Taking the Risk Out of Democracy
Corporate Propaganda versus Freedom and Liberty
Carey, Alex
Publisher: University of Illinois Press, Chicago, USA
Year Published: 1997 First Published: 1995
Pages: 215pp Price: $25.75 ISBN: 0-252-06616-2
Library of Congress Number: JK467.C37 Dewey: 322.30973
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Sources Select ResourcesTaking the Risk Out of Democracy: Corporate Propaganda versus Freedom and Liberty provides the twentieth century history of corporate propaganda practiced by U.S. businesses and the ways in which such corporate propaganda was exported to, and adopted by, other western democracies especially the United Kingdom and Australia. It is a collection of papers and articles by Alex Carey which remained unpublished until after his death. The book is divided into three parts: "Closing the American Mind," "Exporting Free-enterprise Persuasion," and "Propaganda in the Social Sciences." Beginning with the origins of American propaganda, the book works its way through McCarthy's influence, role of governments, role of media and the Hawthorne studies amongst other topics of discussion. It examines "how and why the business elite has successfully sold its values and perspectives to the rest of society."
The late Alex Carey was a founding member of the Australian Humanist Society and one of the society's most public spokesmen. He was a lecturer at the University of New South Wales and lectured in industrial psychology, industrial relations and the psychology of nationalism and propaganda.
[Abstract by Nabeeha Chaudhary]
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