Muddled, meager and messy
Marketing performance repair manual for small business
Moore-MacQueen, Wendy
http://www.muddledmarketing.comYear Published: 2009
Price: $15.95 ISBN: 978-0-9811845-0-0
Library of Congress Number: HF5415.13.M67 2009 Dewey: 658.8
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Wendy Moore-MacQueen, Author, Speaker and President of Mormac Brand Re-engineeringMuddled, meager and messy # Marketing performance repair manual for small business, written by Wendy Moore-MacQueen, delivers the highlights of effective, economical marketing designed specifically for small business owners and managers.
Muddled, meager and messy is a timely reminder of vital steps owner-managers completely forget or simply overlook. Steps like a marketing plan and an informed snapshot of the market. This soft-cover publication will help even experienced small business operators, who face reviewing their progress and beefing up their opportunities for growth.
Couched in a breezy, chatty style that speaks with her readers, Moore-MacQueen draws generously from her gift bag of daily experience as a consultant and guide. An easy read, especially its useful chapters on client focus and consistent use of marketing methods, it holds out firmly for the necessarily unique identity and usefulness of your small business.
#Tongue-in-cheek at times she adopts an almost comforting, protective tone as she tutors her readers to map their perilous way, carefully and clear-eyed, through the pitfalls and fallacies lying in wait,# according to Neil McPherson, owner of Professional Word, in his review of the book. #Small Business is tough and Moore-MacQueen doesn#t pretend otherwise. Readers will realize she has #done the hard yards#. The best kind of advisor.
#The strength of her live experience backs her up well, for Wendy Moore-MacQueen is a genuinely no-nonsense advisor and a great antidote to guru-claptrap merchants,# he adds.
Wendy Moore-MacQueen has over 25 years experience in marketing communications, from Main Street to Bay Street. She is a popular keynote speaker and trainer on the psychology of message delivery, effectiveness in marketing and sales, and interpersonal communication. She is also owner of Mormac Brand Re-engineering, a marketing consultancy firm located in Southwestern Ontario.
Available online at www.muddledmarketing.com or independent booksellers
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