Media Names & Numbers 2009
Diemer, Ulli (Publisher)
http://www.sources.com/MNN/Publisher: Sources
Year Published: 2009 First Published: 2000
Pages: 376pp Price: $109.95 ISBN: 0-920299-84-9
ISSN: 1492-1340
Please see our media profile in
SourcesA one-stop print- and Web-based directory of Canada's media, with listings for all print and broadcast media. You can access information for more than 6,000 publications and stations, with essential contact details including names of editors and producers, phone and fax numbers, mailing addresses, E-mails, Web sites, and information about editorial scope, circulation and audience size, languages, subscription prices, and much more.
One of the best features is a very extensive Subject Index which helps you identify exactly who deals with your issues. You can also target your searches geographically, by language, media type, and even by owner.
Media Names & Numbers includes:
National and local TV stations, channels, and networks
Daily newspapers
Community and weekly newspapers
Campus media
Ethnic media
Consumer magazines
Trade and business magazines
Scholarly and professional journals
News and wire services
Press galleries
Electronic periodicals
Subject Headings