A magazine of socialist ideas in action, published by the Spring Socialist Network.
In a world of escalating climate disasters that are inflicted most on those least responsible, we want a new world of climate justice. In a society that divides people by race, sexuality, gender, ability, religion and nationality, we want a new society free from all forms of oppression
In an economy based on extracting profits from human labour, we want a new economy based on democratic control by workers. In the context of the Canadian state, based on colonizing Indigenous territories and oppressing Quebec, we support Indigenous sovereignty and national liberation.
In this same manner, we are internationalist: for workers of the world to unite, we need to break the chains of immigration control, and create a world free from war. We fight alongside those who want to make the world a better place, by building movements based on self-emancipation and solidarity.
E-Mail: info@springmag.caWebsite: http://springmag.caPublisher: Spring Socialist Network