Sources Calendar Expired EntriesJan 1, 2009 through Dec 31, 2009 << Prior Year Next Year >>
Past Events |
Date, Location |
Event, Organization |
Nov 26/2008 to Nov 1/2009 Toronto, ON |
Beauty, Identity, Pride Beauty, Identity, Pride: Native North American Footwear. Created by Indigenous peoples from diverse regions of North America, ninety pairs of shoes, boots and moccasins will showcase exquisite craftsmanship, regional patterns, and beautiful decoration. The exhibition features rarely seen artifacts chosen entirely from the Bata Shoe Museum's foremost and comprehensive collection of Native footwear. Venue: The Bata Shoe Museum Location: 327 Bloor St. West; St. George Subway Station), Toronto, ON Website: http://www.batashoemuseum.ca/Categories: Arts & Culture; Native Peoples |
Dec 20/2008 to Jan 4/2009 Ottawa, ON |
Holiday Programming Your mission: take part in hands-on activities to explore the science and technology of code-making and code-breaking. Uncover secret messages, get hints and clues, crack codes and solve the mystery. You might be surprised to find that codes are everywhere! Time: 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Venue: Canada Science and Technology Museum Location: 1867 St. Laurent Blvd., Ottawa, ON Website: http://sciencetech.technomuses.caFor information contact: Visitors Services Phone: 613-991-3044 Categories: Museums; Children & Youth; Science & Technology |
Jan 1/2009 Toronto, ON |
Mayworks Festival 2nd annual New Year's Day Poetry Marathon Various poets reading continually 5 minutes each.
Time: 3:00 - 8:00 pm Venue: Beaver Hall Artist's Gallery Location: 29 McCaul Str. (west of Osgoode subway), Toronto, ON For information contact: Anna Willats awillats@sympatico.ca Categories: Arts & Culture; Journalism, Writing, Literary, Language
Jan 2/2009 Toronto, ON |
Vigil in front of the Israeli consulate Join the vigil in front of the Israeli consulate from 5 to 6pm today and every Friday. This is a way to protest Israel 32s 40 year occupation and the current attacks on Gaza which have resulted in an ever-mounting loss of lives of Palestinians including many children, and a humanitarian disaster there.
Time: 5:00 - 6:00 Venue: Israeli consultate (across from the ROM) Location: 180 Bloor Street West, Toronto, ON Categories: Human Rights, Law, Legal; International; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
Jan 4/2009 Montreal, QC |
Protest against Israel's attack on Gaza Around the world a protest movement in opposition to Israeli apartheid is quickly growing and in Montreal we are calling on you to join the movement in solidarity with Gaza. Protesters in Montreal will also gather at the Egyptian Consulate to deliver a letter to Egyptian President Mubarak denouncing the Egyptian government's collusion with Israeli authorities in maintaining a complete closure on Gaza throughout the past year. As Israel bombards Gaza the Egyptian government refuses to open the Gaza border crossing into Egypt to allow for humanitarian aid to enter the besieged Gaza Strip. Join us on the streets in Montreal in solidarity with the Palestinian people of Gaza and to call for an end to Israeli apartheid. Time: 12:30 Venue: carré; Cabot: corner St. Catherine and Atwater Location: (metro Atwater), Montreal, QC Website: http://www.tadamon.caCategories: International; Human Rights, Law, Legal; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Jan 5/2009 to Apr 25/2009 Toronto, ON |
Urban Agriculture- distance learning course - Jan.-April 2009 Urban agriculture is triggered by the current food and economic crisis. Government and civil society organizations are promoting it in order to ensure urban food security and health and to contribute toward urban environmental management and greening. Venue: Centre for Studies in Food Security Location: Ryerson University, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.ryerson.ca/foodsecurityFor information contact: Reg Noble PhD food@ryerson.ca Categories: Environment; Health/Health Care; Farming |
Jan 6/2009 Aurora, ON |
New Year, New Financial Goals Finances do not have to be stressful - kick off the New Year by setting realistic finanical goals for yourself and avoid headaches in 2010. Company of Women is hosting this York Region dinner event, featuring guest speaker Patricia Lovett-Reid of TD Waterhouse. Please visit www.companyofwomen.ca to register. The fee to attend is $45 for Company of Women members, or $55 for non-members. Time: 5:30-9:00 p.m. Venue: The Mansion Location: 400 Industrial Parkway South, Aurora, ON Website: http://www.companyofwomen.caFor information contact: Bethan Alfano Phone: 905-338-1771 Categories: Economic Development; Business & Economics; Women |
Jan 7/2009 Burlington, ON |
New Year - Setting Goals that Work for You Kick off the New Year by setting attainable goals - join Company of Women for the Burlington Breakfast Meeting where Elizabeth Skronski will help you set realistic goals for the 2010 calendar. The morning will allow for networking time between like-minded women and includes breakfast. Compaby of Women is hosting this event at the Coffee Office in Burlington from 8:30-10:30a.m, 3310 South Service Road, unit 300. To attend, please visit www.companyofwomen.ca. The cost to attend is $20 for Company of Women members and $25 for non-members. Time: 8:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. Venue: The Coffee Office Location: 3310 South Service Road, Burlington, ON Website: http://www.companyofwomen.caFor information contact: Bethan Alfano Phone: 905-338-1771 Categories: Business & Economics; Women |
Jan 7/2009 Toronto, ON |
Taming the Green Monster. A Polyamory and Jealousy Workshop with Dana Shaw @ CAYA Created By Workshops
Like it or not, jealousy often happens in polyamorous relationships. It has a great deal to teach us about what we fear and can help us to grow and handle the intricacies of polyamorous relationships. Dealt with rationally, consciously and with patience, the green monster can be tamed. Participants will learn how to look at the lessons jealousy has for us and learn tools for handling it both in the moment and as we progress through all our relationships.
Time: 7:30 p.m. - 10 p.m. Venue: Com As You Are Location: 701 Queen Street West, M6J 1E6, Toronto, ON Categories: Skills & Training
Jan 8/2009
Candle Light Vigil Stand with Gaza - End the Israeli Assault! Lift the Siege! The people of Gaza are being bombarded by a devastating onslaught from Israeli F16s, tanks and warships. Nearly 540 people have been killed and thousands injured. This massacre follows almost two years of blockade which has prevented essential supplies of food, fuel and medicines from reaching the Palestinian people in Gaza and causing untold suffering. Palestinian civil society continues to urge solidarity in the form of a boycott, divestment and sanctions campaign until Israel complies with international law. This is the time for people of conscience to take up this call from Palestine. On Thursday, we call on all of you to join us for a Candle Light Vigil to denounce the latest Israeli crimes and to demand that the Harper government end their unconditional support for Israel. Time: 7:00 p.m. Venue: Mississauga Civic Square Location: at City Hall (behind Public Library) Website: http://www.palestinehouse.com/Categories: Human Rights, Law, Legal; International |
Jan 8/2009 Montreal, QC |
Montreal Rally to support the Algonquins of Barriere Lake Join Barriere Lake community members in Montreal in demanding that the Quebec government live up to its promises, drop all charges and release Benjamin Nottaway, and stop criminalizing community members and their leadership. Time: Noon Venue: In front of Jean Charest's office Location: corner of McGill College & Sherbrooke, Montreal, QC Website: http://www.barrierelakesolidarity.blogspot.comCategories: Native Peoples |
Jan 8/2009 to Jan 9/2009 Toronto, ON |
Corporate Social Responsibility Conference Unique workshops conducted by CSR leaders; keynote speakers who are leaders in CSR; national finalists present their cases; network with corporate and academic leaders from the business community. Venue: Schulich School of Business, York U. Location: 4700 Keele St., Toronto, ON Website: http://www.csrsociety.comCategories: Human Rights, Law, Legal; Environment; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Jan 9/2009 to Jan 8/2009 Toronto, ON |
Out of Balance: Exxon Mobil's Impact on Climate Change A flim about the world's largest corporation and still a major funder of climate change denial. Should be of interest to anyone concerned with the fate of life on earth. Post-film discussion on possible courses of action.
Time: 7:00 - 10:00 Venue: Hart House South Dining Room Location: 7 Hart House Circle, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON Phone: 647-342-7995 Categories: Environment
Jan 9/2009 Toronto, ON |
Greece Solidairty Picket Solidarity rally with the Greek uprising: Spark in Ahtens, Fire in Toronto. Recognize the system as flawed and transform it! Why: Privatization of education, corporatization of campuses, barriers to immigration, police repression, poverty and institutionalized racism all led to the current uprising in Greece. We are struggling here with the very same issues! This is why we stand with our brothers and sisters in Greece. Sponsored by: Association of Part-time Undergraduate Students, Common Cause, CUPE 3903, CUPE 3907, No One Is Illegal Toronto and Ontario Coalition Against Poverty.
Time: noon Venue: Outside the Consulate General of Greece Location: 365 Bloor St. E (at Sherbourne), Toronto, ON Categories: International; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
Jan 10/2009 Chatham, ON |
Chatham-Kent Peace Coalition Peace Event This event, in front of Chatham City Hall is in response to the fighting in Gaza.
Time: 1 p.m. Venue: Chatham City Hall Location: King Street, Chatham, ON For information contact: Derry McKeever Phone: 519-359-6271 Categories: International; Human Rights, Law, Legal; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
Jan 10/2009 Montreal, QC |
Demonstration: Quebec in solidarity with Gaza End Israeli Apartheid Thousands will gather in Montreal this upcoming weekend to stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people in Gaza, against Israeli apartheid. Time: 1 p.m. Venue: Corner Peel and Rene Levesque, metro Peel Location: Dorchester Square, Montreal, QC Website: http://www.tadamon.ca/post/2437Categories: International; Human Rights, Law, Legal; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Jan 10/2009 Calgary |
Free Palestine, End the Occupation, Demonstration in Solidarity with Gaza A small march to Harry Hays Federal Building (220-4 Avenue SE)
Time: 12: 00 pm Venue: City Hall steps Location: 800 Macleod Trail, SE, Calgary For information contact: pcss-at-pcsscalgary.org Categories: International; Human Rights, Law, Legal; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
Jan 10/2009 Hamilton, ON |
Hamilton, Protest the War on Gaza Demonstration in Hamilton to protest the war on Gaza.
Time: 1:00 - 4:00 pm Venue: Gore Park Location: 105 Main Street East,, Hamilton, ON For information contact: palestineham@gmail.com Categories: International; Human Rights, Law, Legal; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
Jan 10/2009 Montreal, QC |
Let Him Out! Let Him Stay! 3 Years is too Long Abdelkader Belaouni is a refugee from Algeria who has been stranded in a church in Pointe Ste. Charles for 3 years (sanctuary). This march is in support of freeing him. Time: 1 p.m. Venue: St. Gabriel's Church Location: 2157 rue Centre, Montreal, QC Website: http://www.soutienpourkader.netFor information contact: soutienkader@gmail.com Phone: 514-848-7583 Categories: Human Rights, Law, Legal; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; International |
Jan 10/2009 Toronto, ON |
MAPUCHE: The Rebirth of the Warrior. Toronto Mapuche People's Solidarity Film Festival 11:30 AM - Free Reception! Hot Chocolate and Biscuits Featured Films: noon - Sewatokwa'tsher'at. The Dish With One Spoon, [Director: Dawn Hill] (Six Nations, 2008) 1:30 PM - EZLN: 20/10, The Fire & the Word, [Director: Gloria Munoz], (Mexcio, 2004) 3 PM - Venezuela Bolivariana, People & Struggle in the IV World War, [Directed by: Marcelo Andrade Arreaza] (Venzuela, 2004) 4:30 PM - La Dignidad de los Nadies, Stories and Tales of Hope, [Director: Pino Solanas] (Argentina, 2005) 6:45 PM - Calle Santa Fe, [Director: Carmen Castillo] (Chile, 2007) 9:45 PM - El Despojo (The Pillaging) [Director: Dauno Tótoro] (Mapuche Nation, 2004)
Time: 11:30 Venue: The Cat's Eye Location: 150 Charles Street West (just east of Museum Station), Toronto, ON Categories: Native Peoples; Arts & Culture
Jan 10/2009 Ottawa, ON |
Ottawa-Stop Israel's Massacre in Gaza Rally in support of Palestine liberation. Time: 1:00 pm Venue: Parliament Hill Location: Ottawa, ON Website: http://www.ottawapalestine.blogspot.comCategories: International; Human Rights, Law, Legal; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Jan 10/2009 Quebec City, QC |
Quebec City - Manifestation de solidarite avec Gaza Coalition de Quebec pour la paix
Time: 1 pm Venue: Centre Lucien-Borne Location: Quebec City, QC Categories: International; Human Rights, Law, Legal; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
Jan 10/2009 Toronto, ON |
Rally against new nuclear reactors The Ontario government has committed to build two new nuclear reactors, and itâs expected that the contracts will be signed this spring. The Ontario Clean Air Alliance wants to let Ontario Energy Minister George Smitherman (Toronto Centre) know that his constituents want a nuclear-free future. For more information, go to cleanairalliance.org or call 416-926-1907. Time: noon to 2 pm Venue: 519 Church Street Community Centre Location: 519 Church Street, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.cleanairalliance.orgPhone: 416-926-1907 Categories: Environment |
Jan 10/2009 Saskatoon, SK |
Saskatoon - Rally for Gaza City Hall Rally for Gaza
Time: 2:30 pm Venue: City Hall Location: Saskatoon, SK Categories: International; Human Rights, Law, Legal; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
Jan 10/2009 Fredericton, NB |
Solidarity Rally with Gaza Stand in solidarity with Gaza.
Time: 1:00 pm Venue: City Hall Location: Corner Queen and York, Fredericton, NB For information contact: info@frederictonpeace.org Categories: International; Human Rights, Law, Legal; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
Jan 10/2009 Edmonton, AB |
Stop the Assault on Gaza! End the Siege! Rally in support of Gaza's liberation.
Time: 1: 00 pm Venue: Winston Churchill Square Location: 102 Avenue and 100 Street, Edmonton, AB For information contact: www.ecawar.org Categories: International; Human Rights, Law, Legal; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
Jan 10/2009 Toronto, ON |
Toronto - Demonstrate Against the Israeli Assault on Gaza! Demonstration against assault on Gaza.
Free Gaza: Teach-in: United Steelworkers Hall, 25 Cecil Str. 1:00 -5:30 pm
Time: 11:00 am Venue: Israeli Consulate Location: 180 Bloor St. West, Toronto, ON For information contact: info@palestinehouse.com Categories: International; Human Rights, Law, Legal; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
Jan 10/2009 Guelph, ON |
Towards Climate Positive: Environmental Symposium 15 Annual Environmental Sciences Symposium This year's Environmental Sciences Symposium will explore the theme of "Towards Climate Positive" which expands on the concept of carbon neutrality and helps to develop and optimistic approach to dealing with climate change. Speakers include Sarah Harmer, Severn Culliis-Suzuki and David Noble, as well as representatives from the University of Guelph and Guelph communities. $10 for studetns, $15 for community members. Time: 8:45 to 4:45 Venue: Rozanski Hall Location: University of Guelph, Guelph, ON Website: http://www.ugoguelph.ca/~envsympCategories: Environment; Science & Technology |
Jan 10/2009 Vancouver, BC |
Vancouver - Rally to End the Siege on Gaza and Protest Israeli War Crimes Rally in support of Gaza
Time: 1:00 pm Venue: Vancouver Art Gallery Location: Vancouver, BC For information contact: vancouver.gazaprotest@gmail.com Categories: International; Human Rights, Law, Legal; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
Jan 10/2009 Victoria, BC |
Victoria - Protest Rally against the Invasion of Gaza Protest, demonstration against invasion ofGaza.
Time: 12:00 noon Venue: Victoria Visitor Centre Location: Empress Hotel, Victoria, BC Categories: International; Human Rights, Law, Legal; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
Jan 10/2009 to Feb 10/2009 Winnipeg, ON |
Winnipeg-End Massacre in Gaza End the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. Time: 2 pm. Venue: Federal Building Location: Water Ave. and Main Street, Winnipeg, ON Website: http://www.peacealliancewinnipeg.caCategories: International; Human Rights, Law, Legal; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Jan 11/2009 Halifax, NS |
Jeff Halper speaks Jeff Halper is known internationally for his work as a co-founder of the Israeli Committee Against Home Demolitions and for his passionate commitment to non-violent, political strategies to solve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. âI can no more passively witness my governmentâs destruction of another people than I can watch the Occupation destroy the moral fabric of my own country,â Halper wrote in an August 5, 2008 article, as he prepared to sail as part of a delegation aimed at ending the siege of Gaza. âTo do so would violate my commitment to human rights, the very essence of prophetic Jewish religion, culture and morals, without which Israel is no longer Jewish but an empty, if powerful, Sparta.â Time: 5:30 Venue: Scotia Bank Auditorium, Dalhousie University Location: Halifax, NS Website: http://ijvcanada.blogspot.comCategories: Human Rights, Law, Legal; International |
Jan 11/2009 Mississauga, ON |
Stand for Gaza - Fundraising Event Palestine House and a broad coalition of civil society, labour union and faith based organizations are planning a fundraising event in support of Medical Institutions in Gaza. Bring your cash, cheque book, credit cards. A Tax exempt receipt will be issued to any donation over 10 dollars. Time: From 3 to 8 pm Venue: Payal Banquet Hall Location: 3410 Semenyk Court, Mississauga, ON Website: http://www.palestinehouse.com/Phone: 905-281-8800 Categories: Human Rights, Law, Legal; International |
Jan 12/2009 Oakville, ON |
3-D Workout Free Trial Class Experience a fluid, harmonious, low-impact exercise system that tunes up your whole body gently and effectively. If you're a gym drop-out and are looking for an alternative, proven method of exercise, this class is for you. No obligation. Time: 11:15 a.m. -12:15 p.m. Venue: Body-in-Motion Location: 321 Kerr St., Oakville, ON Website: http://www.body-in-motion.comFor information contact: Dianne Woodruff Phone: 905-845-1011 Categories: Health/Health Care; Men; Women |
Jan 13/2009 Cambridge, ON |
Change, You CAN Do It January is the month to plan for goals and changes for the New Year a head. Join Company of Women as they host a Cambridge Dinner Meeting featuring Peggy Grall of Just Change It who will discuss how to make important life changes. The evening will feature ample networking time, a three-course dinner and the guest speaker. Please visit www.companyofwomen.ca to register. The fee to attend is $35 for Company of Women members, or $45 for non-members. Time: 6:00 - 9:00p.m. Venue: Cambridge Hotel and Conference Centre Location: Cambridge, ON Website: http://www.companyofwomen.caFor information contact: Bethan Alfano Phone: 905-338-1771 Categories: Women; Business & Economics |
Jan 13/2009 Saskatoon, SK |
Climbing Mount Sustainability: Business Responses to Environmental Challenges Guest speaker Niranjan Harrison from U. of Sask. will trace history of corporate action regarding environmental issues and discuss a future where business and society concerns are aligned. Time: 7 pm Venue: J.S. Wood Library Location: 1801 Lansdowne Ave., Saskatoon, SK Website: http://www.environmentalsociety.caPhone: 306-665-1915 Categories: Environment; Economic Development; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Jan 13/2009 Ottawa, ON |
Failsafe: Saving our Earth from Ourselves, with author Ian Prattis This volume - Failsafe - provides understanding of global eco-crises and issues a call to change the existing world order by arriving at a deep spiritual understanding of what needs to be done. Step by step methods to transform our existing mindset are laid out to usher in a new era of planetary care, social justice and peace. Time: 7:00pm Venue: Ottawa Public Library, Main Library Auditorium Location: 120 Metcalfe St., Ottawa, ON Website: http://www.failsafebook.comCategories: Environment |
Jan 13/2009 Ottawa, ON |
Failsafe: Saving our Earth from Ourselves, with author Ian Prattis Author reading from Failsafe. A spiritual understanding of the global eco-crisis. Time: 7:00 pm Venue: Main Library Auditorium Location: 120 Metcalfe St., Ottawa, ON Website: http://www.failsafebook.comFor information contact: lauran311@hotmail.com Categories: Environment; Journalism, Writing, Literary, Language; International |
Jan 13/2009 Toronto, ON |
NANPS Winter Public Speaker Series: The Importance of Bees The Importance of Bees: By Dr. Laurence Packer There are 20,000 species of bees in the world and their biology is very diverse. They are responsible for approximately 25% of our food, so understanding them is very important. Dr. Packer will dispel many generalisations about bees and explain why they are important organisms for monitoring the environment. Dr. Packer is Professor of Biology and Environmental Studies at York University, researches bee systematics and taxonomy, conservation genetics, sociobiology, and biodiversity. Time: 7:30pm Venue: Toronto Botanical Garden Location: 777 Lawrence Ave. E, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.nanps.orgFor information contact: Martin Field Phone: 905-720-2915 Categories: Environment; Nature & Outdoors |
Jan 13/2009 Toronto, ON |
Rally against new nuclear reactors The Ontario government has committed to build two new nuclear reactors, and it 32s expected that the contracts will be signed this spring. The alliance wants to let Ontario Energy Minister George Smitherman (Toronto Centre) know that his constituents want a nuclear-free future. Time: 6 to 8 pm Venue: 519 Church Street Community Centre Location: 519 Church Street, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.cleanairalliance.orgPhone: 416-926-1907 Categories: Environment |
Jan 14/2009 Saskatoon, SK |
Energy Efficient Residential Lighting - Everything You Need to Know Rebecca Fiisel from Saskpower will guide us through the various options on the market today. Time: 7 p.m. Venue: J. S. Wood Library Location: 1801 Lansdowne Ave., Saskatoon, SK Website: http://www.environmentalsocietyFor information contact: info@environmentalsociety.ca Phone: 306-665-1915 Categories: Environment; Housewares, Home Furnishings & Maintenance; Science & Technology |
Jan 14/2009 London, ON |
Israel and Palestine: Roots of Conflict and Prospects for Peace Dr. Norman Finkelstein, author and thinker on the Israel-Palestine Conflict, will speak on Israel and Palestine: Roots of Conflict and Prospects for Peace. Dr. Finkelstein is an American professor of political science and one of the foremost thinkers and speakers on the Israel-Palestine conflict. His sincere, open and honest assessment of the conflict through a number of books including "The Holocaust Industry," "The Rise and Fall of Palestine," and "Beyond Chutzpah" has attracted attention throughout the world. He grew up in New York City and is the son of Holocaust survivors. He specializes in Zionism - his doctoral thesis focused on the theory of Zionism - and Jewish-related topics. $15. Time: 7:30 pm Venue: Wolf Hall, London Public Library Location: 251 Dundas Street, London, ON Website: http://www.cjpme.org/Categories: International; Military; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Jan 14/2009 Vancouver, BC |
Life on the edge: protecting marine ecosystems and sustaining coastal communities Marine planner Nicholas Irving discusses the planning of Canada's first national marine conservation area while marine scientist Dr. Cliff Robinson discusses the estuaries, reefs, and marine ecosystems of the northern B.C. coast. Free admission
Time: 7:00 - 9:00 pm Venue: Vancouver Public Library (Alma VanDusen & Peter Kaye Rooms) Location: 350 W. Georgia, Vancouver, BC Categories: Nature & Outdoors; Environment
Jan 14/2009 Vancouver, BC |
Life on the edge: protecting marine ecosystems and sustaining coastal communities Marine planner Nicholas Irving discusses the planning of Canada's first national marine conservation area while Dr. Cliff Robinson discusses the estuaries, reefs and ecosystems of the northern B.C. coast.
Time: 7:00 - 9:00 pm Venue: Vancouver Public Library Location: 350 West Georgia, Vancouver, BC Categories: Environment; Education; Nature & Outdoors
Jan 14/2009 Vancouver, BC |
Stopwar.ca general meeting Stopwar.ca holds its general meeting at 5:30 pm. Time: 5:30 pm Venue: Maritime Labour Centre Location: Vancouver, BC Website: http://www.stopwar.caCategories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Military; International |
Jan 14/2009 to Jan 16/2009 Vancouver, BC |
Build a School in Afghanistan: Turn Stones into Schools Promotion of Greg Mortenson's International Best-seller:"Stones into Schools" Jan.14, Mulgrave School Theatre, 2330 Cypress Lane, 604-986-6190, 7:00 pm Jan.15, John Oliver Auditorium, 530 East 41st Ave., 604-738-5335, 7:00 pm Jan. 16, Southridge School, 2656-160th St., 604-541-9939, 2:00 pm Location: Vancouver, BC Website: http://penguin.ca/StonesIntoSchoolsCategories: Children & Youth; Education; International |
Jan 14/2009 to Mar 1/2009
ImagiNation: New Cultural Topographies Works by Canadian Artists move beyond cultural identity as defined by ethnicity.
Venue: Doris McCarthy Gallery, U of T, Scarborough Location: 1265 Military Trail For information contact: dmg@utsc.utoronto.ca Phone: 416-287-7007 Categories: Arts & Culture
Jan 15/2009 Mississauga, ON |
Israel and Palestine: Roots of Conflict and Prospects for Peace Dr. Finkelstein is an American professor of political science and one of the foremost thinkers and speakers on the Israel-Palestine conflict. His sincere, open and honest assessment of the conflict through a number of books including "The Holocaust Industry," "The Rise and Fall of Palestine," and "Beyond Chutzpah" has attracted attention throughout the world. He grew up in New York City and is the son of Holocaust survivors. He specializes in Zionism - his doctoral thesis focused on the theory of Zionism - and Jewish-related topics. $15. Time: 6:00 pm Venue: UofT-Mississauga Campus Location: CCIT Building, Room 1080, 3359 Mississauga Rd., Mississauga, ON Website: http://www.cjpme.org/Categories: International; Military; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Jan 15/2009 Toronto, ON |
Sharkwater and talk - free film showing Showing of documentary Sharkwater followed by a talk by Bob Timmons of the Animal Rights Kollective.
Time: 7:00 - 9:20 pm Venue: Hart House, U of Toronto Location: 7 Hart House Circle, Toronto, ON For information contact: Paul York, pyork@hotmail.com Phone: 647-342-7995 Categories: Animals & Pets; Environment; Fishing & Hunting
Jan 16/2009 Ottawa, ON |
Demonstration Outside the First Ministers' Meeting In Ottawa Housing MUST be Part of the Plan to Fight the Crisis! Tenants and homeless people will demonstrate in Ottawa outside the First Ministers' Meeting which is being held to discuss the financial and economic crisis. The demonstrators want to increase pressure on the Canadian Prime Minister, Stephen Harper, to include major investments in social housing, in the plan to deal with the economic crisis, which will be announced on January 27th in the Federal Budget. Investments in housing would both respond to the nation-wide lack of low-rent housing and create employment in the forestry, construction, and manufacturing industries. The demonstrators fear that their problems will be ignored yet again by the Conservative Government.
Time: 11:00 am Venue: Old City Hall Location: 111 Sussex Drive, Ottawa, ON Categories: Urban Issues, Transit, Housing, Public Space; Business & Economics; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
Jan 16/2009 Montreal, QC |
Palestinian Perspectives IV at cinematheque Quebecoise This documentary reveals the unknown life of the Palestinian people, including school friends, olive trees and two small donkeys, surrounded by barbed wire fences and soldiers.
Venue: Cinematheque Quebecoise Location: 335 boul. De Maisonneuve, Montreal, QC Categories: International; Human Rights, Law, Legal; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
Jan 16/2009 to Jan 17/2009 Vaughan, ON |
Green Reel Film Festival Two days of award winning and celebrated environmental films featuring "Squirm" - The Cathy's Crawly Composters story. Includes on-site environmental vendors, information kiosks, activities and refreshments. Cathy's Crawly Composters will have a booth at the theatre demonstrating the environmental benefits of the worms. Venue: The City Playhouse Theatre Location: 1000 New Westminster Drive, Vaughan, ON Website: http://www.cathyscomposters.comFor information contact: Cathy Nesbitt Phone: 1 888 775 9495 Categories: Arts & Culture; Environment |
Jan 16/2009 to Jan 23/2009 Montreal, QC |
"la Couleur des olives" By Carolina Rivas and Daoud Sarhandi Palestine/Mexico, 97 min. original Arabic version with French subtitles
Time: 7pm and 11pm Venue: Cinémathèque québécoise. Salle Fernand-Séguin Location: 335, boul. De Maisonneuve Est - Métro Berri-UQAM, Montreal, QC Categories: Arts & Culture
Jan 17/2009 Vancouver, BC |
Author reading: Azar Nafisi Readings from Azar Nafisi's books and magazine articles. She is an Iranian writer who was expelled from Iran for refusing to wear the veil.
Time: 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm Venue: Capilano Performing Arts Theatre Location: 2055 Purcell Way, Vancouver, BC For information contact: viwf@writersfest.bc.ca Phone: 604-990-7810 Categories: Arts & Culture; Journalism, Writing, Literary, Language; International
Jan 17/2009 Ottawa, ON |
Commemorating Hrant Dink Call for dialogue and support for the vision of Turkish-Armenian Journalist Hrant Dink Ottawa â January 7, 2009 On the occasion of a 2nd annual public event to commemorate Hrant Dink on January 17, 2009 at Library and Archives Canada in Ottawa, Canadians of Armenian, Turkish and Kurdish origin call for honouring Dink and supporting his vision. The keynote address of this event will be delivered by Phil Jenkins, Chair of Writers-in Prison Committee, PEN- Canada. Hrant Dink was persecuted for several years for his political views and he was murdered in front of his Istanbul office on January 19, 2007. Time: 7:30pm-9:30 pm Location: 395 Wellington Street Room A, Ottawa, ON Website: http://friendsofhrant@gmail.comFor information contact: Hera Arevian- Mete Pamir Categories: Human Rights, Law, Legal |
Jan 17/2009 Toronto, ON |
Community Forum on the Uprising in Greece and its Lessons for Toronto Toronto organizers will speak of their experiences with direct action and disruption; a prerecorded interview with an international activist who was involved in the December 2008 occupation of Athens Polytechnic.
Time: 5:30 - 7:30 pm Venue: OISE, Rm. 2211 Location: 252 Bloor Street W., Toronto, ON For information contact: commoncauseontario@gmail.com Categories: International; Human Rights, Law, Legal; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
Jan 18/2009 Toronto, ON |
Birds, Bees, Butterflies and Bats How flying creatures interact and affect plants and how plants influence the fliers. There will be 4 speakers. Time: 10:30 am to 1:00 pm Venue: The Howard Park Tennis Club Location: 430 Parkside Drive Toronto, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.highpark.orgFor information contact: vsp@highpark.org Phone: 416-392-1748 Categories: Education; Environment; Nature & Outdoors |
Jan 18/2009 Ottawa, ON |
Jeff Halper speaks Jeff Halper is known internationally for his work as a co-founder of the Israeli Committee Against Home Demolitions and for his passionate commitment to non-violent, political strategies to solve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. âI can no more passively witness my governmentâs destruction of another people than I can watch the Occupation destroy the moral fabric of my own country,â Halper wrote in an August 5, 2008 article, as he prepared to sail as part of a delegation aimed at ending the siege of Gaza. âTo do so would violate my commitment to human rights, the very essence of prophetic Jewish religion, culture and morals, without which Israel is no longer Jewish but an empty, if powerful, Sparta.â Time: 7:00 pm Venue: Marion Hall Auditorium Location: University of Ottawa, Main Campus, Ottawa, ON Website: http://ijvcanada.blogspot.comFor information contact: Diana Ralph Categories: International; Human Rights, Law, Legal |
Jan 18/2009 to Jan 24/2009
National Non-Smoking Week NNSW has been observed for more than thirty years. From its inception in 1977, NNSW activities have been coordinated by the Canadian Council for Tobacco Control.
National Non-Smoking Week is one of the longest running and most important events in Canada's ongoing public education efforts. Its goals are:
to educate Canadians about the dangers of smoking; to prevent people who do not smoke from beginning to smoke and becoming addicted to tobacco; to help people quit smoking; to promote the right of individuals to breathe air unpolluted by tobacco smoke; to denormalize the tobacco industry, tobacco industry marketing practices, tobacco products, and tobacco use; and to assist in the attainment of a smoke-free society in Canada.
Categories: Health/Health Care
Jan 18/2009 to Jan 24/2009
National Non-Smoking Week (NNSW) -What have you got lose? NNSW has been observed for more than 30 years and is one of the longest running and most important events in Canada's ongoing public education efforts regarding the consequences of tobacco use. This year, the Canadian Council for Tobacco Control has partnered with the Canadian Association of Fire Chiefs to bring this important message to Canadians: fires caused by careless smoking in the home are the leading cause of home fire deaths in this country. Website: http://www.nnsw.caCategories: Education; Health/Health Care |
Jan 19/2009 Ottawa, ON |
Jeff Halper speaks Jeff Halper is known internationally for his work as a co-founder of the Israeli Committee Against Home Demolitions and for his passionate commitment to non-violent, political strategies to solve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. âI can no more passively witness my governmentâs destruction of another people than I can watch the Occupation destroy the moral fabric of my own country,â Halper wrote in an August 5, 2008 article, as he prepared to sail as part of a delegation aimed at ending the siege of Gaza. âTo do so would violate my commitment to human rights, the very essence of prophetic Jewish religion, culture and morals, without which Israel is no longer Jewish but an empty, if powerful, Sparta.â Time: 2:00 pm Venue: Room 256 S. of the Senate Location: Centre Block of Parliament, Ottawa, ON Website: http:///ijvcanada.blogspot.comFor information contact: Diana Ralph Categories: International; Human Rights, Law, Legal |
Jan 19/2009 Ottawa, ON |
Jeff Halper speaks Jeff Halper is known internationally for his work as a co-founder of the Israeli Committee Against Home Demolitions and for his passionate commitment to non-violent, political strategies to solve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. âI can no more passively witness my governmentâs destruction of another people than I can watch the Occupation destroy the moral fabric of my own country,â Halper wrote in an August 5, 2008 article, as he prepared to sail as part of a delegation aimed at ending the siege of Gaza. âTo do so would violate my commitment to human rights, the very essence of prophetic Jewish religion, culture and morals, without which Israel is no longer Jewish but an empty, if powerful, Sparta.â Time: 8:00 pm Venue: Kailash Mital Theatre (formerly Alumni Theatre), Location: Southam Hall, Carleton University, Ottawa, ON Website: http:///ijvcanada.blogspot.comFor information contact: Diana Ralph Categories: International; Human Rights, Law, Legal |
Jan 19/2009 St.Johne's, NL |
Our Energy Resources: For Export Only, or also for Development? Harris Centre, Memorial presents Our Energy Resources: For Export Only, or also for Development?, a free public lecture with Prof. Andy Fish Sponsored by the Leslie Harris Centre of Regional Policy and Development. Time: 7:30pm-9:00pm Venue: IIC-2001, Inco Innovation Centre, Memorial University Location: Prince Philip Drive, St.Johne's, NL Website: http://ww.mun.ca/harriscentreCategories: Environment |
Jan 19/2009 Oakville, ON |
The Art of Effective Networking To obtain and maintain those important networks that are crucial to your business sucess, effective networking is the strongest tool you can have. Join in the upcoming Company of Women Oakville Dinner Meeting as Donna Messer of ConnectUS gives an interactive presentation on the art of networking and the important strategies to keep in mind when doing so. Please visit www.companyofwomen.ca to register. The evening will feature ample networking time, a three-course dinner and the guest speaker. The fee to attend is $45 for Company of Women members and $55 for non-members. Time: 5:30-9:00 p.m. Venue: Oakville Conference and Banquet Centre Location: Oakville, ON Website: http://www.companyofwomen.caFor information contact: Bethan Alfano Phone: 905-338-1771 Categories: Women; Business & Economics |
Jan 20/2009 to Mar 14/2009 Toronto, ON |
Exposures: The History of Photography through the Lens of the Malcomson Collection A photography exhibition marking artistic and technical developments in the 19th and 20th centuries. Venue: U of Toronto Art Centre, U of Toronto Location: 15 King's College Circle, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.utac.utoronto.caPhone: 416-978-5285 Categories: Arts & Culture; Science & Technology; International |
Jan 21/2009 Hamilton, ON |
Jeff Halper speaks Jeff Halper is known internationally for his work as a co-founder of the Israeli Committee Against Home Demolitions and for his passionate commitment to non-violent, political strategies to solve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. âI can no more passively witness my governmentâs destruction of another people than I can watch the Occupation destroy the moral fabric of my own country,â Halper wrote in an August 5, 2008 article, as he prepared to sail as part of a delegation aimed at ending the siege of Gaza. âTo do so would violate my commitment to human rights, the very essence of prophetic Jewish religion, culture and morals, without which Israel is no longer Jewish but an empty, if powerful, Sparta.â Time: 7:30 pm Venue: McMaster University Health Sciences Centre, room 1A1 Location: Hamilton, ON Website: http:///ijvcanada.blogspot.comFor information contact: Diana Ralph Categories: International; Human Rights, Law, Legal |
Jan 21/2009 Vancouver, BC |
What We Can Learn From Ghandi: Resolving the Israel-Palestine Conflict Prof. Norman Finkelstein speaks on the Israel-Palestine conflict. Tickets are $10 for students, $15 for non-students, and $15 at the door.
Time: 6:30 pm Venue: WOOD 2 (Instructional Resource Center) Location: UBC - University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC Phone: 778-990-1812 Categories: International; Human Rights, Law, Legal
Jan 21/2009 to Feb 11/2009 Oakville, ON |
Me Inc. Workshop Are you a would-be entrepreneur, but do not know how to get your business idea off the ground? If so, then join Company of Women as they host the upcoming, four part workshop series that is dedicated to women who want to launch their business idea in to reality. Anne Day and Yolanda Fitzpatrick will discuss the necessary componants to entrepreneurship in a step-by-step approach. The four sessions will be taking place starting on January 21st, January 28th, February 4th and finishing on February 11th. The fee to participate is $90.00. To register, please visit www.companyofwomen.ca Time: 6:30-8:30pm Venue: E-Spot Location: 353 Iroquois Shore Rd, Unit 200, Oakville, ON Website: http://www.companyofwomen.caFor information contact: Bethan Alfano Phone: 905-338-1771 Categories: Business & Economics; Women |
Jan 22/2009 Toronto, ON |
Hundreds of engineering students to 'freeze' in Toronto to advance fair trade Hundreds of socially-active engineering students from across Canada, including the University of Waterloo, will raise public awareness about the fair trade movement at a special event in downtown Toronto as part of the Engineers Without Borders National Conference to be held Jan. 21-24. More than 600 students will temporarily freeze into a pose to draw public attention to the cause on Thursday, Jan 22 at 6:45 p.m. in an area bounded by Spadina, Church, Bloor and Front streets. Engineers Without Borders is a non-governmental organization devoted to international development. Time: 6:45 pm Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.ewb.ca |
Jan 22/2009 Toronto, ON |
Jeff Halper Jeff Halper is an Israeli author and speaker about non-violent strategies to solve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict; is a co-founder of the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions (ICAHD); was on the Free Gaza flotilla that broke the Gaza siege; and is a Nobel Peace Prize nominee. His talk is sponsored by Independent Jewish Voices and the United Jewish People's Order.
Time: 7:30 pm Venue: Winchevsky Centre Location: 585 Cranbrooke Avenue, Toronto, ON Categories: International; Human Rights, Law, Legal; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
Jan 22/2009 Toronto, ON |
Jeff Halper Speaks Jeff Halper is an Israeli author and speaker about non-violent strategies to solve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict; is a co-founder of the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions (ICAHD); was on the Free Gaza flotilla that broke the Gaza siege; and is a Nobel Peace Prize nominee. Halper will be talking about how Canadians can participate in peaceful resistance against the Israeli siege of Gaza and occupation in the West Bank. Time: 1:00 pm Venue: Student Centre, room A/B Location: Ryerson University, Toronto, ON Website: https://www.sources.com/Releases/NR147.htmCategories: Human Rights, Law, Legal; International; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Jan 22/2009 Toronto, ON |
Order of Ontario Investiture Ceremony The black tie investiture ceremony into the Order of Ontario will take place at Queen's Park on January 22, 2009.
Venue: Queen's Park Location: Toronto, ON Categories: Awards, Scholarships, Prizes
Jan 22/2009 Ottawa, ON |
Princes, Poets, and Pomegranates: Personal Stories and Folktales from Persia Ottawa Storytellers performance: Sherri Yazdani and Tara Hartley.
Time: 7:30 pm Venue: NAC Fourth Stage Location: 53 Elgin Street, Ottawa, ON For information contact: administrator@ottawastorytellers.ca Categories: Arts & Culture
Jan 22/2009 Edmonton, AB |
What We Can Learn from Ghandi: Resolving the Israel-Palestine Conflict Norman Finkelstein speaks on the Israel-Palestine conflict. Sponsors: Palestine Solidarity Network, Canada Palestine Cultural Association, University of Alberta Muslim Students' Association, Alberta Federation of Labour, University of Alberta Political Science Department.
Time: 12:30 Venue: ETLC Room E1-017 Location: University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB Phone: 780-732-0477 Categories: International; Human Rights, Law, Legal
Jan 22/2009 Calgary, AB |
What We Can Learn from Ghandi: Resolving the Israel-Palestine Conflict Norman Finkelstein speaks on resolving the Israel-Palestine conflict. Sponsored by: Palestinian-Canadian Student Society (PCSS).
Time: 7:00 pm Venue: Room 162 MFH Location: University of Calgary, Calgary, AB Categories: International; Human Rights, Law, Legal
Jan 22/2009 to Jan 25/2009 Guelph, ON |
Guelph Organic Conference Trade show and organic food expo. Over 150 booths relating to organic farming and foods. Time: 7 am - 5:30 pm (Sat), 9 am - 4:30 pm (Sun) Location: Guelph, ON Website: http://www.guelphorganicconf.caCategories: Food & Beverage; Farming; Environment |
Jan 22/2009 to Jan 25/2009 Guelph, ON |
Guelph Organic Conference & Expo 28th Annual Organic Expo and Tasting Fair Over 150 booths Conference, workshops, free expo and sampling fair with farming and retail suppliers. Time: 9 am - 5 pm Venue: Guelph University Centre Location: Guelph, Guelph, ON Website: http://www.guelphorganicconf.caPhone: 519-824-4120 ext. 56205 Categories: Environment; Farming; Food & Beverage |
Jan 23/2009 New York, USA |
Green Business Summit This Event will gather key decision makers, facilities' managers, purchasing directors, owners and executive level members of the business community to interact with regional and local leaders in a comprehensive dialogue on sustainability. Time: 9:00 am - 3:00 pm Venue: Queens College Location: Flushing, New York, New York, USA Website: http://www.queensgreenbusinesssummit.comFor information contact: Jillian Egenberg Jillian@SalsbergGroup.com Categories: Environment; Skills & Training; International |
Jan 23/2009 Mississauga, ON |
Implementing early learning in Ontario: Peel Region Inst. A full day institute presented by the AECEO bringing together professionals to discuss how early learning in Ontario changes will affect municipalities, public school system and secondary school system. Venue: HJA Brown Education Centre Location: 5650 Hurontario Street, Mississauga, ON Website: http://www.aeceo.caCategories: Children & Youth; Education; Health/Health Care |
Jan 23/2009 Toronto, ON |
Jeff Halper speaks Jeff Halper is an Israeli author and speaker about non-violent strategies to solve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict; is a co-founder of the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions (ICAHD); was on the Free Gaza flotilla that broke the Gaza siege; and is a Nobel Peace Prize nominee. His talk is sponsored by Independent Jewish Voices and the United Jewish People's Order. Time: 7:30 Venue: Bloor Street United Church Location: 300 Bloor Street West, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.icahd.org/eng/Categories: International; Human Rights, Law, Legal; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Jan 23/2009 Vancouver, BC |
Up with hope An art show and silent auction of photographs by Kenyan youth depicting the daily life of residents in the slums of Nairobi. Music by Corbin Murdoch & the Nautical Miles, the Sappers, DJ Seko, and Skilly. Proceeds will go towards building waste management centres in Nairobi.
Time: 6:00-9:30 pm Venue: Centre A Gallery Location: 2 W. Hastings, Vancouver, BC Categories: Arts & Culture
Jan 23/2009
What is Stephen Harper thinking as the budget approaches? Randy Park will appear on Business News Network to talk about Stephen Harper's thinking as budget day approaches. Will he cooperate with the opposition? Is it in his strategic interest? Time: 5:30 pm Venue: BNN television Website: http://bnn.caCategories: Politics & Political Organizations; Business & Economics |
Jan 24/2009 Dalhousie, NS |
Halifax Teach-in on Palestine First of two events taking place on January 24 and January 31. The world has witnessed a barbaric attack on the Palestinians of Gaza. This has outraged public opinion, resulting in massive mobilizations across the globe in defence of Gaza. On Saturday January 24th, from 1 to 6 pm, the Opening Session of the Halifax Teach-In on Palestine will be held. This Teach-In will be a converging point for information, discussion & analysis of the current context for Palestinian rights.
Among the themes & topics: Testimonies of Palestinians Understanding the Assault on Gaza What is Zionism? * Israeli-US Strategy Who Are The Palestinians? History of the Conflict Farming Under Fire Canada's Role
Suggested donation $5+. Refreshments * Information Resources
Time: 1:00 - 6:00 pm Venue: Room 105, Weldon Law Building Location: 6061 University Ave., Dalhousie, NS For information contact: info@freepalestine.ca Phone: 902-477-0470 Categories: International; Human Rights, Law, Legal
Jan 24/2009 Winnipeg, MB |
Jeff Halper speaks Jeff Halper is known internationally for his work as a co-founder of the Israeli Committee Against Home Demolitions and for his passionate commitment to non-violent, political strategies to solve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. "I can no more passively witness my government 32s destruction of another people than I can watch the Occupation destroy the moral fabric of my own country," Halper wrote in an August 5, 2008 article, as he prepared to sail as part of a delegation aimed at ending the siege of Gaza. "To do so would violate my commitment to human rights, the very essence of prophetic Jewish religion, culture and morals, without which Israel is no longer Jewish but an empty, if powerful, Sparta." Time: 7:30 pm Venue: Rudolf Rocker Cultural Centre, 2nd Fl. Location: 91 Albert St., Winnipeg, MB Website: http://ijvcanada.blogspot.comFor information contact: Mark Etkin Categories: International; Human Rights, Law, Legal |
Jan 25/2009 Vancouver, BC |
Brainstorming Session We're hoping for some feedback from local organizations to determine the needs that young people have in Vancouver. All of our directors are plugged in to the services available for street involved youth so we're hoping to expand the network to build relationships with other organizations. This is a unique and important opportunity to work with homeless youth and we'd love your support. Our services are targeted toward a particularly vulnerable population that is only growing. We hope you'll come and share your thoughts. Time: 11:00am - 3:00pm Venue: Kensho Community Location: : 260-975 Vernon Drive, Vancouver, BC Website: http://www.kenshocommunity.orgFor information contact: Teia Rogers Phone: 415-992-5531 Categories: Children & Youth |
Jan 25/2009 Montreal, QC |
Demonstration; End Israeli Apartheid! End the Siege on Gaza! We must reaffirm our commitment to continue to mobilize our friends and allies for an international campaign of boycott, sanctions and divestment. Time: 1:00 pm Venue: Corner St Catherine/Atwater Location: Montreal, QC Website: http://www.tadamon.caFor information contact: info@tadamon.ca Phone: 514-664-1036 Categories: Human Rights, Law, Legal; International; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Jan 25/2009 Winnipeg, MB |
Jeff Halper speaks Jeff Halper is known internationally for his work as a co-founder of the Israeli Committee Against Home Demolitions and for his passionate commitment to non-violent, political strategies to solve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. âI can no more passively witness my governmentâs destruction of another people than I can watch the Occupation destroy the moral fabric of my own country,â Halper wrote in an August 5, 2008 article, as he prepared to sail as part of a delegation aimed at ending the siege of Gaza. âTo do so would violate my commitment to human rights, the very essence of prophetic Jewish religion, culture and morals, without which Israel is no longer Jewish but an empty, if powerful, Sparta.â Time: 4:00 pm Venue: Canadian Mennonite U. Auditorium Location: 500 Shaftesbury Blvd, Winnipeg, MB Website: http://ijvcanada.blogspot.comFor information contact: Mark Etkin Categories: International; Human Rights, Law, Legal |
Jan 25/2009 Mississauga, ON |
Ontario Intercultural Community Services Dinner Ontario Inter-Cultural Community Services (OICS) in Mississauga is hosting a fund-raising dinner at $100 per person to raise money for Save Malton food bank and The First Community Kitchen.
Time: 7:00 pm Venue: Maple Banquet Hall Location: 1325 Eglinton Ave., Mississauga, ON For information contact: info@oics.ca Phone: (905) 279-0481. Categories: Food & Beverage; Human Rights, Law, Legal; Urban Issues, Transit, Housing, Public Space
Jan 25/2009 Toronto, ON |
Songwriters' Expo The Songwriters' Expo continues to celebrate the excellence and excitement of the Toronto music scene. Featured are: Bunmi Adeoye, Laura Belyea and James Carroll, Monique Barry, Marc Nadjiwan. Time: 4 pm. - 7:00 pm Venue: Cadillac Lounge Location: 1296 Queen St. W., Toronto, ON Website: http://www.songwritersexpo.comFor information contact: info@songwritersexpo.com Phone: 416-536-7717 Categories: Music; Arts & Culture; Media, Entertainment, News, Communications |
Jan 25/2009 Toronto, ON |
The courageto heal for women survivors of childhood sexual trauma Time: 11 am - 1 pm Venue: anitafrika! dub theatre Location: 62 Fraser Ave.(2 blks E of Dufferin, 2blks from King), Toronto, ON For information contact: jamila malika - village@anitafrika.com Phone: 416-434-1823 Categories: Women; Human Rights, Law, Legal; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
Jan 25/2009 Toronto, ON |
Working Class Fightback: Lessons of the last Great Depression with Bryan Palmer, Labour Historian and Author The financial crisis has certainly brought on a deepening worldwide slump, with growing mass unemployment and impoverishment. There is also a crisis of working class institutions, in particular the union movement. How can the working class build unity within its ranks and rebuild our capacity to fight back? One thing we can do, is to learn from the experiences of working people during the 1930's, who organized a series of mass fightbacks and built new institutions, such as industrial unions. The financial crisis has certainly brought on a deepening worldwide slump, with growing mass unemployment and impoverishment. There is also a crisis of working class institutions, in particular the union movement. How can the working class build unity within its ranks and rebuild our capacity to fight back? One thing we can do, is to learn from the experiences of working people during the 1930's, who organized a series of mass fightbacks and built new institutions, such as industrial unions. The financial crisis has certainly brought on a deepening worldwide slump, with growing mass unemployment and impoverishment. There is also a crisis of working class institutions, in particular the union movement. How can the working class build unity within its ranks and rebuild our capacity to fight back? One thing we can do, is to learn from the experiences of working people during the 1930's, who organized a series of mass fightbacks and built new institutions, such as industrial unions. Come hear Bryan Palmer, noted labour historian, author of a number of books of history told from the workers' point of view, and contribute to a common discussion about what we can learn from the past. Such discussions can contribute to our common efforts to build a movement to fight the effects of the crisis, as well as its root causes in the existing economic system. Time: 1:00 - 3:30 pm Venue: United Steelworkers Hall Location: 25 Cecil Street, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.socialistproject.ca/events/spCategories: Business & Economics; Economic Development; Social Policy |
Jan 26/2009 Toronto, ON |
Hiroshima of the Chemical Industry "Hiroshima of the Chemical Industry" Bhopal, the Search for Justice" A Documentary Film, also "We are not flowers, we are flames" Venue: SCC Lobby, Ryerson Students Centre Location: 55 Gould St., Toronto, ON Website: http://www.becollective.blog.comFor information contact: becollective1@gmail.com Categories: Environment |
Jan 26/2009 Winnipeg, MB |
Jeff Halper speaks Jeff Halper is known internationally for his work as a co-founder of the Israeli Committee Against Home Demolitions and for his passionate commitment to non-violent, political strategies to solve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. âI can no more passively witness my governmentâs destruction of another people than I can watch the Occupation destroy the moral fabric of my own country,â Halper wrote in an August 5, 2008 article, as he prepared to sail as part of a delegation aimed at ending the siege of Gaza. âTo do so would violate my commitment to human rights, the very essence of prophetic Jewish religion, culture and morals, without which Israel is no longer Jewish but an empty, if powerful, Sparta.â Time: 12:30 Venue: University of Winnipeg, Rm. 1L12 Location: Winnipeg, MB Website: http://ijvcanada.blogspot.comFor information contact: Mark Etkin Categories: International; Human Rights, Law, Legal |
Jan 26/2009 Winnipeg, MB |
Jeff Halper speaks Jeff Halper is known internationally for his work as a co-founder of the Israeli Committee Against Home Demolitions and for his passionate commitment to non-violent, political strategies to solve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. âI can no more passively witness my governmentâs destruction of another people than I can watch the Occupation destroy the moral fabric of my own country,â Halper wrote in an August 5, 2008 article, as he prepared to sail as part of a delegation aimed at ending the siege of Gaza. âTo do so would violate my commitment to human rights, the very essence of prophetic Jewish religion, culture and morals, without which Israel is no longer Jewish but an empty, if powerful, Sparta.â Time: 3:00 pm Venue: Rm. 137 Isbister Bldg Location: University of Winnipeg, Winnipeg, MB Website: http://ijvcanada.blogspot.comFor information contact: Mark Etkin Categories: International; Human Rights, Law, Legal |
Jan 26/2009 Oakville, ON |
Tax Tips 'Tis the tax season - learn all that you need to know from tax expert Bianca Gaetani, CA, at the upcoming Company of Women Oakville Breakfast Meeting. The interactive meeting includes breakfast and networking time among like-minded women. Please visit www.companyofwomen.ca to register. The fee to attend is $20 for Company of Women members and $25 for non-members. Time: 9:00-11:00a.m. Venue: Cora's Breakfast and Lunch Location: 200-240 North Service Road West, Oakville, ON Website: http://www.companyofwomen.caFor information contact: Bethan Alfano Phone: 905-338-1771 Categories: Business & Economics; Women; Education |
Jan 27/2009 to Jan 28/2009 Toronto, ON |
Best Interests of the Child: Meaning and Application in Canada Meaning and interpretation of best interest of the child Best interest and the right to participate Best interest with respect to the Rights of the Child (in the Convention) Best interest as it relates to groups of children.
Venue: Faculty of Law, University of Toronto Location: Toronto, ON For information contact: mlahuis@unicef.ca Categories: Children & Youth; Human Rights, Law, Legal; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
Jan 28/2009 Vancouver, BC |
Jeff Halper speaks Jeff Halper is known internationally for his work as a co-founder of the Israeli Committee Against Home Demolitions and for his passionate commitment to non-violent, political strategies to solve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. âI can no more passively witness my governmentâs destruction of another people than I can watch the Occupation destroy the moral fabric of my own country,â Halper wrote in an August 5, 2008 article, as he prepared to sail as part of a delegation aimed at ending the siege of Gaza. âTo do so would violate my commitment to human rights, the very essence of prophetic Jewish religion, culture and morals, without which Israel is no longer Jewish but an empty, if powerful, Sparta.â Time: 7:00 pm Venue: Unitarian Church of Vancouver Location: corner of Oak Street and 49th Ave W., Vancouver, BC Website: http://ijvcanada.blogspot.comFor information contact: Sid Shniad Phone: 604-314-5589 Categories: International; Human Rights, Law, Legal |
Jan 28/2009 Toronto, ON |
Privacy by Design Come to the First Privacy by Design Challenge and see how technology can be designed to enhance privacy instead of encroaching upon it. The Challenge â co-sponsored by the Toronto Board of Trade and being held on international Data Privacy Day â will feature presentations by nine companies on their latest innovations in privacy-enhancing technologies. Venue: Board of Trade Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.privacybydesign.caCategories: Computers; Communications Industry & Technology; Information, Libraries, Research |
Jan 29/2009 Toronto, ON |
PPM Symposium The Radio Marketing Bureau in conjunction with BBM and BBM Analytics presents a PPM Symposium. As part of the Advertising Week this informative and interactive half day event provides a unique opportunity for advertisers, agencies and broadcasters to learn about the new PPM electronic measurement system for radio, how PPM works and what it means for the future of radio in Canada. Limited Symposium tickets available at $99 including lunch. Over a working lunch listen to a special guest speaker, Doug Abernethy, Regional VP of Radio One in Houston Texas, and hear first hand how PPM has impacted radio in Houston, the first PPM market in North America, and how broadcasters and advertisers are adjusting to this new method of audience measurement. Time: 8:30 am - 2:15 pm Venue: The Capitol Event Theatre Location: 2492 Yonge Street, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.rmb.caFor information contact: Gary Belgrave Phone: 416-922-5757 Ext. 233 Categories: Marketing, Advertising, Public Relations; Communications Industry & Technology; Media, Entertainment, News, Communications |
Jan 29/2009 Toronto, ON |
Unbottle It The bottled water industry has worked hard to undermine our faith in public water. It's time to get the facts, kick the bottle and tap into clean, safe public drinking water. Time: 7;00 pm Venue: Steelworkers Hall Location: 25 Cecil Street, Toronto, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.canadians.org; www.cupe.on.caPhone: 416-299-9739 Categories: Environment; Social Policy; Food & Beverage |
Jan 29/2009 to Jan 30/2009 Montreal, QC |
Connecting early child development and schools: Building alliances for children Canada and the world â Hear how Canada measures up John Bennett, an expert on world issues on Early Learning, along with Canadian experts, Jane Bertrand, Professor at George Brown College and Jane Beach, former Director of Childcare and ECD Consultant, will debate and discuss Canadaâs place in the context of the world views on Early Learning and Schools. An interactive summit Participants will have many opportunities â designed into the schedule of the conference â to share, discuss, problem-solve and debate in small interest groups as well as to challenge and question the keynote speakers and provincial presenters. Attendees can anticipate - Keynote speeches interspersed throughout the day - Facilitated small group meetings on specific issues - Networking opportunities both formal and informal - The opportunity to assist in planning further cross-Canada events to build this new network Venue: Delta Centre-Ville Hotel Location: Montreal, QC Website: http://cecd_general@councilecd.caFor information contact: Deborah Phillips Phone: 604.827.5797 Categories: Education |
Jan 29/2009 to Jan 31/2009 Toronto, ON |
2009 Festival of Original Theatre, Exquisite Corpses, Bloody Bodies: Murder, Myth, and Representations of Violence on Stage and Screen This is a student organized festival with day performances being free.
Venue: Robert Gill Theatre Location: 214 College St., 3rd Floor, Toronto, ON Phone: 416-978-7986 Categories: Arts & Culture; Performing Arts; Education
Jan 29/2009 to Jan 31/2009 Stuttgart |
CEP Clean Energy Power(R) 2009 International Trade Fair and Conference for Renewable Energies and Energy Efficient Building and Renovation with 5th Innovation Conference. Venue: New Stuttgard Trade Fair Centre Location: Stuttgard, Germany, Stuttgart Website: http://www.energie-server.comFor information contact: Diana Roehm international@energie-server.de Phone: +49(0) 7121-3016-0 Categories: Environment; Science & Technology; International |
Jan 29/2009 to Feb 1/2009 Toronto, ON |
The 8 Fest Second annual celebration of small-gauge film includes latest in Robert Kennedy's Animal Control installation series (starring local raccoons); a presentation by Japanese avant-garde pioneer Takahiko Limura: My Year in Malaya (home movies shot by Toronto Noris in 1953); and screening of Canadian and international contemporary work. Venue: Trash Palace Location: 89-B Niagara St., Toronto, ON Website: http://www.the8fest.comCategories: Arts & Culture |
Jan 29/2009 to May 1/2009 Toronto, ON |
Werner Pfeiffer: Book-Objects & Artist Books An exhibition of art created from or using books as the medium. Venue: Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library Location: 120 St. George St., Toronto, ON Website: http://www.library.utoronto.ca/fisher/axhibitions/current.htmlPhone: 416-978-5285 Categories: Arts & Culture; Journalism, Writing, Literary, Language; International |
Jan 30/2009 Vancouver, BC |
Jeff Halper speaks Jeff Halper is known internationally for his work as a co-founder of the Israeli Committee Against Home Demolitions and for his passionate commitment to non-violent, political strategies to solve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. âI can no more passively witness my governmentâs destruction of another people than I can watch the Occupation destroy the moral fabric of my own country,â Halper wrote in an August 5, 2008 article, as he prepared to sail as part of a delegation aimed at ending the siege of Gaza. âTo do so would violate my commitment to human rights, the very essence of prophetic Jewish religion, culture and morals, without which Israel is no longer Jewish but an empty, if powerful, Sparta.â Time: 5:00 pm Venue: Irving K. Barber Learning Centre (Main Library) Room 182 Location: University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC Website: http://ijvcanada.blogspot.comFor information contact: Sid Shniad Phone: 604-314-5589 Categories: International; Human Rights, Law, Legal |
Jan 30/2009 Burnaby, BC |
Jeff Halper speaks Jeff Halper is known internationally for his work as a co-founder of the Israeli Committee Against Home Demolitions and for his passionate commitment to non-violent, political strategies to solve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. âI can no more passively witness my governmentâs destruction of another people than I can watch the Occupation destroy the moral fabric of my own country,â Halper wrote in an August 5, 2008 article, as he prepared to sail as part of a delegation aimed at ending the siege of Gaza. âTo do so would violate my commitment to human rights, the very essence of prophetic Jewish religion, culture and morals, without which Israel is no longer Jewish but an empty, if powerful, Sparta.â Time: 8:00 pm Venue: Al-Salaam Mosque Location: 5060 Canada Way, Burnaby, BC Website: http:///ijvcanada.blogspot.comFor information contact: Sid Shniad Phone: 604-314-5589 Categories: International; Human Rights, Law, Legal |
Jan 30/2009 Toronto, ON |
Publicly-Funded Health Care and its Preservation in Canada The event, part of the Tommy Douglas Distinguished Speakers Series, is to commemorate the introduction of universal, publicly-funded health care in Saskatchewan in 1962.
