancouver, BC |
How to Go Solar at Zero Net Cost This course is meant to impart 15 years of solar and wind experience within the confines of a weekend. Location: Vancouver, BC Website: http://www.solarfreedominternational.comFor information contact: Liz or Craig lizonthecoast@gmail.com Phone: 1-877-652-1442 Categories: Environment; Science & Technology |
Oct 4/2008 to Oct 5/2008 Renfrew/Pembroke, ON |
Solar & Wind Power Homes - bus tour Saturday, Oct.4 tour: Five Killaloe and Wilno-area homes
Sunday, Oct. 5 tour: Three Griffith, Matawachan, Denbigh area homes Venue: Renfrew County Area Location: Renfrew/Pembroke, ON Website: http://www.ottawariverinstitute.caFor information contact: janetmcneill@nrtco.net Categories: Education; Environment |
Oct 4/2008 to Oct 7/2008 Quebec City, QC |
Drinking Water National Conference & Policy Forum Theme: "Small Systems: Protecting Source Water and Improved Finished Water Quality"
This biennial conference develops drinking water quality guidelines and presents a forum for exchange of views on current or developing issues in the provision of safe drinking water.
Quebec City is celebrating its 400 th Anniversary of Founding, in 2008 Location: Quebec City, QC Website: http://www.cwwa.ca/13thconference_e.aspCategories: Health/Health Care; Environment |
Oct 4/2008 to Oct 7/2008 Quebec City, QC |
Drinking Water National Conference & Policy Forum The Conference provides a unique opportunity for all Canadian stakeholders in drinking water to meet and present or exchange views on current and emerging issues in the provision of safe drinking water. Venue: Loews Le Concorde Hotel Location: Quebec City, QC Website: http://www.cwwa.ca/13thconference_e.aspCategories: Health/Health Care; Environment |
Oct 4/2008 to Oct 20/2008 Ottawa, ON |
The Sunshine Walk - Canada Walks for Climate Justice - Re-Imagine Our World - Toronto to Ottawa On Oct. 4 a group of like-minded people will begin a walk with friends from Toronto to Ottawa and during this walk will share their ideas of promoting and utilizing renewable, clean energy throughout Canada.
Starting point is Queen/College subway station, Queen's Park at around 12:00 noon. Venue: Toronto - Ottawa walk Location: Ottawa, ON Website: http://www.sunshinewalk08.blogspot.comFor information contact: Rita Bijons info.sunshinewalk@gmail.com Phone: 416-766-6331 Categories: Environment |
Oct 5/2008 Montreal, QC |
Team SoftScan and ART participate in Run for The Cure October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and ART Advanced Research Technologies is helping promote awareness and education of breast cancer, the most common cancer among Canadian women. ART's SoftScan(R) Team will be participating in the local walk in Montreal, for the 6th year in a row. Time: 9:00 AM (EST) Venue: Dorchester Square Location: Montreal, QC Website: http://www.art.caFor information contact: Ani Armenian Phone: 514-889-0245 (for media enquir Categories: Health/Health Care; Women; Science & Technology |
Oct 5/2008 to Oct 6/2008 Toronto, ON |
All Things Organic - Ethnic & Specialty Food Expo Toronto No other event in Canada gives foodservice and retail buyers such a focused look at new ethnic, specialty and organic products. The Ethnic and Specialty Food Expo combined with All Things Organic (tm) caters to buyers who are there to compare, learn about products and ultimately make decisions about the new products that will be made available to consumers in the following year.
Organic-product buyers are under intense pressure to find products to meet mushrooming demand. Demand for organic foods continues to outpace supply.
Media opportunities available. Time: 10:00 am - 5:00 pm Venue: International Centre Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.organicfoodcanada.caFor information contact: Donna Wood Phone: 888-443-6786 ext. 231 Categories: Food & Beverage; Health/Health Care; Tourism & Hospitality Industry |
Oct 5/2008 to Oct 11/2008
Animal Health Week Animal Health Week is a national awareness campaign organized by the Canadian Veterinary Medical Association and hosted by veterinarians across Canada. During Animal Health Week, many veterinary clinics across Canada will be hosting open houses, holding photo contests, clinic tours and more. Some veterinarians will visit school children to talk about animal health care. Animal owners are invited to contact their veterinary clinic and to consult local newspapers to become informed of Animal Health Week events taking place in their community. Website: http://www.canadianveterinarians.netFor information contact: Kristin Wood Phone: 613-236-1162 Categories: Animals & Pets |
Oct 5/2008 to Oct 11/2008 Toronto, Ottawa, Vancouver, Montrea |
Pan-Canadian week of action October 5 to October 11, 2008 to demand the repatriation of Canadian citizen Omar Khadr to Canada Come participate in a public action to demand that the federal government act immediately to repatriate Omar Khadr. We particularly invite teenagers to join us, since Omar Khadr was only 15 when he was arrested by the US military.
Human rights and community organizations in Canada and Quebec have called for a pan Canadian week of action from October 5 to 11, 2008 to demand that the federal government immediately request Omar Khadr's release from the US military prison at Guantanamo.
Location: Toronto, Ottawa, Vancouver, Montrea Categories: Human Rights, Law, Legal
Oct 6/2008 Toronto, Ottawa, Vancouver, Montrea |
Pan-Canadian Week of Action to Bring Omar Khadr back to Canada! Break Canada's silence on Guantanamo! Come participate in a public action to demand that the federal government act immediately to repatriate Omar Khadr. We particularly invite teenagers to join us, since Omar Khadr was only 15 when he was arrested by the US military.
Human rights and community organizations in Canada and Quebec have called for a pan-Canadian week of action from October 5 to 11, 2008 to demand that the federal government immediately request Omar Khadr's release from the US military prison at Guantanamo.
Time: 5:30 p.m. Venue: Phillips Square (corner of Ste. Catherine's and Union, McGill metro Location: Toronto, Ottawa, Vancouver, Montrea Categories: Human Rights, Law, Legal
Oct 6/2008 Montreal, QC |
Popular Education Workshops and Discussions This free Monday evening workshop discusses the plight of Abdelkader Belaouni, known to us as Kader, who has been in sanctuary at Saint Gabriel's Church since January 1st, 2006 in order to avoid an unjust deportation order. Kader's story is representative of migration in the 21st century. He has struggled against dehumanizing bureaucracy to be treated with dignity and respect; he has inspired a broad network of support and resistance; and he has refused to be crushed by two and a half years of imprisonment. This workshop will look at his struggle and the various aspects and tactics of his campaign for status. Presented by the Committee to Support Adelkader Belaouiinfo Time: 7 p.m. Venue: Carrefour d'education populaire de Pointe Sainte-Charles Location: 2356 rue Centre (Metro Charlevoix), Montreal, QC Website: http://soutienpourkader.netPhone: 514-848-7583 Categories: Human Rights, Law, Legal |
Oct 7/2008 Toronto, ON |
Give "Tories the Boot" Rally The CAW will have a Give Tories the Boot rally at the Sheraton Centre in Toronto at 11:00 a.m. on Queen St. West across from City Hall in Toronto.
Time: 11 a.m. Venue: Sheraton Centre Location: Queen Street West across from City Hall, Toronto, ON Categories: Labour, Workplace, Unions; Politics & Political Organizations
Oct 7/2008 to Nov 1/2008 Montreal, QC |
TURN ON Artivistic is an international transdisciplinary three-day gathering on the interPlay between art, information and activism. Artivistic emerges out of the proposition that not only artists talk about art, academics about theory, and activists about activism. Founded in 2004, the event aims to promote transdisciplinary and intercultural dialogue on activist art beyond critique, to create and facilitate a human network of diverse peoples, and to inspire, proliferate, activate. The focus this year will be on sex, and the many alternative infrastructures around it.
Deadline: 1st November 2008 Location: Montreal, QC Website: http://artivistic.orgFor information contact: participation@artivistic.org Categories: Arts & Culture |
Oct 8/2008 Toronto, ON |
A Sustainable Food System in the GTA; Roundtable Breakfast Session #2 This event is an attempt to energize the GTA local food utilization system due to the loss of farm-land caused by the urban sprawl of Toronto's growth. Time: 7:45 am - 9:45 am Venue: Innis Town Hall, Innis College, U of Toronto Location: 2 Sussex Dr., Toronto, ON Website: http://www.canurb.comCategories: Farming; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Oct 8/2008 Vancouver, BC |
John Ralston Saul John Saul, best-selling author of "On Equilibrium and Voltaire's Bastards" discusses his new book: "A Fair Country: Telling Truths About Canada".
Time: 7:30 pm Venue: Frederic Wood Theatre Location: 6354 Crescent Road, Vancouver, BC For information contact: viwf@writersfest.bc.ca Phone: 604-681-6330 Categories: Journalism, Writing, Literary, Language; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
Oct 8/2008 Toronto, ON |
Rally in Support of Canadian Culture Artists and supporters will rally in Toronto this coming Wednesday in support of ordinary Canadians doing extraordinary things in the cultural sector.
Culture has emerged as a key issue in the federal election like never before. The rally, spearheaded by the Writers Guild of Canada and ACTRA, will bring together high-profile artists from every discipline to call on Canadians to consider the contribution of culture to their every day lives and vote for candidates who value the contribution of artists when they vote in the federal election on October 14. A wide variety of individuals and groups in arts and culture have responded to the call and are expected to show their colours at the rally.
Time: 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Venue: Simcoe Park, next to the Canadian Broadcasting Centre Location: Front Street, at the foot of the Entertainment District, Toronto, ON Categories: Arts & Culture; Politics & Political Organizations
Oct 8/2008 Montreal, QC |
Rally in support of Laid off Immigrant Textile Workers in Montreal This is rally is to support laid off textile workers at L'amour Inc., their families and the Centre for Immigrant Workers in order to get Justice, Dignity, and Respect for the workers, as well as to uphold their basic rights. The list of demands of the L'amour worker's committee includes: 1) One full year of compensation for every five years worked; 2) That L'amour file the closure as a collective dismissal enabling workers to access the compensation program for laid off textile workers; 3) A public inquiry into the labour conditions and practices of L'amour Inc., by the Ministry of Employment and Social Solidarity; 4) A return of all dues paid to the pro management union be returned to the workers. Time: 12 p.m. Venue: Minister of Employment, Social Solidarity Location: Edifice Tour de la Place-Victoria, 800, rue du Square–Victoria, metro square victoria, Montreal, QC Website: http://www.iwc-cti.caFor information contact: iwc_cti@yahoo.com Phone: 514-342-2111 Categories: Labour, Workplace, Unions; Government & Public Sector |
Oct 8/2008 to Oct 10/2008 Jasper, AB |
Recycling Council of Alberta - 2008 Conference This is RCA's 2008 Waste Reduction Conference "Paint the Town Green". Program updates and speakers and sessions are being secured. Venue: Jasper Location: Jasper, AB Website: http://www.recycle.ab.ca/conferenceFor information contact: info@recycle.ab.ca Categories: Environment; Science & Technology |
Oct 8/2008 to Oct 10/2008 Winnepeg, MB |
World Crisis and Food Security World Food Crisis and Food Security, a conference at the University of Manitoba sponsored by the Global Political Economy program. Keynote speaker Utsa Patniak of Jawaharlal Nehru University in New Delhi speaks on how to decrease intensifying hunger in the global south. Free admission to all presentations and seminars. Location: Winnepeg, MB Website: http://umanitoba.ca/arts/gpePhone: 204-474-6501 Categories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; International |
Oct 9/2008 Toronto, ON |
Book Launch of "Environmental Justice and Racism in Canada", Andil Gosine & Cheryl Teelucksingh This book draws on both activist struggles and on scholarly work to examine environmental justice issues from the Canadian perspective. It offers readers theoretical frameworks, practical tools, and real world cases to help make sense of and intervene in the world around them. Time: 7 pm Venue: Toronto Women's Bookstore Location: 73 Harbord St., Toronto, ON Website: http://www.action.web.ca/home/twb/events.shtml?x+121603Phone: 416-922-8744 Categories: Environment; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Oct 9/2008 Ottawa, ON |
Exhibition Opening: Bikes . . . The Wheel Story A fascinating look at one of the world's most amazing machine: the bicycle! Come explore the ingenuity of this wheeled wonder and universal form of transportation and recreation. Learn about the history of cycles by admiring an incredible array of bicycles and related artifacts from the 1800s to present. Discover how the bicycle works using gears, wheels, pedals, ball bearings, brakes and more. Have a memorable bike story to tell? Come share it with other visitors. Tell us your Story video booth and watch great bicycle stories others have told. Time: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Venue: Canada Science and Technology Museum Location: 1867 St. Laurent Blvd., Ottawa, ON Website: http://www.sciencetech.technomuses.caFor information contact: Visitors Services Phone: 613-991-3044 Categories: Museums; Science & Technology |
Oct 9/2008 Montreal, QC |
Faces of the City: Cities, a birthing ground for the soul? Description: As a complex, multi-faceted organism, the city is a testament to our deep-rooted need to connect with others. More than a place where we live, the city is an influential, living entity; it defines us and in turn is defined by us. This relationship is not always harmonious; along with growth and beauty we find conflict and pain in this environment. Over the course of this conversation, we will consider our own 'faces' our individualityand how they are affected by the cityscape. While we create urban experiences which irrevocably shift who we are, can we see the City as a birthing ground for the soul? With guests Jacky Vallee, a 35 year-old mother and anthropology teacher, educator Andy Williams, and moderator Alex Megelas. Time: 7-9 p.m. Venue: St Emilie Skillshare Location: 3942 Sainte-Emilie, Montreal, QC Website: http://snap.mahost.org/distro/For information contact: www.univcafe.org Categories: Arts & Culture; Urban Issues, Transit, Housing, Public Space |
Oct 9/2008 Toronto, ON |
HAVANA, CUBA - A New Master Plan: Lecture Professor Julio Cesar Hernandez will speak about a new Master plan for Havana that a team of Cuban architects led by him conceived for 3 million people aimed at preserving the city's historic, urban and architectural legacy and also at encouraging its future urban and economic development.
Time: 6:00 pm Venue: Great Hall, Arts and Letters Club Location: 14 Elm Street, Toronto, ON Categories: Building & Construction; Urban Issues, Transit, Housing, Public Space; Economic Development
Oct 9/2008 Toronto, ON |
The Metropolitain Action Committee on Violence against Women & Children (METRAC) : Workshops on Safety (Rexdale) METRAC is holding a training session in Rexdale to provide an overview of community "safety" audits:
-What are safety audits
-The history of METRAC's Safety Audits
-A step-by-step description of what is involved in a neighbourhood safety audit
Location: Rexdale, Toronto, ON For information contact: METRAC training@metrac.org Phone: 416-392-9138 Categories: Children & Youth; Women; Social Policy
Oct 9/2008 to Oct 11/2008 Barcelona |
Walk21 2008: International Conference on Walking Conference examines all the benefits of walking both for pleasure and for health. Venue: in Spain Location: Barcelona Website: http://www.barcelonawalk21.comCategories: Health/Health Care; Education |
Oct 10/2008 Toronto, ON |
Developing and Growing Your Membership: A Workshop with Amy O'Connor A variety of Workshops with Amy O'Connor which will help you: a) Understand membership principles and how a membership grows; b) Establish how to best keep and
cultivate donors; c) Determine realistic goals for membership growth and an acquisition strategy; d) Understand membership planning best
practices; e) Create an action plan tailored to your
Amy O'Connor is an Organization Development
Consultant with more than 20 years of experience in the non-profit sector.
She works to build the financial and organizational stability of
nonprofits by improving and integrating three important areas of
organizational development: planning, membership development/board
development, and communication. Time: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Venue: Ground Floor Boardroom Location: 215 Spadina Avenue, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.sustainabilitynetwork.caCategories: Skills & Training |
Oct 11/2008 to Oct 13/2008 Montreal, QC |
Pan-Canadian Gathering of Young Feminists A gathering of young women to share feminist issues and take action; consider the priorities; combine efforts; discuss how to resist and fight right wing influences; create links of solidarity across the country. Venue: Montreal Location: Montreal, QC Website: http://www.rebelles2008.orgFor information contact: blegault@ffq.qc.ca Phone: 514-876-0166 ext. 253 Categories: Women; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Children & Youth |
Oct 12/2008 to Oct 18/2008
Small Business Week Small Business Week pays tribute to the contributions that small and medium-sized businesses make to the national economy. Venue: across Canada Website: http://www.bdc.ca/en/about/eventsPhone: 888-463-6232 Categories: Business & Economics |
Oct 13/2008 to Oct 22/2008
National Science and Technology Week National Science and Technology Week celebrates the importance of science and technology in our daily lives. Venue: across Canada Website: http://www.nrcan-rncan.gc.caFor information contact: nstw-snst@NRCan.gc.ca Phone: 613-238-3222 Categories: Science & Technology |
Oct 14/2008
Canadian Federal Election Voting Hours in today's federal election are:
Newfoundland Time: 8:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Atlantic Time: 8:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Eastern Time: 9:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Central Time*: 8:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Mountain Time*: 7:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Pacific Time: 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
*In Saskatchewan, when daylight saving time is in effect for the rest of the country, voting hours are from 7:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. (local time).
Categories: Government & Public Sector; Politics & Political Organizations
Oct 14/2008 Montreal, QC |
Jane Doe Speaks at McGill on the Politics of Rape The woman known as Jane Doe is a renowned sexual assault activist, writer and teacher. She is also the litigant who made both feminist and legal history when she sued the Toronto Police Force for negligence and gender discrimination - and won. During her precedent-setting case, she fought to hold police liable for failing to warn women of the serial rapist operating in their neighbourhood. She also linked this misconduct with wider Charter equality issues of systemic sexism and discrimination within the police force itself.
Join Jane Doe in lecture at the McGill University, Faculty of Law.
These events are co-hosted by the McGill Faculty of Law's Women's Caucus, SACOMSS and the Annie MacDonald Langstaff Workshop Series.
Time: 16: 30 - 18:00 Venue: Moot Court, New Chancellor Day Hall, McGill University Location: 3644 Peel Street, Montreal, QC Categories: Women; Law Enforcement & Corrections; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
Oct 14/2008 Ottawa, ON |
World Standards Day World Standards Day aims to raise public awareness of the global importance of standardization activities and organizations. Location: Ottawa, ON Website: http://www.scc.ca/en/news_events/events/wsd.shtmlFor information contact: info@scc.ca Phone: 613-995-7835 Categories: Science & Technology |
Oct 14/2008 to Oct 15/2008 Toronto, ON |
Responsible Travel and Tourism Forum The Forum will include 6 highly interactive workshops including topics such as green commissions, environmentally sound meetings and events, demystifying carbon offsets, corporate responsibility and others. Venue: Toronto Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.rttf.caFor information contact: Ann-Elise Andersen, aeandersen@baxter.net Phone: 416-968-7252 ext.314 Categories: Environment; Transportation & Travel; Tourism & Hospitality Industry |
Oct 15/2008 Montreal, QC |
IWC Coffeehouse & Photo Exhibition - "telling our stories through words and images" A discussion about the struggles of migrant workers. This event will include snacks and refreshments, as well as videos about migrant justice struggles and a musical performance of Tamil keyboards by Rama. Fair trade coffee. Welcome to all! Unfortunately, the IWC is not accessible to wheelchairs. Time: 7 p.m. Venue: Immigrant Worker's Center (IWC) Location: 6420 Victoria, #9 (metro Plamondon), Montreal, QC Website: http://www.iwc-cti.ca or www.solidarityacrossborders.orgPhone: 514-342-2111 or 514-848-7583 Categories: Human Rights, Law, Legal |
Oct 15/2008 Montreal, QC |
Jane Doe Speaks! at McGill on Sexual Assault and the Law The woman known as Jane Doe is a renowned sexual assault activist, writer and teacher. She is also the litigant who made both feminist and legal history when she sued the Toronto Police Force for negligence and gender discrimination - and won. During her precedent-setting case, she fought to hold police liable for failing to warn women of the serial rapist operating in their neighbourhood. She also linked this misconduct with wider Charter equality issues of systemic sexism and discrimination within the police force itself.
