Owners of Canada’s media are listed below in alphabetical order. Clicking on the name of the owner will give you a list of the publications and broadcast outlets which they own. Note that this is not a complete guide to media cross-ownership because parent companies may use several different holding companies with different names to manage their media properties.
Click here for subscription information
(print, online and mailing list/database versions available).
- C K News Group
- C The Visual Arts Foundation
- C.G.B. Publishing Ltd.
- CAA South Central Ontario
- Cable TV of Camrose Inc.
- Cable-Axion Digitel Inc.
- Cable-Axion Quebec Inc.
- Cablo Distribution Group Inc.
- Cablovision Warwick Inc.
- Cadogan Publishing Ltd.
- Caledon Publishing Ltd.
- Calgary Chamber of Commerce
- Calgary Publishing Inc.
- Cambrian College
- Cameron & Associates
- Cameron Aiken
- Cameron Publications Ltd.
- CAMESE (Canadian Association of Mining Equipment & Services for Export)
- Camosun College
- Campbell Communications Inc.
- Campbell McGregor Garant Pub. Inc.
- Campbell River TV Association
- Campbellford Area Radio Association
- Camping Canada Magazine
- Campus Radio Saint John Inc.
- Camrose Booster Ltd.
- Canada Computer Paper Inc.
- Canada Czech Republic Chamber of Commerce
- Canada Law Book Inc.
- Canada Publishing Corp.
- Canada Safety Council
- Canada Wide Magazine & Communications Ltd.
- Canada's National History Society
- Canada-Français
- Canadian Abilities Foundation
- Canadian Anesthesiologists' Society
- Canadian Apparel Federation
- Canadian Arabian Horse Registry
- Canadian Arctic Resources Committee
- Canadian Art Foundation
- Canadian Association for Information Science
- Canadian Association of Journalists
- Canadian Association of Medical Radiation Technologists
- Canadian Association of Nurses in Oncology
- Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists
- Canadian Association of Optometrists
- Canadian Association of Physicists
- Canadian Association of Social Workers
- Canadian Association of Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists
- Canadian Association of University Teachers
- Canadian Association on Gerontology
- Canadian Association on Water Quality
- Canadian Association Publishers
- Canadian Authors Association
- Canadian Automatic Sprinkler Association
- Canadian Bar Association
- Canadian Biotechnology News Service
- Canadian Booksellers Association
- Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
- Canadian Broadcasting Corporation; National Film Board
- Canadian Cardiovascular Society
- Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace
- Canadian Centre for Community Renewal
- Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives
- Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse
- Canadian Children's Literature
- Canadian Chiropractic Association
- Canadian Churches' Forum for Global Ministries
- Canadian Committee on Labour History
- Canadian Community Newspapers Association
- Canadian Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches
- Canadian Controlled Media Communications
- Canadian Council on Social Development
- Canadian Cowboy Association
- Canadian Cryptics Ltd.
- Canadian Dental Assistants Association
- Canadian Dental Association
- Canadian Dental Hygienists Association
- Canadian Dermatology Association
- Canadian Diabetes Association
- Canadian Economics Association
- Canadian Foundation for the Americas (FOCAL)
- Canadian Foundation of Physically Disabled Persons
- Canadian Friends Service Committee (Quakers)
- Canadian Gaming News Inc.
- Canadian Geographic Enterprises
- Canadian German Chamber of Industry & Commerce
- Canadian Golf Superintendents Association
- Canadian Guernsey Association
- Canadian Hadassah-Wizo Organization (CHW)
- Canadian Hairdresser Magazine
- Canadian Health Services Research Foundation
- Canadian Healthcare Technology
- Canadian Hellenic Cable Radio Inc.
- Canadian Hereford Association
- Canadian Home Builders Association, Lethbridge Region
- Canadian Home Publishing Inc.
- Canadian Humanist Publications
- Canadian Injured Workers Alliance
- Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants
- Canadian Institute of Cultural Affairs
- Canadian Institute of Forestry
- Canadian Institute of Geomatics
- Canadian Institute of International Affairs
- Canadian Institute of Management
- Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum (CIM)
- Canadian Institute of Planners
- Canadian Jewish News
- Canadian Jewish Outlook Society
- Canadian Journalists for Free Expression
- Canadian Library Association
- Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters
- Canadian Marine Publications Ltd.
