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CanMediate International, Ruth Sirman
272 Gore St. Almonte, ON K0A 1A0 Ruth Sirman's success in mediating complex multi-stakeholder conflicts has made her a leader in the Alternative Dispute Resolution and Restorative Justice worlds. Her knowledge of human behaviour, her quick wit and humour-based "down home" practicality have made her a much sought-after speaker, trainer, mediator and writer nationally and internationally. Website: www.canmediate.comHead Office:Ruth Sirman, President, Senior Mediator, Speaker, Trainer Phone: (613) 256-3852FAX: (613) 256-1472E-mail: US Office:Michael Lang, Senior Mediator, Speaker, Trainer Phone: (941) 586-1083E-mail: mlang@canmediate.comWeb Media:
News Releases
- May 9, 2011 - Workplace Conflict Expert interviewed for CBC series on Workplace Harassment
- Mar 15, 2011 - CanMediate Intl Gives Free Course as Fundraiser for United Way
- Dec 22, 2010 - CanMediate Intl Gives Free Course as Fundraiser for United Way
- Nov 17, 2010 - Whats your default Conflict Blueprint? CanMediate's Ruth Sirman to appear on Roger's Daytime-Ottawa
- Sep 23, 2010 - Election Campaigns: Professionalism and Integrity or Pot-shots and Personal Attacks?
- Aug 26, 2010 - CanMediate Internationals Ruth Sirman to participate in social impact project to reduce conflict in Berettyóújfalu, Hungary
- Aug 17, 2010 - Bully-Proof Your Workplace Ruth Sirman to Speak on CTV /A\ Morning Ottawa
- Aug 16, 2010 - Conflict knows no boundaries - CanMediate Internationals Ruth Sirman at World Summit in Budapest, Hungary
- Aug 13, 2010 - Sources welcomes CanMediate International, Ruth Sirman
- Aug 6, 2010 - Bully-Proof Your Workplace - CMIs Ruth Sirman on Rogers Daytime Ottawa
- Jul 29, 2010 - Is It Bullying? Is It Harassment? Is It Abuse Of Authority Or Is It Effective Management Designed To Get A Difficult Job Done?
- Jul 23, 2010 - The Negative World of Workplace Bullying - Stopping the Toxicity
- Jul 23, 2010 - Wrongful Dismissal, Denial and Deflection - The Impact on Employees and the Organizational Culture
- Jul 23, 2010 - Can the Lockout and the Labour Conflicts at the Port of Montreal be Resolved? - A Mediator's Perspective
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