Adventure Kayak
Canadian and international touring stories, destinations, gear and techniques for kayak enthusiasts.
5920 Palmer Rd
PO Box 70
Palmer Rapids, ON
K0J 2E0
Phone: 613 706-0677 ext 108 613 706-0677 ext 103
FAX: (613) 706-1070
E-Mail: editor@adventurekayakmag.comWebsite: http://www.rapidmedia.comPublisher: Scott MacGregor
Circulation: 13000
Subscription: $17.95
Frequency: 4/year
Extra Data: With the recent discontinuation of Sea Kayaker magazine, Adventure Kayak Magazine has become the only publication to cover kayak touring and sea kayaking that encompasses North America.
Virginia Marshall, Editor
E-Mail: editor@adventurekayakmag.comSubject Headings: