
Sources Select Resources
401 Richmond Street West, Suite 410 Toronto, ON M5V 3A8 SOURCES SELECT Resources, published by Sources, features articles about and reviews of information resources, research techniques, and other issues of interest to journalists and researchers. SOURCES SELECT ® Resources appears online at www.sources.com/SSR.htm. Website: www.sources.com/SSR.htmWebsite: www.sources.com/SSR/SSRTitleIndex.htm, Editorial Co-ordinator World Wide Web: http://www.sources.com/SSR.htm
Sources Bookshelf
- Advertising on the Internet
- Another Way of Telling
- The Art of Cause Marketing
- The Art of the Handwritten Note
- Banned in the Media
- Basic Magazine Writing
- Becoming a Writer
- Blindspots in The News
- The Book of the Year
- Building Media Relationships
- Building the Fourth Estate
- The Burden of Visual Truth
- The Cambridge Companion to Canadian Literature
- Can You Recommend a Good Book on Indexing?
- Canadian Dictionary of the English Language
- The Canadian Guide to Managing the Media
- Canadian Newspaper Ownership in the Era of Convergence
- The Canadian Oxford Dictionary
- The Canadian Oxford Dictionary CD-ROM
- Canadian Oxford World Atlas 4th Edition
- Canadian Students' Guide to Language, Literature, and Media
- The Canadian Style
- Canadian Who's Who
- The Canadian Writer's Handbook
- The Canadian Writers' Guide
- Censored: The News That Didn't Make The News - And Why
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- The Concise Oxford Companion to Canadian Literature
- Concise Oxford Companion to the English Language
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- Guerrilla P.R.
- Guide To Canadian English Usage
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- The Heat Is On
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- History of the Book in Canada
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- How to Make the Most of Every Media Appearance
- Imagined Nations
- In The News
- Intelligent Technologies in Library and Information Service Applications
- International Directory of Little Magazines & Small Presses
- The Internet Handbook for Writers, Researchers, and Journalists
- Internet Marketing Intelligence
- Inventing Tax Rage
- The Invention of Journalism Ethics
- Journalism: A Very Short Introduction
- Journalism of Outrage
- Journalism: Truth or Dare?
- Knowledge Management: The Bibliography
- The Language of Empire
- Leadership from Within
- The Library at Night
- Manufacturing Consent
- Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky and the Media
- Mass Communications and American Empire
- Mass Media and Canadian Diversity
- McLuhan's Children
- Media and Society
- The Media and the Rwanda Genocide
- Media Censorship in a Plural Context
- Media Censorship in the Middle East
- Media and Minorities
- Media Studies Reader
- Media Think
- Memoirs of a Media Maverick
- The Missing News
- Mixed Media, Mixed Messages
- Morals and the Media
- MultiMedia from Wagner to virtual reality
- A Natural History of Latin
- Necessary Illusions
- The New Beacon Book of Quotations by Women
- The New Fowler's Modern English Usage
- New Hart's Rules
- New Words
- News and Dissent
- News, Truth and Crime
- The Newsmongers
- The No-Nonsense Guide to Global Media
- The Observation Deck
- Oh, What a Blow That Phantom Gave Me!
- 1000 Questions About Canada
- The Online Copywriter's Handbook
- Other Conundrums
- Oxford Atlas of the World
- The Oxford Companion to Canadian History
- The Oxford Companion to Ships and the Sea
- Oxford Companion to the Photograph
- Oxford Concise Dictionary of Quotations
- The Oxford Dictionary of Literary Quotations
- Oxford Dictionary of Modern Slang
- The Oxford Dictionary of New Words
- Oxford Dictionary of Phrase and Fable
- Oxford Dictionary of Proverbs
- The Oxford Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms
- The Oxford Guide to Family History
- The Oxford Guide to Library Research
- The Oxford History of Modern War
- The Oxford Reverse Dictionary
- Oxford Satellite Atlas of the World
- The People's Chronology
- Pictures Bring Us Messages
- Reading Lolita in Tehran
- Reading Pictures
- Saturday Morning Censors
- Secrets of the Super Net Searchers
- Secrets of the Super Searchers
- Shakedown
- A Short Course in Intellectual Self-Defense
- Sign Wars
- Silenced
- Silicon Snake Oil
- Six Words You Never Knew Had Something to Do with Pigs
- The Skeptical Business Searcher
- A Social History of the Media
- Spinwars
- Spirit of the Web
- STET! Tricks of the Trade for Writers and Editors
- Strategic Copy Editing
- Sultans of Sleaze
- Sustaining Democracy?
- Take One's Essential Guide to Canadian Film
- Taking the Risk Out of Democracy
- Tax Haven Roadmap
- Television and the Remote Control
- Tell It Slant
- Three Blind Mice
- Underground--The London Alternative Press, 1966-74
- User Error
- The Video Nasties
- War, Peace and the Media
- Ways of Seeing
- Weapons of Mass Persuasion
- Web Journalism
- The Web Library
- Where do you draw the line?
- Where is Here?
- Why are you telling me this?
- The Wiley Book of Business Quotations
- Word for Word
- Word Myths
- Words that Count Women In
- World Wide Web Marketing - Second Edition
- The Writer's Block
- Writing for the Information Age
- Writing for the Internet
- Writing For the Web
- Writing from the Inside Out
- Writing in an Age of Silence
- Yahoo! to the Max
- Yesterday's News
Areas of Expertise:
Sources is an online portal and directory for journalists, writers, news editors, researchers. Use Sources to find experts, media contacts, spokespersons, scientists, lobbyists, officials, speakers, university professors, researchers, newsmakers, CEOs, executive directors, media relations contacts, spokespeople, talk show guests, PR representatives, Canadian sources, story ideas, research studies, databases, universities, colleges, associations, businesses, government, research institutions, lobby groups, non-government organizations (NGOs), in Canada and internationally.
© Sources 1977-2025. The information provided is copyright and may not be reproduced in any form or by any means (whether electronic, mechanical or photographic), or stored in an electronic retrieval system, without written permission of the publisher. The content may not be resold, republished, or redistributed. Indexing and search applications by Ulli Diemer and Chris DeFreitas.