Join Jane Doe in lecture at the McGill University, Faculty of Law.
These events are co-hosted by the McGill Faculty of Law's Women's Caucus, SACOMSS and the Annie MacDonald Langstaff Workshop Series.
Time: 12h30-14h Venue: Room 101, McGill University Location: 3644 Peel Street, Montreal, QC Categories: Law Enforcement & Corrections; Women; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
Oct 15/2008 Toronto, ON |
Nanotechnology: No Small Matter It is forecast that products of nanotechnology will find their way into foods, medicines, biotechnologies of various kinds, car batteries, etc. Government regulation has not as yet kept pace with this emerging technology. Several experts will share their opinion on this topic of potentially large future importance. Time: 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm Venue: St. Lawrence Centre Forum Location: 27 Front St. E. (2 blocks east of Union Station), Toronto, ON Website: http://www.forum.stlc.comCategories: Science & Technology; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Social Policy |
Oct 15/2008 Ottawa, ON |
The Shadows on Consumption: Consequences for the Global Environment Talk by Peter Dauvergne, Professor of Political Science, Canada Research Chair in Global Environmental Politics and Senior Advisor to the President of the University of British Columbia presented by the Institute of the Environment 4th Annual conference series. Time: 3:30 pm - 5:30 pm Venue: Demarais Hall, Room 3120 Location: 55 Laurier E, Ottawa, ON Website: http://www.ie.uottawa.caPhone: 613-562-5896 Categories: Environment |
Oct 15/2008 Vancouver, BC |
Vancouver Peak Oil and Politicians: Panel Discussion This panel discussion will address the many difficulties that will be faced by society in an atmosphere of declining oil reserves, including transportation and agriculture issues over the next 20 years.
Three Vancouver mayoralty candidates will be participating. Time: 7:00 - 9:30 pm Venue: BCIT Downtown Campus Location: 555 Seymour St, Vancouver, BC Website: http://www.vancouverpeakoil.orgCategories: Environment; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Oct 15/2008 to Oct 17/2008 Toronto, ON |
Annual Conference and Trade Show Annual national conference and trade show for workplace learning professionals hosted by CSTD, the Canadian Society for Training and Development.
Venue: Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Location: 123 Queen St. West, Toronto, ON For information contact: Danielle Lamothe Phone: 4163675900, ext.21 Categories: Education; Management; Skills & Training
Oct 15/2008 to Oct 19/2008 Roanoke, Virginia, ON |
Society for Environmental Journalists, 18th Annual Conference Energy and climate will be special focus with special emphasis on coal. Some of the top writers, scientists, industry speakers and environmentalists will discuss mountain removal, water contamination, sludge pond hazards, air pollution and carbon sequestration.
Morethan 800 people attended last year's conference.
Several governors (Virginia, West Virginia) and many world renowned scientists ( i.e. Philippe and Alexandra Cousteau, ocean explorers) will participate both as presenters and panelists. Venue: Hotel Roanokeand ConferenceCentre Location: Roanoke, Virginia, USA, Roanoke, Virginia, ON Website: http://www.sej.org/confer/index1.htm, www.sej.orgCategories: Environment |
Oct 16/2008 Toronto, ON |
Ontario Urban Forest Council Conference 2008: The Urban Forest - A PlaceTo Evolve Community groups have proven to be effective at advocating for the protection, improvement and increase of Urban Forests. Topics will include naturalization of city parks, preservation of ravine forests, neighborhood tree planting and expansion of green corridors. The connection between urban forests and people is also very important. Venue: Toronto Botanical Garden Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.oufc.orgCategories: Environment; Nature & Outdoors |
Oct 16/2008 to Oct 18/2008 Toronto, ON |
Learning Democracy by Doing: Alternative Practices in Citizenship Learning and Participatory Democracy This international conference will bring together researchers and practitioners interested in the theoretical and practical aspects of social learning and participatory democracy. Venue: Ont. Inst. for Studies in Education (OISE) Location: 252 BloorSt. West, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.tlc.oise.utoronto.ca/tlc2008/info.htmlCategories: Education; Politics & Political Organizations |
Oct 16/2008 to Oct 18/2008 Toronto, ON |
Learning Democracy by Doing: Alternative Practices in Citizenship Learning and Participatory Democracy This international conference will bring together researchers and practitioners interested in the theoretical and practical intersections between social action learning and participatory democracy, and their contribution to nurturing an enlightened and active citizenship. Venue: OISE, Ontario Inst. for Studies in Education, U of Toronto Location: 252 BloorSt. W., Toronto, ON Website: http://tlc.oise.utoronto.ca/tlc2008/info.htmlCategories: Education; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Oct 16/2008 to Oct 19/2008 Berlin |
Venus Internationale Fachmesse Venus is the world's biggest adult exhibition. In 2007 over 400 exhibitors presented their wares to the public and the trade across six giant halls and around 30,000 visitors attended. Venue: Messehallen unter'm Funkturm Berlin Location: Berlin Website: http://www.venus-berlin.comCategories: Sexuality; Retail |
Oct 17/2008 Hamilton, ON |
A Workshop and Discussion Group for Women in Sex Work Maggie deVries will share her sister's story and tell about her own journey in the wake of her sister's disappearance. Maggie welcomes questions and discussion and will focus on the sex trade industry.
Time: 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm Venue: Wesley Centre Location: 195 Ferguson Ave. North, Hamilton, ON For information contact: Elizabeth Fry Society Phone: 905-527-3097 ext. 230 Categories: Women; Sexuality; Law Enforcement & Corrections
Oct 17/2008 Montreal, QC |
Anti-colonial Thanksgiving! Celebrating our cultures of resistance to colonialism Schedule:
- Free Dinner (an "anti-colonial Thanksgiving Feast")
- Excerpts from Wapikoni Mobile
(short films by youth from aboriginal communities all over Quebec)
Multi-media presentation by Michel Thusky & Norman Matchewan,
members of the Lac Barriere Algonquin Community
Other presentations:
- presentation about land struggles at Kahnawake
- testimony from a farm worker in the seasonal agricultural worker program, including excerpts from the film Los Mexicanos: The Struggle for Justice of Patricia Perez - information about campaigns andprotests against the CP Spirit Train (October 18) and CN Rail (October 31) Venue: Native Friendship Center of Montreal (unfortunately, our venue is not wheelchair accessible) Location: 2001 boulevard St-Laurent (metro St-Laurent), Montreal, QC Website: http://www.qpirgconcordia.org or info@qpirgconcordia.orgPhone: 514-848-7586 Categories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Arts & Culture; Arts & Culture |
Oct 17/2008 Toronto, ON |
Awards Gala, with Toronto Mayor David Miller This year's Toronto Book Award winner is announced. This event is hosted by Mary Ito of CBC and the winner is announced by Mayor David Miller. Live music, cash bar. Time: 6:30 pm, reception at 5:30 pm Venue: Toronto Reference Library Location: Yonge St, just north of Bloor, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.toronto.ca/book_awardsCategories: Journalism, Writing, Literary, Language |
Oct 17/2008 Toronto, ON |
Screening of Eyes On What's Inside: documentary from Mexico about militarization The screening will be followed by discussion with some who work closely with marginalized indigenous communitites in Mexico (Montana region of Guerrero, Mexico) that have suffered human rights abuses in the context of militarization. This event will show solidarity with the Me'phaa Indigenous women confronting military violence with impunity.
Time: 7 pm Venue: Kerr Hall South, Room 251, Ryerson U. Location: 40/50 Gould Street (corner Church and Gould), Toronto, ON For information contact: Kathy Price kprice@amnesty.ca Phone: 416-363-9933, ext. 22 Categories: International; Human Rights, Law, Legal; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
Oct 17/2008 to Oct 19/2008
Bioneers 2008 Conference The Conference offers the opportunity for personal positive change through talks with visionary thinkers and doers from varied fields, cultures and walks of life.
World class workshops with in-depth insights demonstrate how great an impact one person can have
and how building community makes the difference. Website: http://www.bioneers.org/conferenceCategories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Environment |
Oct 18/2008 Port Stanley-Sparta, ON |
Doors Open Port Stanley-Sparta For a complete list of participating sites and local maps, contact Doors Open Port Stanley-Sparta. Time: 10 am to 4 pm, unless otherwise noted Location: Port Stanley-Sparta, ON Website: http://www.portstanley.netFor information contact: Doors Open Port Stanley-Sparta Phone: 519-782-3006 Categories: Architecture; Arts & Culture; Tourism & Hospitality Industry |
Oct 18/2008 Toronto, ON |
March to end the war in Afghanistan The number of Canadian dead soldiers is approaching 100, the highest total since the Korean War. It is time to bring the soldiers home. This march is part of a Canada wide protest to end the war in Afghanistan now.
Time: 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm Venue: Queen's Park Location: Toronto, ON For information contact: stopthewar@sympatico.ca Phone: 416-795-5863 Categories: Military; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
Oct 18/2008 Mississauga, ON |
Mississauga Peace & Justice Mississauga Peace & Justice will rally at 11:00 a.m. to end the war in Afghanistan, bring Canadian soldiers home, and advocate that money be spent on education, health care, housing, and social programs. The rally will take place at the south-east corner of Hurontario & Dundas in Mississauga. Info from: info@mcpj.org Time: 11 a.m. Venue: South-east corner of Hurontario & Dundas Location: Mississauga, ON Website: http://info@mcpj.orgCategories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Military |
Oct 18/2008 Ottawa, ON |
Persons Case Day This is a commemoration of the recognition of women as persons under Canadian Law. The Governor General's Awards in Commemoration of the Person's Case are presented on or around Oct. 18. Location: Ottawa, ON Website: http://www.swc-cfc.gc.caFor information contact: information@swc-cfc.gc.ca Phone: 613-995-7835 Categories: Women; Social Policy |
Oct 18/2008 Toronto, ON |
The Tenants' Summit The Tenants' Summit organized by the Federation of Metro Tenants Associations will take place at OISE, 252 Bloor St. W, Room #2-2214 at 1:30 p.m. The location is near the St. George subway stop, and the Bedford exit. Information about the federation is at its website:
http://www.torontotenants.org/ Time: 1:30 p.m. Venue: OISE, Room #2-2214 Location: 252 Bloor St. W, Toronto, ON Website: http:////www.torontotenants.org/Categories: Social Policy; Urban Issues, Transit, Housing, Public Space |
Oct 18/2008 to Oct 19/2008 Huron, ON |
Doors Open Huron Investigate the creak on the staircase and the chill as you pass when Huron County pulls open the doors and lets in the light on its most famous haunted sites. Join us in October as history comes back to life! Time: 10 am to 4 pm, unless otherwise noted Location: Huron, ON Website: http://www.heritageandculture.on.caFor information contact: Doors Open Haunted Huron Phone: 519-482-5457,ext. 2730 Categories: Architecture; Arts & Culture; Tourism & Hospitality Industry |
Oct 18/2008 to Oct 19/2008 Niagara (New York), ON |
Doors Open Niagara (New York) The only binational Doors Open event - now in its 7th year! Time: 10 am to 4 pm, unless otherwise noted Location: Niagara (New York), ON Website: http://www.doorsopenniagara.comFor information contact: Doors Open Niagara and Niagara By Design offerings Categories: Architecture; Arts & Culture; Tourism & Hospitality Industry |
Oct 18/2008 to Oct 19/2008 Niagara (Ontario), ON |
Doors Open Niagara (Ontario) The only binational Doors Open event - now in its 7th year! Time: 10 am to 4 pm, unless otherwise noted Location: Niagara (Ontario), ON Website: http://www.doorsopenniagara.comFor information contact: Doors Open Niagara and Niagara By Design offerings Categories: Architecture; Arts & Culture; Tourism & Hospitality Industry |
Oct 18/2008 to Oct 19/2008 Toronto, ON |
Media Democracy Day Since 1996, there have been several efforts by concerned citizens and media activists to build coalitions to make the media more democratically accountable in the US as well as Canada. Throughout the years, many different groups have carried on the tradition of MD Day into the form it is today.
What is it?
A day of action based on three themes: 1) Education - understanding how the media shapes our world and our democracy; 2) Protest - against a media system based on commercialization and exclusiveness; 3) Change - calls for media reforms that respond to public interests, promote diversity, and ensure community representation and accountability. Venue: Various Location: Various, Toronto, ON Website: http://mediademocracyday.caCategories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Oct 19/2008 to Oct 22/2008
Ocean Net Day Beach, shoreline and harbor site cleanups will continue over the five days and more.
More events celebrating this event will be posted later. Venue: Newfoundland and Labrador Website: http://www.oceannet.caFor information contact: Robert O'Brien bob@oceannet.ca Phone: 709-753-3680 Categories: Environment |
Oct 19/2008 to Oct 28/2008 Toronto, ON |
York Region Solar Power Initiative Homeowners, commercial enterprises and condo owners are all invited to attend these public meetings. Time: Oct. 19, 2 pm --- Oct. 28, 7:30 pm Venue: Thornhill Community Centre Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://yorkregionsolar.ourpower.caFor information contact: Jonathan Maister yorkregionsolar@ourpower.ca Phone: 905-709-9643 Categories: Environment; Science & Technology |
Oct 20/2008 Montreal, QC |
An Introduction to Participatory Economics What would a post-capitalist economy look like? How would we be able to keep our resources and needs consistent with principles like equality and justice,while at the same time being free and efficient? Participatory economics is perhaps a step towards a response. This idea puts forward a third economic model which tries to move beyond the classic liberal and Marxist models. This workshop will provide an introduction to this model followed by a discussion on the topic.
Presented by Anna Kruzynski and Pascal Lebrun, members of La Pointe Libertaire. Time: 7 p.m. Venue: Carrefour d'education populaire de Pointe Saint-Charles Location: 2356 rue Centre (metro Charlevoix), Montreal, QC Website: http://www.lapointelibertaire.orgPhone: 514-848-7583 Categories: Economic Development |
Oct 20/2008 Toronto, ON |
CBSR Summit on Corporate Social Responsibality Example of participants: Loblaws, HP, Enbridge, Intertek, Innovest, GlobeScan, Syncrude, Hewitt, Cameco, and others which present and discuss their awareness of the opportunities and challenges as they engage their key stakeholders' groups to gain ground as socially responsible companies. Venue: Four Seasons Hotel Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.guest.cvent.comFor information contact: Wesley Gee wesley@cbsr.ca Phone: 416-703-7435 Categories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Environment |
Oct 20/2008 Toronto, ON |
Christopher Plummer in Person This is a celebration of the publication of "In Spite of Myself: A Memoir" by acclaimed film, stage, and television star Christopher Plummer.
Time: 12:30 pm Venue: Theatre Books Location: 11 St. Thomas St., Toronto, ON For information contact: action@theatrebooks.com Phone: 416-922-7175 Categories: Arts & Culture; Journalism, Writing, Literary, Language
Oct 21/2008 Toronto, ON |
After the election: Neoliberal Crisis or Neo-Conservative Advance? Strategies for the Left A panel discussion followed by Q&A
The Canadian election is taking place in the context of a severe financial crisis in the US, a Presidential election that seems to be breaking from Bush's America, and multiple crises in neoliberalism. Yet, the Canadian political right under the leadership of Stephen Harper's Conservative
government appears to be consolidating power; the centre-left remains electorally divided between the Liberals, Greens and NDP, and limited in its policy horizons; and the wider progressive and radical left barely seems to have a foothold in either electoral or policy debates, which was
not the case even a decade or so ago. This discussion brings together some of the most prominent and unique voices on Canadian politics. Time: 7:00 pm Venue: Room 2214, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE) Location: 252 Bloor Street West, Toronto, ON Website: http:///www.socialistproject.caCategories: Politics & Political Organizations; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Oct 21/2008 Mississauga, ON |
Peel Poverty Strategy Faith community leaders in Peel will meet over breakfast and discuss a Peel Poverty Strategy. The meeting will be at the Unitarian Congregation of South Peel, 84 South Service Rd., Mississauga and feature Janet Menard, Executive Director of Peel's Human Services Transition & Integration, and Shelley White, CEO of Peel's United Way. Information is available from Donna McBride at mcbrided@peelregion.ca Venue: Unitarian Congregation Location: 84 South Service Road, South Peel, Mississauga, ON Website: http://mcbrided@peelregion.caFor information contact: Donna McBride Categories: Social Services; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Oct 21/2008 Toronto, ON |
Socialist Project Forum: After the election: Neoliberal Crisis or Neo-Conservative Advance? Strategies for the Left Speakers:
- Bryan Evans, Associate Professor, Department of Politics and Public Administration, Ryerson University.
- Grace-Edward Galabuzi, Associate Professor, Department of Politics and Public Administration, Ryerson University.
- Tam Goosen, Research Associate, Asian Institute of the Munk Centre (University of Toronto).
- Judy Rebick, Sam Gindin-CAW Chair in Social Justice and Democracy, School
of Social Work and the Department of Politics and Public Administration, Ryerson University.
A panel discussion followed by Q & A. This is part of the Socialist Project forum series.
Time: 7 p.m. Venue: Room 224, OISE Location: 252 Bloor Street West, Toronto, ON Categories: Politics & Political Organizations
Oct 21/2008 to Oct 26/2008 Vancouver, BC |
The Vancouver International Writers & Readers Festival This is an opportunity to attend readings, discussions, debates, poetry bashes and meet about 100 writers from Canada and from around the world.
Venue: Granville Island Location: Vancouver, BC For information contact: vifw@writersfest.bc.ca Phone: 604-681-6330 Categories: Journalism, Writing, Literary, Language
Oct 22/2008 Toronto, ON |
Freedom of Speech: Fundamental Human Right York Freethinkers Club to Hold Free Speech Event in Response to the ban of Pro-Life Clubs on the York University Campus.
The club Freethinkers, Skeptics and Atheists at York (FreeSAY) is organizing a talk on the issue of free speech and its role in today's society. It features guest speakers from the Centre for Inquiry Ontario (CFI) and The Canadian Civil Liberties Union (CCLU). Other guest speakers at the free speech discussion include CFI Ontario's executive director Justin Trottier and the director of the CCLU's Freedom of Expression Project Noa Mendlesohn Aviv. Further speakers may be announced as they are added to the schedule. The event will be moderated by FreeSAY President Borna Radnik, followed by a reception at a campus pub.
Time: 6-8 p.m. Venue: York University Campus Location: 4700 Keele Street, Toronto, ON Categories: Human Rights, Law, Legal
Oct 22/2008 Toronto, ON |
Greening the Ontario Grid: Considerations for a Renewable Energy Future Judith Lipp, PhD, Executive Director, Toronto Renewable Energy Initiative, will compare renewable energy development in Ontario with other jurisdictions in Canada and beyond. Lessons about successful policies are discussed and suggestions made to improve matters in Ontario.
Time: 4:10 pm Venue: Hart House Location: 7 Hart House Circle, U of Toronto, Toronto, ON Categories: Environment
Oct 22/2008 Toronto, ON |
Planet in Focus: International Environmental Film and Video Festival A Planet in Focus promotes and showcases outstanding and compelling films and videos in all forms (documentary, drama, animation, experimental, new media), focusing on environmental themes and subjects by Canadian or international filmmakers.