- Canadian Media Association
- Canadian Media Works
- Canadian Medical Association
- Canadian Metalworking
- Canadian Modern Language Review
- Canadian Museums Association
- Canadian Music Educators Association
- Canadian Nature Federation
- Canadian Neurological Sciences Federation
- Canadian Newspaper Services International Ltd.
- Canadian Newspapers Co.
- Canadian Numismatic Association
- Canadian Nurses Association
- Canadian Operational Research Society
- Canadian Ophthalmological Society
- Canadian Organic Growers and REAP Canada
- Canadian Organic Growers Inc.
- Canadian Owners & Pilots Association
- Canadian Paramedicine News
- Canadian Payroll Association
- Canadian Pharmacists Association
- Canadian Physiotherapy Association
- Canadian Power & Sail Squadrons
- Canadian Process Equipment & Control News Ltd.
- Canadian Professional Logistics Institute
- Canadian Psychiatric Association
- Canadian Public Health Association
- Canadian Recreational Canoeing Association
- Canadian Rodeo News Ltd.
- Canadian Ropers Sports News Inc.
- Canadian Simmental Association
- Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering
- Canadian Society for Medical Laboratory Science
- Canadian Society of Association Executives
- Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists
- Canadian Society of Respiratory Therapists
- Canadian Stage & Arts Publications
- Canadian Swine Breeders Association
- Canadian Telemarketing Corp.
- Canadian Trade & Business Opportunities Inc.
- Canadian Union of Public Employees
- Canadian Urban Institute
- Canadian Veterinary Medical Association
- Canadian Vocational Association
- Canadian Wildlife Federation
- Canadian Wireless Telecommunications Association
- Canadian Women's Health Network (Online Magazine)
- Canadian Zionist Federation
- Canal -Corporation pour l'Avancement de Nouvelles Applications des Langages
- Canola Council of Canada
- Canora Courier Ltd.
- Canora Courier, Ltd.
- Canstar Community News Ltd.
- Canvet Publications Ltd.
- CanWest
- CanWest Global
- CanWest Global Communications Corp.
- CanWest Global/Groupe TVA/Rogers Broadcasting
- CanWest Media
- CanWest Media Sales
- CanWest MediaWorks Inc.
- CanWest Publications Inc.
- Canwest Publishing
- Canwest Publishing Inc
- Canwest Publishing Inc.
- CanWest Television Limited Partnership
- Canyouth Publications Ltd.
- Capamara Communications Inc.
- Capital Health Authority of Edmonton
- Capital Printers Ltd.
- Capital Publishers
- Capitol Centre
- Captive Multimedia Group
- Carberry News-Express Ltd.
- Cardiff Communications Ltd.
- Career Insider Magazines
- CARF Publications Ltd.
- Caribbean Camera Inc.
- Cariboo Advisor
- Cariboo Central Interior Radio
- Cariboo Press
- Carleton University
- Carlton Group Ltd.
- Carrefour Jeunesse Emploi - Comté Johnson
- Carruthers Printing Inc.
- Carswell
- Cascade Journalism Society
- Cascade Publishing Ltd.
- Casket Printing & Publishing Co. Ltd.
- Cathedral Communications Inc.
- Catherine Lash
- Catholic Mission In Canada
- Caustar Community News Limited
- CCHC Herald Monthly
- CCN Matthews/PIMS Holdings Ltd.
- Cecil & Gary MacKenzie
- Celestial Sound
- Cembal Publications (1981) Ltd.
- Centaur Publishing
- Centennial College
- Centennial College Student Association Inc.
- Central Broadcasting
- Central Fraser Valley Star Publishing Ltd.
- Central Island Broadcasting Ltd.
- Centrale des Syndicats du Québec
- Centre Canadien pour L'change culturel et L'integration
- Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
- Centre for Literacy
- Centre for Scholarly Communication- University of Calgary
- Centres of Excellence for Women's Health (Women's Health Bureau)
- Certified General Accountants Association of B.C.
- CFCP Radio Ltd.
- CFM Communications Inc.
