The Six Figure Speaker
Formula for a Six-Figure Income as a Professional Speaker
Fillmore, Cathleen
Publisher: Robert D. Reed Publishers
Year Published: 2008
Pages: 170pp Price: $19.95 ISBN: 978-1-931741-92-7
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Speakers GoldThe Six-Figure Speaker: Formula for a Six-Figure Income as a Professional Speaker is a guide for professional speakers with strategies for economic success. Along with various tactics and strategies, the book contains advice from some of North America's top professional speakers who share stories of their mistakes, their rise to the position they are in today and the secrets of their success. There is a list of further resources and recommended reading given at the end of the book. There is also contact information available for many of the speakers who have contributed to the text. The book is quite thorough in its exploration of what makes an economically successful speaker and covers multiple aspects like "Making Your Website Work for You," "Writing and Publishing Your Book," "Going Exclusive," and "Creating and Selling Products."
Cathleen Fillmore is a president of Speaker's Gold, the five-star bureau, has written four books and more than three hundred articles.
[Abstract by Nabeeha Chaudhary]
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