2008 film spotlight will be on food production. Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.planetinfocus.orgFor information contact: Kim Haladay kim@planetinfocus.org Phone: 416-531-1769 Categories: Environment; Arts & Culture |
Oct 22/2008 to Oct 23/2008 NiagaraFalls, ON |
State of the Lakes Ecosystem Conference 2008 (SOLEC 2008) For more information email: SOLEC@ec.gc.ca Venue: Niagara Falls Location: NiagaraFalls, ON Website: http://www.SOLECRegistration.caPhone: 905-336-6458 Categories: Environment |
Oct 22/2008 to Nov 1/2008 Toronto, ON |
International Festival of Authors, Harbourfront Centre An international celebration of books and authors; roundtable discussions, presentations. 100 authors from 15 countries will be present. Venue: Harbourfront Centre Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.readings.orgFor information contact: authors@Harbourfront centre Phone: 416-973-4000 Categories: Journalism, Writing, Literary, Language; Arts & Culture |
Oct 23/2008 Ottawa, ON |
Citizens for Safe Cycling- Annual General Meeting Ottawa cyclists are encouraged to attend CfSC's Annual General Meeting. Time: 6 pm Venue: McNabb Park Community Centre Location: 190 Percy Street, Ottawa, ON Website: http://www.SafeCycling.caFor information contact: Charles Akben-Marchand president@SafeCycling.ca Categories: Health/Health Care; Environment |
Oct 23/2008 to Oct 24/2008 Toronto, ON |
Canadian Brownfields 2008 Conference themes include:
-Urban Revitalization
- Building a Low Carbon Future
- Adding Value to Publicly Owned Brownfield Sites
- Innovations in Technology, Process and Financing Venue: Toronto Congress Centre Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.canadianbrownfields.ca/Categories: Urban Issues, Transit, Housing, Public Space; Environment |
Oct 23/2008 to Oct 26/2008
First Asian Wetland Convention and Workshop Visit our convention to learn about the wetlands of Taiwan and listen to various presentations with regards to the status of wetlands in Asia. Venue: Taiwan Website: http://www.swsasia.orgFor information contact: sws_asia_chapter_apprvd2005@yahoo.com Categories: Environment; Nature & Outdoors |
Oct 23/2008 to Oct 26/2008 Ottawa, ON |
The Ontario Council of Folk Festivals 22nd Annual Conference - Ottawa The event will feature speakers, seminars, roundtable discussions, informal meetings, performer showcases and the best jam sessions outside of the festival circuit. Those attending consist of festival organizers, presenters, organizations, fundraisers, musicians, artistic directors, media reps. and others.
Location: Ottawa, ON Phone: 613-560-5997 or toll free 1-86 Categories: Arts & Culture
Oct 24/2008 Vancouver, BC |
Improved Rail Shipper Remedies: How shippers can use the amended Canada Transportation Act CITA is pleased to offer this highly-rated one-day briefing session open to shippers and other users of the freight rail system on how shippers can use the amended Canada Transportation Act to protect their interests in the highly competitive world markets.
At a time when shippers continue to experience declining service levels and arbitrary increases in rates and ancillary charges for special services and penalties, the remedies open to shippers to protect their rights in dealing with Canada Class 1 Railways are more important than ever. The government recently passed Bill C-8 amending the shipper protection provisions of the Act. This session will be a practical how to session using hypothetical cases and discussion showing how to use the features of the amended Act by two experienced transportation lawyers. Time: 7:30am - 4:00pm Venue: The Vancouver Club Location: 915 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, BC Website: http://www.cita-acti.ca/english/View.asp?x=316For information contact: Denise Fata Phone: 613-599-3283 x.221 Categories: Transportation & Travel |
Oct 24/2008 Ottawa, ON |
Iron Science playoffs A Science Spectacle! Iron Science is a celebration of science teachers. It champions high-quality creative approaches to engaging students in science and engineering. Inspired by the famous Iron Chef television series, teams of teachers cook up spectacular and imaginative presentations on science and engineering – built around a “secret ingredient.” Through playoffs at science centres across Canada, five teams are selected to compete in the Iron Science final.
Watch your colleagues on the live webcast at www.ironscience.ca Time: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Venue: Canada Science and Technology Museum Location: 1867 St. Laurent Blvd., Ottawa, ON Website: http://www.sciencetech.technomuses.caFor information contact: Visitors Services Phone: 613 991-3044 Categories: Museums; Science & Technology |
Oct 24/2008 to Oct 25/2008 , ON |
Waterlution Workshop: Engaging First Nations and YoungCommunity Leaders on the Lake Simcoe Protection Plan, Bill 99 Participants will learn through field tours and presentations how issues such as water quality,
aquatic life and habitat, shoreline development, wastewater treatment, stormwater management affect the ecological integrity of the watershed as it affects the Lake Simcoe habitat. (Bill 99)
Venue: Kempenfelt Conference Centre Location: Lake Simcoe, ON Categories: Native Peoples; Nature & Outdoors; Environment
Oct 24/2008 to Oct 26/2008 Toronto, ON |
Canadian Environmental Network (RCEN) AGM & Conference This conference represents the most important, independent, non-partisan environmental organization in Canada, whose mandate is to Protect the Earth and Promote Environmentally Sound Ways of Life. Venue: Toronto Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.cen-rce.orgFor information contact: bulletin@cen-rce.org Categories: Environment |
Oct 24/2008 to Oct 26/2008 Toronto, ON |
The Healthy Kids Expo The Healthy Kids Expo is a three day event filled with fun, education and entertainment with an impressive cast of health conscious celebrities, educators, politicians, practitioners and exhibitors that will share their wisdom about important health and environmental issues. Venue: Metro Toronto Convention Centre Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.healthykidsexpo.orgFor information contact: Yvette Murray, info@healthykidsexpo.org Phone: 416-966-2626 Categories: Health/Health Care |
Oct 25/2008 Ottawa, ON |
A Discussion on Climate Change, w. Jay Ingram and Andrew Weaver Climate change is no longer a vague threat. Two experts in the field will explore what we can do to reverse global warming and also to create a sustainable future. Venue: Library and Archives Canada Location: 395 Wellington St., Ottawa, ON Website: http://www.writersfestival.org/eventsFor information contact: D. Karunaratne dayanti@writersfestival.org Phone: 613-562-1243 Categories: Environment |
Oct 25/2008 Toronto, ON |
Fiesta Verde - Year of the Frog - COTERC Fundraiser COTERC is a registered, non-profit charity based in Ontario and Costa Rica. The objective is to provide education, research, conservation, and the educated use of natural resources in the tropics.
In Costa Rica, we are involved in conservation of 13 of the 16 most endangered species incl. jaguars, sloths, toucans, green macaws, poison arrow frogs, crocodiles and various butterflies. Venue: Toronto Zoo Atrium Location: 361A Old Finch Road, Scarborough, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.coterc.orgFor information contact: Rachel Atkins info@coterc.org Phone: 905-831-8809 Categories: Environment |
Oct 25/2008 Toronto, ON |
Gulu Walk Toronto This is a mass effort to draw attention to the plight and ordeal of the children of northern Uganda. Speakers and music will start and finish the walk which ends at Queen's Park.
Time: 1:00 pm Venue: Lawrence Park Location: Lawrence and Yonge St., Toronto, ON For information contact: Eva Salinas eva@guluwalk.com Phone: 416-792-2169 Categories: Human Rights, Law, Legal; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; International
Oct 25/2008 Edmonton, AB |
GuluWalk - Edmonton Guluwalk is part of a global demonstration to show solidarity with the children of Northern Uganda, for the people of Northern Uganda and to be a reason for hope.
Walk starts and ends at City Hall.
Contact: Lillian Du and Jamil Jivraj
Time: 10:00 am Venue: Edmonton City Hall Location: 1 Sir Winston Churchill Square, Edmonton, AB For information contact: wakadogo_edmonton@hotmail.com Categories: International; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
Oct 25/2008 Toronto, ON |
IFOA - Anne Enright Event Reading: Dermot Bolger, Paul Duncan, Anne Enright, Arnon Grunberg, Nam Le
Arresting poetry, prose, and short fiction from three countries and two languages.
Time: 8:00 p.m. Venue: IFOA - Harbourfront Centre Location: Toronto, ON Phone: 416-973-4000 Categories: Journalism, Writing, Literary, Language; International
Oct 25/2008 Toronto, ON |
Improve Your Health, Change Your Life - Open House 2008 Improve your health and change your life with naturopathic medicine. Join us to learn innovative ways to manage and reduce stress, prevent and manage diabetes, and build your kids' wellness and self-esteem. Participate in traditional Chinese medicine tongue diagnosis and acupuncture demonstrations. Take a tour of Canada's largest naturopathic teaching clinic, the Robert Schad Naturopathic Clinic. Time: 12 noon - 4:30 p.m. Venue: Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine Location: 1255 Sheppard Avenue East, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.ccnm.eduFor information contact: Karamjit Singh Phone: 416-498-1255 x 263 Categories: Health/Health Care; Education |
Oct 25/2008 Toronto, ON |
Return to Nepal: Documentary Film Screening on Environment in Himalayas The film follows the musician, Bruce Cockburn as he travels to the simple but scenic town of Humla, Nepal where we all observe a community working together to survive under harsh conditions in order to overcome poverty in a tough land.
World Premiere of Documentary Film, Featuring Bruce Cockburn Venue: Royal Ontario Museum Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.usc-canada.orgFor information contact: Sarah Mohan Phone: 1-800-565-6872 ex. 230 Categories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Environment; International |
Oct 25/2008 Toronto, ON |
Toronto Palestine Film Festival The films showcase the vibrant culture and dynamic heritage and history of the Palestinian people. Also commemorated is the 60th anniversary of their expulsion from Palestine.
Venue: Bloor Cinema, Revue Cinema, Various Venues Location: Toronto, ON For information contact: updates@tpff.ca Phone: 905-270-3633 Categories: Arts & Culture; International; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
Oct 25/2008 to Oct 26/2008 Toronto, ON |
The Franchise Show The Franchise Show is Canada's largest franchise-only exhibition, bringing together the largest number of brand name franchises under one roof with investments at all levels!
Not all shows are the same. Many, while claiming to be franchise shows, have few franchise exhibitors and in many cases showcase low-investment business opportunities. This 2-day show is designed to let you meet the industry's most accomplished franchisors face-to-face!
Come and learn more about specific companies and the industry as a whole. Franchises offer the support, the systems, and the brand name recognition to help you succeed from the start!
Make invaluable connections with credible franchisors and learn from free informative seminars. Time: 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Venue: Toronto Congress Centre Location: 650 Dixon Road (off highway 401), Toronto, ON Website: http://www.cfa.ca/page.aspx?url=TheFranchiseShow.htmlPhone: 1-800-665-4232 Categories: Business & Economics |
Oct 26/2008 Toronto, ON |
Financial chaos and the crisis of neoliberalism A workshop on understanding the credit crisis and its implications for wages, pensions, American power and Left alternatives.
Time: 12:30 - 5:00 p.m. Venue: Centre for Social Justice Location: 489 College Street, Third Floor, Toronto, ON For information contact: Greg Albo albo@yorku.ca Categories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Business & Economics
Oct 26/2008 Toronto, ON |
Growing Poverty and Social Inequality in Toronto The third annual Shirley Shipman Memorial Lecture presents Growing Poverty and Social Inequality in Toronto. Panelists will feature Pat Capponi, Avvy Go, David Hulchanski, and Marvyn Novick.
Time: 1:30-3:30 p.m. Venue: Room LIB 72, Ryerson University Location: 350 Victoria Street, Toronto, ON Categories: Social Services; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
Oct 26/2008 to Oct 27/2008 Waterloo, ON |
Distributed Generation and the Future of Ontario's Electricity Grid Observe the opportunities and challenges of new energy technologies and the implications of including more distributed generation in the Ontario Grid.
Venue: Waterloo Inn & Conference Centre Location: Waterloo, ON For information contact: Laura Rees lrees@thinkingpower.ca Phone: 905-873-0002 Categories: Environment; Science & Technology
Oct 27/2008 Toronto, ON |
Toronto General Assembly 25 in 5's Toronto-based Network is inviting partners and allies to a Toronto General Assembly, with updates on the current campaign to reduce poverty and to strategize on next steps. Time: 1 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. Location: 900 Bay Street at Wellesley, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.25in5.ca/Categories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Oct 27/2008 to Oct 29/2008 Vancouver, BC |
Ecotourism and Sustainable Tourism Conference This conference will provide business leaders, travel and tourism professionals and community members an opportunity to learn about latest trends in ecotourism, learn practical skills and participate in networking and sharing. Time: International Ecotourism Society Venue: Fairmont Hotel Vancouver Location: Vancouver, BC Website: http://www.ecotourismconference.orgFor information contact: Chelsea Dier conference @ecotourism.org Phone: 1-202-347-9203 Categories: Business & Economics; Environment |
Oct 27/2008 to Nov 10/2008 Montreal, QC |
Culture Shock Culture Shock is two weeks of events aimed at exploring our cultural myths, particularly those surrounding immigrant, refugee, and racialised communities. Through panel discussions, film screenings, workshops, and a keynote speaker, we'll explore the dynamic nature of culture and challenge liberal discourses around multiculturalism.
Culture Shock is a collaborative effort by the McGill Anti-Racist Coalition (MARC), Quebec Public Interest Research Group (QPIRG McGill), and Student Society of McGill University (SSMU).
For childcare or translation please call QPIRG (514-398-7432) 48
hours in advance.
Venue: McGill University Location: 2900, boulevard Edouard-Montpetit, Montreal, QC Phone: (514-398-7432) Categories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
Oct 28/2008 Montreal, QC |
Buying Local: Where does your food really come from? Every year, some 4,000 migrant foreign workers coming mostly from Mexico labour in Quebec farms to plant and pick our vegetables. In the summer of 2006, Patricia Perez, a pro-union militant speaking for the United Food and Commercial Workers, launches a major drive to organize the workers in several farms South of Montreal. She informs them of their rights, protects them from abuse, and struggles to bring them together under a union that would extend to them the same rights enjoyed by Canadian agricultural workers. This film is a portrait of a fight against the injustices of globalization not in the Third World, but here at home - in the Canadian farms that provide us with our summer vegetables.
Time: 3 p.m. Venue: Lev Bukhman Room, Shatner Building, McGill University Location: 3480 McTavish Street, Montreal, QC Categories: Food & Beverage; Farming; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
Oct 28/2008 Montreal, QC |
Food Fair Sick of the Chartwells food covering campus? Tired of samosa sales being the only representation of Indian food? Want a great accompaniment to your Midnight Kitchen meal? Come to Culture Shock's food fair in the Shatner Ballroom to get a taste of delicious food from all over the globe, brought to you from and as a fundraiser for a variety of SSMU groups! CKUT will be there spinning while you eat, so grab some friends and join us for a relaxed, delicious meal, before you feed your brain intellectual thoughts!
Time: 12 - 3 p.m. Venue: Ballroom, Shatner Building, McGill University Location: 3480 McTavish Street, Montreal, QC Categories: Food & Beverage; Education
Oct 28/2008 Montreal, QC |
From the 1968 Montreal Congress of Black Writers to the Grenada Revolution and Beyond: West Indian Exile and the Caribbean Left Speaker: Brian Meeks, Professor of Social and Political Change, University of the West Indies, Mona Campus (Jamaica) Brian Meeks' publications include Caribbean Revolutions and Revolutionary Theory, (1993); Radical Caribbean: From Black Power to Abu Bakr, (1996); Narratives of Resistance: Jamaica, Trinidad, the Caribbean, (2000), Envisioning Caribbean Futures (2007), as well as a book of fiction, Paint the Town Red (2003) which exams the theme of rebellion and the existential condition in Jamaica in the 1970s, a profoundly important decade which saw Jamaica approach the frontiers of civil war.
Time: 6:30 p.m. Venue: Ballroom, Shatner Building, McGill University Location: 3480 McTavish Street, Montreal, QC Categories: Education; Arts & Culture
Oct 28/2008 , ON |
The six elements of successful innovation The secrets of social innovations are revealed by Ed Etmanski and Vickie Cammack who are considered to be visionary thinkers in the areas of social policy and community development.
Time: 12:00 - 1:00 pm Venue: Tamarack Institute for Community Engagement Location: via telephone, anywhere, ON For information contact: tamarack@tamarackcommunity.ca Phone: 519-885-5155 Categories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Social Policy
Oct 29/2008 Ottawa/Gatineau, ON |
2008 Telecom Laureate Awards Gala Join us to celebrate great Canadian telecom achievements at the 2008 Telecom Laureate Awards gala dinner and induction ceremonies, October 29, 2008 at the Canadian Museum of Civilization in Ottawa/Gatineau. This year, Canada's Telecommunications Hall of Fame will induct some very high profile, contemporary entrepreneurs, innovators and leaders into the Hall of Fame, including: Jim Balsillie (RIM), Mike Lazaridis (RIM), Carol Stephenson ( Richard Ivey School of Business), David Golden (Telesat Canada ) The late David Simmonds and his sons, Robert Simmonds, Gordon Simmonds and Donald Simmonds (Lenbrook Communications) This year's recipient of the Hall of Fame's coveted Special Recognition Award an award to an organization. Venue: Canadian Museum of Civilization Location: Ottawa/Gatineau, ON Website: http://www.telecomhall.ca/index.phpFor information contact: mmcewen@osler.com Categories: Arts & Culture; Communications Industry & Technology; Media, Entertainment, News, Communications |
Oct 29/2008 Montreal, QC |
Film Screening: Frantz Fanon: His Life, His Struggle, His Work dir. Cheikh Djema, 2004, 52 min, Martinique/France/Algeria/Tunisia, French with English Subtitles, Color & B/W) Frantz Fanon, His Life, His Struggle, His Work reunites testimonies of friends, family and colleagues that he met during the different steps of his life and traces the short and intense life of one of the great thinkers of the 20th century.
Time: 4 p.m. Venue: Lev Bukhman Room, Shatner Building, McGill University Location: 3480 McTavish Street, Montreal, QC Categories: Arts & Culture; Politics & Political Organizations
Oct 29/2008 Toronto, ON |
Part 2: Memory of the Cactus: The creation of Canada Park on the land of destroyed Palestinian villages The Arab Canadian Lawyer's Assoc., in collaboration with the Toronto Palestine Film Festival, presents this film plus discussion with Maysa Zorob, Dylan Smith and John Reynolds from Al Haq. Al Haq is the West Bank Affiliate of the International Commission of Jurists.
Time: 7 p.m. Venue: Revue Cinema Location: 400 Roncesvalles Ave., Toronto, ON For information contact: info@canarablaw.org Categories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Human Rights, Law, Legal; International
Oct 29/2008 Windsor, ON |
Tenant action workshop on saving energy The Low-Income Energy Network (LIEN) is offering a tenant action workshop on saving energy in tenants' apartments at College Ave. Community Centre. Time: 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. Venue: College Avenue Community Centre Location: 3325 College Avenue, Windsor, ON Website: http://www.torontoenvironment.org/workshops/savingenergyinwindsorCategories: Urban Issues, Transit, Housing, Public Space |
Oct 29/2008 to Oct 31/2008 Courtenay, BC |
Coast Waste Management Association - Annual Conference The Theme for the conference is : "Why Waste Energy".
Some topics of discussion are plastic bags and plastics recycling, bio-fuel generation and use,
integrated resource management and tours of local waste treatment facilities.
