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PhysicianFor other uses, see Doctor (disambiguation).
Not to be confused with Physicist, a scientist who studies or practices physics.
A physician'also known as doctor of medicine, medical doctor, or simply doctor'practices the ancient profession of medicine, which is concerned with maintaining or restoring human health through the study, diagnosis, and treatment of disease or injury. This properly requires both a detailed knowledge of the academic disciplines (such as anatomy and physiology) underlying diseases and their treatment'the science of medicine'and also a decent competence in its applied practice'the art or craft of medicine. Both the role of the physician and the meaning of the word itself vary significantly around the world, but as generally understood, the ethics of medicine require that physicians show consideration, compassion and benevolence for their patients.
[edit] Modern meanings![]()
A doctor performing a typhoid vaccination, 1943
In modern English, the term physician is used in two main ways, with relatively broad and narrow meanings respectively. This is the result of history and is often confusing. These meanings and variations are explained below. [edit] North AmericaMain article: Medicine
In the United States and Canada, the term physician usually describes all medical practitioners holding the degrees of Doctor of Medicine (MD) or Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (DO). Within North America, the title physician, in this broad sense, also describes the holders of medical degrees from other countries that are equivalent to the North American Doctor of Medicine degrees; typical examples of such degrees from non-North American countries are MB BChir, BM BCh, MB BCh, MB ChB, MBBS, BM, M.B.B.S. etc.. In the US, only those graduating from faculties listed in the WHO Directory of Medical Schools [2] are able to apply for medical licensure in the relevant US jurisdiction, via the ECFMG.[3] The American Medical Association, established in 1847, currently uses physician in this broad sense to describe all its members. However, the American College of Physicians, established in 1915, does not: its title uses physician in an older, narrower sense, as discussed next. [edit] Specialist in internal medicineMain article: Internal medicine
Physician is still widely used in its older, more narrow sense, especially outside North America. In this usage, a physician is a specialist in internal medicine or one of its many sub-specialties (especially as opposed to a specialist in surgery). This traditional meaning of physician conveys a sense of expertise in treatment by drugs or medications, rather than by the procedures of surgeons.[4] This older usage is at least six hundred years old in English: physicians and surgeons were once members of separate professions, and traditionally were rivals. The Shorter Oxford English Dictionary, third edition, gives a Middle English quotation making this contrast, from as early as 1400:
Henry VIII granted a charter to the London Royal College of Physicians in 1518. It was not until 1540 that he granted the Company of Barber/Surgeons (ancestor of the Royal College of Surgeons) its separate charter. In the same year, the English monarch established the Regius Professorship of Physic at the University of Cambridge.[6] Newer universities would probably describe such an academic as a professor of internal medicine. Hence, in the 16th century, physic meant roughly what internal medicine does now. Currently, a specialist physician in this older, narrower sense would probably be described in the United States as an internist. Another term, hospitalist, was introduced in 1996,[7] to describe US specialists in internal medicine who work largely or exclusively in hospitals. Such 'hospitalists' now make up about 19% of all US general internists,[8] who are often called general physicians in Commonwealth countries. The older, more narrow usage of physician as an internist is common in the United Kingdom and other Commonwealth countries (such as Australia, Bangladesh, India, New Zealand, Pakistan, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Zimbabwe), as well as in places as diverse as Brazil, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Ireland, and Taiwan. In such places, the more general English terms doctor or medical practitioner are prevalent, describing any practitioner of medicine (whom an American would likely call a physician, in the newer, broad sense).[9] In Commonwealth countries, specialist pediatricians and geriatricians are also described as specialist physicians who have sub-specialized by age of patient rather than by organ system. [edit] "Physician and surgeon"Around the world, the combined term "Physician and Surgeon" is a venerable way to describe either a general practitioner, or else any medical practitioner irrespective of specialty.[5][4] This usage still shows the older, narrower meaning of physician and preserves the old difference between a physician, as a practitioner of physic, and a surgeon. The term may be used by state medical boards in the United States of America, and by equivalent bodies in provinces of Canada, to describe any medical practitioner. [edit] Other designationsOsteopaths as a generic term in the European and Commonwealth nations have a very limited alternative care role and should not be confused with a physician who is a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine. Physicians and surgeons (medical doctors) who are graduates of osteopathic medical schools, and have the degree of D.O. (Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine), have unlimited practicing rights in all specialties and subspecialties of medicine just as their allopathic M.D.(Doctor of Medicine) counterparts. In the US, osteopathic medical schools (DO) have a curriculum almost identical to allopathic (MD) schools with the exception of osteopathic manipulative medicine, which focuses on extra instruction in the musculoskeletal system. Internationally, there are variations in the DO degree; osteopathic education includes teaching manipulative medicine.[10] In the U.S.A. the American Podiatric Medical Associaiton (APMA) defines podiatrists as physicians and surgeons that fall under the department of surgery in hospitals.[11] In India and many other countries, BHMS (homeopathic) and BAMS (ayurvedic) degree holders like MBBS (allopathic) holders, are treated equally as a registered medical practitioner. They have the right to practice medicine of their systems. They are referred to as physicians. They have to undergo further specialization post-graduate degree to become a specialist in a particular field of medicine/surgery. Nurse practitioners (NPs) are not described as physicians; the American College of Nurse Practitioners do not describe themselves this way. They are classified as advance practice registered nurses/clinicians, and are also known as mid-level (healthcare) practitioners in US government regulations.[12] Nurse practitioners may perform work similar to that of physicians, especially within the realm of primary care, but use advanced nursing models instead of medical models. The scope of practice for a Nurse Practitioner in the United States is defined by individual state boards of registration in nursing, as opposed to state boards of registration in medicine. Physician Assistants are also classified as midlevel advance practice clinicians, have a similar scope of practice as nurse practitoners, but are regulated by state boards of registration in medicine as they are educated in the medical model like physicians. [edit] Social role and world viewMain articles: Medical anthropology and Medical history
[edit] BiomedicineWithin Western culture and over recent centuries, conventional Western medicine has become increasingly based on scientific reductionism and materialism. This style of medicine is now dominant throughout the industrialized world, and is often termed Biomedicine by medical anthropologists.[13] Biomedicine "formulates the human body and disease in a culturally distinctive pattern",[14] and is a world view learnt by medical students. Within this tradition, the medical model is a term for the complete "set of procedures in which all doctors are trained" (R. D. Laing, 1972),[15] including mental attitudes. A particularly clear expression of this world view, currently dominant among conventional physicians, is evidence-based medicine. Within conventional Western medicine, most physicians still pay heed to their ancient traditions:
In this Western tradition, physicians are considered to be members of a learned profession, and enjoy high social status, often combined with expectations of a high and stable income and job security. However, medical practitioners often work long and inflexible hours, with shifts at unsociable times. Their high status is partly from their extensive training requirements, and also because of their occupation's special ethical and legal duties. The term traditionally used by physicians to describe a person seeking their help is the word patient (although one who visits a physician for a routine check-up may also be so described). This word patient is an ancient reminder of medical duty, as it originally meant 'one who suffers'. The English noun comes from the Latin word patiens, the present participle of the deponent verb, patior, meaning 'I am suffering,' and akin to the Greek verb πî�σχî�î�î� (= paskhein, to suffer) and its cognate noun πî�î�î¿ς (= pathos).[5][17] Physicians in the narrow sense (specialist physicians or internists'see above) are commonly members or fellows of professional organizations, such as the American College of Physicians or the Royal College of Physicians in the United Kingdom, and such hard-won membership is itself a mark of status. [edit] Complementary and alternative medicineWhile contemporary biomedicine has distanced itself from its ancient roots in religion and magic, many forms of traditional medicine[18] and complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) continue to espouse vitalism in various guises: 'As long as life had its own secret properties, it was possible to have sciences and medicines based on those properties' (Grossinger 1980). [19] The US National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) classifies CAM therapies into five categories or domains, including:[20] alternative medical systems, or complete systems of therapy and practice;mind-body interventions, or techniques designed to facilitate the mind's effect on bodily functions and symptoms;biologically based systems, including herbalism; and manipulative and body-based methods, such as chiropractic and massage therapy. In considering these alternate traditions that differ from biomedicine (see above), medical anthropologists emphasize that all ways of thinking about health and disease have a significant cultural content, including conventional western medicine.[13][14][21][22] Homeopathy is a popular complementary system of medicine. Homeopathy is included in national system of medicine in many countries including India and neighbouring countries. The practitioners of homeopathic medicine in these countries are generally referred to as homeopathic doctor/homeopath/homeopathic physician on par with conventional medical physicians. [edit] Physicians' own healthSome commentators have argued that physicians have duties to serve as role models for the general public in matters of health, for example by not smoking cigarettes.[23] Indeed, in most western nations relatively few physicians smoke, and their professional knowledge does appear to have a beneficial effect on their health and lifestyle. According to a study of male physicians,[24] life expectancy is slightly higher for physicians (73.0 years for white and 68.7 for black) than lawyers or many other highly educated professionals. Causes of death less likely in physicians than the general population include respiratory disease (including pneumonia, pneumoconioses, COPD, but excluding emphysema and other chronic airway obstruction), alcohol-related deaths, rectosigmoidal and anal cancers, and bacterial diseases.[24] However ... "By medicine life may be prolong'd, yet death will seize the Doctor too" (Cymbeline).[25] Physicians are exposed to occupational hazards and temptations, and there is a well-known aphorism that "doctors make the worst patients".[26] Causes of death that may be higher in physicians than in the general population include suicide and self-inflicted injury, drug-related causes, traffic accidents, and cerebrovascular and ischaemic heart disease.[24] [edit] Desired behaviourInterviews with patients have indicated that the ideal physician would be confident, empathetic, humane, personal, forthright, respectful, and thorough. Incorporating clues to such behaviors may create a better doctor-patient relationship.[27] Undesired behaviors are essentially the opposites, specially being insensitive or disrespectful, e.g. arrogance in dismissing the patient's input, disinterest in the patient as an individual, impatience in answering a patient's questions or callousness in discussing the patient's prognosis. Another undesired behavior is seemingly providing excellent service in the original visit but then failing to meet the created expectations about the speed or quality of follow-up service.[27] Still, when having to choose between high technical quality and high interpersonal quality, two thirds of patients choose high technical quality.[28] Nevertheless, the level of technical quality may be hard for a non-professional to assess, which in reality results in a tendency of patients to primarily judge physicians on behavior.[27] [edit] Education and trainingMain article: Medical education
