News Release Another Order, Please! Toronto, ON - Catherine Wood, MA, is pleased to announce the launch of her children's book, Another Order, Please! at Bloorview MacMillan Children's Centre ( on Tuesday, December 13, at 10:30. Ms. Wood will be reading the 14 minute book to the wonderful children there. One half of the net proceeds will be cheerfully donated to this charity on that day. About the Book: Another Order, Please! is a cheerfully and colourfully illustrated by Brenda McKinney, for young readers, ages 3 to 11, and for open-hearted adults and animal lovers. When asked why she wants to donate half the net proceeds, Catherine said, "a personal experience brought my compassion and empathy to children, animals and their families to a much deeper level. I wish to give back in a way that brings joy and happiness to others." Catherine Wood is a Coach, Psychotherapist, and Consultant in private practice in Toronto for over 12 years. She strives to help people to transform pain and suffering into meaning and joy, and to live their lives to the fullest. Catherine Wood, MA Bloorview MacMillan Children's Centre is at 150 Kilgour Road (North of Eglinton on Bayview, and East on Kilgour). Please RSVP. Catherine Wood is available for interviews; a review copy will be provided on request. Sources |