This is coastal BC's premier conference on waste management. Venue: Crown Isle Resort Location: Courtenay, Courtenay, BC Website: http://www.cwma.bc.caPhone: 250-733-2213 Categories: Environment; Biotechnology |
Oct 29/2008 to Oct 31/2008 Vancouver, ON |
International Conference on Urban Health Highly renowned, international speakers will provide presentations including the city of Vancouver which has implemented useful drug-related and addiction related strategies over the many past years. Venue: Westin Bayshore Location: Vancouver, ON Website: http://www.icuh2008.com/guidelinesFor information contact: Leigh-Anne Higgs icuh2008@advance-group.com Phone: 1-604-688-9655 ext.2 Categories: Health/Health Care; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Oct 30/2008 Halifax, NS |
Nova Scotia Nature Trust 11th Dinner and Silent Auction Stephen Lewis is the renowned speaker about Nova Scotia's environmental issues. The silent auction offers the opportunity to financially support environmental progress. Time: 5 pm Location: Halifax, NS Website: http://www.nsnt.caFor information contact: nature@nsnt.ca Phone: 902-425-5263 Categories: Environment |
Oct 30/2008 Montreal, QC |
Walking Tour of Chinatown Take a Chinatown Project Walking Tour through Montreal's Chinatown. Explore the Chinese community's changing response to external and internal challenges. We'll jump from immigration to tourism, racism to gentrification. + intermission for bubble tea & buns.
Sponsored by: Anti-Gentrification Group.
Time: 4:30 p.m. Venue: Meet at Roddick Gates Location: Montreal, QC Categories: Urban Issues, Transit, Housing, Public Space
Oct 30/2008 to Oct 31/2008 Toronto, ON |
Symposium to celebrate 125 years of Public Health in Toronto Toronto Public Health (TPH) is partnering with the Centre for International Health, Dalla Lana School of Public Health at University of Toronto, and a number of other agencies to host a symposium at the university's Hart House in celebration of 125 years of Public Health in Toronto. Health equity and poverty and health are just 2 of the panels on the agenda. Online registration for the Symposium is available at http://www.uofttix.ca/ . Fees are $125 for professionals and $25 for student/low income. Venue: Hart House, University of Toronto Location: 7 Hart House Circle, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.uofttix.ca/Categories: Education; Health/Health Care |
Oct 31/2008 Toronto, ON |
Science Education: the War Between Science and Religion - Dr. P.Z. Myers Dr. Myers will speak on the above topic; he is known to have the world's leading blog, "Pharyngula" concerning science, atheism, religion, education especially as it pertains to the creationist-evolutionist controversy. Time: 7:30 - 9:30 pm Venue: MacLeod Auditorium, Medical Sciences Bldg. Location: 1 King's College Circle, U of Toronto campus, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.cfiontario.orgFor information contact: jtrottier@cfiontario.org Phone: 416-971-5676 Categories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Education |
Oct 31/2008 Toronto, ON |
The World's Leading Atheist & Science Blogger PZ Myers is coming to Toronto to present Science Education: The War Between Science and Religion Partnered with the University of Toronto Secular Alliance the Centre for Inquiry - Ontario presents the popular biologist and author of the stimulating blog Pharyngula. Dr. Myers is an
associate professor of biology at the University of Minnesota, Morris. He obtained his B.S in zoology from the university of Washington and his Ph.D. in biology from the Institute of
Neuroscience, University of Oregon. His blog is the most widely read science blog on the internet with topics ranging from octopus, religion and getting kicked out of Expelled.
Time: 7:30 p.m. Venue: University of Toronto, J.J.R. MacLeod Auditorium Location: 1 King's College Circle, Toronto, ON Categories: Education
Nov 1/2008 Barrie, ON |
Barriefolk: Roots Music Festival - Barrie Amazing Folk, Roots, Blues music, also workshops, open stage, artisans and an evening main stage show. Venue: Barrie Campus of Georgian College Location: Barrie, ON Website: http://www.barriefolk.comFor information contact: info@barriefolk.com Phone: 705-737-5204 Categories: Arts & Culture |
Nov 1/2008 Montreal, QC |
Founding Assembly of the Independent Media Centre The mission of the Montreal Independent Media Centre (IMC-Montreal, or Montreal Indymedia) is to facilitate the production and dissemination of independent media coming from a perspective of direct support to popular movements for economic and social justice. Our participation in the international Indymedia network contributes to a global, decentralized communications network. We seek to offer a space for the expression of diverse social movements and thus diffuse a panoply of
intellectual, scientific, artistic, literary, social, cultural and creative expressions otherwise ignored by the commercial media.
Venue: 2035 St-Laurent, 2nd floor, between Sherbrook and Ontario Streets Location: Centre des medias independents-Independent Media Centre, Montreal, QC For information contact: info-cmi@revolte.biz Phone: (514) 596-2729 Categories: Media, Entertainment, News, Communications
Nov 1/2008 to Nov 2/2008 Orangeville, ON |
Ontario Sustainable Energy Association Annual General Meeting and Wind Power 101 Workshop Saturday will feature a workshop entitled "Wind Power 101" followed by a buffet reception. Venue: Hockley Valley Resort Location: Orangeville, Orangeville, ON Website: http://www.ontario-sea.orgFor information contact: Sonya De Vellis info@ontario-sea.org Phone: 416-977-4441 Categories: Environment |
Nov 2/2008 Winnipeg, MB |
Seeds of Diversity Annual Meeting Meet our board of directors, enjoy organic lunch, bid on our silent auction and visit our display.
Then hear Amy Goldman, noted author, speak about her new book, "The Heirloom Tomato, From Garden to Table: Recipes, Portraits and History of the World's Most Beautiful Fruit."
Time: 11:30 am - 2:30 pm Venue: Park Theatre Location: 698 Osborne St, Winnipeg, MB For information contact: office@seeds.ca Phone: 1-866-509-SEED Categories: Education; Food & Beverage; Farming
Nov 3/2008 Montreal, QC |
Canada, a Pariah State? Indigenous rights in Domestic and International Law Speaker: Arthur Manuel. How well does Canada live up to its reputation as a human rights
champion? When it comes to the situation of Indigenous peoples, it falls dreadfully short. Few people know that the Canadian government is regularly and roundly condemned by the United Nations. Canada doesn't only ignore minimum provisions of international law -- it also thinks little of domestic legal standards set by the Supreme Court. In its determination to retain control over the lands and resources of Indigenous peoples, Canada runs rough-shod over the emerging framework of the international and domestic law supporting the rights of Indigenous peoples to self-determination and ownership of their traditional territories.
Time: 6:30 p.m. Venue: Moot court, McGill University, factulty of Law Location: 3644 Peel Street, Montreal, QC Categories: Native Peoples; Human Rights, Law, Legal
Nov 3/2008 Montreal, QC |
Ecological struggles in Quebec; how to be radical and effective As people know already, throughout the world, the environmental situation is alarming. While various groups rise up to try to stop the disaster and repair the damage, others hide behind "sustainable development" to mask their damage to the environment.Quebec is not an exception and the struggles here are numerous: from forests to waste management, from water quality to food security, from mega natural gas projects to uranium mining,and much more. What would we say by way of an assessment about the environmental and ecological problems in this corner of the Earth on which we live? A participatory presentation by Maude Prud'homme, member of the Independent Media Centre in Montreal.
Time: 7 p.m. Venue: Carrefour d'education populaire de Pointe Saint-Charles Location: 2356 rue Centre (metro Charlevoix), Montreal, QC Phone: 514-848-7583 Categories: Environment
Nov 3/2008 to Nov 4/2008 Winnipeg, MB |
Global College hosts Legal Empowerment of the Poor Conference The University of Winnipegs Global College is hosting an important conference based on the report of the United Nations Commission on Legal Empowerment of the Poor.
Members of the public are invited to register free of charge.
Based on the UN report entitled "Making the Law Work for Everyone, the Winnipeg conference will focus on Two Faces of Poverty: Indigenous Peoples and Women. Speakers include local as well as international experts such as Bev Jacobs, President of the Native Womens Association of Canada; Lloyd Axworthy President and Vice-Chancellor of The University of Winnipeg. http://twofacesofpoverty.uwinnipeg.ca. Time: 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Venue: University of Winnipeg Location: 515 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg, MB Website: http://www.uwinnipeg.caFor information contact: Joel Marion Phone: 204.988.7102 Categories: International; Economic Development; Government & Public Sector |
Nov 4/2008 Montreal, QC |
Protectors of the Forest: The Barriere Lake Struggle Continues Since the Department of Indian Affairs ousted their Customary Chief and Council in March 2008 and used the Surete du Quebec to forcibly impose the authority of a minority community faction, the Barriere Lake Algonquins have been organizing to roll-back the quiet coup d'etat. They are campaigning to make the government honour a number of agreements, including the Trilateral, a internationally praised land co-management and resource-revenue sharing deal the Algonquins signed with Canada and Quebec in 1991. It would significantly protect their forests from clear-cut logging, but it remains unimplemented.
Community representatives will be joined by Arthur Manuel in the latest round of struggle.
Time: 6 p.m. Venue: TBA Location: TBA, Montreal, QC Categories: Native Peoples
Nov 4/2008
U.S. Election The United States votes to elect a new president, members of congress, and local officials.
Categories: Politics & Political Organizations
Nov 5/2008 Toronto, ON |
6th annual Scarborough Community Summit The Scarborough Civic Action Network will organize the 6th annual Scarborough Community Summit at Scarborough Civic Centre, 150 Borough Dr. from 4:00 - 9:00 p.m. For information, or to register for child care, contact (416) 531-2854 or scarboroughCAN@publicinterest.ca Time: 4 p.m. - 9 p.m. Venue: Scarborough Civic Centre Location: 150 Borough Drive, Toronto, ON Website: http://scarboroughCAN@publicinterest.caPhone: (416) 531-2854 Categories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Nov 5/2008 Vancouver, BC |
Understanding Adolescent Brain Development, Depression and Suicide Dr. Stanley Kutcher, MD, FRCPC is an internationally-renowned expert in the area of adolescent mental health and a national and international leader in mental health research, advocacy, training, policy, and health services innovation. Dr. Kutcher uses his considerable expertise to advance the work of the Sun Life Financial chair, building awareness and knowledge about mental health issues in young people.
Who Should Attend?
Mental health professionals, educators, youth service providers, justice workers and youth
Cost: $125.00 for professionals, $25.00 for Students and Select Session Free for Families and Youth
Contact: 416-351-7757 ext. 21 Time: 9:00am-4:00pm (registration starts at 8:00am) Venue: The Maritime Labour Centre Location: 1880 Triumph Street, Vancouver, BC Website: http://www.cprf.caFor information contact: Pierina Cincinnato Phone: 416-351-7757 Categories: Health/Health Care |
Nov 5/2008 to Nov 11/2008
Veterans' Week Veterans' Week encourages Canadians to pay tribute to Canada's veterans and to uphold the principles of peace and freedom for which they fought. Venue: across Canada Website: http://www.vac-acc.gc.ca/remembersFor information contact: information@vac-acc.gc.ca Phone: 866-552-2122 Categories: Military; Education |
Nov 6/2008 Thornhill, ON |
Charles Sauriol Environmental Dinner for the Living City - 15th Annual The dinner and silent auction raises funds to protect environmentally significant lands to ensure clean water and air for future generations.
Keynote speaker is Ray Anderson, Founder and Chairman of Interface Inc. Time: 6:00 pm Venue: LeParc Conference Centre Location: 8432 Leslie Str., Thornhill, Thornhill, ON Website: http://www.charlessauriol.caPhone: 416-661-6600 ext.5276 Categories: Environment; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Nov 6/2008 to Nov 7/2008 Strasbourg, France |
European Symposium on the integration of air pollution and climate change policies in Europe The aim of the Symposium is to attract attention to the need for better integration on air pollution and climate change policies, and catalyse energy by providing an opportunity for debate on scientific basis between scientists, policy makers, industry, local authorities and civilian society. Venue: European Parliament Location: Strasbourg, France, Strasbourg, France Website: http://www.efcasymposium.eu/For information contact: Jonathan Villien jonathan.villien@appa.asso.fr Phone: 33 1 42 11 15 13 Categories: Environment; International |
Nov 6/2008 to Nov 15/2008 Toronto, ON |
The 16th Annual Rendezvous With Madness Shorts and Features on Mental Illness and Addictions Venue: Workman Theatre Location: 1001 Queen St. West, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.rendezvouswithmadness.comPhone: 416-583-4339 Categories: Arts & Culture; Health/Health Care |
Nov 7/2008 Montreal, QC |
Pieces de la Resistance: art auction fundraiser for the Tyendinaga Support Committee Art Auction Fundraiser for the Tyendinaga Support Committee. This show is a sequel to the highly successful "Shawn Brant Is No Criminal" art auction which took place in Toronto last spring. It contains art that reflects on anti-colonial resistance, decolonization as a way-of-life, Indigenous sovereignty and the abolition of the kanadian state.
Time: 8 p.m. Venue: Metro Place St. Henri Location: 3942 rue Ste. Emilie, Montreal, QC Categories: Arts & Culture; Native Peoples; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
Nov 7/2008 St. Catharines, ON |
Psychosis: Early Intervetnion, Treatment Options and Recovery Psychosis is one of the most serious mental illnesses in Canada. With the onset of this disorder typically occurring between late teens and mid-30's, educators, family members and professionals working with both young people and adults need to know the signs and symptoms of this disorder.
This workshop will examine current research, assessment, treatment options, and resources for people at risk for psychosis, those experiencing a first episode of psychosis and persistent psychosis.
Contact: 416-351-7757 ext. 21 Time: 9:00am-4:00pm (registration starts at 8:00am) Venue: Parkway Convention Centre Location: 327 Ontario Street, St. Catharines, ON Website: http://www.cprf.caFor information contact: Pierina Cincinnato Phone: 416-351-7757 Categories: Health/Health Care |
Nov 7/2008
Shades of Gay: We have more colours than the rainbow Shades of Gay: We have more colours than the rainbow
Friday November 7, 10.30pm, Tickets 5-10$
Alize, 900 Ontario east
Dance to everything from bhangra to dancehall to hip hop to dubke and
much more
Time: 10:30 p.m. Categories: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual; Arts & Culture
Nov 7/2008 Ottawa, ON |
The Food Crisis - public presentation -The Food Crisis - Public Presentation
-UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food
-speakers from La Via Campesina and COPAGEN (Coalition for the Protection of Africa's Genetic Heritage) Time: 7 pm Venue: Bronson Centre Location: 211 Bronson Ave., Ottawa, Ottawa, ON Website: http://www.foodsecurecanada.orgCategories: Food & Beverage; Environment; International |
Nov 7/2008
Under the Hood: A Voyage into the World of Torture A documentary film by Patricio Henriquez and Adil Charkaoui. This film retraces the stories of several people who were illegally tortured by democratic countries convinced of their right to absolutely do so. The film traces the beginnings of systematized torture from the Catholic Inquisition until the present American complicity. Venue: Ex Centris Theatre Location: 3536 Saint-Laurent Blvd. Website: http://www.adilinfo.orgFor information contact: justiceforadil@riseup.net Categories: Human Rights, Law, Legal; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; International |
Nov 7/2008 to Nov 8/2008 Toronto, ON |
Meeting/Conference at York University People for Education will be having their network meeting and conference at Stong College at York University. Time: Noon Venue: Stong College, York University Location: 4700 Keele Street, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.peopleforeducation.com/Categories: Education |
Nov 8/2008 Windsor, ON |
CFA Franchise Discovery Day - Windsor, ON Meet with successful franchisors that are actively seeking franchisees in your community!
CFA Franchise Discovery Days are shows that showcase a group of franchisors looking to expand into a targeted community. These events give potential franchisees the opportunity to ask questions of experienced franchise systems and attend free seminars by industry experts.
If you have considered going into business for yourself, this is an event you wont want to miss. Discover your future in franchising at CFA Franchise Discovery Days. Time: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Location: Windsor, ON Website: http://www.cfa.ca/page.aspx?url=FDD.htmlPhone: 1-800-665-4232 Categories: Economic Development; Business & Economics |
Nov 8/2008 to Nov 9/2008 St. John's, NL |
Can-Fit-Pro Personal Training and Group Fitness Conference Can-Fit-Pro announces its annual Personal Training and Group Fitness Conference to take place on November 8-9, 2008 at Nubody's Atlantic Place in St. John's, NL. Attendees will range from fitness professionals, fitness consumers, and business owners who will all have the opportunity to learn from seasoned presenters and network with industry experts. Venue: Nubody's Atlantic Place Location: St. John's, NL Website: http://www.canfitpro.com/stjohnsFor information contact: Erika Vanderheijden Phone: 416 493 3515 Categories: Skills & Training; Education |
Nov 8/2008 to Nov 11/2008 Vancouver, BC |
World Peace Forum The War To End All Wars: 90 years later and the lessons learned. - A Teach-in Venue: Vancouver Location: Vancouver, BC Website: http://www.worldpeaceforumbc.caCategories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Nov 9/2008 London, ON |
CFA Franchise Discovery Day - London, ON Meet with successful franchisors that are actively seeking franchisees in your community!
CFA Franchise Discovery Days are shows that showcase a group of franchisors looking to expand into a targeted community. These events give potential franchisees the opportunity to ask questions of experienced franchise systems and attend free seminars by industry experts.
If you have considered going into business for yourself, this is an event you wont want to miss. Discover your future in franchising at CFA Franchise Discovery Days. Time: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Location: London, ON Website: http://www.cfa.ca/page.aspx?url=FDD.htmlPhone: 1-800-665-4232 Categories: Economic Development; Business & Economics |
Nov 9/2008 to Nov 11/2008 Raleigh North Carolina, USA |
Working Together for Sustainability - On Campus and Beyond The event includes an exciting lineup of keynote speakers, pre-conference workshops, a sustainability trade show and a preconference Student Summit. Venue: Raleigh Location: Raleigh North Carolina, USA Website: http://www.aashe.org/conf2008/index.phpCategories: Education; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; International |
Nov 10/2008 Montreal, QC |
Human Rights Law and Palestine/Israel: Exploring the Apartheid Paradigm Speakers: Noura Erakat, Dina Awad, and local organizers from
Association pour une solidarite syndicale etudiante (ASSE) student union
Moderator: Scott Weinstein of Independent Jewish Voices
Noura Erakat is a Palestinian activist and lawyer. Dina Awad is Member of the Arab student laws association, Tadamon!
Time: 6:30 p.m. Venue: Leacock Building, Room 232, Location: 855 Sherbrooke Street, Montreal, QC Categories: International; Politics & Political Organizations
Nov 10/2008 Montreal, QC |
Let Freedom Ring Evening of art & literature in celebration of the struggle to free political prisoners
Let Freedom Ring: A collection of Documents from the Movements to Free US Political Prisoners: edited by Matt Meyer Time: 7 pm - 10 pm Venue: Le Cagibi Location: 5490 St. Laurent (corner St.Viateur), Montreal, QC Website: http://www.certaindays.orgCategories: Human Rights, Law, Legal; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; International |
Nov 10/2008 Windsor, ON |
Ontario Budget Hearings Ontario Minister of Finance Hon. Dwight Duncan has scheduled hearings in a few
cities during the next month to hear presentations by the public about advice to the Ontario Government on its next budget.
To speak at a meeting, contact mariya.genkova@ontario.ca or (416) 325-0388. Alternatively, the link http://www.fin.gov.on.ca/english/consultations/prebud09/ at the Ministry website lists the 5 questions on which the Government is seeking people's views, and they may be answered online or be written and mailed to the address on the website. Location: Windsor, ON Website: http://www.fin.gov.on.ca/english/consultations/prebud09/For information contact: mariya.genkova@ontario.ca Phone: (416) 325-0388. Categories: Government & Public Sector |
Nov 10/2008 Charlottetown, PE |
Soil Matters - workshop with Fred Magdoff Fred Magdoff is a recently retired professor of soil and plant science, U of Vermont.
He will address: application of ecological principles to agriculture, soil organic matter and its importance, soil health management and soil testing.
Magdoff is co-author of "Building Soils for Better Crops". Time: 9:30 AM - 4:00 PM Venue: Charlottetown Location: Charlottetown, PE Website: http://www.acornorganic.orgFor information contact: jessie@acornorganic.org Phone: 1-866-322-2676 Categories: Farming; Environment |
Nov 11/2008 Toronto, ON |
Toronto Screening - Body Of War This is a charity event with all proceeds going to IVAW.org in support of War Resisters locally in Toronto. Time: 6:00 - 9:00 pm Venue: Bloor Cinema Location: 506 Bloor St. W., Toronto, ON Website: http://www.bodyofwartoronto.comFor information contact: info@bodyofwartoronto.com Categories: Human Rights, Law, Legal; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; International |
Nov 11/2008 Toronto, ON |
Toronto Screening - Body of War Toronto Screening - Body of War
Date: November 11th, 2008
Show Time: 7:00pm
Location: Bloor Cinema
506 Bloor St. W, Toronto
Prior to the screening (around 6:30) Rebel Emergency will be playing live music
Following the screening there will be IVAW members speaking and available for questions
Tickets $15.00 - At the Door
Time: 7 p.m Venue: Bloor Cinema Location: 506 Bloor Street West, Toronto, ON Categories: Arts & Culture
Nov 11/2008 to Nov 14/2008 Lake Louise, AB |
North American Lake Management Society 2008 NALMS 18th International Symposium
The symposium theme is: lake management during unprecedented development, water scarcity and climate change.
More than 30 sessions and several pre-conference workshops are proposed. Location: Lake Louise, AB Website: http://www.nalms.org/Conferences/2008LakeLouise/Categories: Environment |
Nov 12/2008 Toronto, ON |
Focus on Hebron: In the Eye of the Storm - Stories, Artwork and Films by Israelis and Palestinians Opening Night:
- Book Launch with George Kheifi: 7-8 p.m.
- Palestinian Cinema
- Pianist John Kameel Farah: 8:45 p.m.
- Kamilya Jubran - Solo: 9:30 p.m.
- Telling Strings: 11 p.m.
Ongoing Exhibit - October 30th November 9th
Wednesday to Saturday at XEXE Gallery . Hours: 12-6 p.m. Free
$15 for opening night
Films: $5 students and seniors/$10 adults
Film Pass $25 students and seniors/$50 adults Venue: Gladstone Hotel Location: 1214 Queen Street West, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.voicesforward.orgPhone: 416-909-4038 Categories: Arts & Culture |
Nov 12/2008 Toronto, ON |
Lecture: A short history of Iraq In this lecture Dr. Thabit Abdullah, author of "A Short History of Iraq: From 636 to the Present" will consider the rise of modern Iraq.
Time: 6:30 pm Venue: Textile museum of Canada Location: 55 Centre Ave., Toronto, ON For information contact: info@textilemuseum.ca Phone: 416-599-5321 Categories: Education; International; Military
Nov 12/2008 Montreal, QC |
Middle East Popular Education Project Une presentation de l.Association facultaire des sciences humaines de l'UQAM (AFESH) et de l'Association etudiante du module de science politique de l'UQAM (AEMSP-UQAM)
Time: 12h30 Venue: Universite du Que©bec a Montreal (UQAM) Location: Montreal, QC Categories: Education; International; Human Rights, Law, Legal
Nov 12/2008 Montreal, QC |
Middle East Popular Education Project: Montreal November 2008 A popular education initiative in Montreal building on the critical resolution adopted by ASSE to support the international campaign of boycott, divestment and sanctions to fight against Israeli apartheid, as ASSE became the first major student union in Canada to support the international campaign against Israeli apartheid and for equality in Palestine.
Around the world there is a growing movement for boycott, divestment and sanctions to be applied to the Israel, in order to pressure the Israeli government to end ongoing human rights violations against Palestinians living in the occupied territories and within Israel.
Location: Montreal, QC Categories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
Nov 12/2008 Montreal, QC |
QPIRG Student meeting QPIRG McGill student meeting.
Hosted by GrassRoots Association for Student Power (GRASP) and QPIRG McGill
Time: 18h30 Venue: QPIRG McGill Location: 3647 University Street, Montreal, QC Categories: Education
Nov 12/2008 Calgary, AB |
Sustainability for Small Business: Making the Economic Case Bob Willard will be sharing his insights into the importance of sustainability for small business and providing practical advice for local business owners especially those of the green community. Time: 6:30 - 8:30 pm Venue: Central Library Location: 616 Macleod Trail SE, Calgary, AB Website: http://www.reapcalgary.com/survey |
Nov 12/2008 Calgary, AB |
Tariq Ali Mr. Ali, noted speaker, documentary film maker and editor of the "New Left" magazine, will talk on "Duel: Pakistan and Afghanistan in the Flight Path of American Power."
Time: 7:30 pm Venue: Knox Centre Location: 514 6th Ave. SW, Calgary, AB For information contact: Paul Armstrong tourab@aol.com Phone: 403-246-9586 Categories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Human Rights, Law, Legal; International
Nov 12/2008 Ottawa, ON |
The Myth of Water Abundance in Canada - An evening of learning and discussion Short Film: "The Canadian Water Crisis"
Panel Discussion:Stephen Hazell, Sierra Club
Maude Barlow, Council of Canadians
Meredith Brown, Ottawa Riverkeeper Time: 7 pm - 9 pm Venue: St. Paul's University Location: 223 Main St.,, Ottawa, ON Website: http://ontario.sierraclub.caFor information contact: water.night@rogers.com Categories: Environment; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Human Rights, Law, Legal |
Nov 12/2008 to Nov 13/2008 Toronto, ON |
Pesticides and Cancer Conference This is a two day science-based, groundbreaking conference about pesticides and cancer with support from the National Cancer Inst. of Canada. Experts from renowned international cancer research centres will lead the discussions. Venue: Toronto Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.cancer.ca/pesticidesconferenceCategories: Health/Health Care; Environment |
Nov 12/2008 to Nov 14/2008 Edmonton, AB |
Integrated Waste Management Systems This conference will examine issues related to municipal waste and waste management systems and will be divided in four sessions: an overview of successful waste management systems, new and emerging technologies, costs and decision processes. Venue: Edmonton Location: Edmonton, AB Website: http://www.awma.org/go/IWMS08For information contact: mgallagher@awma.org Phone: 412-232-3444 Categories: Science & Technology; Environment |
Nov 12/2008 to Nov 25/2008 Toronto, ON |
Bil'in Village Against the Wall Photo Exhibit Featuring: Video and Speakers about the struggle in the West Bank Village of Bil'in against the Apartheid Wall and the recent launch of legal action against Canadian corporations involved in building settlements on Bil'in village land.
Bil'in is a Palestinian village struggling to exist. It is fighting to safeguard its land, its trees, its resources, its liberty. By annexing close to 60% of Bil'in land for Israeli settlements and the construction its 'separation' wall, the state of Israel is strangling the village. Since 2005, Bil'in residents have been peacefully demonstrating every Friday in front of the "work-site of shame" supported by Israeli and International activists. And every Friday the Israeli army respond with violence. Time: Full Opening Night: Wednesday, November 19th @ 7pm Venue: Tinto's Cafe Location: 89 Roncesvalles Avenue, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.tinto.ca, www.caiaweb.orgCategories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Arts & Culture |
Nov 13/2008 Montreal, QC |
Book Sale Concordia Community Solidarity Co-op Bookstore
2150 Bishop Street, metro Guy-Concordia
Hosted by Concordia Co-op Bookstore and QPIRG Concordia
Time: 6 p.m. Venue: Hosted by Concordia Co-op Bookstore and QPIRG Concordia Location: 2150 Bishop Street, metro Guy-Concordia, Montreal, QC Categories: Education
Nov 13/2008 Toronto, ON |
Carbon Finance Workshop ( 4 half-day workshops) Attendees will learn of:
-mechanisms of carbon markets
-interaction of regular finance and carbon markets
-risks associated with carbon markets
-latest trends in international and national initiatives Time: 8:00 am - 5 pm, both Nov.13 and Nov.14/2008 Venue: Munk Centre Location: 1 Devonshire Place, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.environmental-finance.utoronto.ca/carbonfinanceFor information contact: Donna Workman d.workman@utoronto.ca Categories: Economic Development; Environment; International |
Nov 13/2008 Toronto, ON |
Focus on Hebron: In the Eye of the Storm - Stories, Artwork and Films by Israelis and Palestinians - In the Eye of the Storm: 6-8:30 p.m. Official Opening
Meet the artists and guests
- 6.5 Minutes in Tel Aviv and Bed and Breakfast: 7 p.m.
- Performance of Reading Hebron: 9-11 p.m.
Ongoing Exhibit - October 30th - November 29th
Wednesday to Saturday at XEXE Gallery. Hours: 12-6 p.m. Free
$15 for opening night
Films: $5 students and seniors/$10 adults
Film Pass: $ 25 students and seniors/$50 adults Venue: XEXE Gallery, Royal Cinema, Factory Theatre Location: 624 Richmond St. W, 608 College St. W, 125 Bathurst St., Toronto, ON Website: http://www.voicesforward.orgPhone: 416-909-4038 Categories: Arts & Culture |
Nov 13/2008 Montreal, QC |
Middle East Popular Education Project: Montreal November 2008 A popular education initiative in Montreal building on the critical resolution adopted by ASSE to support the international campaign of boycott, divestment and sanctions to fight against Israeli apartheid, as ASSE became the first major student union in Canada to support the international campaign against Israeli apartheid and for equality in Palestine.
Around the world there is a growing movement for boycott, divestment and sanctions to be applied to Israel, in order to pressure the Israeli government to end ongoing human rights violations against Palestinians living in the occupied territories and within Israel.
Location: Montreal, QC Categories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
Nov 13/2008 Toronto, ON |
Transportation Futures: Ontario's inaugural road pricing forum Can road pricing play a role in improving mobility, air quality and the state of the nation's transportation infrastructure?
Examples are given from places such as London, France, Germany, Oregon and Holland where some pricing systems were applied Time: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Venue: Hart House, U of Toronto Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.rccao.com/eventsFor information contact: Marty Collier marty@rccao.com Phone: 416-516-1621 ex.2 Categories: Environment; Business & Economics; International |
Nov 13/2008 Toronto, ON |
Waves of Resistance: Introductory discussion workshop on feminism This is the first of at least two workshops that the Toronto Feminist Meetup will host based on materials from the Pan-Canadian young feminist conference which happened last month.
Time: 6:30 pm Venue: Tequila Bookworm Location: 512 Queen St. W., Toronto, ON For information contact: Tara Vaughan vaughan.tara@gmail.com Categories: Women; Human Rights, Law, Legal; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
Nov 13/2008 to Nov 14/2008 Toronto, ON |
Quality of Education Conference The following questions need to be answered: what is quality education, academic freedom, good pedagogy, promoting equity and access, student support etc.
Keynote speaker is James Turk, Executive Director of theCanadian Association of University Teachers.
Venue: U of Toronto Location: Toronto, ON For information contact: Melana Heinss Martel chf@cupe3902.org Phone: 416-593-7057 Categories: Education; Management
Nov 13/2008 to Nov 15/2008 Toronto, ON |
STAO 2008 - Learning through STSE - Science, Technology, Society, and the Environment The conference features student-centred learning experiences and resources that address the most important science and technology related issues facing society and the environment today. Venue: Doubletree Internat. Plaza Hotel Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.stao.orgFor information contact: Cathy Nesbitt cathy@cathycomposters.com Phone: 905-775-9495 Categories: Environment; Science & Technology |
Nov 13/2008 to Nov 16/2008 Vancouver, ON |
Amnesty International Film Festival This year will be largest with 35 films.
This year it will concide with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the UN document which sets out the rights of human beings.
The Film Festival also shows how these rights were at times not protected by the authorities.
Venue: Vancity Theatre Location: 1181 Seymour Street, Vancouver, ON For information contact: Don Wright, Amnesty International Phone: 604-294-5160 Categories: Environment; Human Rights, Law, Legal; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
Nov 13/2008 to Nov 22/2008 Montreal, QC |
Montreal Documentary Festival The program is organized around themes - social, political and environmental, and features workshops and events that engage audiences, film professionals and partners in conversation and debate, both along the artistic and also the political level. Location: Montreal, QC Website: http://www.ridm.qc.caCategories: Environment; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Human Rights, Law, Legal |
Nov 13/2008 to Nov 22/2008 Montreal, QC |
Montreal Documentary Festival/ Rencontres Internationales du Documentaire (RIDM) This festival was founded in 1998 by documentary film makers who wanted to give documentary films a showcase that would encourage the emergence of new ways of looking at the world.
Some 100 films are offered from the four corners of the earth; the themes are social, political and environmental.
Along with the films, there are numerous work shops where film content and techniques can be discussed and artistic merit can be evaluated. Location: Montreal, QC Website: http://www.ridm.qc.caFor information contact: info@ridm.qc.ca Phone: 514-499-3676 Categories: Environment; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Politics & Political Organizations |
Nov 14/2008 Toronto, ON |
Focus on Hebron: In the Eye of the Storm - Stories, Artwork and Films by Israelis and Palestinians - A Gallery Encounter: 6 p.m.
- Music Night: 8:30 p.m. Venue: XEXE Gallery, Gladstone Hotel Location: 624 Richmond Street West, 1214 Queen Street West, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.voicesforward.orgPhone: 416-909-4038 Categories: Arts & Culture |
Nov 14/2008 Montreal, QC |
Middle East Popular Education Project: Montreal Hosted by the Mobilization Committee of the Association etudiante du Cegep de St-Laurent (AECSL)
Time: 11 a.m. Venue: Cegep Saint-Laurent. Location: Montreal, QC Categories: Education; Human Rights, Law, Legal; International
Nov 14/2008 Montreal, QC |
Middle East Popular Education Project: Montreal November 2008 A popular education initiative in Montreal building on the critical resolution adopted by ASSE to support the international campaign of boycott, divestment and sanctions to fight against Israeli apartheid, as ASSE became the first major student union in Canada to support the international campaign against Israeli apartheid and for equality in Palestine.
Around the world there is a growing movement for boycott, divestment and sanctions to be applied to Israel, in order to pressure the Israeli government to end ongoing human rights violations against Palestinians living in the occupied territories and within Israel.
Location: Montreal, QC Categories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
Nov 14/2008 to Nov 16/2008 Edmonton, AB |
The Moral of the Story: Art, Culture, Media and Politics Political change for the common good involving media, activist art, politics in fiction, alternative media. Multimedia keynote presentation by Sol Guy; closing speaker and author Tariq Ali.
Venue: U. of Alberta Campus Location: Edmonton, AB For information contact: parkland@ualberta.ca Phone: 780-492-8558 Categories: Arts & Culture; Politics & Political Organizations
Nov 14/2008 to Nov 16/2008 Edmonton, AB |
The Moral of the Story: Art, Culture, Media and Politics This is the Parkland Institute's 12th annual fall conference focusing on:
-the Media
-Activist Art
-Politics in Fiction
-Alternative Media
Venue: University of Alberta Campus Location: Edmonton, AB For information contact: parkland@ualberta.ca Phone: 780-492-8558 Categories: Arts & Culture; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Media, Entertainment, News, Communications
Nov 15/2008 Sudbury, ON |
CFA Franchise Discovery Day - Sudbury, ON Meet with successful franchisors that are actively seeking franchisees in your community!
CFA Franchise Discovery Days are shows that showcase a group of franchisors looking to expand into a targeted community. These events give potential franchisees the opportunity to ask questions of experienced franchise systems and attend free seminars by industry experts.
If you have considered going into business for yourself, this is an event you wont want to miss. Discover your future in franchising at CFA Franchise Discovery Days. Time: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Location: Sudbury, ON Website: http://www.cfa.ca/page.aspx?url=FDD.htmlPhone: 1-800-665-4232 Categories: Economic Development; Business & Economics |
Nov 15/2008 Toronto, ON |
Focus on Hebron: In the Eye of the Storm - Stories, Artwork and Films by Israelis and Palestinians - Inside God's Bunker: 5 p.m.
- Heart of Jenin with Moshe and Munir: 7 p.m.
- You Me Jerusalem: 9 p.m.
Ongoing Exhibit - October 30th - November 29th
Wednesday to Saturday at XEXE Gallery. Hours: 12-6 p.m. Free
$15 for opening night
Films: $5 students and seniors/$10 adults
Film Pass $25 students and seniors/$50 adults Venue: Royal Cinema Location: 608 College Street West, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.voicesforward.orgPhone: 416-909-4038 Categories: Arts & Culture |
Nov 15/2008 to Nov 16/2008 Toronto, ON |
Voices Foward: Film and Culture about People from Israel & Palestine For people who are curious and interested in participating in screenings, events and discussions that endeavour to bring new perspectives about people from Israel & Palestine. As well as presenting screenings and events throughout the year, Voices Forward presents its 3rd annual weekend of film, photography, theatre & discussion on November 15-16 where diverse personal experiences of daily living by visiting Palestinian and Israeli artists and filmmakers will be shared. Our hope is to acknowledge the realities in these films and artistic works focusing on individuals from both sides with the courage to showcase human stories. We believe these voices should be heard: nothing can communicate humanity and the human experience better than art. Venue: Royal Cinena Location: 608 College Street, Toronto, ON Website: http://ttp://voicesforward.orgCategories: Arts & Culture; International |
Nov 16/2008 Toronto, ON |
Focus On Hebron: In the Eye of the Storm - Stories, Artwork and Films by Israelis and Palestinians - What I Saw In Hebron: 11 a.m.
- Martyr Street: 1 p.m.
- Breaking the Silence Presentation: 3:30 p.m.
- Recognized with Ajameion: 5 p.m.'
- Ashkenaz: 7 p.m.
- Jerusalem Cuts: 9 p.m.
Ongoing Exhibit - October 30th - November 29th
Wednesday to Saturday at XEXE Gallery. Hours: 12-6 p.m. Free
$15 for for opening night
Films: $5 students and seniors/$10 adults
Film Pass: $25 students and seniors/$50 adults Venue: Royal Cinema Location: 608 College Street West, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.voicesforward.orgPhone: 416-909-4038 Categories: Arts & Culture |
Nov 16/2008 to Nov 18/2008 Saskatoon, SK |
Organic Connections 2008 The public's desire to support locally grown food is increasing and with it the support for organically grown food.
There are workshops, an organic food fair and related trade show and even a country dance. The themes for this conference are: Connecting, Sustainability, Lifestyles and Farming.
This event is the leading Canadian Source for the gathering of information and knowledge on all things organic. Venue: Grand Salon, TCU Place Location: Saskatoon, SK Website: http://www.organicconnections.caCategories: Environment; Farming |
Nov 16/2008 to Nov 22/2008
National Drug and Addictions Awarness Week Drug Awareness Week (DAW) began as a grassroots initiative in the early 1980s, and was officially recognized as National Drug Awareness Week in 1987 by the then minister of Health and Welfare. It was also during the late 1980s that Alberta's Nechi Institute began to host the very successful National Addictions Awareness Week (NAAW). Although primarily an Aboriginal initiative, it quickly caught on with non-Aboriginal communities as well.
Please visit the CCSA website for a complete schedule of events and activities being held across Canada. Venue: Varoius regional events and initiatives across Canada Location: 300 - 75 Albert Street Website: http://www.ccsa.ca/CCSA/EN/Partnerships/NAAW_DAW/For information contact: Heather Wilcox Phone: (613) 235-4048 |
Nov 16/2008 to Nov 22/2008
Restorative Justice Week Restorative Justice Week aims to promote mediation between victims of crime and past offenders in order to improve the community's quality of life. Website: http://www.csc-scc.gc.caFor information contact: restorativejustice@csc-scc.gc.ca Phone: 613-952-1220 Categories: Security; Social Policy |
Nov 17/2008 Montreal, QC |
Diverse experiences of autonomous social centres In this workshop we will address the diverse experiences of autonomous social centres. What is an autonomous social centre ? How do they operate ? What are the issues and reasons for their evictions? Some of the experiences we'll share are based in Europe: the 400 Couverts Squat in Grenoble and the Tanneries Squat in Dijon; in Canada: the Frances Street Squat in Vancouver and the Pope Squat in Toronto; and here in Quebec: the Chevrotière Squat in Quebec City and the Overdale-Prefontaine Squat in Montreal. We will end the workshop with a presentation on the Autonomous Social Centre inPoint-St-Charles.
Presented by Nancy Breault & Pascal Lebrun, who are involved in the installation committee of the Autonomous Social Centre, and some guests. Time: 7 p.m. Venue: Carrefour d'education populaire de Pointe Saint-Charles Location: 2356 rue Centre (metro Charlevoix), Montreal, QC Website: http://www.centresocialautogere.orgCategories: Urban Issues, Transit, Housing, Public Space; Human Rights, Law, Legal |
Nov 17/2008 Toronto, ON |
Hungry to Succeed Workshops A highly engaging, interactive one-day marketing workshop organized by The Marketing Chefs and conducted where else-at a Cooking School.
Topics Include:
Steps to define, reach and connect with your customers
A simple process to translate features into benefits
How to develop your 60-second elevator pitch
Simple website strategies to convert visitors into buyers
Strategies for improving your ranking on the most popular search engines like Google, Yahoo and MSN Time: 9:00 yo 5:00 PM Venue: Liaison College Location: 2974 Lakeshore Blvd. W, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.TheMarketingChefs.comFor information contact: Tricia Ryan Phone: 416 259 6611 Categories: Marketing, Advertising, Public Relations |
Nov 17/2008 Montreal, QC |
Study in Action Conference We're beginning to plan for next year's Study in Action Conference, which links undergraduate research and learning with community organizing. This year's theme is Resisting Occupations. Join us at our next meeting where we'll continue to brainstorm and plan for next year's conference. The space is wheelchair accessible; please get in touch in advance for childcare or any other needs. Please confirm at info@qpirgconcordia.org (or 514-848-7585) if you can make the meeting, or if you want to be involved but can't make it. Time: 5 p.m. Venue: QPIRG Concordia Location: 1500 de Maisonneuve Ouest, #204, Montreal, QC Website: http://ww.qpirgconcordia.orgFor information contact: info@qpirgconcordia.org Phone: 514-848-7585 Categories: Education |
Nov 17/2008 Toronto, ON |
UNIFEM Toronto Film Screening: Credit Where Credit is Due A film about how taking out a loan revolutionized the lives of village women in Bangladesh, inreasing their income and their children's health.
Time: 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm Venue: Textile Museum Location: 55 Centre Ave., Dundas St. & University Ave., Toronto, ON Phone: 416-922-8744 Categories: Economic Development; International; Women
Nov 17/2008 Ottawa, ON |
What's in a name? Harm Reduction in a socio-politcal context This moderated discussion will try to expand and illuminate the sometimes acrimonious harm reduction debate by applying a socio-political lens to the question. Panelists include
Walter Cavalieri, Founder, Canadian Harm Reduction Network; Janet Bagnall, editorial writer and columnist,The Gazette; Gail Czukar, Executive Vice-President, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, and Dr. Michael Orsini, Associate Professor, Political Studies, University of Ottawa. Moderated by Michel Perron, CEO, Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse with an introduction by Dr. John Osborne, Dean, Arts and Social Sciences Carleton University. Time: 8:00 - 9:30 p.m. Venue: Room 102, Azrielli Theatre, Carleton University Location: 1025 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa, ON Website: http://www.ccsa.ca/Eng/NewsAndEvents/Events/ChairLectureSeries/Pages/index.aspxFor information contact: Heather Wilcox Phone: 613-235-4048 Categories: Health/Health Care; Pharmaceuticals/Drugs |
Nov 17/2008 to Nov 20/2008 Venice |
Energy from Biomass and Waste -- VENICE 2008: Second International Symposium The aim of the Venice 2008 Symposium is to focus on the advances made in theapplication of technologies for energy recovery from biomass and waste and to encourage discussion on the reliability of processes and technologies and their full scale applicability. Location: Venice Website: http://www.venicesymposium.itFor information contact: Anne Farmer eurowaste@tin.it Phone: +39 049 8726986 Categories: Environment; Science & Technology; International |
Nov 18/2008 Toronto, ON |
Beyond the Seventh Generation A series of short films created by local indigenous youth filmmakers. To be preceded by a smudge conducted by the Indigenous Education Network and followed by Q & A.
Time: 8:30 pm - 10:25 pm Venue: Ontario Inst. for Studies in Education (OISE/UT) Location: 252 Bloor St. West (Room 5-260), Toronto, ON Categories: Arts & Culture; Native Peoples; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
Nov 18/2008 Montreal, QC |
Campus Organizing: Contemporary Currents Panel Discussion and Q&A A bilingual panel of student organizers, including Sabine Friesinger (former Concordia Student Union President), Max Silverman (Association of McGill Undergraduate Student Employees - AMUSE), and Veronique Martineau (a member of l'Association pour une Solidarite Syndicale Etudiante, ASSA), will share their experiences, shedding light on the specific challenges and strategies of on-campus organizing, highlighting links to community organizing and the role of student movements within larger social justice struggles.
Moderated by Indu Vashist of QPIRG McGill
The Rad School: Resources for resistance! Workshops are free, bilingual and open to anyone working for social justice. Time: 7:00 p.m Venue: Concordia University Location: 2149 Mackay St., Montreal, QC Website: http://www.centre2110.orgFor information contact: www.theradschool@gmail.com Categories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual; Native Peoples |
Nov 18/2008 to Nov 27/2008 Hull, QC |
Conserving Natural Capital in Canada and Mexico Where: UNAM's Extension School in Canada, 55 Promenade du Portage (corner of St-Jacques), Gatineau-sector Hull (near Ottawa), Quebec
Time: 5 p.m. to 7 p.m., Tuesdays and Thursdays Venue: UNAM's Extension School in Canada Location: 55 Promenade du Portage (corner of St-Jacques), Hull, QC Categories: Business & Economics
Nov 19/2008 Montreal, QC |
Demonstration in Solidarity with Barriere Lake: A Call for Solidarity and Support This is a demonstration to call on Premier Charest to STOP using riot police, tear gas and pain compliance and start honouring signed agreements with Barriere Lake Algonquins.
Venue: Jean Charest's Office Location: corner of McGill College & Sherbrooke, Montreal, QC Categories: Native Peoples; Human Rights, Law, Legal; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
Nov 19/2008 Montreal, QC |
QPIRG-Concordia Skillshare 13 MAKE NOIZE! Organizing sound at demonstrations and events:
This workshop will look at how to construct low-cost public address sound systems for demonstrations and actions, as well as for indoor events (concerts, conferences, benefits and parties). We will begin with an overview of the use of equipment and different possible sound scenarios for grassroots groups. One part of this workshop will together assemble a mobile sound system (both sound trucks and smaller-scale "sound dollys"). The latter part of this workshop will look in greater detail at the assembly of indoor PA systems for events. We will together brainstorm low-cost and low-budget alternatives. The workshop is hands-on, and is intended for all social justice organizers and activists.
Time: 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. Venue: QPIRG-Concordia Location: 1500 de Maisonneuve Ouest,#204, Montreal, QC For information contact: workinggroups@qpirgconcordia.org Phone: 514-848-7585 to reserve Categories: Skills & Training; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Media, Entertainment, News, Communications
Nov 19/2008 Toronto, ON |
Stories That Bind Festival, Celebrating the multicultural voices and stories of Canada The KCLF-21 Press is proud to host the Stories That Bind Festival, Celebrating the multicultural voices and stories of Canada.
Come celebrate this multicultural event with the KCLF-21 Press!
Harbord House Pub & Grill
Time: 7:30 - 9:00pm Venue: Harbord House Pub & Grill Location: 150 Harbord Street, Toronto, ON Categories: Arts & Culture
Nov 19/2008 Toronto, ON |
Thought for Food Gala The Ontario Association of Food Banks is hosting its second annual fund-raising Thought for Food Gala. Venue: The Carlu Location: 444 Yonge Street, 7th floor, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.oafb.caFor information contact: Renee Beneteau Phone: (416) 656-4100 Categories: Social Policy |
Nov 19/2008 Toronto, ON |
Trevor Franklin and Canaccord Capital is pleased to invite you to a wine and cheese featuring David Burrows, Managing Director and Investment Strategi Canaccord Capital is pleased to invite you to a wine and cheese featuring David Burrows, Managing Director and Investment Strategist of Barometer Capital Management. He will discuss Barometer's approach to investing and recent portfolio allocation changes. Barometer is responsible for managing 4 different mandates in Canaccord's Alliance program. The Alliance program offers clients separately-managed accounts under the direction of leading investment counselors.
The wine and cheese will take place at the offices of Canaccord Capital, 161 Bay Street, in the 30th Floor Boardroom.
RSVP by email to Trevor Franklin, CFP
Canaccord Capital
Time: 4:30 to 6:30 Venue: Canaccord Capital Location: 161 Bay Street Suite 2900, Toronto, ON For information contact: Trevor Franklin Phone: 416 867 6022 Categories: Business & Economics; Investment, Finance, Insurance
Nov 19/2008 to Nov 21/2008 Toronto, ON |
Raising the Roof Raising the Roof is sponsoring a conference to discuss a national strategy on youth homelessness. The conference will take place at the Holiday Inn on King St. in downtown Toronto, featuring an impressive range of activists in housing across the country, as well as a keynote address by the former United Nations Special Rapporteur on Adequate Housing, Mr. Miloon Kothari. The conference fee is $400, and the schedule is at http://www.raisingtheroof.org Venue: Holiday Inn Location: 370 King Street, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.raisingtheroof.orgCategories: Social Policy |
Nov 20/2008 Montreal, QC |
Broadcasting against Borders - Media and Migrant Justice from France to Montreal This evening features:
- Launch of the CKUT radio-documentary 'Les luttes des sans-papiers en France', produced by Aaron Lakoff
- Film projections: "Mémoires d'immigrés", "RESF Un Réseau de résistances"
-Slide-show and presentation by Tatiana Gomez & Jaggi Singh of Solidarity Across Borders: 'Migrant Justice organizing in Montreal'
$5-15 sliding scale ($10 or more gets you a copy of CKUT's radio-documentary as well)
This event is a benefit fund-raiser for the Independent Media Center (IMC) and CKUT Radio. The IMC opened its doors on September 20th, and is a free space to house numerous media activist projects in Montreal. Time: 7:00 p.m Venue: The Independent Media Center Location: 2035 St-Laurent, 2nd floor, Montreal, QC Website: http://www.solidarityacrossborders.orgFor information contact: news@ckut.ca Phone: 514-448-4041 ext. 6788 Categories: Media, Entertainment, News, Communications; Arts & Culture |
Nov 20/2008 Vancouver, BC |
Canada after Bush: What is at stake? A Forum to address the following topics:
-War in Afghanistan, Climate Change, Free Trade, Energy Security, Human Rights and Disarmament
Followed by refreshments; no charge.
Time: 7:30 - 9:30 pm Venue: Unitarian Church, Hewett Centre Location: 949 W.49th Ave. at Oak St., Vancouver, BC For information contact: Larry Kazdan lkazdan@shaw.ca Phone: 604-874-9982 Categories: Economic Development; Environment; Military
Nov 20/2008 Vancouver, BC |
Canada after Bush: What is at stake? A Forum with Steven Staples, President of the Rideau Institute, on principled policies for Canada and the World:
War in Afghanistan, Climate Change, Free Trade, Energy Security, Human Rights and Disarmament.
Sponsored by:
World Federalist Movement Canada - Vancouver Branch,
Canadian Dept. of Peace Initiative - Vancouver Chapter,
Council of Canadians Vancouver-Burnaby Chapter.
Followed by refreshments. All welcome. Free Parking. No charge.
The World Federalist Movement Canada - Vancouver Branch meets at this location the third Thursday of every month. The general public is invited to attend.
World Federalists support the development of a global community based on the rule of law and democratically accountable international institutions.
Time: 7:30 p.m. Venue: Unitarian Church, Hewett Centre Location: 949 W.49th Ave, Vancouver, BC For information contact: Larry Kazdan; lkazdan@shaw.ca Categories: International; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Economic Development
Nov 20/2008 Toronto, ON |
Greening our Cities: an Evening with David Suzuki David Suzuki public lecture concerning the importance of trees in Greening our Cities.Tickets are: $50 / each. Time: 7:00 pm Venue: John Bassett Theatre, Location: Metro Convention Centre, North Bldg., Toronto, ON Website: http://www.landscapeontario.comFor information contact: Jenny Rhodenizer, info@torontobotanicalgarden.ca Phone: 416-397-1341 Categories: Environment; Urban Issues, Transit, Housing, Public Space |
Nov 20/2008
National Child Day National Child Day celebrates two historic events for children: the adoption of the United Nations' Declaration on the Rights of the Child (1959) and Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989). Website: http://www.phac-aspc.gc.ca/ncd-jne/Phone: 613-952-1220 Categories: Children & Youth; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Nov 20/2008 Ottawa, ON |
Ontario Budget Hearings Ontario Minister of Finance Hon. Dwight Duncan has scheduled hearings in a few cities during the next month to hear presentations by the public about advice to the Ontario Government on its next budget.
To speak at a meeting, contact mariya.genkova@ontario.ca or (416) 325-0388. Alternatively, the link http://www.fin.gov.on.ca/english/consultations/prebud09/ at the Ministry website lists the 5 questions on which the Government is seeking people's views, and they may be answered online or be written and mailed to the address on the website. Location: Ottawa, ON Website: http://www.fin.gov.on.ca/english/consultations/prebud09/For information contact: mariya.genkova@ontario.ca Phone: (416) 325-0388 Categories: Government & Public Sector |
Nov 20/2008 to Nov 22/2008 Ottawa, ON |
Organizing for Justice conference in Ottawa You are invited to participate in the upcoming "Organizing for Justice" conference that is being held in Ottawa from November 20th to 22nd 2008. There is no cost to participate. Donations are welcome and useful but not necessary. This conference is open to people involved and/or interested in community organizing. The four main themes of the conference are: social justice; economic justice; environmental justice and healthy communities. Organizing for Justice presents a space for community organizers, activists and interested individuals to come together, develop strategy, share vision, and work on skills and tools that will help them in their efforts to effect change. Location: Ottawa, ON Website: http://www.org4justice.wordpress.comPhone: 613-656-5498 Categories: Human Rights, Law, Legal; Environment |
Nov 20/2008 to Nov 28/2008 Toronto, ON |
Book Launch for "The Prediction Trap (and how to avoid it)" Join author and speaker Randy Park for the launch of his second book “The Prediction Trap” at Books for Business on November 27, 5:30 to 7:00 pm. This book is particularly relevant given the current financial turmoil.
"The Prediction Trap" discusses how the human brain expects what happened yesterday to happen tomorrow - because in most cases it does. It looks at thinking traps we fall into when looking to the future. And it deals with strategies to prepare for the future, even as is stresses we can't predict the future.
Eric Reguly of The Globe and Mail says "Randy Park's stimulating book is a must-read for anyone who wants to confront the temptation to sacrifice long-term planning for short-term gratification." Time: 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm Venue: Books for Business Location: 120 Adelaide Street West, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.booksforbusiness.comFor information contact: Jane Cooney Phone: 416-362-7822 Categories: Business & Economics; Management; Politics & Political Organizations |
Nov 21/2008 Toronto, ON |
Human Trafficking in the EU: Patsy Sorensen Lecture and Art exhibit Patsy Sorensen is the founder of Payoke, an NGO combatting trafficking based in the red-light district in Belgium. She pioneered Belgian trafficking initiatives that set the precedent for worldwide efforts. She will speak about Payoke. Time: 9:00 am - 11:30 am Venue: Munk Centre Location: 1 Devonshire Place, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.utoronto.ca/ceresCategories: International; Human Rights, Law, Legal; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Nov 21/2008 Toronto, ON |
Ontario Budget Hearings Ontario Minister of Finance Hon. Dwight Duncan has scheduled hearings in a few
cities during the next month to hear presentations by the public about advice to the Ontario Government on its next budget.
To speak at a meeting, contact mariya.genkova@ontario.ca or (416) 325-0388. Alternatively, the link http://www.fin.gov.on.ca/english/consultations/prebud09/ at the Ministry website lists the 5 questions on which the Government is seeking people's views, and they may be answered online or be written and mailed to the address on the website. Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.fin.gov.on.ca/english/consultations/prebud09/For information contact: mariya.genkova@ontario.ca Phone: (416) 325-0388 Categories: Government & Public Sector |
Nov 21/2008 Toronto, ON |
THE MACHO PARADOX: Why Some Men Hurt Women and How All Can Help Jackson Katz is one of America's leading anti-sexist male activists. He is internationally recognized for his work in the field of gender violence prevention with men and boys. Time: 9 am - 11:00 am Venue: U of Toronto Multi-Faith Centre, 2nd Floor Koffler Inst. Location: 569 Spadina Ave., Toronto, ON Website: http://www.whiteribbon.ca/katz Phone: 416-920-6684 Categories: Education; Women
Nov 21/2008 to Nov 23/2008 London |
Erotica - UK's leading adult lifestyle event Erotica is the UK's leading adult lifestyle event where broad minded adults can experience everything from swinging holidays to fetish footwear. Erotica is now in its 12th year and it takes place at Olympia, London. Venue: Olympia Location: Olympia, London Website: http://www.erotica-uk.comCategories: Sexuality; Retail |
Nov 21/2008 to Nov 23/2008 Orillia, ON |
Great Lakes CSA Conference 2008: Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) The Conference will bring together CSA farmers and members, prospective CSA farmers and small farm supporters.
Workshops and presentations will focus on practical techniques, tools and resources specific to organics and CSA farming. Topics include production, marketing and financial aspects of running a CSA operation.
Uniquely, a mini-school will be offered to novice CSA farmers. Venue: Geneva Park Conference Centre Location: Orillia, ON Website: http://www.csaconference2008.caCategories: Farming; Environment |
Nov 22/2008 Toronto, ON |
Stories That Bind Festival, Celebrating the multicultural voices and stories of Canada Main Event
Date: Saturday November 22, 2008
Location: Hart House, University of Toronto
Time: 11:00am - 6:00pm
Sandra Huh
Event Organizer
email: storiesthatbindfestival@gmail.com
Time: Main Event: Saturday November 22, 2008, Time: 11:00am - 6:00pm Venue: 7 Hart House, University of Toronto Location: Toronto, ON For information contact: storiesthatbindfestival@gmail.com Phone: 416.912.6466 Categories: Arts & Culture
Nov 22/2008 Toronto, ON |
Summit on Good Jobs The Good Jobs Coalition, which is a community labour alliance in the Greater Toronto Area, will host a Summit on Good Jobs at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 255 Front St. West from 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Information is available at the link on http://www.goodjobscoalition.ca/ Time: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Venue: Metro Toronto Convention Centre Location: 255 Front Street West, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.goodjobscoalition.ca/Categories: Labour, Workplace, Unions |
Nov 22/2008 to Nov 24/2008 Toronto, ON |
Design City 2008 Canada's Expo for Graphic Designers
See the latest design tools and products for the graphic design industry at Design City 2008, the only show of its kind for Canadian graphic designers.
Design City expects to exceed last year's record attendance of over 1,000 graphic designers over three days. Attendees and suppliers will once again be delighted by the event, which provides a show within a show for designers visiting the major print trade show Print World.
The 3-Day Exhibition Pass includes admission to all Design City exhibitors, over 200 exhibitors in Print World, and all presentations in the Adobe Presentation Theatre.
Design City appears at Print World, November 22-24 at the Direct Energy Centre in Toronto.
www.designcityshow.com Venue: Direct Energy Centre Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.designcityshow.comCategories: Design |
Nov 22/2008 to Nov 24/2008 Toronto, ON |
Print World 2008 Print World: The World of Shorter-Run Printing is the biggest of its kind in North America, welcoming nearly 10,000 attendees and well over 200 exhibitors to the 2008 show. Venue: Downtown Toronto Exhibition Place Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.printworldshow.comPhone: 1-800-331-7408 Categories: Arts & Culture |
Nov 24/2008 Toronto, ON |
Roundtable Script: "Lights Out" by Manjula Padmanabhan Based on a true story, Lights Out by Manjula Padmanabhan is set inside a Mumbai apartment where a middle aged couple and their friends are witnessing the screams of a woman apparently being raped and are wondering whether it is wise to intervene or not.
A Roundtable is a set up where provided scripts of the play are read by participants. Anyone can take apart.
Time: 7:00 - 9:30 pm Venue: 5th Element Location: 1033 Bay Street, corner of Irwin and Bay, Toronto, ON Categories: Arts & Culture; Performing Arts; Women
Nov 24/2008 Toronto, ON |
The Changing Face of Music in a Digital World This discussion features:
-free file sharing among music fans
-on-line stores at artists' web sites
-CD sales are declining
-what about artists being fairly compensated for their work
Venue: St. Lawrence Centre Forum Location: 27 Front Street E (2 blks east of Union Station), Toronto, ON For information contact: subscribeforum@stlc.com Phone: 416-366-1656 Categories: Music; Human Rights, Law, Legal; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
Nov 25/2008 Toronto, ON |
Silver Dinner 2008 The Canadian Psychiatric Research Foundation's (CPRF) Silver Dinner 2008 will feature keynote speaker Rona Maynard, former editor of Chatelaine and author of the long-awaited memoir My Mother's Daughter. The event is to be held at Toronto'ÂÂs Four Seasons Hotel on Tuesday, November 25th, 2008. The title sponsor is TD Waterhouse Canada.
CPRFÂ's annual Silver Dinner routinely attracts more than 350 supporters, volunteers and corporate and community leaders. Together, they hear about challenges and activities relating to psychiatric research and medicine, as well as personal stories of struggle, triumph and compassion. Funds raised during the event will support mental illness and addiction research. Venue: Four Seasons Hotel Location: 21 Avenue Road, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.cprf.caFor information contact: Andrea Swinton Phone: 416-351-7757 Categories: Health/Health Care |
Nov 26/2008
Human Edte: To See If I'm Smiling - North American premiere To See If I'm Smiling - North American premiere
Directed and produced by Tamar Yarom
Israel is the only country in the world where 18-year old girls are drafted for compulsory military service and then spend two years in active duty alongside their male counterparts. In this powerful documentary, six young female Israel war veterans in their twenties speak openly for the first time about their experiences during their two years in the army, stationed in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank (also known as the Territories). The two years of service left an indelible impression on each of them. The young women grapple with and describe the emotional and psychological toll of their war experiences. Time: 10:00 - 11:00 Website: http://www.tvo.orgFor information contact: Anne Rubenstein Phone: 416-484-2881 Categories: Arts & Culture; International; Military |
Nov 26/2008 Kingston, ON |
Oliver Doyle Activism banquet The Kingston & District Labour Council is hosting its Oliver Doyle Activism banquet by featuring Andrea Horwath, MPP (Hamilton Centre) speaking on workers' rights. The banquet will take place at the Steelworkers 343 Union Centre, 105 Sutherland Dr., #7 in Kingston. The doors open at 5:30 p.m.
Time: 5:30 Venue: 343 Union Centre Location: 105 Sutherland Drive, #7, Kingston, ON For information contact: Darlene Medhurst Phone: (613) 548-4952 Categories: Labour, Workplace, Unions
Nov 26/2008 Toronto, ON |
The Global Economic Crisis The US, Canada's major trading partner is in very bad shape and not likely to recover soon.
What's the future? Leave markets alone, nationalize banks, spend on infrastructure? Economist panel of three to discuss.
Time: 7:30 - 9:30 pm Venue: St. Lawrence Forum Location: 27 E. Front Str. (2 blks E. of Union Station), Toronto, ON For information contact: subscribeforum@stlc.com Phone: 416-366-1656 Categories: Economic Development; Politics & Political Organizations; Business & Economics
Nov 27/2008 Montreal, QC |
Middle East Popular Education Project A popular education initiative in Montreal to support the international campaign of boycott, divestment and sanctions to fight against Israeli apartheid to support the international campaign against Israeli apartheid and for equality in Palestine.
Around the world there is a growing movement for boycott, divestment and sanctions to be applied to the Israel. This global boycott movement against Israeli apartheid, supported by a large majority of Palestinian civil society, is not targeted at Israelis; on the contrary it is also addressed to conscientious Israelis, urging them to support international efforts to bring about Israel's compliance with international law fundamental human rights and international law. Location: Montreal, QC Website: http://www. tadamon.caPhone: 514 664 1036 Categories: International; Human Rights, Law, Legal; Education |
Nov 27/2008 Montreal, QC |
Middle East Popular Education Project: Montreal une presentation du Comite de solidarite internationale et interculturelle
Time: 12h15 Venue: Cegep Edouard-Montpetit, salle c-30 Location: Montreal, QC Categories: Education; Human Rights, Law, Legal; International
Nov 27/2008 Montreal, QC |
Middle East Popular Education Project: Montreal November 2008 A popular education initiative in Montreal building on the critical resolution adopted by ASSE to support the international campaign of boycott, divestment and sanctions to fight against Israeli apartheid, as ASSE became the first major student union in Canada to support the international campaign against Israeli apartheid and for equality in Palestine.
Around the world there is a growing movement for boycott, divestment and sanctions to be applied to Israel, in order to pressure the Israeli government to end ongoing human rights violations against Palestinians living in the occupied territories and within Israel.
Location: Montreal, QC Categories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
Nov 27/2008 Toronto, ON |
Sex - AIDS - Law: A Toxic Cocktail? Speakers will include:
- Dr. Rita Shahin, Association Medical Officer of Health, Toronto Public Health
- Murray Jose, Executive Director, Toronto PWA Foundation
- Matt Mills, Associate Publisher & Manager Editor, XTRA!, Toronto's Lesbian & Gay Biweekly
- Derek Yee, PHA and Community Member
Maureen Brosnahan, CBC Radio
Brought to you by the Ontario Working Group on Criminal Law and HIV Exposure. With support from Toronto People With AIDS Foundation, AIDS Action NOW!, HIV & AIDS Legal Clinic (Ontario), Asian Community AIDS Services, Alliance for South Asian AIDS Prevention, Prisoners with HIV/AIDS Support Action Network, Africans in Partnership Against AIDS, and the AIDS Committee of Toronto.
Time: 7:00 to 9:00 Venue: Metro Hall Location: 55 John Street, Room 309, Toronto, ON Categories: Health/Health Care; Sexuality; Human Rights, Law, Legal
Nov 27/2008 Toronto, ON |
The Atheism Tapes (Film Screening) In these off-the-record interviews neurologist turned playwright, filmmaker and self-described atheist Jonathan Miller filmed conversations with six of today's leading men of letters and science: the New York Times best-selling author Richard Dawkins philosophers Daniel Dennett and Colin McGinn, distinguished playwright Arthur miller, theologian Denys Turner and Nobel Prize winning physicist Steven Weinberg, who discuss their personal intellectual journeys and offer illuminating
analyses of non theism from a wide range of perspectives.
Note: Part 2 will be screened on Thursday, December 18 at 7pm $5 ($3 for students) FREE for Friends of the Centre, bring a snack to share! Time: 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Venue: Centre for Inquiry Location: 216 Beverley Street, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.centreforinquiry.netCategories: Arts & Culture; Education |
Nov 27/2008 Toronto, ON |
Toronto International Festival of Poetry of Resistance Join Published Poets and Guests as we prepare for the First Toronto International Festival of Poetry of Resistance Time: 8:00 p.m. - 10:30 p.m. Venue: Ellington's Music and Cafe Location: 805 St. Clair Avenue West, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.freethefive.orgFor information contact: Maria Elena Mesa or Lisa Makarchuk; resistancepoetryfest@gmail.com Phone: 416-603-9858 Categories: Arts & Culture; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Nov 27/2008 to Nov 30/2008 Toronto, ON |
Mr. Leatherman Toronto Competition Weekend Mr. Leatherman Toronto (MLT) once again hosts one of North America’s largest and most acclaimed leather celebrations, November 27-30 (the last weekend in November, and American Thanksgiving weekend).
Four days of official events, including meet-and-greets, dinners, brunches, leather market, Bootblack Toronto Contest, and much more, climax at the Mr Leatherman Toronto Competition 2009 & Victory Ball on Saturday night.
The Mr Leatherman Toronto Competition 2009 & Victory Ball returns again this year to Polson Pier with the spectacular night view of the Toronto waterfront skyline.
If the hunks competing for the coveted title of Mr. Leatherman Toronto 2009 don’t get your attention, try the daddies, muscle boys, titleholders, and beautiful leather folk in attendance from all over the world. Venue: Polson Pier Location: 11 Polson Street, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.mrlt.comCategories: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual; Sexuality |
Nov 28/2008 Montreal, QC |
Solidarity Across Borders "Fall Feast" Welcome to all friends, allies and supporters of Solidarity Across Borders & migrant justice struggles in Montreal.
Our "Fall Feast" will include a menu of tasty foods (both meat and vegetarian) prepared by members and supporters of Solidarity Across Borders.
Presentations on:
- A Short History of Solidarity Across Borders (2003-2008)
- Project X on their campaign against racial profiling
- Report-back from the Agricultural Migrant Workers Caravan
Dinner, short films and photo projections, and presentations to be followed by SAB's first-ever Dance Party! Dance party DJs: DJ Charivari & DJ Derek West (and others)
Bring your kids! Kids activities planned on-site.
Evening includes films, photos and short presentations.
FREE! Time: Dinner is served at 6pm, Dance party follows at 9pm. Venue: Maison d'amitie Location: 120 Duluth East, Montreal, QC Website: http://www.solidarityacrossborders.orgFor information contact: solidaritesansfrontieres@gmail.com Phone: 514-848-7583 Categories: Food & Beverage; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; International |
Nov 28/2008 to Nov 30/2008 Toronto, ON |
Canadian Aboriginal Festival - Rogers Centre Powwow Canadian Aboriginal Festival Friday November 28 to Sunday November 30 The Canadian Aboriginal Festival is a multi-faceted event. It is Canada's largest Aboriginal festival and one of Toronto's most successful festivals. An exciting and welcoming event for everyone, it features fashion shows, music awards, pow wows, lacrosse competitions, aboriginal crafts and artisans, and much more. A Cross Cultural Family Event: The Canadian Aboriginal Festival is a unique opportunity for everyone to share and learn about North America's Aboriginal peoples. All ages will enjoy the many activities available. At the Rogers Centre
Note: All tickets are available through Ticketmaster and will go on sale starting October 15th, 2008. Time: 12-10 p.m. Saturday, 12-5 p.m. Sunday Venue: Rogers Centre Location: Front & Blue Jay Way, Toronto, ON Website: http://canab.com, www.ticketmaster.caPhone: Ticketmaster: (416) 872-1111 Categories: Native Peoples; Arts & Culture |
Nov 29/2008 Toronto, ON |
Ontario Coalition for Social Justice Assembly Ontario Coalition for Social Justice Assembly
We shall meet to discuss the most effective ways to persuade the Ontario Government to adopt a meaningful poverty reduction strategy. The timing of the assembly is fortuitous because the Government is due to announce its strategy within a short time of our meeting. Voices of the poor and for the poor need to unite to achieve change!
Time: 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Venue: Steelworkers' Hall Location: 25 Cecil Street, Toronto, ON Categories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Social Policy
Nov 29/2008 Toronto, ON |
The Millionaire Moron Power Seminar Adam Strimaitis, author of The Millionaire Moron, will be hosting a Power Seminar on November 29th. Topics include Leadership/Management, Goal Setting and Achieving, Entrepreneur Mentality, and how to find your million-dollar idea. Time: 1:00 pm Venue: Hotel Toronto AIrport (Formerly Novotel) Location: 135 Carlingview Drive, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.themillionairemoron.comFor information contact: Adam Strimaitis Phone: 416-602-8916 Categories: Skills & Training |
Nov 30/2008 Toronto, ON |
Cities for Life: Demonstration in opposition to the death penalty On Nov. 30, Sunday, Torontonians will demonstrate their opposition to the death penalty by marching from the Peace Garden in Nathan Phillips Square, at 6 pm to the illumination ceremony and speeches at St. James Cathedral.
Time: 6:00 pm Venue: St. James Cathedral Location: Toronto, ON For information contact: edimitru@amnesty.ca Phone: 416-363-9933 ext.33 Categories: Social Policy; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
Dec 1/2008 Thunder Bay, ON |
Ontario Budget Hearings Ontario Minister of Finance Hon. Dwight Duncan has scheduled hearings in a few
cities during the next month to hear presentations by the public about advice to the Ontario Government on its next budget.
To speak at a meeting, contact mariya.genkova@ontario.ca or (416) 325-0388. Alternatively, the link http://www.fin.gov.on.ca/english/consultations/prebud09/ at the Ministry website lists the 5 questions on which the Government is seeking people's views, and they may be answered online or be written and mailed to the address on the website. Location: Thunder Bay, ON Website: http://www.fin.gov.on.ca/english/consultations/prebud09/For information contact: mariya.genkova@ontario.ca Phone: (416) 325-0388 Categories: Government & Public Sector |
Dec 1/2008 Montreal, QC |
Resistance 2010!: The links between the G8, SPP, the Olympics and local struggles How are the G8, North American Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP), and the upcoming 2010 Winter Olympics linked together? This multi-media presentation -- including photos and videos -- will look back at recent movements of contestation against the G8 (Genoa, Kananaskis/Ottawa) and SPP (Montebello), and at current resistance to the Olympics in "British Columbia". Looking ahead to 2010, when all three events will take place in Canada, this presentation will provide a basic framework to discuss and debate about how to mobilize against these manifestations of capitalist and colonial power and oppression, linked to our tangible local campaigns and projects.
Presented by members of the People's Global Action Bloc in Montreal. Time: 7 p.m. Venue: Carrefour d'education populaire de Pointe Saint-Charles Location: 2356 rue Centre (metro Charlevoix), Montreal, QC Website: http://www.amp-montreal.netPhone: 514-848-7583 Categories: International; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Dec 1/2008 to Dec 3/2008 Gatineau, QC |
Canadian Renewable Fuels Summit 2008 The 5th Annual Canadian Renewable Fuels Summit.
Biofuels/Biodiesel/Agrofuels - Environmental Concerns - Food vs Fuel?
Second generation biofuels Venue: Hilton Lac-Leamy Hotel Location: Gatineau, QC Website: http://www.crfs2008.comFor information contact: Deborah Elson d.elson@greenfuels.org Phone: 613 -594-5528 ext.223 Categories: Environment; Biotechnology; Transportation & Travel |
Dec 3/2008 Toronto, ON |
After the Elections, Stop the Deportations of Iraq War Resisters With deportations looming for many Iraq war resisters, hear resisters and their families speak about their fight to remain in Canada in the wake of recent elections in US and Canada.
Time: 7:00 - 9:00 Venue: United Steel Workers' Hall Location: 25 Cecil Street, Toronto, ON For information contact: Michelle Robidoux resisters@sympatico.ca Categories: Human Rights, Law, Legal; Military; International
Dec 3/2008 Ottawa, ON |
Guantanamo North: Terrorism and the Administration of Justice in Canada, by Robert Diab Robert Diab will read from this book on Dec. 3.
Time: 6:00 pm Venue: Octopus Books Location: 116 Third Ave., Ottawa, ON For information contact: Jackie Wallace events@octopusbooks.ca Categories: Human Rights, Law, Legal; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
Dec 3/2008 Toronto, ON |
Legalizing Terror: The Canada-Colombia Free Trade Agreement This year Canada has reached a free trade agreement with Colombia to be ratified in 2009. Colombia's human rights' record is poor as is its militarily belligerent behavior with its neighbours.
This is a discussion of the agreement's impact and organizing against it.
Time: 7:00 - 9:00 pm Venue: Reagle Beagle Location: 335 Bloor Street, Toronto, ON For information contact: info@socialistproject.ca Categories: Economic Development; Human Rights, Law, Legal; Politics & Political Organizations
Dec 4/2008 Winnipeg, MB |
Aqua Books Lansdowne Prize for Poetry series Hosted in conjunction with the Writer's Collective, feature winners, nominees and other notable local poets:
-John Toone, "From Out Of Nowhere"
-Jan Horner, "Recent Mistakes"
-Dennis Cooley, "Correction Line"
Time: 7:00 pm Venue: Aqua Books Location: 274 Garry Str., Winnipeg, MB Categories: Journalism, Writing, Literary, Language; Arts & Culture; Publishers & Publishing
Dec 4/2008 North Bay, ON |
Building Healthy Communities Workshop Delivered by Paul Young, landscape architect and urban planner, the event provides an overview of the concepts involved in planning built environments to reflect the principles and prioritites of healthy communities. Time: 6 p.m. - 9 p.m. Venue: Urban Cafe Location: 101 Worthington Street East, North Bay, ON Website: http://greenspacenorthbay.netFor information contact: Brennain Lloyd greenspace@onlink.net Phone: 705-497-0373 Categories: Design; Architecture; Environment |
Dec 4/2008 Edmonton, AB |
Double-Bill Films! "What Would Jesus Buy?" and "Workers of the World Relax" "What Would Jesus Buy" is about Reverend Billy & the Church of Stop Shopping as they try to save mankind from consumerism.
"Workers of the World Relax" is about the truth that increasing world energy efficiency may increase world energy use.
Time: Two Shows; 7:00 pm and 9:00 pm Venue: Metro Cinema Location: 9828-101A Avenue, Edmonton, AB For information contact: contact@edmontonsmallpress.org Categories: Arts & Culture; Environment; Economic Development
Dec 4/2008 Toronto, ON |
Ontario's Conservation Summit #4 -- The Conserver Economy We are laying the groundwork for our fourth conservation summit to summarise progress towards a conserver society in Ontario and to highlight efforts to support a green, conserver economy.
We will be encouraging groups and businesses to submit a one page summary of products and/or services they can offer that can help people adopt conserver solutions. Venue: Toronto Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.greenontario.org/ccoFor information contact: Chris Winter cco@web.ca Categories: Environment; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Dec 4/2008 to Dec 5/2008 Toronto, ON |
LAL presents: SANCTUARY CITY: A BENEFIT CONCERT FOR NO ONE IS ILLEGAL - TORONTO A Benefit Concert for No-one is Illegal in Toronto
Guests: d'bi young, Amai Kuda, Mushfique Huq; DJ No Capitalista
Tickets available: Women's Book Store, 73 Harbord Str.