Medical education and career pathways for doctors vary considerably across the world. [edit] All medical practitionersIn all developed countries, entry-level medical education programs are tertiary-level courses, undertaken at a medical school attached to a university. Depending on jurisdiction and university, entry may follow directly from secondary school or require pre-requisite undergraduate education. The former commonly take five or six years to complete. Programs that require previous undergraduate education (typically a three or four year degree, often in Science) are usually four or five years in length. Hence, gaining a basic medical degree may typically take from five to eight years, depending on jurisdiction and university. Following completion of entry-level training, newly graduated medical practitioners are often required to undertake a period of supervised practice before full registration is granted, typically one or two years. This may be referred to as "internship" or "conditional registration". Some jurisdictions, including the United States, require residencies for practice. Medical practitioners hold a medical degree specific to the university from which they graduated. This degree qualifies the medical practitioner to become licensed or registered under the laws of that particular country, and sometimes of several countries, subject to requirements for internship or conditional registration. [edit] Specialists in internal medicineAfter graduation, medical practitioners often undertake further training in a particular field, to become a medical specialist. In North America, this is often referred to as residency training; in Commonwealth countries, such trainees are often called registrars. This further training typically takes from three to six years, but can be longer depending on specialty and jurisdiction. Primary care is increasingly recognized as a specialty, and residency programmes in this field are becoming common. A medical practitioner who completes specialist training in internal medicine (or in one of its sub-specialties) is an internist, or a physician in the older, narrower sense. In some jurisdictions, specialty training is begun immediately following completion of entry-level training, or even before. In other jurisdictions, junior medical doctors must undertake generalist (un-streamed) training for one or more years before commencing specialization. Hence, depending on jurisdiction, a specialist physician (internist) often does not achieve recognition as a specialist until twelve or more years after commencing basic medical training'five to eight years at university to obtain a basic medical qualification, and up to another nine years to become a specialist. [edit] RegulationIn most jurisdictions, physicians (in either sense of the word) need government permission to practice. Such permission is intended to promote public safety, and often to protect the public purse, as medical care is commonly subsidized by national governments. [edit] All medical practitionersAmong the English-speaking countries, this process is known either as licensure as in the United States, or as registration in the United Kingdom, other Commonwealth countries, and Ireland. Synonyms in use elsewhere include colegiación in Spain, ishi menkyo in Japan, autorisasjon in Norway, Approbation in Germany, and "î�î�î�î�î� î�ρî�î�σî�î�ς" in Greece. In France, Italy and Portugal, civilian physicians must be members of the Order of Physicians to practise medicine. In some countries, including the United Kingdom and Ireland, the profession largely regulates itself, with the government affirming the regulating body's authority. The best known example of this is probably the General Medical Council of Britain. In all countries, the regulating authorities will revoke permission to practice in cases of malpractice or serious misconduct. In the large English-speaking federations (United States, Canada, Australia), the licensing or registration of medical practitioners is done at a state or provincial level or nationally as in New Zealand. Australian states usually have a "Medical Board," while Canadian provinces usually have a "College of Physicians and Surgeons." All American states have an agency which is usually called the "Medical Board", although there are alternate names such as "Board of Medicine," "Board of Medical Examiners", "Board of Medical Licensure", "Board of Healing Arts" or some other variation.[29] After graduating from a first-professional school, physicians who wish to practice in the U.S. usually take standardized exams, such as the USMLE for MDs and DOs or the COMLEX-USA for DOs, which is not available to MDs. [edit] Specialists in internal medicineMost countries have some method of officially recognizing specialist qualifications in all branches of medicine, including internal medicine. Sometimes, this aims to promote public safety by restricting the use of hazardous treatments. Other reasons for regulating specialists may include standardization of recognition for hospital employment and restriction on which practitioners are entitled to receive higher insurance payments for specialist services. [edit] Performance and professionalism supervisionThe issue of medical errors, drug abuse, and other issues in physician professional behavior received significant attention across the world,[30] particularly following a critical 2000 report[31] which "arguably launched" the patient-safety movement.[32] In the U.S., as of 2006 there were few organizations which systematically monitored performance. In the U.S. only the Department of Veterans Affairs randomly drug tests, in contrast to drug testing practices for other professions which have a major impact on public welfare. Licensing boards at the U.S. state level depend upon continuing education to maintain competence.[33] In Europe, as of 2009 the health systems are governed according to various national laws, and can also vary according to regional differences similar to the United States.[34] [edit] See also
[edit] References
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