International Directory of Little Magazines and Small Presses
Lists almost 4,000 book and magazine publishers of literary, avant garde, cutting-edge contemporary, left wing, right wing and radical chic fiction to non-fiction essays, reviews, artwork, music, satire, criticism, commentary, letters, parts of novels, longpoems, concrete art, collages, plays, and news items.
* Full editorial information on both book and magazine publishers.
* 4,000 markets for writers to sell their work.
* Sources of unique subject material for readers and researchers.
* All entries indexed alphabetically, regionally and by subject.
P.O. Box 100
Paradise CA 95967 USA,
Phone: 530-877-6110 800-477-6110
FAX: 530-877-0222
E-Mail: info@dustbooks.comWebsite: http://www.dustbooks.comPublisher: Dustbooks
Subscription: $37.95
Frequency: Annual
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