- CFMB Ltd.
- CGA Association of Canada
- Challenging Endeavours Inc.
- Chaloner Publishers
- Chambre de Commerce Francais
- Chambre de commerce Kamoura-ska-L'Islet
- Chambre de la sécurité financière
- Chambre des notaires du Québec
- Channel Punjabi Television
- Channel Zero
- Channel Zero Inc
- Charhdi Kala Punjabi Weekly Newspaper Intl. Inc.
- Charlatan Publications Inc.
- Charlton International Inc.
- Charolais Banner Ltd.
- Chart Communications Inc.
- Chedmount Investments Ltd.
- CheersCA Inc.
- CHEK Media Group
- Chelsie Communications Inc.
- Chemical Institute of Canada
- Chetwynd Community Society
- CHFN Communications Society
- Chieftain Publishing
- Children First International
- Children's Apparel Manufacturers' Association
- Chill Media Inc.
- CHIN Radio-TV Intl.
- Chinese News Ltd.
- CHIR-FM Ltd.
- CHOX-FM Inc.
- Christensen Communications Ltd.
- Christian Churches Network of London
- Christian Hit Radio Inc.
- Christian Information (BC) Society
- Christopher Grossman
- Chronicle Information Resources Ltd.
- CHUM Ltd.
- Church of God in Western Canada
- Cie d'édition André Paquette Inc.
- Cinema Le Clap
- Cinema Scope Publishing
- Cineplex Entertainment
- CIRC Radio Inc.
- Citizens Communications Group Inc.
- City Media Group Inc.
- City Network Inc.
- City Parent Newsmagazine
- City West Cable Telephone
- CitySports Publishing (Canada) Ltd.
- CJCD Radio Ltd.
- CJRN 710 Inc.
- CJRT-FM Inc.
- CJSD Inc.
- CKAY Radio (1979) Inc.
- CKCU Radio Carleton Inc.
- CKDU-FM Society
- CKJS Ltd.
- CKMO Radio Society
- CKTL Radio Media Inc.
- CKUA Radio Foundation
- CKVI Educational Radio Station Inc.
- Clairmont Communications
- Clansman Publishing Ltd.
- Claremont Review Publishers
- Claridge Community Newspaper Ltd.
- Claude Desjardins
- Clayco Senior Publications
- CLB Media
- CLB Media Inc.
- Clearview Cable Ltd.
- Clifford/Elliot & Associates Ltd.
- Clipper Publishing Corp.
- CMA Media Inc.
- CMD Canada
- CMHA, Ontario
- Co-op de Radiodiff. MF 103.5 de Lanaudiere
- Co-op des Montagnes
- Coast Cable Communications Ltd.
- Coast Publishing Ltd.
- Codner Holdings Ltd.
- Cogeco Cable
- Cogeco Diffusion Inc.
- Cogeco Radio-Television Inc.
- Cole Harbour Community Radio Society
- College Ahuntsic
- College of Family Physicians of Canada
- College of Massage Therapists of Ontario
- College of Nurses of Ontario
- College of Physicians & Surgeons of Ontario
- College of Registered Nurses of BC
- College of the North Atlantic
- Columbia Pacific Publishing Co. Ltd.
- Comite d'action place Lafortaine
- Common Ground Publishing Corp.
- Commonwealth Business Media
- Communaute Sepharade du Québec
- Communication Arts Department, Lethbrdge College
- Communications Basse Ville
- Communications Camping Caravaning
- Communications Duocom Inc.
- Communications Famille Inc.
- Communications Forests JCFT
- Communications Matane Inc.
- Communications Quebecor Inc.
- Communications Ten Ltd.
- Communications Voir Inc.
- Communications Voir Outaouais inc.
- Communications Étudiantes Universitaires de Chicoutimi
- Community & Hospital Infection Control Association
- Community Cable Ltd.
- Community Digest Publishing Inc.
- Community Programs Group
- Community Radio Society of Saskatoon Inc.
- Compagnie d'edition André Paquette Inc.
- Compton Cable TV Ltd.
- Concepts Travel Media Ltd.
- Concordia Students Association
- Concordia Students' Broadcasting Corp.