Time: from 7 to 9:30 pm Venue: Convocation Hall Location: University of Toronto, Toronto, ON For information contact: bringbacktommy.ca. Phone: 416-978-8741 Categories: Health/Health Care
Jan 30/2009 Toronto, ON |
Ralph Nader: Publicly Funded Health Care andIts Preservation in Canada Speech: Publicly Funded Health Care in Canada, Ralph Nader
Time: 7:00 - 9:30 pm Venue: Convocation Hall Location: 31 King's College Circle, Toronto, ON Categories: Health/Health Care; Human Rights, Law, Legal; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
Jan 30/2009 Toronto, ON |
Standing Up for Gaza: Film Screening and Discussion For 23 days, Israel attacked Gaza from land, sea and air resulting in over 1300 dead and 5100 injured. Prior to these attacks, the people of Gaza had been living under siege for over 18 months, with little to no food, medical supplies and other necessities of life being allowed into the territory. Gaza, with a captive population of over 1.5 million people, has been called the world's largest open air prison. Students Against Israeli Apartheid have organized this event to educate students about the recent assault on Gaza and the siege on Gaza that continues even after Israel declared a ceasefire. Film screening of "Gaza" Another Kind of Tears" followed by dicussiion with Hammam Farah, student from Gaza. Time: 7:00 pm Venue: Bahen Centre for Information Technology Location: 40 St. George Street, Room 1190, Toronto, ON Website: https://www.connexions.org/CxL-MiddleEastResources.htmFor information contact: saia@riseup.net Categories: International; Human Rights, Law, Legal |
Jan 30/2009 to Jan 31/2009 Toronto, ON |
Ontario’s Planned Hospital Cuts, Downsizing and Restructuring Featuring high-level briefings on key policy issues, reports on economic impact of hospitals, projected extent of cuts and restructuring and messaging meetings, the summit is from 10 am to 5 pm on Friday, January 30 and Saturday, January 31 at 15 Gervais Drive Location: 15 Gervais Drive, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.ontariohealthcoalition.caPhone: 416-441-2502 Categories: Health/Health Care |
Jan 30/2009 to Feb 7/2009 Toronto, ON |
Canada's Top Ten Annual showcase of domestic features and shorts kicks off with Kari Skoland's Fifty Dead Men Walking and Le'a Pool's Maman est chez le coiffeur. Shorts programs screen Jan.31 and Feb.1 Venue: AGO Jackman Hall Location: 317 Dundas St. McCaul entrance, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.cinemathequeontario.caPhone: 416-968-FILM Categories: Arts & Culture |
Jan 31/2009 Toronto, ON |
Building a Sustainable Home: An Owner's Perspective Ecological home design, passive solar concepts, renewable energy systems, water & sewage treatment, permits, zoning, grid tie-in etc. $85 Time: 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Venue: Toronto Botanical Gardens Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.torontobotanicalgarden.caPhone: 416-397-1362 Categories: Environment; Building & Construction; Housewares, Home Furnishings & Maintenance |
Jan 31/2009 Dalhousie, NS |
Halifax Teach-in on Palestine Second of two events taking place on January 24 and January 31. The world has witnessed a barbaric attack on the Palestinians of Gaza. This has outraged public opinion, resulting in massive mobilizations across the globe in defence of Gaza. This Teach-In will be a converging point for information, discussion & analysis of the current context for Palestinian rights.
Among the themes & topics: Testimonies of Palestinians Understanding the Assault on Gaza What is Zionism? * Israeli-US Strategy Who Are The Palestinians? History of the Conflict Farming Under Fire Canada's Role
Suggested donation $5+. Refreshments * Information Resources
Time: 1:00 - 6:00 pm Venue: Room 105, Weldon Law Building Location: 6061 University Ave., Dalhousie, NS For information contact: info@freepalestine.ca Phone: 902-477-0470 Categories: International; Human Rights, Law, Legal
Jan 31/2009 Toronto, ON |
International Raw Milk Symposium An eclectic array of international speakers and researchers will address medical physiology, safety and distribution of raw milk world wide, also rise in consumer demand.
Time: 10 am - 5 pm Venue: OISE Auditorium Location: 252 Bloor St. West, Toronto, ON For information contact: www.rawmilksymposium.com Categories: Health/Health Care; Food & Beverage; International
Jan 31/2009 Ottawa, ON |
Octopus Books presents three perspectives on torture in our time Octopus Books presents three perspectives on torture in our time. Hope and Despair is the inspiring story of Monia Mazigh's courageous fight to free her husband, Maher Arar, from a Syrian jail. This is a remarkable story of personal courage, and of an extraordinary woman who lets us into her life so that other Canadians can understand the denial of rights and the discarding of human rights her family suffered. Kerry Pither has worked as a human rights and civil liberties advocate for almost twenty years on a wide range of local, regional, national and international issues. She is the author of Dark Days: The Story of Four Canadians Tortured in the Name of Fighting Terror, which chronicles the shocking story of how four Canadian men, Ahmad El Maati, says that despite everything that's happened, "I always remeber that we are the lucky ones. Since 9/11 so many others have just disappeared, or are still in secret prisons, with no right to ask questions. At least we have the right to ask questions about why this happened. At least we mght get answers." Alan Cumyn is the author of the novel Man of Bone and its sequel Burridge Unbound, which tell the story of the kidnapping of a Canadian diplomat abroad and his subsequent struggles after surviving the terrifying ordeal and returning home. Cumyn spent eight years writing on international human rights issues for the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada. Please join us for an evening of discussion with these three local writers for the first event of many celebrating Octopus Books 40th anniversary. We are proud of our history as a progressive independent bookstore and our commitment to providing books on social justice issues and supporting community initiatives since 1969. Venue: Room A Library and Archives Canada Location: 395 Wellington Street K14 0N4, Ottawa, ON Website: http://events@octopusbooks.caFor information contact: Jackie Wallace Categories: Arts & Culture |
Jan 31/2009 Ottawa, ON |
The Age of Persecution: Perspectives on an Atrocity of Our Time Hope and Despair is the inspiring story of Monia Mazigh's courageous fight to free her husband, Maher Arar, from a Syrian jail.
Time: 7:00 pm Venue: Rm. A, Library and Archives Canada Location: 395 Wellington Street, Ottawa, ON For information contact: events@octopusbooks.ca Categories: Human Rights, Law, Legal; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; International
Jan 31/2009 Victoria, BC |
The Path to Eco-Conscious Living, with Ed Begley Jr. Star of the hit reality show, Living with Ed, Begley is considered an environmental leader in the Hollywood community. Begley will be speaking and signing copies of his new book at the U. of Victoria. Public lecture. Time: 7:30 pm Venue: University of Victoria Location: Victoria, BC Website: http://www.auditorium.uvic.caFor information contact: swebb@uvic.ca Phone: 250-721-6678 Categories: Environment; Journalism, Writing, Literary, Language; International |
Jan 31/2009 to Feb 1/2009 Toronto, ON |
Canada and the War in Afghanistan Ryerson University in Toronto hosts Canada and the War in Afghanistan, a pan-Canadian student anti-war conference. The conference is from Saturday, January 31 to Sunday, February 1 and is organized by the Canadian Peace Alliance and the Canadian Federation of Students â Ontario. Hundreds of students from across Canada participate in workshops, panel discussions and debates on anti-war topics including racism and Islamophobia and military recruitment on campus. Venue: Ryerson University Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.acp-cpa.caFor information contact: Canadian Peace Alliance Phone: 416-588-5555 Categories: Politics & Political Organizations |
Jan 31/2009 to Feb 1/2009 Toronto, ON |
Extreme Freedom Seminar Extreme Freedom®; is an amazing and intensive two-day weekend program designed to help you identify and remove limiting thoughts and beliefs and emotions that are weighing you down and help you create clarity around your vision for your life. After the weekend you will have more direction, certainty, clarity and you will be inspired and motivated. You will get to the heart of your true self. Time: Saturday 8:30am - 10pm, Sunday 8:30am - 6pm Location: 58 Winchester Street, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.thevibrantlifecoach.comFor information contact: Jen Cook or Diane Andonovski Phone: 416-405-9478 Categories: Health/Health Care; Skills & Training; Education |
Feb 2/2009 Picton, ON |
Green Energy Act A public meeting is being held in Prince Edward County to explain the proposed legislation (to empower all Ontario residents to become power generators), which in Europe has proven to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, eliminate smog and create thousands of good jobs.
Time: 7 pm Venue: Prince Edward Community Centre Hall Location: 375 Main Str., Picton, ON For information contact: Don Chisolm Phone: 613-476-1700 Categories: Environment; Human Rights, Law, Legal; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
Feb 2/2009 Vancouver, BC |
Peacemaker: Peace through video games? Facilitator Dave Chang translates audience votes into in-game decisions in a presentation of PeaceMaker, a game exploring what it takes for peaceful resolution in the Middle East. Co-sponsored by Building Bridges Society.
Free admission
Time: 7:30-9:30pm Venue: Vancouver Public Library (Alice MacKay Room) Location: 350 W. Georgia, Vancouver, BC Categories: Computers; Politics & Political Organizations
Feb 2/2009 to Feb 3/2009 Toronto, ON |
Wealth Without Waste As part of the Waste Diversion Act review, this event will explore how extended producer responsibility (EPR) can foster competition to minimize costs and maximize environmental benefits. Venue: Toronto Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.rs6.net/tn.jspCategories: Environment; Economic Development; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Feb 3/2009 Ottawa, ON |
Be The Change - A Befriending The Earth (BTE) Course A simplicity circle based on conversation, videos/dvds and practical action guide for fostering life-style changes that help us live more lightly on the Earth.
Time: 1:30 - 3:00 pm Venue: Centrepointe House Location: Baseline St., Ottawa, ON Phone: 613-226-5023 Categories: Environment; Education; International
Feb 3/2009 to Feb 4/2009 Toronto, ON |
SCTE Canadian Summit 2009 Join SCTE and a host of Canadian engineering professionals explore engineering issues specific to the Canadian audience at the first-ever SCTE Canadian Summit. Broaden your knowledge through two days of exhibits, technical breakout sessions, general sessions, and networking opportunities. This yearâs summit will focus on the impacts of integrating new technologies into existing cable infrastructures. Understand the opportunities and the pitfallsâall to maximize customer satisfaction and gain operational efficiencies. Venue: Toronto Congress Centre Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.scte.orgFor information contact: expo@scte.org Phone: 610-363-6888 Categories: Communications Industry & Technology; Media, Entertainment, News, Communications |
Feb 4/2009 Halifax, NS |
FLOW: For The Love Of Water - free public film screening Irena Salina's award-winning 2008 documentary investigation into what experts label the most important political and environmental issue of the 21st Century - The World Water Crisis. Time: 7:00 - 9:00 pm Venue: Mount St. Vincent University, Seton Auditorium C Location: 166 Bedford Highway, Halifax, NS Website: http://www.nsen.caFor information contact: nsen@cen-rce.org Phone: 902-454-6846 Categories: Environment; International; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Feb 4/2009 Calgary, ON |
Recent Environmental Issues in the Oil Sands Terra Simieritsch of the Pembina Institute will be talking about recent environmental developments in the Athabasca Oil Sands. Time: 7 pm Venue: Calgary Area Outdoor Council Location: 1111 Memorial Drive NW, Calgary, ON Website: http://www.sierraclubchinook.orgFor information contact: alex@sierraclubchinook.org Categories: Environment; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Manufacturing |
Feb 4/2009 to Feb 22/2009 Toronto, ON |
The Rhubarb Festival Canada's original new works fest goes international! Fabulous Producer Sherrie Johnson joins Festival Director Erika Hennebury as Rhubarb returns to a jam-packed three week format. The entire facility is wide open for more than two dozen contemporary theatrical explorations. This year The Rhubarb Festival: Free Trade will feature a myriad of brand spanking new Canadian explorations alongside feature presentations from across Canada, US and Europe!! Venue: Buddies in Bad Times Theatre Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.artsexy.ca/index.cfmFor information contact: Erika Hennebury Categories: Performing Arts; Arts & Culture |
Feb 6/2009 to Feb 8/2009 Montreal, QC |
Can-Fit-Pro Group Fitness, Personal Training, and Aquafitness Conference and Trade Show Shop, learn, and workout at the biggest and best fitness conference in Quebec! See the best presenters in the fitness industry, get fantastic deals on fitness equipment and gear, plus see the hottest new choreography, research, and training methods. There are sessions presented in French and English. Open to all fitness professionals and enthusiasts. Admission to the trade show is free! Register today or go online to print off your free trade show pass. www.canfitpro.com Venue: Fairmont the Queen Elizabeth Location: Montreal, QC Website: http://www.canfitpro.com/montreal/engPhone: 416-493-3515 Categories: Health/Health Care |
Feb 8/2009 Toronto, ON |
Palestine, Israel and "Democracy" Speakers: Robert Massoud, Founder of Zatoun (Fair Trade Olive Oil from Palestine) Jenny Peto, anti-Zionist, Jewish Activist
Time: 7:30 - 9:30 pm Venue: OISE, Room 5-260 Location: 252 Bloor St. West, Toronto, ON For information contact: INFO@NION.ca Categories: International; Military; Human Rights, Law, Legal
Feb 8/2009 to Feb 10/2009 Toronto, ON |
Kevin Smith Festival Following the cult filmmaker's speaking engagement at Roy Thomson Hall on Feb.7 the Bloor Cinema (506 Bloor St.W) presents Smith faves Clerks, Mallrats, Chasing Amy, Dogma, and Jay&Silent Bob Strike Back.Festival passes $20 Venue: The Bloor Cinema Location: 506 Bloor St.W, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.bloorcinema.comCategories: Arts & Culture |
Feb 9/2009 Ottawa, ON |
Canada Has Blood On Its Hands: Protest on Parliament Hill Against Canada's Complicity in Gaza Canada, no longer a nation of peacekeepers, now condones and supports war criminals and the abuse of human rights. On January 12 Canada was the only nation to vote against the United Nations Human Rights Council motion calling Israel to end its "grave violations", withdraw its military forces from the occupied Gaza Strip and lift its siege of the people of Gaza. Considering well-substantiated allegations of collective punishment against a civilian population and evidence of the use of non-conventional weapons, such support makes Canada complicit. CANADA HAS BLOOD ON ITS HANDS! Join Concerned Canadians for a peaceful vigil and demonstration to read the names of civilians and children killed in Gaza and to urge the Canadian government to act. Time: 12:30 Venue: Parliament Buildings Location: Meet at the Centennial Flame, Ottawa, ON Website: https://www.connexions.org/CxL-MiddleEastResources.htmCategories: Human Rights, Law, Legal; International |
Feb 9/2009 to Feb 12/2009 Ottawa, ON |
Aboriginal Awareness Week A combination of environmental, educational, cultural, political (indigeneous people's solidarity), health (HIV, diabetes) issues presented or discussed.
Time: 11:00 am Venue: Carleton University, Porter Hall Location: Ottawa, ON Categories: Environment; Native Peoples; Health/Health Care
Feb 10/2009 to Feb 9/2009 Toronto, ON |
Nuclear Power: The Truth about Nuclear Power in Ontario Shawn Patrick Stensil, Greenpeace Nuclear Energy Campaigner will provide facts about nuclear power in Ontario. The aim is to replace the Pickering nuclear station.
Time: 6:30 - 8:30 pm Venue: Greenpeace Toronto Office Location: 33 Cecil Str., Toronto, ON Categories: Environment; Science & Technology; Government & Public Sector
Feb 10/2009 Montreal, QC |
Bodily Determinations: Re-imaging a Feminist Framework A panel emphasizing the importance of self-determination over one's body. Heading the panel is Carolyn Egan, founding member of the Ontario Coalition for Abortion Clinics. She was associated with Dr. Henry Morgenthaler. Venue: Leacock Bldg., McGill U, Rm. 232 Location: Montreal, Montreal, QC Website: http://www.qpirgmcgill.orgPhone: 514-398-7432 Categories: Health/Health Care; Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Feb 10/2009 Toronto, ON |
Dialogue: The Role of a Woman as Defined by Modern Society This live and effective exchange is meant to produce solutions which require further action.
Time: 3:00pm Venue: Ryerson Women's Centre, Rm. 210 Location: Student Campus Centre, 55 Gould St, Toronto, ON For information contact: womenscentre@rsuonline.ca Phone: 416-979-5255 ext. 2350 Categories: Women; Education; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
Feb 10/2009
Dress for Success Without Breaking the Bank or Going on a Diet As a Professional Image Consultant, I have seen the phenomenal improvement the right "image adjustment" can make in a person's life. Now here's good news for anyone who appreciates the value of improving their image and "style" ... but for whom a professional 1-on-1 consultation is just out of reach. You are invited to join a very select group of like-minded, image-conscious business people and professionals, for an exciting first-time-ever event: Announcing the all-new "Dress for Success Without Breaking the Bank or Going on a Diet" event for men and women. This is the first time I've tailored my Image Training program to a teleseminar format... www.corporateclassinc.com/teleseminar-2008-12.php Time: 7PM to 8:30:M and February 16th 7PM to 8:30PM and February 17th, 7PM to 9:30PM Venue: Online Location: Teleseminar Website: http://www.corporateclassinc.comFor information contact: Diane Craig Phone: 416-967-1221 Categories: Fashion, Clothing, Textiles; Men; Women |
Feb 10/2009 Mississauga, ON |
Global development project arrives to Mississauga The 90 min. event features a film by producers Alex and Meghan Nicholls along with an interactive open discussion about global issues. Time: 7:00 - 8:30 pm Venue: Trinity Anglican Church Location: 69 Queen St. South, Mississauga, ON Website: http://www.the justusproject.comFor information contact: Jon Webster, Jon@trinitystreetsville.org Categories: Environment; Human Rights, Law, Legal; International |
Feb 10/2009 Toronto, ON |
Global Warming: Poznan Postmortem and Copenhagen Countdown Brings environmental activists together to report on recent UN climate change conference in Poznan, Poland.
Venue: United Steelworkers Hall Location: 25 Cecil Street, Toronto, ON Phone: 647-230-3257 Categories: Environment; Nature & Outdoors; International
Feb 10/2009 Ottawa, ON |
Tar Sands Showdown, with Tony Clarke Clarke, the founder and director of the Polaris Inst., will discuss the real costs including the ecological and social impacts of tar sands development, and propose an alternate energy future in the age of global warming.
Time: 7:30 pm Venue: The Anglican Church of the Epiphany Location: 1290 Ogilvie Road, Ottawa, ON For information contact: vmaier@rogers.com Categories: Environment; Investment, Finance, Insurance; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
Feb 10/2009 Hamilton, ON |
The uncertain business of doing good: Outsiders in Africa A fascinating discussion on the social and ethical implications of conducting humanitarian aid projects in war torn countries in Africa for the past 15 years.
Time: 6:00 - 7:00 Venue: McMaster U, MDCL 3020, DeGroote Centre Location: 1280 Main Street W, Rm 3020, Hamilton, ON For information contact: brendanstone@cogeco.ca Categories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Economic Development; International
Feb 11/2009 Toronto, ON |
Carbon Finance: Basic Concepts and Major events - Workshop Topics such as potential environmental markets, probable impacts of climate change, GHG inventories, carbon capture and storage, intensity targets, cap and trade and carbon taxes, also a case study.
Time: 9 am - 5 pm Venue: St Andrew's Club and Conference Centre Location: Toronto, ON For information contact: Emma Thacker, em.thacker@utoronto.ca Phone: 416-946-5403 Categories: Economic Development; Environment; Science & Technology
Feb 11/2009 Montreal, QC |
FLOW: For the Love of Water Feature film, documentary by Irina Salina. FLOW builds a case against the growing privatization of the world's dwindling fresh water with an unflinching focus on politics, pollution, human rights, an emergence of a domineering world water cartel. Time: 7 p.m. Venue: H-110, Concordia U Location: 1455 de Maisonneuve Ouest, Montreal, QC Website: http://www.qpirgconcordia.orgPhone: 514-848-7585 Categories: Environment; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; International |
Feb 11/2009 London, ON |
FoodMatters : You Are What You Eat - Documentary Screening This film seeks to uncover the path of disease but also explores the safe, cheap and effective use of nutrition and supplementation. Time: 7 pm Venue: RainbowCinemas Galleria Location: 355 Wellington Str., London, ON Website: http://www.foodmatters.tvFor information contact: centre@orthomed.org Categories: Food & Beverage; Environment; Health/Health Care |
Feb 11/2009 Ottawa, ON |
Managing without Growth: Slower by Design, not Disaster A question period will follow the presentation. Time: 4 pm Venue: Pavillon Fauteux Hall Location: 57 Louis Pasteur, Ottawa, ON Website: http://www.ie.uottawa.caFor information contact: ieuo@.uottawa.ca Categories: Environment; Economic Development; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Feb 11/2009 Toronto, ON |
The 11th Hour - probably the best film on climate change ever made Free showing of documentary on climate change - starring Leonardo DiCaprio; there is also a message of hope in the film in the face of catastrophic events. Local slide show to follow film.
Time: 7:00 - 10:00 pm Venue: Medical Science Bldg, Rm. 2172, U of T Location: 1 Kings College Circle, Toronto, ON For information contact: Paul York, paulyork@gmail.com Phone: 647-342-7995 Categories: Environment; International; Media, Entertainment, News, Communications
Feb 11/2009 Halifax, NS |
Throwing Off The Burden: Imperialism and the Roots of Conflict in Africa Please join Dr. Adi as he addresses the nature and causes of conflict in Africa, including, among others, the situation in the Congo and Zimbabwe. Dr. Hakim Adi is one of the foremost scholars on the African diaspora and Pan-Africanism. He teaches African history at Middlesex University and is a founding member and current chair of the British Black and Asian Studies Association and a member of the Mayor of London's Commission on African and Asian Heritage. He has appeared in many television and radio documentaries, including several BBC programs. His books include: Pan-African History: Political Figures from Africa and the Diaspora since 1787 and West Africans in Britain 1900-1960: Pan-Africanism and Communism. Time: 7 p.m. Venue: Room 307, Dalhousie Student Union Building Location: 6136 University Avenue, Halifax, NS Website: http://www.shunpiking.comFor information contact: Isaac Saney Phone: 902.494.1531 Categories: International; Politics & Political Organizations; Social Policy |
Feb 12/2009
A Reading with Farzana Doctor Farzana Doctor is the author of "Stealing Nasreen": there will be a reading and discussion about major theme novel and queer writing in general.
Time: 5 pm - 7 pm Venue: The Centre for Women and Transpeople Location: North of College on Spadina For information contact: Thuva, resourcelibrary@riseup.net Phone: 416-978-8201 Categories: Education; Journalism, Writing, Literary, Language; Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual
Feb 12/2009 Toronto, ON |
Designing Natural Swimming Ponds Natural swimming ponds are chemical free alternatives to in-ground pools. They use the natural filtering properties of plants and rocks to keep the water clean and clear.
Time: 7pm - 9:30 pm Venue: Toronto Botanical Garden Location: Toronto, ON For information contact: programs@torontobotanicalgarden.ca Phone: 416-397-1362 Categories: Environment; Urban Issues, Transit, Housing, Public Space; Nature & Outdoors
Feb 12/2009 Toronto, ON |
Environmental Printing Awards 2009 Eglinton Grand Banquet Hall, 400 Eglinton Avenue West, Toronto, Ontario, Canada For more information... Sara Young tel: 416.665.7333 ext 31 fax: 416.665.7226 email: sara@printaction.com http://www.printaction.com/epa/ Venue: Eglinton Grand Banquet Hall Location: 400 Eglinton Avenue West, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.printaction.com/epa/For information contact: Sara Young, sara@printaction.com Phone: 416-665-7333, ext. 31 Categories: Awards, Scholarships, Prizes |
Feb 12/2009 Montreal, QC |
FLOW: For the Love of Water This is the award winning 2008 documentary by Irina Salina, with regards to the World Water Crisis. Water is viewed as a commodity like oil and there is even an emerging water cartel which oversees the pollution, privatization, etc. of this global resource. Time: 7 p.m. Venue: QPIRG-Concordia: Subversive Cinema Location: 1455 de Maissoneuve West, Montreal, QC Website: http://www.qpirgconcordiaPhone: 514-848-7585 Categories: Environment; International; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Feb 12/2009 Vancouver, BC |
Fragile rights Annual fundraising gala featuring speaker Maher Arar on human rights and civil liberties, Canada's relationship with the U.S., and the need for oversight of the CSIS and RCMP. Tix $75, includes buffet Indian dinner
Time: 6-9 pm Venue: Fraserview Banquet Hall Location: 8240 Fraser, Vancouver, BC For information contact: ccpabc@policyalternatives.ca Categories: Human Rights, Law, Legal; Politics & Political Organizations
Feb 12/2009 Caledon East, ON |
Green TEA Environmental Speakers Evening Jo Coombe, V.P. of Strategic Accounts at Bullfrog Power will discuss how this company provides 100% Green Electricity in a convenient and easily obtainable way.
Time: 7:00 - 9:15 pm Venue: Caledon Community Complex Location: 6215 Old Church Rd., Caledon East, ON For information contact: Patti Foley, patti@greentcaledon.ca Phone: 905-951-0625 Categories: Environment; Economic Development; Marketing, Advertising, Public Relations
Feb 12/2009 Toronto, ON |
Judy Chicago Today: Art, Feminism, and Activism in the 21st Century An evening with renowned artist Judy Chicago with other prolific feminine artists but they all will focus on Judy's tremendous achievements such as the "Dinner Party".
Venue: Innis Town Hall, U of Toronto Location: 2 Sussex Avenue, Toronto, ON For information contact: info@textilemuseum.ca Phone: 416-599-5321 Categories: Arts & Culture; Women; Media, Entertainment, News, Communications
Feb 12/2009 to Feb 15/2009 Toronto, ON |
Winterfolk Roots and Blues Festival Winterfolk is a sixth annual event for Toronto. More than 100 artists will be performing live at seven or more area venues over the course of three days. It will also include workshops for guitar playing, song writing, and more. Venue: corner of Danforth and Broadview Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.winterfolk.comCategories: Music; Arts & Culture |
Feb 13/2009 Ottawa, ON |
Economics and the World Food Crisis: The future of food and capitalism with Jim Stanford and Wayne Roberts An evening with Jim Stanford, a Globe and Mail economist who examines the crumbling economic structures of today and points out where faltering economy and lacking international food availability may overlap.
Time: 7:00 - 9:00 pm, Reception at 6:00 pm (free) Venue: Library and Archives Canada Location: 395 Wellington Str., Ottawa, ON Categories: Food & Beverage; Health/Health Care; International
Feb 13/2009 Toronto, ON |
Pre and post Darwinian Science, with Larry Moran What was science like before Darwin, and how did it change after Darwin? Larry Moran is a professor in biochemistry at U of Toronto. Time: 7 pm - 9:30 pm Venue: Centre for Inquiry Location: 216 Beverly St.,, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.cfi.ontarioCategories: Education; Science & Technology; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Feb 13/2009 Toronto |
Pre- and Post-Darwinian Science with Larry Moran: Darwin Day Lecture Larry Moran, Professor of Biochemistry at U. of Toronto, discusses how science was changed by Darwin and his theory of evolution based on natural selection.
Time: 7:00 - 9:30 Venue: CFI Location: 216 Beverly St. (just south of College), Toronto Categories: Science & Technology; Education; International
Feb 13/2009 Montreal, ON |
Study in Action Conference Call for Submissions: by Feb. 13 The conference's purpose is to offer space for dialogue and crosspollination where undergraduate students as well as community organizers and front line activists can present their work as it relates to social and ecological justice. Venue: Concordia University Location: Montreal, ON Website: http://www.qpirconcordia.org/studyinactionFor information contact: studyinaction@gmail.com Phone: 514-848-7585 Categories: Human Rights, Law, Legal; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Environment |
Feb 13/2009 Ottawa, ON |
The World According To Monsanto - free movie and Q & A Movie examines how chemical giant Monsanto is involved in the world's food production through genetically modified seeds. What is happening to our food. Time: 7:00pm Venue: Trinity United Church Location: 1099 Maitland Ave., Ottawa, ON Website: http://www.cban.ca (Can. biologyaction network)Categories: Biotechnology; Food & Beverage; Environment |
Feb 13/2009 to Feb 15/2009 Toronto, ON |
Toronto Romanian Film Festival New independent features, docs,and animation from this exploding European film centre with directors Alexandru Salomon (Cold Waves, 2008) and Igor Cobileanski (debut feature Take) on hand to introduce their latest. Venue: Innis Town Hall and Bloor Cinema Location: 2 Sussex Ave., Toronto, ON Website: http://www.toroartgroup.com/eventsCategories: Arts & Culture |
Feb 13/2009 to Feb 15/2009
Winterfolk- Toronto This great indoor music event features over 100 musicians in 6 venues for 3 days of Roots, Blues, Folk and more. Includes industry seminars and workshops, all in downtown Toronto. Emphasizing south Ontario and Canadian talent, the festival will also attract worl-wide submissions. Website: http://www.winterfolk.comFor information contact: brian@winterfolk.com Categories: Arts & Culture |
Feb 13/2009 to Feb 16/2009 Toronto, ON |
Ozflix Annual weekend of award-winning and new Australian cinema includes free family fare.Opening night is in the Royal (608 College St); all other screenings at ROM Theatre (100 Queen's Park Circle). Venue: Royal and ROM Theatre Location: 608 College St and 100 Queen's Park Circle, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.australia.com/ozflixCategories: Arts & Culture |
Feb 13/2009 to Feb 27/2009 Toronto, ON |
Caribbean Tales Youth Film Festival Celebrating Black History (Feb. 13 -27) Caribbean Tales will showcase a unique series of films and documentaries, from and about the African diaspora. Caribbean Tales' mandate is to foster intercultural understanding in both the native African country and the Canadian context. Time: 9:30 am Venue: Yorkdale, Yonge & Eglinton, Scarb. Town Centre. Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.caribbeantales.caFor information contact: ctyfilmfestival@gmail.com Phone: 416-598-1410 Categories: Arts & Culture; Education; Media, Entertainment, News, Communications |
Feb 13/2009 to Feb 28/2009 Montreal, QC |
Bil'in - A village united agaist the wall Exhibition features photos from the ongoing popular struggle against Israel's apartheid wall, and daily life and survival in Bil'in, Palestine.
Time: 5 pm - 7pm Venue: Bar Populaire Location: 6584 St-Laurent, Montreal, QC Phone: 514-664-1036 Categories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Politics & Political Organizations; International
Feb 14/2009 Vancouver, BC |
18th Annual Women's March The event is led by women from the community and it honours the lives of the missing and murdered women from Vancouver's Downtown Eastside. Time: 12:00 noon Venue: Carnegie Community Centre Theatre Location: Hastings & Main, Vancouver, BC Website: http://www.dewce.ca (Downtown Eastside Women's Centre)Categories: Women; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Human Rights, Law, Legal |
Feb 15/2009 Toronto, ON |
Centre For Inquiry Art Show The art show being held is called "Art of the Sacrilege". Several artists are already lined up however more are sought to be a part of the exhibit. All art to be submitted by Feb. 10, 2009; any interest to be indicated by end of November 2008. Venue: Gladstone Hotel Location: Queen Street, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.centreforinquiry.netFor information contact: kkish@centerforinquiry.net Categories: Arts & Culture; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Feb 17/2009 Ottawa, ON |
End the war in Afghanistan On the eve of President Obama's visit, join us for a critical look into the NATO war and occupation ofAfghanistan. Speakers will question if Obama's support of the war will bring about the peaceful outcome he seeks. Time: 7:30 pm Venue: McNabb Community Centre Location: 180 Percy St, Ottawa, ON Website: http://www.ottawapeace.blogspot.comCategories: Military; International; Security |
Feb 17/2009 Toronto, ON |
Gardening Trends Gardening Trends by Dennis Flannigan & Charles Kinsley This talk examines gardening trends over the past 200 years, their influences and how they are in the midst of change today. Dennis Flannigan is Manager of Public Relations for Landscape Ontario Horticultural Trades Association, has been a Landscape Designer, teacher, TV host and lecturer in both the UK and North America for the past 30 years. Charles Kinsley has degrees in Chemistry and Theoretical Physics and is owner of Ontario Native Plants and Ontario Nativeland. He teaches part-time at Ridgetown campus, U of Guelph. He was Terrestrial Biologist for TRCA and has appeared on TV and written numerous articles. Time: 7:30-9 pm Venue: Toronto Botanical Garden Location: 777 Lawrence Ave. E, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.nanps.orgFor information contact: Martin Field-vp@nanps.org Categories: Environment |
Feb 17/2009 Toronto, ON |
Wired Woman Society presents: Thriving in the New Age Gain insight on how to survive and thrive in today's job and business market and one step ahead of identifying hidden opportunities and reinventing your business strategy. Featuring Tony Olvet, VP, IDC Canada and others. Time: 6:00 - 8:00 pm Venue: Sutton Place Hotel Location: 955 Bay Street, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.wiredwoman.comFor information contact: nadene.mohammed@gmail.com Categories: Economic Development; Education; Business & Economics |
Feb 18/2009 Halifax, NS |
Sustainability Education Networking Meeting Free public meeting; lunch provided. Lynn Hartwell of NS Community Services will talk about social perspectives of Sustainable Property.
Time: 10:00 am - 3:00 pm Venue: Canadian Centre for Ethichs in Public Affairs Location: 630 Francklyn St., Halifax, NS For information contact: Janelle Frail, esd_novascotia@lsf-lst.ca Phone: 902-454-6846 Categories: Education; Environment; Social Services
Feb 18/2009 to Feb 26/2009 Oakville, ON |
Halton Residential Solar Project - Public Meetings Dates and locations: Oakville Feb. 18 Burlington Feb. 19 Halton Hills Feb. 25 Milton Feb. 26 Demonstrate costs and benefits of photovoltaic and solar hot water. Time: 7 pm - 9 pm Venue: OakvilleTown Hall Location: 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville, ON Website: http://www.halton.ourpower.caFor information contact: Andrea Arbuthnot, hrsp.admin@gmail.com Phone: 905-901-3501 Categories: Environment; Building & Construction; Science & Technology |
Feb 19/2009 Ottawa, ON |
Tar Sands Film Festival During President Obama's visit this film series is to point out the "environmentally dirty" nature of Canada's tar sands oil which the US is buying. The film "One River, Two Shores: Reflections on the Mackenzie Gas Project", also "Tar Sands, the Selling of Canada" these two films plus others reflect the tar sands issues. Time: 4:00 pm - 10 pm Venue: Alumni Theatre, University Centre, U of Ottawa Location: 85 University Ave., Ottawa, ON Website: http://www.sierraclub.ca/climatecrisisCategories: Environment; Nature & Outdoors; Mining & Petroleum |
Feb 19/2009 Halifax, NS |
To the Equator and Back Three CIDA workers relate what it is like to work in a foreign culture, growing herbs, teaching and developing education programs in Ecuador.
Time: 6:30 pm Venue: Just Us Location: 5896 Spring Garden, Halifax, NS For information contact: maryama@sierraclub.ca Phone: 902-444-3113 Categories: International; Economic Development; Skills & Training
Feb 20/2009 Halifax, NS |
Environmental Law & Policy Meeting Advancement of Environmental Law in the province will be discussed. Also law projects with respect to Mining and Sustainability, & Nova Scotia Environmental Bill of Rights will be reviewed. Time: 12:00 - 1:30 pm Venue: Ecology Action Centre Location: 2705 Fern Lane, Halifax, NS Website: http://www.nsen.caPhone: 902-454-6846 Categories: Mining & Petroleum; Environment; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Feb 20/2009 Vancouver, BC |
Spoken World This is essentially a celebration of poetry but with the addition of improvised music and sensuous visual effects. There are performers from UK, Australia, US and Vancouver.
Time: 7:30 - 9:30 pm Venue: Performance Works Location: 1218 Cartright Street, Granville Island, Vancouver, BC For information contact: viwf@writersfest.bc.ca Categories: Arts & Culture; Media, Entertainment, News, Communications; Performing Arts
Feb 21/2009 Montreal, QC |
Anarchists Against the Wall - Israeli resistance to apartheid Speaker: S. Polakow from the group Anarchists Against the Wall from Israel
Time: 6 pm Venue: Comite Sociale Centre-Sud Location: 1710 Beaudry, Montreal, QC For information contact: Tadamon Categories: International; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Human Rights, Law, Legal
Feb 21/2009 Toronto, ON |
ecoSUAVE 2009: Effortlessly gracious and green in a social manner Enlightened Events cordially invites you to ecoSUAVE 2009: "effortlessly gracious and green in a social manner" on February 21, 2009 from 8PM til Midnight. It is an event gathering over 300 young professionals interested in minimizing their environmental footprint together in one setting to socialize and share their thoughts and preferences on local and sustainable drinks and food. Only environmentally-friendly drinks and finger food will be served and information on GMO-free food as well as sustainable cultivation and production will be available.
This event is specifically designed to raise awareness for Local Food Plus. Local Food Plus (LFP) is an award-winning non-profit organization that brings farmers and consumers to the table to share in the benefits of environmentally and socially responsible food production
To accompany the food and drinks, guests will be able to enjoy live jazz music, performed throughout the night. Attendees will be treated to a repertoire of jazz standards, with a heavy emphasis on George Gershwin and Cole Porter.
Time: 8:01pm-11:59pm Venue: Canada's National Ballet School Location: 400 Jarvis Street M4Y 2G6, Toronto, ON For information contact: Mihee Kim-mkim@enlightenedevents.ca Categories: Environment
Feb 21/2009 Toronto, ON |
Fair Vote Ontario Fairer representation in Parliament would mean better deal for the poor. Discussion of how we can get closer to fair electoral system at both levels of government.
Time: 9:00 am - 4:30 pm Venue: U of T Law Faculty Location: 78 Queen's Park Cr., Toronto, ON Phone: 647-519-7585 Categories: Human Rights, Law, Legal; Politics & Political Organizations; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
Feb 21/2009 Toronto, ON |
Growing and Eating for Nourishment and Nourishing the Future Canadian Organic Growers is pleased and excited to host its 3rd annual organic conference. Keynote speaker is Carlo Leifert, the project leader of the largest, most comprehensive organic study every undertaken involving 30 research institutions, companies and universities throughout Europe and beyond. Using science to delineate fact from fiction, the variety and scope of results will amaze you. Panels include Growing for Nourishment, Pregnancy and Organic, All About Your Meat, Organic Restaurants, Importing DDT, Organic Makeover, Preserving and Canning, The Organic Wine Story and more. Cost: $65 (after January 15, $85) COG members $55. Includes organic lunch! Time: 9 am - 5 pm Venue: University of Toronto Conference Centre Location: 89 Chestnut St., Toronto, ON Website: http://www.cog.ca/torontoFor information contact: conference@cog.ca Phone: 416-466-9584 Categories: Food & Beverage; Farming; Health/Health Care |
Feb 21/2009 to Feb 22/2009 Winnipeg, MB |
Performing Arts Festival of Peace 24 hr. Festival, ends with 7 new plays about peace
Time: afternoon, Feb. 21 until afternoon Feb.22 Location: Winnipeg, MB For information contact: info@projectpeacemakers.org Phone: 204-775-8178 Categories: Arts & Culture; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; International
Feb 21/2009 to Feb 22/2009 Toronto, ON |
The Franchise Show If you are looking to join a franchise, The Franchise Show is definitely a must! The Franchise Show is Canada's largest franchise-only exhibition, bringing together the largest number of brand name franchises under one roof with investments at all levels! This 2-day show is designed to let you meet the industry's most accomplished franchisors face-to-face. Come and learn more about specific companies and the industry as a whole. Franchises offer the support, the systems, and the brand name recognition to help you succeed from the start! Make invaluable connections with credible franchisors. Learn from free informative seminars. Talk one-on-one with experts at the Ask The Experts booth. Meet over 100 franchise systems. Time: 11 am - 5 pm Venue: Toronto Congress Centre Location: 650 Dixon Road, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.cfa.caFor information contact: Brooke Zobolotski Phone: 416-695-2896 ext. 228 Categories: Business & Economics; Trade; Economic Development |
Feb 22/2009 Montreal, QC |
Anarchism in Israel and the politics of solidarity S. Polakow will speak, representing Anarchists Against the Wall in Israel.
Time: 1:00 pm Venue: Cafe Cagibi Location: 5490 St. Laurant, Montreal, QC For information contact: Tadamon Categories: International; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Human Rights, Law, Legal
Feb 22/2009 to Feb 23/2009 Toronto, ON |
Colleges Ontario 2009, Conference Knowlege is Power. Key issues: The economy, the post-secondary system, revenue opportunities for colleges, political climate Venue: Westin Harbour Castle Location: Queen's Quay, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.collegesontario.orgCategories: Education; Economic Development; Politics & Political Organizations |
Feb 22/2009 to Feb 27/2009 Toronto, ON |
2009 OANHSS Administrator Certification Program Recognized by the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care Directors of Nursing 13 thinking of becoming an Administrator in long term care? This is the course for you. Venue: Sutton Place Hotel Location: 955 Bay St., Toronto, ON Website: http://www.oanhss.orgFor information contact: Stuart Sweeney Phone: 905-851-8821 Categories: Education; Health/Health Care; Seniors |
Feb 22/2009 to Feb 28/2009
Freedom to Read Week Celebrate Freedom to Read Week Freedom to read can never be taken for granted. Even in Canada, a free country by world standards, books and magazines are banned at the border. Books are removed from the shelves in Canadian libraries, schools and bookstores every day. Free speech on the Internet is under attack. Few of these stories make headlines, but they affect the right of Canadians to decide for themselves what they choose to read. Website: http://www.freedomtoread.caCategories: Arts & Culture; Media, Entertainment, News, Communications |
Feb 23/2009 Winnipeg, ON |
Is there an alternative to capitalism? - An open discussion Capitalism delivers hunger, poverty, mind numbing work but is there an alternative way of organizing society? Presentation to be followed by discussion.
Time: 7:00 - 9:00 pm Venue: Bulman Centre, U of Winnipeg Location: 515 Portage Ave., Winnipeg, ON For information contact: nsgwpg@yahoo.ca Categories: Business & Economics; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Social Services
Feb 23/2009 to Feb 25/2009 Toronto, ON |
Best Start Resource Centre annual conference The Best Start Resource Centre team is pleased to announce this year's annual conference. In this comprehensive program addressing preconception through to child health, you will find sessions relevant to your work and areas of interest.
Workshops include: - Ending Child Poverty in Ontario: Where are we at and what can we do? Jacquie Maund, Ontario Campaign 2000 - Work / Life Balance 13 A Personal Issue and a Public Concern Dr. Donna Lero, Centre for Families, Work and Well-being at the University of Guelph
Venue: The Renaissance Toronto Airport Hotel and Conference Centre Location: 801 Dixon Road, Toronto, ON For information contact: Best Start: Ontario's Maternal, Newborn and Early Child Development Resour Phone: 416.408.2249 Categories: Children & Youth
Feb 24/2009 Saskatoon, SK |
Is Renewable Do-able? Can Renewable Energy meet Our Energy Needs? Speakers: Roger Peters - "Saskatchewan's Energy Options" Stan Shewchuk - "Saskatchewan's Wind Energy Resource" Peter Prebble - "Sustainable Energy Policy"
Time: 7:00 pm Venue: Frances Morrison Library Location: 311-23rd Street E., Saskatoon, SK For information contact: Nayda Veeman Phone: 244-0034 Categories: Economic Development; Environment; Mining & Petroleum
Feb 24/2009 Ottawa |
Peak Oil Discussion Group Discussion: all invited to discuss how to survive the consequences of the inevitable decline in oil production.
Time: 7:00 pm- 9:00 pm Venue: near Heron & Walkley Location: Ottawa For information contact: Moderator: Terry Newcombe Phone: 613-523-6524 Categories: Environment; Farming; Manufacturing
Feb 24/2009 Toronto, ON |
Resisting Apartheid: Anarchists Against the Wall Shachaf Polakow from Anarchists Against the Wall will be speaking on their work in the West Bank and the current situation in Gaza. With video footage and photographs. Anarchists Against the Wall is an Israeli direct action group fighting against Israeli apartheid and oppression in all its forms, most recently against the atrocities in Gaza. For five years they have waged a constant struggle against Israel's Apartheid Wall in the West Bank, working in solidarity with the Palestinian popular movement there. Time: 7:00 - 9:00 Venue: OISE Auditorium Location: 252 Bloor Street West (St. George subway), Toronto, ON Website: http://www.awall.orgFor information contact: wsp.toronto@gmail.com Categories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Human Rights, Law, Legal |
Feb 24/2009 Toronto, ON |
Trans Film Event: "Red Without Blue" An honest portrayal of a family in turmoil; twins involved with sex-change to add to stress. Discussion afterwards.
Time: 6:00 - 8:00 pm Venue: The Centre for Women and Trans People Location: 563 Spadina Ave., Toronto, ON Categories: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual; Media, Entertainment, News, Communications; Sexuality
Feb 24/2009 to Mar 5/2009 Toronto, ON |
Human Rights Watch International Festival Annual fest of features and docs open with Amos Gitai's Holocaust memory piece Plus tard tu comprendras.Lebanese director Jawad Metni introduces Remnants of War while Malcolm Rogge introduces Under Rich Earth, about the impact of mining project in Ecuador. Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.mathequeontario.caCategories: Arts & Culture; Human Rights, Law, Legal |
Feb 25/2009 Toronto, ON |
Ontario Nature's 4th Annual Youth Writing Contest Deadline: Febr. 25, 2009 Topic : What are you doing that has a positive impact on the environment? Entry limited to grade: 7 and 8
Venue: Ontario Nature Location: 366 AdelaideSt. W., Suite 201, Toronto, ON For information contact: clarem@ontarionature.org Categories: Environment; Journalism, Writing, Literary, Language
Feb 25/2009 to Mar 1/2009 Toronto, ON |
World of Comedy Film Festival New Canadian and international features, shorts and animation to tickle your funny bones. Venue: Innis Town Hall Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.worldcomedyfilmfest.comCategories: Arts & Culture |
Feb 26/2009 to Feb 28/2009 Truro, NS |
ACORN Organic Conference and Trade Show The event will include an advanced workshop on community supported agriculture. Also, many courses and workshops will be offered for those who are considering starting to convert to organic farming, including practical ways to evaluate cost of production. Venue: Truro, Nova Scotia Location: Truro, NS Website: http://www.acornorganic.orgFor information contact: admin@acornorganic.org Phone: 506-536-2867 Categories: Environment; Farming; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Feb 27/2009 to Feb 28/2009 Cornwall, ON |
Eco Farm Day The 2008 event was hosted by Joel Salatin as the keynote speaker with 12 excellent workshops, over 30 exhibitors and over 285 paid guests. There is excellent research happening in organic agriculture in Canada and we are searching for exhibiting participants for our 2009 Eco Farm Day. Location: Cornwall, Cornwall, ON Website: http://www.cog.ca/ottawa/EFD_2008_presentations.htmFor information contact: Tom Manly, Eco-chair Phone: 613-984-0480 Categories: Environment; Farming |
Feb 28/2009 Toronto, ON |
Interview Coaching Success Seminar This seminar will focus on how to present your self in today's difficult economic market. We will teach you the changes needed in interview skills and the demands of the new corporate climate. Interview training and how to succeed and sell yourself. We invite you to join us and learn how to build confidence and enjoy the best interview coaching available. eholland@careercouncil.ca 416 406 0379 Career council accredited members of Career Directors international Time: 9.30- 1200pm Venue: Head office Toronto Location: 36 Toronto Street suite 850, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.careercouncil.caFor information contact: Liz Holland Phone: 416 406 0379 Categories: Education; Skills & Training |
Feb 28/2009 Toronto, ON |
Law Union of Ontario - Conference Keynote speaker: Tony Clarke, Executive Director of the Polaris Inst. on: "Dying for Water: Is the Public's right to Water Slipping Through our Fingers? Venue: Hart House, U of Toronto Location: 7 Hart House Circle, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.lawunion.caCategories: Environment; Human Rights, Law, Legal; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Mar 1/2009 to Mar 4/2009 Toronto, ON |
Prospectors and Developers Association International Convention, Trade Show, Investors Exchange All relating to the world's mineral industry incl. newly found deposits, exploration, technology, financing etc. Presentations and exhibits. Venue: Metro Toronto Convention Centre, South Bldg. Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.pdac.caFor information contact: convention@pdac.ca Phone: 416-362-1969 Categories: Business & Economics; Science & Technology; International |
Mar 3/2009
Sustainable Transportation and Individualized Marketing: Where Do We Go From Here? The case study is on the TravelSmart pilots conducted in six different Vancouver neighbourhoods with differing urban environments and levels of transit service. The result was an 8% reduction in vehicle trips and a corresponding increase in walking, transit use, cycling. Discussion and Case Study Venue: on-line Website: http://www.webinars.cullbridge.comCategories: Transportation & Travel; Environment; International Event is recurring |
Mar 3/2009 Ottawa, ON |
The Story of The Algonquin - "The Invisible Nation" Free Screening and Discussion This is an opportunity to learn the history of our ancestors and discuss with a Grandmother of Algonquin, the Invisible Nation.
Time: 6:30 pm Venue: Auditorium, Library and Archives Canada Location: 395 Wellington Str., Ottawa, Ottawa, ON For information contact: ipsmo@riseup.net Categories: Native Peoples; Human Rights, Law, Legal; Environment
Mar 3/2009 to Mar 8/2009 Banff, AB |
CAGP-ACPDP™ Original Gift Planning Course Advocis and CFRE continuing education credits pre-approved. The Canadian Gift Planning course, CAGP-ACPDP™'s week-long course, is the longest running and most respected course on Canadian philanthropy. Founded in 1990, this demanding comprehensive course provides in-depth education on the full range of gift planning issues: from detailed information on the tax aspects of gift planning to topics such as working with donors, program marketing, stewardship, and ethics. The course provides an unrivalled educational experience, balancing formal classroom learning, in-depth discussions, group work, and case studies. Who Should Attend: This comprehensive course in gift planning is suitable for charity-based gift planners as well as professional advisors, accountants, insurance agents and estate planners involved in charitable giving. Venue: The Banff Conference Centre Location: The Banff Centre, Box 1020 Banff, Alberta T1L 1H5, Banff, AB Website: http://www.cagp-acpdp.org/en/education/cgp_course/cgp_course_mar3-8-09.aspxFor information contact: Sharyon Smith Phone: 613 232 7991 Categories: Education |
Mar 4/2009 Vancouver, BC |
Celebrating Women's Achievements Past and Present Panel of speakers will be Shelagh Day, Kasari Govender and Asia Czapska and will speak of women's achievements of the past and current challenges facing women.
Time: 5:00 - 9:00 pm Venue: Vancouver Public Library, A. McKay Rm. Location: 350 West Georgia Street, Vancouver, BC For information contact: codyorke@gmail.com Categories: Women; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Human Rights, Law, Legal
Mar 4/2009 Toronto, ON |
Five years after the overthrow of democracy in Haiti...taking account Since 2004 Haiti is in economic decline including house constr., road repair, medical facilities etc. Screening of film: "Haiti: We Must Kill The Bandits". Foreign government interference in Haiti. Time: 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm Venue: Lash Miller Labs., U of Toronto Location: 80 St. George St., Rm. 162, Toronto, ON Website: http://torontohaitiaction@gmail.comPhone: 416-731-2325 Categories: Economic Development; International; Politics & Political Organizations |
Mar 5/2009 Toronto, ON |
Human Rights Watch film festival presents Julie Bridgham's THE SARI SOLDIERS The story of Devi, mother of a 15 yr old girl in Nepal, witnesses her murder and embarks on a three year struggle to uncover the crime and see justice done. In the process Nepal's future is reshaped.
Time: 8:00 pm Venue: Cinematheque Ontario Location: 317 Dundas Str., Toronto, ON For information contact: CustomerRelations@tiffg.ca Phone: 416-968-FILM Categories: Human Rights, Law, Legal; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; International
Mar 5/2009 London, ON |
Monia Mazigh: The Rest of Herstory Dr. Mazigh is the wife of Maher Arar who was unjustly held and tortured for a year. This is his story as told by Dr. Mazigh and it involves Maher's many legal challenges and difficulties.
Time: 9:50 am Venue: Brescia University College Auditorium Location: 1285 Western Road, London, ON For information contact: kimyoung@uwo.ca Categories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Human Rights, Law, Legal; International
Mar 5/2009 Toronto, ON |
Women's College Hospital Presents Eve Ensler in support of International Women's Day Ending violence against women takes an unstoppable spirit. And we are proud to be hosting her in Toronto for one evening.
Time: 7:00 pm Venue: MaRsDiscovery District Auditorium Location: 101 College Street, Toronto, ON Phone: 416-979-8849 Categories: Human Rights, Law, Legal; Women; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
Mar 5/2009 to Mar 7/2009 Vancouver, BC |
4th Annual Women in Film Festival Women in Film and Television Vancouver is an internationally affiliated non-profit society committed to advancing and celebrating women in screen-based media. The festival seeks submissions in the following categories: Narrative and Documentary, Shorts and Features, New Media, Music Videos, Video Poems, and Experimental. Eligible films must have women in creative control, and films featuring female characters and stories are encouraged. Two days of the festival will feature new media projects and dedicated panels and workshops discussing the future of women in the new media industry. This year's festival will be dedicated to new media and we are accepting submissions for a wide variety of projects such as visual/ audio installations, mobile films, nonlinear narration, and online projects. Venue: Vancity Theater at the Vancouver International Film Centre Location: Vancouver, BC Website: http://www.wiffbc.comFor information contact: Maayan Cohen, New Media Curator Categories: Arts & Culture; Media, Entertainment, News, Communications; Women |
Mar 5/2009 to Mar 7/2009 Toronto, ON |
Rethinking Extractive Energy: Regulation, Dispossession and Emerging Claims The Centre for Research on Latin America and the Caribbean and the Extractive Industries Research Group at York University are holding a conference on Rethinking Extractive Energy: Regulation, Dispossession and Emerging Claims to respond to growing debate and interest on the impact of mining and petroleum industries in Canada and elsewhere in the world. The conference will open with a screening of the documentary feature film Under Rich Earth (Bajo Suelos Ricos), by Malcolm Rogge, about the conflict between a Canadian mining company and a rural community in Ecuador. Venue: York University Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://yorku.ca/cerlac/ei-conf.htmFor information contact: eiconf [at] yorku.ca Categories: Mining & Petroleum; International |
Mar 6/2009 Regina, SK |
Women's rights are human rights conference The conference refers to stopping gender based violence. It will include film screenings and panel discussions on violence against women in Canada and abroad.
Time: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm Venue: AdHum Bldg., 5th Fl. Location: 3737 Wascana Parkway, Regina, SK Categories: Women; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; International
Mar 7/2009 Winnipeg, MB |
Defending Human Rights in a Post-911 World A public forum with panelists Colleen Simard, Michael Welch, Shahina Siddiqui and Anthony Hall. Free. Time: 1:30 to 3:30 pm Venue: University of Winnipeg Location: Winnipeg, MB Website: http://peacealliancewinnipeg.caCategories: Human Rights, Law, Legal |
Mar 7/2009 Nelson, BC |
Film Screening: women as agents of change Three films will be shown: -Strong Coffee- about coffee beans grown entirely by women farmers -Marnie Beninger- about exploited young girls in Latin America -Stolen Sisters- 6oo native women who have gone missing across Canada
Time: 7:30 pm Venue: Nelson Municipal Library Location: 602 Stanley Street, Nelson, BC Categories: Women; Human Rights, Law, Legal; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
Mar 7/2009 Toronto, ON |
International Women's Day Celebrate International Women's Day in Toronto. This year's theme is "Women lead the fight! Good jobs and dignity for all.
Time: 11:00 am - 1:00 pm Venue: OISE Auditorium Location: 252 Bloor St W., Toronto, ON For information contact: womenscentre@rsuonline.ca Categories: Women; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; International
Mar 7/2009 Oakville, ON |
Solar Fair Vendor presentations and displays re: various solar technologies for the home. Time: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm Venue: Halton Regional Centre, Auditorium Location: 1151 Bronte Road, Oakville, ON Website: http://halton.ourpower.caPhone: 905-901-3501 Categories: Environment; Science & Technology; Skills & Training |
Mar 7/2009 to Mar 8/2009 Vancouver, ON |
Spring Living Fair 2009 Free community event to feature eco products and services and eco fahion design. Venue: School of Business, BCIT Location: Vancouver, ON Website: http://www.springlivingfair.caFor information contact: Paul Shorthouse Phone: 604-338-9941 Categories: Environment; Building & Construction; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Mar 8/2009 Winnipeg, MB |
Winnipeg Women's Day March-" If I had a hammer.." Calling all constr. workers...join us with your tool belts, hardhats, voices and energy.
Time: 1:00 - 3:00 pm Venue: Meet at Waterfront and York Location: Winnipeg, MB For information contact: mscitizenship2009@gmail.com Categories: Women; Human Rights, Law, Legal; Labour, Workplace, Unions
Mar 9/2009 Perth, ON |
Powerful - film viewing and Evening with David Chernushenko David Chernenko will give a presentation on Sustainability and discussing his new and up coming film Living Lightly. The film "Powerful" will be screened, Time: 7 pm Venue: Algonquin College, Perth Campus Location: Perth, ON Website: http://www.algonquincollege.comPhone: 613-267-2859 ext. 5620 Categories: Environment; Arts & Culture; Media, Entertainment, News, Communications |
Mar 9/2009 to Mar 14/2009 Toronto, ON |
Canadian Music Week Canadian Music Week brings you "Spotlight On China" for 2009. This in-depth focus will provide delegates with an insider's look at the Chinese music market through panels and one-on-one discussions. Industry professionals from all over China will be at your disposal to discuss potential opportunities for Canadians in the Chinese market. Topics will cover cultural diversity, market size, business models and prices, efforts for music exports, institutional relationships in music business, the market for live performance, events, festivals and concert venues. Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.cmw.netCategories: Arts & Culture; Music; Media, Entertainment, News, Communications |
Mar 10/2009 Lethbridge, AB |
Amnesty International AGM and Candlelight Walk for Tibet Join us at 6 pm to see film : "Leaving Fear Behind" and then share in candlelight march forTibet in downtown Lethbridge Time: 6 pm Venue: Bowman Arts Centre Location: Lethbridge, AB Website: http://www.amnesty.caFor information contact: www.amnestylethbridge@shaw.ca Categories: Human Rights, Law, Legal; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; International |
Mar 10/2009 Toronto, ON |
Still a Marxist Afer All: Lessons and Insights for Our Time A lecture by Leo V. Panitch, Canada Research Chair in Comparative Political Economy, York University, and co-editor of the Socialist Register.
Time: 7:00 - 9:00 pm Venue: Ryerson University Location: POD 250, 380 Victoria Street, Toronto, ON For information contact: Bryan Evans Phone: 416-979-5000 x4199 Categories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
Mar 11/2009 Saskatoon, SK |
Pesticides and Cancer Donna Ziegler from the Canadian Cancer Society will talk about the connection between pesticides and cancer. There is some evidence that children may be especially vulnerable. Time: 7:00 pm Venue: J.S. Wood Library Location: 1801 Lansdowne Avenue, Saskatoon, SK Website: http://www.environmentalsociety.caPhone: 306-665-1915 Categories: Environment; Health/Health Care |
Mar 12/2009 Toronto, ON |
Book Launch: Transforming Power: From the Personal to the Political The official launch of Transforming Power will take place at Ryerson University in the Atrium of the Engineering and Computer Building on Church and Gould. There will be a panel discussion, food and drink. A good time will be had by all. Everyone is welcome Time: 7:00 pm (doors open 6:30) Venue: Atrium of the Engineering and Computer Building Location: Ryerson Univeristy, 245 Church Street, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.transformingpower.caCategories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Mar 12/2009 to Mar 14/2009 Winnipeg, MB |
World History and Historical Materialism: An International Conference The field of World History has been a growing area of scholarship and education over the last three decades. In focusing on the global impact and implications of colonialism, imperialism, the mercantile and industrial revolutions, as well as revolutionary resistance from the early-modern period to the present, World History provides a framework for understanding international capitalism, contemporary politics, and the relationship between economic systems and the dynamics of diverse societies. This conference will examine the relationship between the historical roots of World History and its contemporary social, political, economic, and cultural dimensions. Venue: University of Manitoba Location: Winnipeg, MB Website: http://www.umanitoba.ca/faculties/arts/history/research_circle/events.htmFor information contact: Tina Chen - Fax: 204-474-7914 Categories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Education |
Mar 13/2009 to Mar 15/2009 Los Angeles |
Green Lifestyle Film Festival The Green Lifestyle Film Festival welcomes submissions from Canadian film makers who devote their talent and enegies to documenting and suggesting solutions based on approaches to environmental issues and life stories Venue: Los Angeles Location: California, USA, Los Angeles Website: http://www.greenlifestylefilmfestival.comFor information contact: www.info@greenlifestylefilmfestival.com Phone: 310-854-2078 Categories: Environment; International; Media, Entertainment, News, Communications |
Mar 13/2009 to Mar 15/2009 Los Angeles, USA |
Green Lifestyle Film Festival, Los Angeles This is an international film festival based on films which have environmental issues as a topic. Canadian films and artists are welcome. Venue: Los Angeles Location: California, Los Angeles, USA Website: http://www.greenlifestylefilmfestival.comFor information contact: Dorit info@greenlifestylefilmfestival.com Phone: 310-854-2078 Categories: Environment; Arts & Culture; International |
Mar 13/2009 to Mar 15/2009 London UK |
On the Idea of Communism - A Conference The year of 1990 stands for the triple defeat of the Left: the retreat of the social-democratic Welfare State politics in the developed First World, the disintegration of the Soviet-style Socialist states in the industrialized Second World, and the retreat of emancipatory movements in the Third World. A certain epoch was thereby over, the epoch which began with the October Revolution and was characterized by the Party-State form of organization. Does this mean that the time of radical emancipatory politics is over? In spite of their theoretical differences, the participants share the thesis that one should remain faithful to the name âCommunismâ: this name is potent to serve as the Idea which guides our activity. Venue: Birkbeck Main Building Location: The Birkbeck Institute for the Humanities, London UK Website: http://www.bbk.ac.uk/bih/news/communismCategories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Mar 15/2009 Dartmouth, NS |
If women counted: Film Screening and Discussion A special event in celebration of International Women's Day. This powerful documentary : "Who's Counting: Marilyn Waring on Sex, Lies and Global Economics" (1995). After the film a discussion: if women counted, how would our world be different and better?
