Content Magazine - July-August 1989
July-August 1989
Publisher: Content, Toronto, Canada
Date Written: 01/07/1989
Year Published: 1989
Pages: 33pp
Table of Contents
3 Editor's Notebook
4 Briefings
9 Letters
The CIJ in Action
10 Convention wrapup - Doni Eve
12 Convention notebook
14 Broadcasters' "press" council - Steve McLaren
16 In Review
Stephen Hume on academics and journalism
Christopher Dornan on journalism and academics
Mary Hutton on sexist language
Robert Roth on presidential TV debates
Stephen Brunt on sports writing
Mark Abley on feature writing
Stephen Madden on the U.S. press
Trevor Lautens on Marshall McLuhan
Anthony Westell on Walter Burchett
29 A plea for literary style - Neil Reynolds
31 Short Takes