- Concordia University
- Conestoga College
- Conflict Resolution Network Canada
- Connelly Communications Corporation
- Connexions Information Sharing Services
- Connexus Publications Inc.
- Connie and Enzo Dimauro
- Conolly Publishing Ltd.
- Conseil du Statut de la Femme
- Conseil Québécois du commerce de détail
- Conservation Council of Ontario
- Construction Alberta News Ltd.
- Constructo/Médias Transcontinental
- Contemporary Graphics Ltd.
- Continental Automated Buildings Association
- Continental Newspapers
- Continental Newspapers Canada Ltd
- Coop des Traveailleurs CHNC
- Cooperative radiophonique de Toronto
- Coopérative Antenne TV St-Zacharie
- Coopérative de travail de la radio de Granby
- Coopérative du Courrierde PortNeuf
- Coopérative Radio Restigouche Ltée.
- Copper Pig Writers' Society
- Copper Valley Cablevision Ltd.
- CORE Publishing Inc.
- Corinthian Publishing Co. Ltd.
- Corner Pocket Publishing Ltd.
- Cornerstone Publications Inc.
- Cornwall Publishing Co. Ltd.
- Coronation Review Ltd.
- Corporation des Maîtres Electriciens du Québec
- Corporation des maîtres mécaniciens en tuyauterie du Québec (CMMTQ)
- Correio Portugues Inc.
- Corssing Borders Foundation
- Corus Entertainment
- Corus Entertainment and Scripps Networks Interactive.
- Corus Entertainment Inc.
- Corus Entertainment, Italo Rosati, Romeo Di Battista, Joseph Vitale
- Corus Entertainment, National Geographic Channel
- Corus Entertainment, Scripps Networks Interactive
- Corus Entertainment, Viacom International Media Networks
- Corus Entertainment; Hearst Corporation
- CoSociety for Canadian Educational Resources
- Costco Wholesale
- Cottage Country Communications Inc.
- Cottage News Ltd.
- Cottager Publications
- Cottingham Ink Ltd.
- Country Life (2000) Ltd.
- Country Register of Manitoba & Saskatchewan
- Courier Publishing Company of Perth Ltd.
- Covenant Communications
- Covert Action Publications, Inc.
- Coyle Publishing Inc.
- Coyote Communications Inc.
- CPWA Inc.
- CrackerJack Enterprises
- Craig Broadcast Systems Inc.
- Craig Kelman & Associates Ltd.
- Cre-Comm Radio Inc.
- Credit Union Central of British Columbia
- Creek Slopes Publications
- Crescent International Newspapers Inc.
- Croatian League of Canada
- Cross Country TV Ltd.
- Cross Lake Radio Committee
- Crossroads Television System
- Crownhill Publishing Inc.
- CTC Communications Corp.
- CTU Limited
- CTV Global Media
- CTV Globe Media
- CTV globemedia
- CTV Inc.
- CTV Speciality Television
- CTV Speciality Television Inc
- CTV Speciality Television Inc & Discovery Communications
- CTV Specialty Television; Discovery Communications
- CTV Television Inc. (a division of CTV globe media)
- CTVglobemedia
- CTVglobemedia; Viacom
- CURA Enterprises Ltd.
- Cusmano Communications Inc.
- Cynthia Wilson
Updates and Corrections: Please email updates including contact information.
Names & Numbers is a comprehensive Canadian media directory
in the form of a searchable database
as well as a print directory/media list including
television and radio networks, stations, digital and specialty broadcasters,
programs, cable TV; daily, weekly, and community newspapers; ethnic
publications and broadcasters; student and campus media; consumer and
trade magazines, academic/scholarly journals, newsletters, directories, and
electronic publications from across Canada. Media Names & Numbers is indexed
geographically and by subject, owner/publisher, language.
The information in Media Names & Numbers is not intended for use as a mass email list.
© Sources 1977-2023. The information provided in Media Names & Numbers
is for the sole use of subscribers and may not be reproduced in any
form or by any means (whether electronic, mechanical or photographic),
or stored in an electronic retrieval system, without written permission
of the publisher. The contents may not be resold, republished, or redistributed. Indexing and search applications by Ulli Diemer and Chris DeFreitas.