Internet Marketing Intelligence
Research Tools, Techniques, and Resources
Forrest, Edward
Publisher: McGraw Hill, Toronto, Canada
Year Published: 2003
Pages: 224pp ISBN: 0-07-282111-6
Library of Congress Number: HF5415.2.F67 2003 Dewey: 658.8'3'02854678-dc21
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Sources Select ResourcesForrest is a business professor at the University of Alaska. This basic text should tell one how to use the Internet for market research. He uses a lot of sophisticated data gathering and use of analysis tools. The major topics are competitive intelligence, consumer intelligence, environmental intelligence, and the use of marketing tools (survey, focus groups, product testing). He covers the basics of email, search engines, cookies, server log files, newsgroups and discussion groups, as well as data sources available (with tests for reliability and validity). He also deals with the issues of "law and ethics", with material on user privacy, consumer protection, data security, intellectual property, fair use, trademarks and copyrights.
Some interesting facts: the illustrative material includes many screen shots.
What I don't like about this resource: while it has material on how to use the Internet more effectively, it has a narrow, academic range for journalists, and even for some PR types.
What I do like about this resource: plenty of references for further reading, plus an important glossary.
Quality-to-Price Ratio: 85.
[Review by Dean Tudor]
Subject Headings