Online PR and Social Media for Experts, Authors, Consultants, and Speakers
Develop your reputation, get found, and attract a following
Craig, Randall M.
http://www.OnlinePRSocialMedia.comPublisher: Knowledge to Action Press
Year Published: 2009
Pages: 132pp Price: $42.99 ISBN: 9780973540475
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Randall Craig, Social Media and Networking ExpertYou probably have a web site, blog, and maybe even a LinkedIn profile. If you are on the leading edge, you are on Facebook, and maybe even have experimented with YouTube. But is all of this giving you exposure? Are you actually being called by media? And how are you doing in your search engine rankings?
Social Media is either a complete waste of time...
...or the most important plank of your marketing strategy:
It all depends on your approach:
* Do you know how an Anchor and Outpost strategy can significantly increase your exposure -- and your search engine ranking?
* Do you know how to prevent others from hijacking your identity?
* Do you how to develop your own YouTube Channel - with Guru status?
* Did you know that you can automatically have your blog entries appear on your customer's Amazon.com home page?
* Do you know how pay-per-click advertising fits into the mix?
* Do you know that you can update your "status" on all of the social networking sites with one click?
* Do you know which PR sites you should join - and which you should not?
* Do you know how to use Social Bookmarking to leverage your efforts even further?
* Do you know how to use the hidden integration power of the social networks to significantly cut down your maintenance time?
* And much, much more!
You spent an entire career developing your expertise...
...why not let people know about it?
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