Time: 2:30 - 5:00 pm Venue: Helen Creighton Room, Alderney Public Library Location: 60 Alderney Drive, Dartmouth, NS For information contact: qualvoicenovascotia@gmail.com Phone: 902-445-0187 Categories: Women; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Human Rights, Law, Legal
Mar 16/2009 324 Queen Str. West (Queen & Peter) |
Launch of Who We Are: A Citizen's Manifesto by Rudyard Griffiths "Who We Are" is an eloquent and hard headed argument for reinventing a shared vision of what it means to be Canadian. This is the national launch of this new book.
Time: 5:30- 7:00 pm Venue: info@munkdebates.com Location: Ultra Supper Club, 324 Queen Str. West (Queen & Peter) Phone: ON Categories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Human Rights, Law, Legal; Media, Entertainment, News, Communications
Mar 16/2009
Order of Ontario nomination deadline Deadline for nominations for the Order of Ontario. For further information: Colin Lemoine, Communications, (416) 314-7010; Ms. Nanda Casucci-Byrne, Office of the Lieutenant Governor, (416) 325-7780
Categories: Awards, Scholarships, Prizes
Mar 17/2009 to Mar 19/2009 Montreal, QC |
Americana 2009 Environmental Technology Trade Show and Conference This event is intended to be a forum for the exchange of knowledge and know-how and the dissemination of economic and environmental solutions. The conference's objectives are to promote and share knowledge, techniques, solutions and technologies enabling the participants to better the global situation of the environment industry. Venue: Montreal Convention Centre Location: Montreal, QC Website: http://www.americana.org/intro.phpCategories: Environment; Science & Technology |
Mar 17/2009 to Mar 19/2009 Montreal, QC |
Americana 2009 Environmental Technology Trade Show and Conference The objectives of the conference are to promote and share knowledge, techniques, technologies, enabling the participants to improve globally the situation of the environment industry through presentations, workshops and round-table discussions. Venue: Montreal Convention Centre Location: Montreal, QC Website: http://www.americana.orgCategories: Environment; Science & Technology; International |
Mar 17/2009 to Mar 19/2009 Montreal, QC |
Americana 2009 Environmental Technology Trade Show and Conference The conference program's objectives are to promote and share knowledge, techniques, solutions and technologies enabling the participants to improve the situation of the environment industry globally. Venue: Montreal Convention Centre Location: Montreal, QC Website: http://www.americana.orgCategories: Environment; Science & Technology |
Mar 18/2009 Montreal, QC |
P4W : Prison for Women Film: Inside Canada's only Prison in Kingston; the film centres on the life of 5 women inmates. Followed by special guest speaker Anne Hansen, former Kingston inmate.
Venue: QPRG - Concordia Location: Montreal, QC For information contact: info@qpirgconcordia.org Phone: 514-848-7585 Categories: Women; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Human Rights, Law, Legal
Mar 18/2009 to Mar 20/2009 Hamilton, ON |
Green Communities Canada - Annual Conference Greening the economy - one community at a time is the theme of Green Communities Canada annual national conference. More information: www.greencommunitiescanada.org Venue: Hamilton Location: Hamilton, ON Website: http://www.greencommunitiescanada.orgCategories: Environment; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Social Policy |
Mar 21/2009 White Rock, BC |
Celebrating Women & the Spirit of the Cranes This event recognizes outstanding women who are making a difference in our communities. To nominate a candidate woman, go to www.burnsbog.org/spirit/ . Venue: White Rock Location: White Rock, BC Website: http://www.burnsbog.org/spirit/For information contact: events@burnsbog.org Phone: 604-572-0373 Categories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Women; Awards, Scholarships, Prizes |
Mar 21/2009
International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination Racism Stop it!
Venue: Racism Stop it! Categories: Human Rights, Law, Legal
Mar 21/2009 to Mar 22/2009 Ottawa, ON |
Ottawa Go Green Expo The event will feature over 250 exhibitors, free seminars, local celebrities, green fashion and style, eco-tourism, transportation, etc. Venue: Lansdowne Park Location: Ottawa, Ottawa, ON Website: http://www.ottawagogreenexpo.comFor information contact: info@nationalevent.com Phone: 1-800-8914859 Categories: Environment; Health/Health Care; Food & Beverage |
Mar 24/2009 Ottawa, ON |
Peace with Justice in Sri Lanka: Genocide of Sri Lankan Tamils - its causes and solutions Invitation to a Presentation by: Dr. Brian Senewiratne
The address will trace the development of the ethnic conflict that has resulted in the violation of human rights of both the Tamils and the Sinhalese, which now features the genocide of the Tamil people. The fundamentals underlying this problem will be set out and the possible solutions analyzed. The lecture will be delivered by Dr. Brian Senewiratne who is a Sinhalese and closely connected with the ruling families of Sri Lanka.
Media must RSVP: James Kafieh (416) 529-6041
Time: 12:00-13:00 Venue: Room 362 - East Block - Parliament Hill Location: Ottawa, ON For information contact: James Kafieh Phone: 416-529-6041 Categories: Education; Human Rights, Law, Legal; International
Mar 24/2009 to Mar 26/2009
Metis Aboriginal Governance: Charting a Path Forward conference in Winnipeg The public is invited to attend an important, national conference entitled Metis Aboriginal Governance: Charting a Path Forward in Winnipeg from March 24 to March 26, 2009. The conference takes place at The University of Winnipeg. The conference is free but people must pre-register on-line at http://www.uwinnipeg.ca/index/metis-aboriginal-governance-index. The conference is devoted to exploring creative ways to implement the rights of Indigenous peoples. Keynote speakers include renowned authors John Ralston Saul and Maria Campbell, President, Manitoba Me;tis Federation David Chartrand and Garth Nettheim on Indigenous Rights & Governance in Australia. Breakout sessions will explore the future of Metis Self-Government. Time: 9:00 to 4:00 Website: http://www.uwinnipeg.ca/index/metis-aboriginal-governance-index.Categories: Government & Public Sector |
Mar 25/2009 Toronto, ON |
Peace with Justice in Sri Lanka: Genocide of Sri Lankan Tamils - its causes and solutions Invitation to a Presentation by: Dr. Brian Senewiratne The address will trace the development of the ethnic conflict that has resulted in the violation of human rights of both the Tamils and the Sinhalese, which now features the genocide of the Tamil people. The fundamentals underlying this problem will be set out and the possible solutions analyzed. The lecture will be delivered by Dr. Brian Senewiratne who is a Sinhalese and closely connected with the ruling families of Sri Lanka. Media may RSVP: James Kafieh (416) 529-6041 Time: 7pm - 9pm Venue: Health Sciences Building, Room 610 (Health Sciences Auditorium) 6th floor Location: 155 College Street, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.uofttixFor information contact: James Kafieh Phone: 416-529-6041 Categories: International; Human Rights, Law, Legal; Education |
Mar 26/2009 Toronto, ON |
Pollution and Poverty in Toronto Neighbourhoods Findings have shown that the poorer neighborhoods of Toronto contained more toxic or contaminated air volumes than other regions. A panel review will discuss these matters and their legal implications. Time: 2:00 - 3:30 pm Venue: Hart House, Debates Room Location: 7 Hart HouseCircle, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.harthouse.utoronto.caFor information contact: Emma Thacker em.thacker@utoronto.ca Categories: Environment; Education; Social Policy |
Mar 27/2009 Chester, NS |
A Sense of Wonder: The Story of Rachel Carson - Premiere Film Screening The Life of Rachel Carson, the courageous American biologist who wrote the book "Silent Spring" in 1962. The film will be followed by a panel of women environmentalist leaders in Nova Scotia. Time: 7:00 - 9:00 pm Venue: Chester Playhouse Location: 22 Pleasant Street, Chester, NS Website: http://www.nsen.caFor information contact: Tamara Lorincz Phone: 902-454-6846 Categories: Environment; Journalism, Writing, Literary, Language; Education |
Mar 27/2009 Halifax, NS |
Environmental law and policy meeting Law students present an Environmental Bill of Rights and a Mining and Sustainability Policy for Nova Scotia. Howard Epstein, land use law professor will speak re: municipal law and sustainable development.
Time: 2:00 - 4:00 pm Venue: Dalhousie Law School Location: 6061 University Ave., Halifax, NS For information contact: TamaraLorincz nsen@cen-rce.org Categories: Environment; Human Rights, Law, Legal; Mining & Petroleum
Mar 27/2009 Toronto, ON |
Preserving Ontario's Freshwater Discussion will focus on effects of population increase, demand for water, climate changes and we contemplate greater designs on the boreal and the taiga. Address will be by Gord Miller, Environmental Commissionair of Ontario Time: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.ohwi.caCategories: Environment; Education; Social Policy |
Mar 27/2009 to Apr 5/2009 Toronto, ON |
Cine'franko The 12th annual celebration of Canadian and international francophone cinema will offer weekday afternoon screenings. Venue: The Royal Cinema Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.cinefranco.comCategories: Arts & Culture |
Mar 27/2009 to Apr 5/2009 Toronto, ON |
Toronto Festival of Storytelling A storytelling festival.
Venue: Wychwood Art Barns Location: Toronto, ON Categories: Arts & Culture; Journalism, Writing, Literary, Language
Mar 28/2009 Toronto, ON |
Create a Business Beyond the Ordinary It's time to create an extraordinary business (and life)! In this dynamic and transformational workshop you will unlock the secrets to: *Identify and dissolve sabotaging fears and blocks *Increase your client base and profits with high-impact marketing strategies *Develop a realistic fee structure *Apply law-of-attraction to achieve specific goals *Create an effective action plan. Time: 9:00 - 5:00 Venue: Metro Toronto Convention Centre Location: 255 Front Street West, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.imageinstitute.comFor information contact: Karen Brunger Phone: 905.773.6599 Categories: Business & Economics; Consulting & Consultants; Marketing, Advertising, Public Relations |
Mar 28/2009 Toronto, ON |
Create Your Business Beyond the Ordinary It's time to create an extraordinary business (and life)! In this dynamic and transformational workshop you will unlock the secrets to: *Identify and dissolve sabotaging fears and blocks *Increase your client base and profits with high-impact marketing strategies *Develop a realistic fee structure *Apply law-of-attraction to achieve specific goals *Create an effective action plan. Time: 9:00-5:00 pm Venue: Metro Toronto Convention Centre Location: 255 Front St. West, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.joshuazuchter.comFor information contact: Joshua Zuchter Phone: 416-388-1135 Categories: Skills & Training; Management; Women |
Mar 28/2009 Etobicoke, Toronto, ON |
Etobicoke York Environmental Strategy Session Become knowledgeable about community environmental projects from around the GTA. Meet and discuss environmentally useful ideas that may be applicablein the Etobicoke region. Time: 10 am. to 4 pm. Venue: Etobicoke Civic Centre Location: 399 the West Mall, Etobicoke, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.livegreentoronto.caFor information contact: Janet May Phone: 416-533-1635 ext.3 Categories: Environment; Science & Technology; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Mar 28/2009 Toronto, ON |
Medicare: It's Time to Act Plan to attend a student-organized conference on the future of Medicare. Join with other students and health care providers in learning how to protect and improve our system. Join in discussions with: - Danielle Martin, Chair of Canadian Doctors for Medicare - Gord Guyatt, Founder Member of the Medical Reform Group - Pat Armstrong, Professor and Canadian Institutes of Health Research Chair, York University Department of Sociology And many more exciting and inspiring speakers.
Time: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Venue: Innis College Location: 2 Sussez Avenue (at. St. George St.), Toronto, ON For information contact: medicareconference@gmail.com Categories: Health/Health Care
Mar 28/2009 Toronto, ON |
Transport 2000 Ontario AGM and Public Forum Annual General Meeting plus a panel of speakers from the Canadian Pacific Railway. Innovating for the Future in Moving Goods, Commuters, and Intercity.
Time: 10:30 am - 3:30 pm Venue: Metro Hall Location: 55 John Street, Toronto, ON For information contact: Tony Turrittin Phone: 416-653-4002 Categories: Transportation & Travel; Science & Technology; Information, Libraries, Research
Mar 28/2009 to Mar 29/2009 Toronto, ON |
Extreme Freedom Seminar Extreme Freedom® is an amazing and intensive two-day weekend program designed to help you identify and remove limiting thoughts and beliefs and emotions that are weighing you down and help you create clarity around your vision for your life. After the weekend you will have more direction, certainty, clarity and you will be inspired and motivated. You will get to the heart of your true self. Time: Saturday 8:30am - 10pm, Sunday 8:30pm - 6pm Location: 58 Winchester Street, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.thevibrantlifecoach.comFor information contact: Jen Cook or Diane Andonovski Phone: 416-405-9478 Categories: Health/Health Care; Education; Skills & Training |
Mar 28/2009 to Mar 29/2009 Belleville, ON |
Sustainable Living Symposium & Green Homes Tour Topics include: Green Home Constr. Solar, Wind, Geothermal Renewable Energy Natural Waste Water Treatment Organic Food Production Venue: Loyalist College Location: Belleville, Belleville, ON Website: http://www.quintesustainability.caFor information contact: Maya Navrot mnavrot@quinteconservation.ca Phone: 613-968-3434 ext. 131 Categories: Environment; Farming; Health/Health Care |
Mar 29/2009 to Mar 31/2009 Vancouver, BC |
World Conference on Sport and the Environment The conference brings together the world of sport and environment, in advanced practices as it relates to communities. Time: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm Venue: Vancouver Location: Vancouver, BC Website: http://www.wcse2009.comFor information contact: stan.leung@globe.ca Phone: 1-604-775-7269 Categories: Environment; Sports & Games; International |
Mar 30/2009 Sudbury, ON |
First Nation perspectives on child development This session will provide an overview of First Nation perspectives on child development. It will share information about developmental targets and how parents support reaching these targets. Speaker: Jaynane Burningfields
Venue: Howard Johnston Hotel Location: 50 Brady Street, Sudbury, ON Phone: 1-800-397-9567 Categories: Native Peoples; Children & Youth; Health/Health Care
Mar 30/2009 Windsor, ON |
Future of news in Windsor and beyond A panel discussion on the future of news.
Time: 7 pm Venue: University of Windsor Katzman Lounge Location: 401 Sunset Ave. On Wayndotte across 7/11, Windsor, ON Categories: Communications Industry & Technology; Internet; Journalism, Writing, Literary, Language
Mar 31/2009 Toronto, ON |
This is not a book series: Canada's 1960s rebellious era How has the legacy of 1960s rebellion contributed to contemporary notions of Canadian identity? Were the radical protests of that time more than just a collective growing phase? What is the significance of "The Battle in Toronto," a legendary boxing match between local hero George Chuvalo and Muhammed Ali? At the launch of his new book, Canada's 1960s: The Ironies of Identity in a Rebellious Era (UTP Press), author and academic Bryan D. Palmer will address such longstanding debates with novelist, critic and playwright Rick Salutin. Clips from the NFB documentary about "The Battle in Toronto" will punctuate their conversation.
Time: 7:30 pm Venue: Gladstone Hotel Ballroom Location: 1214 Queen St. W., Toronto, ON Categories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Human Rights, Law, Legal
Mar 31/2009 to Apr 1/2009 Toronto, ON |
SMX Analytics - Conference Addresses Alan K'necht will be delivering 3 addresses at the inaugural SMX Analytics conference in Toronto. All addresses are web analytics focused and will provide attendees with a wealth of knowledge on how to measure and understand their web analytics data for the purposes of improving their search engine marketing efforts. The address are: * Analyzing & Converting Organic Search Traffic - March 31 * Successful Testing For Improved Search Marketing ROI -April 1 * Search Analytics Case Studies - April 1 Time: Various Venue: Toronto Marriott Downtown Eaton Centre Hotel Location: 525 Bay Street, Toronto, ON Website: http://searchmarketingexpo.com/analytics/2009/Categories: Marketing, Advertising, Public Relations; Internet |
Apr 1/2009
Earth Month April April is Earth Month and Earth Day Canada is encouraging all parties and members to stage an Earth Day celebration in order to help the environment and to inspire others to action. Venue: across Canada Website: http://www.earthday.caFor information contact: edvina gnu communications@earthday.ca Phone: 416-599-1991 ext. 114 Categories: Environment; Education; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Apr 1/2009 Montreal |
Security Certificates, A Panel Discussion "The Question of Forcible Confinement, Secret 'Evidence' and the Denial of Human Rights."
Time: 9 pm Venue: McGill Faculty of Education Location: 3700 McTavish, Room 233., Montreal Categories: Human Rights, Law, Legal
Apr 2/2009 Toronto, ON |
2009 Sponsorship Marketing Council of Canada Conference When times are tough, the tough build stronger sponsorship marketing programs. This full-day conference is your opportunity to learn winning tactics and strategies to help you conquer the challenges ahead. Keynote speakers include Scotiabank 32s John Doig, Senior VP, Canadian Marketing, and World Vision Canada 32s Eric Spath, Manager of Speakers & Events. The program concludes with the presentation of the 5th Annual Sponsorship Marketing Awards.
Location: 175 Bloor Street East, South Tower, Suite 307, Toronto, ON For information contact: rscotland@ACAweb.ca
Apr 2/2009 Montreal, QC |
Human Trafficking, A Talk and Discussion "Modern Day Slavery: Canada and Abroad," will be a talk by Anna Shabotynsky, from the Help Us Help The Children Anti-Trafficking Initiative.
Time: 2 pm Venue: McGill Faculty of Education Location: 3700 McTavish, Montreal, QC Categories: Human Rights, Law, Legal; Human Rights, Law, Legal
Apr 2/2009 Ottawa, ON |
Living on Earth asif we want to stay, with Mike Nickerson Mike Nickerson's main contention is that humanity needs to choose long term well-being over the need for constant growth at the expense of the environment and personal psychological peacefulness. His latest book is: "Life, Money & Illusion: Living on Earth as if we want to stay.
Time: 5:30 - 7:30 pm Venue: Ottawa Public Library Location: 120 Metcalfe St., Ottawa, ON For information contact: dillman54@sympatico.ca ; Donna Dillman Phone: 623-259-9988 Categories: Environment; Health/Health Care; Economic Development
Apr 2/2009 Vancouver, BC |
Sustainability 2.0: The Evolution of Green This event is designed for small business: how to profit from going green. Great speakers and green ideas! Venue: Chapel Arts Location: 304 Dunlevy Ave., Vancouver, BC Website: http://www.strathconabia.com/expo2For information contact: bringdahl@shaw.ca Phone: 604-736-4485 Categories: Environment; Economic Development; Skills & Training |
Apr 2/2009 to Apr 11/2009
Images Festival The Internationally renowned showcase of independent, experimental media art turns 22 this year, featuring ground-breaking work and an array of workshops and talks. Venue: various Website: http://www.imagesfestival.comCategories: Arts & Culture |
Apr 2/2009 to May 11/2009
Mother's Day Walk BREAST CANCER SOCIETY OF CANADA and CLEO Proudly Announce the 2009 MOTHER 32S DAY WALK
Take a Short Walk to End Breast Cancer in the Long Run!22
Mother 32s Day Weekend: May 9th and 10th, 2009: The Breast Cancer Society of Canada and cleo, will team up again this year for a nationwide Mother 32s Day Walk throughout malls across Canada.
Time: contact your local cleo store Venue: malls across Canada Categories: Women; Health/Health Care
Apr 3/2009 Toronto, ON |
Sustainable Energy Fair at the University of Toronto A full day outdoor event that showcases innovation in sustainable living and current green technologies and ideas employed by different organizations. There will be researchers and keynote speakers. Time: 9:30 am - 4:00 pm Venue: Sidney Smith Hall Bldg., U. of Toronto Location: 100 St. George Str., Toronto, ON Website: http://www.sef.sa.utoronto.caCategories: Environment; Science & Technology; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Apr 4/2009 Toronto, ON |
9th Annual Genie Awards The Academy of Canadian Cinema & Television, along with Canwest announced today that Canadian funny man Dave Foley will host the 2009 Genie Awards, alongside an A-list roster of presenters.The 29th annual ceremony will be taking place in Ottawa's Canada Aviation Museum in Canada's Capital Region on Saturday, April 4th and will be broadcast at 9:00 pm ET/PT on Global and IFC. Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.genieawards.ca |
Apr 4/2009
Canada and NATO out of Afghanistan Real security will only be possible in Afghanistan when governments end their support for NATO's war. Venue: across Canada demonstrations Website: http://www.acp-cpa.ca/en/April42009.htmlCategories: Military; Politics & Political Organizations; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Apr 4/2009 Edmonton, AB |
Edmonton Go Green Eco-Expo This Expo will feature: -eco-friendly foodsand wines -eco-friendly household products -info on eco-conscious agricultural practices plus others Time: 10:00 am - 6:00 pm Venue: U of Alberta Butterdome Location: Edmonton, Edmonton, AB Website: http://www.gogreenecoexpo.comFor information contact: escott@newcap.ca Phone: 780-437-9244 Categories: Environment; Food & Beverage; Farming |
Apr 4/2009 Toronto, ON |
Live Green Toronto Community Strategy Session This event will provide both expertise for various green projects and also ideas as to which of the many green components to apply. Apr.4, North Toronto Memorial Community Centre, 200 Eglinton W May 2, North York Civic Centre, 5100 Yonge
Time: 10 am - 4 pm Venue: as above Location: Toronto, ON For information contact: Whitney Crooks info@torontogreen.ca Phone: 416-781-7663 Categories: Environment; Education; Skills & Training
Apr 4/2009 Ottawa, ON |
Ottawa Explore Franchising Show Explore the many franchise opportunities at CFA Explore Franchising Shows. These one-day all-franchise events are designed for you to meet face-to-face with representatives of Canada's best-known brands. Now, more than ever, people interested in having their own business should look at the possibilities offered through franchises and CFA is happy to present its newest show designed to help you Explore Franchising. With a range of opportunities available at all investment levels, franchises at the CFA Explore Franchising Show can be your key to success and your tool to gain more control of their financial future. Time: 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. Venue: Hampton Inn Ottawa & Conference Centre Location: 200 Coventry Road, Ottawa, ON Website: http://www.cfa.ca/ExploreFranchising/Ottawa_Apr09/Categories: Business & Economics; Trade; Economic Development |
Apr 4/2009 Toronto, ON |
River A truth telling storytelling performance bu Rubena Sinha: an interweaving of personal history and reflection with Hindu mythology and folktales. Trained as a classical dancer in India, Canadian for most of her life, Rubena interweaves stories of personal history and experience with Hindu mythology and folktales - creating a world in which the listener encounters talking animals and the forces of nature, Gods and Goddesses and members of her family - all in a quest to find meaning and value in the face of life's challenges.
Time: 2:45 pm - 3:45 pm Venue: Wychwood Art Barns Location: Toronto, ON Categories: Arts & Culture; Journalism, Writing, Literary, Language
Apr 4/2009 Toronto, ON |
Toronto Tibet Film Festival Friday, 7:00 pm Milrepa 9:00 pm Tibetan Book of the Dead - Part 1 Sat., 2:00 The Cup 4:30 Kundun 7:15 Tibet's Cry for Freedom & May No Others Suffer Like This. (Speaker:: former political prisoner Nawang Sangrol) 9:00 May No Others Suffer Like This. (Speaker: Kelsang Dolma) Venue: Bloor Cinema Location: 506 Bloor St. West, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.torontotibetfilmfestival.caFor information contact: info@sftcanada.org Phone: 416-532-6317 Categories: Arts & Culture; International; Human Rights, Law, Legal |
Apr 5/2009 to Aug 1/2009 Lethbridge, AB |
Rhino in the Room Film Festival This is a visual space for artists to express and hilight experiences relating to queer issues. This showcase will demonstrate the incredible diversity of queer issues in Canada and internationally. Time: 10:15 pm start Apr.5, 10:15 pm end Aug. 1 Venue: Sterndale Bennett Theatre Location: Lethbridge, AB Website: http://www.rhinointheroom.tkFor information contact: Mary Kosta rhinointheroom@gmail.com Categories: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual; Journalism, Writing, Literary, Language; International |
Apr 6/2009 Toronto, ON |
Panel of Canadian Health Experts Discuss their Experiences in Palestine Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME) is proud to host a distinguished panel of speakers including Dr. Harry Shannon, Dr. Miriam Garfinkle, Dr. Abdel-Rahman Lawendy, Dr. Jim Deutsch and Judith Deutsch. The discussion, open to the general public, is entitled "Health Crisis in Palestine: A Panel of Canadian Health Care Professionals give First Hand Accounts" and will be presented in Toronto. The panel is composed of Canadian health care professionals and researchers who have first hand accounts of the devastating effects of Israeli occupation and aggression on Palestinian health either in Gaza or the West Bank. Among other panelists, Dr. Harry Shannon, professor of clinical epidemiology from McMaster University, will comment on his provocative article titled "Gaza's shocking devastation: A Canadian Jew's visit to the territory that left him ashamed by what he saw" published last year in the Hamilton Spectator. The event is free and open to the general public. Damon Ramsey, a general surgery resident and co-chair of CJPME's Right to Health Taskforce, states: "To turn our backs on the devastating health effects of the Israeli occupation on innocent civilians would be a grave mistake. It is our responsibility as health care professionals and citizens alike to be informed of and act on the right to health." Time: 7:00 - 9:00 Venue: Room B250, Leslie Dan Pharmacy Building Location: 144 College Street, Toronto, ON Website: https://www.connexions.org/CxL-MiddleEastResources.htmCategories: Health/Health Care; Human Rights, Law, Legal; International |
Apr 8/2009 Saskatoon, SK |
Climate Change and Water in the South Sakatchewan River Basin Guest speaker Robert Halliday talks about the sensitivity of the South Sask. River Basin to projected changes of environment and economy and society. Time: 7:00 pm Venue: J.S. Wood Library Location: 1801 Lansdowne Ave., Saskatoon, SK Website: http://www.environmentalsociety.caFor information contact: info@environmentalsociety.ca Phone: 306-665-1915 Categories: Environment; Economic Development; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Apr 9/2009 to Apr 12/2009 Bethesda |
Center For Inquiry - 12th World Congress To celebrate the bicentennial of the birth of Charles Darwin and the 150th anniversary of the publication of On The Origin of Species, scientists and scholars from around the world will analyze the role of science, explore its connections to public policy, and for the global community examine its significance. Venue: Bethesda Hyatt Location: Bethesda, Maryland, USA, Bethesda Website: http://www.centerforinquiry.net/worldcongressCategories: International; Science & Technology; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Apr 9/2009 to Apr 12/2009 Bethesda, Maryland, USA |
The Center For Inquiry's 12th World Congress This four day event features more than 30 prominent speakers from around the world as they celebrate the bicentennial of the births of Charles Darwin and Abraham Lincoln. Scientists and scholars will analyze the role of science and its connections to public policy as well as to global policy. Venue: Bethesda Hyatt Location: Bethesda, Maryland, USA, Bethesda, Maryland, USA Website: http://www.centerforinquiry.net/worldcongressCategories: Science & Technology; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Social Policy |
Apr 14/2009 Vancouver, BC |
Fourth National Biennial Conference on Adolescents and Adults with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder In the 30+ years since FASD was first identified, children with FASD have become adults and many are now in their thirty's or forty's. As time has passed, their changing and emerging needs have become obvious but the relevant research has been observed to lag somewhat.
Venue: The Hyatt Regency Location: 655 Burrard Street, Vancouver, BC For information contact: Katia Selezeneva ipad@interchange.ubc.ca Phone: 604-822-7524 Categories: Education; Health/Health Care; Women
Apr 14/2009 North Bay, ON |
Water: WorthProtecting. A community forum on protecting water quality. This is a community conversation about protecting water at its source. The program will include an introduction to source water protection and the Clean WaterAct and a panel discussion of local efforts focussed on drinking water source protection. Time: 7 pm Venue: North Bay PublicLibrary Location: 271Worthington Street East, North Bay, ON Website: http://www.northwatch.orgPhone: 705-497-0373 Categories: Environment; Health/Health Care; Education |
Apr 15/2009 Montreal, QC |
American Outrage AMERICAN OUTRAGE film, asks why US government spent millions persecuting and prosecuting two elderly women grazing a few hundred horses and cows in a desolate desert. Venue: QPIRG- Concordia Location: Montreal, QC Website: http://www.qpirgconcordia.orgPhone: 514-848-7585 Categories: Women; Native Peoples; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Apr 15/2009 Toronto, ON |
TCPP Open House / Information Night The CAPCT is the professional organization representing child psychotherapists in Canada. Many of the CAPCT members are graduates of its sister organzation, the Toronto Child Psychoanalytic Program (TCPP). Psychoanalytic Child Therapists are specifically trained to assess and treat children's mental health issues. The TCPP program offers intensive post-graduate training which combines adacemic study with supervised clinical work. Please join us for an Information Session at our Open House on Wednesday, April 15th, 2009 at 7:30 p.m.. The next intake year for TCPP is September 2009. Applications are now being accepted until May 30, 2009. Classes are held at the Hincks Centre in Toronto on Tuesday evenings, September until June. Distance Learning is available. Time: 7:30 p.m. Venue: Hincks Dellcrest Centre Location: 114 Mailtand St, 3rd Floor, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.tcpp.caFor information contact: Suzanne Pearen Phone: 416-690-5464 Categories: Social Services; Children & Youth; Education |
Apr 15/2009 Toronto, ON |
The Show Must Not Go On: Ending Orangutans in Entertainment A fascinating illustrated talk by Rob Shumaker from the Great Ape Trust; Stopping use ofapesfoe entertainment purposes. Time: 7:00 to 9:00 pm Venue: George Ignatieff Theatre, U. of Toronto, Trinity College Location: 15 Devonshire Place, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.zoocheck.comFor information contact: zoocheck@zoocheck.com, Claudia Phone: 416-285-1744 Categories: Animals & Pets; Environment; Media, Entertainment, News, Communications |
Apr 16/2009 Kitchener, ON |
Green Energy Forum Leading the topics of discussion will be the new Green Energy Act which will affect our pocket books and our future. This will be followed by a general discussion on the topic of environmental issues. Venue: Kitchener PublicLibrary Location: Kitchener, ON Website: http://www.alternativesjournal.caFor information contact: Leslie Phone: 519-888-4545 Categories: Environment; Education; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Apr 16/2009 Vancouver, BC |
Recipes for Disaster Screening The third and final film of DOXA 32s Documentary Film Series leading up to the DOXADocumentary Film Festival in May, screens on April 16th.Recipes for Disaster follows a young Anglo-Finnish family as they rid themselves of all oil-based products for a year. The challenge proves to be more emotionally difficult than the family anticipates and John, father and instigator of the oil fast, must find a balance between living oil-free and keeping a functional family. Time: 7-9 pm Venue: Vancity Theatre Location: 1181 Seymour St, Vancouver, BC Website: http://www.doxafestival.caFor information contact: erin@doxafestival.ca Categories: Arts & Culture |
Apr 16/2009 Toronto, ON |
Sea Sick - Author Alanna Mitchell talks about the ocean's ill health Award winning Canadian writer Alanna Mitchell talks about her new book Sea Sick and how the oceans are undergoing vast chemical changes which are not good environmentally.
Time: 4:30 - 6:30 pm Venue: Multifaith Centre, U of T Location: 596 Spadina Ave., Toronto, ON For information contact: k_fullerton@sympatico.ca Phone: 416-691-5173 Categories: Environment; International; Education
Apr 16/2009 Vancouver, ON |
Transforming Power: Lessons from Bolivia, with Judy Rebick This is the historic tale of socially organized neighborhoods wielding power peacefully instead of utilizing elements of the army and police (as experienced by Judy Rebick). Book title: "Lessons from Bolivia".
Time: 7:00 - 10:00 pm Venue: UBC Bookstore Location: 800 Robson Street, Vancouver, ON For information contact: transformingpower@gmail.com Categories: International; Journalism, Writing, Literary, Language; Politics & Political Organizations
Apr 17/2009 Toronto, ON |
Earth alert : Raising environmental consciousness Cimate change is with us. A decade ago it was conjecture, now the future is unfolding before our eyes. Canada's Inuit see it in the disappearing Arctic ice, the shantytown dwellers of Latin America and Southern Asia see it in lethal storms and floods and Europeans see it in the isappearing glaciers, forest fires and fatal heat waves. These changes reveal that the world has not been as warm as it is now for more than a millennium. Our Speaker, Devamrita Swami, a traveling monk uses the ancient yoga knowledge of the east to present a practical alternative for the modern man. He is a Yale graduate, an author and researcher who has been instrumental in raising environment awareness around the world through his workshops. So come along.
Time: 6:30pm - 9:00pm Venue: MultiFaith Centre Location: 569 Spadina Avenue, Toronto, ON For information contact: urbanedgeyoga@gmail.com Categories: Environment
Apr 17/2009 North York, Toronto, ON |
Greenpower Earth Day Conference - for High School Students The theme is Environmental Health and the conference will provide students with an opportunity to deepen their understanding of environmentalism and expose them to prominent environmental advocates throughout the country. Time: 9:00 am - 3:30 pm Venue: Noth York Civic Centre Location: North York, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.greenpower.executive@gmail.comFor information contact: greenpowerexecutive@gmail.com Categories: Environment; Education; Health/Health Care |
Apr 17/2009 Ottawa, ON |
Nuclear Pros and Cons: Medical Isotopes to Nuclear Bombs This event is geared to all physicians and public who are interested in the interconnections of health and nuclear issues and share global concerns of a safe, reliable supply of medical radioisotopes. Venue: Ottawa Location: Ottawa, ON Website: http://www.pgs.caPhone: 613-233-1982 Categories: Health/Health Care; Science & Technology; Environment |
Apr 17/2009 to Apr 19/2009 Tacoma, Washington, USA |
Go Green and Live Well Expo Healthy living with green products and produce. All products and services at the show are free. Venue: Tacoma Location: Washington, USA, Tacoma, Washington, USA Website: http://www.gogreenandlivewellexpo.comFor information contact: Ted Pearson tedpearson@shaw.ca Phone: 250-434-6979 Categories: Environment; Health/Health Care; Education |
Apr 18/2009 Oakville, ON |
Halton Eco Festival (9th Annual) An Environmental Fair For Sustainability -90+ Green Exhibitors and Sponsors -Educational Workshops -Eco Gifts at On-Line Silent Auction Venue: Glen Abbey Rec. Centre Location: 1415 Third Line, Oakville, ON Website: http://www.haltonecofest.caFor information contact: Stephen Dankowich info@oakvillepeacecentre.org Phone: 905-849-5501 Categories: Environment; Food & Beverage; Education |
Apr 18/2009 Oakville, ON |
Halton Eco Festival (9th Annual) An environmental fair for sustainability including: -90+ green exhibitors and sponsors -educational workshops -eco gifts & silent auction (on line) Venue: Glen Abbey Rec. Centre Location: 1415 Third Line, Oakville, ON Website: http://www.haltonecofest.caFor information contact: info@oakvillepeacecentre.org (S. Dankowich) Phone: 905-849-5501 Categories: Environment; Food & Beverage; Education |
Apr 18/2009 to Apr 24/2009 Toronto, ON |
Sprockets Toronto International Film Festival For Children Canadian and international flicks for kids will open its weekday school program to public tickets -buyers this year. Venue: Famous Players Canada Square Location: 2200 Young St., Toronto, ON Website: http://www.sprockets.caCategories: Arts & Culture |
Apr 18/2009 to Apr 26/2009
Earth Week (April -26) Earth Week is an emphasized part of Earth Month. Members are encouraged to participate with an event in order to publicize environmental concerns. Resources will be provided. Venue: across Canada Website: http://www.earthday.caFor information contact: Edwina Gu communications@earthday.ca Phone: 416-599-1991 ext.114 Categories: Environment; Education; Arts & Culture |
Apr 18/2009 to Apr 26/2009 Toronto, ON |
Toronto Jewish Film Festival One of the largest Jewish film festivals in the world presents features, docs and shorts. Venue: various Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.tjff.comCategories: Arts & Culture; Automotive & Cars |
Apr 19/2009 Toronto, ON |
Ben McNally Books and Brunch In this powerful and sometimes shocking account, a surgeon reveals her experience of hospital life with rare frankness.In her mid-twenties, Gabriel Weston - an arts graduate with no scient-ific qualification beyond high school-level biology - decided to become a surgeon. She enrolled at night school, then went through many years of medical school and surgical training. Now in her late thirties, she has achieved her ambition and is working as a surgeon in a British hospital.
Time: 10:00am - 12:00pm Venue: King Edward Hotel Location: 37 King Street East, Toronto, ON Categories: Health/Health Care; Publishers & Publishing
Apr 20/2009 Ottawa, ON |
Climate Justice - Climate Action This event will include leading climate change thinkers from the US and Europe, short films on climate justice as well as new reports from Eco-Equity, Pembina Inst. and Greenpeace Canada.
Time: 7:00 - 9:00 pm Venue: Library andArchives Canada Location: 395 Wellington St., Ottawa, ON For information contact: mburgess@climateactionnetwork.ca Phone: 613-558-3368 Categories: Environment; Education; International
Apr 20/2009 Toronto, ON |
In pursuit of American pop culture in the Muslim world North America transmits its pop culture to the world on a near continuous basis. What do Muslim countries make of the signals that they receive? Pop-culture commentator, filmmaker and author Richard Poplak went to Egypt to observe the debut of Al Shamshoon, an Arabized version of The Simpsons,, and, quickly discovered an almost parallel universe. At the launch of his chronicle, The Sheikh's Batmobile: In Pursuit Of American Pop Culture In The Muslim World, Poplak will deliver a solo multi-media presentation based on his findings. Marc Glassman, Executive Director of This Is Not A Reading Series and Proprietor of Pages Books & Magazines will host the evening.
Venue: Gladstone Hotel Location: 1214 Queen St West, Toronto, ON Phone: 416-987-6789 Categories: Arts & Culture; Publishers & Publishing
Apr 20/2009 Toronto, ON |
Michele Landsberg & Marilyn Waring in discussion University of Toronto Press and Toronto Women's Bookstore are pleased to host Michele Landsberg and Marilyn Waring on the launch of Professor Waring's new collection of essays, 1 Way 2 C the World.Michele Landsberg is an award-winning Toronto Star columnist, and one of Canada's most distinguished feminists and social justice activists. In 2006, she was appointed to the Order of Canada.Marilyn Waring is a professor in the Institute of Public Policy at the Auckland University of Technology. She is internationally recognized as a leading feminist thinker, environmentalist, and social justice activist.
Time: 7:00pm - 8:30pm Venue: Toronto Women's Bookstore Location: 73 Harbord Street, Toronto, ON
Apr 20/2009 to Apr 21/2009 Toronto, ON |
Canadian Environmental Conference and Tradeshow Over 40 top notch presenters representing Canada's leading edge environmental trainers, lawyers, consultants with 10 workshops. Venue: Metro Toronto Convention Centre, South Bldg. Location: Front Street, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.envirogatePhone: 1-888-254-8769 Categories: Environment; Human Rights, Law, Legal; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Apr 20/2009 to Apr 21/2009 Toronto, ON |
Canadian Environmental Conference and Tradeshow (CANECT) Meant for Environmental consultants, plant managers, lawyers, administrators, engineers and many other members of various professions. Looking at the 2008 exhibitors list, a very impressive number of environmental exhibitors can be found. Venue: Metro Toronto Convention Centre (South Bldg.) Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.envirogate.caCategories: Education; Environment; Human Rights, Law, Legal |
Apr 20/2009 to Apr 23/2009 Hamilton, ON |
Earth Day Eco-Festival, Apr. 20-23 The Eco-Festival Features: -eco-workshops -keynote speakers -wildlife-live presentations -naturewalks with naturalist guides Venue: Royal Botanical Gardens Location: Hamilton, ON Website: http://www.earthdayhamilton.caPhone: 905-570-1932 Categories: Environment; Education; Science & Technology |
Apr 21/2009
Remedy Me! Halifax - Remedy Me!, a new documentary series that follows those who suffer from odd or embarrassing illnesses as they explore the world of alternative medicine, made its debut Tuesday, April 7 on W Network. Tag along as these men and women - many dogged for years by ailments including irritable bowel syndrome, hemorrhoids, restless-leg syndrome and adult acne - talk frankly about their problems and their frustration with conventional treatments, and ultimately dive into alternative therapies. Watch April 21, Remedy Me! airs at 8 p.m. ET/PT. This episodes includes: Episode 3: Overactive Bladder â David and Birgitta visit the washroom three to five times per hour. Desperate to stem the tide, David consults a doctor of traditional Chinese Medicine and revisits his childhood through Hypnotherapy, while Birgitta visits an osteopath. Time: 8:00 pm Website: http://www.hypno-healing.comFor information contact: Debbie Papadakis Phone: 416-760-8996 Categories: Health/Health Care |
Apr 22/2009 to Apr 21/2009 Ottawa, ON |
Washing the Water: a talk by Alanna Mitchell and Wayne Grady Two of Canada's most acclaimed and knowledgeable science writers open the Writers Festival Spring Edition with a special Earth Day discussion on water, and the environmental impact of altering salinity, acidity, ice cover, volume and circulation of the seas and the life within them. Venue: St. Brigid's Centre for the Arts and Humanities Location: 314 St. Patrick, Ottawa, ON Website: http://www.writersfestival.orgFor information contact: kate@writer's festival.org Phone: 613-562-1243 Categories: Environment; Journalism, Writing, Literary, Language; Education |
Apr 22/2009
Earth Day (Canada-wide) A plethora of environmental activities Canada-wide
Venue: Canada wide For information contact: Edwina Gu, communications@earthday.ca Phone: 416-599-1991 ext. 114 Categories: Environment; Education; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
Apr 22/2009 Hamilton, ON |
Flow: World Water Crisis The Art Gallery of Hamilton presents the acclaimed film : "Flow: World Water Crisis". Net proceeds will go towards Eco Artist Fund Venue: Empire Jackson Square 6 Cinemas Location: Hamilton, ON Website: http://www.ecofilmartsfestival.comFor information contact: Leisha Dawson Phone: 905-524-5761 Categories: Environment; Education; International |
Apr 22/2009 Toronto, ON |
Mobility of the Human Scale: Planning for Active Transportation Keynote Speaker: Janette Sadik-Khan, Commissioner, Department of Transportation, New York City Panelists: Gil Penalosa, Gary Welsh, David Gurin, all related to careers in transportation. Time: 11:30 am - 3:00 pm Venue: Chestnut Hotel, Terrace Room, 3rdFloor Location: 89 Chestnut Street, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.canurb.comCategories: Environment; Education; Health/Health Care |
Apr 22/2009 Toronto, ON |
Tastes of Heaven gala to raise funds for Canadian missions Tastes of Heaven 2009, Catholic Missions In Canada's fundraising dinner in support of 12 parishes and 21 missions in the Diocese of Whitehorse, will be held on Wednesday, April 22, starting at 6 p.m., at Sala Caboto, Villa Colombo (part of Columbus Centre), 20 Playfair Ave., Toronto, ON. A silent and live auction to follow. For tickets, please call Patricia Gyulay at 416-934-3424 ext. 227, or e-mail patricia@cmic.info. Time: 6 p.m. - 10 p.m. Venue: Sala Caboto, Villa Colombo (part of Columbus Centre) Location: 20 Playfair Avenue, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.cmic.infoFor information contact: Patricia Gyulay Phone: 416-934-3426 Ext. 227 Categories: Religious; Native Peoples |
Apr 22/2009 to Apr 24/2009 Niagara Falls, ON |
16th Annual National CAGP-ACPDP Conference An educational conference for gift planners, fundraisers and professional advisors. We invite you to join us in Niagara Falls, to learn how to capture and harness the essence of gift planning. When you begin to understand the possibilities of gift planning both for a donor and for a charity, you understand the power. Join us as we delve into the growing world of gift planning to enhance your profession and hopefully, walk away with the knowledge to make the changes you need to make, harnessing the power of this profession and its abilities to change philanthropy in Canada. Venue: Sheraton on the Falls Location: 5875 Falls Avenue, Niagara Falls, ON Website: http://www.cagp-acpdp.org/en/education/conf09.aspxFor information contact: Anne Williams Phone: 613-232-7991 Categories: Education; Investment, Finance, Insurance |
Apr 22/2009 to Apr 24/2009 Sudbury, ON |
52nd Annual Conference Title of Conference: Whose Forest is it Anyway?: The Role of Tenure, Pricing and Ownership in the Future of Ontario's Forests Conference is for Foresters. The general public is welcome. Time: A.M. on 22nd to P.M. on 24th Venue: Holday Inn, Sudbury, Ontario Location: 1696 Regent Street, Sudbury, ON Website: http://www.opfa.ca/new/agm-current.phpFor information contact: Ed Tear Phone: 705-566-4669 Categories: Forestry, Lumber, Paper |
Apr 22/2009 to Apr 30/2009 Toronto, ON |
Toronto Reading literary festival Toronto Public Library is pleased to announce that our month-long, city-wide Keep Toronto Reading literary festival is back for its fourth year. The 2009 program takes place April 1 to 30 13 moved from February.Popular events such as the Diaspora Dialogues, Lit Lunches, books and wine series, and KTR for Kids events will be back. Look for exciting new additions too. Featured authors include Joy Fielding, Nino Ricci, Bonnie Stern and many others.The Keep Toronto Reading One Book community read program will also return. Look for an official announcement on this year 32s title in early February.
Time: Apr 22 2009 - 12:30pm, Apr 30 2009 - 2:30pm Venue: Toronto Reference Library Location: 789 Yonge St, Toronto, ON Categories: Arts & Culture; Journalism, Writing, Literary, Language; Publishers & Publishing
Apr 23/2009
Addicted to Plastic "Addicted to plastic" - film explores the toxicity of plastic and how it is getting into the global food chain. Plastic is universal garbage. Venue: Fenian Films Website: http://www.ecofilmartsfestival.comFor information contact: Leisha Dawson Phone: 905-524-5761 Categories: Environment; International; Science & Technology |
Apr 23/2009 Ottawa, ON |
Carbon Shift: A talk by Thomas Homer-Dixon and William Marsden The twin crises of climate change and peaking oil production are converging on us. If they are not to topple our civilization, we need to implement decisive, clear sighted policies based on clean, low carbon, renewable energy sources. The talk is on their new book: "How the Twin Crises of Oil Depletion and Climate Change Will Define the Future". Time: 7:00 pm Venue: St. Brigid's Centre for the Arts and Humanities Location: 314 St. Patrick, Ottawa, ON Website: http://www.writersfestival.orgFor information contact: kate@writersfestival.org Phone: 613-562-1243 Categories: Environment; Journalism, Writing, Literary, Language; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Apr 23/2009 Toronto, ON |
Why Green Energy? - with David Suzuki and Hermann Scheer Drs. Suzuki and Scheer will talk about renewable green energy and how it can shape our future. As well they will comment on both the Green Energy Act and Green Economy Act which are about to become law in Ontario. Both government and industry representatives have been invited. Time: 6:30 - 8:30 pm Venue: Convocation Hall, U of Toronto Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.greenenergyact.caFor information contact: info@greenenergyact Categories: Environment; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Human Rights, Law, Legal |
Apr 24/2009 Vancouver, BC |
Documentary screening: Salud! Salud concerns itself with some of the 28000 Cuban health professionals serving in 68 countries and explores the hearts and minds of the international medical students in Cuba, now numbering 30,000, including nearly 100 from USA.
Time: 7:00 pm Venue: Rhizome Location: 317 East Broadway, Vancouver, BC Categories: Health/Health Care; International; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
Apr 24/2009 to Apr 26/2009 Calgary, AB |
2009 GEOEC Conference - One World: Infinite Diversity Join us for full day and partial day sessions designed to get your brain and body moving. Opportunities to integrate Global, Environmental and Outdoor education activities into your teaching will be the focus, with links to all curriculum areas highlighted as we learn by doing and by sharing with other educators. Location: Calgary, AB Website: http://www.geoec.orgFor information contact: Suzanna Wong Categories: Education |
Apr 24/2009 to Apr 26/2009 Toronto, ON |
The Green Living Show Toronto's largest consumer show dedicated to green living. There are over 450 participating exhibitors. Earthfriendly advice and information. Eco-celebrities, world leaders and local personalities. Venue: Direct Energy Centre, Exhibition Place Location: 100 Princess Blvd., Toronto, ON Website: http://www.greenlivingshow.caCategories: Environment; Science & Technology; Food & Beverage |
Apr 25/2009 Guelph, ON |
Doors Open Guelph 2009 Doors Open Guelph 2009
Location: Guelph, ON Categories: Architecture; Museums
Apr 25/2009 Peterborough, ON |
Peterborough Green EXPO - 6th Annual All aspects of green living; exhibits, presenters, wine tasting. CBC award winning broadcaster Wendy Mesley. Location: Peterborough, ON Website: http://www.greenexpo.caFor information contact: info@greenexpo.ca Phone: 705-652-5159 Categories: Environment; Food & Beverage; Education |
Apr 25/2009 Carleton Place, ON |
Rideau Green Build & Alternative Energy Show Many eco-exhibitors such as: -Enerworks Solar Hot Water Systems -Skyworks Residential Wind Generators -Eco Alternative Energy -Chapin Home Energy Advisors -Solarsheat Heaters ...................and many more Time: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Venue: Carleton Place Arena Location: 5 Neelin Street, Carleton Place, ON Website: http://www.rideaulumber.comFor information contact: Jim Ireton jireton@rideaulumber.com Phone: 613-283-2211 Categories: Environment; Science & Technology; Marketing, Advertising, Public Relations |
Apr 25/2009 Toronto, ON |
Toronto Spring Sprint 2009 Put your pumas to the pavement and help raise money for brain tumour research. The 16th annual Toronto Spring Sprint 14and the 18 other sprints taking place across the country 14raise desperately needed funds for brain tumour research and treatment. Without donations we have no hope of finding a cure. Please help us make brain tumours a memory and join us for fundraising run or walk on April 25 at Sunnybrook Park. Minimum donation is $45 but the participants with the most donations are eligible to win big prizes. Register today at braintumour.ca.
Time: 9:00 am Venue: Sunnybrook Park, Sports Pavilion Location: Toronto, ON Categories: Health/Health Care
Apr 25/2009
World Veterinary Day World Veterinary Day was founded by the World Veterinary Association in 2001 to highlight the work of the veterinary profession around the world in food safety/public health, border controls and quarantine, clinical practice, animal health, animal welfare, environmental protection, research and development and wildlife conservation.
This year, on Saturday, April 25, 2009. World Veterinary Day will be recognized under the theme âVeterinarians and Livestock Farmers: a winning partnershipâ.
Apr 25/2009 to Apr 26/2009 Hamilton, ON |
Eco-Film & Arts Festival - Gala with Powerhouse & Rachel Carson's Silent Spring The film "Silent Spring" created the environmental movement. In response to the Ontario citizenry theprovincial government isenacting theOntario Green Energy Act that will ban 200 - 250 pesticides on Earth Day. Venue: LIUNA Station Grand Central Ballroom Location: Hamilton, ON Website: http://www.ecofilmartsfestival.comFor information contact: Leisha Dawson Phone: 905-524-5761 Categories: Environment; Education; Human Rights, Law, Legal |
Apr 25/2009 to May 3/2009 Toronto, ON |
Mayworks Festival of Working People and the Arts A number of different events hilight this week of artistic celebration. Favianna Rodriguez, LAL, Vox Sambou, La Loba etc at the Blue Moon Cafe. Pride and Solidarity appears at the Buddies in Bad Times Theatre. Picture Our Future photography exhibit at 58 Cecil Str. Time: 5:30 - 7:30 (Cecil Str) Venue: Locations GTA Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.mayworks.caCategories: Arts & Culture; Human Rights, Law, Legal; Media, Entertainment, News, Communications |
Apr 25/2009 to May 3/2009 Toronto, ON |
Mayworks Festival of Working People and the Arts Come hear award winning artist visual Favianna Rodriguez speak on art as a political act and see her exhibit of political posters at Toronto Free Gallery April 25th. Favianna Rodriguez was choosen as one of Utne Magazine's 50 visonaries in 2008 and promises to have a fantastic exhibition.Also on the 25th we kick off with an opening night medly of artists and performers including LAL, Vox Sambou, La Loba, Shameless, MataDanze and from NYC Climbing PoeTree. This show "In the Red: Revolution for Our Hearts" is at the Blue Moon Cafe.April 28: Pride and Solidarity is a jam-packed evening that will trace the histories and current of queer political movements in Canada and the United States, and the engagement of workers, artists and unions fighting for social justice. Picture Our Future is a photography exhibit by newcomer youth artists who reflect on their journeys of creating their future in Canada. As new immigrants, these youth are faced with the challenges of learning English, adapting to Canadian culture, and exploring their true identities. The photographs portray their enthusiasm, pride and resilience in overcoming obstacles in order to pursue their career aspirations and life ambitions. Sunday May 3, 5:30-7:30 58 Cecil street.
Time: 11:20am Location: Toronto, ON Categories: Arts & Culture; Labour, Workplace, Unions; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
Apr 26/2009 Toronto, ON |
Launch of Let Them Eat Junk: How Capitalism Creates Hunger and Obesity, by Robert Albritton Why are half the people in the world malnourished, while so many in the West are over-fed. To understand how starvation and obesity can coexist in the same populations, follow the flow of capital. Time: 3;30 pm Venue: Gladstone Hotel Location: 1214 Queen Street West, Toronto, ON Website: http://ralbritt@yorku.caCategories: Food & Beverage; Politics & Political Organizations; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Apr 26/2009 Toronto, ON |
The Question of Sustainability The Question of Sustainability is a conference dedicated to examining the Canadian mining industry through the lens of sustainability within ecosystems, human rights, culture, and economics. Presenters include Robert Lovelace of Ardoch Algonquin FN, Mike Mercredi of Fort Chipewyan FN, Ulises Garcia from Peru, Jethro Tulin from Papua New Guinea, Sergio Campusino from Chile, Lorraine Rekmans of Serpent River FN, and many more. In addition, Cory Wanless of Klippensteins will be speaking about the $3 billion dollar lawsuit launched against the TSX. The moderator is Judy Rebick, well known Canadian broadcaster and social justice advocate. Time: 10:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m Venue: Earth Sciences Building, Main Auditorium, Location: University of Toronto, 5 Bancroft Avenue (off Huron), Toronto, ON Website: http://www.underminingsustainability.wordpress.comFor information contact: Indra Noyes Phone: 416-540-4118 Categories: Mining & Petroleum; Native Peoples; Environment |
Apr 26/2009 Burnaby, BC |
Wildlife Rescue's Earth Fest WRA Wildlife Rescue Association of BC celebrates 30 years of rehabilitating animals. See wildlife releases, build nest boxes and visit community group exhibits, plus more stewardship activities. Time: 10:00 am - 3pm Venue: Burnaby Lake Rowing Pavilion Location: Burnaby, BC Website: http://www.wildliferescue.caPhone: 604-526-2747 Categories: Animals & Pets; Environment; Health/Health Care |
Apr 27/2009 New York NY 10036 USA |
A Panel discussion To Commemorate World Press Freedom Day Reporters Without Borders and the Overseas Press Club present : Mexicoâs Pitfalls for Journalists
Mexico has become the Americasâ most dangerous country for journalists. And the media are under severe threat in several parts of the country. Forty-six journalists have been killed since 2000 and another eight have disappeared since 2003, either because of their work or most often for an unknown motive. Drug cartels that target reporters deemed too curious, corruption on the part of many elected officials, and human rights and press freedom violations by police or the army are high-risk threats to both local and international journalists. Impunity prevails for journalistsâ murderers, despite some improvements on the legal front with federalized jurisdiction over murders and offenses committed against journalists. The panelists will discuss the risks associated with covering the news in Mexico and on the US-Mexican border. This program is co-sponsored by the Overseas Press Club and Reporters Without Borders.
Time: 6:30 pm Venue: Overseas Press Club of America Location: 40 West 45 Street, New York NY 10036 USA For information contact: Sonya Fry - OPC Phone: 212-626-9220 Categories: Journalism, Writing, Literary, Language; Human Rights, Law, Legal; International
Apr 27/2009 Ottawa, ON |
Marilyn Waring at Ottawa Public Library Professor Marilyn Waring, leading feminist thinker, environmentalist, and social justice activist, will be speaking at the Main Branch of the Ottawa Public Library at 7PM on Monday, April 27th. Oxfam, Octopus Books, University of Toronto Press, and the Ottawa Public Library are co-sponsoring the event in celebration of Professor Waring's new book, 1 Way 2 C the World. The event is free and open to the public.
Time: 7:00pm - 8:30pm Venue: Ottawa Public Library - Main Branch Location: 120 Metcalfe Street, Ottawa, ON Categories: Environment; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
Apr 27/2009 to Apr 28/2009 Calgary, AB |
Indoor Air Quality Science Symposium Topics include: -Exposures and health effects of indoor air -Monitoring indoor air -Strategies to manage indoor air Best scientists in N. America to handle these issues Venue: Westin Hotel Location: Calgary, AB Website: http://www.casahome.orgFor information contact: JenniferAllan jallan@casahome.org Phone: 780-427-9793 Categories: Environment; Science & Technology; International |
Apr 28/2009 Ottawa, ON |
Café Scientifique: Are designer babies the way to a healthier future? Café Scientifique is a forum where, for the price of a coffee or glass of wine, adults can get together and talk about recent - and sometimes controversial - developments in science and technology. The Canada Science and Technology Museum in partnership with the Canadian Museum of Nature serve as moderators to the discussion between invited experts and the general public. Lively discussions guaranteed! Call 613-991-3044 or visit sciencetech.technomuses.ca for more information. Time: 6 p.m. Venue: Fox and Feather Pub Location: 283 Elgin Street, Ottawa, ON Website: http://www.sciencetech.technomuses.caFor information contact: Visitors Services Phone: 613-991-3044 Categories: Biotechnology; Science & Technology; Social Policy |
Apr 28/2009 Toronto, ON |
Mayworks: Pride & Solidarty Pride and Solidarity is about the histories and currents of queer political movements in Canada and the US, and the engagement of workers, artists and unions fighting for social justice. The evening will start with a monologue by Christina Starr. It will be followed by two film screenings about same sex relationship development.
Time: 7 - 10:00 pm Venue: Buddiesin Bad TimesTheatre Location: 12 Alexander Street, Toronto, ON Categories: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual; Arts & Culture; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
Apr 28/2009 to Apr 29/2009 Vaughan, ON |
Transpo 2009 Conference & Exhibition Supply Chain & Logistics Canada Association (SCL) and the Canadian Industrial Transportation Association (CITA) present the 42nd Annual Conference "Supply Chain Leadership Raising the Bar" featuring the TRANSPO 2009 Exhibition.
Transpo is the Canadian Industrial Transportation Associations (CITA) annual trade show, serving the industry for over 20 years. This year CITA is partnering with SCL for a combined event on April 28 & 29. We are very excited for this first time joint event and hope you will be there to participate!
The trade show offers a variety of exhibit and sponsorship packages designed to meet the individual needs of industry organizations. Exhibitors include: carriers, freight forwarders, 3PL, government departments, media companies, technology suppliers and others.
The conference will be an opportunity to learn, first-hand, innovative strategies to raise the bar and tackle the challenges facing supply chains in a new economic environment. Each session will aim to provide delegates with a concrete action item that they can implement in their own organizations.
Venue: Paramount Conference & Event Venue Location: 222 Rowntree Dairy Road, Vaughan, ON For information contact: Denise Fata, Manager Marketing & Events Phone: 613-599-3283 x.221 Categories: Transportation & Travel
Apr 29/2009 The Sutton Place Hotel |
ASC Annual Meeting, Breakfast & Program It's a Small, Small World: Advertising Self-Regulation in the Global Reality Keynote Speaker: Dr. Oliver Gray, Director General, European Advertising Standards Alliance (EASA). Keynote Introduction by The Nielsen Company: Insights into the size and importance of Canadian advertising categories that experience pressure for external regulation. Join ASC for a brief tour of the issues affecting advertisers and self-regulatory bodies around the world. Issues to be touched upon include: food advertising to children; alcoholic beverage advertising; gender portrayal in advertising; ad self-regulation of digital media; safety concerns arising from automobile advertising; and sustainability. Time: 8:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. Location: Jennifer Finjan, The Sutton Place Hotel Website: http://www.adstandards.com/en/ASCEvents2009AM.aspCategories: Marketing, Advertising, Public Relations |
Apr 29/2009 Toronto, ON |
CCNM Adjunctive Cancer Care Clinic Information Session The ground-breaking RSNC complementary cancer therapy shift was established in 2007, to provide complementary cancer care for the growing number of cancer patients pursuing alternatives or additions to current standard medical care. RNSC provides evidence-based care, standardized intakes and cancer-specific therapies in an academic environment. Join us for this special daytime public information session to discover how naturopathic medicine can provide relief to patients undergoing conventional treatments. Time: 12:30 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. Venue: Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine Location: 1255 Sheppard Avenue East, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.ccnm.eduFor information contact: Karamjit Singh Phone: 416-498-1255 x 263 Categories: Health/Health Care; Education |
Apr 29/2009 Toronto, ON |
Five Ways to Create an Exceptional Brand - Toronto Event with Julie Mitchell, Parcel Design Drawing on her work with both emerging and established brands, as well as her own experience building the Parcel brand, Julie will discuss the value of branding a new business and the clever ways you can leverage your brand as your business grows. Julie Mitchell established Toronto-based graphic design studio, Parcel Design Inc in 2003. Starting out with one employee in a small row house in Toronto's Corktown district, Parcel has grown to a staff of eight and now operates out of a smartly renovated 5,000 square foot studio on Eastern Avenue. In 2006, Parcel was named one of Canada's Hot 50 Emerging Growth Companies by Profit Magazine, and, year over year, Parcel has continued to enjoy double digit growth. 5.30-6.45 networking 6.45-9.00 dinner and speaker $55 members/$65 non-members + GST Prepayment required. VISA and Mastercard accepted. Deadline for registering â April 24, register online at www.companyofwomen.ca or call 905.338.1771 Time: 5:30pm-9:30pm Venue: Verity Club, 111d Location: Queen Street E,, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.companyofwomen.caFor information contact: Anne Day Phone: 905-338-1771 Categories: Marketing, Advertising, Public Relations; Women; Business & Economics |
Apr 29/2009 Toronto, ON |
Mayworks: Artists as Workers A digital story is a two to five minute video created by people of all ages; they share their own life stories through voice, images, music and found objects in their lives. The theme of artist as workers will guide the evening.
Time: 6 pm- 8:00 pm Venue: Parliament Public Library Location: 269 Gerrard Street East, SecondFloor, Toronto, ON Categories: Arts & Culture; Education; Performing Arts
Apr 30/2009 Guelph, ON |
Endangered Species Act Workshop- Guelph Ontario's Endangered Species Act was hailed as a golden standard for species protection, alarming loopholes have come to light. We need to do more in order to protect biodiversity in the province. Apr. 29, Senate Room 1083, University ofOttawa Time: 7 pm - 9 pm Venue: Guelph Arboretum Location: Guelph, ON Website: http://www.saveontariospecies.caFor information contact: Amber Crowie Phone: 416-444-8419 Categories: Environment; Animals & Pets; Human Rights, Law, Legal |
Apr 30/2009 San Francisco, USA, ON |
Green Business Camp Unconference This meeting is away to get access to strategies, ideas and resources in order to enhance green businesses and create new opportunities. Location: San Francisco, USA, ON Website: http://www.greenbusinesscamp.comFor information contact: Tanya Mccausland tanya@greenbusinessinnovators.com Categories: Environment; Economic Development; International |
Apr 30/2009 Toronto, ON |
Managing in Tough Times This Workshop includes: -Review of key factors affecting organizations -identify relevant options -development of contingency plans for tough times Venue: 215 Spadina Ave., ist flr. Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.sustainabilitynetwork.caFor information contact: Luellasadicon info@sustainabilitynetwork.ca Categories: Business & Economics; Consulting & Consultants; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Apr 30/2009 Victoria, BC |
Myths for profit: Canada's role in industries of war & peace documentary screening This book: Myths for Profit" is an expose of Canadian government behavior in the foreign affairs are. The Canadian government would like us to believe that it is a peacekeeper in world affairs, but is it really? Time: 7:00 pm -9 pm Venue: U Victoria David Strong Bldg. Location: Victoria, BC Website: http://www.widepenexposure.comCategories: Journalism, Writing, Literary, Language; Military; Human Rights, Law, Legal |
Apr 30/2009 to May 10/2009 Toronto, ON |
Hot Docs Canadian International Documentary Festival North America's foremost doc event presents an array of Canadian and international features and shorts. The 16th edition includes focus on Ron Mann's and a Made in South Korea program. Venue: various Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.hotdocs.caCategories: Arts & Culture |
May 1/2009 Toronto, ON |
Mayworks: Three dollars an Hour: Asian Arts Freedom School Asian Arts Freedom School attendees confront controversial issues still extant in Asia such as persons considered as commodities. Zameen Shadbad is a series of photographs taken by Elvina Rafi which shows the ongoing struggles in her country, Pakistan and it's effect on a weary population..
Time: 7:30 pm Venue: anitAfrika, dub theatre Location: 62 Fraser Ave., Toronto, ON Categories: Human Rights, Law, Legal; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; International
May 1/2009 to May 3/2009 Barrhead, AB |
Barrhead Green Expo This is Barrhead's first ever Green Expo. This 3 day event will bring together guest speakers with innovative ideas and doable sustainable development, as well as exhibitors with products to sell which help the consumer and protect the environment. Venue: Barrhead Location: Barrhead, AB Website: http://www.barrheadgreenexpo.caFor information contact: Jim Veenbaas clearmedia@telus.net Phone: 780-349-6180 Categories: Environment; Science & Technology; Marketing, Advertising, Public Relations |
May 1/2009 to May 31/2009
May is MS Awareness Month May is MS Awareness Month in Canada. Since the late 1970s, the Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada has marked the month of May as MS Awareness Month. National office activities include: May 6 - MS Awareness Month and MS Carnation Campaign launch at Parliament Hill May 20 - 2009 MS Research Teleconference with Dr. Peter Rieckmann Website: http://www.mssociety.caFor information contact: Your nearest MS Society division office Phone: 1-800-268-7582 Categories: Health/Health Care |
May 2/2009 Whitby, ON |
Doors Open Whitby 2009 Doors Open Whitby 2009
Location: Whitby, ON Categories: Architecture; Museums
May 2/2009 Terrace Bay, ON |
Green Tradeshow This will be an informal event with energy efficiency experts and retailers displaying booths with information designed to educate residents. Included will be renewable energy exhibits, energy efficientvehicles, etc.
Time: 12:00 - 4:00 pm Venue: Terrace Bay Arena Location: 1 Selkirk Ave., Terrace Bay, ON For information contact: Sean Irwin Phone: 807-825-3315 ext. 231 Categories: Environment; Education; Science & Technology
May 2/2009 Lethbridge, AB |
Stesp for Life - Lethbridge Steps for Life - Walking for Victims of Workplace Tragedy is an annual 5KM Family Walk created to help raise health and safety awareness at the community level, while also supporting those who have suffered from a workplace tragedy. It is an opportunity not only to support families affected, but also a unique way to educate the community about the devastating ripple effects of a workplace tragedy and the need to work together to prevent others from being hurt. Steps for Life is traditionally held on the first Sunday in May as a launch to the North American Occupational Safety and Health Week (NAOSH). On Sunday, May 3rd, 2009 over 1,200 people across Canada will walk in support of victims of workplace fatalities, life-altering injuries and occupational disease. They are parents, siblings, children, grand-parents, close friends, co-workers and employers all united by their loss and need to prevent other workplace tragedies. Time: Registration at 9:00 a.m. Walk to begin at 10:00 a.m. to be followed by refreshments Venue: Henderson Horseshoe Picnic Centre Location: South Parkside Dr. S (Japanese Garden entrance), Lethbridge, AB Website: http://www.stepsforlife.caFor information contact: Kate Kennington Phone: 888-567-9490 Categories: Education; Labour, Workplace, Unions; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
May 2/2009 to May 3/2009 Hamilton, ON |
Doors Open Hamilton 2009 Doors Open Hamilton 2009
Location: Hamilton, ON Categories: Architecture; Museums
May 3/2009 Montreal, ON |
Book launch: The Black Book of Canadian Foreign Policy- Yves Engler This book is abouk the darker side of Canadian foreign policy, such as that supporting Zionism, the Vietnam War, the overthrow of Salvador Allende etc.
Time: 5:00 pm Venue: Le Divan Orange Location: 4234 Saint-Laurent, Montreal, ON Phone: 514-618-2253 Categories: Politics & Political Organizations; International; Journalism, Writing, Literary, Language
May 3/2009 Toronto, ON |
Sick of Hot Air: A Forum for Real Action on Climate Change This event will be a panel discussion on the reality of climate change David Hallman, advisor to World Council of Churches: Lauryn Drainie, Int'l Youth Delegation Lynn McDonald, founder of JustEarth Time: 2:15 pm Venue: Trinity-St.Paul United Church Location: 427 Bloor St. W., Toronto, ON Website: http://trinitystpauls.caFor information contact: John Bell Phone: 416-922-8435 Ext.21 Categories: Environment; Religious; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
May 3/2009 Hamilton, ON |
Steps for Life - Hamilton Steps for Life - Walking for Victims of Workplace Tragedy is an annual 5KM Family Walk created to help raise health and safety awareness at the community level, while also supporting those who have suffered from a workplace tragedy. It is an opportunity not only to support families affected, but also a unique way to educate the community about the devastating ripple effects of a workplace tragedy and the need to work together to prevent others from being hurt. Steps for Life is traditionally held on the first Sunday in May as a launch to the North American Occupational Safety and Health Week (NAOSH). On Sunday, May 3rd, 2009 over 1,200 people across Canada will walk in support of victims of workplace fatalities, life-altering injuries and occupational disease. They are parents, siblings, children, grand-parents, close friends, co-workers and employers all united by their loss and need to prevent other workplace tragedies. Time: 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Venue: Lakeland Centre, Confederation Park Location: 180 Van Wagners' Beach Rd., Hamilton, ON Website: http://www.stepsforlife.caFor information contact: Kate Kennington Phone: 888-567-9490 Categories: Education; Labour, Workplace, Unions; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
May 3/2009 London, ON |
Steps for Life - London Steps for Life - Walking for Victims of Workplace Tragedy is an annual 5KM Family Walk created to help raise health and safety awareness at the community level, while also supporting those who have suffered from a workplace tragedy. It is an opportunity not only to support families affected, but also a unique way to educate the community about the devastating ripple effects of a workplace tragedy and the need to work together to prevent others from being hurt. Steps for Life is traditionally held on the first Sunday in May as a launch to the North American Occupational Safety and Health Week (NAOSH). On Sunday, May 3rd, 2009 over 1,800 people across Canada will walk in support of victims of workplace fatalities, life-altering injuries and occupational disease. They are parents, siblings, children, grand-parents, close friends, co-workers and employers all united by their loss and need to prevent other workplace tragedies. Time: 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. - Walk to start at 11:00 a.m. followed by a BBQ lunch Venue: Greenway Park Location: on Greenside Avenue, off Springbank Drive, London, ON Website: http://www.stepsforlife.caFor information contact: Kate Kennington Phone: 1-888-567-9490 Categories: Education; Labour, Workplace, Unions; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
May 3/2009 Sault Ste Marie, ON |
Steps for Life - Sault Ste. Marie & Algoma Steps for Life - Walking for Victims of Workplace Tragedy is an annual 5KM Family Walk created to help raise health and safety awareness at the community level, while also supporting those who have suffered from a workplace tragedy. It is an opportunity not only to support families affected, but also a unique way to educate the community about the devastating ripple effects of a workplace tragedy and the need to work together to prevent others from being hurt. Steps for Life is traditionally held on the first Sunday in May as a launch to the North American Occupational Safety and Health Week (NAOSH). On Sunday, May 3rd, 2009 over 1,200 people across Canada will walk in support of victims of workplace fatalities, life-altering injuries and occupational disease. They are parents, siblings, children, grand-parents, close friends, co-workers and employers all united by their loss and need to prevent other workplace tragedies. Time: 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. - Walk to start at 11:00 a.m. followed by a BBQ lunch Venue: Jo Foreman Track, John Rhodes Outdoor Sports Complex Location: 280 Elizabeth St., Sault Ste Marie, ON Website: http://www.stepsforlife.caFor information contact: Kate Kennington Phone: 888-567-9490 Categories: Education; Labour, Workplace, Unions; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
May 3/2009 Sudbury, ON |
Steps for Life - Sudbury Steps for Life - Walking for Victims of Workplace Tragedy is an annual 5KM Family Walk created to help raise health and safety awareness at the community level, while also supporting those who have suffered from a workplace tragedy. It is an opportunity not only to support families affected, but also a unique way to educate the community about the devastating ripple effects of a workplace tragedy and the need to work together to prevent others from being hurt. Steps for Life is traditionally held on the first Sunday in May as a launch to the North American Occupational Safety and Health Week (NAOSH). On Sunday, May 3rd, 2009 over 1,200 people across Canada will walk in support of victims of workplace fatalities, life-altering injuries and occupational disease. They are parents, siblings, children, grand-parents, close friends, co-workers and employers all united by their loss and need to prevent other workplace tragedies. Time: 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Venue: Terry Fox Sports Complex Location: 17 Lasalle Blvd, Sudbury, ON Website: http://www.stepsforlife.caFor information contact: Kate Kennington Phone: 888-567-9490 Categories: Labour, Workplace, Unions; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Education |
May 3/2009 Thunder Bay, ON |
Steps for Life - Thunder Bay Steps for Life - Walking for Victims of Workplace Tragedy is an annual 5KM Family Walk created to help raise health and safety awareness at the community level, while also supporting those who have suffered from a workplace tragedy. It is an opportunity not only to support families affected, but also a unique way to educate the community about the devastating ripple effects of a workplace tragedy and the need to work together to prevent others from being hurt. Steps for Life is traditionally held on the first Sunday in May as a launch to the North American Occupational Safety and Health Week (NAOSH). On Sunday, May 3rd, 2009 over 1,200 people across Canada will walk in support of victims of workplace fatalities, life-altering injuries and occupational disease. They are parents, siblings, children, grand-parents, close friends, co-workers and employers all united by their loss and need to prevent other workplace tragedies. Time: 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. - Walk starts at 11 a.m. to be followed by a BBQ lunch Venue: Confederation College Location: 1450 Nakina Drive, Thunder Bay, ON Website: http://www.stepsforlife.caFor information contact: Kate Kennington Phone: 888-567-9490 Categories: Education; Labour, Workplace, Unions; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
May 3/2009 Toronto, ON |
Steps for Life - Toronto Steps for Life - Walking for Victims of Workplace Tragedy is an annual 5KM Family Walk created to help raise health and safety awareness at the community level, while also supporting those who have suffered from a workplace tragedy. It is an opportunity not only to support families affected, but also a unique way to educate the community about the devastating ripple effects of a workplace tragedy and the need to work together to prevent others from being hurt. Steps for Life is traditionally held on the first Sunday in May as a launch to the North American Occupational Safety and Health Week (NAOSH). On Sunday, May 3rd, 2009 over 1,200 people across Canada will walk in support of victims of workplace fatalities, life-altering injuries and occupational disease. They are parents, siblings, children, grand-parents, close friends, co-workers and employers all united by their loss and need to prevent other workplace tragedies. Time: 10:30 am to 2 pm - Walk starts at 11 am followed by a BBQ lunch Venue: Ashbridges Bay Park Location: Lakeshore Blvd. E. and Coxwell Avenue, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.stepsforllife.caFor information contact: Kate Kennington Phone: 888-567-9490 Categories: Labour, Workplace, Unions; Education; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
May 3/2009 Winnipeg, MB |
Steps for Life - Winnipeg Steps for Life - Walking for Victims of Workplace Tragedy is an annual 5KM Family Walk created to help raise health and safety awareness at the community level, while also supporting those who have suffered from a workplace tragedy. It is an opportunity not only to support families affected, but also a unique way to educate the community about the devastating ripple effects of a workplace tragedy and the need to work together to prevent others from being hurt. Steps for Life is traditionally held on the first Sunday in May as a launch to the North American Occupational Safety and Health Week (NAOSH). On Sunday, May 3rd, 2009 over 1,800 people across Canada will walk in support of victims of workplace fatalities, life-altering injuries and occupational disease. They are parents, siblings, children, grand-parents, close friends, co-workers and employers all united by their loss and need to prevent other workplace tragedies. Time: 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. - Walk starts at 11 a.m. to be followed by lunch Venue: Kildonan Park Location: 2015 Main Street, Winnipeg, MB Website: http://www.stepsforlife.caFor information contact: Kate Kennington Phone: 1-888-567-9490 Categories: Education; Labour, Workplace, Unions; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
May 3/2009 Ottawa, ON |
Steps of Life - Ottawa Steps for Life - Walking for Victims of Workplace Tragedy is an annual 5KM Family Walk created to help raise health and safety awareness at the community level, while also supporting those who have suffered from a workplace tragedy. It is an opportunity not only to support families affected, but also a unique way to educate the community about the devastating ripple effects of a workplace tragedy and the need to work together to prevent others from being hurt. Steps for Life is traditionally held on the first Sunday in May as a launch to the North American Occupational Safety and Health Week (NAOSH). On Sunday, May 3rd, 2009 over 1,800 people across Canada will walk in support of victims of workplace fatalities, life-altering injuries and occupational disease. They are parents, siblings, children, grand-parents, close friends, co-workers and employers all united by their loss and need to prevent other workplace tragedies. Time: 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. - Walk to start at 11:00 a.m. followed by lunch Venue: Confederation Park Location: Elgin Street, Ottawa, ON Website: http://www.stepsforlife.caFor information contact: Kate Kennington Phone: 1-888-567-9490 Categories: Education; Labour, Workplace, Unions; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
May 3/2009 Halifax, NS |
Stesp for Life - Halifax Steps for Life - Walking for Victims of Workplace Tragedy is an annual 5KM Family Walk created to help raise health and safety awareness at the community level, while also supporting those who have suffered from a workplace tragedy. It is an opportunity not only to support families affected, but also a unique way to educate the community about the devastating ripple effects of a workplace tragedy and the need to work together to prevent others from being hurt. Steps for Life is traditionally held on the first Sunday in May as a launch to the North American Occupational Safety and Health Week (NAOSH). On Sunday, May 3rd, 2009 over 1,200 people across Canada will walk in support of victims of workplace fatalities, life-altering injuries and occupational disease. They are parents, siblings, children, grand-parents, close friends, co-workers and employers all united by their loss and need to prevent other workplace tragedies. Time: Registration at 1 p.m. Walk starts at 2 p.m. Venue: Point Pleasant Park Location: Point Pleasant Drive, Halifax, NS Website: http://www.stepsforlife.caFor information contact: Sandra Woodworth Phone: 888-567-9490 Categories: Education; Labour, Workplace, Unions; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
May 3/2009 to May 5/2009 Toronto, ON |
CFA National Convention Place yourself on the leading edge of professional development and networking opportunities for the Canadian franchise industry through outstanding programming â all while enjoying the dynamic energy of Toronto, Ontario! The 2009 CFA National Convention will be held May 3 â 5 at the Westin Prince Hotel in Toronto, Ontario. This year's Convention is packed with engaging, interactive and dynamic learning, which includes 4 Keynote Speakers, a Intensive Seminar on Real Estate, 16 unique Concurrent Sessions, over a dozen Roundtable Discussions and the Closed-Door CEO Session. Your 2009 Convention not only offers dynamic and relevant educational and professional development sessions led by exceptional speakers, but is an excellent opportunity to meet other franchise professionals, learn about exciting new ideas and discover fresh sources of inspiration. Gain your competitive advantage at this three-day program filled with learning and the latest resources to help your business model succeed. Venue: The Westin Prince Hotel Location: 900 York Mills Road, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.cfa.ca/NationalConvention/For information contact: Judy Lank, Manager of Events & Education Phone: 416-695-2896 x 243 Categories: Trade; Business & Economics; Management |
May 3/2009 to May 6/2009 Etobicoke, ON |
Ontario Water Works Annual Conference & Trade Show The Joint Annual Conference and Trade Show of the Ontario Water Works Association (OWWA) and the Ontario Municipal Water Association (OMWA) attracts about one thousand water industry professionals and municipal leaders from across the province. The sessions May 3-6 include an opening plenary on Monday morning, technical presentations on all aspects of drinking water and a trade show that features the latest in technology and services for the water industry. This conference is 'the" event of the year on the drinking water calendar! Time: Sunday May 3, 7-9 p.m. Monday and Tuesday, May 4 & 5, 7a.m.-7p.m. Wed May 6 Water plant tour Venue: Toronto Congress Centre Location: 650 Dixon Road, Etobicoke, ON Website: http://www.owwa.caFor information contact: Glenn Powell, Director of Communications, OWWA Phone: 905-464-6200 Categories: Science & Technology; Environment; Government & Public Sector |
May 3/2009 to May 31/2009 Toronto, ON |
Mayworks: Picture Our Future - all of May This is a Photography Exhibit by newly immigrant young artists to show the challenges they face in Canada, not knowing the language, and adapting to Canadian culture. SOYA is a group of 16 -21 yr. old Asian youths who arerecent newcomer from China. Opening reception is May 3, 5:30 - 7:30
Venue: Cecil St. Community Ctr. Location: 58 Cecil Str., Toronto, ON Phone: 416-203-8428 Categories: Arts & Culture; Nature & Outdoors; Children & Youth
May 4/2009 Toronto, ON |
2009 CFA Award of Excellence in Franchising Celebrate excellence in franchise operations at the 2009 CFA Award of Excellence in Franchising presentation on May 4, 2009 from 6:30 - 10:00 PM at the Westin Prince Hotel. Open exclusively to CFA Franchise System Members who have been franchising for three years or more, the CFA Award of Excellence in Franchising recognizes excellence in franchise operations. Winning systems must demonstrate a dedication to CFAâs âbest practicesâ including franchisee relations, teamwork and communications. Time: 6:30 PM - 10:00 PM Venue: The Westin Prince Hotel Location: 900 York Mills Road, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.cfa.ca/Events/AofE/For information contact: Judy Lank, Manager of Events & Education Phone: 416-695-2896 x 243 Categories: Awards, Scholarships, Prizes; Business & Economics; Management |
May 4/2009 Toronto, ON |
2009 Frankie Awards Each year, the Frankie Awards celebrates the creative contributions and excellence in advertising and marketing for Canadian franchising. The Frankie Awards are part of the Canadian Franchise Association National Convention taking place at the Westin Prince Hotel from May 3 â 5, 2008. Time: 6:30 PM – 10:00 PM Venue: The Westin Prince Hotel Location: 900 York Mills Road, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.cfa.ca/Events/Frankies/For information contact: Judy Lank, Manager of Events & Education Phone: 416-695-2896 x 243 Categories: Awards, Scholarships, Prizes; Marketing, Advertising, Public Relations; Business & Economics |
May 4/2009 to Jun 6/2009 Toronro, ON |
Women's Human Rights Education Institute: Building a Peaceful World in an Era of Globalization The Institute teaches feminist perspectives on world issues such as peace, human rights, global economic, ecological, legal, cultural issues and especially all forms of discrimination against women including the eradication of all violence against women. Time: 10:00 am start Venue: OISE/UT Location: 252 Bloor St. W., Suite 2-225, Toronro, ON Website: http://www.oise.utoronto.ca/cwseFor information contact: Aniska Ali humanrights@oise.utoronto.ca Categories: Women; International; Human Rights, Law, Legal |
May 5/2009 Toronto, ON |
Dr. Ghada Karmi - Medicine, War and Occupation: The Case of Gaza Dr. Ghada Karmi is a well-known physician and author from the U. K. Admission is free
Time: 7pm Venue: University of Toronto-University College Location: 15 King's College Circle University College Rm 161, Toronto, ON Categories: Health/Health Care; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; International
May 5/2009 to May 7/2009 Toronto, ON |
Biennial Trade Show Packex Toronto has grown to become Canada's largest Packaging, Material Handling, and Logistics Trade Show and Conference. Your biggest and best opportunity to meet face to face with the who's who of Canada's best, and brightest names in the $22B Packaging , Material Handling, and Logistics Industry. With even more content , more exhibitors and an innovative new floorplan, the show is better than ever. Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.pac.comCategories: Manufacturing |
May 5/2009 to May 7/2009 Cornwall, ON |
St. Lawrence Seaway - 50 years of benefits and impacts The conference will focus on the issues and challenges associated with the Seaway and its management comparing it to other regulated eco-systems in the world. Location: Cornwall, ON Website: http://www.riverinstitute.caCategories: Environment; Economic Development; Science & Technology |
May 6/2009 Toronto, ON |
"How Will the Economic Crisis Impact Workers Rights?" - Panel Discusion with Michael Parenti, David McNally, and Marco Luciano Michael Parenti is an internationally known award winning author and lecturer. He is a leading progressive poliyical analyst. He is a founding member of the New Socialist Group.
Time: 6:00 - 8:00 pm Venue: Vanier College, York U, Rm. 135 Location: 4700 Keele St., Toronto, ON For information contact: sharmeen.ypirg@gmail.com Sharmeen Khan Categories: Politics & Political Organizations; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Human Rights, Law, Legal
May 6/2009 Burlington, ON |
Branding & Trademarks - Breakfast Meeting On May 6, the topic is Branding and Trade Marks - All you should know with Michelle Ballagh, Lawyer and Trademark Agent. These meetings offer women business owners an opportunity to meet and network in an informal setting, allowing for discussion and support as we share issues and work together to help each other. Sometimes we have a speaker but we also want to rely on the expertise and wisdom within the group. Burlington - Note new location Burlington meetings are held on the first Wednesday of the month, 8.30-10.30 at Cora's Breakfast and Lunch, 2455 Appleby Line, Winners Plaza, Burlington. Cost: $25+ GST Register online at www.companyofwomen.ca or call 905.338.1771 Time: 8:30am - 10:30am Venue: Cora's Breakfast & Lunch Location: 2455 Appleby Line, Winner's Plaza (Highway 5), Burlington, ON Website: http://www.companyofwomen.caFor information contact: anneday@companyofwomen.ca Phone: 905.338.1771 Categories: Business & Economics; Marketing, Advertising, Public Relations; Women |
May 6/2009 Toronto, ON |
Company of Women Toronto Showcase Event & Networking TORONTO SHOWCASE This is an opportunity for Company of Women members in Toronto to showcase their products and services. Both non-members and members are invited to attend this networking event. Join us and over a glass of wine, connect with like-minded women in business. 5.30-7.30pm Cost: Booth - $55 + GST (members only) space is limited, so register early Networking - $35 member/$45 non members + GST, includes wine and light refreshments Register online at www.companyofwomen.ca or call 905.338.1771 Time: 5:30pm-7:30pm Location: 401 Bay Street, 16th Floor, Toronto, ON Website: http:///www.companyofwomen.caFor information contact: Anne Day Phone: 905.338.1771 Categories: Business & Economics; Women; Marketing, Advertising, Public Relations |
May 6/2009 to May 8/2009 Sun Peaks, BC |
BC Association of Broadcasters 2009 Annual COnference REGISTRATION IS OPEN for the BCAB 62nd Annual Conference! Click here to Register Today! Unite and Inspire. The British Columbia Association of Broadcasters represents private television and radio broadcasters with the mandate to combine the resources and strength of our industry in three key areas: to promote and contribute to community enhancing programs throughout our province, to present a unified and credible voice in matters that affect our growing industry, and to provide our members with information and inspiration through our annual BCAB Conference .Along with radio and television broadcasters, the BCAB also includes associate members from the advertising and business community that contribute to our broadcasting industry Location: Sun Peaks, BC Website: http://www.bcab.ca |
May 6/2009 to May 8/2009 Portland, Oregon |
Living Future 09: Cultivating for a Sustainable Built Environment This year's theme is "Cultivating Leadership" with a focus on providing industry leaders and emerging leaders with the skills they need to be effective in the movement to create a truly sustainable built environment. Many keynote speakers, w.r.t. bio-mimicry and conflict resolution. Venue: The Nines Hotel Location: 525 SW Morrison, Portland, Oregon Website: http://www.cascadiagbc.orgFor information contact: Jenny Seifert jenny@cascadiagbc.org Phone: 503-228-5533 Categories: Environment; Skills & Training; Science & Technology |
May 6/2009 to May 9/2009 Toronto, ON |
We're FUNNY That Way Foundation presents: "We're Funny That Way" This is North America's premiere queer comedy festival. Annually, We're Fun Way showcases the most unique comedic talent from Canada and the U.S. Venue: Buddies Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.artsexy.ca/index.cfmCategories: Women; Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual; Human Rights, Law, Legal |
May 7/2009
Capitalism's Prosperity and Poverty - A Discussion with Michael Parenti Parenti will deal with the crisis of the corporate global system of investment, how it undermines democracy and prosperity and fosters poverty and instability. Only strong, popular government ownership can treat the ongoing crisis. Time: 7 pm - 10 pm Venue: OISE Auditorium, U of Toronto Location: 252 Bloor St W. Website: http://opirg@yorku.ca, opirg.toronto@utoronto.caCategories: Business & Economics; Economic Development; Politics & Political Organizations |
May 7/2009 to May 8/2009 San Diego, Calif., USA |
Climate Change and Business: The ROI for Going Green This conference focuses on education through classroom lecture, participant interaction and hands on activity. It combines business knowledge (Rady) with climate research (Scripps). Venue: San Diego Location: San Diego, Calif., USA Website: http://www.rady.ucsd.edu/exec/open/climate changeFor information contact: Lindsay Lackey Phone: 858-822-0537 Categories: Environment; Economic Development; Education |
May 7/2009 to May 8/2009
Mark's Work Wearhouse Ladies Night Shop, save and raise funds for breast cancer research.
Time: 5:00 pm till closing Venue: Mark's Work Wearhouse locations Canadawide Categories: Women; Health/Health Care
May 7/2009 to May 9/2009 Calgary, AB |
Ecology and Professional Helping: International EcoConference, with David Orr, Joanna Macy, Nettie Wiebe The following are the aims of this environmental conference: -share research and effective practices and strategies -enable inspiring and creative dialogues -foster new partnerships Keynote speakers re.: ecological literacy, ecological issues and social empowerment, env. ethics Venue: University of Calgary Location: Calgary, AB Website: http://www.ucalgary.ca/oikos/ecoconferenceCategories: Environment; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Human Rights, Law, Legal |
May 7/2009 to May 9/2009 Ottawa, ON |
Environmental Education conference for elementary and secondary teachers An Environmental Education conference for elementary and secondary teachers. To be environmentally conversant in the classroom. Feature Speaker: Elizabeth May, Leader of Green Party Venue: U of Ontario Inst. of Technology Location: Ottawa, ON Website: http://www.osee.orgCategories: Education; Environment |
May 7/2009 to May 9/2009 Calgary, AB |
International EcoConference International EcoConference: Building Bridges, Crossing Boundaries Important topics: ecological literacy, ecological issues and social empowerment, environmental science and water ecology Important speakers. Venue: University of Calgary Location: Calgary, AB Website: http://www.ucalgary.ca/oikos/eco_conferenceCategories: Environment; Science & Technology; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
May 7/2009 to May 9/2009 Calgary, ON |
International EcoConference, Calgary This event is meant to initiate a serious global dialogue concerning the challenges that we all face given evidence of a global environmental decline. We need to share research and effective practices, creative dialogues and foster new partnerships. Venue: U of Calgary Location: Calgary, Calgary, ON Website: http://www.ucalgary.ca/oikos/eco_conferenceCategories: Environment; Human Rights, Law, Legal; Science & Technology |
May 8/2009 Toronto, ON |
Book Launch with Elizabeth May Elizabeth May is an environmentalist as well as writer, activist, lawyer and leader of the Green Party. Her new book is about the ills that beset our federal politics and the changes that happened over the last three years. She will be interviewd by Alternatives Executive Editor Nicola Ross. Time: 5:30 - 7:00 pm Venue: 215 Spadina Rd (between Dundas and Queen) Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.sustainabilitynetwork.caFor information contact: Luella Sadicon info@sustainabilitynetwork.ca Categories: Politics & Political Organizations; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Journalism, Writing, Literary, Language |
May 8/2009 to May 10/2009 Vanvouver, BC |
EPIC Vancouver - The Vancouver Sun Sustainable Living Expo This is Vancouver's largest green consumer show and ecomarketplace. A plethora of environmentally innovative and friendly products, together with experts and expertise wait for you. Venue: Vancouver Convention and Exhibition Centre Location: 999 Canada Place, Vanvouver, BC Website: http://www.epicvancouver.com |
May 8/2009 to May 18/2009 Penetanguishene, ON |
Twisted Pines Music and Arts Festival Annual film and visual arts festival which celebrates a rural area rich in French, Metis, and marine history. Venue: North Simcoe Sports & Recreation Centre Location: 527 Len Self Boulevard, Penetanguishene, ON Website: http://www.twistedpines.comPhone: (705) 526-9395 Categories: Music; Arts & Culture |
May 9/2009 Chatham-Kent, ON |
Doors Open Chatham-Kent 2009 Doors Open Chatham-Kent 2009
Location: Chatham-Kent, ON Categories: Architecture; Museums
May 9/2009 to May 10/2009 Toronto, ON |
Toronto Comics Arts Festival Featuring over 200 cartoonists. Venue: Toronto Reference Library Location: 789 Yonge Street, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.torontocomics.com/tcafCategories: Arts & Culture; Design; Media, Entertainment, News, Communications |
May 10/2009 to May 14/2009 Montreal, QC |
5th World Environmental Education Congress This conference promotes: -environmental education being good for person and community -social innovation is addressed -environmental education creates public policy Venue: Palais de Congres Location: Montreal, QC Website: http://www.5weec.uqam.caCategories: Environment; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Social Policy |
May 10/2009 to May 14/2009 Montreal, QC |
5th World Environmental Education Congress Objectives: -promote role of environmental education in healthy personal and social living -address socio-ecological issues -emphasize the eco-development of public policy Central theme is the "oikos", or common home aspect of "earth" understanding and living Venue: Palais des Congres Location: Montreal, QC Website: http://www.5weec.uqam.caCategories: Environment; Education; International |
May 10/2009 to May 14/2009 Montreal, QC |
World Environmental Education Congress The Congress will examine contributions that environmental institutions can make towards the development amongst various spheres of understanding at this critical time in Earth's history, when we need to profoundly and urgently realign human endeavour within the capacities, limits, and systems of our home, the "oikos" or "household", the Earth. Venue: Palace de Congres Location: Montreal, QC Website: http://www.5weec.uqam.caCategories: Environment; Social Policy |
May 11/2009 to May 12/2009 Toronto, ON |
Staying Sane When the Economy is Going Crazy - Toronto Breakfast New - starting May 12 - Breakfast meetings will be held 8.30-10.30 in Toronto, at 401 Bay Street, 16th Floor. Topic: Staying Sane when the Economy is going Crazy with Susan Stephenson, psychotherapist.
These meetings offer women business owners an opportunity to meet and network in an informal setting, allowing for discussion and support as we share issues and work together to help each other. Sometimes we have a speaker but we also want to rely on the expertise and wisdom within the group.
Cost: $25 + GST Register online at www.companyofwomen.ca or call 905.338.1771
Time: 8:30am - 10:30am Location: 401 Bay Street, 16th Floor, Toronto, ON For information contact: www.companyofwomen.ca Phone: 905.338.1771 Categories: Business & Economics; Marketing, Advertising, Public Relations; Women
May 11/2009 to May 15/2009
ACHEMA 2009 International Exhibition ACHEMA is the leading and most important event for chemical engineering and the process industries worldwide. It is the place where equipment manufacturers and service providers meet their customers, where major trends become visible and where all important topics in the process industries are addressed. ACHEMA is the innovations' platform and technology summit with worldwide impact, industry forum of leading enterprises, take-off for investment decisions in the process industries, meeting point of experts and executives - national and international - and the only exhibition worldwide for all investment goods of the process industries. Website: http://www.achema.dcCategories: Biotechnology; Environment |
May 13/2009 Vancouver, BC |
2010 National Awards for Excellence Program in mental health and addictions initiatives The National Awards for Excellence was launched in 2006 by the Kaiser Foundation in partnership with the government. It's goal is to recognize outstanding achievement in the field of mental health and addiction. Location: Vancouver, BC Website: http://www.kaiserfoundation.caFor information contact: kaiserassistant@kaiserfoundation.ca Phone: 1-866-926-9766 Categories: Awards, Scholarships, Prizes; Health/Health Care; Disability Issues |
May 13/2009
Marginalized youth and contemporary educational contexts The three main key note discussions will include experts in marginalized youth culture, education as it relates to the lives of young people.The symposium will be hosted by Dr. Kate Tilleczek of Hospital for Sick Children.
Time: 4:45 am - 5:00 pm Venue: MaRS Discovery District Location: 101 College St. Categories: Children & Youth; Health/Health Care; Social Services
May 13/2009 Victoria, BC |
The New Narrative: Local Voices for a Global Future The Global Oneness Project presents a series of free films recognizing the role of local communities in global change. This is an exercise in interchange of ideas, fostering of relationships and strengthening of ties. Time: 5:30 - 9:30 pm Venue: Victoria Event Centre Location: 1415 Broad Str., Victoria, BC Website: http://www. globalonenessproject.org/eventsFor information contact: MichelleMoore Categories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Social Policy; International |
May 13/2009 Toronto, ON |
Toronto Small Press Book Fair Books, chapbooks, graphic novels, audio-books, magazines and comics, readings by Toronto authors. Featuring Irish author Kieran Furey and The History House, poems based on Irish Famine.
Time: 9 am - 5 pm Venue: Toronto Reference Library Location: 789 Yonge St., Toronto, ON For information contact: VeronicaGarza Flores, torontosmallpressfairgroup.com Categories: Information, Libraries, Research; Journalism, Writing, Literary, Language; International
May 13/2009 to May 15/2009 Sackville, NB |
Putting science into action: Equity from the start through early child development The Council for Early Child Development's national conference brings together national and in ternational experts to discuss the connections between science, policy and practice in early child development. Venue: Mount Allion Univ. Location: Sackville, NB Website: http://www.cecd_generalFor information contact: www.cecd_general@councilecd.ca Categories: Education; Children & Youth; International |
May 14/2009 to May 24/2009 Toronto, ON |
Inside Out Toronto Lesbian and Gay Film and Video Festival The 20th annual celebration of Canadian and international queer cinema includes Oliver Ducastel and Jacques "Martineau's Ne's en 68" (Born in 68) and Christina Clausen's "The Universe of Keith Haring" in its France spotlight. Venue: various Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.insideout.on.caCategories: Arts & Culture; Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual |
May 15/2009 Toronto, ON |
Bhopal Survivors Tour 2009 The Union Carbide Chemical Disaster in Bhopal India has killed more than 2300 people. Two senior activists Rachna Dingra and Satinath Sarangi are working around the world for justice and a life of improved health for the survivors. Time: 7:00 pm Venue: Friends House Location: 60 Lowther Ave., Toronto, ON Website: http://www.bhopal.netFor information contact: Reena Shadaan shadaan@hotmail.com Categories: Environment; Disability Issues; Human Rights, Law, Legal |
May 15/2009 to May 17/2009 Munich, Germany |
Boundcon VI Annual European fetish convention and trade show featuring live performances by bondage models and bondage riggers, exhibition of BDSM literature and video suppliers, and a VIP area. Venue: Zenith Convention Centre Location: Lilienthalallee, Munich, Germany Website: http://www.boundcon.com/Categories: Sexuality |
May 15/2009 to May 17/2009 Varna Bulgaria |
European Federation of Journalists Annual Meeting in Bulgaria: Managing Change THE EFJ will tackle the media crisis and changes in journalism at this yearâs Annual Meeting to take place in Varna (Bulgaria) on 15-17 May. Some distinguished editorsâ in chief are invited to a panel to discuss new models for journalism and media. Working groups will help delegates to focus on themes including role of unions to shape future; quality and diversity and the newsroom of the future. Location: Varna Bulgaria Website: http://europe.ifj.orgCategories: Journalism, Writing, Literary, Language; Media, Entertainment, News, Communications |
May 15/2009 to May 17/2009 Banff, AB |
Leading for the Great Turning with Eco-philosopher Joanna Macy PhD Author, activist and eco-philosopher Joanna Macy is a student of Buddhism, she is a leading voice in movements of peace, justice and environmental integrity. This isaLeadersip Learning Lab Workshop. Time: 9 am - 5pm (16th, 17th) Location: Banff, AB Website: http://www.lovingtheland.comFor information contact: Julia Lynx Phone: 403-609-7231 Categories: Environment; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Education |
May 16/2009 to May 17/2009 Montreal, QC |
Annual Anarchist Book Fair Montreal's 10th Anarchist Bookfair
Venue: at the CEDA Location: 2515 Delisle, closeto Lionel-Groulx metro, Montreal, QC Categories: Journalism, Writing, Literary, Language; Media, Entertainment, News, Communications; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
May 16/2009 to May 17/2009 2515 Delisle, QC |
Montreal's 10th Annual Anarchist Bookfair Part of the month-long Festival of Anarchy, throughout the month of May 2009 at venues and locations all over the island of Montreal. The Montreal Anarchist Bookfair -- and month-long Festival of Anarchy --brings together anarchist ideas and practice, through words, images, music, theatre and day-to-day struggles for justice, dignity and collective liberation. The Bookfair is as much for people who don't necessarily consider themselves anarchists, but are curious about anarchism, as it is a space for anarchists to meet, network and share in a spirit of respect and solidarity. All are welcome. Location: CEDA, 2515 Delisle, QC Website: http://www.anarchistbookfair.caCategories: Arts & Culture; Journalism, Writing, Literary, Language; Hobbies |
May 16/2009 to May 31/2009 Toronto, ON |
Beautiful Destruction - Alberta Tar Sands Aerial Photo Exhibition Photo Exhibition Venue: Koma Designs Location: 1239 Queen Street West, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.beautifuldestruction.caFor information contact: loushelbig@egamiimage.ca Phone: 613-263-0264 Categories: Environment; Mining & Petroleum; Business & Economics |
May 19/2009 Oakville, ON |
Making the Pitch! Hear from a Panel of 3 Top Entrepreneurs who pitched on the Dragon's Den Several members of Company of Women have made their pitch on Dragon's Den and Fortune Hunters. Hear more about their experiences - what worked and what they would do differently next time. Julie Arora is the founder of Mom's Healthy Secrets, an award-winning, locally based health food company. Julie has built Mom's Healthy Secrets into a nationally distributed brand of breakfast cereal. She was featured in CBC's Fortune Hunters in 2008 and 2009, and been recognized as one of the Top 10 Innovators of 2008 by Food in Canada magazine. Janet Cockburn of Janac Sports, was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 43. Always physically active, she found it impossible to find a good sports bra after her surgery - which inspired her to create Been-a-Boob and the Janac sports bra. In November, 2007 she appeared on Dragon's Den and successfully recruited two dragons to invest in her business. It was when Marissa McTasney of Moxie Trades was taking a skilled trades course that she realized there was no equipment especially designed for women. She now manufactures hard hats, tool belts and work boots for women which are available at Zellers, Home Depot and other retail stores. She appeared on Dragon's Den in 2008, turned down the offers made on the show, and went on to negotiate with one of the dragons. Our moderator for the evening will be Liz Radzick of Manifest Consulting. 5.30-6.30pm Cash bar and networking 6.30-8.00 - Dinner* 8.00-9.00 Panel Presentation *Note new start time for dinner Cost: $45 members/$55 non-members + GST (includes three-course dinner) Prepayment required. VISA and Mastercard accepted. Register online at www.companyofwomen.ca or call 905.338.1771 Time: 5:30pm - 9pm Venue: Oakville Conference and Banquet Centre, Location: 2515 Wyecroft Road, Oakville, ON Website: http://www.companyofwomen.caFor information contact: Anne Day Phone: 905-338-1771 Categories: Business & Economics; Marketing, Advertising, Public Relations; Women |
May 19/2009 to May 22/2009 Calgary, AB |
Canadian Social Forum As wemove from almost two decades of economic prosperity in Canada to this unprecedented economic downturn, social challenges are compounded. Despite resources, innovation, energy and commitment, poverty persists. Clearly it is time for a rethink.
Venue: TELUS Convention Centre Location: 120 Ninth Avenue Str., Calgary, AB Categories: Education; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Social Services
May 20/2009
2009 MS Research Teleconference The Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada is proud to announce the seventh annual MS Research Teleconference on Wednesday, May 20th, from 6 to 8 p.m., Eastern Time. This year's guest speaker will be Dr. Peter Rieckmann, MS Society of Canada Research Chair at the University of British Columbia (UBC) in Vancouver. Dr. Rieckmann's major research interests are disease modifying factors and development of new therapeutic strategies to enhance tissue repair in multiple sclerosis. His clinical goals include enhancing awareness and education about MS, developing new sensitive clinical scales as well as effective and properly resourced services for MS outpatient care leading to more customized treatments for patients. Based on his initiative, MS researchers in British Columbia and Saskatchewan are joining forces to form the Western Pacific Regional Research and Training Center to endMS. The teleconference follows a talk-show format. Questions can be asked of Dr. Rieckmann about all aspects of MS research. This is your chance to hear the latest on MS research as well as to have general questions answered by one of Canada 32s leading neurologists. Visit www.mssociety.ca for more details and registration. Time: 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm Eastern Time Website: http://www.mssociety.caFor information contact: Claudette Villena Phone: 416-922-6600 x2217 Categories: Health/Health Care |
May 20/2009 Halifax, ON |
Driving the economy with renewable energy and policy that works Free public talk by Dr. Christine Woerlen, former head of the German Renewable Energy Agency, now a consultant with governments around the world. 250,000 green jobs have been created so far across Germany.
Time: 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm Venue: Weldon Law Bldg., Dalhousie U. Location: 6061 University Ave., Halifax, ON For information contact: lindakseven@gmail.com Categories: Environment; Business & Economics; Manufacturing
May 20/2009 Cambridge, ON |
Making it in a Man's World - How to Succeed in a Male-dominated Industry Working in a male-dominated industry is not always easy, to succeed in this marketplace speaks to the tenacity, professionalism and persistence of our guest speakers. Join us and learn more as our panel shares their stories. Carol Leaman is the CEO of AideRSS Inc, a Waterloo-based, early stage Web 2.0 company that uses social engagement to measure and derive information about what people are publishing and reading on the web. An accountant by profession, Carol left public accounting in 1994 to join Electrohome Limited where she raised over $100M in capital and participated in a steady stream of merger and acquisition activity. Later as CEO pf RSS Solutions, she effected a turnaround and sold the company. Carol was the first Executive in Residence at the Communitech Technology Association. She continues to advise early stage companies in her spare time, and sits on eight boards â from non-profit to technology. Amy Schlueter is a proud 3rd generation automobile dealer from Waterloo. She is Vice President of the Schlueter Automotive Group and recently recognized as one of the Top 100 Women Entrepreneurs by Profit Magazine. Following university, Amy entered the family business, but her path to her current position was derailed in 1999 when she was diagnosed with kidney disease. Thanks to receiving a kidney transplant from her sister, Amy has been able to resume a "normal life." In 2008, Amy was the first woman to be voted as President of the Ontario Chevrolet Regional Marketing Advisory Board, and she is actively involved with the Kidney Foundation and Grand River Hospital Foundation. Based in Cambridge, Lori Van Opstal is a Native business owner and a designated staffing industry professional. She is the founder of Your Advantage Staffing Consultants Inc , a niche market staffing agency that supports the trucking industry. She has been named nine consecutive years to PROFIT magazine's Top 100 Women Entrepreneurs. In May 2008, Lori was honoured by the YWCA when she was named Woman of Distinction for Business, Trades, Professions and Entrepreneurs. Lori is a descendant of the Mohawk tribe of Kahnawa:ke and is a member of the Canadian Aboriginal and Minority Supplier Council and Native American Business Alliance. Our moderator is Bernadeen McLeod of ActionCOACH Business Coaching. 5.30-6.30pm Cash Bar and Networking 6.30-8.00 Dinner 8.00-9.00 Panel Discussion Cost: $30 - member/$35 non-member + GST VISA and Mastercard accepted. Register online at www.companyofwomen.ca or call 905.338.1771 Time: 5:30pm - 9pm Venue: Cambridge Hotel and Conference Centre Location: 700 Hespeler Road, Cambridge, ON Website: http:///www.companyofwomen.caFor information contact: Anne Day Phone: 905-338-1771 Categories: Business & Economics; Marketing, Advertising, Public Relations; Women |
May 21/2009 Toronto, ON |
Bessie Awards The New York Dance and Performance Awards, informally known as the Bessie Awards in honor of Bessie Schonberg, are awarded annually for innovative achievement in dance and related performances, particularly so-called "downtown" performances. Venue: Royal York Hotel Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.thebessies.ca |
May 21/2009 Toronto, ON |
Community Cinema Circle: Vitya The Recycling Man and/or Greening of Southie and /or... Meet Vitya, the recycling man: have you ever wondered how people in other countries participate in the recycling in rural India; meet Vitya who lives off the grid and uses a bicycle to make collections.
Time: 6:30 - 8:30 pm Venue: Aangen Community Centre Location: 868 Dovercourt Road, Toronto, ON For information contact: Gurbeen Bhasin info@aangen.com Phone: 416- 519- 9800 Categories: Environment; Arts & Culture; International
May 21/2009 to May 23/2009 Richmond, BC |
ECEBC's 38th annual conference: Leadership, innovation and inspiration Program will include celebration of ECEBC's 40th anniversary as the provincial organization for early childhood educators in BC.
Time: All day events Venue: Best Western Hotel Location: Richmond, BC For information contact: conference.ecebc@look.ca Categories: Children & Youth; Health/Health Care; Education
May 22/2009
International Biodiversity Day 2009 Schools and organizations join the Green Wave International Biodiversity Day treeplanting project. This year's theme: Invasive Alien Species. Venue: World-wide Website: http://www.cbin.ec.gc.caFor information contact: DianneWatkins Phone: 905-336-4411 Categories: Environment; International; Nature & Outdoors |
May 22/2009 Montreal, QC |
National Newspaper Awards 60th Awards Gala The country's top prizes for journalism will be handed out during the 60th National Newspaper Awards ceremony in Montreal. The National Newspaper Awards gala will conclude three days of newspaper-related events, including the Canadian Newspaper Association's annual Conference. Tickets are $180 each, plus GST ($189). Tables of 10 can be purchased for $1,800, plus 5% GST ($1,890). To reserve, contact Bryan Cantley, NNA Secretary, at 416-575-5377 (bcantley@cna-acj.ca), or Lee White, NNA Administrative Assistant, at 416-923-3567, ext. 228 (nna@cna-acj.ca). Time: 5:00 Venue: Le Centre Sheraton Hotel Location: Montreal, QC Website: http://www.cna-acj.caFor information contact: Bryan Cantley Phone: NNA Secretary Categories: Journalism, Writing, Literary, Language; Awards, Scholarships, Prizes; Media, Entertainment, News, Communications |
May 22/2009 to May 24/2009 Vancouver, BC |
Canadian Association of Journalists Conference The must-attend journalism knowledge, training and networking event of the year. Along with riveting speakers who have compelling stories to share, the CAJ's annual conference and awards gala will feature panels that address key issues facing journalists and advanced workshops that teach crucial skills in this changing environment.
Venue: Hyatt Regency Hotel Location: Vancouver, BC Phone: 613-526-8061 Categories: Journalism, Writing, Literary, Language; Media, Entertainment, News, Communications
May 22/2009 to Sep 4/2009 Toronto, ON |
Calvin by the Book: A Literary Commemoration of the 500th Anniversary of the Birth of John Calvin John Calvin was a man of the book in every possible sense. First, he lived his life in an uncompromising manner by the Book, and enjoyed an intimacy with those sacred texts that affected all of his private and public endeavours. Second, he was a humanist and scholar who, living through the birth of modernity, not only depended on the printed word to inform his ideas, but also used the opportunities presented by the invention of the printing press to disseminate his thoughts and reflections to a world that was primed for change. Third, he helped to shape the history of the book itself. He can, in no small way, be credited with popularizing the vernacular, and differentiating between genres of literature, some of which were intended for public reading and others for private, silent enjoyment. Of all of the sheets of print produced by individual writers in the period from 1541 to 1565, Calvin is responsible for an astonishing 42% of the total; even the Bible only accounts for 14% of total print output during this era. Thus, his life and legacy can be told through books, as this exhibition demonstrates. Books shaped him and his age, and in the end he and his followers used the medium of print to bring about one of the greatest revolutions the world has ever known. Time: Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Venue: Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.utoronto.caCategories: Arts & Culture |
May 23/2009 Brockville-Thousand Islands, ON |
Doors Open Brockville-Thousand Islands 2009 Doors Open Brockville-Thousand Islands 2009
Location: Brockville-Thousand Islands, ON Categories: Architecture; Museums
May 23/2009 Oxford, ON |
Doors Open Oxford 2009 Doors Open Oxford 2009
Location: Oxford, ON Categories: Architecture; Museums
May 23/2009 St.Marys, ON |
Doors Open St.Marys 2009 Doors Open St.Marys 2009
Location: St.Marys, ON Categories: Museums; Architecture
May 23/2009 Ottawa, ON |
Electric Vehicle Expo 2009 - EV Expo 2009 EV Expo 2009 Time: 11:00 am - 4:00 pm Venue: Museum of Science & Technology Location: 1867 St. Laurant Blvd., Ottawa, ON Website: http://www.evco.caCategories: Environment; Automotive & Cars; International |
May 23/2009 Toronto, ON |
North York Emvironmental Strategy Session Meeting and networking with other community groups and residents in the area to work on green projects.
Time: 10:00 am - 4:00 pm Venue: North Toronto Memorial Community Centre Location: 200 Eglinton Ave. West, North York, Toronto, ON For information contact: minaz@torontogreen.ca Categories: Environment; Design; Science & Technology
May 23/2009 Toronto, ON |
The Toronto Institute for Contemporary Psychoanalysis Presents Dr. S. Seligman: Attachment, Intersubjectivity andDevelopmental Implications This program will use the emotionally rich world of infant parent interaction to show how the emerging concepts of intersubjectivity, attachment and mentalization, can enhance clinical work. Time: 9:00 am - 4:00 p.m. Venue: G. Ignatieff Theatre Location: 15Devonshire Place, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.ticp.on.caFor information contact: Neomi Offman neomi@rogers.com Phone: 416-288-8060 Categories: Children & Youth; Education; Health/Health Care |
May 23/2009 to May 24/2009 Norfolk Country, ON |
Doors Open Norfolk Country 2009 Doors Open Norfolk Country 2009
Location: Norfolk Country, ON Categories: Architecture; Museums
May 23/2009 to May 24/2009 Orillia, ON |
Doors Open Orillia 2009 Doors Open Orillia 2009
Location: Orillia, ON Categories: Architecture; Museums
May 23/2009 to May 24/2009 Toronto, ON |
Doors Open Toronto 2009 Doors Open Toronto 2009
Location: Toronto, ON Categories: Architecture; Museums
May 23/2009 to May 24/2009 Ottawa, ON |
Energy Days An extravaganza of alternative energy! Tour the museum and explore the science of solar, wind, and other alternative power at our activity stations and become inspired to reduce your own environmental footprint. On Saturday, speak to members of the Electric Vehicle Council of Ottawa who will be on hand to display a range of electric and human powered vehicles. Time: 10:00 to 4:00 Venue: Canada Science and Technology Museum Location: 1867 St. Laurent Blvd, Ottawa, ON Website: http://www.sciencetech.technomuses.caFor information contact: Visitors Services Phone: 613-991-3044 Categories: Environment; Museums; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
May 23/2009 to May 29/2009
Annual Conference The CRPA is glad to announce that its next annual conference will be held in cooperation with Campus Radiation Safety Officers Conference (CRSO) in Montreal.The conference will review all aspects of Radiation Safety. In relation with the conference theme, all human factors related to the performances will be discussed. A parallel program focusing on Campus Radiation Safety will be organized. Simultaneous translation will be offered for all plenary sessions. A premiere, this year, interested participant will have an opportunity to participate in a preparatory training course for the CRPA registration exam (CRPA (R)) to be given on the Friday of the conference. Website: http://www.crpa-acrp.caCategories: Environment; Labour, Workplace, Unions |
May 24/2009 to May 27/2009 Toronto, ON |
Annual Meeting: Geological Association of Canada The 2009 Joint Assembly is being held 24 1327 May 2009 at the Toronto Convention Centre, located at 255 Front Street West, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Venue: Toronto Convention Centre Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.jointassembly2009.ca/welcome_english.htmlFor information contact: gac@esd.mun.ca Categories: Environment; Science & Technology |
May 25/2009 Ottawa, ON |
Award of Excellence for Comptrollership in the Public Sector An award ceremony hosted by The Society of Management Accountants of Canada (CMA Canada) and the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountability (CIPFA), to honour the recipient(s) of the inaugural Award of Excellence for Comptrollership in the Public Sector. The first of its kind in Canada, this prestigious award recognizes the success of federal public servants who have made a significant contribution to financial management and/or comptrollership within the Government of Canada. Finalists have been selected from the following departments/agencies within the Government of Canada: Public Service Commission; Department of Finance; Service Canada; Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission; Indian and Northern Affairs Canada; and Canada Revenue Agency. The recipient(s) will be announced during the ceremony and will be honoured with an award, as well as a $1,000 contribution to a registered charity or scholarship fund of their choice. In addition, Rear Admiral Bryn Weadon from the Department of National Defence will be honoured for his leadership and contribution to financial management within the Government of Canada at the ceremony. Time: 6:00 p.m. Reception / 7:00 p.m. Dinner and Award Ceremony Venue: Fairmont Châ;teau Laurier Location: 1 Rideau Street, Ottawa, ON Website: http://www.comptrollershipaward.comFor information contact: Cindy Mantione Phone: 1-800-263-7622 ext. 3116 Categories: Awards, Scholarships, Prizes; Government & Public Sector; Investment, Finance, Insurance |
May 26/2009 Ottawa, ON |
Café scientifique: Pandemics - What's the panic? Examine the reality of the H1N1 virus, past epidemics, and the ways the public and governments reacts in times of crisis. With guest speakers Dr. Nadine Sicard, Associate Medical Office of Health with Ottawa Public Health and Raymond Murphy Emeritus Professor with the Department of Sociology and Anthropology, University of Ottawa. Time: 6:00 p.m. Venue: Fox and Feather Pub Location: 283 Elgin Street, Ottawa, Ottawa, ON Website: http://sciencetech.technomuses.caFor information contact: Jason Armstrong Phone: 613-990-8659 Categories: Science & Technology; Health/Health Care; Politics & Political Organizations |
May 26/2009 Toronto, ON |
Investing in Water - Workshop/Conference Canada is estimated to have 20% of earth's drinking water but UN report states that due to overpopulation, global water supplies are dwindling. This workshop will have experts address issues such as freshwater scarcity and security, political and human rights implications, etc.
Time: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Venue: The Faculty Club Location: 41 Willcocks Street, Toronto, ON For information contact: Donna Workman d.workman@utoronto,ca Phone: 416-978-7077 Categories: Environment; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Human Rights, Law, Legal
May 26/2009 Munich |
The Solar Future The world's biggest solar cell manufacturers compare notes in a year (2008) which saw 70% growth in the industry and even the present economic slump will only act to render PV products to be less expensive and even more popular. Venue: Kempinsky 4 Hotel Location: Munich Website: http://www.solarplaza.comFor information contact: Johan Trip j.trip@solarplaza.com Phone: +31 10 280 9198 Categories: Environment; Science & Technology; International |
May 27/2009 Toronto, ON |
Eco-Friendly Entrepreneurs Revolutionizing Business Practices As a part of Entrepreneur Month, on May 27th Company of Women is hosting an Eco-Friendly Business Panel, an evening event at the Verity Club in Toronto featuring three young women eco-entrepreneurs who have chosen to run ecologically sound businesses. The evening will consist of networking opportunities, a cash bar, dinner and the presentations by our three guest speakers from 5:30-9p.m. Tickets are $65 plus GST. Visit www.companyofwomen.ca to register, or to learn more about Company of Women. Time: 5:30 - 9:00 p.m. Venue: Verity Club Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.companyofwomen.caFor information contact: Anne Day Phone: 905-338-1771 Categories: Environment; Women; Business & Economics |
May 27/2009 Vancouver, BC |
Panel: Where's the money in the media? At this critical time when the new media environment is being molded, this panel will discuss proposed corporate media bailouts, cuts to the public broadcaster and exciting alternative models for media. Venue: VIVO Media Arts Centre Location: 1965 Main Str., Vancouver, BC Website: http://moneymedia.eventbrite.comCategories: Communications Industry & Technology; Economic Development; Media, Entertainment, News, Communications |
May 27/2009 Toronto, ON |
Tony Burman: The case for Al Jazeera in Canada Tony Burman joined Al Jazeera as Managing Director in May 2008, where he oversees an international news and current affairs channel that reaches more than 100 countries. He will discuss Al Jazeera's application to the CRTC to broadcast in Canada. Time: 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm Venue: Bahen Centre, Rm. 1160 Location: 40 St. George Str., Toronto, ON Website: http://www.cjpme.orgFor information contact: wendy.ganz@gmail.com Categories: Communications Industry & Technology; Education; International |
May 27/2009 to May 28/2009 Halifax, NS |
Renewable Energy Conference Renewable Energy Conference. For details call Catherine Dennison, 902-237-7010
Venue: Westin Nova Scotian Hotel Location: Halifax, Halifax, NS For information contact: catherine@energyconsultant.ca Categories: Environment; Biotechnology; Science & Technology
May 27/2009 to May 31/2009 Toronto, ON |
The National Ballet of Canada Giselle combines great emotional and technical intensity to bring to life a romantic tragedy of supernatural proportions. It is the last chance to see Dancer Chan Hon Goh who will retire after thiese performances.
Venue: The Four Seasons Centre Location: 145 Queen St. W., Toronto, ON For information contact: tyeung@national.ballet.ca Categories: Arts & Culture; Education; Skills & Training
May 28/2009 Ottawa, ON |
Roundtable: Against and beyond neo-liberalism -- new challenges for political economy. This panel will discuss the present trend to manage the political economy using neo-liberal type solutions.
Time: 10:45 am - 12:15 pm Venue: Carleton University, Mackenzie Bldg. Location: 1125 Colonel Bye Dr., Ottawa, ON Categories: Marketing, Advertising, Public Relations; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Politics & Political Organizations
May 28/2009 Winnipeg, MB |
Where the rivers meet: Raising the level in early childhood education Manitoba Child Care Association's 32nd annual conference, in association with the Canadian Child Care Federation.
Keynote speakers include: -David Elkind -Dr. Debra Sullivan -Adel Adams
Time: All day events Venue: Victoria Inn Location: Winnipeg, MB For information contact: Karen Gander Phone: 204-588-8587 ext.24 Categories: Children & Youth; Education; Health/Health Care
May 28/2009 to May 31/2009 Montreal, QC |
2009 PACT Conference &AGM PACT Conference and AGM is the single most important professional development event for theatre professionals in Canada. It is a unique opportunity for delegates from across the country to share ideas, concerns, gain member knowledge and improve skills. The Conference also offers forums on issues in theatre creation and management. Venue: Centaur Theatre Location: Montreal, QC Website: http://www.pact.caFor information contact: Clelia Phone: 416.595.6455 Categories: Performing Arts |
May 29/2009 Toronto, ON |
Rally: outside George Bush speaking engagement: War criminals not welcome here! Across the street from the Metro Toronto Convention Centre; Bush and Clinton will be inside the convention centre. Bush is guilty of starting an illegal war in Iraq and a torture centre in Quantanamo Bay.
Time: 3:00 pm - 6 pm Venue: Simcoe Park Location: Across from Convention Centre, Toronto, ON For information contact: info@nowar.ca Categories: Media, Entertainment, News, Communications; Politics & Political Organizations; International
May 30/2009 Markham, ON |
2009 Spring Conference, Association of Day Care Operators Spring conference and trade show aimed at the owners and managers of licensed child care centres and their staff teams. Features seminars on a variety of topics, including early identification and inclusive teaching; reducing exposure to environmental toxins; employment contracts; team building; conflict resolution and much more. Luncheon Keynote by Joe Rich, Relationship Therapist from City TV's CityLine.
