Archived Listing - Last Updated: November 2003. This information represents a historical archive of listings which appeared in SOURCES, which has been continuously published in print and online since 1977. The information has not been updated since the date indicated. For current information consult the SOURCES website at To be included in the current SOURCES listings, and to take advantage of other tools including unlimited news releases and event calendar postings, fill out the online membership form. For more information, see Frequently Asked Questions or call .
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Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa A l'Université d'Ottawa, une des plus grandes universités canadiennes à forte vocation de recherche, vous trouverez un corps professoral et un personnel bilingue, prêt à partager leurs connaissances spécialisées dans toutes les grandes disciplines universitaires. Notre répertoire en ligne, Spécialistes à votre service, vous donne accès à plus de 300 spécialistes sur le campus.