Regional Country News
Serving rural communities with home-grown news and advertising in the heartland of Ontario.
P.O. Box 1030
11 Wellington St. North
St. Marys, ON
N4X 1B7
Phone: 519-284-2440
FAX: 519-284-3650
Website: http://www.regionalcountrynews.comOwner: Metroland Printing, Publishing & Distributing Ltd.
Circulation: 16500
Subscription: $25.00
Frequency: 12/year
Extra Data: A physical copy of Regional Country News is housed in the Connexions Archive in Toronto.
Laura Payton, General Manager
Phone: 519-284-1155 x112
E-Mail: lpayton@stmarys.comStew Slater, Editor
Phone: 519-284-1155 x105
E-Mail: editor@regionalcountrynews.comSubject Headings: