A journal of socialist theory.
An independent, refereed, scholarly journal founded in 1973. It attempts to analyse contemporary society from a critical Marxist perspective. Critique takes the view that Marxism has been so degraded by the Stalinist period that much of what has passed for Marxism has ranged between incoherent nonsense and empty if complex scholastic schema. Since socialism in one country is a theoretical and practical impossibility, Critique rejected and continues to reject analyses purporting to show this or that country is or was socialist. Furthermore, Critique emphatically insists on the impossibility of an undemocratic socialism.
The aim of Critique is to take part in the restoration of the earlier pre-eminence of Marxist thought by encouraging discussion around the political economy of contemporary capitalist and non-capitalist societies. For this purpose, it regards debate around methodology and as a consequence philosophy to be essential. Inevitably, contemporary political economy must also involve debate around the importance of historical events and so Critique encourages contributions of historical analysis.
In short, Critique's aim is to publish theoretical work at various levels of abstraction from the most profound to that of analytical description in order to help provide the theory required for socialist change, which with the end of Stalinism is once more on the agenda.
Website: http://www.critiquejournal.net/Frequency: 3/year
Extra Data: A physical collection of copies of Critique is housed in the Connexions Archive in Toronto.