Time: 8:30 am to 4:00 pm Venue: Delta Markham Hotel & Conference Centre Location: 50 East Valhalla Drive, Markham, ON Categories: Children & Youth
May 30/2009 Saskatoon, SK |
Can-Fit-Pro Group Fitness and Personal Training One-Day Conference in Saskatoon Can-Fit-Proâs annual Group Fitness and Personal Training One-Day Conference returns to Saskatoon, SK on May 30, 2009! Located at the YMCA of Saskatoon, fitness professionals will gather to learn from some of the worldâs best presenters, where they will also have tons of networking opportunities. Venue: YMCA Location: #25-22nd Street East, Saskatoon, SK Website: http://www.canfitpro.comFor information contact: conferences@canfitpro.com or media@canfitpro.com Categories: Education; Health/Health Care; Skills & Training |
May 31/2009 St. Clements,, ON |
Citizens for Renewable Energy Workshop and Annual General Energy Citizens for Renewable Energy, Renewable is Doable
Venue: YMCA Outdoor Centre Location: Paradise Lake, 3738 Hessen Strasse, St. Clements,, ON Phone: 519-795-7725 Categories: Environment; Education; Science & Technology
May 31/2009 St. Clements, ON |
Citizens For Renewable Energy - Renewable is Doable Renewable is Doable: an overview by Cerise Burda of the Pembina Inst. followed by off-grid hybrid systems, off-grid solar and wind systems, solar off-grid straw-bale home, etc.
Time: 9:00 am - 17:00 pm Venue: YMCA Outdoor Centre Location: 3738 Hessen Strasse (Paradise Lake), St. Clements, ON Phone: 519-795-7725 Categories: Environment; Science & Technology; Education
May 31/2009 Toronto, ON |
Help Support Girls on the Run, GTA Girls on the Run GTA has been providing GTA girls with the skills that they need to ultimately affect their self esteem, their self-worth and their outlook on the world for five years. This is a non-competitive 5K walk/run event. Time: 9:01 am Venue: Downsview Park Location: 35 Carl Hall Road/Sheppard Ave., Toronto, ON Website: http://www.girlsontherunFor information contact: info@girlsontherun.ca Phone: 416-798-8836 Categories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Women; Education |
May 31/2009 to Jun 1/2009
Biomass Conference The following key questions will be asked from participant decision makers: -how much biomass is out there? -how much will biomass cost? -how far can bioenergy take us? -how will bioenergy be developed? Venue: Sustainable Bioeconomy Centre Website: http://www.queensu.ca/qieepFor information contact: registration@cogeco.ca Lisa Doulas Phone: 613-539-2482 Categories: Environment; Science & Technology; Economic Development |
May 31/2009 to Jun 3/2009 Vancouver, BC |
Hydrogen + Fuel Cells 2009: International Conference and Trade Show An extensive trade show and exhibition showcasing the very latest in hydrogen and fuel cell technology. HFC2009 will also feature the first of BC Transit's 20 new hydrogen fuel cell buses. Venue: Vancouver Location: Vancouver, BC Website: http://www.hfc2009.comFor information contact: info@hfc2009.com Categories: Environment; Science & Technology; Transportation & Travel |
May 31/2009 to Jun 3/2009 Vancouver, BC |
Hydrogen + Fuel Cells 2009; International Conferenceand Trade Show This event brings together global leaders in business, government and the scientific community to showcase the very latest in hydrogen and fuel cell technology. It will feature BC Transit's 20 new fuel cell buses that will constitute the largest fuel cell bus fleet in the world. Venue: Vancouver Convention & Exhibition Centre Location: Vancouver, Vancouver, BC Website: http://www.hfc2009.comFor information contact: info@HFC2009.com Categories: Environment; Science & Technology |
May 31/2009 to Jul 31/2009 BC |
Riding to Break the Cycle 2009 Want to make a positive impact on the world? Interested in cycling the Pacific Coast or Europe? Join one of the two 2009 tours where teams of 25 young people pedal from either Vancouver, B.C. to Tijuana, Mexico OR Amsterdam, Netherlands to Istanbul, Turkey to raise funds and awareness about how microcredit can help developing world entrepreneurs lift THEMSELVES out of poverty. Two 2009 tours: 22 Pacific Coast: cycle 3000km in seven weeks this summer, beginning May 31, 2009 from Vancouver, BC to Tijuana, Mexico 22 Europe: cycle 4000km in eight weeks, beginning July 1, 2009 from Amsterdam, Netherlands to Istanbul, Turkey Youth ages 18-30 Location: Pacific Coast or Europe, BC Website: http://www.globalafc.orgFor information contact: info@globalafc.org Categories: Children & Youth; Sports & Games |
Jun 3/2009 Montreal, QC |
English Language- Awards of Excellence For 35 years now, the Alliance for Children and Television has been recognizing the importance of quality television for Canadian kids. At its annual Awards of Excellence gala, ACT celebrates the outstanding achievements that have made Canada a world leader in the production and delivery of television for young viewers. Location: 1400, René;-Lé;vesque Blvd. East, #707, Montreal, QC Website: http://www.act-aet.tvFor information contact: Sylvie Lamy Phone: 514-597-6809 Categories: Arts & Culture |
Jun 3/2009 to Jun 5/2009 Toronto, ON |
Our World at War International Committee of Red Cross presents international photo exhibit relating to violence and suffering caused by war. Included are world famous, prize-winning photos about war victims.
Time: 5:36 pm (June3) - 5:36 pm (June5) Venue: Hilton Toronto, Gov. General Room Location: 145 Richmond St. W., Toronto, ON For information contact: jennifer.mayville@redcros.ca Phone: 416-480-0195 x2253 Categories: Arts & Culture; Awards, Scholarships, Prizes; Military
Jun 4/2009 Toronto, ON |
Silence Tastes Bad - Put Free Speech on the Menu: Toronto Artists Protest Koffler Fundraiser Artists and supporters speak out for freedom of association at the launch of the Koffler Gallery fundraiser, ARTFUL DISH, Thursday, June 4, 10 AM at The Four Seasons Hotel, 21 Avenue Road. This protest will be held outside the hotel, at Avenue Road and Cumberland. As this gala with "world class cultural luminaries" and "leading chefs" is announced, artists will don chef's hats, take up utensils and declare, "Silence Tastes Bad", "Occupation is Unsavoury", and "Put Human Rights on the Menu." This action responds to the Koffler Gallery's eleventh hour "disassociation" from Reena Katz' relational art project, each hand as they are called, which was to be presented as part of the Luminato festival May 20. After a year of active collaboration and sponsorship, the Koffler widely circulated a letter days before the show was to open, saying that they are disassociating from Katz' project due to her support of Israeli Apartheid Week. Koffler erroneously claimed that the artist "advocates the extinction of Israel as a Jewish state." Each hand as they are called has no relation to Israel/Palestine. Katz and curator Kim Simon have been forced to suspend the project. "The Koffler's withdrawal was not based on Katz's artwork or conduct in relation to the project, but solely because of the artist's support for the human rights of Palestinians. This constitutes a serious attack on freedom of speech and political affiliation, and if unchallenged poses grave threats to all artists.
Time: 10:00 am Venue: outside the Four Seasons Hotel Location: 21 Avenue Road, Avenue Road & Cumberland, Toronto, ON For information contact: Jess Dobkin Phone: 416-666-6220 Categories: Arts & Culture; Food & Beverage; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
Jun 4/2009 Toronto, ON |
Summer Institute on Early Childhood Development This year's topic will examine parent involvement research that demonstrates that the most effective time to engage parents in their children's early education and development is when they are young.
Venue: OISE, U of Toronto Location: 252 Bloor St. W., Toronto, ON For information contact: institute@georgebrown.ca Phone: 416-415-5000 ext 2310 Categories: Children & Youth; Health/Health Care; Education
Jun 4/2009 to Jun 5/2009 Stockholm, Europe |
Globe Forum 2009 A two day conference and networking event is the marketplace of innovation and business development where investors, corporate leaders and entrepreneurs, also government meet to develop sustainable business. Venue: Stockholm, Denmark Location: Stockholm, Europe Website: http://www.globeforum.comCategories: Environment; Science & Technology; Economic Development |
Jun 5/2009 to Jun 7/2009 Brisbane City, Australia |
Australia Greenfest Greenfest will have 200 exhibitors, 50 live music acts, speakers, interactive art etc. The festival supports low carbon economy by supporting creativity in industry andthe arts. Venue: Brisbane City Botanic Gardens Location: Queensland, Brisbane City, Australia Website: http://www.greenfest.com.auFor information contact: info@greenfest.com.au Categories: Environment; Science & Technology; Arts & Culture |
Jun 5/2009 to Jun 8/2009 Whistler, BC |
Annual Conference and Municipal Expo Whistler The largest annual gathering of senior municipal officials from across Canada.
Venue: TELUS Whistler Convention Centre Location: 4010 Whistler Way, Whistler, BC For information contact: register@fcm.ca
Jun 6/2009 Whitchurch-Stouffville, ON |
Doors Open Whitchurch-Stouffville 2009 Doors Open Whitchurch-Stouffville 2009
Location: Whitchurch-Stouffville, ON Categories: Architecture; Museums
Jun 6/2009 to Jun 7/2009 Huronia, ON |
Doors Open Huronia 2009 Doors Open Huronia 2009
Location: Huronia, ON Categories: Architecture; Museums
Jun 6/2009 to Jun 7/2009 Ottawa, ON |
Doors Open Ottawa 2009 Doors Open Ottawa 2009
Location: Ottawa, ON Categories: Architecture; Museums
Jun 6/2009 to Jun 7/2009 Owen Sound, ON |
Doors Open Owen Sound 2009 Doors Open Owen Sound 2009
Location: Owen Sound, ON Categories: Architecture; Museums
Jun 6/2009 to Jun 7/2009 Sarnia, ON |
Wind & Solar Hybrids Workshop This is a two day, hands-on training workshop concerning the theory and practical application of wind turbines, towers, inverters, batteries, grid tie, solar and more. The instructor, David Cooke has personally installed or serviced over 200 wind turbines or wind/solar renewable energy systems. Venue: Lambton College Location: Sarnia, ON Website: http://www.truenorthpower.comFor information contact: michael.nesdoly@lambton.on.ca Phone: 519-542-7751 Categories: Environment; Education; Science & Technology |
Jun 6/2009 to Jul 18/2009 Toronto, ON |
Sunil Gupta' photo exhibit on queers in India Sunil Gupta's inspiring and impressive photo exhibition of queers in India.
Time: 11 a.m. - 6 p.m. Venue: Stphen Bulger Gallery Location: 1026 Queen St. W., Toronto, ON Categories: Arts & Culture; Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
Jun 7/2009 Smiths Falls, ON |
Doors Open Smiths Falls 2009 Doors Open Smiths Falls 2009
Location: Smiths Falls, ON Categories: Architecture; Museums
Jun 7/2009 Toronto, ON |
Interview skills coaching seminar Coping in todays economy, it is now taking people who have been unfortunate to be part of down sizing 6-8 months to find a new opportunity. This seminar will cover interview skills, building confidence and marketing your self to success. Please call Liz Holland at Career Council www.careercouncil.ca 416 406 0379 Time: 10.00 -3.00 Venue: Excelsior Life Building Location: 36 Toronto Street, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.careercouncil.caFor information contact: Elizabeth Holland Phone: 416 406 0379 Categories: Education; Skills & Training |
Jun 8/2009 Toronto, ON |
Women's College Hospital presents Why Sex Matters Dr. Virginia Miller, Renowned Scientist of Mayo Clinic descibes diseases and conditions that affect women differently than men.
Time: 7:30 - 9:00 am Venue: Sutton Place Hotel Location: Queen Victoria Ballroom, 2nd floor, Toronto, ON Categories: Health/Health Care; Education; Women
Jun 8/2009 to Jun 9/2009 Toronto, ON |
SES Toronto - Search Campaign Performance Tracking: Basic Tips At SES Toronto, Alan K'necht will be participating on a panel on subject of Search Campaign Performance Tracking: Basic Tip. Yes, you can do that! Many digital marketers are unaware of just how easy it is to install tracking solutions to help track return on investment right down to the keyword or ad level. Panelists will show you precisely what to do to get set up, and explore different techniques for measuring and adjusting campaigns based on key insights. Topics include Google AdWords Conversion Tracker, Google Analytics, and third party tools that can provide advanced analytics and even insight into "invalid" clicks. This panel is aimed at a beginner to intermediate level marketer (*not* advanced) and will cover both technical and strategy issues. Time: June 9 12:45pm-2:00pm Venue: Sheraton Centre Toronto Location: Queen Street, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.searchenginestrategies.comCategories: Marketing, Advertising, Public Relations; Business & Economics |
Jun 8/2009 to Jun 10/2009 Toronto, ON |
Search Engine Strategies 2009 From mobile search to link-building to on-line video, Search Engine Strategies conferences will help you understand howsearch works, how it's changing, and how you can use it to your company's advantage. Venue: Sheraton CentreToronto Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://SearchEngineStrategies.com/torontoCategories: Computers; Consulting & Consultants; Science & Technology |
Jun 10/2009 to Jan 10/2009 Ottawa, ON |
Ottawa as a Biosphere Eco-City-presentation and discusion Biosphere Eco-cities concept will be described, an approach to bringing cities into greater harmony with nature. It will be discussed how to move Ottawa along this path, as possibly the world's first biosphere eco-city.
Time: 7:30 - 9:00 pm. Location: 166B Drummond Street, Ottawa, ON For information contact: katescanoe@rogers.com Phone: 613-567-1004 Categories: Environment; Health/Health Care; Architecture
Jun 10/2009 Lethbridge, AB |
Amnesty International Lethbridge - Taste for Justice Various restaurants in Lethbridge are making donations on that day to Amnesty International. Abyssinian Restaurant, Esquires, All Canadian Chip Truck, The Guest House, Miro Bistro, Round Street Cafe, Spring Rolls Restaurant.
Time: 7:00 pm- 11:00 pm Venue: Various restaurants Location: Lethbridge, AB For information contact: Amnesty International, Lethbridge Categories: Human Rights, Law, Legal; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; International
Jun 10/2009 to Jun 11/2009 Montreal, QC |
Every Building Can Be Green National Summit Meeting focus will be on new LEED-R-Canada rating system, the Green Building Performance System, and the CaGBC pilot programs. There will be education sessions led by leaders and stakeholders addressing current economic challenges and opportunities of building green structures. Location: Montreal, QC Website: http://www.cagbc.orgFor information contact: Sue Lewis slewis@cagbc.org Phone: 613-656-1943 Categories: Architecture; Environment; Science & Technology |
Jun 10/2009 to Jun 12/2009 Edmonton, AB |
The Greying Nation, with David Suzuki The conference will address how the health care sector and service provider can prepare for the growing number of seniors requiring services. There will be many expert keynote speakers in this area. Location: Edmonton, AB Website: http://www.capital.ca/greyingnation2009For information contact: Hazel Sutherland hazelsutherland@shaw.ca Phone: 604-525-1527 Categories: Seniors; Disability Issues; Environment |
Jun 10/2009 to Jun 13/2009 BC |
PACWEST Conference PACWEST Conference June 10- June 13 , 2009 Closing the loop : Profiting from our Green Potential This years Conference takes place at the Delta Sun Peaks in Kamloops, BC. and features a full Program of meetings Sessions and Short Courses. Venue: Delta Sun Peaks Location: BC Website: http://www.paptac.caFor information contact: tech@paptac.ca Phone: 514-392-6957 Categories: Manufacturing; Environment |
Jun 11/2009 Halifax, NS |
2008 Annual General Meeting The 2008 Annual General Meeting is being held at the Westin Nova Scotian, 1181 Hollis Street in Halifax, Nova Scotia on 11 June 2009. See http://www.cala.ca/agm.html. Time: 09:00 - 16:00 Venue: Westin Nova Scotian Location: 181 Hollis Street, Halifax, NS Website: http://www.cala.ca/agm.htmlFor information contact: Charlette Mallette Phone: 613-233-5300 Categories: Environment; Government & Public Sector; Science & Technology |
Jun 11/2009 to Jun 15/2009 Saskatoon, SK |
Plant Canada Conference Includes sessions on plant pathology and weed science. Location: Saskatoon, SK Website: http://www.plantcanada.caCategories: Biotechnology; Environment |
Jun 12/2009 to Jun 13/2009 King, ON |
Ontario Green Economy Summit The event consists of: -discussions as to strategies to advance green energy in Ontario -pioneer enterprises to advance the cause, based on specifics -general green principles
Venue: King Campus, Seneca College of Apllied Arts and Technology Location: King Campus, King, ON For information contact: Tegi Obanda info@torontoecotimes.ca Phone: 647-209-1446 Categories: Environment; Economic Development; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
Jun 12/2009 to Jun 14/2009 Edmonton, AB |
Canadian Environmental Network, Annual General assembly Canadian Environmental Network (RCEN) More details to follow Venue: Edmonton Location: Edmonton, AB Website: http://www.cen-rce.orgCategories: Environment; Nature & Outdoors |
Jun 13/2009 Richmond Hil, ON |
Doors Open Richmond Hill 2009 Doors Open Richmond Hill 2009
Location: Richmond Hil, ON Categories: Architecture; Museums
Jun 13/2009 Toronto, ON |
Good jobs for all - Rally and march Justice Headlines for March: 1) Know your rights when a company is closing down or bankrupt. 2) Fix E I, defend pensions. 3) Good jobs for all Rally.
Time: 1:00 pm Venue: Metro Hall Location: King St. and John St., Toronto, ON Categories: Labour, Workplace, Unions; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Environment
Jun 13/2009 Toronto, ON |
Occupation on Trial -- Palestinian village sues Canadian corporations for building illegal Israeli settlements Since 2005, the people of Bil'in have been demonstrating non-violently against the building of settlements and the separation wall on their land. Villagers have led weekly protests with the active participation from both Israeli and international peace activists. Bil'in has become an internationally celebrated symbol of Palestinian popular non-violent resistance to the ongoing construction of the Israeli separation wall. In constructing the wall, Israel will annex and colonize almost 60% of Bil'in's land. The Fourth Geneva Convention (to which Canada is a signatory), as well as Canada's own Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes Act, prohibit occupying forces from establishing settlements at the expense of indigenous populations. In a landmark lawsuit, the farming village of Bil'in has brought legal proceedings in Montreal Quebec, against two Canadian corporations for violating both international and Canadian domestic law by acting as agents for Israel in constructing buildings to serve as housing for Israeli civilians in the West Bank, an area that is internationally recognized as territory occupied as a result of war. Featuring: Mohammad Khatib -- member of the Bil'in Popular Committee Against the Wall and Settlements Emily Schaeffer - lawyer representing the village of Bilin Mark Arnold - Canadian legal counsel to Bilin Time: 7:30 pm Venue: Trinity St. Pauls United Church Location: 427 Bloor Street West, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.bilin-village.orgFor information contact: Sandra Ruch Phone: 416-716-4010 Categories: Human Rights, Law, Legal; International; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Jun 13/2009 Ottawa, ON |
Voices for the Environment Music, dance, theatre and visual art, all to celebrate the importance of our environment.
Time: Noon - 8 p.m. Venue: La Nouvelle Scene Theatre Location: 333 King Edward (Byward Market), Ottawa, ON Phone: 613-241-2727, ext. 1 Categories: Environment; Arts & Culture; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
Jun 13/2009 to Jun 14/2009 Halifax, NS |
Can-Fit-Pro Group Fitness, Personal Training, and Mind-Body Conference, Halifax, NS Can-Fit-Pro returns to Halifax, NS to deliver outstanding lectures and activities from world-renowned health, fitness, and wellness presenters. Local fitness experts include Tracy Cipryk, Angela Curry, Nikki Peck, and Darren Steeves! Venue: Saint Mary's University Location: Halifax, NS Website: http://www.canfitpro.com/halifaxFor information contact: conferences@canfitpro.com or media@canfitpro.com Phone: 416 493 3515 or 1800 667 5622 |
Jun 13/2009 to Jun 14/2009 Newmarket, ON |
Windfall Ecology Festival Contains both ecological exhibits and green information and products. As well as food, "green drinks", music, artists and musicians. Time: all day Venue: Fairy Lake Park Location: Newmarket, ON Website: http://www.windfallfestival.caFor information contact: Joanne Nesbitt Phone: 905-727-0491 ext.152 Categories: Environment; Music; Food & Beverage |
Jun 14/2009 Ottawa, ON |
Canadian Rivers Day - 5th Annual Celebration of Our River Ottawa Riverkeeper will celebrate Canadian Rivers Day with a guided paddle on the Ottawa River from Victoria Island to Petrie Island with 12 Voyageur canoes. Location: Ottawa, ON Website: http://www.ottawariverkeeper.caFor information contact: communications@ottawariverkeeper.ca Phone: 613-321-1120 Categories: Arts & Culture; Education; Nature & Outdoors |
Jun 14/2009 Ottawa, ON |
Mark Angelo's Wild Water, Wild Earth Mark Angelo is a member of the Order of Canada and founder of British Columbia River Day will share his globally famous journey by river, Wild Water, Wild Earth, along the Rideau Canal which is a Canadian Heritage River. Venue: National Arts Centre Location: Ottawa, ON Website: http://www.riversconference.ca/special-eng.htmCategories: Environment; International; Education |
Jun 14/2009 to Jun 17/2009 Ottawa, ON |
Our Living Rivers Conference The goal of the conference is to share strategies for addressing key issues affecting the health of the rivers and river based communities in Canada and around the world. Venue: Ottawa - Gatineau Location: Ottawa, ON Website: http://www.riversconference.caFor information contact: andrea.mcneil@pc.gc.ca Phone: 819-997-4930 Categories: Environment; International; Nature & Outdoors |
Jun 15/2009 Toronto, ON |
Adjunctive Cancer Care at the Robert Schad Naturopathic Clinic - Information Session Naturopathic doctors and interns at the Robert Schad Naturopathic Clinic (RSNC) use natural, non-toxic therapies that stimulate inherent healing processes. Complementary cancer care at RSNC takes a holistic, or whole-person, approach to cancer care by using scientifically grounded, natural methods to strengthen the bodyâs ability to heal itself. The goals of naturopathic medicine for people undergoing cancer treatment include: decreasing side effects of cancer treatment improving energy, well being and overall quality of health balancing the bodyâs immune system supporting the mind, body, and spirit in the healing process providing strategies for cancer prevention and health maintenance Session is free, but registration is required at ksingh@ccnm.edu. Time: 6:30 - 8 p.m. Venue: Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine Location: 1255 Sheppard Avenue East, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.ccnm.eduFor information contact: Karamjit Singh, Community Relations Phone: 416-498-1255 Categories: Health/Health Care; Education |
Jun 15/2009 Toronto, ON |
Monica Ali in Toronto Monica Ali, author of "Brick Lane"will be in Toronto to readfrom her new book, or latest novel called In the Kitchen. The reading will be followed by a question period and book signing.
Time: 7:00 - 9:00 pm Venue: Dora Keough Pub Location: 141 Danforth Ave., Toronto, ON Categories: Journalism, Writing, Literary, Language; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Human Rights, Law, Legal
Jun 15/2009 to Jun 16/2009 Charlottown, PE |
Pollution Prevention Roundtable (CPPR) The CPPR focus is on the practical application of sound pollution prevention technology, methods and practices to address current and future challenges. The format and program are structured to maximize opportunities for discussion and networking. Location: Charlottown, PE Website: http://www.c2p2online.comFor information contact: shari@c2p2online.com Phone: 1-800-667-9790 Categories: Environment; Science & Technology; Education |
Jun 16/2009 Oakville, ON |
Annual Journey to Success Conference Journey to Success is an annual conference for women in business hosted by Company of Women, featuring a panel of award-winning entrepreneurs. Many of the panelists are from Canada`s Top 100 Women Entrepreneurs. The panelists include Erin Davis, 98.1 CHFI radio broadcaster; Peggy Grall, Certified Business Coach and former Psychotherapist; Jill Anderson from Aecometric Corporation; Marg Hachey, Executive Vice President of Duocom Canada Inc.; Donna Messer who is an author, speaker and trainer with a focus on networking; Deborah Kimmett, Second City veteran and working writer, speaker and actor as well as Liz Radzick, Master of Ceremonies and communications expert. These women will inspire, motivate and inofrm conference attendees on how to succeed in today`s ever-changing economic climate with topics such as Yes You Can, Lessons Learned, Living Out Loud, Networking 101 and Reality is Over Rated. The annual conference takes place on Tuesday, June 16th from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the Oakville Conference and Banquet Centre. Tickets are $125 for Company of Women members, $135 for an affiliate group and $150 for non-members. Breakfast and lunch are included in this cost. There is the opportunity to network after 5p.m. To register, or to learn more about Company of Women, visit www.companyofwomen.ca. Time: 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Venue: Oakville Conference and Banquet Centre Location: Just South of the QEW at Hwy 25, Oakville, ON Website: http://www.companyofwomen.caFor information contact: Anne Day Phone: 905-338-1771 Categories: Women; Business & Economics |
Jun 16/2009 to Jun 21/2009 Toronto, ON |
Worldwide Short Film Festival Canadian and international shorts hit the big screen. Presented by Canadian Film Centre. Venue: various Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.worldwideshortfilmfest.comCategories: Arts & Culture |
Jun 17/2009 Toronto, ON |
The Power of Women United: Business Working event & book launch This event includes business networking, an inspiring presentation and book signing as Tina Dezsi and Lia Bandola along with 20 contributing authors launch their new book: "The Power of Women United".
Time: 7:00 - 8:30 pm Venue: McNally Robinson Location: 1090 Don Mills Road (corner of Lawrence E), Toronto, ON For information contact: Jennifer Beale jenniferbeale@unleashpr.com Phone: 905-274-1888 Categories: Women; Business & Economics; Journalism, Writing, Literary, Language
Jun 17/2009 to Jun 20/2009 Toronto, ON |
Revolution in El Salvador On March 15, Salvadorans elected Mauricio Funes of the FMLN, or leftists as new president, breaking the right wing's 20 year reign. Historically there has been fraud and intimidation but this year 5000 observers have taken countless pictures to attest to peaceful election process.
Time: 3:17 pm - Start, June 17, 3:17 End, June 20, 2009 Venue: Toronto Free Gallery Location: 1277 Bloor St. W. (Lansdown), Toronto, ON For information contact: elsalphotos@gmail.com Categories: Politics & Political Organizations; Economic Development; Labour, Workplace, Unions
Jun 17/2009 to Jun 21/2009 Toronto, ON |
Italian Film Festival The 11th annual showcase of contemporary Italian world cinema, with plenty of Canadian and international guests. Venue: Bloor Cinema Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.italian-filmfest.comCategories: Arts & Culture |
Jun 17/2009 to Jun 21/2009 Toronto, ON |
Nxne Film Festival The year's best music-related cinema. Venue: various Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.nxne.comCategories: Arts & Culture; Music |
Jun 18/2009 Toronto, ON |
Research with Pride: A Community Forum This is a formal invitation to the Research with Pride Community Sounding. ** Refreshments will be provided*** This community sounding will help shape and direct the Research with Pride: A Community Forum that will be hosted in October 2009. This forum will bring together community members, students, academics and researchers to discuss LGBTT2IQQ health and research and we want your input. We are lesbian/gay/bisexual/trans students and allies at the University of Toronto who are concerned with the health needs of our communities. We come from different disciplines including public health, nursing and health policy and we share the recognition of a gap between LGBTT2IQQ health needs and the health resources our community actually receives. We know that certain members of our communities have been exploited, pathologised and made invisible by research that was supposed to be 'for our own good.' We also know that the line between researcher and researched is fuzzy and constantly changing. As more LGBTT2IQQ individuals have entered academia and/or engaged in community-based research, some of us are trying to redefine what research into LGBTT2IQQ health can look like. We want to encourage anyone interested in these issues to come out. We will be hosting a discussion about: . The health needs of our communities . What specific topics we should focus on for our forum . Your experience with LGBTT2IQQ health research
Time: 6pm-8pm Location: 519 Church Street Community Centre, Toronto, ON For information contact: info@researchwithpride.org Categories: Health/Health Care; Information, Libraries, Research; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
Jun 19/2009 Montreal, QC |
Bil'in vs. Israeli apartheid featuring: Mohammed Khatib Popular Committee Against the Wall, Bil'in, Occupied Palestine Emily Schaeffer Israeli lawyer representing the village of Bilâin Bil'in, a Palestinian village in the West Bank, has become an internationally celebrated symbol of Palestinian popular resistance to the ongoing construction of the Israeli apartheid wall and settlements on their land. Since 2005, villagers have led weekly protests, with the active participation from both Israeli and international solidarity activists, in opposition to illegal Israeli colonization and annexation of Palestinian land. The village has filed a lawsuit in Quebec Superior Court against Green Park International and Green Mount International, two companies registered in Quebec. The companies are accused of illegally constructing residential and other buildings on the village's lands. According to the lawsuit, the lands of Bil'in are subject to the rules and obligations of international law because the West Bank is currently under Israeli military occupation. Bil'in's case against the construction of settlements on their land is based on the provisions of the Geneva Convention, which prohibit an occupying power from transferring its civilian population into territory that it has occupied as a result of war. The case against Green Park and Green Mount seeks an immediate order from the Canadian court that it end its illegal activities.
Time: 7:00 pm Venue: De Sève Cinema, Concordia University Location: 1400 de Maisonneuve west Blvd., Montreal, QC Categories: International; Human Rights, Law, Legal; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
Jun 19/2009 Toronto, ON |
Managing Conflict, A Workshop & Networking Event For Women This is the second year for this event of offering Managing Conflict For Women. This is an opportunity for women to discuss & share experiences and learn coping strategies.
Time: 6:00 pm - 9:45 pm Venue: The Tippet Room, Metro YMCA Location: 20 Grosvenor Str., Toronto, ON For information contact: chooseresults@chooseresults Categories: Education; Human Rights, Law, Legal; Skills & Training
Jun 19/2009 to Jun 20/2009 North York, Toronto, ON |
Second annual EcoSavvy Festival: How to screen through all the green Eco-merchants, Eco-fashion show, Eco-Scavenger Hunt, Live Music, Informative Presentations. Time: 8:30 pm (June 19) - 8:30 pm (June 20) Venue: Mel Lastman Square Location: 5100 Yonge Street, North York, Toronto, ON Website: http://inquiries@enlightenedevents.caCategories: Education; Science & Technology; Environment |
Jun 19/2009 to Jun 20/2009 Vancouver, BC |
VanChange Camp VanChange is a participatory, web enabled event to imagine and build ways to collaborate for social change in the digital age. It explores the following question: How can we help government become more open and responsive, etc.
Time: Start June 19, 7:00 pm; end June 20, 7:00 pm Venue: BCIT Downtown Campus Location: 555 Seymour Street, Vancouver, BC Categories: Computers; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Human Rights, Law, Legal
Jun 19/2009 to Jun 28/2009 Toronto, ON |
Pride Week, 2009: June19th to June 28th Pride Week features 10 days of world class arts and cultural programming, community activities, one of the world's largest street festivals, Pride Parade, Dyke March, Blackness Yes and Youth . Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.pridetoronto.comCategories: Arts & Culture; Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual; Food & Beverage |
Jun 19/2009 to Jul 1/2009 EDMONTON, AB |
The Works Art & Design Call to Enter for Art Market Vendors The Works Art & Design Festival is the largest of its kind in North America. Kicking off Edmonton's summer festival season with over 200,000 visitors each year, The Works is an exciting way for artisans to attract new patrons from Edmonton's downtown core.
Location: EDMONTON, AB Categories: Arts & Culture
Jun 19/2009 to Jul 1/2009 Edmonton, AB |
The Works Call to Enter for Smaller Than a Bread Box This exhibit has been inspired by ceramic cone box exhibits, where no piece is larger than 3 inches by 3 inches by 6 inches. Traditionally Cone Box shows are made primarily of clay, but this exhibit is open to all mediums.
Location: Edmonton, AB Categories: Arts & Culture
Jun 19/2009 to Jul 1/2009 Edmonton, AB |
The Works Call to Enter for Street Stage Applications The Works International Visual Arts Society advances the development, awareness and appreciation of art and design in Canada and provides a forum for the exchange of ideas between artists, designers and the public.
Location: Edmonton, AB Categories: Arts & Culture
Jun 19/2009 to Jul 19/2009 Toronto, ON |
Collaboration through Co-Location: Strategies for Sharing Resources Speaker: Tonya Surman $140 + GST; Each additional participant from the same organization will receive a $15 discount. A limited number of spaces are available to students at a discounted rate. Co-location of community organizations in a shared space is an emerging strategy to increase efficiency, synergy and impact. In this workshop, Tonya Surman will share the experience and secrets of the Centre for Social Innovation's co-location model - a shared space that supports the work of over 100 social mission organizations and projects in Toronto. This is an interactive workshop with opportunities to ask questions and tailor the information to your own organization. TO REGISTER: Access the online registration form or contact Lisa White at or visit the Social Economy Website Time: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Venue: Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto Location: 252 Bloor Street West, Toronto, ON Website: http://socialeconomy.utoronto.ca/For information contact: secworkshops@oise.utoronto.ca (Lisa White) Categories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Jun 20/2009 Fergus-Elora, ON |
Doors Open Fergus-Elora 2009 Doors Open Fergus-Elora 2009
Location: Fergus-Elora, ON Categories: Architecture; Museums
Jun 20/2009 Kingston, ON |
Doors Open Kingston 2009 Doors Open Kingston 2009
Location: Kingston, ON Categories: Architecture; Museums
Jun 20/2009 Minden, ON |
Doors Open Minden 2009 Doors Open Minden 2009
Location: Minden, ON Categories: Architecture; Museums
Jun 20/2009 Haliburton Village, ON |
Living With Uranium Protecting yourself and your family, an educational presentation regarding the issues around the use of uranium. Hosted by Environment Haliburton
Time: 1:00 - 4:00 pm Venue: Fleming College - Great Hall Location: Haliburton Village, ON For information contact: www.environmenthaliburton.ca Categories: Environment; Education; Mining & Petroleum
Jun 20/2009 Winnipeg, MB |
World Refugee Day - Winnipeg Celebration in Winnipegâs Central Park (400 Edmonton) from 4 to 10 pm, including live music and cultural dances.
Time: 4:00 pm to 10:00 pm Venue: Central Park Location: 400 Edmonton, Winnipeg, MB Categories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
Jun 20/2009 to Jun 22/2009 Craik, SK |
Craik Solar Fair Topics for speeches: community supported farms, sustainable use of forestry, agricultural and municipal biomass, livingoff the grid etc.
Venue: Craik Location: Between Saskatoon and Regina, Craik, SK For information contact: Shirley Eade eade@sasktel.net Phone: 306-734-2605 Categories: Education; Environment; Science & Technology
Jun 21/2009 to Jun 22/2009 Calgary, AB |
Carbon Finance Emerging environmental risks, strategies and opportunities. This executive development workshop series is designed for professionals (Executives, Analysts, Traders, Venture Capitalists, Equity managers, Consultants, and others) engaged in the area of environmental finance and sustainable investing. Two day workshop fee includes meals and reading materials. Limited to 30 participants. Venue: Westin Calgary Location: 320 4th Avenue SW, Calgary, AB Website: http://learn.environment.utoronto.caCategories: Arts & Culture |
Jun 21/2009 to Jun 22/2009 BC |
Summer of Change Festival 2009 (June 21 - 22) As an environmental and music festival, it is huge with inspirational speakers, helpful enviro-information, eco-building booths and amazing Canadian musicians and artists. Venue: West Kootenays Location: BC Website: http://www.summerofchange2009.blogspot.comFor information contact: veganmountain@gmail.com Categories: Arts & Culture; Environment; Media, Entertainment, News, Communications |
Jun 22/2009 Toronto, ON |
Amateur Speaker Talent Search We're having auditions to find the top talented amateur speaker - auditions I(in person or via CD) will start on June 22nd. All submissions will be reviewed by adjudicators and the top 12 will speak (for 3 minutes) at a Gala event on October 22nd. Audience will choose their favorite who will win a complete marketing package and representation by Speakers Gold. Time: 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Venue: Trinity St. Paul's Church Location: 427 Bloor St. West, Toronto, ON Website: http://speakersgold.comFor information contact: Cathleen Fillmore Phone: 416-532-9886 Categories: Media, Entertainment, News, Communications; Arts & Culture; Awards, Scholarships, Prizes |
Jun 22/2009 Toronto, ON |
Canadian English: Beyond eh to zed A discussion to explore contemporary connections between linguistic prescriptivism and political patriotism.
Join us to explore contemporary connections between linguistic prescriptivism and political patriotism:
Do language norms follow national boundaries or usage guides? How does language function in integration policy and the construction of Canadian citizenship? How can we interpret the often negative representations of "Canadian English" in the popular media?
Canadian English: Beyond eh to zed
Katherine Barber, editor of the Canadian Oxford Dictionary Jack Chambers, University of Toronto Department of Linguistics Warren Clements, editor of the Globe and Mail Style book Stefan Dollinger, University of British Columbia Department of English
Free and open to the public; no registration is required.
Time: 4:15 - 6:30 pm Venue: Jackman Humanities Institute Location: Toronto, ON Categories: Arts & Culture
Jun 22/2009 Montreal, QC |
Demonstration: solidarity with Bil'in Bil'in, a Palestinian village in the West Bank, has become an internationally celebrated symbol of Palestinian popular resistance to the ongoing construction of the Israeli apartheid wall and settlements on their land. Since 2005, villagers have led weekly protests, with the active participation from both Israeli and international solidarity activists, in opposition to illegal Israeli colonization and annexation of Palestinian land. The village has filed a lawsuit in Quebec Superior Court against Green Park International and Green Mount International, two companies registered in Quebec. The companies are accused of illegally constructing residential and other buildings on the village's lands. According to the lawsuit, the lands of Bil'in are subject to the rules and obligations of international law because the West Bank is currently under Israeli military occupation. Bil'in's case against the construction of settlements on their land is based on the provisions of the Geneva Convention, which prohibit an occupying power from transferring its civilian population into territory that it has occupied as a result of war. The case against Green Park and Green Mount seeks an immediate order from the Canadian court that it end its illegal activities.
Time: noon Venue: at the Québec Superior court Location: 1 Notre-Dame e., Place-d'Armes Metro, Montreal, QC Categories: International; Human Rights, Law, Legal; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
Jun 22/2009 Toronto, ON |
Meet The New Naturopathic Medical Interns - Information Night Looking for ways to live healthier? Learn how to optimize your health at the Robert Schad Naturopathic Clinic (RSNC) at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine. We're introducing our new interns--who recently began their clinic rotations--at a special "meet and greet" information session. Featuring presentations on adjunctive naturopathic cancer care, pediatrics, and naturopathic sports medicine. Free of charge, but registration is required at ksingh@ccnm.edu. Time: 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Venue: Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine Location: 1255 Sheppard Avenue East, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.ccnm.eduFor information contact: Catherine Kenwell Phone: 416-498-1255 Categories: Health/Health Care; Education |
Jun 22/2009 Toronto, ON |
Panel Discussion: Queer International Human Rights at Home Admission: Free Join us as we look at the role that Canada as a country can play in the continued movement for global human rights for all queer people. The evening launches with special screenings highlighting global human rights issues and is followed by a panel discussion featuring exceptional and prominent activists. Featuring: Victor Juliet Mukasa, Chairperson of SMUG, Pride Toronto's 2009 International Grand Marshal. Moderated by: Gareth Henry, Former Co-Chair of JFLAG, Pride Toronto's International Grand Marshal for 2008. Panelists include El-Farouk Khaki, Founder of Salaam and Pride Toronto's 2009 Grand Marshal. All Ages Event, Film, Forum, Community Activities, Visual Arts/Film
Time: 6:30pm Venue: University of Toronto, Isabel Bader Theatre Location: 93 Charles Street West, Toronto, ON Categories: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual; Human Rights, Law, Legal; Arts & Culture
Jun 22/2009 to Jun 24/2009 Toronto, ON |
Israel-Palestine: Mapping Models of Statehood and Paths to Peace The purpose of this conference is to explore which state model would be the best to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, respecting the rights to self-determination of both Israelis/Jews and Palestinians. Despite the current diplomatic focus on the two-state model, the continued failure to bring peace to the region highlights the necessity of rigorously examining all options for a resolution of the conflict. The conference seeks to systematically measure the two state model against the promise of alternatives; very specifically the potential in the model of a single bi-national state. The central goal of the conference is to focus a scholarly lens on a wide range of issues pertaining to one and two state models. These would include, among other relevant topics, possible federal and parallel state models, democracy and constitutional design, immigration and refugee return policies, resource allocation, gender and nationalism, and the role of religion. Mindful of the fraught context in which debates relating to Israel/Palestine unfold, this conference aims to open up a measured and thoughtful conversation on the range of possible paths out of the current impasse. Venue: York University Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.yorku.ca/ipconf/index.htmlCategories: International; Human Rights, Law, Legal |
Jun 22/2009 to Jun 27/2009 Toronto, ON |
Local Economic Development The main goal of this training is to bring together a diverse group of forty (40) motivated experts in their fields from around the world for training and discussions on various Local Economic resources and developmental tools that could be harnessed to create wealth for poverty alleviation. There will be case studies from around the world through our experienced trainers/facilitator. Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.cefard.orgFor information contact: info@cefard.org Categories: Environment; International
Jun 22/2009 to Jun 27/2009 Toronto, ON |
ReelHeART International Film Festival (RHIFF) In 2004, ReelHeART International Film Festival (RHIFF) was founded by a film supporter and world traveler of Irish descent who speaks 3 languages. Our Founder, along with our Director had a vision that a new film festival could be formed in North America to fill the void created by the growing trend of `niche festivals. ReelHeART is proud to call ourselves a `truly open festival, accepting films of all genres, countries and film lengths. Our screenplay competition gets the same open welcome as this past season can attest. The top 3 Winning screenplays ranged from a futuristic "I Am Legend" meets "28 Days Later" mysterious, incurable virus story, to a home spun fish-out-of-water Southern love story, to a true story of an escape from East Berlin in the 80s by an artists now living in the United States. Over the past few seasons we have garnered the nickname: "The Filmmakers Film Festival", which symbolizes our commitment to independent filmmakers and screenwriters and a badge we wear proudly.Knowing our Founder speaks English, Spanish and French, was motivation to also promote English, Spanish and French as the "official languages" of ReelHeART. We will integrate these languages into our festival programming and promotional materials as often as possible. We hope to reach our goal of offering a fully tri-lingual web site in 2011. To this end, films submitted in Spanish and French will not have to be subtitled specifically for our festival. Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.reelheart.com/Categories: Arts & Culture |
Jun 23/2009 Hamilton, ON |
Hamilton Premiere: Screening of the Matter of Everything The Matter of Everything is a feature documentary that explores quantum reality and the interconnectedness of nature from the quantum of the universe. At that level we are a billionth of a billionth of the human scale and and Fermilab scientists claim to see particles more unified than before thought.
Time: 8 :00 pm. Venue: Sky Dragon Centre Location: 27 King William St., Hamilton, ON Categories: Science & Technology; Education; Skills & Training
Jun 23/2009 Toronto, ON |
Law & Disorder: Israel's Application of International Legal Principles to the OPT George Bisharat, Professor of Law Hastings College of Law, University of California. Lecture Topic: How Israel's Impunity is Transforming International Law. Prof. Bisharat will use the recent assault on Gaza to discuss how Israeli jurists are deliberately trying to rewrite international law to its advantage, and make otherwise illegal activities legal. In addition, the long-term international law implications of unpunished Israeli abuses will be examined. Nimer Sultany, SJD Candidate Harvard Law School Lecture Topic: The Role of the Israeli Legal System in the Occupation of Palestinian Territory. Mr. Sultany will discuss the role of the Israeli judicial system in the oppression of Palestinians living in the Occupied Palestinian Territory. This includes the military court system, differential treatment of settlers and Palestinians, and its role in upholding international humanitarian law violations such as land confiscations and home demolitions.
Time: 6:00pm to 8:00pm Venue: University of Toronto, Faculty of Law; Flavelle House, Room FLA Location: 78 Queen's Park Cres. W., Toronto, ON For information contact: info@canarablaw.org Categories: Human Rights, Law, Legal; Politics & Political Organizations
Jun 23/2009 to Dec 31/2009 Toronto, ON |
Art Bar Poetry Series The Art Bar Poetry Series is recognized as the longest running poetry-only reading series in Canada.Since 1991, it has featured both emerging and established poets from across Canada and occasionally from abroad. It has become a hub for the poetry community, and entry point for new voices, a place for people to enjoy one of the oldest arts.While featuring no fewer than one hundred-twenty poets a year, The Art Bar provides another five hundred opportunities for people to present their poems on its open-stage. Twenty-five percent of its features are emerging poets (who have yet to see their first book published). The remaining seventy-five percent are mid- to advanced-career poets, many of whom have won local, national and international awards for their work. The Art Bar enjoys an average weekly audience of approximately sixty-five people and is able to accommodate up to one hundred. It provides an inclusive venue for poetry and features poets from diverse backgrounds and from every province in Canada. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to participate by getting on stage, speaking to a poet, or simply applauding. Time: each Tuesday beginning at 8pm Venue: Clinton's Location: 693 Bloor Street West, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.artbar.orgFor information contact: director@artbar.org Categories: Journalism, Writing, Literary, Language; Arts & Culture |
Jun 24/2009 to Sep 13/2009 Ottawa, ON |
Group Tours for Photography Enthusiasts Discover the many choices that went into Karshs photography, from pose to final print. Groups of ten or more adults can reserve these photography-focused tours of the exhibition. June 12 to September 13, 2009 Canada Science and Technology Museum Tours available during Museum hours, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. daily Group rate admission: $4.50/person Reservations required 14 minimum one week in advance Time: 9:00 - 5:00 Venue: Canada Science and Technology Museum Location: 1867 St. Laurent blvd, Ottawa, ON Website: http://www.festivalkarsh.caFor information contact: Portrait Gallery of Canada Phone: 944-1741 Categories: Museums; Science & Technology |
Jun 25/2009 Toronto, ON |
ALL IN For 2010 - Charity Poker Tournament and Silent Auction On Thursday June 25th, Gold Standard Productions will be hosting its 1st annual "All-In" for 2010, a charity poker tournament with all proceeds going towards Special Olympics Ontario.
There will be a DJ, appetizers, dessert table, raffles and prizes, drinks to purchase, guest appearances and more.... and all for a great cause!!! Special Guest Host: Flow 93.5's Devo Brown ALL PROCEEDS will be going towards Special Olympics Ontario--a charity dedicated to enriching the lives of athletes with an intellectual disability through sport. Special Olympics is a national not-for-profit grassroots organization that provides sport training and competition opportunities for 31,000 athletes of all ages and abilities. Special Olympics have been part of a world-wide organization for over 30 years. So, come have fun, dance, drink and help a great cause!!!!! Go ALL IN for 2010!! FOR TICKETS PLEASE EMAIL CHARITYPOKER@LIVE.CA OR LEAVE US A MESSAGE ON FACEBOOK Dress to Impress, 19 + Event Ps--- There WILL BE a non cash prize for the winner of the tournament and side tables in case you get knocked out of the tourney early and want to buy in.
Time: 7pm Venue: Courthouse Location: 1500 Adelaide Street East, Toronto, ON For information contact: CHARITYPOKER@Live.ca. Categories: Disability Issues; Media, Entertainment, News, Communications
Jun 25/2009 Lethbridge, ON |
Amnesty International Rally for Iran This is a peaceful rally organized by Amnesty International Lethbridge to show concern over repression and violence toward peaceful demonstrators and media in Iran.
Time: 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm Venue: 255 8 Street South Location: Lethbridge,, Lethbridge, ON For information contact: Mary Kosta Admin@ailethbridge.com Categories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Human Rights, Law, Legal; International
Jun 25/2009 Toronto, ON |
Canada's abandoned citizens The event will involve a discussion of the plights of Abdelrazik, Celil and Omar Khadr, the government's duty to protect its citizens abroad and the constitutionality of the governments decisions to date under the three cases.
Time: 7:30 - 9:30 pm Venue: Hart House, Debates Room Location: 7 Hart House Circle, Toronto, ON Categories: Human Rights, Law, Legal; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; International
Jun 25/2009 Duncan, BC |
Cowichan Green Community - Annual General Meeting Keynote Speaker: Michelle Colussi, Center for Community Renewal Cowichan; a Resilience Model in the Making
Time: 5:30 pm Venue: Duncan United Church Location: 246 Ingram St., Duncan, BC For information contact: cgc@shawbiz.ca Phone: 250-748-8506 Categories: Native Peoples; Food & Beverage; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
Jun 25/2009 Toronto, ON |
Fast track to Six Figure Speaking Seminar Get an overview of the paid professional speaking marketplace with expert and bureau owner Cathleen Fillmore, author of The Six Figure Speaker. Find out how to develop compelling marketing materials, work with speakers bureaus, what to charge and when to raise your fees, how the marketplace is shifting, where to find your clients and how to approach your clients. Time: 8:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Venue: Verity Club Location: 111D Queen Street East, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.6figurespeaker.comFor information contact: Cathleen Fillmore Phone: 416-532-9886 Categories: Arts & Culture; Marketing, Advertising, Public Relations; Media, Entertainment, News, Communications |
Jun 25/2009
New solidarity ship to sail to Gaza on June 25 On June 25th, the Free Gaza movement will set sail on its eighth mission to break Israel's horrific siege and collective punishment of 1.5 million Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. This voyage will be the first attempt to challenge Israel's naval blockade on the Gaza Strip since an Israeli gunship brutally rammed the DIGNITY in December, and nearly sank the SPIRIT OF HUMANITY with all on board in January. This 8th trip will also be the first of a series of boats we intend to send to Gaza as part of our Summer of Hope campaign. "It is crucial that we continue sending boats to Gaza to challenge Israel's criminal closure on the Strip," said Huwaida Arraf, delegation leader of the June 25th voyage. "Gaza does not need our charity but needs us to stand up against the forces that continue to deliberately deny an entire people their human rights. International donors pledged over $4 billion to rebuild Gaza, and yet none of them are doing anything about the fact that Israel is not allowing any building supplies into Gaza, not to mention thousands of other items such as anaesthetic, oxygen and cancer treatments, chlorine to treat the water supply, even paper, books, toys for children as well as tea and coffee." Website: http://www.freegaza.orgCategories: Human Rights, Law, Legal; International; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Jun 25/2009 to Jun 26/2009 Lille, France |
INMA French Seminar The INMA French Seminar is a hands-on, intimate seminar designed to explore the practicalities of what's happening at newspapers in France and the French-speaking regions of Switzerland and Belgium. This year's 11th annual seminar will features workshops on classifieds, online, single-copy sales, distribution, customer relationships, and retaining subscribers and advertisers. Venue: École Supérieure de Journalisme Location: Lille, France Website: http://www.inma.orgCategories: Journalism, Writing, Literary, Language; Publishers & Publishing |
Jun 25/2009 to Jun 26/2009 Lille, France |
Seminaire Francophone INMA The INMA French Seminar is a hands-on, intimate seminar designed to explore the practicalities of what's happening at newspapers in France and the French-speaking regions of Switzerland and Belgium. This year's 11th annual seminar will features workshops on classifieds, online, single-copy sales, distribution, customer relationships, and retaining subscribers and advertisers. Location: Lille, France Website: http://www.inma.orgCategories: Journalism, Writing, Literary, Language; Media, Entertainment, News, Communications |
Jun 25/2009 to Jun 27/2009 Toronto, ON |
Canadian Solar Buildings Conference & Solar Energy Society of Canada Conference Canadian Solar Buildings Conference Solar Energy Society of Canada Venue: Toronto Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.solarbuildings.ca, www.sesci.caCategories: Environment; Science & Technology; Manufacturing |
Jun 25/2009 to Jun 27/2009 Toronto, ON |
Canadian Solar Buildings Conference & Solar Energy Society of Canada Confererence A conference which focuses on the innovative uses of solar energy in construction and in structural design. Venue: Delta Chelsea Inn Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.solarbuildings.ca.conferenceFor information contact: www.sesci.ca Categories: Environment; Science & Technology; Education |
Jun 25/2009 to Jul 7/2009 Edmonton, AB |
The Works Art & Design Call to Enter for Festival Exhibits The Works Art & Design Festival is the largest of its kind in North America. Kicking off Edmonton's summer festival season with over 200,000 visitors each year, The Works is an exciting way for artisans to attract new patrons from Edmonton's downtown core. Location: Edmonton, AB Website: http://www.theworks.ab.caFor information contact: Amber Rooke amber.rooke@theworks.ab.ca Categories: Arts & Culture |
Jun 26/2009 Vancouver, BC |
The other Arars: Where the exception is the rule The Canadian state's complicity in the torture of Maher Arar is viewed as excetional in Canada. Unfortunately it isn't. Hear directly from Adil Charkaoui about his struggle against this regime of secrecy, injustice and abuse of civil liberties.
Time: 6:30 pm Venue: Simon Fraser University Harbour Centre Location: 515 West Hastings St. (Rms 1420-1430), Vancouver, BC Categories: Human Rights, Law, Legal; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; International
Jun 26/2009 to Jun 28/2009 Toronto, ON |
City Roots Festival The 6th Annual Toronto City Roots Festival runs June 26-28, 2009. Toronto City Roots Festival celebrates favorite established artists and introduces to emerging stars. Toronto City Roots Festival remains one of the scene's great treasures. It is a truly urban roots-music festival that attracts superb acts of a wide variety of sub-genres of roots music, including aboriginal, folk, world, bluegrass and country. Venue: Distillery Historic District Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.torontocityroots.comCategories: Arts & Culture; Music |
Jun 26/2009 to Jun 28/2009 Tottenham, ON |
Tottenham Bluegrass Festival The 25th Annual Tottenham Bluegrass Festival Three days of Bluegrass Music held June 20, 21 & 22, 2008 in the natural ampitheatre of the Tottenham Conservation Area, by the waters of the village pond. Venue: Tottenham Conservation Area Location: P.O. Box 922, Tottenham, ON Website: http://www.tottenhambluegrass.caPhone: 1-888-BLUGRAS Categories: Arts & Culture; Music |
Jun 27/2009 Stow, MA |
Editorial Freelancer = Business Professional Whether you're a writer, editor or indexer, you wield your professional talents every day. But how often do you think strategically about your business -- about networking and marketing, establishing an effective Web presence, tracking finances, and maintaining an efficient work space? Whether you're a seasoned or brand-new freelancer, you can deepen your business consciousness, and we'll use this meeting to get started. We'll explore a list of resources and brainstorm a next step in cultivating our business presence. Melony Swasey, owner of OnPoint Editing (www.onpointediting.com), is a freelance editor of nonfiction. This meeting is open to EFA members and non-members, freelancers, and anyone interested in publishing. For more information, call Eileen Kramer at 978-897-4121 or send email to kramer@tiac.net. Time: 10:30am Location: 19 Crescent St, Stow, MA Website: http://www.the-efa.orgFor information contact: kramer@tiac.net Phone: 9788974121 Categories: Journalism, Writing, Literary, Language |
Jun 27/2009 Toronto, ON |
Interview Coaching Workshop The Workshop is a jam-packed half day of information and experience. We will review resumes, rehearse confidence building exercises, give interview skills training, and provide personal presentation pointers. We will go through behavioural questions, focusing on strengths and weaknesses and performing mock interviews. Each participant will learn from the opinions and impressions of the group for a well-rounded view of how they appear to others - a great way to see how others view you in a competitive market and to receive valuable feedback from several individuals in a caring and safe environment. Workshops are limited to a maximum of 10 participants so book early! Time: 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM Venue: Career Council offices Location: 36 Toronto Street, Suite 850, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.careercouncil.caFor information contact: Elizabeth Holland Phone: 416 406-0379 Categories: Education; Skills & Training; Consulting & Consultants |
Jun 27/2009 Toronto, ON |
TWB Dyke March contingent on Saturday June 27th at 2pm (details of meeting location TBD, keep your eyes peeled for future updates on the Toronto Women's Bookstore website http://www.womensbookstore.com). What is the Dyke March Event? The Dyke March is a grassroots event where women and trans people in LGBTTIQQ2S communities take over the streets of Toronto. The Dyke March is not a parade - it is a political demonstration of critical mass; a moment seized to revel in the strength, diversity and passion of LGBTTIQQ2S women and trans folk. The theme for Pride Week 2009 is "Can't Stop, Won't Stop!". We encourage groups to work within the theme for Pride Week 2009 in order to express their values. Raise your voice! Join us on June 27th 2009 at 2:00pm as we celebrate our diversity, our passion and our pride. The Dyke March is organized by the Dyke March Committee, based on the Guiding Principles: created from the 2006/2007 Community Consultations. The Dyke March Committee, the Dyke March, and all other events organized by the Dyke March Committee are trans inclusive. Dyke March Route 2009: The Dyke March 2009 will start at Church and Hayden Streets, move north on Church to Bloor, west on Bloor to Yonge and then south on Yonge to Wood St. It will head east along Wood back to Church Street.
Time: 2pm Venue: meeting place to be determined Location: TBD, Toronto, ON Categories: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Politics & Political Organizations
Jun 27/2009 to Jun 30/2009 Edmonton, AB |
The Works 2nd Annual Chalk Art Contest The Works International Visual Arts Society
Venue: Sir Winston Churchill Square Location: Suite #200, 10225-100 Ave Edmonton, Edmonton, AB Categories: Arts & Culture
Jun 27/2009 to Oct 12/2009 Toronto, ON |
Respect: A Photo Odyssey Canada's Boreal Forest Showcasing vistas of our natural environment, RESPECT includes 80 remarkable aerial photographs by nine of Canada's most renowned documentary photographers.
Venue: Harbourfront Location: Queen's Quay, Toronto, ON Categories: Arts & Culture; Environment; Nature & Outdoors
Jun 28/2009 Toronto, ON |
Songwriters Expo Featured this month are Cat Ratusny, and Bill Lasovich. The event will be hosted by Monique Barry who will contribute a few tuneful moments of her own. Each show encourages as much variety and versatility as can be strummed into an afternoon. Time: 4 pm - 7 pm Venue: Cadillac Lounge Location: 1296 Queen St. W., Toronto, ON Website: http://www.songwritersexpo.comFor information contact: Monique Barry info@songwritersexpo.com Categories: Music; Arts & Culture; Journalism, Writing, Literary, Language |
Jun 29/2009 Toronto, ON |
Hypertension and Heart Health - Information Session Naturopathic doctors and interns at the Robert Schad Naturopathic Clinic educate the public and their patients on naturopathic approaches to hypertension and heart health. This free information session will provide an introduction to the therapies available at CCNM's teaching clinic and how those therapies can help prevent and manage hypertension, heart disease and related illnesses. Session is free, but registration is required at ksingh@ccnm.edu. Time: 6:30 - 8 p.m. Venue: Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine Location: 1255 Sheppard Avenue East, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.ccnm.eduFor information contact: Karamjit Singh, Community Relations Phone: 416-498-1255 Categories: Health/Health Care; Education |
Jun 30/2009 to Jul 2/2009 London, UK |
6th World Conference of Science Journalists The 6th World Conference of Science Journalists in 2009 (WCSJ2009) will bring established and aspiring reporters, writers and science communicators from around the world to debate, network, develop their professional skills and report on the latest advances in science and technology. Venue: Central Hall, Westminster Location: London, UK Website: http://www.wcsj2009.org/For information contact: Julie Clayton and Sallie Robins Phone: +44 (0) 117 946 6284 Categories: Science & Technology; Media, Entertainment, News, Communications; Journalism, Writing, Literary, Language |
Jul 1/2009 to Jul 12/2009 Toronto, ON |
Lockdown World Premiere This July, CaribbeanTales in association with Leda Serene Films will stage the world premiere of award-winning director Frances-Anne Solomon 32s new theatrical production Lockdown, brought to audiences for the first time ever at the 2009 Toronto Fringe Festival (July 1st to 12th). Lockdowns explosive fictional story traces the fortunes of a diverse group of young people held hostage during a high school lockdown. The plays high octane script picks apart the violence that threatens to undermine their dreams. It stars Jamaican film and theatre icon Leonie Forbes (What My Mother Told Me, Lord Have Mercy, A Winter Tale) and rising Toronto star Michael Miller (A Winter Tale, Get Rich or Die Trying), alongside a talented ensemble of young actors selected from city-wide auditions held across the GTA. The script was developed over the past year, through a collaborative improvisational process with the entire team. Lockdown deals with the all too familiar issue of school violence, by focusing on eight students in their final year of high school. The story begins with an emergency lockdown: students trapped in their classes, while parents scared and helpless wait outside, and police officers swarm the school property. Venue: George Ignatieff Theatre Location: 15 Devonshire Place, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.caribbeantales.caCategories: Arts & Culture |
Jul 1/2009 to Aug 3/2009 Toronto, ON |
Island Soul This is an exploration of old Caribbean traditions and new trends. The festival also features Spanish ( Cuba, Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico ) and Indo-Caribbean culinary, literary, musical and gaming rituals.
Venue: Harbourfront Location: Queen's Quay, Toronto, ON Categories: Arts & Culture; International; Music
Jul 1/2009 to Aug 31/2009 Toronto, ON |
Harbourfront Centre Summer Events Harbourfront Centre, on Toronto's waterfront, is an innovative non profit cultural organization which creates events and activities of excellence that enliven, educate and entertain a diverse public. Venue: Harbourfront Centre Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.harbourfrontcentre.comCategories: Arts & Culture; Music |
Jul 1/2009 to Sep 1/2009 Ottawa, ON |
All Aboard! At the Canada Science and Technology Museum Wednesdays and Sundays, take a 10-minute ride in vintage rail cars, drawn by a steam locomotive and operated by volunteers of the Bytown Railway Society. Last ride at 3:45 Time: 10:00 - 3:45 Venue: Canada Science and Technology Museum Location: 1867 St. Laurent blvd, Ottawa, ON Website: http://www.sciencetech.technomuses.caFor information contact: Visitors Services Phone: 613-991-3044 Categories: Museums; Transportation & Travel; Science & Technology |
Jul 1/2009 to Sep 1/2009 Ottawa, ON |
Collection Tours of the Canada Science and Technology Museum Mondays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays get a behind-the-scenes look at the extensive collection that is not usually on display in the Canada Science and Technology Museum. Attendance is limited. Please register at the information desk. Time: 11:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Venue: Canada Science and Technology Musuem Location: 1867 St. Laurent blvd., Ottawa, ON Website: http://www.sciencetech.technomuses.caFor information contact: visitors services Phone: 613-991-3044 Categories: Science & Technology; Automotive & Cars; Communications Industry & Technology |
Jul 1/2009 to Oct 31/2009 Montreal, QC |
U-TURN - Toward sustainable transportation: July 1 - Oct. 31 at the Biosphere Visible from outside the Biosphere, a sphere three metres in diameter represents the average CO2 production of an automobile in one hour, while the volume of the Biosphere itself represents that of 50 cars in one year. Visitors are encouraged to reflect upon the sorry plight of the world's transportation situation. Venue: Montreal Location: Montreal, QC Website: http://www.biosphere.ec.gc.caCategories: Environment; Education; Transportation & Travel |
Jul 2/2009 Ottawa, ON |
Seeding Change: Linking Youth for Food Sovereignty in Honduras and Canada Seeding Change brings young organic farmers from Honduras, as well as youth promoting food justice in Canada, to share photos and stories from their communities. Farming methods will be compared on both sides of the Americas with emphasis on native seeds and conserving the native soil. Time: 7:00 - 9:00 pm Venue: Umi Cafe Location: 610 Somerset Street, Ottawa, ON Website: http://www.usc-canada.orgFor information contact: smohan@usc-canada.org Phone: 613-234-6827 Categories: Farming; Environment; International |
Jul 3/2009 to Jul 5/2009 Orillia, ON |
Mariposa Folk Festival For more than 40 years, Mariposa has been presenting world class creators and performers of folk, roots, blues, gospel, acoustic and world music traditions in a beautiful, family-friendly setting. Venue: Tudhope Park Location: Atherly Road, Orillia, ON Website: http://www.mariposafolk.comPhone: (705) 326-3655 Categories: Arts & Culture; Music |
Jul 3/2009 to Jul 5/2009 Sudbury, ON |
Northern Lights Festival Boréal Northern Lights Festival Boréal is an annual folk festival in Greater Sudbury, Ontario, Canada. It is Canada's oldest music festival, in continuous operation since 1972. Venue: Bell Park Location: 19 Grey Street, Ste 3, Sudbury, ON Website: http://www.nlfbsudbury.comPhone: 705.674.5512 Categories: Arts & Culture; Music |
Jul 3/2009 to Jul 13/2009 Toronto, ON |
The Scream Literary Festival Only in extinction is the collector comprehended." Walter Benjamin, Unpacking my Library: A Talk about Book Collecting (in Illuminations). The book is dead and were inviting all of its friends to help us to bury it. This year the Scream, Canadas strangest literary festival, will explore the imminent demise of books, book culture and all that readers hold dear. In the face of its decaying vestiges we celebrate its life, its death and the spectre of its future. Join us from July 2nd to 13th in offering our elegies, predictions, ululations and dreams of technological salvation. Begin your post-mortem with a musical revue, led by horror-lit luminaries Tony Burgess (Pontypool) and Derek McCormack (The Haunted Hillbilly). Descend into our gallery and mausoleum, where decaying books stand resolute against the future. Wander with us through the streets of Toronto as we reveal the graves of beloved bookstores. Celebrate the poetry of Dennis Lee at our book-length dinner, when he revisits his masterwork Civil Elegies alongside his most recent and visionary books Un and yesno. Finally, reaffirm your love for poetry on July 13th with our 17th annual Scream in High Park Mainstage, featuring an ebullient line up of performers. Time: varies according to schedule Venue: Toronto/ Dream stage in Highpark Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.thescream.ca/festivals/2009 |
Jul 3/2009 to Sep 20/2009 Ottawa/ Copenhagen |
From Canada to Copenhagen: Pedal for the Planet (July 3- Sept 20) Pedal for the Planet is a KYOTO plus initiative. KYOTO plus is a national, non-partisanpetition-centered campaign for urgent federal government action on climate change. Location: Ottawa/ Copenhagen Website: http://www.kyotoplus/pedalFor information contact: mikeb@sierraclub.ca Phone: 613-241-4611 x235 Categories: Nature & Outdoors; Environment; International |
Jul 4/2009 to Jul 5/2009 Victoria, BC |
Organic Islands Festival and Sustainability Expo This is a solar power, near zero waste celebration of eco-friendly practices, products and services presented by 150 exhibitors in a wonderful 10 acre garden venue. Time: 10:00 am - 5:00 pm Venue: Glendale Gardens and Woodland Location: 505 Quayle Road, Victoria, BC Website: http://www.organicislands.caPhone: 250-658-8148 Categories: Environment; Food & Beverage; Science & Technology |
Jul 5/2009 Toronto, ON |
Rally: Justice for live-in caregivers and temporary foreign workers This rally calls for fundamental changes to the federal Live-in Caregiver Program. There will be music, performers and speakers.
Time: 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm Venue: Parkette beside Food Basics Location: Intersection Wellesley St. E. and Ontario St., Toronto, ON Categories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Human Rights, Law, Legal; Economic Development
Jul 5/2009 to Jul 9/2009 Ottawa, ON |
Biodiversity - International Youth Symposium 2nd International Youth Symposium for Biodiversity For more info: www.biodiversitymatters.org Location: Ottawa, ON Website: http://www.biodiversitymatters.orgCategories: Environment; Education; Farming |
Jul 6/2009 Toronto, ON |
Food, Inc In Food, Inc., filmmaker Robert Kenner lifts the veil on our nation's food industry, exposing the highly mechanized underbelly that has been hidden from the American consumer with the consent of our government's regulatory agencies, USDA and FDA. Our nation's food supply is now controlled by a handful of corporations that often put profit ahead of consumer health, the livelihood of the American farmer, the safety of workers and our own environment. We have bigger-breasted chickens, the perfect pork chop, herbicide-resistant soybean seeds, even tomatoes that won't go bad, but we also have new strains of E. coliâthe harmful bacteria that causes illness for an estimated 73,000 Americans annually. We are riddled with widespread obesity, particularly among children, and an epidemic level of diabetes among adults. Check the official website for movie listings Time: 9:30pm Venue: Cumberland Location: Avenue Road, one block north of Bloor), Toronto, ON Website: http://www.foodincmovie.com/index.phpCategories: Food & Beverage; Arts & Culture; Health/Health Care |
Jul 6/2009 Toronto, ON |
H2Oil - Film Screening This documentary follows a voyage of discovery, heartbreak and politicization for those defending Alberta's water against tar sands expansion, one of the largest projects in human history.
Moderated by Olivia Chow, MP
Venue: Bloor Cinema Location: 506 Bloor St. W., Toronto, ON For information contact: chowo1c@parl.gc.ca Phone: 416 - 533 - 2710 Categories: Building & Construction; Economic Development; Mining & Petroleum
Jul 6/2009 to Jul 8/2009 Orangeville, ON |
Diversity and Equity Summer Leadership Institute The Diversity and Equity Summer Leadership Institute is offered in partnership by Anima Leadership and the Canadian Race Relations. This is a cutting-edge approach that integrates emotional intelligence with anti-racism theory and conflict transformation skills. It is for managers, supervisors, educators, facilitators and diversity representatives from the public, non-profit and private sectors. Venue: Hockley Valley Resort Location: Orangeville, ON Website: http://animaleadership.com/programs/diversity-and-equity-leadership-instituteFor information contact: annahid@animaleadership.com Phone: 416-462-9512 x1 Categories: Education; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Jul 6/2009 to Jul 9/2009 Kuching, Malaysia |
CITA09: Towards Human-Centered Computing The conference reflects the increasing focus on issues concerned with ICTs in developing countries. The main aim of the conference is to examine the continuing roles of ICTs within the prevailing challenges of development faced by the region and to investigate how the technology can be adapted to improve local needs as well as to bring technology within reach of the communities. CITA covers various areas such as data mining, high performance computing, image processing, distributed computing, language technology, wired and wireless technologies. Researchers and industry practitioners in these fields are invited to participate, to share and collaborate research works with experts in this conference. Venue: Hilton Kuching Hotel Location: Kuching, Malaysia Website: http://www.cita09.org/Categories: Communications Industry & Technology; Social Services |
Jul 7/2009 to Aug 9/2009 Fergus, ON |
Fergus Scottish Festival and Highland Games The Fergus Scottish Festival and Highland Games has enjoyed 59 years of success. Begun by Alex Robertson, the games have had two locations, Victoria Park and more recently, the Centre Wellington Community Sportsplex (Fergus). The Games exemplify all things Scottish with a focus on heavy events, dancing, piping, clans and family interactive fun. Venue: Centre Wellington Community Sportsplex Location: 398 St. Andrew St. W, Fergus, ON Website: http://www.fergusscottishfestival.com/Categories: Arts & Culture; Music |
Jul 9/2009 to Jul 8/2009 Toronto, ON |
Caribbean Tales Film Festival Industry Series Celebrating its fourth anniversary, the Caribbean Tales Film Festival this year presents the Caribbean Tales Industry Development Program, which offers industry activities such as training workshops, roundtable sessions, and panel discussions on film practice, business development and marketing, and storytelling. Venue: William Doo Auditorium, New College, U of T Location: 45 Willcocks St., Toronto, ON Website: http://ledaserene@gmail.comPhone: 416-598-1410 Categories: Arts & Culture; Economic Development; Journalism, Writing, Literary, Language |
Jul 9/2009 to Jul 12/2009 London, ON |
TD Canada Trust Sunfest Every summer since 1995, Sunfest has brought together thousands of people of all ages and cultures for four days of exemplary music, dance, crafts and cuisine from around the globe. This unique, high profile event features over 30 top professional world music & dance and jazz ensembles based in Canada and abroad. Venue: Victoria Park Location: London, ON Website: http://www.sunfest.on.caCategories: Arts & Culture; Music |
Jul 10/2009 Canberra, Australia |
Working with your Publisher This full-day seminar will prepare you for the process of managing your book from delivery of manuscript to distribution and beyond, as well as demystify what goes on behind the scenes when you hand over your manuscript. By day's end, you will be empowered with the knowledge to ensure a smooth relationship with editorial and publicity staff in producing your book. Venue: Bogong Theatre, Gorman House Arts Centre Location: Canberra, Australia Website: http://www.asauthors.orgPhone: 0293180877 Categories: Journalism, Writing, Literary, Language; Publishers & Publishing |
Jul 10/2009 to Jul 12/2009 Lanark Highlands, ON |
Art of Being Green Festival Art of Being Green features a large exhibit area, vendor trade shows, workshops, interactive displays, entertainment and local food. Festival showcases local, provincial and national efforts to reduce greenhouse emmissions and to utilize renewable energy source. Venue: Middleville Fairgrounds Location: Lanark Highlands, ON Website: http://www.artofbeinggreen.comFor information contact: green@lanarkhighlands.ca Phone: 1-800-239-4695 Categories: Environment; Education; Science & Technology |
Jul 10/2009 to Jul 12/2009 Ingersoll, ON |
Canterbury Folk Festival This three day festival, is celebrating its seventh year of fun and music Venue: Memorial Park and Downtown Location: 89 Concession St, Ingersoll, ON Website: http://www.canterburyfolkfestival.on.caPhone: (519) 485-5763 Categories: Arts & Culture; Music |
Jul 10/2009 to Jul 12/2009 Toronto, ON |
Métis Arts Festival This three-day bilingual celebration showcases 400 years of the history and legends of Canada's Métis heritage through musicians and dancers, artisans and storytellers Venue: Black Creek Pioneer Village Location: 5 Shoreham Drive, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.blackcreek.caPhone: (416) 661-6600 Categories: Arts & Culture; Music |
Jul 11/2009 Perth, ON |
Doors Open Perth Doors Open Perth
Location: Perth, ON Categories: Architecture; Museums
Jul 11/2009
Start your own Renewable Energy Business - Seminar Limited space available. Next seminar in August. Website: http://www.interect.caFor information contact: H. Pfaller info@interect.ca Phone: 416-282-9992 Categories: Economic Development; Environment; Education |
Jul 11/2009 Toronto, ON |
Suburban Critical Mass Join us as we make every street a cycling street in the event called Suburban Critical Mass! Critical Mass is a monthly celebration of bike culture (and car-free culture) on the streets. Riding as a group, we create a safe haven for all riders in a space which would otherwise be a dangerzone for non-motorists. Suburban Critical Mass aims to focus attention on cycling conditions outside of Downtown. Everyone is welcome! (cyclists of all skill levels, roller-bladers, skateboarders, etc.) This event takes place on the Second Saturday of every month. Please RSVP on the Facebook event page -check the URL below! We hope to see you out there! -Jacob Time: Gather 3:00 pm, Depart at 3:30 pm (duration: roughly 2 to 3 hours) Location: (Yonge St and Eglinton Ave, Northwest Corner) Meet near 2300 Yonge Street in front of the Yonge & Eglinton Town Centre Sign, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=109563576943&ref=nfCategories: Transportation & Travel; Urban Issues, Transit, Housing, Public Space; Hobbies |
Jul 11/2009 to Jul 12/2009 Ottawa, ON |
Art of Being Green Festival - author, Mike Nickerson Workshop Join Mike Nickerson, author of "Life, Money & Illusion: Living on Earth as if we want to stay" for a talk and discussion about the options from which we can choose our future. A discussion about our changing times. We are faced today with an enormous challenge. Human beings fill the Earth, yet, our tradition is to grow more. We must change direction and pursue a new goal - It is odd that at a time when our biggest problems are the result of our size, our leaders maintain that more growth is the solution. Like adolescents approaching adulthood, our society clings to its carefree past. Since most adults have been able to make that transformation successfully, there is good reason to believe that our society will also accept its maturity.Middleville is located between Almonte and Lanark on County Rd. 16. Time: tabling all weekend, presentation 3pm on the 12th Venue: Middleville Agricultural Society Grounds Location: Ottawa, ON Website: http://SustainWellBeing.netFor information contact: dillman54@sympatico.ca Categories: Environment; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Jul 11/2009 to Jul 12/2009 Las Vegas, NV USA |
Design Quick Course Translate your design skills to the Web by understanding the essential building blocks. In this two-day course we'll demystify the Web 2.0 toolbox and help you build a compelling, news-driven package from scratch. We'll focus on HTML/CSS (the foundation of the Web) and how to integrate widgets from Google, Twitter, Flickr and more. We'll discuss Flash, but the focus here is on the other 90% of tools that foster online storytelling. If it seems overwhelming, we are here to prove it is not. Before the course, we will survey participants and adapt to the group's interests and experiences. This course is a good fit for anyone at the beginner level. Intermediate users are also welcome. A spectrum of topics will be covered and we can work one-on-one with you. Venue: UNLV Greenspun Hall, Rm. 1125 Location: Corner of Maryland Parkway & University Rd., Las Vegas, NV USA Website: http://www.snd.orgCategories: Design; Media, Entertainment, News, Communications; Skills & Training |
Jul 11/2009 to Jul 12/2009 Toronto, ON |
York-Eglinton Community Clean-Up Day Come to the fifth annual York-Eglinton BIA/Tim Hortons Community Clean-Up Day. Volunteer to pick up litter, and get free t-shirts, gloves, hotdogs and refreshments. There will be music, displays and information on recycling and conservation, and giveaways. The Inorganic Market will also be collecting electronic waste for recycling (for a list of items accepted see the website). Saturday, July 11 from 11:30 am to 2 pm. At 1607 Eglinton Ave. W. in the Green P Parking Lot.
Time: 11:30am to 2pm Location: 1607 Eglinton Ave. W, Toronto, ON For information contact: yorkbia.com Categories: Environment
Jul 11/2009 to Jul 16/2009 Toronto, ON |
The Toronto Summer Institute: Inclusion, Community & Diversity Join committed citizens from around the globe as we explore giftedness, capacity thinking, and collaborate to create a world where everyone belongs, and everyone can contribute - no exceptions. This event is themed Creating Opportunities in Difficult Times: Together We're Better. visit the Inclusion Press website or email Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.inclusion.com/workshops.htmlFor information contact: Cathy@inclusion.com Categories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Jul 12/2009 Middleville, ON |
A discussion about our changing times, Mike Nickerson It is odd that at a time when our biggest problems are as a result of our size, our leaders maintain that growth is the solution. Like adolescents approaching adulthood, our society clings to its carefree past. Mike Nickerson will outline some of the choices that can be options for us to choose in our future development. Time: 3:00 pm Venue: Middleville Agricultural Society Grounds Location: Middleville, ON Website: http://www.SustainWellBeing.netFor information contact: dillman54@sympatico.ca Phone: 613-259-9988 Categories: Environment; Economic Development; Food & Beverage |
Jul 13/2009 to Jul 16/2009 New Delhi, India |
Media, Democracy and Governance: Emerging Paradigms in a Digital Age The 18th Annual International Conference of the AMIC intends to "provide a critical space for both media professionals and academics to exchange knowledge and share their experiences on the role of the media in bringing about development and the new paradigms that are emerging in the digital age." It is open to academics, media industry professionals, government agencies, policymakers, regulators, UN agencies, donors, research groups, civil society organizations, independent consultants and students worldwide. Venue: Le Méridien Hotel Location: New Delhi, India Website: http://www.amic.org.sg/new/news_n_updates/conf2009cfp.htmCategories: Media, Entertainment, News, Communications; Internet |
Jul 13/2009 to Jul 19/2009 Toronto, ON |
MAD PRIDE in Toronto 2009 July 13 to 19th has been proclaimed Mad Pride Week in the City of Toronto.A week of activities celebrating psychiatric survivors, consumers and mad folks will take place at Metro Hall Rotunda, CAMH (Centre for Addiction and Mental Health) and PARC (Parkdale Activity-Recreation Centre) and other locations. All events are free. If the City of Toronto Strike continues through Mad Pride Week, July 13-19. all Metro Hall Rotunda events will take place as planned but at May Robinson Auditorium, 20 West Lodge, one block east of Lansdowne, one block north of Queen. Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.madpridetoronto.blogspot.com/For information contact: madpridetoronto@yahoo.com Categories: Health/Health Care; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Jul 15/2009 to Jul 29/2009
Company of Women Summer Sizzlers Company of Women will be hosting three Summer Sizzler events during the month of July to bring like-minded business women together for a fun evening of casual networking and light refreshments. The first Summer Sizzler is taking place in Waterloo on Wednesday, July 15th from 6:00p.m. - 8:00p.m. at the Canadian Clay and Glass Gallery. Tickets are $30 + GST for Company of Women members and $40 + GST for non-members. The second Summer Sizzler will be held in Oakville at C.J.'s Cafe in Bronte on Tuesday, July 21st from 5:30p.m. - 7:30p.m. Tickets are $35 + GST for Company of Women members and $45 + GST for non-members. Our third Summer Sizzler will be held in Toronto at One Up Restaurant on Wednesday, July 29th from 5:30p.m. - 7:30p.m. Tickets are $35 + GST for Company of Women members and $45 + GST for non-members. These events are a great way for women in business to connect with one another and learn more about the Company of Women. Please visit www.companyofwomen.ca to register for a Summer Sizzler, or to learn more about this organization. Contact Bethan Alfano for additional infomation or inquiries at bethan@companyofwomen.ca. Website: http://www.companyofwomen.caFor information contact: Bethan Alfano Phone: 905-338-1771 Categories: Women; Business & Economics |
Jul 15/2009 to Aug 1/2009 Toronto, ON |
Romeo and Juliet outdoors This year's show will explore the depths of Shakespeare's greatest love story with additional stage added to Philosopher's Walk.
Time: 8 p.m.- 10:00 pm Venue: Philosophers's Stage and Philosopher's Walk Location: 80 Queen's Park, Toronto, ON Categories: Arts & Culture; Education; Media, Entertainment, News, Communications
Jul 16/2009 Utica, ON |
Protecting the Nonquon River, Open House Nonquon River Fisheries Man. Plan: Includes recommendations on fish habitat conservation, restoration, development. Nonquon River Watershed Man. Plan: Identifiesopportunities for restoration, preservation and stewardship, and guides potential future development Time: 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm Venue: Utica Memory Hall Location: 13990 Marsh Hill Rd., Utica, ON Website: http://www.kawarthaconservation.comPhone: 705-328-2271 Categories: Environment; Management; Nature & Outdoors |
Jul 16/2009 Toronto, ON |
Welcome to the Urban Revolution More than half of Earths people now reside in cites. Close to two billion more will join them in the next twenty five years. Welcome to the Urban Revolution argues that the great challenges facing us in this century can and must be met with new approaches to city building. Exploring the success of vibrant urban centers such as Barcelona, Vancouver and Curitiba, Brazil, Brugmann shows readers how citizens can transform their cities from the ground up into productive, equitable and sustainable places that will continue to serve their needs as they evolve. $15 at the door.
Time: 7:30 pm Venue: Café; Taste Location: 1330 Queen St. West, Toronto, ON For information contact: cco@web.ca Phone: 416-533-1635 ext 1 Categories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Urban Issues, Transit, Housing, Public Space
Jul 17/2009 Chicago, Illinois |
Plugged In: Create More Engaging Content and Design This Chicago Education Series program will demonstrate content planning and design strategies that can help you better serve several masters (audience segments). Editors and designers are looking to technology to help them accomplish more, but many have not changed how they think and execute with content creation, management and design. Venue: Association Forum of Chicagoland Location: 10 S. Riverside Plaza, Suite 800, Chicago, Illinois Website: http://www.snaponline.orgFor information contact: Emily Hicks Phone: 703-506-3285 Categories: Design; Media, Entertainment, News, Communications |
Jul 17/2009 to Jul 18/2009 Rabbat, Morrocco |
Inclusive Media - Media Decision Makers Conference The conference will bring together leading Moroccan media owners, editors, and analysts, as well as representatives of leading Moroccan Civil Society Organisations. It will be an opportunity for discussion on responsible journalism, the legal, ethical and financial reasons for inclusive reporting, and the role of the media as a forum for national dialogue on those issues. Speakers will include leading Moroccan and international experts. It is the first of two such conferences which will take place in Morocco over the next 2 years. The conference is supported by the UK Embassy in Rabat. Location: Rabbat, Morrocco Website: http://www.media-diversity.orgFor information contact: info@media-diversity.org Categories: Journalism, Writing, Literary, Language; Media, Entertainment, News, Communications |
Jul 17/2009 to Jul 19/2009 Penetanguishene, ON |
Festival du Loup An annual cultural festival and temporary museum celebrating the Francophone heritage of the Lafontaine area. Its name is derived from a local legend of a wolf that was destroying flocks of sheep. Local francophones who had come from separate areas in Quebec had not socialized with each other until fear of the wolf united them in a common cause: eliminate the wolf. Venue: Varous Location: 434 Cedar Point Road, Penetanguishene, ON Website: http://www.festivalduloup.on.caPhone: (705) 533-3200 Categories: Arts & Culture; Music |
Jul 17/2009 to Jul 19/2009 London, ON |
Home County Folk Festival Home County Folk League creates opportunities for the citizens of London and region to celebrate artist created music and art in the folk based tradition. Home County nurtures and encourages local and area artists as they showcase their talents to the community Venue: Victoria Park Location: 115- 652 Elizabeth Street, London, ON Website: http://www.homecounty.caPhone: 519-432-4310 Categories: Arts & Culture; Music |
Jul 17/2009 to Jul 19/2009 Perth, ON |
Stewart Park Festival Three free days of music in beautiful Stewart Park. Local, national and world performers, music, quality artisans, fantastic food, all in the most serene atmosphere by the sparkling Tay River. Venue: Stewart Park Location: 34 Herriott Street, Perth, ON Website: http://www.stewartparkfestival.ca/Phone: 613-264-1190 Categories: Arts & Culture; Music |
Jul 17/2009 to Jul 31/2009 Toronto, ON |
Urban Botany: An exploration into edibles, botanicals and art forms Come enjoy an evolutionary exploration into edibles, botanicals, and art forms Floral arrangements with flowers from local organic farmer Potted vegetables, perennial herbs, and native flowers Botanical drawings and urban craft photo journeys Dance performance on Pedestrian Sunday Workshops about seeds and food security Study space with combined libraries from urban gardening community Local organic tasting menu and freshly squeezed organic juices
Come enjoy an evolutionary exploration into edibles, botanicals, and art forms
Venue: Hotshot Gallery Location: Toronto ad hoc coalition against open pit mining plans, Toronto, ON Categories: Food & Beverage; Environment; Mining & Petroleum
Jul 18/2009 to Jul 19/2009 Toronto, ON |
37th Annual Festival of India Close to 40,000 people participate every year. This year's pre-festival will takeplace on Monday, July 13, 2009 and will feature interactive exhibits, yoga demos, bazaar/marketplace, live entertainment and an evening concert. A parade with 35 ft. tall floats which will be hand-pulled by participants will proceed along Yonge street. Time: 11:00 a.m. - 8:00 pm Venue: Centre Island Location: Yonge & Bloor, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.feedyoursoul.toCategories: Arts & Culture; Food & Beverage; Design |
Jul 19/2009 to Jul 22/2009 Honolulu, Hawaii |
2009 International Professional Communication Conference The conference focuses on po okela, or the commitment to excellence, in the communication of technical information. How can we best define, measure, and achieve that excellence? Venue: Hilton Hawaii Village Location: Honolulu, Hawaii Website: http://ewh.ieee.orgCategories: Communications Industry & Technology |
Jul 20/2009 Toronto, ON |
Clean Air for Little Lungs Bring your kids and noisemakers to let Premier Dalton McGuinty know that parents say "no" to dirty diesel trains. Featuring a musical performance by children's entertainers Soli and Rob. Time: 10 to 11am Venue: Queens Park, in front of Ontario Legislature Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.cleantrain.ca/For information contact: histrung@gmail.com Categories: Environment; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Jul 21/2009 to Jul 24/2009 Mexico City |
Human Rights Communication Along with the issues corresponding to the Association's various sections and working groups, the organisers of the Mexico Conference propose that the participants devote time to the discussion of a topic of great importance for world-wide coexistence: Human Rights and Communication. Venue: Centro Cultural Universitario Tlatelolco - UNAM Location: Mexico City Website: http://www.iamcr2009mexico.unam.mx/english/welcome.htmlCategories: Communications Industry & Technology; Human Rights, Law, Legal; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Jul 21/2009 to Jul 24/2009 Mexico City, Mexico |
Human Rights Communication Conference Along with the issues corresponding to the Association's various sections and working groups, the organisers of the Mexico Conference propose that the participants devote time to the discussion of a topic of great importance for world-wide coexistence: Human Rights and Communication. The adoption of the United Nations (UN) Charter in 1945 and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) in 1948, obliged all States to establish, protect and enforce Human Rights at global, regional, national and local levels. Since then, the recognition of the inherent dignity and the equal and inalienable rights of every person, has forced the international community to recognise and assume its responsibility in the promotion of universal respect and the protection of human rights. Also, to guarantee the indivisibility of human rights and their interdependence with peace and development. To promote a debate on the different issues that involves Human Rights in our societies in relation to communication and media studies, such as: the right to communicate, freedom of expression, freedom to hold opinions, freedom of information, equality of benefits from the development of technology, involvement of citizens in decision-making processes about communication and information policies, the promotion of the cultural diversity by media and NTIC 32s, the access of social groups that have historically been excluded from the public sphere -- such as women, indigenous and young people. Location: Mexico City, Mexico Website: http://www.iamcr2009mexico.unam.mx/For information contact: contact can be made with organization via the contact us page on conferenc Categories: International; Human Rights, Law, Legal |
Jul 22/2009 Toronto, ON |
Artist talk with Suzanne Swannie Suzanne Swannie is a professional textile artist designer and teacher. See her weavings, tapestries and textile installations in Danish Modern.
Time: 5:00 pm Venue: Textile Museum of Canada Location: 55 Centre Ave., Toronto, ON For information contact: info@textilemuseum.ca Categories: Arts & Culture; Design; Fashion, Clothing, Textiles
Jul 23/2009 Toronto, ON |
No Visa? No Rights?! Don't CLose the Border on Refugees Come raise your voice against the Canadian government 32s recent decision to impose visa requirements on Mexico and the Czech Republic. This decision, made by Immigration Minister Jason Kenny, closes the door on Mexican and Czech Roma asylum-seekers fleeing racism, violence and persecution back home. It also prevents visitors from coming to Canada for tourism or to reunite with their families. Roma people in the Czech Republic have been facing escalating violence from neo-Nazi groups, and the police and legal system have not provided adequate protection. Toronto immigration lawyer Max Berger, who is acting for about 400 Roma applicants, said that the IRB has made a decision in just under 100 cases and accepted 85 per cent, an extraordinarily high rate. The general acceptance rate is about 40 per cent. In recent months, Canada 32s own Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade has issued warnings about the rising violence in Mexico. Over 6,000 Mexicans have been killed in drug-related violence in 2008 alone, and whole villages have been forced to evacuate to escape gun battles.There will be speakers at the rally from the Roma Community Centre, the FCJ Refugee Centre, No One Is Illegal and others.
Time: 1 pm Location: Meet at the corner of Davenport and Perth, Toronto, ON Phone: 416.652.7867 ext. 237 Categories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Human Rights, Law, Legal
Jul 24/2009 Toronto, ON |
The Eight Annual MyBindi Comedy Night MyBindi.com, North America's premier on-line South Asian network of talented South Asian is thrilled to announce its 8th annual MyBindi Comedy Night featuring an all new line-up of South Asian comics.
Time: 8:00 pm Venue: Queen Elizabeth Theatre, CNE grounds Location: 190 Prince's Blvd., Toronto, ON For information contact: Syerah, Syerah@mybindi.com Phone: 416-884-3555 Categories: Arts & Culture; International; Food & Beverage
Jul 24/2009 to Jul 25/2009 London, ON |
Kala Manjari's Indiafest The celebration of South Asian performing arts (commonly known as the Arts of India) in the London community. The classical Indian instrumental music, vocals and dance form the foundation of the culture of India and neighbouring countries in South Asia. Venue: various Location: London, ON Website: http://www.kalamanjari.orgCategories: Arts & Culture; Music |
Jul 24/2009 to Jul 26/2009 Guelph Lake Island, ON |
Hillside Festival The Hillside Festival is an annual three-day, five-stage summer festival occurring in Guelph, Ontario hosting musicians, spoken word artists, workshops and more. The Hillside Festival occurs in late July on an island in Guelph Lake. Venue: Guelph Lake Conservation Area Location: Guelph Lake Island, ON Website: http://www.hillsidefestival.caCategories: Arts & Culture; Museums |
Jul 25/2009 to Jul 26/2009 Delta, BC |
International Bog Days This day raises awareness about the benefits of bogs and the need to protect and conserve these precious ecosystems. This is a funfilled event for the entire family as well as an educational one.
Time: 7 pm - 11.00 pm Venue: Firehall Centre for the Arts Location: 11489 84 Avenue, Delta, BC For information contact: events@burnsbog.org Phone: 604-572-0373 Categories: Environment; Nature & Outdoors; Education
Jul 25/2009 to Jul 26/2009 Toronto, ON |
Live Green Toronto Festival This year's festival promises to be bigger, better and greener than ever! Join us on July 25 & 26, 2009. Saturday July 25th will include a street-closure of Yonge street (from Dundas to Queen) with over 100 exhibitors, local food, live music, and more. Sunday July 26th is family day with events on Yonge-Dundas Square with kid friendly activities and hands-on fun for the whole family. What happens when you mix hundreds of green products and services with live music and local foods - and invite everyone in Toronto: The Toronto Green Festival Venue: Yonge and Dundas Square Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.toronto.ca/greentorontofestival/index.htmCategories: Environment; Media, Entertainment, News, Communications |
Jul 26/2009 Toronto, ON |
Busting Out! Public Performance As Canada's national women's theatre since 1979, Nightwood has launched many of the leading theatre artists such as Ann-Marie Macdonald. Nightwood is a national theatre for the purpose of mentoring women. Time: 3:00 pm Venue: Tapestry/Nightwood New Work Studio Location: 55 Mill treet, The Cannery, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.nightwoodtheatre.netFor information contact: rebecca@nightwoodtheatre.net Categories: Arts & Culture; Women; Media, Entertainment, News, Communications |
Jul 28/2009
Free Teleseminar - How to Create a Professional and Personal Image Plan You will learn how to create a plan that includes- all of the topics you should be familiar with to get the professional and personal image you want to project. Time: 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm Eastern Standard Time Venue: Virtual by phone Website: http://www.corporateclassinc.com/teleseminars.phpFor information contact: Diane Craig Phone: 416-967-1221 Categories: Fashion, Clothing, Textiles; Skills & Training |
Jul 29/2009 Toronto, ON |
This War is NOT Green Information Night with Toronto Code Pink The meeting will go over the new book by Barry Saunders,:"The Green Zone", regarding the ecological damage of war. Future meetings will be planned on the subject including a banner over the Gardiner Expressway.
Time: 7:30 pm Location: St. Clair and Avenue Rd, Toronto, ON For information contact: torontocodepink@yahoo.ca Phone: 416-960-1897 Categories: Environment; Military; Human Rights, Law, Legal
Jul 30/2009 Toronto, ON |
The Best of Videoactive The Toronto Video Activist Collective (TVAC) is proud to present THE BEST OF VIDEOACTIVE - a compilation of the very best direct-action short videos from the seminal "VideoActive" video zine. Come celebrate the tenth anniversary of "VideoActive" with our first-ever DVD release - featuring highlights from Reclaim the Streets to the Pope Squat, from Pussy Palace to TTC subway parties - and from Quebec City to Argentina. Admission $5 Or free with purchase of DVD ($20) And on Facebook, please RSVP: http://www.facebook.com/events.php#/event.php?eid=108682469752
Time: 7:30pm (doors open at 7pm) Venue: Innis Town Hall, U of T Location: 2 Sussex Street at St. George, Toronto, ON For information contact: tvactoronto@yahoo.ca Categories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Arts & Culture
Jul 31/2009 to Aug 2/2009 Clarendon, ON |
Blue Skies Festival A perfect gem of a folk festival.
Location: P.O. Box 2502, Clarendon, ON Phone: 1.613.279.2610 Categories: Arts & Culture; Music
Jul 31/2009 to Aug 2/2009 Pembroke, ON |
Eco Pulse Youth Conference (July 31 - August ) About 40 youth, ages 13 - 19 with an active interest in the eco-future of their communities will participate in workshops, awareness activities, food and fun. Venue: Marguerite Centre Location: Pembroke, ON Website: http://www.ecopulse.orgFor information contact: Dominica McPherson dominica@ecopulse.org Phone: 613-732-9926 Categories: Environment; Education; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Jul 31/2009 to Aug 2/2009 Cambridge, ON |
Mill Race Festival of Traditional Folk Music This free festival, now in its sixteenth year, is patterned after European festivals whereby the day's events are held on numerous outdoor stages in the town core.The festivals' focus is on traditional forms of folk music and dance from a variety of cultures. Venue: various Location: P.O. BOX 22148, Cambridge, ON Website: http://www.millracefolksociety.com/festival.htmPhone: 519-621-7135 Categories: Arts & Culture; Music |
Jul 31/2009 to Aug 3/2009 Ottawa, ON |
Rideau Canal Festival This is a new eco-friendly festival featuring environmentally friendly fun for the whole family (canoeing, cycling and heritage events). Also this event is at Ontario's first UNESCO World Heritage Site. Venue: Rideau Canal Location: Ottawa, ON Website: http://www.rideaucanalfestival.caFor information contact: info@rideaucanal.ca Phone: 613-288-0970 Categories: Environment; Education; Food & Beverage |
Aug 2/2009 to Aug 6/2009 San Diego, Calif., USA |
Solar Energy + Applications 2009 This event contains a focused program of technical presentations and courses on photovoltaic cell technologies plus R&D of solar concentrator, solar hydrogen and other illumination systems. This is a mixture of academic and application oriented programs. Location: San Diego, Calif., USA Website: http://spie.org/solar-energy.xml?WT.mcFor information contact: customer service@spie.org Phone: 1 360 676 3290 Categories: Environment; Science & Technology; Skills & Training |
Aug 2/2009 to Aug 8/2009 Waterloo, ON |
Einstein Plus Teachers Workshop The EinsteinPlus workshop is a one-week, intensive residential workshop for Canadian and international high school teachers that focuses on key areas of modern physics â including quantum physics, special and general relativity, and cosmology. The workshop incorporates sessions on: ⢠Innovative teaching strategies suitable for all areas of physics ⢠In-class learning resources on modern physics ⢠Techniques for sharing the information and materials obtained at Einstein Plus with your colleagues at home for the benefit of additional educators and their students Applications must be received by March 31, 2009. www.einsteinplus.ca Venue: Perimeter Institute Location: 31 Caroline St N, Waterloo, ON Website: http://www.einsteinplus.caFor information contact: Angela Robinson Phone: 519-569-7600 x5051 Categories: Education; Science & Technology; Children & Youth |
Aug 3/2009 to Aug 14/2009 Berlin, Germany |
LAB Profile Consultant/Trainer Certification Program 2009 Shelle Rose Charvet's international bestselling book Words That Change Minds introduced the LAB Profile Motivation and Working Patterns which describe how people get motivated, what they think about, what will make them do or not do anything. She described each pattern individually and gave many examples of what they are and how to use them in communication and persuasion challenges but the problem is that people and groups of people are much more complex than we would like to believe. After completing this 10-day program you will be able to solve the most difficult and ambiguous communication problems, teach persuasion skills to others, design learning programs that actually change behavior, enhance your facilitation skills to handle even the most challenging groups, diagnose corporate and team culture to introduce change, and make it stick and much, much more. Time: 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Venue: avendi Hotel am Griebnitzsee Location: 14482 Potsdam-Babelsberg, Berlin, Germany Website: http://www.LABProfileCertification.comFor information contact: Melody Lidstone Phone: 905-639-6468 Categories: Communications Industry & Technology; Business & Economics; International |
Aug 5/2009 to Aug 8/2009 Boston, USA |
AEJMC 2009 Convention This conference will feature workshops to enlighten professionals in journalism and mass media on how to balance teaching, research, service reposnsibilities and a lifestyle within the changing demands of the economy, higher education, the millenial generation and techological advances. Key note speaker: Educator and journalist Carole Simpson. Visit http://www.aejmc.org/_events/convention/09promo.pdf for more detailed program information. Venue: The Sheraton Boston Hotel Location: 39 Dalton Street, Boston, USA Website: http://www.aejmc.orgCategories: Journalism, Writing, Literary, Language |
Aug 5/2009 to Aug 9/2009 Tampa Florida |
2009 NABJ Annual Convention and Career Fair The NABJ Convention is the largest gathering of minority journalists in the USA. An advocacy group established in 1975 in Washington, D.C., NABJ is the largest organization of journalists of color in the USA, with more than 4,100 members, and provides educational, career development and support to black journalists worldwide. Location: Tampa Florida Website: http://www.nabj.orgPhone: 301-445-7100 Categories: Journalism, Writing, Literary, Language; Media, Entertainment, News, Communications |
Aug 6/2009 to Aug 7/2009 Tampa, Florida |
Conference for Minority Journalists at NABJ The annual conference will feature four seminars and a luncheon keynote by prominent Christian minority journalists. The fee of 50 US dollars will include the talks, author books and lunch. Venue: Tampa Convention Center Location: Tampa, Florida Website: http://www.worldji.comCategories: Journalism, Writing, Literary, Language; Religious |
Aug 6/2009 to Aug 9/2009 Eugene, Oregon |
The Skeptic's Toolbox: The Scientific Method Cynics argue that the scientific method cannot yield objective outcomes. They assert that such knowledge is relative to a given culture or social group. This year's toolbox will consider these and other questions about the role of science. Venue: Eugene Campus, Univ. of Oregon Location: East 15th Ave., Eugene, Oregon Website: http://www.csicop.orgCategories: Science & Technology; Social Services; Religious |
Aug 7/2009 Montreal, QC |
Solidarity with Bil'in: Demonstration for release of activist Mohammad Khatib A solidarity rally for Bil'in village has been called in Montreal to protest the recent arrest of Palestinian activist Mohammad Khatib and the ongoing nighttime raids on Bil'in being carried out by the Israeli military. In the early morning hours on Monday, Israeli military forces wearing combat paint and masks invaded the West Bank village of Bil'in. Israeli soldiers raided several homes, arresting two children and five adults including Mohammad Khatib from the Bil'in Popular Committee Against the Wall and Settlements. In June 2009 Mohammed Khatib traveled to Canada for preliminary hearings in a historic lawsuit launched by Bil'in village against two Quebec-based companies, Green Park International and Green Mount International, both involved in constructing illegal Israeli-only settlements on the lands of the Palestinian village of Bil'in. Khatib also spoke to Canada's major media outlets and public in eleven Canadian cities. At present time Mohammed Khatib remains in Israeli custody although no charges have been brought against Khatib or the other Palestinians arrested, including the children. "Mohmmad Khatib and Adib Abu Rahme along with other leaders of the Palestinian popular struggle are being targeted because they mobilize Palestinians to resist non-violently," outlines Abdullah Abu Rahme, coordinator of Bil'in's popular committee, "the fact is that the Apartheid Wall and the settlements built on Palestinian land are illegal under international law."
Time: noon Venue: Indigo Bookstore Location: corner of St. Catherine & McGill college (metro McGill), Montreal, QC Categories: Human Rights, Law, Legal; International; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
Aug 7/2009 to Aug 9/2009 Byron Bay, Australia |
Byron Bay Writers Festival The Byron Bay Writers Festival had its beginnings in 1997, when a small group of locals led by Chris Hanley wondered whether authors might accept an invitation to spend a winter's weekend in Byron Bay. They did, and an audience of two hundred locals enjoyed a gathering of fifty Australian writers. Since then, the Festival has grown from a single venue event to fill four huge marquees and venues around town and sells 45,000 individual tickets. The guest list now numbers more than one hundred and over the years the most significant and respected contemporary Australian writers have participated through lectures, lunches, panels, conversations, launches and readings. The focus of the program is firmly on Australian writing, with recognition of our physical place in the world through the inclusion of Indonesian and Asian authors. The Byron Bay Writers Festival enjoys a close relationship with the Ubud Writers and Readers Festival and believes that through words and ideas, bridges are formed that cross cultures and schisms. Fundamentally, the Festival provides a forum for intelligent discussion and guests are invited to address the issues that matter to them as writers and which necessarily concern us all. It is a celebration of the vitality of thought and creativity with a healthy emphasis on fun. Venue: Belongil Fields Location: Byron Bay, Australia Website: http://www.byronbaywritersfestival.comCategories: Journalism, Writing, Literary, Language; Arts & Culture |
Aug 7/2009 to Aug 9/2009 Red Rock, ON |
Live From the Rock Folk Festival Folk Rendezvous Venue: various Location: Red Rock, ON Website: http://www.livefromtherock.comCategories: Arts & Culture; Music |
Aug 7/2009 to Aug 9/2009 Sherbrooke, QC |
The Legion Canadian Youth Track and Field Championships The Royal Canadian Legion National Track and Field Championships - the only national championships held for 12 to 17 year olds in Canada - sanctioned by Athletics Canada Time: Opening Ceremonies 7 August, 7 p.m., Events on 8 and 9 August start at 9 p.m. Venue: University of Sherbrooke Location: Sherbrooke, QC Website: http://www.legion.caFor information contact: Danny Martin Phone: 613-591-3335 Categories: Sports & Games |
Aug 7/2009 to Aug 9/2009 Ear Falls, ON |
Trout Forest Music Festival Join us at the Ear Falls Waterfront Park next August 7th to 9th for the 14th Annual Trout Forest Music Festival. Venue: Ear Falls Waterfront Park Location: Ear Falls, ON Website: http://www.troutfest.comPhone: 807-222-2404 Categories: Arts & Culture; Music |
Aug 8/2009 Toronto, ON |
Renewable Energy Business Seminar This is a free "start your own renewable energy business" seminar. Time: 12:00 noon - 4:00 pm Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.interect.caFor information contact: info@interect.ca Phone: 416-282-9992 Categories: Environment; Business & Economics; Economic Development |
Aug 8/2009 to Aug 22/2009 Waterloo, ON |
International Summer School for Young Physicists (ISSYP) Canada's Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics (PI) is now accepting applications for a free summer science camp for senior high school students, age 16 and 17, who intend to pursue post-secondary physics. The International Summer School for Young Physicists (ISSYP) invites budding scientists to be challenged by cutting edge ideas in modern physics - from the weird quantum world of atoms to black holes, warped space-time and the expanding universe. Participation includes classes, small group mentoring sessions and lab tours with the international scientists at Perimeter Institute. ISSYP is a unique opportunity for top senior high school students who are planning to obtain their physics degree at the university level. www.issyp.ca Venue: Perimeter Institute Location: 31 Caroline St N, Waterloo, ON Website: http://www.issyp.caFor information contact: Angela Robinson Phone: 519-569-7600 x5051 Categories: Education; Children & Youth; Science & Technology |
Aug 13/2009 to Aug 23/2009 Vancouver, BC |
Out on Screen The 21st Annual Vancouver Queer Film Festival features 71 films over 11 days in August. Major themes explored in the films include queer youth, queer history, the queer Asian experience and queer champions of hope. This yearâs Focus on Youth includes 22 films classified for youth under age 18 years, as well as the youth-gala party NO HATE! Location: Vancouver, BC Website: http://outonscreen.comCategories: Arts & Culture; Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual Event is recurring |
Aug 14/2009 Ottawa, ON |
"Mad City Chickens" (screening, Centretown Outdoor Film Festival) This is an examination of the saga of "backyard chickendom", as experienced in the urban environment. From fresh eggs to the family's latest pet, this is a sometimes whimsical, sometimes serious look at the joys and challenges of keeping urban chickens. Time: 9 pm Venue: Dundonald Park Location: Somerset & Lyon, Ottawa, ON Website: http://www.spcottawa.on.caFor information contact: Heather Hossie heather@justfood.ca Phone: 613-236-9300 ext.305 Categories: Environment; Farming; Food & Beverage |
Aug 14/2009 to Aug 15/2009 Stella, ON |
Amherst Island Folk Festival It is a venue for visual arts and music that features concerts of its own each fall and spring. The Lodge is a member of the Ontario Council of Folk Festivals and a client of Socan. Venue: The Lodge on Amherst Island Location: 320 McDonalds Lane, Stella, ON Website: http://www.amherstislandfolkfestival.caCategories: Arts & Culture; Music |
Aug 14/2009 to Aug 16/2009 Salmon Arm, BC |
17th Annual Salmon Arm Roots and Blues Festival More than 50 roots, blues, and world music artists on six outdoor stages. Food, beer gardens, chidrens activities and camping. Time: 2:06 pm, Aug.14 -2:06 pm Aug. 16 Venue: Salmon Arms Fair Grounds Location: 490 5th Ave. SW, Salmon Arm, BC Website: http://www.rootsandblues.caFor information contact: info@rootsandblues.ca Phone: 1-250-833-4096 Categories: Food & Beverage; Music; Arts & Culture |
Aug 14/2009 to Aug 16/2009 Owen Sound, ON |
Summerfolk Music and Crafts Festival The Summerfolk site is erected by scores of volunteers and artisans and takes on the appearance of a small village. It features a 4000 seat main stage, five side stages, Over 40 artisans exhibiting their talents in the craft area, more than a dozen food booths, a sandy beach, and a children's area with a playground. Venue: Kelso Beach Park Location: Owen Sound, ON Website: http://www.summerfolk.orgPhone: 519-371-2995 Categories: Arts & Culture; Music |
Aug 15/2009 Aurora, ON |
Doors Open Aurora 2009 Doors Open Aurora 2009
Location: Aurora, ON Categories: Architecture; Museums
Aug 15/2009 to Aug 16/2009 Hills of Headwaters, ON |
Doors Open Hills of Headwaters 2009 Doors Open Hills of Headwaters 2009
Location: Hills of Headwaters, ON Categories: Architecture; Museums
Aug 19/2009 to Aug 23/2009 Toronto, ON |
Can-Fit-Pro International Fitness and Club Business Conference and Trade Show TORONTOâCan-Fit-Pro announces its 16th annual Can-Fit-Pro International Fitness and Club Business Conference and Trade Show on Wednesday, August 19, 2009 to Sunday, August 23, 2009 at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre. Join us and enjoy amazing show highlights, including: -Trade Show deals and shopping with over 200,000 square feet of space and over 200 exhibitors -Over 500 sessions for fitness professionals -Incredible speakers and presenters -Networking opportunities -Inspiring keynote speaker, Ray Zahab Venue: Metro Toronto Convention Centre Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.canfitpro.comFor information contact: conferences@canfitpro.com or media@canfitpro.com Phone: 1800 667 5622 |
Aug 19/2009 to Aug 23/2009 Toronto, ON |
Can-Fit-Pro International Fitness and Club Business Conference and Trade Show TORONTOâCan-Fit-Pro announces its 16th annual Can-Fit-Pro International Fitness and Club Business Conference and Trade Show on Wednesday, August 19, 2009 to Sunday, August 23, 2009 at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre. Join us and enjoy amazing show highlights, including: -Trade Show deals and shopping with over 200,000 square feet of space and over 200 exhibitors -Over 500 sessions for fitness professionals -Incredible speakers and presenters -Networking opportunities -Inspiring keynote speaker, Ray Zahab Venue: Metro Toronto Convention Centre Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.canfitpro.comFor information contact: conferences@canfitpro.com or media@canfitpro.com Phone: 1800 667 5622 |
Aug 20/2009 to Aug 23/2009 Ottawa, ON |
Ottawa Folk Festival The Ottawa Folk Festival is held in the middle of August in beautiful Britannia Park in Ottawa's west end. The Festival has been recognized as one of the "Top 50 Ontario Festivals" by Festival & Events Ontario. Venue: Britannia Park Location: 100 - 858 Bank St., Ottawa, ON Website: http://www.ottawafolk.orgPhone: 613-230-8234 Categories: Arts & Culture; Music |
Aug 21/2009 to Aug 23/2009 Toronto, ON |
Planet Indigenus This is the largest festival of multidisciplinary, contemporary, international, indigenous artistic work anywhere. Appearances by Crystal Shawanda, Asani, Fred Sasakamoose.
Time: Also Aug.14 - 16 Venue: Harbourfront Centre Location: Queen's Quay, Toronto, ON Categories: Arts & Culture; International; Music
Aug 21/2009 to Aug 23/2009 Clairville, NB |
The Green Festival 2009 The festival features English, French, First Nations bands; area for exhibits, natural, organic and recycled products, camping, pottery, alternative medicine. Venue: Green Festival, 30 mins. north of Moncton Location: 274 Girvan Road, Clairville, NB Website: http://www.The Green Festiva.calPhone: 1-506-785-6685 Categories: Environment; Food & Beverage; Music |
Aug 27/2009 Toronto, ON |
Dance for Justice This event is a benefit for Amnesty International that features some of Toronto's most dynamic dance professionals. This is to support human rights and Toronto' dance community.
Time: 7:30 - 10:00 pm Venue: Enwave Theatre, Harbourfront Centre Location: 231 Queen's Quay West, Toronto, ON For information contact: Cory Angeletti cory.angeletti@gmail.com Phone: 416-393-9933 Categories: Arts & Culture; Human Rights, Law, Legal; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
Aug 27/2009 New Delhi, India |
INMA South Asia Conference South Asian publishers are fighting the economic slowdown by exploring and driving fresh initiatives in order to make their newspaper business more profitable. INMA endeavours to address the most important of these issues with solutions through its 3rd Annual INMA South Asia Conference in New Delhi 27-28 August 2009. The New Delhi conference will operate under the theme âSOLUTIONS: Building Audiences, Revenues and Our Futures In a Challenging Environmentâ including four exclusive sessions with spectacular case studies followed by thought-provoking roundtable discussions with industry experts on the following : Firstly, enable a conversation among South Asian publishers on more realistic cover prices in order to grow audiences more profitably. Secondly, recognise and showcase great print media revenue innovations to grow advertising revenues. Thirdly, take the bull by the horn on cost cutting. Lastly, learn about new business models that will ensure viability in the future. The INMA conference is all about sharing ideas and inspiring change. Experience the fusion of practical, useful case studies and the best of roundtable discussions highly relevant for newspaper CEOs, owners, publishers and department heads of the newspaper industry in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka.Help turn danger into opportunity for you and your company by attending New Delhi INMA August 2009 conference. Location: New Delhi, India Website: http://www.inma.org |
Aug 27/2009 Sarnia, ON |
Wind & Solar - What Works and What Doesn't Wind and solar systems are quite different but they can be quite easily integrated. It will be taught how to select solar panels and wind turbines plus local bylaws. Time: 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm Venue: Lambton College Location: 1457 London Road, Sarnia, ON Website: http://www.truenorthpower.comFor information contact: cheryl.veary@lambton.on.ca Phone: 519-541-9043 Categories: Environment; Science & Technology; Education |
Aug 27/2009 to Aug 28/2009 New Delhi, India |
INMA South Asia Conference The INMA South Asia Conference is a market-leading event designed to capture strategic best practices and the practicalities of newspaper advertising sales for newspaper executives from the leading companies in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and others interested in this region. In 2009, the third annual INMA South Asia Conference will focus on creatively combating the economic downturn and how to regain the advertising momentum. Venue: Le Meridien Hotel Location: Windsor Place, Janpath, New Delhi, India Website: http://www.inma.orgCategories: Marketing, Advertising, Public Relations; Media, Entertainment, News, Communications |
Aug 27/2009 to Aug 29/2009 Peterborough, ON |
Peterborough Folk Festival A three-day festival in the heart of the beautiful city of Peterborough, Ontario,with lots of music, workshops, food and craft vendors. Venue: various Location: Peterborough, ON Website: http://www.ptbofolkfest.caCategories: Arts & Culture; Music |
Aug 27/2009 to Aug 30/2009 Indianapolis, IN |
SPJ Convention and National Journalism Conference Join SPJ members and journalists from all over the country for the 2009 SPJ Convention and National Journalism Conference, August 27-30 in Indianapolis.The 2009 Convention is extra special, as SPJ will mark its 100 anniversary as a leading journalism-advocacy organization. Highlights: -60 professional development sessions -Half-day training workshops -National Mark of Excellence Awards -Legal Defense Fund Auction Time: End time on August 30th: 12pm Location: Indianapolis, IN Website: http://www.spj.org/convention.aspCategories: Journalism, Writing, Literary, Language |
Aug 28/2009 to Aug 30/2009 Pefferlaw, ON |
Eaglewood Folk Festival The 20th annual Eaglewood Folk Festival ran Aug. 28 to 30 at the Eaglewood Resort in Pefferlaw.This fun filled event features the best in Canadian songwriters and musicians, an array of artisans, children's shows and activities and lots of delicious food, all in a natural setting. Venue: Eaglewood Location: 9715 Morning Glory Road, Pefferlaw, ON Website: http://www.eaglewoodfolk.comPhone: 705-437-1634 Categories: Arts & Culture; Music |
Aug 29/2009 New Market, ON |
Echoes of Africa The Canadian and African Business Women's Alliance (CAABWA) will host "Echoes of Africa" - a cultural festival featuring musical acts "Soul Influence" and "Glenn Marias"; a vendor marketplace highlighting organizations involved in Africa and immigrant women involved in small business; and the African Theatre Ensemble. Exhibitors will be NGOs, government agencies and businesses that work with African products or work in Africa providing services.Please go to our website for more information (www.caabwa.com) or call 905-836-7359. Time: 11am to 4pm Venue: Fairy Lake Park Location: 500 Water Street, New Market, ON Website: http://www.caabwa.comPhone: 905-836-7359 Categories: Arts & Culture |
Aug 29/2009 to Aug 30/2009 Milton, ON |
Cornfest 2009 Cornfest celebrates all things corn related to Canada's agricultural community. Fresh Ontario sweet corn steamed the old fashioned way served all day and there are fun events for all.
Time: 12:00 pm (Aug 29) - 5:00 pm (Aug 30) Venue: 8560 Tremaine Rd. Location: Milton, ON Categories: Environment; Farming; Economic Development
Aug 30/2009 Toronto, ON |
Live Green Toronto Festival 2009 Yonge street will be closed from Dundas to Queen Sts. Over 100 exhibitors including green products and services, bees, worms and bikes, to green fashions, renewable energy, local food, art and more.
Time: 11 am - 8 pm Venue: Yonge Street Location: Between Dundas and Queen Sts., Toronto, ON For information contact: Annemarie Baynton abaynto@toronto.ca Phone: 416-392-1848 Categories: Environment; Arts & Culture; Food & Beverage
Sep 2/2009 to Oct 1/2009 Saskatoon, SK |
Art Exhibit: Celebrating the Night Sky The experience is looking at the universality of the sky; feeling awe from colorful Aurora, the luminous Milky Way, warm and cool hued stars, creates a sense of connection that is a trademark Prairie experience. Clear skies.
Time: 10:00 am - 5:30 pm Venue: Frances Morrison Library Location: 311-23rd St. E., Saskatoon, SK Categories: Arts & Culture; Science & Technology; Nature & Outdoors
Sep 3/2009 Thunder Bay, ON |
Conserve the Light Gathering A First Nations energy efficiency conference, on Sept. 3, will focus on energy conservation successes, challenges and opportunities in First Nations and Metis Communities in Ontario. Time: 7:30 am - 9:00 pm Venue: Valhalla Inn Location: Valhalla Inn Rd., Thunder Bay, ON Website: http://www.conservethelightFor information contact: Don Huff huff@ecostrategy.ca Phone: 416-9727401 Categories: Environment; Native Peoples; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Sep 4/2009 to Sep 6/2009 Grafton, ON |
Shelter Valley Folk Festival The Shelter Valley Folk Festival celebrates music, juried art, wellness, sustainable living and harvest food in the heart of Northumberland County through an annual Labour Day Weekend festival. Venue: Henkel Farm Location: Grafton, ON Website: http://www.sheltervalley.comPhone: 905 355-1244 Categories: Arts & Culture; Music |
Sep 7/2009 to Sep 8/2009 Nottingham UK |
Is Black and Red Dead? An academic conference organized and supported by the PSA Anarchist Studies Network, the PSA Marxism Specialist Group, Anarchist Studies, Capital & Class, Critique-Journal of Socialist Theory and Historical Materialism. We welcome papers that engage critically with both the anarchist and the Marxist traditions in a spirit of reconciliation. We welcome historical papers that deal with themes and concepts, movements or individuals. We also welcome theoretical papers with demonstrable historical or political importance. Our criteria for the acceptance of papers will be mutual respect, the usual critical scholarly standards and demonstrable engagement with both traditions of thought.
Venue: University of Nottingham Location: Nottingham UK For information contact: Dr Alex Prichard - a.prichard@bath.ac.uk Categories: Education; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
Sep 9/2009 to Sep 10/2009 Burlington, ON |
Making sense of belonging, being and becoming - The Early Years Learning Framework for Australia: What might it mean for us Jennifer, lead co-author of Australia's Early Years Learning Framework will engage in an interactive conversation with practitioners, researchers and stakeholders. This is the first national document on early childhood education. It's application specifically in Ontario will be probed.
Time: 4:30 - 6:30 pm Venue: Charles Stuart University Location: 860 Harrington Court, Burlington, ON Phone: 905-333-4955 Categories: Children & Youth; Education; International
Sep 9/2009 to Sep 11/2009 Mexico City, Mexico |
INMA Seminario Latinoamericano Región Norte Best practices in growing circulation and advertising among Latin American newspapers is the focus of the INMA Latin America Northern Region Seminar, designed for newspaper marketing professionals from Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Honduras, Panama, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Cubas, Puerto Rico, and the Dominican Republic. Venue: Fiesta Americana Grand Chapultepec Location: Mexico City, Mexico Website: http://www.inma.orgCategories: Marketing, Advertising, Public Relations; Media, Entertainment, News, Communications |
Sep 9/2009 to Sep 13/2009 Toronto, ON |
Green Village Weaving Mosaics: A creative adventure of vast proportions. Like a mosaic, the 2009 Junction Arts Festival will weave a multitude of eclectic cultural and artistic elements together to create one big celebration in Torontos west-end Junction neighbourhood. Now in its 17th year and attracting 200,000 visitors in 2008, the Junction Arts Festival (which practices reducing, reusing and recycling throughout the entire location) takes place along one kilometre of Dundas Street West between Keele Street and Quebec Avenue, and features five days of unique artistry and innovation presented in many unusual ways; Visual Art Exhibits (September 9 to 13), Live Music Concerts (September 11 and 12), and the Street Performance Artists, Literary Artists, KidZone, Green Village and the Artisan/Vendor Market (happen during the weekend street closure on Saturday and Sunday, September 12 and 13). Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.junctionartsfest.com/For information contact: junctionartsfest@bellnet.ca Phone: 416-767-5036 Categories: Arts & Culture; Environment; Media, Entertainment, News, Communications |
Sep 11/2009 Toronto, ON |
Hats on for Awareness Event in Support of CAMH A plethora of hats will surround the audience as they listen to the promise that has taken 20 years to fulfill. Time: 7:00 pm Venue: Andrew Richard Design Location: 310 King St. E., Toronto, ON Website: http://www.hatsonforawareness.comPhone: 905-264-7264 Categories: Social Services; Health/Health Care; Disability Issues |
Sep 11/2009 to Sep 12/2009 Vancouver, BC |
36th Annual Meeting Live Surgery demonstrations -Friday September 11th - closed to surgeon delegates only Didactic Lectures -Saturday September 12th.-open to credentialed members of the media. Scheduled media briefings with invited guest surgeons and faculty members can be arranged. Venue: Hyatt Regency Location: 655 Burrard St., Vancouver, BC Website: http://www.csaps.caFor information contact: Pat Hewitt Phone: 905-831-7750 Categories: Health/Health Care |
Sep 11/2009 to Sep 16/2009 Vancouver, BC |
International Union of Air Pollution Prevention and Environmental Protection Associations World Clean Air Congress This Congress will bring together specialists from academia, industry, consulting, environmental advocacy groups in order to improve air quality, reduce greenhouse gas emissions etc. It will examine the international and long range effects of air pollution. Venue: Westin Bayshore Conference Centre Location: Vancouver, BC Website: http://www.iuappa2010.comPhone: 604-436-6787 Categories: Environment; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; International |
Sep 12/2009 to Sep 13/2009 Cornwall-Seaway Valley, ON |
Doors Open Cornwall-Seaway Valley 2009 Doors Open Cornwall-Seaway Valley 2009
Location: Cornwall-Seaway Valley, ON Categories: Architecture; Museums
Sep 13/2009
My Diva: 65 Gay Men on the Women Who Inspire Them This moving, hilarious and wise anthology of essays celebrates the wild range of women that gay men love to love: Elizabeth Taylor, Diana Ross, Margaret Dumont, Julia Child, etc. Readings by several contributors.
