
Catholic Missions In Canada
1155 Yonge St., Ste. 201 Toronto, ON M4T 1W2 Catholic Missions In Canada works to extend the blessings of the Catholic faith through the financial support of missionaries throughout Canada. We support Canadian Catholic missionaries, catechetical programs, ministry among our First Nations peoples, church building/repair, religious education of children and youth, leadership formation of lay people, and seminarian education for ministry in our mission dioceses. Website: www.cmic.infoPhone: (416) 934-3424Toll free: 1-866-YES CMIC (937-2642)FAX: (416) 934-3425Father Philip J. Kennedy, President E-mail: president@cmic.infoKathleen Ancker, Director of National Development E-mail: kathleenancker@cmic.infoDon Smith, Director of Finance and Administration E-mail: finance@cmic.infoPatria C. Rivera, Editor, Catholic Missions In Canada MagazineE-mail: editor@cmic.info
News Releases
- Nov 21, 2013 - Angel Beach Missionaries: Walking with joy for the Lord
- Mar 26, 2013 - Fundraiser for the Canadian missions: Tastes of Heaven Gala, April 25, 2013
- Sep 6, 2012 - Northern bishops to celebrate at Masses in Toronto parishes September 29 and 30, share mission stories with university students in GTA October 1
- Apr 18, 2012 - Tastes of Heaven Gala: April 19, 2012; Archbishop Sutton to receive 2012 St. Joseph Award
- Jun 17, 2011 - Three Northern missionaries receive 2011 St. Josephs Award May 5 at Tastes of Heaven gala
- Feb 10, 2011 - Northern bishop to speak at Alexandria-Cornwall parishes, schools Feb. 12-20
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