Time: 9:00 pm - 2:00 am Venue: Wrongbar Location: 1279 Queen Street West, Toronto, ON Categories: Music; Human Rights, Law, Legal; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
Dec 5/2008 Ottawa, ON |
Climate Change & Health: Health Challenges Around the World Topic will include how climate change will influence health from a Canadian and international point of view. Also included will be perspectives re: infectious diseases, environmental refugees and impacts on food production. Time: 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm Venue: Roger Guindon Hall, U. of Ottawa Location: 451 Smyth Rd., Ottawa, ON Website: http://www.uottawa.ca/maps/hsc.htmlCategories: Environment; Health/Health Care; International |
Dec 5/2008 Québec, QC |
Press Conference for the Strategic Innu Alliance: Four Innu communities unite to defend their land rights The media are invited to a press conference of the Innu Chiefs of Ekuanitshit, (Jean-Charles Piétacho), Matimekush-Lac John (Réal McKenzie), Pessamit (Raphael Picard) and Uashat Mak Mani-Utenam (Georges Ernest Grégoire), for the signature of a strategic Alliance to defend their land rights.
Time: 10:30 Venue: Hôtel Delta, Salle Brébeuf et Kent Location: Québec, QC For information contact: Eric Cardinal Phone: 450-638-5159
Dec 5/2008 Thunder Bay, ON |
Rally to Support a Coalition Government Rally to Support a Coalition government.
Time: 1:00 pm Venue: Labour Centre Parking lot Location: 929 Ft. William Road, Thunder Bay, ON Categories: Politics & Political Organizations
Dec 5/2008 Montreal, QC |
Tiss the season to be laid off: No Holidays for Laid Off Textile Workers Rally in front of Lamour Textile Inc. in memory of over 500 workers laid off between 2000 and 2007.
9:00 am - 12:00, 35 Port Royal East
12:30 - 1:30, Picket in front of Lamour Inc., 55 Louvain St.
Venue: In front of Lamour Inc. Location: 55 Louvain St., near metro Sauve, Montreal, QC Categories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Human Rights, Law, Legal; Labour, Workplace, Unions
Dec 5/2008 to Dec 7/2008 Toronto, ON |
Canada's New Militarism - Canadian Peace Alliance Annual Convention This convention needs the participants' input to develop action plans and chart the direction of the peace movement in Canada. The title of this year's convention is:
"Canada's new militarism: Building resistance at home and abroad" Venue: Ryerson University Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.acp-cpa.ca/en/Convention2008.htmlFor information contact: Can. Peace Alliance www.acp-cpa.ca Categories: Military; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Dec 5/2008 to Dec 14/2008 Montreal, QC |
Voices from Outside: Artists Against the Prison Industrial Complex The Cooperative donates twenty prints, one each by different artists to prisoner justice organizations across North America.
The vernissage will feature prison art, letter writing to political prisoners, Certain Days Calendar Time: Vernissage: Dec.5, 7:00 pm - 12:00 midnight Venue: Ste-Emilie SkillShare Location: 3942 Ste. Emilie, metro Place St. Henri, Montreal, QC Website: http://www.certaindays.orgCategories: Arts & Culture; Human Rights, Law, Legal; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Dec 6/2008 Toronto, ON |
Free Public Lecture Series on Human Trafficking 1) 11:00 - 12:00 What Is Human Trafficking
2) 12:00 - 12:45 Complimentary Lunch
3) 1:00 - 2:30 The Economics of Human Trafficking
4) 2:45 - 4:15 RCMP Human Trafficking Awareness Project
Filippino Mail Order Brides Time: 11:00 am - 4:30 pm Venue: Latvian House Location: 491 College St., Toronto, ON Website: http://www.projectdesertroses.orgFor information contact: mason.lillian@gmail.com Phone: 416-698-9559 Categories: Human Rights, Law, Legal; Labour, Workplace, Unions; International |
Dec 6/2008 Ottawa, ON |
Lecture: Make the Most of Galileos Telescope 400 Years of Discovery, with Dr Jaymie Mathews Four centuries ago, Galileo trained a small telescope on a wandering star to discover it was not just a twinkling point of light but another world. This discovery turned the world of astronomical thought upside down. Today, Canada has a space telescope that is changing our understanding of the cosmos. Join Dr Jaymie Mathews, of the University of British Columbia, as he shares discoveries made by the MOST space telescope and ponders what historians may say four centuries from now as they look back at our time. The evening culminates in a Star Party (weather permitting).
Adults $6
Students and children (12+) $4
Families (children 12+) $14 Time: 7:30 p.m. Venue: Canada Science and Technology Museum Location: 1867 St. Laurent Blvd., Ottawa, ON Website: http://www.sciencetech.technomuses.caFor information contact: Visitors Services Phone: 613 991-3044 Categories: Science & Technology; Museums |
Dec 6/2008
National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women This event coincides with the anniversary of the massacre of young women at the Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal in 1989 and encourages Canadians to think about the results of deliberate acts of violence against women. Website: http://www.swc-cfc.gc.ca/dates/dec6/For information contact: information@swc-cfc.gc.ca Phone: 613-995-7835 Categories: Women; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Dec 6/2008 Toronto, ON |
National Day of Remembrance andAction on Violence Against Women Speakers:Irene Ryner
Belinda Longe
Ronnie Thompson
Music, Performances, Free lunch and refreshments
Time: 1:00 pm- 3:30 pm Venue: Regent Park Community Centre Location: 203 Sackville Green (East of Parliament, south of Dundas), Toronto, ON For information contact: TWCC REP:faith@nexicom.net, for sponsoring the event Categories: Women; Human Rights, Law, Legal; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
Dec 6/2008 Toronto, ON |
Native Earth Performing Arts presents the world premiere of A Very Polite Genocide Written by Melanie J. Murray
Directed by Yvette Nolan
A young woman's sense of identity is buried under the scar tissue of the residential school system. A chance encounter with a photograph exposes the legacy that binds Josie to her family and its ghosts.
http://www.artsexy.ca/index.cfm Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.artsexy.ca/index.cfmCategories: Performing Arts; Native Peoples; Arts & Culture |
Dec 6/2008 Toronto, ON |
Rally to Support a Coalition Government Rally to Support a Coalition Government.
Time: 12:00 - 1:00 pm Venue: Nathan Phillips Square, Toronto City Hall Location: Toronto, ON Phone: 416-904-9374 Categories: Politics & Political Organizations
Dec 6/2008 to Dec 7/2008 Ottawa, ON |
Talk to Santa Want to talk to Santa before the big day? Santa will take a break from his hard work and talk to young visitors via amateur radio. Time: 1 p.m to 4 p.m. Venue: Canada Science and Technology Museum Location: 1867 St. Laurent Blvd., Ottawa, ON Website: http://sciencetech.technomuses.caFor information contact: Visitors Services Phone: 613-991-3044 Categories: Museums; Children & Youth |
Dec 7/2008 Montreal, QC |
Artists Against Apartheid V Cultural event which unites artists in Montreal in the growing international movement against Israeli Apartheid.
Various speeches and music performances, dances, songs, piano etc.
A part of the Tadamon campaign. Venue: La Sala Rossa Location: 4848 St. Laurent, Montreal, QC Website: http://www.tadamon.caCategories: Arts & Culture; Human Rights, Law, Legal; International |
Dec 7/2008 Toronto, ON |
Global Rally to Stop Global Warming We will be marching with others around the world to demand that the United Nations climatechange conference in Poznan, Poland (Dec. 1-12) support deep greenhouse gas reductions. Time: 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm Venue: Yonge and Dundas Square Location: Yonge and Dundas St., Toronto, ON Website: http://www.torontoclimatecampaign.orgFor information contact: info@torontoclimatecampaign.org Phone: 647-230-3257 Categories: Environment; Health/Health Care; International |
Dec 7/2008 Toronto, Scarborough, ON |
Go Eco Day Food Division:
Groceries- Global Warming
Frozen Foods- Naturalizing our City
Pictures and facts will be stuck on food shelves. Each cash register will offer tips to lead a more naturally healthy way of life.
Time: 11:00 am - 6:00 pm Venue: Metro @ Markham & Eglinton intersection Location: Toronto, Scarborough, ON For information contact: Vishi/Lushi vishi_2@hotmail.com Phone: 647-234-9147 Categories: Environment; Food & Beverage
Dec 7/2008 Toronto, ON |
Human Rights Day Service- St. Barnabas Anglican Church On Nov.26, 2005 James Loney, then a Canadian member with Christian Peacemaker Teams, was kidnapped in Iraq with three other CPT's. He was freed on March 2006 as part of a clandestine military operation. The fact that he was a homosexual was kept a secret from his captors. He will be speaking at this service.
Time: 10:30 a.m. Venue: St. Barnabas Anglican Church Location: 361 Danforth Ave. (Chester Subway), Toronto, ON Phone: 416-463-1344 Categories: International; Religious; Military
Dec 7/2008 Waterloo, ON |
It's Real, Act Now: Day of Action on Climate Change Public march at the Seagram Entrance of Waterloo Park. A public display will include info from Environment Canada located at the Waterloo Memorial Recreation Complex.
Time: 1:30 pm Venue: Waterloo Park Location: 101 Fr. David Bauer Dr., Waterloo, ON For information contact: Louisette Lanteigne butterflybluelu@rogers.com Phone: 519-885-7619 Categories: Environment; Education; Human Rights, Law, Legal
Dec 7/2008 Toronto, ON |
Lost River Walks Nature Walks! -Wetlands of U of Toronto, Leader Ian Wheal, Meet at northwest corner of Bedford Rd. and Bloor St.
Sun., Dec.28, 1:30 pm, Leader Ian Wheal, meet at cont. of Finch Ave. (old Finch Rd. ar Sewell's Rd)
Sun. Jan.4, 2:00 pm. Hastings Creek. Leader Ian Wheal. Meet at Donlands Subway Station. Time: 10:30 am Venue: See above. Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.lostrivers.caCategories: Environment; Health/Health Care; Nature & Outdoors |
Dec 8/2008 Ottawa, ON |
Corrupt to the Core - Book Launch, Dinner & Celebration with Dr. Shiv Chopra Despite intimidation, three Health Canada scientists exposed bad corporate safety data with respect to Monsanto's Bovine Growth Hormone (BGH) as featured in the film: "The World According to Monsanto". Health Canada denied approval for BGH because of these allegations. Time: 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm Venue: Green Door Restaurant Location: 198 Main Street, Ottawa, ON Website: http://www.cban.caCategories: Health/Health Care; International; Environment |
Dec 8/2008 , QC |
Quebec Election Quebec's provincial election takes place today.
Venue: Quebec Location: QC Categories: Politics & Political Organizations
Dec 8/2008 to Dec 9/2008 Toronto, ON |
Freight Demand Forecasts: What are the challenges for the Ontario-Quebec Continental Gateway and Trade Corridor? Each region of Canada has its own characteristics, challenges and opportunities related to international trade. The Province of Ontario is a major contributor to the Canadian economy and an efficient multimodal transportation system is a key contributor to economic prosperity, competitiveness, and sustainability. The federal government has recognized this and is working with Ontario, and Quebec, to develop a comprehensive Ontario-Quebec Continental Gateway and Trade Corridor strategy.
This important project and conference will help establish the freight transportation and infrastructure needs of Canada for the next 20 years. Venue: Toronto Congress Centre Location: 650 Dixon Road, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.cita-acti.caFor information contact: Denise Fata Phone: 613-599-3283 |
Dec 8/2008 to Dec 9/2008 Toronto, ON |
Solar Conference 2008 Solar Conference 2008 Venue: Westin Harbour Castle Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.cansia.caCategories: Environment; Science & Technology |
Dec 9/2008 Toronto, ON |
After the election: Which direction for child care policy? Many families spend a considerable amount annually purchasing child care, but that the quality of much child care is too low.
Time: 1:00 pm - 3:30 pm Venue: School of Public Policy and Governance, U of T Location: 14 Queen's Park Cresc., 1st Floor, Toronto, ON For information contact: Suzanne Lambert, slambert@irpp.org Categories: Children & Youth; Education
Dec 9/2008 Ottawa, ON |
Climate Wars: One On One with Gwynne Dyer Dwindling resources. Massive population shifts. Natural disasters. Crashing economies. Political extremisms. These are the many facets contained in Dyer's book.
Time: 7:30 pm Venue: Saint Brigid's Centre for the Arts and Humanities Location: 314 St. Patrick Str., Ottawa, ON Phone: 613-562-1243 Categories: Environment; Politics & Political Organizations; Farming
Dec 10/2008 Toronto, ON |
ECOBUNK 2008 - Eco-comedy show with the Toronto Environmental Alliance This event is an annual comedy show fundraiser which pokes fun at the most outrageous corporate green advertising of 2008. Sometimes we even point the finger at ourselves. Two hours of laughter. Time: 7:00 pm Venue: Lula Lounge Location: 1585 Dundas St. W. (just west of Dufferin), Toronto, ON Website: http://www.torontoenvironment.org/ecobunk2008Phone: 416-596-0660 Categories: Environment; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Dec 10/2008 Montreal, QC |
Rally: Public Mascarade, Secret Trial! A theatrical and lively rally on Human Right's Day, to denounce the use of secret trials in the case of Adil Charkaoui and the other security certificate detainees. Time: 12:00 noon Venue: Outside Federal Court Location: 30 McGill St (Square Victoria metro), Montreal, QC Website: http://www.adilinfo.org/en/node/498Categories: Human Rights, Law, Legal; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Dec 10/2008 Toronto, ON |
The Six Disciplines Workshop Exclusively offered through the CSTD at a one-time only rate, this workshop will show you how to turn training and development into business results. Youll gain valuable knowledge and save over $400 on the regular workshop rate!
In today's competitive business climate, companies have no choice: They must constantly improve their products, services, and leadership or be replaced by more vigorous competitors. Learning and development programs have a crucial role to play in this effort provided they bridge the learning-doing gap and ensure that the knowledge they impart is transferred to the work of the organization. For full details & learning objectives visit: www.cstd.ca/events Time: 9:00am-5:00pm Venue: Debates Room, 2nd floor, Hart House, University of Toronto Location: 7 Hart House Circle, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.cstd.ca/events/events.html?id=777For information contact: CSTD Phone: events@cstd.ca Categories: Education; Skills & Training |
Dec 10/2008 Calgary, AB |
Young Environmental Professionals' Holiday Party This is a party for young environmental professionals. There will be appetizers, door prizes, etc.
Cost: $5.00 for non-members and free for YEP members. Time: 5:30 pm Venue: Ceili's Pub Location: 803 8 Ave SW, Calgary, AB Website: http://yepcanada.ca/calgaryFor information contact: yepcalgary@gmail.com Categories: Environment; Food & Beverage; Music |
Dec 12/2008 Toronto, ON |
Annual Holiday Appeal for Class-War Prisoners (Fundraiser) The evening will feature speeches, music, food and refreshments. All proceeds from Holiday Appeal will go to Class-War Prisoners Stipend Fund. Time: 7:00 pm 10:00 pm Venue: Steelworkers Hall Location: 25 Cecil Street, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.partisandefense.orgFor information contact: Chris Simpson pdctoronto@bellnet.ca Phone: 416-593-4138 Categories: Military; Human Rights, Law, Legal; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Dec 13/2008 London, ON |
A Christmas Carol A reading and musical show written by Charles Dickens intended for relief of homelessness.
Time: 7:30 pm Venue: Aeolian Hall Location: 795 Dundas St., London, ON For information contact: unitylondon@bellnet.ca Phone: 519-433-8809 Categories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Social Services
Dec 13/2008 Guelph, ON |
State of the City A community chat with Mayor Karen Farbridge
Time: 10:30 am- 12:00 (noon) Location: 10 Carden St., Guelph, ON For information contact: info@guelphcivicleague.ca Categories: Politics & Political Organizations; Government & Public Sector
Dec 14/2008 Vancouver, BC |
Even Santa reads Ricepaper Hosted by Charlie Cho:
-short readings by Ray Hsu, Joni Low, Kim Nguyen, Caroline Wong
-musical performanceby Aaron Wong
-join launch of next Ricepaper issue; includes raffle draw and cash bar
Time: 7:00 pm Venue: Hoko's Japanese House Location: 362 Powell St., Vancouver, BC For information contact: info@ricepapermagazine.ca Categories: Arts & Culture; Journalism, Writing, Literary, Language; International
Dec 14/2008 Toronto, ON |
Science on Sundays Talks on topics of science.
Dec. 14 - Optical Communications: Innovations abound.
Jan. 18 - Personalized Medicine: Hype or Hope
Jan. 25 - Murder and Maggots Time: 3:00 pm Venue: Macleod Audit., Medical Sciences Bldg. Location: 1 King's Circle, U ofToronto, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.royalcanadianinstitute.orgPhone: 416-977-2983 Categories: Education; Science & Technology; Environment |
Dec 15/2008 Toronto, ON |
US - Canada Renewable/Conservation Energy Partnership Seminar This event is designed to allow American manufacturers to promote their renewable energy and energy conservation equipment and technologies in Ontario's energy market. Venue: Toronto Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.buyusa.gov/canada/en/uscanadarenewableconservation.htmlCategories: Business & Economics; Environment |
Dec 18/2008 Ottawa, ON |
Paint the town green at Ecology Ottawa's Fundraising Dinner This event is an easy way to support Ottawa's environment while enjoying delicious food and great conversation.
The theme of the evening is "Paint the Town Green" and it will feature local artists as well as vegetarian dishes from local restaurants. Time: 5:00 pm Venue: All Saints Sandy Hill Location: 317 Chapel Street, Ottawa, ON Website: http://www.ecologyottawa.caFor information contact: volunteer@ecologyottawa.ca (Sabrina Bowman) Phone: 613-850-9101 Categories: Environment; Food & Beverage; Arts & Culture |
Dec 21/2008 Ottawa, ON |
Winter Solstice In the daytime, celebrate the shortest day of the year with indoor and outdoor activities that the whole family will enjoy. Take a sleigh ride through the Museum grounds, admire the gorgeous view of the night sky in the inflatable planetarium, enjoy a tour of the Helen Sawyer Hogg Observatory, and curl up by the roaring 'fire' to listen to stories about planets and stars.
In the evening, try your hand at stargazing at a free Star Party. Time: Activities: 10 a.m. - 4 p.m; Evening Star Party: 7:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. Venue: Canada Science and Technology Museum Location: 1867 St. Laurent Blvd., Ottawa, ON Website: http://sciencetech.technomuses.caFor information contact: Visitors Services Phone: 613-991-3044 Categories: Science & Technology; Museums; Nature & Outdoors |
Dec 26/2008 Toronto, ON |
Protest against the siege of Gaza A Seasonal Greeting to the World: End the Siege of Gaza:
Stop the Collective Punishment of 1.5 million Palestinians
At this time of year, with Christmas, Eid-al-Adha, Chanukah and Kwanzaa, a time of light, hope and goodwill, we are demanding that attention be paid to the devastating situation in Gaza. This small strip of land has been brutalized by Israeli policies for decades. This brutality continues. Today the violence has escalated to the point where the international community is unable to remain silent.
We are into our eighth year of protest in front of the Israeli Consulate. Every week we hold a vigil calling for the end of the Israeli Occupation of Palestine, and for a halt to the continuing dispossession of the Palestinian people.
Time: 5 - 6 pm Venue: In front of the Israeli Consulate Location: 180 Bloor St. W. (across from the ROM), Toronto, ON For information contact: Naomi Binder Wall Phone: 647-242-8131 Categories: International; Human Rights, Law, Legal; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
Mar 20/2009 to Mar 22/2008 Toronto, ON |
Holistic World Expo This event includes:
-holistic training schools
-sample treatments
-green living technology
-non-invasive treatments, mental relaxation Venue: Exhibition Place, Hall D Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.holisticworld.orgFor information contact: Yvette Murray info@holisticworld.org Phone: 416-966-2626 Categories: Environment; Health/Health Care; Food & Beverage |
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