Media and Minorities
Representing Diversity in a Multicultral Canada
Fleras, Augie; Kuhz, Jean Lock
Publisher: Thompson Educational Publishing, Inc., Toronto, Canada
Year Published: 2001
Pages: 198pp ISBN: 1-55077-123-X
Library of Congress Number: P94.5.M552C33 2001 Dewey: 302.23'089'00971
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Sources Select ResourcesFleras is a professor of sociology at the University of Waterloo; Kunz is a research associate with the Canadian Council on Social Development. Together, they examine the politics of media minority relations in a multicultural Canada. They say that the situation is here and now, will it change? They look at how "constructions" of race, ethnicity, and aboriginality are interpreted by the mainstream media, and then published and read. They also look at media coverage of minority women and men by way such as clichés and stereotypes, asking the question: "is this conscious manipulation by the media?" Other chapters look at both media initiatives and diversity initiatives to improve minority coverage in the media. There are case studies. Basic conclusion: authors admit to some ambiguous and contradictory data.
Some interesting facts: it covers both Canada and the US, movies and advertising as well.
What I don't like about this resource: it doesn't seem to recognize Ryerson University's School of Journalism and how it has contributed to studies on diversity. It also doesn't comment much on the diversity levels in the newsroom itself.
What I do like about his resource: glossary is valuable.
Quality-to-Price Ratio: 82.
[Review by Dean Tudor]
Subject Headings