How To Make A Whole Lot More Than $1,000,000 Writing, Commissioning, Publishing and Selling "How To: Information
Lant, Dr. Jeffrey
Publisher: JLA Publications, Cambridge, USA
Year Published: 1990
Pages: 552pp Price: $35.00 ISBN: 0-940374-16-1
Marketing guru Jeffrey Lant has a lot to say: even his book titles are twice as long as most other peoples', and this book is jammed full with 550 pages of advice. While the focus of this book is "how-to" information -- and people who want to make "a whole lot more than $1,000,000" -- what he has to say ought to read, and studied, by any organization or individual interested in getting information and ideas out to the largest number of people. Lant's passion for marketing will irritate some people, but he makes the valid point (in fact, he makes it over and over again) that if you know something or have something to say, them you ought to be doing everything you possibly can to get that out to as many people as possible. All too many advocacy groups which believe they have something of real value to say about social or environmental issues don't seem to be seriously committed to getting their message out there.
Reading this book might turn that attitude around. It's full of very practical information ideas, ranging from how to create written materials or audio cassettes, to using a computer to produce materials and keep track of your marketing activities, to obtaining free publicity, to using direct response marketing. Because Lant's focus is primarily on individuals or small organizations or business, the advice is geared to things that they can actually carry out, unlike some other books which assume that you have the resources of a mid-sized corporation to throw behind your efforts.
A valuable resource for anyone serious about getting their message out.
[Abstract by Ulli Diemer]
Table of Contents:
Chapter 1
Twenty-four Reasons Why Most People Fail to Make Money From The Booklets, Books, Special Reports and Audio Cassettes They Produce or Commission . . . And Why You'll Lose Money, Too. . . Unless You Use This Book!
Chapter 2
Making Sure You Create The Right Product . . .The Product That Will Make You Money On A Continuing Basis
Chapter 3
Your Step-By-Step Creation Process
Chapter 4
How To Create Your Booklets, Special Reports, And Audio Cassettes
Chapter 5
How To Develop and Run Your End-Of-Product Catalog
Chapter 6
Booklet and Book Production Tips
Chapter 7
You, Your Info-Empire and Your Computer
Chapter 8
How To Get Other People To Produce How-To Products For You
Chapter 9
Learning To Think . . . And Plan . . . Like A Marketer
Chapter 10
Selling Through Free Publicity
Chapter 11
Selling Your Info-Products Through Direct Response Marketing
Chapter 12
Other Ways Of Selling Your Info-Products
Chapter 13
Deciding The Form Of Your Information Empire And Managing It So You Reach Your Personal and Financial Objectives.
About The Author
Sure-Fire Business Success Catalog
Subject Headings