Time: 1:00 pm Venue: ben macnally books Location: 366 Bay Str. (south of Queen) Phone: 416 361 0032 Categories: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual; Journalism, Writing, Literary, Language; Women
Sep 13/2009 to Sep 15/2009 York, England |
SfEP AGM and 20th annual conference This year Whitcombe lecturer Dr Richard Smith will speak on: Who needs medical journals in the age of Facebook? Now director of the Ovations Chronic Disease Initiative (which creates centres in the developing world to counter chronic disease) and editor in chief of Cases Journal, Dr Smith was previously editor of the British Medical Journal and chief executive of the BMJ Publishing Group, as well as a TV doctor for the BBC and TV am. Professor David Crystal will also be joining us once again to muse on the conference theme. Venue: Vanbrugh College, University of York Location: York, England Website: http://www.sfep.orgCategories: Communications Industry & Technology; Journalism, Writing, Literary, Language |
Sep 14/2009 Whistler, BC |
BC Municipal Safety Association Conference - Violence in the Workplace ~ a real world approach This session is packed full of realistic strategies, critical insights and actual solutions in dealing with workplace violence. The interactive format will provide participants with knowledge and skills to take back to your work sites to improve or implement your Prevention of Workplace Violence programs. Time: 1:30 - 3:30, 4:00 - 5:00 Venue: Telus Convention Centre Location: Whistler, BC Website: http://www.worksafebc.com/news_room/conferences/assets/pdf/BCMSAconferencebrochure.pdFor information contact: Pacific Safety Centre Phone: 604-233-1842 |
Sep 14/2009 Ottawa, ON |
OAS Secretary-General to Address Canada's Engagement in Honduras at FOCAL Roundtable José Miguel Insulza, Secretary-General of the Organization of American States (OAS), and Paul Durand, former Canadian ambassador to Honduras and the OAS, will discuss what happened in Honduras, the role that Canada has played and implications for democracy in the Western Hemisphere. Honduran president Manuel Zelaya, elected in 2006, was arrested by the army and flown out of the country on June 28. The Honduran Congress then confirmed its speaker, Roberto Micheletti, as the new president. The Honduran government has defended its actions as a constitutional defence of democracy, despite international condemnation. The OAS invoked the Inter-American Democratic Charter, signed in 2001, and suspended Honduras' membership. Governments in the hemisphere, including Canada, have lent their support to the mediation process led by Costa Rican president Oscar Arias. However, the situation remains in stalemate. The roundtable, undertaken with financial support from the Government of Canada through the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) is co-hosted by the Canadian Foundation for the Americas (FOCAL) and the Canadian International Council (CIC) with the cooperation of the School of International Development and Global Studies at the University of Ottawa. For interviews with José Miguel Insulza, ex officio FOCAL Board member Paul Durand and FOCAL's Executive Director Carlo Dade, please contact Peter Moore, 613-562-0005 ext. 255. Time: 2 - 3:30 PM Venue: University of Ottawa Location: 90 University, Lounge, Main Floor, Ottawa, ON Website: http://www.focal.caFor information contact: Ruth Mestechkin Phone: 613-562-0005 ext. 237 Categories: International; Human Rights, Law, Legal; Military |
Sep 14/2009 to Sep 16/2009 New Delhi, INDIA |
Indian Environment Summit Exhibition 2009: International Event on Waste, Water, Pollution, Energy and Recycling Under the support of Ministry of Environment & Forest and European Union â APSF (EU â India Action Planning Support Facility) IRWM & Co., is delighted to present Indian Environment Summit 2009 â Indiaâs only premium environmental trade exhibition and conference on Waste, Water, Pollution, Energy and Recycling from 14 â 16 September 2009 at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi, INDIA IES 2009 asIndiaâs only united forum involving GTZ and ASEM â Indo German Environment Programme, IGIB (Institute of Genomic & Integrative Biology, CSIR, Dept. of Science & Technology, Govt. of India) and CEE (Centre for Environment & Education), is constituted to recognize the environmental issues and confront them innovatively by providing a perfect platform for the best and most innovative technological solutions with multidisciplinary global approach in order to meet the escalating demand for pollution free green environment. With national promotion by âThe Economic Timesâ, Indiaâs leading business newspaper and Environmental Expert, worldâs largest environmental trade portal, IES 2009 with core focus on Waste, Recycling, Water and Pollution will be an extra ordinary map leading process and knowledge exchange forum. Venue: Pragati Maidan Trade & Exhibition Centre Location: New Delhi, INDIA Website: http://iesummit.net/events.phpFor information contact: Gagandeep Kaur: gagan@iesummit.net Phone: + 91-98184 28461 Categories: Environment; Business & Economics |
Sep 15/2009 Whistler, BC |
BC Municipal Safety Association - some will bully at work ~ if we allow them Rather than merely educating employees on how to behave or describing what a "respectful workplace" is, most employees, supervisors, and managers need the motivation, assertiveness, and confidence to speak up (using everyday communication) to manage unwanted behaviours including bullying. This session is engaging and insightful, and gives very practical solutions and suggestions. Speaker: Hugh Pelmore Time: 8:30 - 10:30, 10:45 - 12:15 Venue: Telus Convention Centre Location: Whistler, BC Website: http://www.worksafebc.com/news_room/conferences/assets/pdf/BCMSAconferencebrochure.pdFor information contact: Pacific Safety Centre Phone: 604.233.1842 |
Sep 15/2009 Oakville, ON |
Three Steps to Creating a Life That Matters Company of Women presents, 'Three Steps to Creating a Life That Matters', with guest speaker Carol Ring, Vice President Strategic Initiatives for Rogers Cable Inc. This evening event includes networking opportunities, dinner and a presentation by Carol Ring. Carol will be discussing how she does it all as a busy mother, wife, active community member and V.P. at Rogers Cable Inc. This interactive presentation will inspire business-women who are seeking to build a life that matters by integrating their career with personal values. Tickets for the event are $45 + GST for Company of Women members and $55 + GST for non Company of Women members. Please visit www.companyofwomen.ca to register for this September 15th event. Time: 5:30-9:00 p.m. Venue: Oakville Conference and Banquet Centre Location: 2515 Wyecroft Road, Oakville, ON Website: http://www.companyofwomen.caFor information contact: Bethan Alfano Phone: 905-338-1771 Categories: Business & Economics; Women |
Sep 16/2009 Edinburgh, Scotland |
Exploring the world and beyond: Young children as scientists Successfully developing and maintaining children's interest in science requires an approach that encourages and helps them explore their environment, construct their own theories and create meaning. The conference will focus on these activities for 14 yr. olds across UK and Europe.
Time: 9:00 am - 7:00 pm Venue: Our Dynamic Earth Location: Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland Categories: Children & Youth; Science & Technology; International
Sep 16/2009 Toronto |
Hope for Healing: Benefit Concert This is a benefit concert for the Panzi Hospital in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The concert will bring together acclaimed artists in support of the Stephen Lewis Foundation's work in Bukavu, Congo.
Venue: Lula Lounge Location: Toronto Categories: Health/Health Care; Native Peoples; Music
Sep 16/2009 Toronto, ON |
Playing with Democracy This is a celebration of elections and indie media, with a book launch of Tooker Gomberg's writings and a video screening of his 2000 mayoral campaign. See why Tooker Gomberg was the best candidate, and learn about some issues that affect everyone, everywhere. * Book launch of Tooker Gomberg's writings - Friction to the Machine * Video screening of Tooker's 2000 mayoral campaign - Playing with Democracy * Launch of the Open Source Tooker Gomberg Memorial Library FREE - All are welcome! Time: 7:30pm Venue: Cinecycle Location: 129 Spadina - south of Richmond, east into alley, Toronto, ON Website: http://greenspiration.orgFor information contact: greenspi@web.ca Categories: Media, Entertainment, News, Communications; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Sep 17/2009 Toronto, ON |
An inside look at Canada's Tamil Community Topics of this workshop are: Understanding Tamil culture and history Why 300,000 Tamils live in Canada Accessing local Tamil resources and service providers Time: 5:30 - 9:00 pm Venue: Centre for Social Innovation Location: 215 Spadina Ave. Suite 120, Toronto, ON Website: http://fpynadmin@gmail.comCategories: Education; International; Information, Libraries, Research |
Sep 17/2009 Caledon East, ON |
Environmental Speaker' Night, "Your Town: Sustainable by Design" An evening's discussion during which all will hear what community means and how to contribute to it. A new community newspaper will be launched: Your Town: Sustainable by Design. Time: 7 pm - 9 pm Venue: Caledon Community Complex Location: 6215 Old Church Road, Caledon East, ON Website: http://www.greentcaledon.caFor information contact: Patti Foley patti@greentcaledon.ca Phone: 905-951-0625 Categories: Environment; Farming; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Sep 18/2009 Toronto, ON |
The Goddess Path An empowerment workshop for Woman Survivors of Sexual Abuse and Trauma including yoga, traditional asana, pranamaya etc. Time: 6:30 pm &:30 pm Venue: The Union Yoga Centre Location: 242 Carlton Ave, Cabbagetown, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.bhavanayoga.webs.comPhone: 416-707-5453 Categories: Women; Health/Health Care; Social Services |
Sep 18/2009 to Sep 30/2009 Toronto, ON |
Small World Music Festival The Small World concert experience can range from international giants of traditional and contemporary world music in the city's grandest performance spaces, to emerging local artists in intimate club settings. Supported in part by funding from three levels of government, present roughly 50 concerts annually, with the annual Small World Music Festival being one of the highlights of Toronto's busy fall arts calendar. Location: 60 Atlantic Ave., #219, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.smallworldmusic.comPhone: (416) 536-5439 Categories: Arts & Culture; Music |
Sep 19/2009 North Bay, ON |
Can Change Festival The purpose of the festival is to raise awareness about current local and global environmental concerns and to promote businesses and groups which are working on environmentally friendly projects and issues. Time: 11:00 am - 10:00 pm Venue: North Bay Waterfront Location: at the Marina, North Bay, ON Website: http://www.eacnorthbay.caFor information contact: can.change@hotmail.com Kristina Vardy Phone: 705-492-7163 Categories: Environment; Business & Economics; Food & Beverage |
Sep 19/2009 Amherstburg, ON |
Doors Open Amherstburg 2009 Doors Open Amherstburg 2009
Location: Amherstburg, ON Categories: Architecture; Museums
Sep 19/2009 Haldimand Country, ON |
Doors Open Haldimand Country 2009 Doors Open Haldimand Country 2009
Location: Haldimand Country, ON Categories: Architecture; Museums
Sep 19/2009 Mississauga, ON |
Doors Open Mississauga 2009 Doors Open Mississauga 2009
Location: Mississauga, ON Categories: Architecture; Museums
Sep 19/2009 Newmarket, ON |
Doors Open Newmarket 2009 Doors Open Newmarket 2009
Location: Newmarket, ON Categories: Architecture; Museums
Sep 19/2009 Rideau Lakes-Westport, ON |
Doors Open Rideau Lakes-Westport 2009 Doors Open Rideau Lakes-Westport 2009
Location: Rideau Lakes-Westport, ON Categories: Architecture; Museums
Sep 19/2009 Waterloo Region, ON |
Doors Open Waterloo Region 2009 Doors Open Waterloo Region 2009
Location: Waterloo Region, ON Categories: Architecture; Museums
Sep 19/2009 Toronto, ON |
Living Green in the City the 2nd Annual Unitarian Sustainability Event in Toronto The Unitarian Congregations of the GTA are sponsoring a Sustainability Event Living Green In the City - on Saturday September 19, 2009 from 1 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. It will be held at the First Unitarian Congregation of Toronto, 175 St. Clair Avenue West., (just west of Avenue Road). Close to St. Clair and Bathurst Subway stations. Bike racks available. Wheelchair accessible. The event will feature a number of presentations and exhibitors, as well as storytelling activities for children and a kids environmental art competition. Admission is free. Find out how people are living sustainably in our wonderful city. Time: 1-5 pm Location: 175 St. Clair Avenue West, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.cuc.ca/gta/Categories: Environment; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Sep 19/2009 Toronto, ON |
Living Green in the City The Sustainability Fair will feature a number of presentations, and exhibitors, as well as storytelling activities for children and a kid's environmental art competition. Admission is free. Find out how people are living sustainability in our wonderful city! Time: 1pm-5pm Venue: First Unitarian Congregation of Toronto Location: 175 St. Clair Avenue West, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.cuc.ca/gtaPhone: 416-724-7754 Categories: Environment |
Sep 19/2009 Mississauga, ON |
Mississauga Fall Festival Enjoy the lovely rustic setting of Bradley House (1830) featuring three stages of non-stop Folk Music. Horse and wagon rides and environmental demonstrations.
Time: 11:00 am - 4:00 pm Venue: Bradley Museum Location: 1620 Orr Rd., Mississauga, ON For information contact: Kelly Kubik kelly.kubik@mississauga.ca Phone: 905-615-4860 x2111 Categories: Environment; Education; Food & Beverage
Sep 19/2009 to Sep 20/2009 Toronto, ON |
CHA CHA: a night of readings and performances celebrating female sexuality and homeland Our body is a myriad of functions and activities that root us to ground and the present moment. Our notions of sexuality informs our identity as humans...understanding this is when we can share our sexuality with others.
Time: 8:00 to 11:00 pm Venue: The Stone Lounge in the Revival bar Location: 783 College St., at Shaw, Toronto, ON For information contact: Angela Brito, chachachicas@gmail.com Categories: Women; Media, Entertainment, News, Communications; Sexuality
Sep 19/2009 to Sep 20/2009 London, ON |
Doors Open London 2009 Doors Open London 2009
Location: London, ON Categories: Architecture; Museums
Sep 19/2009 to Sep 20/2009 Toronto, ON |
Extreme Freedom Seminar Extreme Freedom® is an amazing and intensive two-day weekend program designed to help you identify and remove limiting thoughts and beliefs and emotions that are weighing you down and help you create clarity around your vision for your life. After the weekend you will have more direction, certainty, clarity and you will be inspired and motivated. You will get to the heart of your true self. Time: Saturday 8:30am - 10pm, Sunday 8:30am - 6pm Location: 58 Winchester Street, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.thevibrantlifecoach.comFor information contact: Jen Cook or Diane Andonovski Phone: 416-405-9478 Categories: Education; Health/Health Care; Skills & Training |
Sep 19/2009 to Sep 20/2009 Misisauga, ON |
Mississauga Fall Festival Rustic beauty of Bradley House (1830) is apparent in this naturally constructed park. There will be about thirty environmental exhibits to offer advice about green living. Horse and wagon rides arealso available. Venue: Bradley Mueum Location: 1620 Orr Rd., Misisauga, ON Website: http://www.museumsofmississauga,comPhone: 905-615-4860 Categories: Environment; Nature & Outdoors; Urban Issues, Transit, Housing, Public Space |
Sep 20/2009 Barrie, ON |
Doors Open Barrie 2009 Doors Open Barrie 2009
Location: Barrie, ON Categories: Architecture; Museums
Sep 20/2009 Sharon, ON |
Words Alive Literary Festival The Words Alive Literary Festival celebrates a rich literary heritage providing a showcase for local and Canada-wide authors. One day of author readings, public readings, workshops, panel discussions and storytelling including poetry with music and art will allow you to travel with new voices to different lands and have the opportunity to become a part of their human experience.The Festival is held annually at the Sharon Temple National Historic Site and Museum. We use the beautiful historic buildings for readings and workshops, the enchanting grounds for storytelling, vendors, and picnicking. Admission is only $5.00 for attendees age 16 and up! Venue: Sharon Temple National Historic Site Location: Sharon, ON Website: http://www.wordsalive.caCategories: Arts & Culture; Journalism, Writing, Literary, Language |
Sep 21/2009 to Sep 22/2009 Prince George, BC |
BC HRMA's 5th Annual Northern Symposium - Winds of Change: HR Strategies in the New Economy The 2009 Northern Symposium theme Winds of Change: HR Strategies in the New Economy will bring together high-quality presenters who will provide insights, experiences, case studies, tools, and practical strategies to support HR practitioners to address the challenges in their workplaces. Time: 12:00pm Venue: Prince George Civic Centre Location: 808 Civic Plaza, Prince George, BC Website: http://www.bchrma.org/content/events/sym/details.cfm?EventID=039-115-60For information contact: Marie-Chantal Marchand Phone: 800.665.1961 Categories: Skills & Training |
Sep 21/2009 to Sep 22/2009 Toronto, ON |
Climate Change - Legislation, Regulation & Emissions Reporting Climate change has affected the way we live, and the way we do business. Hear directly from government, industry and standards experts on the new direction for business planning, how to reduce and report emissions, and the tools you need to create an effective Greenhouse Gas Management Plan that will benefit your organization. Learn how to turn the new requirements for reporting into opportunities for your business. Join us and learn: ⢠Reporting regulations: what you need to know ⢠The Western Climate Initiative: how will your business be impacted? ⢠US EPA Reporting rules: impacts on your procurement and cross border activities ⢠Important updates on International Standards ⢠To take advantage of new opportunities through efficiencies ⢠How to avoid green washing through credible and accepted environmental claims and declarations. Canadian Federal Climate Change regulations are imminent. Are you ready for January 1, 2010? CSA will bring together an Expert Faculty with representation from Industry, Government and Standards Development to give you the information right from the source! Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.learningcentre.csa.ca/lc_site/bet.asp?gid=50016245For information contact: michael.loreto@csa.ca Phone: 416-747-2705 Categories: Environment; Government & Public Sector; Business & Economics |
Sep 21/2009 to Sep 22/2009 Toronto, ON |
Climate Change - Legislation, Regulation & Emissions Reporting Some topics:
The Westen Climate Initiative US EPA Reporting Rules International Standards: important updates How to take advantage of new opportunities through efficiencies
Time: 2 days Location: Toronto, ON For information contact: Michael Loreto michael.loreto@csa.ca Phone: 416-747-2705 Categories: Environment; International; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
Sep 23/2009 Toronto, ON |
Getting to uptake: Leveraging social innovation for practice change The symposium will bring new ideas from business and social media enterprise to a gathering of experts from the chidren's experts to explore how social media innovations and new thinking might cause a change in education and mental health.
Time: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Venue: Toronto Board of Trade Location: !st Canadian Place, Toronto, ON For information contact: Miriam Wexler Categories: Children & Youth; Education; Health/Health Care
Sep 23/2009 Toronto, ON |
More Than a Few Good Women Company of Women is hosting the event, 'More Than a Few Good Women', with guest speaker Catherine Swift, President of the Canadian Federation of Independent Business. The focus of this event is centred around the role of women in today's economy, as there will be an estimated one million women entrepreneurs in Canada by 2010. Join us for an evening of networking, dinner and a presentation by the expert on small business issues, Catherine Swift, on Wednesday, Spetmeber 23rd. Tickets for this Toronto event are $55 +GST for Company of Women members and $65 +GST for non-Company of Women members. Please visit www.companyofwomen.ca to register. Time: 5:30 - 9:00 p.m. Venue: Verity Club Location: 111d Queen Street East, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.companyofwomen.caFor information contact: Bethan Alfano Phone: 905-338-1771 Categories: Economic Development; Business & Economics; Women |
Sep 23/2009 to Sep 26/2009 Toronto, ON |
Green Building Festival GBF is all about innovation. This year's event will highlight cutting edge ideas that are revolutionizing the way we think about building; from new concepts for planning and development, to technological and material breakthrough, to how we can live in greener, healthier spaces. GBF participants represent the full range of building industry professionals: * Builders + Developers Architects + Landscape Architects * Building Owners + Operators Consulting Engineers * Real-Estate Investors + Agents Utility Companies + Service Providers * Policy Makers + Planners Product + Equipment Suppliers * Green Building Advocates + Professionals Renewable Energy + Efficiency Experts Topic Highlights Include: * Green Building Incentives * Sustainable Housing * Auditing/Benchmarking * Innovative Planning Strategies * International Case Studies * Building Information Modeling * Indoor Air Quality Venue: Direct Energy Centre Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.greenbuildingfest.comCategories: Environment; Business & Economics |
Sep 24/2009 Toronto, ON |
Future of Media Citizen media news outlet DigitalJournal.com is proud to announce it will be hosting a unique panel discussion featuring some of the most influential leaders in Canadian media. Dubbed âThe Future of Media,â the live panel discussion will explore how the mainstream media are implementing user-generated content and what challenges news organizations face in the changing news economy today. FREE and Open to Public Seating is limited and will be on a first-come, first-serve basis. The event will also be filmed and streamed live online, as well as broadcast after the event. Time: 7:30pm Venue: The Drake Hotel Underground Location: 1150 Queen Street West, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.digitaljournal.com/article/277838Phone: (416) 410-9675 Categories: Media, Entertainment, News, Communications |
Sep 24/2009 Tobermory, ON |
Women's Wisdom Retreat - All-Inclusive Weekend Time for women to stop, to feel, to think, to process, to decide, to let go of, to commit, to grieve, recover and discover "self". Venue: Healing Rock Retreat Location: 417 Eagle Road, Tobermory, ON Website: http://www.darylwood.comFor information contact: daryl@darylwood.com Phone: 1_888-596-2385 Categories: Education; Food & Beverage; Women |
Sep 24/2009 to Sep 27/2009 Guelph, ON |
Impact! Co-operators Youth Conference for Sustainability Leadership Achieving sustainability requires a multi-disciplinary approach and a broad social commitment. 180 university and college students will explore sustainability solutions with national business and academic leaders. They will learn to build networks and sustainability initiatives to last long after the conference. Location: Guelph, ON Website: http://www.impactyouthsustainability.caFor information contact: impact@cooperators.ca Categories: Education; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Environment |
Sep 24/2009 to Sep 27/2009 Mobile, Alabama |
NNA's 123rd Annual Convention and Trade Show The convention is a terrific opportunity to network with peers, see what's new in software, hardware and services available to our industry at the Trade Show, to attend informative seminars and roundtable discussions and to enjoy the hospitality of this saltwater port. The convention is geared toward the community newspaper -- weeklies and small dailies. This is a great opportunity to hear speakers talk on postal issues for newspapers, column writing, newspapers on the web, selling advertising in tough times, employee law, community journalism and much more. Your newspaper does not have to be an NNA member to take advantage of all the convention has to offer Venue: Renaissance Riverview Plaza Hotel Location: Mobile, Alabama Website: http://www.nnaweb.org/acts2009/Categories: Media, Entertainment, News, Communications; Communications Industry & Technology; Journalism, Writing, Literary, Language |
Sep 26/2009 Brant, ON |
Doors Open Brant 2009 Doors Open Brant 2009
Location: Brant, ON Categories: Architecture; Museums
Sep 26/2009 East Elgin, ON |
Doors Open East Elgin 2009 Doors Open East Elgin 2009
Location: East Elgin, ON Categories: Architecture; Museums
Sep 26/2009 Greater Sudbury, ON |
Doors Open Greater Sudbury 2009 Doors Open Greater Sudbury 2009
Location: Greater Sudbury, ON Categories: Architecture; Museums
Sep 26/2009 King Township, ON |
Doors Open King Township 2009 Doors Open King Township 2009
Location: King Township, ON Categories: Architecture; Museums
Sep 26/2009 Milton, ON |
Doors Open Milton 2009 Doors Open Milton 2009
Location: Milton, ON Categories: Architecture; Museums
Sep 26/2009 to Sep 27/2009 Oakville, ON |
Doors Open Oakville 2009 Doors Open Oakville 2009
Location: Oakville, ON Categories: Architecture; Museums
Sep 26/2009 to Sep 27/2009 Oshawa, ON |
Doors Open Oshawa 2009 Doors Open Oshawa 2009
Location: Oshawa, ON Categories: Architecture; Museums
Sep 26/2009 to Sep 27/2009 Vaughan, ON |
Doors Open Vaughan 2009 Doors Open Vaughan 2009
Location: Vaughan, ON Categories: Architecture; Museums
Sep 26/2009 to Oct 2/2009 Toronto - Mississauga, ON |
Toronto Palestine Film Festival There will be screenings: Art Gallery of Ont./Jackman Theatre Bloor Cinema Revue Cinema Square One/Mississauga Venue: As above Location: Toronto - Mississauga, ON Website: http://www.tpff.caCategories: Arts & Culture; Education; Politics & Political Organizations |
Sep 27/2009 Lethbridge, AB |
Harambee Grandmas Words for Africa Scrabble Benefit Help raise funds to help African grandmothers to combat AIDS in Africa.
Time: 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm Venue: Lethbridge Senior Citizen's Centre Location: 500 11th Street South, Lethbridge, AB For information contact: Doris harambeegrandmas@gmail.com Categories: Health/Health Care; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; International
Sep 27/2009 Toronto, ON |
Richard Falk, UN Rapporteur on Human Rights in Occupied Palestinian Territories Speaking in Toronto The Near East Cultural and Educational Foundation (NECEF) will present the third James Graff Memorial Lecture: Richard Falk U.N. Special Rapporteur on Human Rights in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, Richard Falk, who was detained and later expelled by Israeli authorities while on a U.N. mission to the Palestinian territories last December, will be speaking in Toronto on: "Imagining Israel-Palestine Peace: Why International Law Matters " Prof. Falk will address what he calls "the current failure of the peace process despites Obamaâ²s efforts" and the UN Goldstone Report released last week which, according to the BBC, "could land Israel in the International Criminal Court." Falk is a prolific author and a distinguished Professor Emeritus in International Law at Princeton University. He has appeared on numerous news programs including the BBCâ²s Hardtalk.
Time: 2:00 pm Venue: University of Toronto Health Sciences Building, RM 610 Location: 155 College Street, Toronto, ON Categories: Human Rights, Law, Legal; International; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
Sep 27/2009 Toronto, ON |
The Word on the Street Toronto kicks off the fall book season with previews of some of the leading Canadian books that may go on to win major literary prizes and dominate the bestseller lists.On the last Sunday in September, Queen's Park will transform into a booklover's paradise with a marketplace of more than 258 book and magazine exhibits, 248 of Canada's top authors, poets, storytellers and presenters and 198 readings, performances, workshops and other events. The award-winning Toronto festival delivers a full day of fun for all ages, whether you want to learn how to get published at the Wordshop Marquee, sing along with the crowd at the TVOKids Stage, take in some of Toronto's best arts entertainment, listen to a favourite author read from their latest book, or just sit under the leafy canopy of Queen's Park and enjoy a new found treasure. There is always plenty to see and do at Canada's largest book and magazine festival, and best of all, The Word On The Street and all of its events are FREE! Time: 11:00 am to 6:00 pm Venue: Queens Park Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.thewordonthestreet.ca/toronto/home.aspCategories: Arts & Culture; Publishers & Publishing; Media, Entertainment, News, Communications |
Sep 27/2009 Halifax, NS |
The Word on the Street Festival (Halifax) The Word on the Street Halifax is FREE to the public. The Word on the Street Halifax is managed by Heather Gibson. The 2008 Chair of the Board of Directors is Jim Bendell.Hear a Maritime storyteller spin a yarn, pick out a great book from a local bookseller or watch live performances by musicians and actors alike! There will be plenty to see and do at this year's festival, and best of all, the festival and all of its events are FREE! Time: 11am to 5pm Venue: Cunard Event Centre Location: Halifax Waterfront, Halifax, NS Website: http://www.thewordonthestreet.ca/halifax/home.aspFor information contact: wotshalifax@eastlink.ca Categories: Arts & Culture; Journalism, Writing, Literary, Language; Media, Entertainment, News, Communications |
Sep 27/2009 Vancouver, BC |
The Word on the Street Festival (Vancouver) Homer and Hamilton Streets between Robson and Georgia We've already started working on the 2009 Festival. It will be our 15th year and (as always) jam-packed with author readings, exhibits, performances and all-round literary mayhem. Time: 11am to 5pm Location: Vancouver, BC Website: http://www.thewordonthestreet.ca/vancouver/home.aspFor information contact: wotsvan@thewordonthestreet.ca Categories: Arts & Culture; Journalism, Writing, Literary, Language; Media, Entertainment, News, Communications |
Sep 27/2009 Kitchener, ON |
Word on the Street Festival (Kitchener) Come join us at this years 8thth annual The Word On The Street Festival at Victoria Park, Kitchener for a fun-filled day for the whole family! This year the festival will feature author signings, readings, face painting, chalk art on the street, performances, exhibitors and MORE! We'll be updating the website throughout the summer as Authors and Exhibitors are confirmed. If you're interested in participating in the festival for 2009, please check out the website for further information. The Word On The Street festival is a national celebration of Canadian books, magazines, publishing, reading, writing, and literacy. It is also held in Toronto, Halifax, Calgary, and Vancouver. The festival is FREE to the public. Time: 11am to 5pm Venue: Victoria Park Location: Kitchener, ON Website: http://www.thewordonthestreet.ca/kitchener/home.aspFor information contact: julie.marshall@kitchener.ca Categories: Arts & Culture; Media, Entertainment, News, Communications; Journalism, Writing, Literary, Language |
Sep 27/2009 to Sep 30/2009 Prague 1 |
8th World Young Reader Conference World Association of Newspapers will hold a conference about young reader and how the media connect with them on multiple platforms. The speakers will be Anne Kari Jorgensen, chief analyst for A-Pressen Group, Norway; Grzegorz "Greg" Piechota, special projects editor and two-time winner of the World Young Reader Prize, Gazeta Wyborcza, Poland; and Michael Smith, executive director, Media Management Center, USA, on new research about adolescent preferences in newspaper news sites with some startling lessons for online news sites in general. The Participant registration fee is 650. Venue: Prague Marriott Hotel Location: V Celnici 8, 110 00, Prague 1 Website: http://www.journalism.co.uk/shorturl/QJWUT/For information contact: contact_us@wan.asso.fr Categories: Media, Entertainment, News, Communications; Internet; Children & Youth |
Sep 28/2009
World Rabies Day World Rabies Day is a global initiative to raise awareness of rabies and how the disease can be prevented. The campaign brings together thousands of individuals from health experts to everyday people for a unified show of support of anti-rabies efforts. World Rabies Day advocates for the health of the total population (human and animal), through a âOne Medicineâ approach and is the only worldwide event of its kind focused on global rabies control and prevention. For more information about World Rabies Day visit www.worldrabiesday.org
Sep 30/2009 to Nov 11/2009 Waterloo, Guelph, Cambridge, ON |
Connect, Communicate, Create: Speaker Series Company of Women presents a Rogers sponsored three-tiered speaker series, `Connect, Communicate, Create where female industry experts will discuss how women can grow their business, beginning in Waterloo on September 30th, in Guelph on October 14th and ending in Cambridge on November 11th. Company of Women in partnership with Rogers is launching the speaker series for women in business, as the number of women entrepreneurs in Canada is growing rapidly. The series begins at the Waterloo Inn with a panel discussion on how to brand and grow your business through the media. The panellists are Editor in Chief, Lynn Haddrall, Keka DasGupta, public relations expert and author of Step into the Spotlight, Tsufit. Cora Tsouflidou, founder of Cora's Breakfast and Lunch, will be sharing how she grew her business to over 100 franchises across Canada at part two of the series at the Delta Guelph. The series ends at the Cambridge Conference Centre where social media whiz Sarah Prevette, founder of RedWire Nation, will talk about how to use social media to grow your business. Each of the speaker series events are from 6:00 to 8:30 p.m. To purchase tickets to the entire series, the cost is $80 plus GST for Company of Women members and $110 plus GST for non-members. Networking opportunities, light refreshments and a cash bar will be available. Visit www.companyofwomen.ca for more information or to register.
Time: 6:00 - 8:30 p.m. Venue: Waterloo Inn; Delta Guelph; Cambridge Hotel and Conference Centre Location: Waterloo, Guelph, Cambridge, ON Categories: Business & Economics; Women
Oct 1/2009 Toronto |
MUCK film festival and forum (movies of uncommon knowledge) MUCK Film Festival and Forum presents alternative views on how the world of politics, economics and society works. After each screening there will be a panel discussion.
Venue: The Royal Location: 608 College St., Toronto Categories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Media, Entertainment, News, Communications; Politics & Political Organizations
Oct 1/2009 to Oct 2/2009 Toronto, ON |
The Many Faces of Addiction - A Symplosium by Bellwood Health Services This leading-edge addiction symposium will offer a unique opportunity for quality addiction education and training. The symposium will be facilitated by national and international experts in the field of addiction treatment and research. Presentations will cover a range of topics including: the latest research in neurobiology and addictions and the implications for treatment; understanding the emerging addictions related to sex and the internet; the treatment of post traumatic stress disorder as it co-occurs with addiction; effectively managing trauma in the workplace. Whether you are a healthcare or corporate professional, or an individual whose life has been touched by addiction, this conference will provide education, training, understanding, and most importantly â tools and emerging practices to help people heal from addiction. Time: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Venue: The Ontario Science Centre Location: 770 Don Mills Road Toronto ON M3C 1T3, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.bellwood.ca/News_12/12_html/News_home.htmFor information contact: Jennifer Teran Phone: 416-847-0752 Categories: Health/Health Care |
Oct 2/2009 to Oct 4/2009 Alliston, ON |
5th Ontario Family Forum The Association for Workplace Tragedy Family Support offers families affected by a workplace tragedy the opportunity to attend an annual Forum, where they can come together to share, network and, ultimately, heal. At this unique event, spouses, parents, siblings and close friends gather to learn coping skills for grief, active listening skills, tips on how the occupational health and safety system works, self-care and so much more. Time: Friday, October 2nd at 3 pm till Sunday, October, 4th at 1 pm Venue: Nottawasaga Inn Resort Location: Alliston, ON Website: http://www.threadsoflife.caFor information contact: Kate Kennington Phone: 888-567-9490 Categories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Education; Labour, Workplace, Unions |
Oct 3/2009 Toronto, ON |
CAPCT Conference: Trauma The Journey Forward: Moments of Change with Children and Adolescents This is the CAPCT's 29th Annual Day in Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy. We are pleased to present Dr. Lenore Terr in Trauma The Journey Forward: Moments of Change with Children and Adolescents In this symposium, Dr. Lenore Terr will address the following: I Principles of Child Psychotherapy with Clinical Case Examples II Shared Moments at Various Phases of Childhood Treatment; How Does Technique Change with a Child's Age? III Untreated Trauma; 'The Reader 32 (Fictional) and The Surgeon, and the Software Writer (True V Trauma from a Patient's Point of View Time: 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Venue: TBA Location: TBA, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.capct.caFor information contact: Suzanne Pearen Phone: 416-690-5464 Categories: Children & Youth; Education; Social Services |
Oct 3/2009 Peterborough, ON |
Doors Open Peterborough 2009 Doors Open Peterborough 2009
Location: Peterborough, ON Categories: Architecture; Museums
Oct 3/2009 Port Stanley-Sparta, ON |
Doors Open Port Stanley-Sparta 2009 Doors Open Port Stanley-Sparta 2009
Location: Port Stanley-Sparta, ON Categories: Architecture; Museums
Oct 3/2009 to Oct 4/2009 Gananogue, ON |
Doors Open Gananogue 2009 Doors Open Gananogue 2009
Location: Gananogue, ON Categories: Architecture; Museums
Oct 4/2009 to Oct 10/2009
Animal Health Week Animal Health Week is a national public awareness campaign organized by the Canadian Veterinary Medical Association (CVMA). Each year, during the first week of October, veterinarians and veterinary clinics across Canada promote animal health and responsible animal ownership as part of Animal Health Week. Many veterinary clinics will be hosting open houses, holding photo contests, clinic tours and more. Some veterinarians will be visiting school children to talk about animal health care. Animal owners are invited to contact their veterinary clinic and to consult local newspapers to become informed of Animal Health Week events taking place in their community.
Oct 5/2009 Mississauga, ON |
Canadian Organic Standards Training for Food Processors The popular workshop on everything you need to know to comply with Canada's new organic standards, regulations and labelling requirements returns for one session only: October 5, 2009 in Toronto. Recently updated to include the June 2009 publication of the Organic Products Regulations and the Canada-U.S. Equivalency Agreement, this one-day technical training will provide participants with the essential information for doing business in Canada. The all-day session will include meals and health breaks, take-away course materials, and a two-day pass to the Ethnic & Specialty Food Expo, including All Things Organic! Time: 8:15 AM - 5:00 PM Venue: International Centre Location: Mississauga, ON Website: http://www.ota.com/otacanada/workshops.htmlFor information contact: Matthew Holmes Phone: 613-482-1717 Categories: Food & Beverage; Marketing, Advertising, Public Relations; Wineries, Breweries & Distilleries |
Oct 5/2009 to Oct 9/2009 Bangkok ,Thailand |
International Congress of Nutrition Trade & Exhibition Centre An exhibition will be organized alongside the 19th International Congress of Nutrition from Monday 5th October to Friday 9th October 2009 at the Bangkok International Trade and Exhibition Center (BITEC). Targeted exhibitors including international food companies, pharmaceutical companies, medical product and system manufacturers, publishers, non-governmental organizations, and educational institutions will showcase their latest products and services. Venue: UCLA School of Public Health Location: 10 Soi Lasalle 56, Sukhumvit Road, Bangkok ,Thailand Website: http://www.iuns.orgFor information contact: info@iuns.org Phone: 419-098-0987 Categories: Environment; Food & Beverage; Health/Health Care |
Oct 6/2009 Ottawa, ON |
Countering Threats to Security and Stability: Lessons Learned from Colombia Peter DeShazo, the Director of the Americas program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, will be presenting a new CSIS report on Colombia. He was deputy assistant secretary of state for Western Hemisphere affairs and deputy U.S. permanent representative to the Organization of American States. He served in U.S. embassies and consulates in La Paz, Medellin, Santiago, Panama City, and Caracas. He is also a member of the faculty at the School of Advanced International Studies at Johns Hopkins University. Time: 12-1 PM Venue: FOCAL Board Room Location: Room 720, Seventh Floor, 1 Nicholas Street, Ottawa, ON Website: http://focal.ca/about/events/index_e.aspFor information contact: Ruth Mestechkin Phone: 613-562-0005 ext.237 Categories: Security; Politics & Political Organizations |
Oct 6/2009 Washinton D.C., USA |
National Conference on Education of Latino Children and Youth National Conference on Education of Latino Children and Youth, with the Pew Hispanic Center and the National Panel on Latino Children and Schooling Location: Washinton D.C., USA Website: http://www.ewa.orgCategories: Education; Children & Youth; Social Policy |
Oct 6/2009 to Oct 7/2009 Calgary, AB |
The Canadian Institute's Gearing Up for a Low Carbon Economy The conference will deliver an in-depth look at how US and Canadian initiatives compare and cotrast, and the most up-to-date carbon policy information from both sides of the border. Venue: Fairmont Paliser Hotel Location: 9th Ave. SW, Calgary, AB Website: http://www.canadianinstitute.comFor information contact: publications@canadianinstitute.com Jessika Hunt Phone: 416-927-0718 Categories: Environment; Science & Technology; Economic Development |
Oct 7/2009 to Oct 10/2009 Portland, Oregon, USA |
North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE) 38th Annual Conference NAEE educators from around the world have presented how they are able to deliver high quality environmentally related education. Location: Portland, Portland, Oregon, USA Website: http://wwwnaaee.org/conferencePhone: 202-419-0412 Categories: Environment; Education; International |
Oct 8/2009 to Oct 10/2009 Moscow, Russia |
Moscow State University conference: Mass media and communications in the new millennium At the Moscow State University department of journalism, international journalists will meet at an event entitled "Content, channels and audiences in the new millennium: interaction and interrelations". The aim of the conference is to analyse the changes in international mass media that have taken place at the beginning of the 21st century. The working language is English; registration fee for non-CIS citizens is 3500 rubles. Venue: Department of Journalism, Moscow State University Location: 9 Mokhovaya Street, 125009, Moscow, Russia Website: http://www.journalism.co.uk/shorturl/PPUJO/For information contact: moscow.readings@smi.msu.ru Phone: +7 495 6294954 Categories: Media, Entertainment, News, Communications; International |
Oct 14/2009 to Oct 16/2009 Calgary, AB |
Waste Reduction Conference 2009 The topics which will be featured will included progressive waste reduction topic, including zero waste, effective education/promotion and leading edge technologies. Venue: Fairmont Palliser Hotel Location: Calgary, AB Website: http://www.recycle.ab.caPhone: 403-843-6563 Categories: Environment; Urban Issues, Transit, Housing, Public Space; Science & Technology |
Oct 15/2009 to Oct 16/2009 Calgary, AB |
Fourth Annual CMA/CAM-I Summit The fourth annual CMA/CAM-I Summit will take place on Thursday, October 15 and Friday, October 16, 2009, at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Calgary, Alberta. Co-sponsored by CMA Canada and the Consortium of Advanced Management, International (CAM-I), this summit will focus on the concepts of process, performance and cost management. Attendees will have the opportunity to hear from leading-edge speakers, receive valuable hands-on training and network with peers from across North America. In addition, CMA members will have the potential to earn 15 CPLD credit hours by attending this event. Register early and save $200! Time: 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. (both days) Venue: Hyatt Regency Hotel Location: 700 Centre Street SE, Calgary, AB Website: http://www.cma-canada.org/summitFor information contact: Lina DiMatteo Phone: 1-800-263-7622 ext. 3105 Categories: Investment, Finance, Insurance |
Oct 15/2009 to Oct 18/2009 Ottawa, ON |
Ontario Council of Folk Festivals Conference The OCFF Conference is the key event for Ontario's folk, roots and traditional music community. Musicians, presenters, festival organizers, artistic directors, fundraisers, media representatives and many others who contribute to the health and vitality of the folk, roots and traditional community gather for a weekend of music, networking, discussion, exchange and fun. Location: Ottawa, ON Website: http://www.ocff.ca/services/conference/index.htmlCategories: Arts & Culture; Music |
Oct 17/2009 Toronto, ON |
Toronto International Bicycle Show - 10th Annual Fall Blowout Sale This is the premier place to shop for bikes and accessories and to view the newest trends in the world of biking, the enviro-friendly transportation method. Time: 10:00 am - 5:00 pm Venue: Direct Energy Centre, Exhibition Place Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.bicycleshowtoronto.comCategories: Sports & Games; Environment; Science & Technology |
Oct 17/2009 to Oct 18/2009 Kincardine, ON |
Doors Open Kincardine 2009 Doors Open Kincardine 2009
Location: Kincardine, ON Categories: Architecture; Museums
Oct 17/2009 to Oct 18/2009 Niagara (New York), ON |
Doors Open Niagara 2009 (New York) Doors Open Niagara 2009 (New York)
Location: Niagara (New York), ON Categories: Architecture; Museums
Oct 17/2009 to Oct 18/2009 Niagara (Ontario), ON |
Doors Open Niagara 2009(Ontario) Doors Open Niagara 2009(Ontario)
Location: Niagara (Ontario), ON Categories: Architecture; Museums
Oct 17/2009 to Oct 18/2009 St.Thomas, ON |
Doors Open St.Thomas 2009 Doors Open St.Thomas 2009
Location: St.Thomas, ON Categories: Architecture; Museums
Oct 17/2009 to Oct 22/2009 San Diego, Calif., USA |
DMA. 09 Immerse yourself in the most successful integrated campaigns of the year with a full day of ECHO Award-winning case studies. Participate in an innovative program exploring trends, integration, monster ROI, what it takes to win an echo. Venue: Hilton San Diego Bayfront Location: San Diego, Calif., USA Website: http://www.dma09.orgPhone: 303-543-1164 Categories: Economic Development; Marketing, Advertising, Public Relations; Awards, Scholarships, Prizes |
Oct 18/2009 Montreal, QC |
Haircare for Humanity Men and women with grey, white or blond hair are invited to drop into Academie Saco at 4895 Boulevard St. Laurent, Montreal, for a FREE hair wash, treatment, style and blow-dry. The event features Light Blue Shade products for mature hair, and offers refreshments and prizes for all visitors, along with activities focused on beauty and wellness. All proceeds of the day benefit Canadian Feed The Children's development programs for children living in poverty around the world Time: 10 am to 4pm Venue: Academie Saco Location: 4895 Boulevard St. Laurent, Montreal, QC Website: http://www.canadianfeedthechildren.ca/donate/community_events.htmlFor information contact: Marianne Chilco Phone: 1-800-387-1220 Categories: Cosmetics, Personal Care |
Oct 21/2009 to Oct 23/2009 Gatineau, QC |
Full Spectrum ADR: From Local Workplace to International Marketplace! (and everything in between) The ADR Institute of Canada, Inc., in partnership with the Public Service of Canada, presents the Annual ADR Conference.
Venue: Hilton Lac Leamy Location: 3 Boulevard de Casino, Gatineau, QC Categories: Government & Public Sector; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
Oct 21/2009 to Oct 23/2009 Liverpool, UK |
Outlook 2010: INMA/OPA Europe Conference INMA and the Online Publishers Association will partner to present Outlook 2010: INMA/OPA Europe Conference October 21-23 in Liverpool. The conference brings together a European audience to explore the best practices of European newsmedia companies as they aim to grow audience and advertising across platforms. The partnership with OPA Europe will bring a focus on digital media and alternative business models during this year of economic distress. Venue: BT Convention Centre Location: Arena and Convention Centre Liverpool, Monarchs Quay, Liverpool, L3 4FP., Liverpool, UK Website: http://www.inma.orgCategories: Media, Entertainment, News, Communications; Publishers & Publishing; Internet |
Oct 21/2009 to Oct 23/2009 Liverpool, United Kingdom |
Outlook 2010: INMA/OPA Europe Conference INMA and the Online Publishers Association will partner to present Outlook 2010: INMA/OPA Europe Conference October 21-23 in Liverpool. The conference brings together a European audience to explore the best practices of European newsmedia companies as they aim to grow audience and advertising across platforms. The partnership with OPA Europe will bring a focus on digital media and alternative business models during this year of economic distress. Venue: BT Convention Centre Location: Liverpool, United Kingdom Website: http://www.inma.orgCategories: Journalism, Writing, Literary, Language; Publishers & Publishing |
Oct 21/2009 to Oct 31/2009 Toronto, ON |
30th Anniversary International Festival of Authors Readings, interviews, panel discussions, book signings and a mini-festival for kids are presented. World's well read are invited. Venue: Toronto Harbourfront Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://readings.orgCategories: Journalism, Writing, Literary, Language; International; Education |
Oct 21/2009 to Oct 31/2009 Toronto, ON |
International Festival of Authors Don't miss this year's 30th anniversary: IFOA XXX. The International Festival of Authors (IFOA) was inaugurated in 1980 with a mandate to bring together the best writers of contemporary world literature. Like the weekly reading series, the IFOA includes readings, interviews, lectures and round table discussions as well as public book signings and a festival bookstore. The IFOA also presents a number of special events including readings by Scotiabank Giller Prize, Governor Generalâs Literary Awards, and Rogers Writers' Trust Fiction Prize finalists, as well as the awarding of the Harbourfront Festival Prize. Venue: Harbourfront Centre Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.readings.orgCategories: Journalism, Writing, Literary, Language; Media, Entertainment, News, Communications; Arts & Culture |
Oct 22/2009 Toronto, ON |
Memorial Celebration - Dr. Abram Hoffer Join CCNM and the International Schizophrenia Foundation to remember and celebrate the life and work of Abram Hoffer. Dr. Hoffer, a renowned medical doctor and licensed psychiatrist, was a founding father of the complementary and alternative health movement. In attendance at this event will be many of his Toronto friends and colleagues and his daughter, Miriam Hoffer. Time: 7:30 - 9 p.m. Venue: Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine Location: 1255 Sheppard Ave East, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.ccnm.eduFor information contact: Catherine Kenwell Phone: 416-498-1255 Categories: Health/Health Care; Education |
Oct 22/2009 Toronto, ON |
The Role of Naturopathic Medicine in a Patient-centred Health Care System The Role of Naturopathic Medicine in a Patient-centred Health Care System is the topic of CCNM's first-ever health-care symposium. Naturopathic medicine will soon be regulated under Ontario's Regulated Health Professions Act. At the same time, the Ontario government is increasing its focus on chronic disease management within a fiscally sustainable health-care system. This symposium will examine what other jurisdictions have learned from the integration of naturopathic medicine into the health-care system. Speakers include Paul Mittman, ND, President, Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine, Arizona; and Christoph Kind, ND, President, British Columbia Naturopathic Association; and Suzanne Bogild, CEO, Sherbourne Health Centre, Toronto. Time: 1 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. Venue: Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine Location: 1255 Sheppard Ave East, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.ccnm.eduFor information contact: Catherine Kenwell Phone: 416-498-1255 Categories: Health/Health Care; Government & Public Sector; Education |
Oct 23/2009 Ottawa, ON |
Canada Ocean Lecture: The Transparent Ocean, Dr. Ron O'Dor Dr. Ron O'Dor, Canadian Geographic's 2009 Environmental Scientist of the Year, Dalhousie University, is guest speaker. Time: 8:30-10:30 pm Venue: Demarais Bldg., Rm. 4101 Location: University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON Website: http://omrn-rrgo.caFor information contact: fahey@telfer.uottawa.ca Categories: Education; Environment; International |
Oct 23/2009 to Oct 25/2009 Kananaskis, AB |
2nd Annual Western Canada Family Forum This fall, Threads of Life will be hosting the 2nd Annual Western Canada Family Forum for family members who are living in the aftermath of a workplace fatality, life-altering injury or occupational disease. This event is a unique opportunity for families to come together and learn invaluable and much-appreciated tools to help them along their journey of healing. âAs much as it was emotionally draining, it was also encouraging, motivating and healing to meet others who share a similar path to ours,â shared a family member after attending a forum. Key highlights of the Forum include: a Reflections Ceremony to honour the families who have been impacted by a workplace tragedy; workshops and sessions with topics such as active listening skills, helping children with grief, families coping with a life-altering injury, widows and societyâs expectations, men and grief and siblings and loss; and volunteer opportunities for families to support provincial injury prevention initiatives. Time: Friday, October 23 at 3 pm to Sunday, October 25 at 1 pm Venue: Delta Lodge Location: Kananaskis, AB Website: http://www.threadsoflife.caFor information contact: Kate Kennington Phone: 888-567-9490 Categories: Education; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Labour, Workplace, Unions |
Oct 23/2009 to Oct 25/2009 Ottawa, PE |
Sustainable Local Solutions to Global Economic Problems Public talk: crisis and opportunity: opening new realms of sustainable economic potential. Workshop: enlightened solutions to global economic problems and working toward a new vision of development. Time: 7:30-9:00 pm Venue: St. Paul University Location: Ottawa, PE Website: http://proutinstitute.orgFor information contact: Chris Simmonds Phone: 613-567-7888 Categories: Education; Environment; International |
Oct 24/2009 Toronto, ON |
CCNM Open House The Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine (CCNM), home of the Robert Schad Naturopathic Clinic (RSNC), invites you to attend our annual Open House on Saturday, October 24. Join us to learn about naturopathic medicine, managing stress, preventing and managing diabetes and our adjunctive cancer shift. Take part in an acupuncture demo! Time: 12 - 4:30 p.m. Venue: Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine Location: 1255 Sheppard Avenue East, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.ccnm.eduFor information contact: Karamjit Singh Phone: 416-498-1255 Categories: Health/Health Care; Education |
Oct 24/2009 Toronto, ON |
Discover CCNM and Tour: A Future in Naturopathic Medicine Awaits! Discover CCNM as a prospective student and learn: * An overview of the application process and ND program * Financial aid information * Tour of CCNM campus, classrooms, clinic and residence * Opportunties to speak with current students * Career seminar with licensed ND Time: 12:15 p.m. and 2:30 p.m. Venue: Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine Location: 1255 Sheppard Avenue East, at Leslie subway station, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.ccnm.eduFor information contact: Karamjit Singh Phone: 416-498-1255 Categories: Education; Health/Health Care |
Oct 24/2009 Ottawa, ON |
Fill the Hill - International Day of Climate Action International Day of Climate Action Daylong demonstration in Ottawa, near Parliament in support of "Kyoto-Plus". The event will be energized by 1000 youths aleady present in Ottawa for a week long conference . Venue: Parliament Hill Location: Ottawa, ON Website: http://cday.atypical.caCategories: Environment; International; Human Rights, Law, Legal |
Oct 24/2009 Toronto, ON |
Laughing Like Crazy The Mood Disorders Association of Ontario presents "Laughing Like Crazy" - featuring award winning comic Mike MacDonald and hosted by Canadian actor Patrick McKenna live at the Panasonic Theatre Saturday October 24th. Tickets are $70 dollars each at www.ticketking.com, with proceeds going to the Mood Disorders Association of Ontario. Go to www.ticketking.com today to get your tickets for this one of a kind comedy event. Time: 8:00 pm to 10:00 pm Venue: Panasonic Theatre Location: 651 Yonge St, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.mooddisorders.on.ca/pdf/llc.pdfFor information contact: MDAO Phone: 416.486.8046 Categories: Media, Entertainment, News, Communications; Health/Health Care |
Oct 24/2009 to Oct 25/2009 Toronto, ON |
The Franchise Show The Franchise Show is Canada's largest franchise-only exhibition, bringing together the largest number of brand name franchises under one roof with investments at all levels! Not all shows are the same. Many, while claiming to be franchise shows, have few franchise exhibitors and in many cases showcase low-investment business opportunities that tend to lack the support typical of franchise systems. This 2-day show is designed to let you meet the industry's most accomplished franchisors face-to-face. Come and learn more about specific companies and the industry as a whole. Franchises offer the support, the systems, and the brand name recognition to help you succeed from the start! Contact: Canadian Franchise Association, 1-800-665-4232 or info@cfa.ca Time: 11:00 am to 5:00 pm Venue: Toronto Congress Centre Location: 650 Dixon Rd, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.cfa.ca/TheFranchiseShow/Toronto_Oct09/For information contact: Canadian Franchise Association Phone: 416 695-2896 Categories: Business & Economics |
Oct 25/2009 to Oct 29/2009 Michoacan/Morelia/Mexico |
Sustainable Cities Conference /Mexico This is an international forum that will allow specialists in urban planning, energy, environment, economy and society to present their ideas.
Venue: U. of Michoacan Location: Michoacan/Morelia/Mexico For information contact: conference@simars.com Categories: Environment; International; Urban Issues, Transit, Housing, Public Space
Oct 26/2009 Toronto, ON |
4 X 4 Festival On its 30th Anniversary, Nightwood is proud to announce the celebration of Canadian Women director in the largest ever production company. Serious Money: Nov. 20 and 21 Time: 1:30 pm - 8:00 pm Venue: Berkeley Str. Theatre, Buddies in Bad Times Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.nightwoodtheatre.netFor information contact: Rebecca Peirson - rebecca@nightwoodtheatre.net Categories: Arts & Culture; Women; Media, Entertainment, News, Communications |
Oct 26/2009 Toronto, ON |
Lieutenant Governor to Honour Award Winners from the National Ethnic Press and Media Council of Canada The Honourable David C. Onley, Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, will present awards on behalf of the National Ethnic Press and Media Council of Canada to 8 publisher/editors, 3 journalists and 12 individuals from the ethnic communities, who made significant long-term contributions to the ethnic press and communities of Canada.
The ceremony is scheduled for Monday, October 26, 2009 Time: 6:00 pm Location: Lieutenant Governorâ²s Suite Ontario Legislative Building South (accessible) Entrance (Media I.D will be required & must arrive by 5:30) Queenâ²s Park, Toronto.
Directions: Filming and photos can be taken during the ceremony.
Time: 6:00 pm Venue: Lieutenant Governor's Suite Location: Ontario Legislative Building South Entrance, Toronto, ON For information contact: Thomas Saras Phone: 416-921-8926 Categories: Media, Entertainment, News, Communications; Publishers & Publishing; Awards, Scholarships, Prizes
Oct 27/2009 Toronto, ON |
Creating a Performance-Based Culture for Improved Profits Looking for ideas to tune up your company's performance management process or make significant changes to bring the process up to a world class level? This workshop is for you. In an economy where doing more with less has become the new ânormâ, the demand to ensure that all employees are making a contribution to achieve company objectives has never been so paramount. Savvy HR professionals recognize the need to move from Performance Review âCopâ to a Performance âCoach and Advocateâ. Click on the URL link beside the "Website" field below for event details and instructions on how to register. Space is limited! Time: 8:00am - 10:30am Venue: Drake International Global Headquarters 13 Toronto Location: 320 Bay Street, 14th floor, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.drakeintl.com/localjobs/seminars/2009/S2_09/For information contact: Carolyn Van Categories: Skills & Training |
Oct 27/2009 Toronto, ON |
The Sustainable Economy: an Economy for Everyone Are you concerned about what this economic crisis means for our future? Want to understand better how the economy can sustain a reasonable standard of living for you and future generations? Are you wondering what changes we will have to make in light of energy shortages and climate change? Ryerson University's G. Raymond Chang School of Continuing Education offers a workshop to give you a better understanding of these issues through relevant facts, provocative ideas, and productive discussion. Venue: Peter Bronfman Learning Centre Location: Heaslip House, 7th floor, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.ryerson.ca/ceFor information contact: John Smike Categories: Economic Development; Environment; Skills & Training |
Oct 28/2009 Caledon, ON |
Environmental Speakers Night: Slow Death by Rubber Duck The topic is reflected in the titile: Slow Death by Rubber Duck:How the Toxic Chemistry of Everyday Life affects our Health. Time: 7:00 - 9:15 Venue: Caledon Centre for Culture and Education Location: 20490 Portefield Rd., Caledon, ON Website: http://www.greentcaledon.caPhone: 905-951-0625 Categories: Education; Environment; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Nov 1/2009 Toronto, ON |
Eco-Energy Fair Learn about home energy audits and the latest in effective home insulation. Learn about solar systems and talk to experts in the use of solar power. Time: 1:00 - 4 pm Venue: Wychwood Barns Location: Christie, south of St. Clair, Toronto, ON Website: http://gn21.caFor information contact: greenneighbour@yahoo.ca Categories: Environment; Building & Construction; Information, Libraries, Research |
Nov 2/2009 Ottawa, ON |
L'Inde en conférences — une conversation avec Pankaj Mishra, essayiste, journaliste et romancier Pankaj Mishra, écrivain travaillant à partir dâun peu partout sur la planète, sâest vu décerner un prix littéraire et contribue fréquemment aux quotidiens The New York Times et The Guardian. Ses écrits portent sur des sujets forts variés, allant de la mondialisation au dalaï-lama en passant par la « talibanisation » de lâAsie du Sud. M. Mishra sera le tout dernier invité du cycle LâInde en conférences du Centre de recherches pour le développement international (CRDI), organisme canadien, et son exposé aura pour sujet LâInde dans le monde. Cette présentation spéciale est offerte en collaboration avec The Ottawa International Writers Festival. M. Mishra est né en Inde et a vécu son enfance et son adolescence dans lâÃtat de lâUttar Pradesh, dans le nord du pays. Son tout premier livre, intitulé Butter Chicken in Ludhiana: Travels in Small Town India, décrit les transformations profondes que connaissent les petites villes de lâInde. Son roman suivant, The Romantics, a été traduit en onze langues et lui a valu une notoriété mondiale. Ses deux derniers ouvrages, An End to Suffering: The Buddha in the World et Temptations of the West: How to Be Modern in India, Pakistan, Tibet, and Beyond, ont tous deux figuré sur la liste des cent livres les plus remarquables de lâannée du New York Times. Le président du CRDI, David M. Malone, et M. Mishra auront une conversation qui sâinspirera des nombreux voyages et du riche vécu de lâauteur en Asie du Sud. Des services dâinterprétation simultanée vers le français et vers lâanglais seront offerts. Lâentrée est libre, mais les places sont limitées; prière de sâinscrire. LâInde en conférences est un cycle bien spécial qui a pour but de faire connaître les grands penseurs et les idées inspirantes provenant de ce pays en train de se hisser au rang des grandes puissances mondiales. Ces conférences visent à célébrer le 25e anniversaire du bureau du CRDI à New Delhi et à souligner la collaboration précieuse et durable du Centre avec ses partenaires de recherche en Inde. Pour en savoir plus long sur les autres conférences prononcées dans le cadre de ce cycle, consulter www.crdi.ca/indeconferences. Time: 17 h à 18 h 30 Venue: CRDI Location: 150, rue Kent (à l'angle de la rue Albert), 8e étage, Ottawa, ON Website: http://www.crdi.ca/indeconferenceFor information contact: Isabelle Bourgeaul-Tassé Phone: 613-696-2343 |
Nov 2/2009 Ottawa, ON |
The India Lectures: In Conversation with Dynamic Essayist, Journalist, and Novelist Pankaj Mishra Pankaj Mishra is an award-winning author and frequent contributor to The New York Times and The Guardian. He writes from around the world, exploring topics that range from globalization to the Dalai Lama to the âTalibanizationâ of South Asia. Mishra will speak on India in the World. This final instalment of The India Lectures will be a special presentation held in collaboration with The Ottawa International Writers Festival. Born in India, Mishra spent his childhood and adolescence in the northern Indian province of Uttar Pradesh. His first book, Butter Chicken in Ludhiana: Travels in Small Town India, describes the profound changes taking place in rural Indian towns. His next novel, The Romantics, was translated into eleven languages and catapulted him onto the international literary scene. His two most recent books, An End to Suffering: The Buddha in the World and Temptations of the West: How to Be Modern in India, Pakistan and Beyond, were both featured in The New York Timesâ 100 Notable Books of the Year. Read Mishra's biography IDRC President David M. Malone will engage Mishra in a conversation that will draw on the authorâs varied travels and experiences in South Asia. French and English simultaneous interpretation is available. The lecture is free, but seating is limited so please register. The India Lectures is a special series designed to highlight the wealth of eminent thinkers and stimulating ideas emanating from this rising global power. The series marks the 25th anniversary of IDRCâs regional office in New Delhi and celebrates IDRCâs enduring and valued collaboration with its Indian research partners. For information about earlier presentations in this series, see www.idrc.ca/indialectures. Time: 5:00 - 6:30 p.m. Venue: IDRC Location: 150 Kent (Corner of Albert), 8th Floor, Ottawa, ON Website: http://www.idrc.ca/indialecturesFor information contact: Isabelle Bourgeault-Tassé Phone: 613-696-2343 |
Nov 2/2009 to Nov 3/2009 Ottawa, ON |
Conference: Green Jobs - Is This the New "New Economy"? Public Policy Forum The Public Policy Forum is organizing a symposium to discuss the implications of new North American Environmental policies on the Canadian job market. Time: 6:00 pm, Nov. 2 Venue: Delta Hotel Location: Ottawa, ON Website: http://www.ppforum.comCategories: Environment; Economic Development; Education |
Nov 3/2009 Toronto, ON |
Presentation and Discussion Thomas Homer-Dixon, author of "Carbon Shift, The Ingenuity Gap and the Upside Down", also Chair of Global Systems will speak. Time: 6:00 pm Venue: U. of Toronto, Scarborough College Location: 1265 Military Trail, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.utsc-leadership.caPhone: 416-208-4760 Categories: Environment; Education; International |
Nov 3/2009 to Nov 5/2009 Tatamagouche, NS |
Getting the Truth into Media, with John Stauber This program offers a background into the world of media and propaganda, and offers necessary advice and training for activists to become more media savvy. Learn to counter the propagandists and ensure the truth is reported and acted upon. Time: Tues. 7 pm to Thurs. 1 pm Venue: Tatamagouche Centre Location: Tatamagouche, NS Website: http://www.tatacentre.caFor information contact: tatacent@tatacentre.ca Margaret Tusz-King Phone: 1-800-218-2220 Categories: Media, Entertainment, News, Communications; Politics & Political Organizations; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Nov 5/2009 Toronto, ON |
CBSR Summit on Corporate Social Responsibility 7th Annual CBSR Summit on Corporate Social Responsibility Transformational CSR: The Next Wave of Business Leadership, Innovation and Performance What are the new, creative ideas to transform business, embed CSR and elevate environmental, social, and governance performance? The Canadian Business for Social Responsibility Summit will highlight current strategies and practical case studies, while looking at the trends, policies and programs that are advancing business practice. Featured speakers include: Elyse Allen, President & CEO, GE Canada Ray Anderson, Founder and Chairman, Interface Inc. Jeffrey Hollender, Chair and Chief Inspired Protagonist, Seventh Generation Nitin Kawale, President, Cisco Canada and Champion, One Million Acts of Green David Labistour, CEO, Mountain Equipment Co-op Dr. John Ruggie, United Nations Special Representative on Business and Human Rights Early-bird discount available until September 18 Time: 8am to 5pm Venue: Fairmont Royal York Hotel Location: 100 Front Street West, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.cbsr.caFor information contact: meirav@cbsr.ca Phone: 4167037435 Categories: Business & Economics; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Nov 5/2009 Toronto, ON |
CBSR Summit on Corporate Social Responsibility Transformational CSR: The Next Wave of Business Leadership, Innovation and Performance What are the new, creative ideas to transform business, embed CSR and elevate environmental, social, and governance performance? The Canadian Business for Social Responsibility Summit will highlight current strategies and practical case studies, while looking at the trends, policies and programs that are advancing business practice. Featured speakers include: Elyse Allen, President & CEO, GE Canada Ray Anderson, Founder and Chairman, Interface Inc. Jeffrey Hollender, Chair and Chief Inspired Protagonist, Seventh Generation Nitin Kawale, President, Cisco Canada and Champion, One Million Acts of Green David Labistour, CEO, Mountain Equipment Co-op Dr. John Ruggie, United Nations Special Representative on Business and Human Rights Time: 8am-5pm Venue: Fairmont Royal York Hotel Location: 100 Front Street West, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.cbsr.ca/conferences-and-eventsFor information contact: meirav@cbsr.ca Phone: 4167037435 Categories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Economic Development |
Nov 5/2009 Burlington, ON |
Marketing Survival, Burlington Breakfast Meeting Join us in Burlington on November 5th at the Coffee Office for our monthly Breakfast Meeting featuring guest speaker Wendy Marlow, who will be discussing the fundamentals of marketing for small business. To register, please visit www.companyofwomen.ca. The fee is $20 for Company of Women members and $25 for non-members. The price includes breakfast. Time: 8:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. Venue: The Coffee Office Location: 3310 South Service Road, Burlington, ON Website: http://www.companyofwomen.caFor information contact: Bethan Alfano Phone: 905-338-1771 Categories: Women; Business & Economics; Marketing, Advertising, Public Relations |
Nov 5/2009 to Nov 8/2009 Amherst MA USA |
Rethinking Marxism Conference Seventh annual Rethinking Marxism conference. Venue: University of Massachusetts Location: Amherst MA USA Website: http://rethinkingmarxism.orgCategories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Education |
Nov 6/2009 to Nov 7/2009 Barrie, ON |
Barriefolk: Roots Music Festival The Barrie Folk Society was formed in response to the wants and needs of the local folk music community in and around the Barrie area. The main goal of the Barrie Folk Society is to bring Folk music to the masses through a not-for-profit organization that cares about the growth and nurturing of the folk music movement Location: Barrie, ON Website: http://www.barriefolk.comCategories: Arts & Culture; Music |
Nov 7/2009 Uxbridge, ON |
Reducing Environmental Footprint in Durham Forum provides a venue for stakeholders to discuss opportunities and initiatives that support environmental projects in Durham region. Time: 8:00 am - 12:30 pm Venue: Wyndance Golf Club (Canyon Rm.) Location: 450 Durham Rd. 21, Uxbridge, ON Website: http://www.oceta.on.caPhone: 905-822-4133 Categories: Environment; Economic Development; Education |
Nov 9/2009 Brantford, ON |
Suicide Awareness: Prevention, Intervention & Postvention, with Dr. John R. Jordan This workshop will assisst participants in the management of suicidal clients.The format will include lecture, discussion and case presentation. Dr. Jordan's presentation style encourages interaction with the audience.
Time: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Venue: Best Western Brant Park Inn Location: 19 Holiday Dr., Brantford, ON For information contact: Lill Petrella lill@cmhabrant.on.ca Phone: 519-752-2998 ext.112 Categories: Health/Health Care; Social Services; Education
Nov 10/2009 Toronto, ON |
Getting Government Contracts Breakfast Meeting Join us for our next monthly Toronto Breakfast Meeting where the topic of how to get government contracts as they pertain to small businesses will be highlighted. David DiFelice from the Office of Small and Medium Enterprises will be facilitating discussion on how the MERX system works, how to market to the federal government, how the government does its buying and how to find opportunities to bid on Canadian government purchases. Registration can be completed on-line at www.companyofwomen.ca. Prices include breakfast and are $20 for Company of Women members to attend or $25 for non-members. Time: 8:30-10:30 a.m. Venue: One Up Location: 130 Dundas Street West, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.companyofwomen.caFor information contact: Bethan Alfano Phone: 905-338-1771 Categories: Business & Economics; Women; Government & Public Sector |
Nov 10/2009 Sarnia, ON |
When Waste Is No Longer Waste Waste is rapidly becoming recognized as a valuable distributed energy resource, but the challenges of turning what we throw out into usable energy can be daunting. This presentation will examine the options for turning waste into energy and the pro's and cons of each. Time: 5:30 - 7:00 pm Venue: Lambton College Location: 1457 London Rd., Sarnia, ON Website: http://www.bluewatersustainabilityinitiative.caFor information contact: cheryl veary, cheryl.veary@lambton.on.ca Phone: 519-542-7751 Ext.3587 Categories: Environment; Science & Technology; Economic Development |
Nov 11/2009 Cambridge, ON |
How to Use Social Media for Business Growth - Speaker Series Join us for our upcoming Company of Women Speaker Series event featuring Sarah Prevette from Sprouter who will be discussing how you can use social media to grow or benefit your business. This event is being sponsored by Rogers. To register, please visit www.companyofwomen.ca. Tickets are $30 for Company of Women members and $40 for non-members. Prices include light refreshments and the speaker presentation. There will be ample networking time. Time: 6:00-8:30p.m. Venue: Cambridge Hotel and Conference Centre Location: 700 HESPELER ROAD, Cambridge, ON Website: http://www.companyofwomen.caFor information contact: Bethan Alfano Phone: 905-338-1771 Categories: Women; Business & Economics; Computers |
Nov 11/2009 Ottawa, ON |
Remembrance Day - National Ceremony The National Ceremony to commemorate Canada's fallen will be held in Ottawa Time: 10:30 a.m. Venue: National War Memorial Location: Ottawa, ON Website: http://www.legion.caFor information contact: Steven Clark Phone: 613-591-3335 Categories: Military; Religious; Government & Public Sector |
Nov 12/2009 Guelph, ON |
Pseserving Trees and the Planning Process - Ontario Urban Forestry Conference The main topic of the conference is: Where is Tree Preservation in Urban Planning Today? It will examine the issue of where is tree preservation in Ontario today. Venue: The Arboretum Location: University of Guelph, Guelph, ON Website: http://oufc.orgFor information contact: Jack Radecki Phone: 416-936-6735 Categories: Environment; Forestry, Lumber, Paper; Nature & Outdoors |
Nov 12/2009 to Nov 13/2009 Toronto, ON |
National Printing Industry Conference Canada's largest and longest running showcase for the graphic arts and printing industry representing the design community, smaller-quicker printers, medium sized facilities and the largest operations. Venue: Toronto International Centre Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.designcityshow.comPhone: 1-888-823-7469 ext. 2030 Categories: Design |
Nov 12/2009 to Nov 15/2009 Washington, D.C. |
Red, White and True: Fall National High School Journalism Convention Workshops, training and guest speakers in the field of journalism Location: Washington, D.C. Website: http://www.jea.org/Categories: Journalism, Writing, Literary, Language |
Nov 13/2009 Toronto, ON |
Tribute to Elvis in support of children Join us for a fabulous evening of fun and fundraising at A Tribute to Elvis on Friday, November 13 in Toronto. Hosted by Little Mosque on the Prairie's Sheila McCarthy and Debra McGrath, this entertaining evening features three Elvis impersonators who will have you dancing and singing along to old favourites. Enjoy a wonderful meal and silent and live auction to raise funds for Canadian Feed The Children's programs that reduce the impact of poverty on children in Canada and around the world. Tickets $100 each with all proceeds going to children supported by Canadian Feed The Children. Corporate sponsorships available! Auction items welcome! Time: 7 pm Venue: Whistler's Grille Location: 995 Broadview Avenue, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.canadianfeedthechildren.caFor information contact: Dee Ferreira Phone: 416-757-1220, ext 235 Categories: Music |
Nov 13/2009 to Nov 14/2009 Toronto, ON |
Zero Nuclear Weapons A number of distinguished speakers incl. mayor of Toronto and Hiroshima on the topic of nuclear disarmament. Time: Nov.13, 7:00 pm end Nov.14, 5:00 pm Venue: City Council Chambers, City Hall Location: 100 Queen St. West, Toronto, ON Website: http://mspencer@web.netCategories: Education; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; International |
Nov 14/2009 Nanaimo, BC |
Dress with Finesse Workshop - Nanaimo, BC This workshop answers the question, 'What should I wear?' and it is just in time for the holiday season. Participants will discover what flatters them and how to connect their outer image with their inner 'Fashion Diva'. Discover: * How to flatter your body shape * How to use clothing and accessories to bring out your best at attributes * How to select clothing, prints and patterns that reflects your personality while flattering you * How to look slimmer or taller without dieting * How to avoid common dressing mistakes * How to Stylize Your Image and Look Fabulous! In addition to personal discovery and answers to their questions, participants take home a high quality resource guide. Lunch is included. Early Bird registrations until November 8th enjoy a discounted price of $189 or two for $329. Time: 9:30 am to 4:00 pm Venue: Coast Bastion Hotel Location: 11 Bastion Street, Nanaimo, BC Website: http://www.personalimpact.caFor information contact: Kimberly Law Phone: 604-298-7228 Categories: Women; Education; Fashion, Clothing, Textiles |
Nov 14/2009 to Nov 15/2009 Peace River, AB |
Alternative Energy Conference & Trade Fair Sessions focus on solar power, wind power, green buildings, geothermal power, biofuel, biomass heating and power; eco-friendly soap products etc. Tours of homes equipped with alternate energy systems. Venue: Northern Lakes College Location: Peace River, AB Website: http://www.peacerecycling.comFor information contact: Wanda Laurin Phone: 780-624-2751 Categories: Biotechnology; Environment; Urban Issues, Transit, Housing, Public Space |
Nov 15/2009
Day of the Imprisoned Writer The Day of the Imprisoned Writer highlights the cases of imprisoned writers and honouring those who have been slain for defending free speech.
Categories: Journalism, Writing, Literary, Language; Human Rights, Law, Legal; Publishers & Publishing
Nov 15/2009 to Nov 16/2009 Toronto, ON |
1st Annual OSEA Community Power Conference The Ontario Sustainable Energy Association has championed Community Power since its inception. Most recently, OSEA played a major role in the creation of the Green Energy Act, working closely with the government to ensure the legislation was the most progressive in North America. However, in order to fully realize the objective of the Green Energy Act, the Community Power sector must have the resources, networks and information it needs to enable a 100% sustainable energy future in Ontario. The 1st Annual OSEA Community Power Conference 2009 is being held in Toronto at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre, November 15-16. This year for the first time, OSEA is presenting, in cooperation with the Association of Power Producers of Ontario, the 2009 Power Networking Centre (November 16-18). This trade show, in conjunction with OSEA's Community Power Conference followed by APPrO2009 (November 17-18), will truly provide sustainable energy players of all kinds the one annual event not to be missed. This landmark event will bring together Community Power proponents from throughout Ontario and abroad to share best practices. It will build the networks needed to support Community Power and show Ontario, the international community, and specifically the Canadian power generation industry that community power means business. Venue: Metro Toronto Convention Centre, South Building, Level 800 Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.cpconference.caCategories: Environment; Government & Public Sector |
Nov 16/2009 Ottawa, ON |
Women in Leadership - Green Works in Convention Conference explores Green career and business opportunities. Green Leaders will explain how to our generation to a sustainable future. Venue: Crown Plaza Location: Ottawa, ON Website: http://womeninleadership.caFor information contact: Laura Booker Phone: 613-898-5878 Categories: Environment; Management; Women |
Nov 17/2009 Kingston, ON |
Bye Bye To Buy Local? Secret trade deals threaten our local economies, jobs and the environment and weaken your community. The lowest bidder wins regardless of the impact on local economies. Location: Kingston, ON Website: http://wwwcanadians.org/trade/Categories: Environment; Economic Development; Education |
Nov 17/2009 Oakville, ON |
Company of Women Sixth Annual Christmas Show Come to our sixth annual Christmas Show, your one-stop-shop for all of your holiday gift needs! Company of Women will be featuring over 60 vendors who will be selling a wide array of items for everyone on your Christmas list. This event is open to the general public. There is also a sit-down dinner being offered for those who pre-register. Dinner tickets cost $45 for Company of Women members and $55 non-members. To regsiter, please visit www.companyofwomen.ca. Time: 5:00 - 9:00 p.m. Venue: Oakville Conference and Banquet Centre Location: 2515 Wyecroft Road, Oakville, ON Website: http://www.companyofwomen.caFor information contact: Bethan Alfano Phone: 905-338-1771 Categories: Retail |
Nov 18/2009 Toronto, ON |
A Woman Among Warlords: Malalai Joya in Canada for Book Tour Known as the "most famous woman in Afghanistan", Joya tells about her life of three decades in war-torn Afghanistan, and her opposition to further escalation of the war.
Time: 7:00 pm Venue: Trinity St.Paul's Centre Location: 427 Bloor St. West, Toronto, ON Categories: Military; International; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
Nov 18/2009 London, ON |
Bye Bye To Local Buy? Secret trade deals threaten our local economies, jobs, the environment and weaken your community. The lowesst bidder wins regardless of the impact on local economies. Location: London, ON Website: http://www.canadians.org/trade/Categories: Environment; Economic Development; Education |
Nov 18/2009 to Nov 20/2009 TBA, Canada |
Canadian Conference on Social Enterprise Join hundreds of existing and prospective social enterprise operators from every region in Canada at the Third Canadian Conference on Social Enterprise taking place in Toronto, November 18-20, 2009. The conference will consist of three days of training and work sessions toward a national policy agenda and action plan. DAY 1: Intensive training sessions geared to your stage of planning, development or growth. DAYS 2 AND 3: Working sessions with fellow practitioners, funders, government officials, network organizations, and supporters designed to create a national policy agenda and action plan for social enterprise in Canada. Social enterprise is a proven model for creating employment, bringing needed goods and services to communities, promoting innovation in the marketplace, enhancing the delivery of social, environment, arts and cultural services, and strengthening the sustainability of non-profits - all of which can promote economic growth and revitalize local economies. Social enterprise is a real solution in the current economic climate, where communities across the country have been decimated by the collapse of the manufacturing sector, the financial crisis and rising rates of unemployment. The Third Canadian Conference on Social Enterprise is an initiative of the Social Enterprise Council of Canada. Registration will open June 22, 2009. Check event listings on the Centre for Social Innovation for details in the upcoming months. Venue: TBA Location: TBA, Canada Website: http://www.enterprisingnonprofits.ca/Categories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Social Policy; Economic Development |
Nov 19/2009 Hamilton, ON |
Bye Bye To Buying Local Secret trade deals threaten our local economies, jobs and the environment and weaken your community. The lowest bidder wins regardless of the impact on local economies. Location: Hamilton, ON Website: http://www.canadians.org/trade/Categories: Environment; Economic Development; Education |
Nov 19/2009 Toronto, ON |
Climate Justice Now Screening of film: "Islands on Edge", about climate change in the Caribbean. Also speakers will connect climate justice and indigenous communities as well as to migrant justice and the Caribbean. Time: 7 pm - 11:00 pm Venue: William Doo Auditorium Location: New College, U of Toronto, Toronto, ON Website: http://tinyurl.com/climatejusticenowCategories: Environment; Human Rights, Law, Legal; International |
Nov 19/2009 Toronto, ON |
Privatization of Public Services and Consequences for Labour Experiences from Europe - with author and researcher Christoff Hermann of the Working Life Research Centre, Vienna, Austria
Time: 6:30 p.m. Venue: Centre for Social Justice Location: 489 College Street West, 3rd Floor, Toronto, ON Categories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
Nov 19/2009 to Nov 21/2009 Winterthur, Switzerland |
International Conference Journalism Research in the Public Interest The IAM Institute of Applied Media Studies at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences and the Institute of Mass Communication and Media Research, University of Zurich will hold a conference on the question " What does the field of journalism research have to offer to issues of public interest and debate, and what are the key factors for a successful transfer of knowledge between journalism research and its social contexts? " The registration fee is CHF 175. Venue: Zurich University of Applied Linguistics Location: Winterthur, Switzerland Website: http://www.journalism.co.uk/shorturl/TZCKB/For information contact: Ursula Koepell Phone: +41 (0)58 934 77 56 Categories: Journalism, Writing, Literary, Language; Information, Libraries, Research |
Nov 20/2009 Toronto, ON |
Bye Bye To Buy Local? Secret trade deals threaten our economies, jobs and the environment and weaken your community. The lowest bidder wins regardless of the impact on local economies. Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.canadians.org/trade/Categories: Environment; Economic Development; Education |
Nov 20/2009 to Nov 21/2009 Edmonton, AB |
Crisis and Opportunity: It's Time for a Progressive Economy The conference brings together academics, activists and journalists who have described what went wrong with the economy and what is needed for the good of society, environment and the world. Four keynote speakers will present. Time: Start 7:30 pm, Nov. 20; End 5:30 pm Nov.21 Venue: Maier Learning Centre, ETLC, U. of Alberta Location: Edmonton, AB Website: http://parkland@ualberta.caCategories: Economic Development; Environment; International |
Nov 20/2009 to Nov 21/2009 Kingston, ON |
National Forum of the Public Policy and Third Sector Inititative The theme of the Ninth Annual National Forum of the PPTSI, which is "Assessing the Impact of Community and Voluntary sector activity - How are we measuring up?", focuses on some of the challenges of going beyond measuring inputs, activities, and outputs, in order to ascertain the end results. There will also be a discussion on the establishment of indicators, data collection, and analysis. The conference itself is organized around three key areas: poverty reduction, immigrant resettlement services and recreation, and health and wellbeing. This year's keynote speaker will be the Honourable Roy J. Romanow, chair of the Institute of Wellbeing Advisory Board and will share the Institute's experiences in identifying the factors which shape our quality of life. Please sign up early, as registration is limited. Venue: School of Policy Studies, Queens University Location: 138 Union Street, Room 217, Kingston, ON Website: http://www. queensu.ca/sps/events/third_sector/2009/index.php, laforest@queensu.caFor information contact: Rachel Laforest Phone: 613-533-6000 ext. 77264 Categories: Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; Health/Health Care |
Nov 21/2009 Ottawa, ON |
Historic NABU Network Demonstration Event Link up with experts and discover an early-1980s version of the Internet, designed right here in Ottawa. When it was created, the NABU (Natural Access to Bi-directional Utilities) Network was used to link home computers to cable television networks, thereby allowing information sharing. Visit the Canada Science and Technology Museum for lectures about a new NABU Network reconstruction project currently underway, accompanied by a display of historic NABU hardware and trade literature, and demonstrations. Time: 2 p.m. Venue: Canada Science and Technology Museum Location: 1867 St. Laurent blvd, Ottawa, ON Website: http://www.sciencetech.technomuses.caFor information contact: Visitor Services Phone: 613-991-3044 Categories: Computers; Science & Technology; Museums |
Nov 21/2009 to Nov 22/2009 Toronto, ON |
Extreme Freedom Seminar Extreme Freedom® is an amazing and intensive two-day weekend program designed to help you identify and remove limiting thoughts and beliefs and emotions that are weighing you down and help you create clarity around your vision for your life. After the weekend you will have more direction, certainty, clarity and you will be inspired and motivated. You will get to the heart of your true self. Time: Saturday 8:30am - 10pm, Sunday 8:30am - 6pm Location: 58 Winchester Street, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.thevibrantlifecoach.comFor information contact: Jen Cook or Diane Andonovski Phone: 416-405-9478 Categories: Health/Health Care; Education; Skills & Training |
Nov 22/2009 Toronto, ON |
Canadian Labour International Film Festival Free Grand Opening - November 22 The first-ever Canadian Labour International Film Festival (CliFF). Time: 4 p.m. - 7 p.m. Venue: Sheraton Downtown Location: 123 Queen Street West, M5H 2M9, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.labourfilms.ca/torontoFor information contact: toronto@labourfilms.ca Categories: Arts & Culture; Labour, Workplace, Unions |
Nov 22/2009 to Nov 29/2009 Toronto, ON |
Canadian Labour International Film Festival The inaugural Canadian Labour International Film Festival will be held in Toronto from November 22 to November 29. The not-for-profit festival celebrates films about, for, and by workers. Volunteers are being sought to help organize the festival, and information is available at festival@labourfilms.ca Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://festival@labourfilms.caCategories: Arts & Culture; Labour, Workplace, Unions |
Nov 23/2009 Toronto, ON |
Canadian Labour International Film Festival Six Weeks of Solidarity Hold the Line Northland Tanaka-san will not do Calisthenics Time: Monday - 6:30 p.m. Venue: Bloor Cinema (Bloor and Bathurst) Location: 506 Bloor Street West, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.labourfilms.ca/torontoFor information contact: toronto@labourfilms.ca Categories: Arts & Culture; Labour, Workplace, Unions |
Nov 23/2009 to Nov 24/2009 Ottawa, ON |
Public Sector Transformation 2009: Mastering Complex Change for High Performance Learn how to manage change and achieve high performance in the public sector. Increasing transparency and accountability demands, new technologies, and changing demographics and citizen expectations are just some of the common public sector change challenges. Now, as budgets come under increased scrutiny, there is pressure to focus on transformation for higher performance. Regardless of your area of the public sector, you cannot escape change. Your ability to manage this change has become critical to the operation of the public service. Join us for this enlightening exploration of the latest strategies and techniques to improve public sector performance with effective change management. This important event will help you become better at managing and leading change by providing: * new insights from the experts into how change affects your organization * approaches to the dual challenge of change management and high performance * an opportunity to collaborate with your public sector peers on your common challenges * examples of successful change with valuable lessons for change leaders Connect with other public sector and government executives from across Canada. Venue: Fairmont Chateau Laurier Location: 1 Rideau St., Ottawa, ON Website: http://www.conferenceboard.ca/conf/09-0169/default.aspxCategories: Government & Public Sector; Politics & Political Organizations; Management |
Nov 23/2009 to Nov 27/2009 Toronto, ON |
Canadian Labour International Film Festival Free The World of Work and Those Who Do It Time: Starts at 6:30 p.m. Venue: Bloor Cinema (Bloor and Bathurst) Location: 506 Bloor Street West, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.labourfilms.ca/torontoFor information contact: toronto@labourfilms.ca Categories: Arts & Culture; Labour, Workplace, Unions |
Nov 23/2009 to Nov 27/2009 Philippines |
East Asian Seas Congress This is a gathering of policymakers, senior government officials, scientists, technical experts, youth etc. share knowledge, experiences and discuss matters of coastal urgency. Venue: Philippines Location: Philippines Website: http://www.pemsea.orgFor information contact: mmuy@pemsea.org Phone: 632929992 Categories: Business & Economics; Environment; International |
Nov 24/2009 Toronto, ON |
An Evening with former Vice President Al Gore Former U.S. Vice President Al Gore will discuss how to provide for a greener economy. In his remarks, entitled Thinking Green: Economic Strategy for the 21st Century, the former VP will argue that physical changes to our planet will influence global business and require new corporate strategies which take into account the broader environmental, social, and political issues involved in shaping the clean economy of the future.
Green Gallery Exhibits and Reception - 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Dinner - 6:00 p.m. Keynote - 7:30 p.m. Green Gallery Exhibits will remain open until 10:00 p.m.
Venue: The Allstream Centre, Exhibition Place Location: 105 Prince's Blvd., Toronto, ON Categories: Environment
Nov 24/2009 Toronto, ON |
Canadian Labour International Film Festival You, Me & the SPP: Trading Democracy for Corporate Rule Time: 6:30 p.m. Venue: Bloor Cinema (Bloor and Bathurst) Location: 506 Bloor Street West, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.labourfilms.ca/torontoFor information contact: toronto@labourfilms.ca Categories: Arts & Culture; Labour, Workplace, Unions |
Nov 24/2009 New York City |
CPJ International Press Freedom Awards 2009 19th Annual Awards Dinner To benefit the Committee to Protect Journalists Dinner Chairman Robert Thomson Editor-in-Chief, Dow Jones Managing Editor, The Wall Street Journal Host Christiane Amanpour Chief International Correspondent, CNN Time: 6:30 reception; 7:45 dinner Venue: Grand Ballroom, The Waldorf-Astoria Location: New York City Website: http://cpj.org/awards/Phone: 212-573-6933 Categories: Journalism, Writing, Literary, Language; Human Rights, Law, Legal; Media, Entertainment, News, Communications |
Nov 24/2009 Oakville, ON |
Oakville Breakfast Meeting Join us for our monthly Oakville Breakfast Meeting featuring a discussion about on-line tools with Tricia Ryan of Marketing Chefs. This is a great way to connect with like-minded women in business! You can register on-line at www.companyofwomen.ca. Members of Company of Women can attend for $20 including breakfast; non-members can attend for $25. Time: 9:00-11:00a.m. Venue: Cora's Breakfast and Lunch Location: 200-240 North Service Road West, Oakville, ON Website: http://www.companyofwomen.caFor information contact: Bethan Alfano Phone: 905-338-1771 Categories: Internet; Business & Economics; Women |
Nov 25/2009 Toronto, ON |
Canadian Labour International Film Festival School Zone Bus Driver Los Mexicanos: The Struggle for Justice of Patricia Perez Painting Red Square 24 Days in Brooks Time: 6:30 p.m. Venue: Bloor Cinema (Bloor and Bathurst) Location: 506 Bloor Street West, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.labourfilms.ca/torontoFor information contact: toronto@labourfilms.ca Categories: Arts & Culture; Labour, Workplace, Unions |
Nov 25/2009 Toronto, ON |
Company of Women Dinner Meeting - Women and Money It is no secret that women and men have different spending trends - join Company of Women on November 25th to take part in our monthly Toronto dinner meeting featuring guest speaker Kelley Keehn who will be discussing 'The Games we Play - Women & Money'. The evening will consist of ample networking time with like-minded business women, a three course dinner and our guest speaker. To register, please go to www.companyofwomen.ca. Tickets are $55 for Company of Women members and $65 for non-members. Time: 5:30 - 9:00 p.m. Venue: Verity Club Location: 111d Queen Street East, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.companyofwomen.caFor information contact: Bethan Alfano Phone: 905-338-1771 Categories: Women; Business & Economics |
Nov 26/2009 Toronto, ON |
Canadian Labour International Film Festival Seeds of Peace 6 Floors to Hell Time: 6:30 p.m. Venue: Bloor Cinema (Bloor and Bathurst) Location: 506 Bloor Street West, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.labourfilms.ca/torontoFor information contact: toronto@labourfilms.ca Categories: Arts & Culture; Labour, Workplace, Unions |
Nov 26/2009 Sarnia, ON |
Partners in Project Green: A Pearson Eco-Business Zone Partners in Project Green is a growing organization of businesses working together to green their bottom line by creating an internationally recognized eco-business zone around Toronto Pearson Int. Airport. Profitability is advocated in tandem with green business practices. Location: Sarnia, ON Website: http://www.bluewatersustainabilityinitiative.comFor information contact: Michae Nesdoly michael.nesdoly@lambton.on.ca Phone: 519-542-7751 Categories: Environment; Business & Economics; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Nov 26/2009 Ottawa, ON |
Public Science Talk: The History of Vaccinations Let experts put in context the role of public vaccinations from current and historical perspectives. Learn about vaccination programs and have your questions answered by Dr Vera Etches of Ottawa Public Health. Hear Dr Randall Brooks on Canadas leadership role in the polio vaccination program of the 1950s, and see the iron lung from the Canada Science and Technology Museum collection. The University of Ottawas Hannah Chair for the History of Medicine, Dr Toby Gelfand, will speak on the history of vaccinations. Time: 7 p.m. Venue: Canada Science and Technology Museum Location: 1867 St. Laurent Blvd, Ottawa, ON Website: http://sciencetech.technomuses.caFor information contact: Visitors Services Phone: 613-991-3044 Categories: Health/Health Care; Science & Technology; Museums |
Nov 26/2009 to Nov 28/2009 Salzburg |
RENEXPO Austria - Renewable Energy and Passive Houses Estimated number of visitors is 4,ooo and consists of producers, planners, research and development personnel, governmental representatives. Venue: Fair Trade Centre Location: Salzburg Website: http://www.renexpo-austria.comCategories: Environment; Education; International |
Nov 27/2009 Toronto, ON |
Canadian Labour International Film Festival The Wilmar 8 Vincenzo Pietropaolo: Witness to the Harvest Pilgrims HERstory: Jeritan Time: 6:30 p.m. Venue: Bloor Cinema (Bloor and Bathurst) Location: 506 Bloor Street West, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.labourfilms.ca/torontoFor information contact: toronto@labourfilms.ca Categories: Arts & Culture; Labour, Workplace, Unions |
Nov 27/2009 Calgary, AB |
Tar Sands on Trial - Beaver Lake Cree Nation vs. the Crowns Jack Woodward, pre-eminent Aboroginal Law Practitioner will discuss Beaver Lake Cree Nation's Constitutionally guaranteed treaty rights and way of life against tar sands and other industrial development in its traditional hunting and fishing lands. Time: 5:00 pm Venue: John Dutton Theatre Location: Calgary, AB Website: http://www.raventrust.comPhone: 250-383-2356 Categories: Economic Development; Environment; Native Peoples |
Nov 27/2009 to Nov 29/2009 Ottawa |
BLUE SUMMIT: Learn organize and act for public water Canada needs a National Water Policy that protects Canada's public water services from pollution, bulk exports, privatization and destructive dams. This is main theme of conference. Location: 100 Kent St., Ottawa Website: http://www.canadians.org/bluesummitPhone: 1-800-387-7177, ext.239 |
Nov 28/2009 Toronto, ON |
Canadian Labour International Film Festival Free Double Block with Awards Night Time: Starts at 3:30 p.m. Venue: Bloor Cinema (Bloor and Bathurst) Location: 506 Bloor Street West, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.labourfilms.ca/torontoFor information contact: toronto@labourfilms.ca Categories: Arts & Culture; Labour, Workplace, Unions |
Nov 28/2009 Toronto, ON |
Canadian Labour International Film Festival Invisible Force: Women Workers in Pakistan Justice for All? Who Killed Chea Vichea? Dear John Poor No More Just another Cog in the Machine 7 p.m. AWARDS NIGHT Time: 6:30 p.m., Venue: Bloor Cinema (Bloor and Bathurst) Location: 506 Bloor Street West, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.labourfilms.ca/torontoFor information contact: toronto@labourfilms.ca Categories: Arts & Culture; Labour, Workplace, Unions |
Nov 28/2009 Toronto, ON |
George Monbiot: Who in Canada is Killing the International Climate Treaty? The international climate treaty in Copenhagen is only a month away so leading experts will discuss the pertinent issues which are sure to surface during the conference. Time: 2:00 - 4:00 pm Venue: JJR MacLeod Auditorium, Medical Sciences Bldg. Location: 1 King's Circle, U. of Toronto, Toronto, ON Website: http://wwwDeSmogblog.comPhone: 778-240-6343 Categories: Environment; International; Nature & Outdoors |
Nov 28/2009 to Dec 6/2009 Toronto, ON |
Professional Hypnosis Certification 9 Day training Start Your Journey To An Amazing Career (And Life) Right Now!! Discover The Secrets to Creating Transformation, Healing, and Behavioral Change in Others…and Yourself! Through Hypnosis, one is able to reach the root of a problem. By learning this transformational art you can help others find the underlying cause of their problems, feel the satisfaction from helping them, all while building your own business from this newfound skill. 9- Day Professional Hypnosis Certification Training (designed & certified by The National Guild of Hypnotists) If you want to be a Certified Hypnotist, this is the course for you. This comprehensive program is designed and certified by The National Guild of Hypnotists. You receive a solid foundation in Hypnosis through step-by-step practical and experiential methods that cover both modern and classical approaches to hypnosis. Time: 9:00am - 5:30pm Venue: Hypno Healing Institute Location: 355 Keele Street, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.hypno-healing.comFor information contact: Debbie Papadakis Phone: 416-760-8996 Categories: Health/Health Care; Education |
Nov 29/2009 Vancouver, BC |
Dress with Finesse - Workshop - Vancouver Kimberly Law, AICI CIP, Internationally, Accredited Professional Image Consultant presents, Dress with Finesse. This workshop answers the question, 'What should I wear?' and it is just in time for the holiday season. Participants will discover what flatters them and how to connect their outer image with their inner 'Fashion Diva'. Discover: * How to flatter your body shape * How to use clothing and accessories to bring out your best at attributes * How to select clothing, prints and patterns that reflects your personality while flattering you * How to look slimmer or taller without dieting * How to avoid common dressing mistakes * How to connect your outer image and your inner ‘Fashion Diva’ * How to Stylize Your Image and Look Fabulous! In addition to personal discovery and answers to their questions, participants take home a high quality resource guide. Lunch is included. Early Bird registrations until November 17th enjoy a discounted price of $189 or two for $329 plus gst. After November 17th $229 Time: 9:30 am to 4:00 pm Venue: Holiday Inn Express Location: 2889 Hastings Street, East, Vancouver, BC Website: http://www.personalimpact.caFor information contact: Kimberly Law Phone: 604-298-7228 Categories: Women; Fashion, Clothing, Textiles; Education |
Nov 30/2009 Ottawa, ON |
Repenser du tout au tout la politique occidentale envers la Birmanie : situation actuelle et pistes pour l’avenir, par l’historien Thant Myint-U, anci La politique que lOccident a adoptée envers la Birmanie au cours des vingt dernières années est un échec. En effet, limposition dembargos économiques et lempêchement de laide humanitaire et de laide au développement nont certainement pas favorisé lémergence de la démocratie dans lun des pays les plus pauvres, les plus isolés et les plus sujets à des conflits dans le monde. Qui plus est, on a pratiquement fait fi des nombreux conflits armés qui déchiraient ce pays et de ses problèmes sociaux et économiques aigus. Lauteur et historien Thant Myint-U, ancien haut fonctionnaire de lOrganisation des Nations Unies (ONU), prononcera au Centre de recherches pour le développement international (CRDI) une conférence publique au cours de laquelle il préconisera une nouvelle façon daborder les problèmes de la Birmanie prenant sa source dans une compréhension plus rigoureuse de lhistoire récente du pays, de la nature particulière de la dictature militaire en place et de lévolution rapide du contexte régional. Time: 14h00 - 15h30 Venue: CRDI Location: 150, rue Kent (8e étage), Ottawa, ON Website: http://www.idrc.ca/fr/ev-148537-201-1-DO_TOPIC.htmlFor information contact: Isabelle Bourgeault-Tassé Phone: 613-696-2343 Categories: Education |
Nov 30/2009 Ottawa, ON |
Rethinking Western Policy Towards Burma: Current Developments and Options for the Future — Historian and Former UN Official Thant Myint-U Western policy towards Burma over the past 20 years has failed. Economic embargoes and severe restrictions on humanitarian and development assistance on one of the worlds poorest, most isolated, and most conflict-ridden countries has done little to foster democratic change. At the same time, Burmas multiple armed conflicts and its pressing economic and social challenges have been virtually ignored. In a public lecture, writer, historian, and former United Nations official Thant Myint-U will argue for a fresh approach to Burmas problems, one based on a more rigorous understanding of the countrys recent history, the singular nature of the present military dictatorship, and the fast changing regional landscape. Time: 2:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. Venue: IDRC Location: 150 Kent Street, 8th Floor, Ottawa, ON Website: http://www.idrc.ca/en/ev-148537-201-1-DO_TOPIC.htmlFor information contact: Isabelle Bourgeault-Tassé Phone: 613-696-2343 Categories: Education |
Nov 30/2009 to Dec 1/2009 Ottawa, ON |
6th Annual Canadian Telecommunications Forum Hear the latest and be involved in interactive discussions on topics such as: The new competitive element introduced with the launch of new wireless services; The ongoing development of the mobile space as the future of telecommunications; How the broadcaster/BDU relationship is being re-defined through such issues as fee-for-carriage of OTA signals; The future of the video distribution market; Whether the Broadcasting Act should apply to ISPs; What should be included in a National Digital Strategy; Net Neutrality and the CRTC review of ISPs internet traffic management practices; The consultative process on copyright recently announced by Industry Canada Venue: Crowne Plaza Location: Ottawa, ON Website: http://www.insightinfo.com/index.cfm/ciid/26319/laid/1.htmCategories: Communications Industry & Technology |
Nov 30/2009 to Dec 1/2009 Toronto, ON |
Innovation Week/next MEDIA 2009 Program Highlights include next KEYNOTES Visionaries at the forefront ready to share their knowledge and experience with you. Gavin Purcell, Supervising Producer, NBC's "Late Night with Jimmy Fallon", Chuck Porter, Co-Chairman Chief Strategist, Crispin Porter, Tara Hunt, Tom Jenkins, Executive Chairman and Chief Strategy Officer, Jeff Gomez, CEO, Starlight Runner Entertainment, Mitch Joel, President, Twist Image Fees: http://www.nextmediaevents.com/toronto/nextmedia.registration.php Venue: Design Exchange Location: 234 Bay Street, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.nextmediaevents.com/toronto/nextmedia.registration.phpCategories: Communications Industry & Technology |
Nov 30/2009 to Dec 1/2009 Toronto, ON |
nextMEDIA Toronto Canada's leading digital media event, including nextMEDIA Banff, nextMEDIA Vancouver, nextMEDIAToronto as well as networking events, galas, exective briefings, competions, and social events for executives working within the digital media space. Join the community on linkedin/twitter/facebook One-, Two, and complete Three Day passes are available, along with single ticket events. Early registration now open at www.nextmediaevents.com/toronto/nextmedia.registration.php Venue: Design Exchange Location: 234 Bay Street, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.nextmediaevents.com/torontoCategories: Communications Industry & Technology |
Nov 30/2009 to Dec 2/2009 Vancouver, BC |
Canadian Renewable Fuels Summit This summit will bring together an international group of professionals whose common goal is to promote and discuss the production and utilization of renewable fuels. Venue: Westin Bayshore Hotel Location: Vancouver, BC Website: http://www.crfs2009.comFor information contact: d.elso@greenfuels.org Deborah Elson Phone: 613-594-5528 Categories: Environment; Biotechnology; Science & Technology |
Nov 30/2009 to Dec 3/2009 Hyderabad, India |
The 62nd world newspaper congress The speakers will be Tim Brooks, Managing Director, Guardian News & Media, United Kingdom; Ana Paula Pessoa, VP Corporate - Strategic Resources, Infoglobo, Brazil; Gerd Finkbeiner, Chairman of the Executive Board, manroland AG, Germany.. The prices are 1950 for Standard Rate, 1700 for Newspapers belonging to WAN Member Associations, and 1150 for Company/WAN/WEF Member. Venue: Hyderabad International Convention Centre Location: Hyderabad, India Website: http://www.journalism.co.uk/shorturl/NHGWS/For information contact: contact_us@wan.asso.fr Phone: + 33 1 47 42 85 00 Categories: Media, Entertainment, News, Communications |
Dec 1/2009 Ottawa, ON |
Issues Facing the Copenhagen Climate Change Conference This will be a panel discussion on the issues of Copenhagen. The panel will consist of three expert members and a moderator. Time: 5:15 pm, Registration Venue: Sheraton Hotel (Penthouse) Location: 150 Albert St., Ottawa, ON Website: http://www.canadianinternationalcouncil.org/ottawaPhone: 613-520-3916 Categories: Environment; Education; International |
Dec 1/2009 Toronto, ON |
The Cost of Hot Water: Climate Change and the Oceans Alanna Mitchell, award winning environmental journalist will speak regarding the effect of climate change on the oceans especially with regards to acidification due to excess carbon dioxide. Time: 7:30 pm Venue: Swansea Town Hall Location: 95 Lavinia Ave., close to Runnymede subway, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.justearth.netPhone: 416-766-6331 Categories: Environment; Education; International |
Dec 1/2009 Ottawa, ON |
Unsafe Genetically Modified Corn? Canada's lack of assessment for "Monsanto's "SmartStax" GM corn This is a panel discussion regarding the stark disagreement as to how to assess the safety of Monsanto GM corn. Health Canada does not classify Monsanto GM corn as "novel food". Time: 7:00 - 9:00 pm Venue: St. Paul Univ. Amphiteatre Location: 223 Main Str., Ottawa, ON Website: http://www.cban.ca/cornFor information contact: Lucy Sharratt Phone: 613-241-2267 ext. 6 Categories: Economic Development; Education; Biotechnology |
Dec 2/2009 Toronto, ON |
The Edible City: Toronto's Food from Farm to Fork This is a panel discussion involving Nicola Ross (Alternatives), Wayne Roberts, Lorraine Johnson and Sean Micallef (Spacing) and talking about Toronto's food supply. Time: 5:30 - 7:00 pm Venue: Suatainability Network Location: 215 Sapadina Ave., Toronto, ON Website: http://sustainabilitynetwork.caCategories: Environment; Farming; Food & Beverage |
Dec 3/2009 to Nov 4/2009 Madison, Wisconsin, US |
Solar Thermal This is the only professional level solar heating and cooloing conference available. Representatives are from manufacturers, installers, state agencies, policy makers etc.
Venue: Monona Terrace Location: Madison, Wisconsin, US For information contact: kirsten@the-mrea.org Phone: 715-592-6595 Categories: Environment; Economic Development; Education
Dec 3/2009 Burlington, ON |
Handling the Stress of the Season Join in on our Company of Women Burlington Breakfast Meeting featuring guest speaker Heidi Cowie who will be discussing the topic of Handling the Stress of the Season. Heidi Cowie is the founder of Stress Chat and is an expert on managing stress. The meeting will be taking place at the Burlington Coffee Office, located at 3310 South Service Road, suite 300. For more information or to register, please visit www.companyofwomen.ca. The cost to attend is $20.00 for Company of Women members or $25 for non-members. Breakfast is included in this cost. Time: 8:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. Venue: The Coffee Office Location: 3310 South Service Road, Burlington, ON Website: http://www.companyofwomen.caFor information contact: Bethan Alfano Phone: 905-338-1771 Categories: Women; Business & Economics |
Dec 3/2009 to Dec 4/2009 Rotorua, New Zealand |
"Walking the talk" at Rotorua conference The conference theme is "Walking The Talk", encouraging journalism educators, techie types, communicators and those still practising the fine art of journalism to share the latest ways in which they teach, show, demonstrate best practice to todays J students. Online, offline, face-to-face, distance, lecture, field trips, Second Life....lets hear about it all. Venue: Waiariki Institute of Technology Location: Rotorua, New Zealand Website: http://www.jeanz.org.nz/Categories: Journalism, Writing, Literary, Language; Communications Industry & Technology |
Dec 5/2009 Mexico |
Think Green Eco Expo 2009 Think Green Expo will comprise of 3 main divisions: Eco Expo, Health & Wellness Centre and a Natural Whole Foods Restaurant. Venue: Riviera Maya Location: Mexico Website: http://www.thinkgreenexpo.comFor information contact: info@thinkgreenecoexpo.com Phone: 011 521 985 745 0270 Categories: Environment; Food & Beverage; Health/Health Care |
Dec 7/2009 Toronto, ON |
Solar Cansi North American Solar Solutions North American Solar Solutions, a major environmental company, will be displaying their solar equipment for perusal by the public. Check website for detailed product lists and training seminars. Location: Toronto, ON Website: http://www.nasolarsolutions.comFor information contact: Dillen Peter Moonen solarsolutions@bmts.com Phone: 705-443-0705 Categories: Environment; Science & Technology; Design |
Dec 7/2009 to Dec 18/2009 Copenhagen, Denmark |
KlimaForum09 Global civil society summit, running in parallel with main negotiations. Laying on a vast programme of workshops, speakers, films, theatre and music. Klimaforum09 believes that what is needed is building a finely balanced relation to nature, thus reducing consumption and production, rather than uncritically exploiting nature and believing in economic growth as is the case in global society today. To attain such change we need new ways of thinking, new cultural values, and new means of organising society. Klimaforum09 aims at constituting a cohesive framework for a multitude of conferences, workshops, exhibitions etc., to which citizens, grass roots and organisations from all over the world will contribute during the COP15 conference in Copenhagen. Time: 8:00 am - 10:00 pm Venue: DGI-Byen, Copenhagen, Denmark Location: Tietgensgade 65, Copenhagen, Denmark Website: http://www.klimaforum09.orgFor information contact: klimaforum09@klimaforum09.org Phone: (+)45 33 253 253 Categories: Environment |
Dec 7/2009 to Dec 18/2009 Copenhagen, Denmark |
United Nations Climate Change Conference 2009 is a crucial year in the international effort to address climate changes culminating in the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen 7 - 18 December. In 2007, Parties agreed to shape an ambitious and effective international response to climate change, to be agreed to at Copenhagen. Venue: Copenhagen Location: Copenhagen, Denmark Website: http://en.cop15.dk/Categories: Environment; International; Science & Technology |
Dec 8/2009 Toronto, ON |
Show Me the Money - Accessing Government Grants Company of Women is hosting a Toronto Breakfast Meeting featuring Bernadeen Mcleod of Mentor Works who will be discussing how to obtain government grants for your business. The meeting will take place at One Up Restaurant located at 130 Dundast Street West, 2nd floor. The cost to attend is $20 for Company of Women members and $25 for non-members. For more information or to register, please visit www.companyofwomen.ca. The cost includes breakfast. Time: 8:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. Venue: One Up Location: 130 Dundas Street West, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.companyofwomen.caFor information contact: Bethan Alfano Phone: 905-338-1771 Categories: Business & Economics; Women; Government & Public Sector |
Dec 9/2009 Copenhagen, Denmark |
People’s Assembly and Global Ratification of the People’s Protocol on Climate Change Southern voices will call for a 'People's Protocol on Climate Change' which is founded on the principles of people's sovereignty, social justice, democracy, self-determination and participation. It has been developed through workshops all over the Majority World and will be 'ratified' on 9 December in Copenhagen, with simultaneous assemblies in other countries, including Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Hong Kong, Sri Lanka, Lebanon, Morocco, Egypt, Sudan, Kenya, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Zimbabwe, Uganda and Canada. Time: 1:00 pm - 6:00 pm Venue: Klima Forum, Copenhagen, Denmark Location: Tietgensgade 65, 1704 Copenhagen V, Copenhagen, Denmark Website: http://peoplesclimatemovement.netFor information contact: Maria Theresa Nera-Lauron Phone: (632)9277060 Categories: Environment |
Dec 9/2009
Take Action on Climate Change Canadian moms have contributed over 1500 photos of their kids to remind Stephen Harper who he's representing at the UN Climate Summit in Copenhagen this month. On Dec. 9th, the photos will be projected onto visible walls in Copenhagen, Ottawa and Vancouver, urging Harper to join the global effort to fight global warming for the kids' sakes. Location: Vancouver, Ottawa, Toronto, Copenhagen Website: http://www.TakeActionOnClimateChange.com.For information contact: Joan Bailey Phone: (604) 331-6201 x 227 Categories: Environment; Politics & Political Organizations; Children & Youth |
Dec 9/2009 Toronto, ON |
The Global Credit Crisis One Year Later What a difference a year makes. While last year at this time we were in the middle of one of the worst financial and economic downturns of the last half century, according to the Bank of Canada, we now find ourselves at the start of a global recovery that few predicted. The problem now, how do we ensure that the global recovery continues - and what can we expect in terms of financial and economic activity over the next 12 to 24 months? In addition, what regulatory and economic initiatives can we expect from governments as they try to prevent future crises, and how will these changes affect the financial services industry globally? On December 9th, 2009, come and hear four renowned economists discuss these and other issues at IFIC’s special breakfast presentation at The National Club. SPEAKERS - Christopher Probyn, Managing Director and Chief Economist, State Street Global Advisors - Dr. Warren Jestin, Chief Economist, Scotiabank - David Laidler, Fellow in Residence, C.D. Howe Institute, and Professor Emeritus, University of Western Ontario - Paul Masson, Research Fellow and Adjunct Professor, Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto Time: 8:00am - 10:00am Venue: The National Club Location: 303 Bay Street, Toronto, ON M5H 2R1, Toronto, ON Website: http://guest.cvent.com/i.aspx?5S%2cM3%2cbd7282d7-65df-421e-aa0b-969542861685 |
Dec 10/2009 Sarnia, ON |
Energrow - Feed, Fuel and Freedom The seminar will discuss the process of on-farm oil pressing, the bioproducts and their applications, as well as discuss recentinstallations and their value to farmers. Time: 5:30 - 7:30 Venue: Lambton College Location: 1457 London Rd., Sarnia, ON Website: http://www.bluewatersustainabilityinitiative.comFor information contact: Michael Nesdoly Phone: 519-542-7751 Categories: Farming; Environment; Economic Development |
Dec 10/2009 Edmonton, AB |
Measuring the Ecological Health in Albertas Oil Sands: Replacing Rhetoric with Fact Measuring the Ecological Health in Alberta's Oil Sands: Replacing Rhetoric with Fact. Alberta's oil sands are a world-class resource that require word-class management. Unfortunately, the debate about future development in the oil sands is increasing clouded by rhetoric. Deliberate, informed choices about the tradeoff between industrial development and the ecological health in the region must be based on credible and relevant knowledge. Dr. Boutin will discuss recent results from the Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute and their relevance to understanding the current and future ecological health of the oil sands. Time: 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm Venue: Stollery Executive Development Centre, Room 5-40 A & B, Business Building Location: University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB Website: http://www.see.ualberta.caFor information contact: uasee@ualberta.ca Categories: Environment; Economic Development |
Dec 10/2009 Lethbridge, AB |
Write For Rights 2009 Write 300 letters for human rights on International Human Rights Day. Free entertainment, refreshment and prizes.
Time: 7 pm - 9 pm Venue: The Round Street Cafe Location: 427 5th Street South, Lethbridge, AB For information contact: Mary Kosta admin@ailethbridge.com Categories: International; Human Rights, Law, Legal; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives
Dec 10/2009 to Dec 13/2009 New Orleans |
NGWA Ground Water Expo It's here at Expo that ground water professionals from all sectors of the industryâwater well contractors, scientists and engineers, manufacturers, and suppliersâgather as partners in progress to explore new solutions to new challenges, and the opportunities they present. From educational offerings and networking events to an exhibit hall packed with the newest in technology, it's all here at Expo. Location: New Orleans Website: http://www.ngwa.org/2009expo/For information contact: ngwa@ngwa.org Phone: 614 898.7791 Categories: Building & Construction |
Dec 12/2009 Ottawa, ON |
CNIB Day at the Canada Science and Technology Museum Join CNIB at the Canada Science and Technology Museum for an opportunity to explore the exhibition Braille: Knowledge at your Fingertips. Interact with Museum objects and take part in hands-on activities that demonstrate how science and technology has shaped the lives of Canadians living with vision loss. Create a braille graffiti mural, braille your name, and test adapted computers and other assistive devices. Venue: Canada Science and Technology Museum Location: 1867 St. Laurent Blvd, Ottawa, ON Website: http://sciencetech.technomuses.caFor information contact: Visitor Services Phone: 613-991-3053 Categories: Museums; Disability Issues; Science & Technology |
Dec 12/2009 Copenhagen, Denmark |
Global Day of Action Friends of the Earth International is organizing a colourful procession, which will move as a 'human flood' through the city. The Flood will end in one of the main squares, where participants will use their bodies and voices to create a giant living banner. Time: 10:00 am Venue: Klima Forum, Copenhagen, Denmark Location: Tietgensgade 65 1704 Copenhagen V, Copenhagen, Denmark Website: http://www.foei.orgPhone: 31 20 622 1369 Categories: Environment |
Dec 12/2009
Global Day of Mass Action on Climate Change In the middle of global climate negotiations in Copenhagen, Denmark, there will be public disobedience demonstrations world wide for the cause of more radical action by governments. Venue: WORLD-WIDE Website: http://globalclimatecampaign.orgCategories: Environment; Human Rights, Law, Legal; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Dec 12/2009 Copenhagen, Denmark |
March at the Climate Summit in Copenhagen On Saturday 12th of December, midway through the UNFCCC Climate Talks 2009, we invite you and your organisation to join us in bringing to the negotiators in Copenhagen a massive, loud and visible demonstration of the worlds will to act. Climate and green organisations and networks, trade unions, peace, solidarity and human relief organisations and movements, political and other civil society organisations and individuals are welcome. We are preparing a broad based, popular and family friendly demonstration going from Christiansborg Slotsplads (Parliament Square) in central Copenhagen at 13.00 to the summit venue at the Bella Center. Time: 13:00-16:00 Venue: Christiansborg Slotsplads 1 Location: 1218 København K, Copenhagen, Denmark Website: http://12dec09.dk/content/englishCategories: Environment |
Dec 12/2009 Toronto, ON |
TTC Fare Hike? Hell NO! A fare hike of nearly $30 per monthly pass, which is about 30 % will be announced by TTC shortly. This will create "transportation poverty" at a time when the government is trying to increase public transport usage. The result of these two opposing policies is zero progress for the environment and for affordable public transportation for the poor. Time: 1 pm Venue: Toronto City Hall Location: Queen & Bay Sts., Toronto, ON Website: http://www.ocap@tao.caCategories: Environment; Transportation & Travel; Economic Development |
Dec 14/2009 Whitehorse, YT |
Brave new Words Brave new Words hosts both musicians and literary artists at the Baked Cafe. Their forum is also open to the public. This month David Clunies-Ross is the featured musician and Erling Friis Baastad is the featured author.
Time: 7:00 pm-9:00 pm Venue: Baked Cafe Location: Main St. in Horwoods Mall, Whitehorse, YT For information contact: Caitlin & Jodi, brave.new.words.yukon@gmail.com Categories: Arts & Culture; Journalism, Writing, Literary, Language; Music
Dec 19/2009 Montreal, QC |
Montreal Shoe Action in solidarity with Muntadar al-Zeidi Throw shoes at US consulate in solidarity with Muntadar al-Zeidi, asking for his release and opposing the US occupation of Iraq and in the future of Afghanistan.
Time: 1 p.m. Venue: US Consulate in Montreal Location: 1155 St-Alexandre, metro McGill, Montreal, QC For information contact: blocktheempire@gmail.com Phone: 514-848-7583 Categories: Human Rights, Law, Legal; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; International
Dec 27/2009 Toronto, ON |
Toronto Peace Activists March in Solidarity to End the Illegal Siege of Gaza Rally in Support of the Gaza Freedom March Marching in solidarity with the Palestinian people of Gaza to break the illegal blockade. Dec. 27 will mark one year since the Israeli attack and invasion of the Gaza Strip. Although the Israeli tanks have left, the complete closure of the borders continues. According to the United Nations, the most recent invasion left 1,400 Palestinian civilians dead, thousands injured and hundreds of thousands homeless, many of whom still live in tents. The Gaza Strip has been subject to Israeli control since the end of the Six-Day War in 1967. Although all the settlements were vacated and the Israeli Defense Forces withdrew from Gaza in 2005, Gaza's borders remained tightly controlled by the Israeli government and subject to regular attacks. Since 2007, Israel, with the help of Egypt and support by the United States, closed all the border crossings into Gaza, effectively cutting off access to the basic goods and services which can only be obtained from Israel, and preventing movement of people. Israel's blockade of Gaza is a flagrant violation of international law that has led to mass suffering. Canada, the U.S., the European Union, and the rest of the international community are complicit. The law is clear. The conscience of humankind is shocked. Yet, the siege of Gaza continues. Time: 1pm - 3pm Venue: in front of the Israeli Consulate Location: 180 Bloor Street West, Toronto, ON Website: http://www.gazafreedommarch.caFor information contact: Sandra Ruch, Canadian Coordinator Phone: 416-716-4010 Categories: Human Rights, Law, Legal; International; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives |
Dec 29/2009
Chemerical premiere on Super Channel at 9 p.m. This program examines deeply the extent to which chemicals are used by society and the potential ramifications of such a state of affairs. Tips are also given how to replace toxic cleaners with more friendly ingredients. Time: 9:00 pm Venue: Super Channel Website: http://chemicalnation.comFor information contact: Lowell Hall, lowell@ihmetropolis.com Phone: 416-997-1636 Categories: Environment; Education; Housewares, Home Furnishings & Maintenance |
Dec 31/2009
Historic Gaza Freedom March to Israeli Border Set For December 31 Global grassroots initiative inspired by Gandhi/Mandela aims to break blockade The Gaza Freedom March that will take place in Gaza on December 31 is a historic initiative to break the siege that has imprisoned the 1.5 million people who live there. Conceived in the spirit of Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela and nonviolent resistance to injustice worldwide, the march will gather people from all over the world to march hand in hand with the people of Gaza to demand that the Israelis open the borders. Marking the one-year anniversary of the December 2008 Israeli invasion that left over 1,400 dead, this is a grassroots global response to the inaction of world leaders and institutions. Over 1,000 international delegates from 42 countries have already signed up. Participants include author Alice Walker, Syrian comedian Duraid Lahham, French Senator Alima BoumedieneThiery, author and Filipino Parliament member Walden Bello, President of the U.S. Center for Constitutional Rights Attorney Michael Ratner, Japanese former Ambassador to Lebanon Naoto Amaki, French hip-hop artists Ministere des Affaires Populaires, and 85-year-old Holocaust survivor Hedy Epstein. The international delegates will enter Gaza via Egypt during the last week of December. In the morning December 31, they will join Palestinians in a non-violent march from Northern Gaza to the Erez/Israeli border. On the Israeli side of the Erez border will be a gathering of Palestinians and Jews also calling to open the borders. Venue: Gaza borders Website: http://www.gazafreedommarch.orgCategories: Human Rights, Law, Legal; Social Change, Social Justice, Alternatives; International |
Jan 16/2010 to Jan 16/2009 Guelph, ON |
Environmental Sciences Symposium - 16th Annual Each year, U of Guelph students stage a symposium which involve academics, private industry, and government representatives. The aim is to discuss pressing environmental issues. Venue: u of Guelph Location: Guelph, ON Website: http://www.uoguelph.caFor information contact: envsymp@uoguelph.ca Categories: Environment; Education; Science & Technology |
Jan 18/2010 to Jan 21/2009 Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates |
World Future Energy Summit The event provides an ideal networking opportunity for for industry leaders, investors, scientists, investors and researchers to achieve a cleaner world.
Venue: Abu Dhabi Location: www.worldfutureenergysummit.com, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates For information contact: anis.jemai@reedexpo.ae Categories: Environment; Economic Development; International
May 29/2010 to May 29/2009 Brockville-Thousand Islands, ON |
Doors Open Brockville-Thousand Islands 2010 Part of the Doors Open Ontario 2010 series of events.
Location: Brockville-Thousand Islands, ON Phone: 416-325-5000 Categories: Arts & Culture; Architecture
May 29/2010 to May 29/2009 Pembroke, ON |
Doors Open Pembroke 2010 Part of the Doors Open Ontario 2010 series of events.
Location: Pembroke, ON Phone: 416-325-5000 Categories: Arts & Culture; Architecture
Sep 11/2010 to Sep 12/2009 Cornwall-Seaway Valley, ON |
Doors Open Cornwall-Seaway Valley 2010 Part of the Doors Open Ontario 2010 series of events.
Location: Cornwall-Seaway Valley, ON Phone: 416-325-5000 Categories: Arts & Culture; Architecture
Sep 25/2010 to Sep 25/2009 Peterborough, ON |
Doors Open Peterborough 2010 Part of the Doors Open Ontario series of events.
Location: Peterborough, ON Phone: 416-325-5000 Categories: Arts & Culture; Architecture
Sep 25/2010 to Sep 26/2009 Seaforth and District, ON |
Doors Open Seaforth and District 2010 Part of the Doors Open Ontario 2010 series of events.
Location: Seaforth and District, ON Phone: 416-325-5000 Categories: Arts & Culture; Architecture
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